The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 13, 1924, CITY EDITION, PART THREE, Page 5-C, Image 29

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    IV f \ I) I.r Cl TT T 1 \T \ '^k 1’ .“John \V\ Davis Ciains Strength as'Cio-IUtween’N "in iik vt<>r
( ^ ▼ I * * v_ 1 J I J 1 V i l i ^ • I'll i'^icssi\ rs .mil ( misi'i vittivrs in I )i*m»uT;itir ( < *n\in turn"
' LHhm‘hI and Courageous KnotiRh to
Suit>or and Has Wall Street
Backing to Appease
Mt M\HX Hlll\ VV
" iiMni'w Aptll It Thr ImI tun
*okt hair l*m niitMlif MiawN
hi ihr itn«*i«l nf lath ah«i«l tohn II
1 'ik ia a* a twwwlhlr drntnrtalh* h«nv
Thr o.inulnti fill Ihla dlai'UBalon a a*
a IrlllT hr HnH In Whirl! Itavla look
(In* iraiiRil (hat hr Would no! arvrr
hla ninnr* Ilona With hla rltrnta In
'em York for Ihr ankr nf ttnnllfylnjt
liimai'lf for •onaldrrallun hy ihr drntn
rrotlr notional i-onvrntlon.
Thr Irttrr Wua nirrrly Ihr orinaloti
for fontalnc dlRruaalnn on Pavla.
Mom ftindamrntnlly ihr rraanna for
ihr I'onaldrralIon of Pavla llr In Ihr
fact Dial a Rond many drmorratlr
Irndrna hair mtnr to forrarr that
thrrr la llkrly lo l»r In Ikr rnnvrnllon
a tug of war lirlwrrn Ihr aouth and
wrat and Ihr raat and north. Koran*,
ing Ihla dlvlalon Ihrar Iradrra paaa
nn to thr aaaumptlnn that Ihr randl
Ait* «ltlm*i»l» tho**o mil I* •nit***
no* rmt fmtwnllt i-tentlflp.t * It It »ilhr?
•mop inA it lit* mhi* tirtm not
t*pn*n*nt t« *tth*r
I'p to th* tim* of th* pithli' 'ition
of f »**(•' l*tt*r polIttPlMi* tuittM
Wilt *• •tl*<tti*llft*A h» th* III t that
It* t* * l*tnlln* liO-v*r to N*o York
*tul tttinih*r* itontt* hi* rll*tit* I* run
pnfpnratlon*, *om* nf thpfn affltlnti I
with th* Morgan bankln* Ititm**!*, i
Th* aaailtnptlnn ih*t iNtvl* «n* put
nut nf th* rtinnlti* hv hut In* *tm»
tn Now York In prartle* low rMti.1
Inrtrnly front th* Mr A Ann tip* nf
Tnji stk i; to DAMsn
- - - .
Tn lay *mph**l» on lit* IwttiUln* ntnl
rorpnrnllnn nllont* havlt hit* hint for
th* laat thr*o y*nr» I* n *horl
*l*ht*il *nrt lnnr«ir*l* tlr»\ It fill*
to Ink* (ippoiint of *om* of ih* nth*r
It* Ml h*«d don#§ IM l##f
ill*## fian, nM if falMi maH #ta
H»i h Mi*ir I# iali# |pi#dai of I la % nt
mimt iHfOiaii t* ah*« th*## mat#
i|n b# Muiiai a ft** V«t%i !**«»»
of* ha H
Hit fii*i #«irit# in }«'4iitr* wat aa
a df lt*al# |h |M d* r ail#
ifmfhiM il w in itnf invii
aai tin if »f In rootia*a for |fM»!
infna, fiutf fiii» ffMfn ill! in l#1l, |
and within a ilm# h# mm# in iht1
ftnnl in a war ttm **mnv‘ti tn *n la iff*
a Hmljf aa fit# |n#ff Hmj»t nf r*n
fciw#a W%#trhfwly rmardtd him aa
ntntma |h# fital in mm in th# tnwrr ,
litiiiar In fail* th# 11tni> In frtilrh i
Ihvli mad# hla ratrantdinai v iltipTN- j
#i»*tt wm hrlnftr ihan four ymta, for
li# did not m i v# fill! hla *#r ond if t m
\MHAnS\l»<»lt Tn
N — — - — ^
XVIIanti waa not In nfflt# a ronnth
itrfnt# hla ntttntlnn wan nffrntttd I*' j
Havin' quality. Within #1* month*
nfftr Wilaon wna InaiiRnramt h# afi
finlnftd fin via to fill a vara m y In
th# nffii t of anllcllnr Rtntral.
