The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 13, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 3-A, Image 3

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    .Easter Apparel of Trimness and Distinction
Offered Monday at Prices That Appeal
■ " .... — —; -■' —————— — J ■ — 1
It's Fur Storage Time
We store, and insure against fire and
theft, any fur for 3 per cent of value.
The Rrandeia Store—Third Floor
Kodak Films Developed Free
Six-hour service. Work left before 10 a. m. ready
same afternoon at 1 o’clock.
The Brandeii Store - Mam F loor
Authentic in Style, Fabric and Coloring
The Easter Fashions Here
Presenting the Newest Ideas of
Street, Sport and Dress in
Women’s Coats, Capes
Charmeens, twill cords and velours lend their distinction to
capes with clever braiding and tucks—to coats with novel
ideas in cording and stitchihg. All smart hues. Beautifully
silk lined.
39.75 and 59.7 5
Newest Fabrics—All Exquisitely Lined ami Tailored.
In Regular and Extra Sizes.
Are Singularly Complete
At Easter-Tide the desire for newness of costumes makes its earnest appeal to all feminine
hearts. To know what is new—what is smart and what is good is to see Fashion’s latest
creations assembled here for your approval.
The Newest in Fashions at the Lowest Possible Price
Unusual Collection
Easter Suits
On Slender Boyish Lines
Youth continues its favor of the straightline boyish
suit with its single and double-breasted fronts, trim
pockets and wrap-around skirts. In all-wool twill in
plain colors, navy or black; also hairline stripes and
mannish mixtures. Sizes 14 to 44.
Other Suits as Low as 29.75 and up to 145.00
The Brandeia Store—Second Floor
Sale of High Cost
Cloth or Silk Frocks
Our Early Season Models Reduced to
Formerly Priced Up to 55.00
Distinctive for present wear to meet your every need. In the
finer silk and cloth fabrics. Trimmed with embroideries,
laces, pleats.
Other Dresses as Low as 25.00 and up to 195.00
Another Important Shipment of
5,500 Yards
Quality Silks
All at One Low Price Monday
During the past few days we have been deluged with vast
quantities of bright and snappy styles and weaves, includ
ing all that is new in the silk world, and bound to lend in
spiration to those who sew. Savings in this sale will make
Monday shopping doubly attractive. We announce one very
special leader for Monday selling that should claim your
36-lnch Silk
Knit Crepe
Of a soft, beautiful
quality in a wonder
ful array of new
color combinations.
Regular 2.97) value.
A lovely, clinging
quality in all the
latest spring color
Regular 2.97) value.
2.95 and
3.00 Yd.
Crystal de Soie
In a variety of soft,
dainty printed ef
fects. For the new
spring or summer
Regular 3.00 value.
Crepe Eponge
In a range of floral
and scroll designs in
beautiful color com
Regular 3.00 value.
The Brandei* Store—Main Floor, Center
Rare Easter Values in Trimmings
For Coats, Suits and Dresses
Embroidered Bandings
In 1 to 2 inches in width; a lovely
assortment of color combinations
and also gold and silver, woven in
beautiful Oriental designs Regularly
priced from 75c to 98c;
Narrate Bandings
For coats and suits, also edges; in
plain and mixed colors and stripes.
to 2 inrhes wide; regular 1 Q
value 39c; yard,
Scarf Fringes
In all the latest shades of blue, red.
tun, cocoa, brown and henna; all are
<5 inches in width; values ,7Cfl
to 1.25; # OC
Buckles and Ornaments
In a variety of attractive colors and
designs; some arc beaded and others
are embroidered with silk PA
mid wool. Regular 75c val.
Nr Showing of Glass Buttons
These buttons are so wry popular now for trimming the plain little tailored
dressr«. In r yniiety of shop' and si/rs and rolm . OC
Priced, per dozen, AiJC
Coat and Shirt Buttons
In All color* And M/,e Priced, pi r iln/m, from OT- to O CA
1 ho Bmniltii Stor« Main Floor, North *
French Room Millinery
Lowered in Price for Monday
Charm and Distinction of Quality Is Impressively Marked in This Selection
Hats that portray fashion’s most recent innovations in designs and color
ings. Models that carry an air of chi c and originality wherever they go.
Tim Most Exclusive of Spring Hats for One Low Trice Monday.
The Brandeis Stole—Second Floor—East
Monday’s Sale of Notions
Means Large Savings for the Clever Seamstress
1.19 Mothproof Garment Flags Size 24x37, I
each, 05 C
1 50 Mothproof Garment Bags Size 30.x >0,
each, 1.125
1.75 Mothproof Garment Bags Size 0x00,
each, 1 .50
Alexander King's Machine Thread 3 cord,
per dozen spools, 121 C
2.00 Gray Jersey Bust F orms Sizes 3 2 to 4 1,
each. 1.45
2.00 Iron Standards For bn-t forms; c all ho
adjusted to any height; 1.50
5c J P Coat's Darning Cotton 2 for 5#'
50c Hickory Sanitary Aprons Kadi. *25<*
Leathrette Shopping Bags Ka» h.
