The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 13, 1924, CITY EDITION, PART THREE, Page 7-C, Image 31

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    General Manager of ThriM» Omaha >
1k»auty Shops Re|»nrta Eastern
I Sojourn In Haunts of Ik»auty Culture |
****** fit ****** ,|M IHTHMj IM
♦ If. |IM»wJ"JU**n t*** *? in****** •***• m*
H Omihi I Rm mn* tH«n »*ti*f**-rf * nfc ml auffnl *0 fiM I
«|* t,«,V I* «Mt«lft “ A ***** V*fttN>? I*
I l|, Mtf«y,V4n,# ft( IIIKV Khf^ll I* tit# MMHU* fewMAtW#
Hih hi i i*M*t*ia* At 4if* ft »t« 4aHw i* ih* |na finite yr*mHi iM ft*** •*
ml* TM wilier ttn-w frew# Uf«| M**«1r f***4*i !!*• Mtw*
*1# the HneW'tf l«*iti«i 10 lift IVmi'D* %t t?«X( ft**t4 the Meiltwll
%M**mi IWmimiv Mi llnatim THwaMr fauMtet Jr I4«a
Exquisite Importations for Easter
Gifts—Lingerie Creations for the
Bridal Trousseau
THE Ssidv tint"*rnng Company. Aqulla Court building, l«lh «nd Howard,
offer quite Hie loveliest assemblage of rfnported line* ever shown In
Omaha esqiilstle achievements of Ihe decorative linen an In mosalo
embroidery IV»lnt Venire, crash linen novelties, Italian rut work anil rai#
designs tn Madeira embroidery. Quite the most arllstlv linens you have
ever seen, and their prices are surprisingly moderate. I.lngerle, loo, real
laves, Krem h ribbons, fine quality silk, a beauteous lot, offerings for ihs
bride's trousseau. A revelation In loveliness for the seeker of gifts, this
ftaldy Shop
When One Makes Selection of the
Dinner Hat—The Just-RigHt
Hat for Traveling
HEN one selects a hat for dinner wear, nr a model which will beronv
tnglv crown the traveling costume, sh* Is sure to he entirely plessed
If she visits th* McArdls Hat Shop, 1(11.1 Farnam. for Miss MeArdl*
has spent years In studying hat problems for gentlewomen. The spring
and summer selection In this shop Is now complete.
Mlla«l.v'ii Corse* of Paramount Impor
tance When Plans are .Made for the
New Costume.
Hattie putnams barcley
CORSET SHOP, Sixteenth floor
City National Rank Bldg., Six
•eonth and Harney, is prepared to
ake Immediate rare of your corset
and brassiere needs now that the
most important style event of the
season—Easter—is at hand. You
wllf enjoy a personal fitting by this
well known coraetierre, who, If you
rind It Impossible to get downtown,
will he glad to visit your home for
i fitting. Service!
• » •
Pine metal embroidery Is much used
for evening gowns.
• • •
Diamonds In Wide Range of Mount
ing Styles mill Diversity of Price
teenth and Harney, offer values
of exceptional Interest In dla
moods — engagement solitaires of
rare moderateness of price, unusual
beauty in mounting designs, bsr
pins, scarf pins, and wrist watches
are other Jewel pieces which most ex
quisitely carry the diamond gift.
Transformation* and Boh* Fill the
\oc$ of Luxurious l/Ock* When
Milady Desire* the Demure Coif
The f. m. schadei.e a com
pany’s hair department, 1522
Douglas, have a wonderful dis
play of hair pieces designed to fill
every need when Milady wishes to
achieve a demure coiffure In con
trast to her dally chic bob. Trans
formations In an eaay-to-wear style,
three cornered In shape, $15 to $20,
arid the clever little bobs which have
curl clusters at each end, $6 and $7,
• • •
Without Exception, Milady's Spring
and .Siiinmer Wardrobe Will lie a
Tailored One,
L KNEETER. tailor, second
floor, 1910 Parnam, Is enjoy
* ing excellent business thla
year for Is It not a year of tailored
stylefulness? From her chic bob to
her trim little feet Milady present*
Ihe sweet orderliness Imparted only
by the skillfully fashioned tailored
togs. Kneeter Is a master in hi*
trade—one's wardrobe will be Indeed
a charming on* If Ita designing and
tailoring 1* J*ft to Kneeter,
Milady's Footwear Most Important
Among Impressive Style Notes of
Her Easter Costume
THOMPHON-BELDEN'H ehoe department haa Juat received a lovely new
model In fine white kid pumpa—cut out acroaa the front, buttoning
on each aide with one button, with military heel, ef graceful line
they’re wholly dealrahle for wedding proceaalon or nil aummer wear, $10.