In IftIH iht off It# of JtmhaMmlnr to
Orrat Hrltahi h#rnm# meant, »»nd
WI lann a train turned to Davl*. Aa
afnhaaaadnr to Ortat Hrltain flavin
«»ad )M i ■mnifm >m
Hi Iwiint l* *f»t.4 m*nH
Hurt H' W, Hurt M t*»*imd it *>♦
In at rtliifi lit ••• ft** a min nf
ill* ini, Int Him |i*ftml *4 hit ailtl i
mtHIrt IH WMN X lltlHi* htfnl* Ha
■ am* In fnllIrtH Had i«n| MlWml Mm
in an«Hiiilai» anr mairtiiiiM#
anmttnl nf fnnnat TH* taanli warn
iha! whatt Hia Him at atnhaa«#(mt
*ndM In tail h* *ia a |hhi man
lit I mill up Hi* ptaHIr* «f law in I
S** 1 »t a ,n aitimiHlala a ram 1
itii* nf lh* ill*nia liana haa Had
•li|i ln« Ihn 1**1 lln** imi a (a *
lalmr niiliin, IH* Nalinnal Wind'#
iHit* Wnrttai*
I *• ninthly lh* maantt Uii* Inlmr nnlmi
ram* In llatlfe In |r|iii‘**nl II lay 111
th* rmnllmllnn nf all Inlmr llfih'ha
lhal linvla aa a rnttgrraaniaii had
lalitii what lalmr rmgarda a* a frtmml
If vl*w nf piilillr qiimttnna In whlrh
Inlmr la inlmr*aiad
Annihar *pl*nd* In Tiavla* rar**r
Unit hr night him In lh* ftrtttdly al
irntlnn nf lh* Inlmr iinmna naa lh*
fart Uiil linvla, a* anlMtnr crn*tnl
nf th* I'nllnd Hint**, mad* lh* argil
mmt In favnr nf th* rnnailtutlnnalldv
nf lh* Ad'tfnmtn might hour law, lh*
alatul* nhlrli **lnhll*h*a an *lgh!
hnljr day for rallrnad mtnplnyma
I M Ml ftINNI It IN I'i.mi 1
Mt Hi Ift •ftftifi Ilf fit# iff, and]
r frtii ifft td INf IN* m * *Mt n of ft
•iMkft in th* Mmi Viif mift ffttfti fttfitii
l*a%tft atiftd i| f«f M*dhftf
and IH* «th#n ihfti {
it ftt ft i Mi tM it it It ftftdMlnft ft*? I tfi* It
»ftf In H*»l, »ft fttllmt nft Ma f**M I
ft hit h I tllr-d fftf I gt%*d dNil ftf r'tfl |
ftftft ntitlii|tttft| Ihft ftftd Ih* i
f ifttft
ptftflt! tftftl ftftn fthftit ftntl* ftft*j
<i mftmlftf of t'»uftfftM lift ftitftd a* |
f hiitfiftftft of ihft m** t»«11# ftt«f#* i»ti ?
v**nllfth In Wftfti Virginia fthlth pot
Ihft fit •« ftnVftftft ftttfftftgft |t)rtft|( ||1
ant plftlfttrm In th«I «iftt>
Thlft. t»m, ft a* ftn ft»i that fftl)«N| f* i I
In lfin, fthftit ihft demon aii» m»
flttnnl convention ft«ft lifting h* Id
nun KrnnHftrn, trivia una nfIII am
hit*ftftdnr to Urcaf HtHnln In fh»» pro |
loftgftd balloting oVftf the name* ««fl
r’n* MrAdoo and f’almftr. flnvh |
PMttft fthft put forward. and It «>« |
thft opinion of fimuphtful fil»* r\»i |
that if thwi contention had lantftd «!