GOr and OSr
15c Singer Sewing Machine Oil |1|*
3 hi c Cameo latting Fdging In a ra I
dainty colors. 2 yards for
Puritan Ric-Rat Braid Si/.t !1 to !. t‘» mb
for I Or*
69< Ironing Boatd Covers Of h«.t\\ i li
«itch, ,*tOc*
fAc Ironing Board Pads 1 a»h. Tllr
50c Rubberized Kitthen Aprons In » i
pattern .
10r Cushion Collar Bands ’ foi I 5#‘ 1
title Para Rubber Aprons—In dainty colorr,
•'"I'. 4.%r
25c Mutual Hook and Eye Tape In Mat k or
white, yard, IJIr
Pin Cube* Containing 10(1 pin*; in colored,
black or white;
Wright’* Riat Tape III color* or white. ti
varda for ”<*
35c Patricia Silk Dre**making Pin* ’* -pound
hove*, ii7<*
35r and -15c Naiad Dre** Shield* l'ilir, UHf*
50r Naiad Naimook Dre** l ining* En.. ‘IMp
35c Rubber Raby Pant* Each, 1
10c Buay Ree Railing Thread 300 yard
spools, ear •>. Hr
25c Organdy Loop Trimming* In all pretty
shade*, .1-vard bolt for "»r
10c Peatl Riitton* Of n very fine quality.
1 a !’d. Hr
,r,c I i fMiv’i Ski-I Mm Ur and Ruler |
1 Or kalnnnor, Wilanap or |)e long'* Snap
I minim
Hit Dr long* or Puritan Hook* and lye*
< Hill tit*
Ann Sewing Silk Ml vhuI Apo-> . oat |\. Jtg*
lOt Star and O N I (rochet C otton .* Hull
I r>r
Ih* Miamian Slur* Main l lunr, Smitli
Economies Galore on Spring’s
Newest Woolen Fabrics
A wonderful assortment of the most highly-favored weaves,
colors and combinations for coats, suits, skirts, frocks and
whatever can be fashioned from materials of this character.
A great variety of checks, plaids, stripes and solid colors.
40-Inch All-Wool Canton Crepes, Per Yard 1.95
54-Inch Sport Dress Woolens, Per Yard 1.98 to 3.95
54-Inch Best Quality All-Wool Jersey, Per Yard 1.69
54-Inch Spring Coatings, Per Yard 2.19 to 5.95
The Brii4.ii Store—Maia Floor, Ceater
New Laces and Embroideries
Greatly Reduced
Xeic Wide Lace Bands
and Allovers
A wonderful showing in Venice,
Chantillies, Morgata and many other
imported laces in a wide range of
beautiful pattern* and designs. In
all widths, yard—
1.50 2.50 3.98
Fine Silk Chantilly Laces
A beautiful selection in black, white,
and ecru; all widths from 1 to
inches inclusive; can he matched
with other laces; 1 A to -i CQ
yard from IvJC 1 *0*7
Real Chinese Filet I.aces
With heading edge. All are hand
made in a great selection of wonder
ful patterns and designs; 1 inch
wide; regular 39c value; AT
Real Filet and Irish
Pequot Laces
All hand niBde. In a wonderful va
riety of lovely patterns and design*.
Regular 15c to 25c Q
values: yard, 2eC
Chinese Filet and Irish
Laces and Insertions
All are handmade; in a variety of
beautiful, attractive patterns; 1 inch
to .1 inches wide: regular /JQ
1.00 to 1 25 values; vard, OOC
10.000 Yards of French and
English \ al Laces
In white, cream and ocre; can he
matched with other laces: in lovely,
distinctive patterns and cieeigns;
regular values 10c:
at, per yard.
I he Branrleis Store — Main Floor, North
Two Unusual Easter Specials on
Mahogany ( andlcsticks
There are all sixes of these beautiful randiest whs, some a’e
tall Biid slender, others come in the medium siic«; cleverly
finished with excellent furniture finish; each has a felt hast
Specially priced at. each
Imported ( andlcsticks
Made 1 decorated wood and white china; eompleti with
decorated candle to match. Specially priced at, each
Candles for New Low Prices Monday
( oiorea ( and its
10c Each
\ arioui design* and
colorings All arc hand
dipped tapers, Tudor
squares and ,!ai ohoa
tinsel design*
t ancy ( imales
-Jr /»»/.M
All hand-decorated on
lough or smooth sur
face in a variety of gold
and silver tinted with
«oft coloring*, black,
red, oinitge an<l yellow
h rcnch ( andlc
Shades—Special to I.SS
Made at *ilk, decorated
v\ • • h prett* flower*,
c d mottfa an.I braid*;
a ’arge line of newtat
ami coloring*.
I hr Star# | hird I Utor, YV#»t
- - , .. *