For the tailored frock la a amart little gray alligator aandal, Ita nlngle
atrap buttoning at the aide with a front perpendicular atrap over a bit of
cutout dealgn on the vamp, $9. With Kpanlah h»el la the patent pump
model, Ita open lattice trim round vamp front, $11. In black aatln la the
two-button pump with euede open-cut trim and military heel, $10. Each
model ao charming that lardy Fair la quite Inclined to chooae each one of
them for her early aprlng ahoe ahelf!
IjqIj Cfo i flopping villi R>] ly
Omaha Pin»tographcr in Sumptuously Decorated
New Studio Plans Exquisite Lighting Effects for Spring
_Wedding Party Pictures___
Mv AfVt it, iH iM tot twtt itot h»* at h*Ha i! Tiintt l* |i shR>n| *•♦#*»•
eff*<!1*# pi' liiiv »4 •ffttm iwMlr* Of atHn’tt *'* ’Hr M*M ilHHW »f Mdl i’’* rl|Mf|ri«*1t pMttfipHH *
• ftH at tHM* **»h»#*m*M to ***• *to v**”* tto f*>* a of fto *-f Mittni thltt tit*< leurit toll f 4 ’»'■ ’* M*»
wto tot t lit* iwmm* of "iipi* in vt<rMin|lv toitil ’* li*il la *»*• t ha t *M*’i It 'to a »*iien of tof in to'* fto i f ,”t* tnHi* aht li, *• *'H|
oft* fcftoft* li a 'art rHiHl )*iM nf ihi Ttlfc ntM |**f |»H«*n *’ih IN* tot*t* II f t**1 If *H1 a»*»IN nhi v ita%<
toy m*a IHt |rtip *»«M*iful n** futnM It tMt attMlm?
Thomas Meighan the Type of Actor That Appeals to All
Classes of Picture Patrons the World Over-First Rose
to Ranks of Stardom Through Splendid Work in
_“The Miracle Man”_
THOMAS MEIOHAN, popular picture *iar, will appear In The Confidente Man" at the Rtiand for the week *tartlng Kaater Sunday. It wai In
a "crook” play, the "Miracle Man." that Meighan ro*» to the rank* ofV'ardnm. and It I* In c rook play* that hla public mint lova to *ee him—
"I couldn't Ignore the fan*.'' he explain*, so we hunted up the best c rook »toii wc‘ could find No doubt »botit It. agree th'>*e who have
viewed thla lateet crook play, "The Confidence Man," by I,. *Y. Kt"kine gn cl Rolcert 11. Davi* for It la a play that more than *atl*flea thoae who
hava been aaklng to ace hi™ In thl* kind of role. *l*o thn»e who haven t <1 ur** A'le ha* wiltten * splendid *et of title* for the "Confidence Man,
lha kind tha fana and reviewer* appreciate. Title* that carry a eubtle hln’ of rare humor which add much to the atmosphere of the picture It Is in
tereitlng to recall other erdok drama* sin-e the first great p|* \ , "The Mir title Men. which proved excellent \ ehlctes for Meighan* Ulent. The
Frontier of th# Star*," "The City of Silent .Men" and "If Ton Relieve It It * So," Now for "The Confidence Man."