fftft ballot* longet T»ntli v tiM pot
heen thft tmmlnrft
Thr fart that a inter from
ahould he ahlft fn toko, mm it did two
ftftftka a«o, a front png# in current
4ff tr^l |H>
r4 ih* will#i* |b*( ih****
4 tut tilt** nhhh ii*i i tu*n ih* hiM
ih h* f*)M i ImI*i fh ih* #M* * 1
iftldirri «t*l hlhithip HMh*f fh*n »♦
iiftlMM'h n #**' *it>|
TM hlhf • *# h-ti imh it I N
piihilntlloli II i)*i* hi IN it*<»t *■*•
n*| <*•«, ihtli fti«4
•| mittrit# II In h* lit# tinit nl
Ih* |*ttt#t, |lt*i •* M I* III# titlip nl
lit* |*th«l tit •mirnti, I* **fi# ih«**
ttltn nil nn hint. nn|r*», Inti#*d
Ihm I* k»lll# III*i||ir* *hl* nh*i»tlr
In Ih* m| Nm nti# In *11 Ihl* ll*l
nl illrul* In* rtrr iniil*»lli4 nr
I nm l'il llml hr multi mnlti'l mi
|lit*inH III |n-III li 11 i I1||*I Irm r I
mil llin ritnuih In liu*|ln# Hint M
nllr it it ttlll, til# null Hnillnltnu
ii|iun n rliihllhlnhliiK Imttri* In
III |U IIiIpIii r I* lllr tltllp hr nttr* In
III* i llrul*, ulii m *r|iM Irti, In *#rt#
Ihtin ttllhuiil ih# *llthlr<| Ihniidil
nl lllr rffril *iii h n tirtlif t»m>
li.n r iiiuiii hi* |Ht*>nui| |tn|iul.*rll>
nr |ln|llhiil fniluiir*
"I 11111*1 *1 mil In in* |thlln»«t|th>
Whil l« lllr ttnrlll, nflrr nil. II nnr
linn no |ihlln*n|ih.v nl hi* unit In
lit# II hj * II nn# mnrt-wln « ihl*
In ttlu mi nlllr# ttlml will hr lit#
lit slt#r Ihr nlllr# |< wnttf Trll in#
,fR«»cently Published letter Reveal*
Political IndojH'ndcnrc of Former
Hritlsh Ambassador; Refuses to
Forsake (or|K)ration dlents.”
In ••tr *h»r Miw it'd pw widely >11
ml* I ml whirl* Mt Iwnii Wmta In
*noth#t Mend, IP w hl< h h» **M
■ | ran »«|y **r Hut, while I till*
me many ••filll> n • inuti oil*tit well
matte (k |w> preeldr-tit nl th* 1’nl'ed
Pt*i**, | rnnnot Imagine any honor
within th* gift null that I* worth
th* auffandrf of ntg’i |>kraongl nr
pynfrnatonnl freedom *0 <1 lnd*p#nd
"nn* who Would **Tlfl<* III* Hid*
l*ftd*ni • in order in gain th» i»ip*I
dency would rrrtmntv noi h"t>* In r*
**ln It *ft*r h» h*d »nt*r*d on th*t
offl#e "
I’r«r||rn||y nil th# guhatan** there
la to Itnvl*1 rendldmy II** In hla '*■
parity In glv* out eu«!h thought* a*
thl*. That capacity I* r#wl loader
A man who hr a atngla offhand tat
lot not tntandM f-■» ruhliratinn ran
ran** alt tha eMintrf t« lath annul
him and command him haa loadorahir
»t tha trua anr< tH'ia haa a rata
and aMo mind Whan ha am Haa that
mind In ant aal nf i«ndlltnn# ha ran
jntda a lilt la furthar Inward lha aa
aanllal Iritih than ordinary mind#
If flat la la In got tha nnmlnallnM II
mtiot waii through rmognlltofi of hla
■«iialiii»a on tha pari of lha country
nml nn lha pail of tha do Icy a lot In
lha aanaa nf or|anltat|nn, of gnlng up
and dnwn lha muniry aooktng d»lt
gniao lh»ra la nn Pavla candidacy,
About all lhara la In lha way of
organlaaltnn la lha activity nf ona
man, C1»m I. Phav*r of Pavla’ hnma
alaia nf Want Virginia Phavar haa
orgamaad a llnma Town Iiavia for
Proaidont club'* In Clarkaburg, and
door what ho can lo goi loading dam
orrata, doloyaio* and nowtpapar* to
think about Pavla.
T WPTT T utear Force Stifles Thought in Spain, ’Midst Jealous Passiveness and
* 1“ -. O. VV jlJ J—Apparent Sanction of World’s Eminent Scholars”
- . _ - — ■ ■- - ■■■ - ■ _ * _J
“King Alfonso, After Outrage on Edu
cation. Would Still Receive Gala
Welcome at Oxford; Occupa
tional Respect Lacking.”
I»y If. O. WEtXII.
Author of the Outline of History.
Specie! Dispatch tn The Omaha nee.
Hon don, Aprol 12.—There 1* noth
ing greater In the world than thought,
Science, literature, what other glories
has ~m*n? Yet the company of men
of science, letters and art forms hut
the feeblest of republics throughout
the world, Is Insignificant socially and
politically and wins only posthumous
The time may come when men will
have a better sense of the values of
Ihlnys, when the writer, the artist,
will »>e Accorded something of respect.
1'.lit that day when the philosopher
or discoverer or great artist will be it
king, when there will he no recognised
nnhlllty hut the nohllltv of mind Is
etlll far sway. Perhaps It will never
mk,di(h;khy j:xai/ii;i>
perhaps there Is permanent neces
sity In otir natures requiring us »o
exult the common qualities we share
ami understand, to condemn ran- gift*.
King Carnival, with his vast nose
and goggling eyes. Is the most real,
moat natural of all human kings, lei
cause he Is frankly a grotesque com
mon creature raised up arid magni
That Is why we love lo think of the
man of science as a foolish, absent
minded thing with spectacles arid a
butter fly net. why we llaten an greed
ily tr> rumor of vice nnd Wlrkedm ag In
rnen of genlue,
Ingratitude la better for the com
mon man than aervlllty. If we did
not dietruat or reatraln the exrep.
tlonal people In the world they might
run away front tta or run away with
na until we her ante no more than
animate tinder their direction and
control. A king la the aureat protec
tion ngalnat regal per aonnlltlea, nnd
arlatoeracy ngalnat any rule of the
(Exceptional men, bernune they are
exceptional, have no flock Inatlm t lo
Hold th'-rn together f<n- ruiitual pro
tection ngalnat the crowd arid Ita
leader*. Nearly nil men of dial Inc
live glfta nr» jealoua. They aie
driven by Inner neceaalty to naaert
their own ajieoiiil uunllty ngalnat the
aggreaalve, apeclal ountltie* (,f their
f< (low.
Th< re la little g< n«-roalty when men
rrf aelenre, literairy or nr Halle men
talk of one another. Their rniaalon la
to do the thing !hey have to do, not
bo goo#! fallown with one another.
When one considers this, one may
be reconciled to much egoism and lack
of gregarlousness in the man of Intel
led tin 1 gift a yet one may In* startled
by the moral disintegration which Is
the normal state of the 'republics'
of science, art and letters.
I re ill my own amazement at the
sudden outbreak of nationalism on
the part of men of sc ience of ail coun
tries at the beginning of the war,
still more so nt t he reluctance with
which they csm#» together nfter the
armistice when they had bail four
years to think it over.
When I went to the secretary of
tiie Hoy a I society in 1920 and told him
of the poverty of such great men as
f'AVloff in Petersburg, the urgent
M'Sd of Jtiisslun men of s<|ep'e for
western publications for instruments
and material kept out by our block
oje, | thought the s«M lot •, would fake
up the matter ss a simple duty. It
mmI nothing of the sort it argued
that Pnvfoff and others ought to
have i orris out of ftussls as white
And now In Ihe Aranda loti* ease of
Hon Miguel t'namuno cornea a fresh
Instance of the lack of *nv feeling of
solidarity among the world's Intel
lectuals. Here Is a great writer, pro
fi ssor and ex-rertor of the I'nlverslty
of Halaman-.a, a man of undisputed
pre-eminence. He la a professor of
classical learning, not one of the sci
entific or sociological fellow* He ut
ter* some lucid, deserved reproofs to
Ih* king of Hjstln,
As all Ihe world know*, the king of
Hpain ha* ronscntc-d to Illegal usur
pation of hi* government l.y a mili
tary Junta with a dictator of straw,
n »ham Mussolini, I’rlmo Derlvera.