I (oat*toPartiallv Conceal luster
Smartness Aw Fascinatingly lively In
Exquisite Detail of Fur ami Fabric [
1 ,1.1., ,M,| , . , « . „ . . ■ • t,i • • ** • *►< •
• W*<% *< "III ***!» nf t H* • '*•» *«">’■*** Ml* N* fee* »<*f*
f, ah..* * * Pen « uadi Hfl* fc#f *'a*fi*4 *» I he **•*'♦ t*W»
t* ^ Uni f hUM Si wtfc niailMtf
n ,, m „ »hi u- «■# a »4 *** * t* *»«t* * • tiari *t «*•
fullMtln lift* fnM ‘ ftiN Mtnifti r«Mi» i^ffi f* «|M *
!W *IUr fH»fct*«•I«^*4 hlMlH.I J*£* ft*** f^»ft eftft ••**
Dundee n< aut \ shop Specialises in
Permanent Waving Electrolysis and
the Shingle Bob Coiffure
mg , I h< >' I I ill I \ /«< > .1 • <»•• " • • i • r
|\/| mi If gg nil. the (cell (t«lnp> MM ««'lng 111*1 hite *rd
** 1 . • i ti.i) • . et - * • i , i . ,.,e i .I n . * . — ■ al i-,i'* I
menu fill <-prlng and ■'m"’< petf■< (pent waving *»!I Maneii- .a re*tilt* are
achieved liy the N|M«lai|et* of fhe Maleon Inreniin In electrolv*!* while iNer*
1* one men who do*-* nothing ell ilay long hut give Miladv Omaha her modern
rclffure. the ehlngle l*»h.
Hand Bags of Excellent Construction
—Smart in Styleful Detail,
Specially Priced
THK Krellng d Btelnle ,cpc laity I anther rjooda Shop. l«th and Kemam,
ha* an unuaually fine line of hendtiege In every one of the deelrabl*
new nmdele for carrying wllh milady * aprlng roetume—a repreaenta
tlon of many different tenure* »nd tint* of atyleful le*ther* For pre
Eaater Belling the handbag*, up to IT 19, have lieen grouped In two price*.
$2.50 and $3 5<i Sale new* of vital Intereat.
* * * • • •
Ilea ut.v Shop “Getting Ready For
City National Bank Bldg . Six
teenth and Harney, Is 'getting
ready for Easter" If one may judge
hy a doubling of boolh space and an
augmenting of staff members. Oh.
yes and the addition of a soft water
system to the modern equipment so
much enjove.i hv the patrons of this
shop. Jackson 1795 for appointments.
* s •
The warf ha* become even more
Important than It wa* la*t season and
I* favored bv every house In Pari*.
It I* now *n Integral part of the
frock or coat, *nd 1* often fastened
to It.
• • •
Die** Hat Models Large and Small
anil the Infinitely < harming l.ittle
Sport* Hat and Scarf Set*.
letic Club Bldg . Eighteenth and
Douglas, have on exhibit a pr»
Easter showing of exceeding merit,
madam et madamoiselle Hals for
dinner wear, these In both large and
small models ss milady finds them
liecoming to her individual type For
sports wear are the rharmful little
hat and scarf set* lovely;
• • •
Simple frocks of muslin. crep». lace,
or thin wool fabric are all worn under
a slender cloak of some sort. Some
times a cape Is used Instead of a
coat, In heavy fabric*.
A Habit of Smart Grooming One
IIum Well To Cultivate.
The krt.’okr hat shop, »o»
Barker Block. Fifteenth and
^•'arnam. haa much to do with
the amartneea of Mllady'e coetumlng
for they do reblocklng of th# old
chapeau, and remodeling of feather*,
fur* and marabou In a wholly marvel
nu* manner. Cloaed at 2 on Satur
a a e
The average aklrt length la ahortar;
but aklrt length* vary according to
the house that aporiaora the frock.
• • •
Still* For IJIIIe Boy* Have All the
Quaint Charm of Oliver Twlat and
Copperfirlri — More Grown I p
^ oinigMer* Cltooee Style* of Kng
liall Sport amen.
Court. Sixteenth and Howard,
have an tinueuallv good offering
of little tub aulta for bov* from 2 to
* In moat appealing Oliver Twlat and
Copperfleld faahloning* with th# aver
dellghtful Jack Tar and mlddl# aulta
dear to American boyhood. A prlca
range to delight. $2 25 to $11.50. Con
firmation aulta for Sir Slxto Sixteen
In two knloker aulta are ahown In a
price range from $ld to $25. Don't
forget that thla la the place In which
to find the original gift for baby
dear: finely faahloned bite of apparel.