It Is a dull, had government, chiefly
concerned with the suppression of
opinion of the malut-iinr* of an end
lea* war with the Moors For if the
Hpanlsh generals have at time* to
display the hark* of their brilliant
uniform* to the Moors, they can at
least keep a brate, overheating front
If wards Hpain
No country was ever in such need
of drastic public criticism as Spain
llut so soon as Don Unamuno speaks
plainly, he is seized and sent without
trial to ths Canary Islands, away
from all contact with activities of
man. In recent limes In Europe
there has never been as plain and
violent a challenge to freedom and
the honor of the Intellectual world.
l _j
What protests have there t"*en from
that world? One might have expected
vigorous outcries on behalf of
Salamanca from oxford ^nd Cam
bridge, from I/ondon and th» British
academy, from Harvard, Yale, Chi
cago, a hundred and one universities
and colleges of North and South
America, an Immense outbreak of In
dignation. I have heard of a< arct-ly
any. From the t'nlverslty of I’arla
there has been a fairly representa
tive protest and Hlsbon has spoken.
I have seen a few paragraph* In
the highbrow weeklies of Britain and
America But the Intellectual worker*
of our English speaking world »eem
as a whole (o have been little affected
“King Carnival With His Goggling Eyes
Reigns, While Men of Science
and Genius Are Treated
as Door Mats.”
by this exploit of the king of Spain •
dictator. Bo far a* they are con
cerned, he may shut up all the uni
versities of Bpeln and maroon thslr
entire staffs The ordinary miner or
transport worker has much to teach
the university professor In the matter
of occupational self-respect.
Of course, both In Kngland and
America In the last doxen years or
so there have been rather similar
cases of Ihs crownng outrage of vul
gar force upon mind. There was the
<,!«<• of Mr. Bertrand fluasell, for ex
ample, liurng the war In 'America
It was inadvisable for professors of
economic* or aoelal acience to lean
too vlalbly toward* collectivlam.
William Jennlnga Bryan know* all
about creation and Incite* backward
atatf'i to dismiss teacher* of biology
who teach contrary »o the liellefa of
thla fa\. red confident of Deity. Per
haps the uneasy conscloueneaa of auch
fact* haa hampered the Engllah apeak*
Ing communities In thla affair.
Meanwhile, !>on Miguel Unamuno
studies the aeaacaiiea of the Canary
Island* and to far as his opinion
of King Alfonao goe*. he haa re
stricted, conversation with the
Islander*. And If by any chance King
Alfonao should vlalt England and go
to Oxford or Cambridge, all the dona
and dean* would put on their fullest
plumage to bov» to him.
f ■ 1 ■ ^
— T T OVFi C~^ l-TTj r?. “Great Nationalist Wave Sweeping Over France, Germany
1-Li-LiVv A LJ vjX—iv^/XvvJJH/, and Italy as Reaction From After-War Turmoil”
New French and German Parliaments,
Surging With Rival Patriotisms,
Must Deal With Report of
Inter-Allied Experts.”
By n.WII) I/I/OYO fiKOlUiK,
< Mparlsl Cable *a Tha Omaha la,
Iyondon, Apill 12.—There bra three
fateful general election* In Kurope
which may settle the fate of that
continent. Two era In progreas; on*
la settl'd. The Italian elections are
over, the tjeruian and French are
yet to he fought,
politician* are apt to exaggerate
the affect which will he produced by
election* In which they are personally
engaged. Ther* la no other Juetlfl
ration for tho prodlfloua national »f
fort to a> hlava tha daalrad raaulta
.fudging from paat alaotlona, wa now
raallxa thaao afforta ara too offan a
vlolant bomhardrnont In ordar to a*,
pioda aoma atom, and whan It la a*,
plodad nothing happ*na blit muah
amoka and a littla dual.
But now and agnln alarilona darida
r.vanta. Tha fnta of Amarlran union
waa onra darldad by an alartlon. Ji
la not yat a.loar that tha laat alar
tlon In Britain will not hava sonar
Quanoaa of a far raa'hln* aharartar.
Although we cannot Judge calrnTy
the effect of the electoral contest*
In which we are combatants, we can
form a cool esijtriate of what la going
on In foreign election*. Our Informs
lion may be faulty, but our Judgment
I* not clouded by Melted and Inter
eeted pnitlaanahJp.
Nationalism Common Issue.
The Italian, French and Herman
elections hav# one !**ije In common
natloimllarn. ' Nationalism against
every other appeal, socialism, com
munism, liberalism, pacifism. The
nationalist appeal Is not Intentionally
reactionary. The domestic policy of
Poincare Is unpopular with the
French masse* Ml* aggressive for
eign polley, on the other hand, (Ind*
favor with them. I p to hi* defeat
In the i^Htribfr he relied largely Upon
th* reactionary right for support, lie
he* now swung definitely to th* left
If* ha* only given a mora radical
dim lion In hi* domeetle program.
from a national lory, ha ha* lie.
■ onto a n*!!«nali»t tadhel: The roy
al!*!* am *nlky and the radical* not
p!«a»ed. Mill neither will prevent
Kran<# from voting for the Ituhr
polity. The Krem h are t onvlncod
that tierrnany I* (humming Inaolvent-y
arid they are wholeheartedly for light
• rilng the thurnher-rew*
Tho«o who expert a more tonrilla
lory temper to rome out of the Krem h
election* are likely to lie dlanppolnt
td: Krante mean* to drive the
hardeat bargain, without regard to
the the effort It may ha a on Kuio
penn appenaeruent.
tier many Sow Iteatling.
What about the Herman elettlona'’
t wa-e of reviving rial Iona I! »rn i*
•weeping o- er Herman}’. Moder»tlnn
an.l wi«doni tin the part of the vP tor*
would h*ve delated It■ advent There
waa deep anger In Herman hearta.
"gainst the militarist eyetem fhet wee
responsible for plunging their rnun
try Into humiliation and dieaafer. The
(iermima were aa Indignant with the
il'iheneollerna aa the fr«nch were
with the Napoleonic empire that led
them Into defeat and diet red t In 1*70.
for a generation, they might have
lieen depended upon to eschew mill
tarlam and all Ita waya, tiermany
had her advocate* of revenge, hut the
nation treated them with derlalon |
The Invaalon of the Ftuhr. with |f«l
deportation*, Imprlaonmenta and Inlrl* |
cue* have atlrred up the ernla-r* of
fierman pride
The l.tidendorff trial in Malaria an I
| the demonalriillona in Merlin In con
nectjfin with the funeral of a young '
|tierman who died In a french prlaon
are symptoms of the new apirtt which
ha* arlaen In fie rmany during the,
jlnat year, fruaalan and Mavarlan are i
one more united In fierce hostility to!
O. O. McIntyre.On Being Weary
- ■ ■ ... .—... ■ ■ .i .7
There com** that time In every
Ilf* T think when w* grow weery
nf It alL The futllty of everything
Mpa our energy and eotirag*. I,!f#
outwardly goe* on tha aame, but
within dwell* a atorm of emotion*.
gurb a period earn# to m# recently.
X waa gravely perplexed about many
thlnga. My dealrea war# unorgan
... Ized and I could not tiring myaelf
to any definite couraa of action, f
waa dlacouraged, Impotent, Inarticu
Thar# waa no particular reaaon for
all thla mental mlaarnf, sav# I had
been working harder than uaual. One
morning after a night of troubled
alaap dawn brought 1h# anawer. I,
waa thinking too much of myaelf
Nearly everything that worried me
hail to do with toy own comfort and
h» pplneaa.
f wax aelf w»»ry,. That morning
my wife and I atrolled down to tha
\cw York harbor. The »e* la alway*
Inspiring, Thera la no atlmulant like
th« aurglng break of wave* upon the
beach or the bracklxh, clean tang of
aalf air.
My thought* cleared. J decided I
via* going to think of other* for
awhile »nd forget myaelf. That after
noon I left Ilia dlatrlet In which I !
live and wandered over among the
I viaitcd an old scrub lady who had
once boon around our hote(v hut who
waa Incapacitated bv rheumatism. I
found her up three fllahta of rickety
at a Ira. I!»r hed waa little more than
a at raw pallet. A arnall patch of aky
Ihsbf kept the room from pilch dark
Here waa a. faithful creature th<
mother id afx -whoae future waa ok
\ lr a rharlly Inetlttillon l! i '.’aged
I. dlaeaae and wllh a bailor empty
alio waa not thinking of heraclf, y.he
wad thinking of ^Mra. Itonlin r.n the
» id floor who had loaf do.