Intereating noveltle* that are moat
Residence District Beauty Shop
Entertains Patrons in Unusually
Convenient Setting _
THE Xygaard Beauty Shop, 40th and Farnam. Ha, J4.15. recently bought
by Mra. Xvgaard from Mary Ballard, la Indeed a place for Milady to
find complete relaxation while ah* receive* the ekllled attention of
expert operator*. Perhap* the meet appreciated mlr.iet ration* are th* reet
facial* which are given while madam I* etretrbed on a couch, fullv relaxed.
Jtellghtful! Mia* Helen Harder, well known beauty epeclallet, i« In charge
of the new *hop with an excellent aaaletant in Mia* Har.el Davldeon. For
th* convenience of the huelnea* woman work will he don* On T leader and
Thtireday evening* by appointment. At your aervlc*.
Week Before Easter Eventful One in Big Department
Store-Special Preparations Made for Father’s Shopping
When You Wonder Why—
There’s Usually a Perfectly Logical Reason—Why
THR Brandei* Store* are making particular provision* for the "week before Raster" shoppers—especially for father, who wall* until the last minute
to buy the necessary appareling that he rnay present a smart appearance when he joins the Raster promenade. Might Just mention ibis fact to
the fathers of your acquaintance—It might be a source of Inspiration, an encouragement to the one has least to do In the spending of the money
earns. Ret’* aee that father's Raster togs are "the last word" In srnartns ss this year.
WHKN you wonder why all of the emait wedding Invitation* you've recently received have borne the name of the Matthew* Boole Store, ltli
llarne) - why- when you Inquire whence came the exqulaltely iiionogriimmed etatlonery which breathea a certain Infinitely cultured cor
rectneaa the attawer I* ''Matthew* turely the aolutlon I* not »o difficult of conjecture—It I* lecaue* fer year* th* Matthew* Book Store,
'management hikI helping at.iff time eiooit fur the "Ju-t right" am la I note. If It a from Matthew* you jnat know lf'« right. I* It not true"
Dainty Bits of Costume Loveliness
Successfully Cleaned by
Scientific Methods
THE Pantorlum, Sixteenth and Jon<>», doe* most successful cleaning of
dainty apparel loveliness. No Isces are too cobwebby to present ex
outsits appearance after careful cleaning, no fabric too delicate In
color tons to resume Its pristine freshness If wisely cleaned. Scientific
* cleaning methods are the processes followed hy the experts at The Pan
torium. Easier, one week away—sra your clothe* In readiness?
Flower Display Assures a Glorious
Easter Decoration for Church
and Home
THE llrandels Flower Hhop, main floor, has always given thousands
of blossoms for home and church display—this year they promise
♦ hs same great number of beautiful blossoms at prices surprisingly
low. A rarely beautiful assortment la to be bought by the wise shopper
Hyacinths, Tr.irwln Tulips ami the double tulips, lovely and big: Hydrangeas,
rose bushes, spires, potted plant growth* of rare perfection a* well as
baskets and corsage arrangements to delight the recipients on Easier da>.
^__________ • • •
ape rushed and mail
.la ne'e Simp a Splendid flare In
Which l« Have faahioned Kt<|iiI*II<
Apparel for Spring.
JANE'S SHOP, 1*1*12 I la rne>.
AT. *<37, la under the egpeit
management of no other than the
well known mndl«te, Mia* Eay, whoae
pralnea have often been aniimlrd In
the Polly column*. I,et her plan the
bridal trou**eau twill he a revela
lion in egqulelteneaa, I aeeure you,
• • •
Much "picture'’ embroidery I* need
Tairgo utartllng motlfe appear on
froeka of delicate tlaeuea.
• * •
Tueaday I* Dollar Day In The Art
THE A. Iloupe Company, 1313
Douglas, ha* a very Intereetlng
dollar day on Tueaday You will
he able to make your »e!eeflon In ad
vance from the little window where
may h» aeen awing frame* In gold
and aliier. plrturea originally priced
at II SO and I? Mi and lovely ellk
cord* In all color* for hanging pie
turea and mltror*.
Those Who Number Among the Best Omaha Women
Drivers Purchase the V-63 in Victoria, Five-Passenger
Coupe, Suburban and Limousine Models
Till*; J. If. Hannon Cadllla* Co., JSth and Karnam. ha* Hold lb# new A'SI model* In tvp*« of new *#a*on* b* »ut> the Victoria th# Klvr T*a*#enger
Coupe, Htlbiirbitn and Mmotialne to the most akllled of Omaha * women driver*' Mr* .1 \ C Kenned? who la pb lured above rhi>«* t|»* Five
|Vi nengf-r Coupe, ip did Ml* C I Walrafh Mr* I A Hetiakr delighted with the Vlrl la. *• |< l*-,1 that f*»t <• new • Mia Clyde Pi#W d-*ln..
likewise, and truly ’ll* a * ar wholly liredatlble in every detail Much may he aiid In favor of ihr giiburhan a-claimed by Mr* I «od Hovev *nd Mr* KIH
Cottfln Magee a* embodiment of everything that * to be debited In rardom while Mi W tiler Mead derided In f» «»f th# I,inn- • \\ driver* *»f th
fair a#t who *how their wl*(V>m by rhooalfig the V SH Cadillac fn» ita e»i«e of handling «nd M*bndld hri**# feato>» f*" all waathrt condition* Women find
the Cadillac service of ine*tirnable satlsfa* lion. If unable to visit the Cad Ilia* sln^nms tend f"i Illu*tiated bo«*ki#i*.
English Neckwear Arrives From
London Firm, Exclusive Importation
to Omaha Shop
THK C. 1 (. Sobotkar A Son Shop, Athlatie Club building Kightaanth
and Douglaa, hava Juat varan ad a ahlpmant of narkwaar from Wateh,
Margaiaon A Son, London. axcluatva Importation to thla Omaha mm
puny. Koularda, axoulafta daalgna and rolora In four In handa and howa
praaent uulla lha Inat word In amart affa< tlvanaaa for Kaatar wa»r to man
who apprariata thalr Vanity Kair.
“Hot Cross Buns,” Cakes and Dainties
_for the Easter Festivities_
TIIK thrar I’ataraan Bakariaa ara making plana for Kaatar—plana that
hava to do with dalaotahlv bakad "Hot Kroaa Buna," rakaa and
daintlea au< h aa are known only to artiata In tha craft of rookary, Tor
your ronvanian. a—tha Naw I viiratraaan, l*th and Karnam tha I .aka 2Sb4
North 24th, and tha Kataiaan ltakary at 24th and Atnaa.
• • a a a a
\ Wool to the shopper of Fyqtiiaitc
Mower lllmutt for Faster (tiffing
WHBN you're In Mirch of the
fragrant flower gift for Faster
happiness remember that John
Bathe Flower Shop. Fighter nth and
Farnam. alwa\a hna an exquisite
• bowing of both potted and cut flow
era for thla holiday of all the year
which rail* moat urgently for the re
membrane# of flown a The John
Bath delivery service is unusually
satisfactory. whether the flowers ate
to be sent In town or by telegraph.
• • •
Plaid* in all stuffs are smart.
Whole ft in ks ate made of plaid*,
either of f»hii«* with the plaid*
woven into them, ot plain fabric.*
Sometimes a plain frock is woi n with
n plalded coat banded with the plain
• • •
Hand Made Frocks for ’'laid and
Moiin t in shop of K.\( Itange
Ito. k in.I til'! Shop n l fl »r
I Bushman blork, Siitecrrth and
*• Pouglaa, wheie one m*> 1 'ter
her handwork of all kind* for an
annual fee nf U, offers many lovely
models In hand made frock* for the
fInv maid and her mother presses
end apt one made to ordai upon is
quest, price# aurpil*int!> low;
Thr U<*« fn« k in having a dr
ciitril vogur tor ntrning and in an
imixntant not* in lha m»d*.
- T t:# r ft
r» »i»t