I|r|e I, pad been fretting attoot In
< no -■ rfiienf ial frlvlalllea that eneom'.l only mV well being. A I. old
mother In real trouble waa trying
kuw' ely to item tht lid*
"I haw ililldren, fAggril mil III ilullicrf, »lm win- •IihiiIImk .iml Iwiiklilrifc
'ly Iriiiiblm rolli-il »»»>.
In th* *»m* tariamant dialil'i I
hhw chlldian, r ilfifad and III < dollied,
who war* ahoultn* and Im•i*'ttlnir. My
troll Ma* Kill'd away and I want horna
It ha a haen my ohi** i-vallon lhat of
all Iba people I know th'"«a of t>>«•
alalia an- likhteat liaarlad In ad.ami
l>. Thalr Im I )« navar on tha m«'
Pla/k llm<« oom* In Iharn fi'Oiianl
Jy and aa a ml* Ilia'. *r* Improvident.
but lhay navar whln». Whan on th<
road thay liu.* to lac* Ion* Jump*,
porn*'!Irrt* m poor hnf*ln ifid *v#fi
f'hfhidojphln I flit they miifUiKe to
k* < p up thHr #pirlf#
Ho ttji* ro ut tiny I went to < ill on
«f| old Hint mini Wtl I#*# *V'-*i|(hf I#
plowly fllfornim II* mum will f-o »■
t |io I - r (u hhiok nlftht. II# Mjlmmif
»i|#'ri tl f . »/ iiioii*i H'in*rr»l»nifM * * of
hi# friend#. II* 111*1 hi* with « |fim
or hi# Up#
Ktolti the ftpff|#u»* of th# multi
tu«l*ft he hjH hffn #htinf*fl in th#
lyiif kwftt%w of Ilf*. I!« quoted ftn old
Outrh provarb whlrh run*: "Knrtun*
Inal, nothing |n*t; rntirng* |n*t mttrh
ln*t; honor lo»t, mnr* lo»t. until, |oat,
nil lout,"
IU fait that through *11 hi* vlH*
alftid** h* hld'guM hi* until *nd h»
»•«* ronlant.
Thar* war* aavaral othar agparl
rnga* I hud Ihitt m*d* in* nnhnnud
of my own *tnt* of mind I had gath
• ird rourtign from thoaa who vtrr*
fur worn* off than I,
It atrlka* fn* mint of u* < ling ton
tr.m h in our own llttla rul. If wa
»t*P nut *nd look ahnut n* * * m«.n
“<• how atnall our wnrrlr* ni* and
how lirava thoti*nnd« »r* In granlar
it miff Ion*.
i'ltf of INwiinlrnt
No ally In the world parhnpa hna
*t < h a d!a#ontanfad people ria Naw
'"rk. Tha rnnatant hurry and ruah
aooft frn/,/,l<M |ha nervaa Kvary dor
lor will tall you h« haa rnora pnflenta
• offering with malanf holla thim any
<dhar allmant.
It la ruralV you aaa folk armllng
on tha afreet That ara alwaya
ridirnad on hy aomefhlng or othar.
North and aoufh one aaa a fa< aa that
ora wrlnklad with worry nmong tha
. oung aa wall aa old
Thay iry to ha gay, but aa a tula
they ne»d attnmUnt atlmolanla that
nta brewed ovar night and whb h a
taw yaara nm atahlairien twould hava
rafuaad to anipty to awlna
Kyarything la hurry, hurry, hurry
Tha motto la Quirk " tin all awlaa
.oil are II quirk lulu haa. quirk Imr
t'i*. quirk photogrnphara, quirk drug
atoi aa
Thai a nra huudiada of dellrateaaen
aiorra wha a wltaa dlah up quirk
null of in lined aoupa Indlgaatlhla
frankfurter* and equally Indlgaatlhla
potato an liol. Iluatiitnda devour It
OI lha run-a-ruah off to I hair r|ub
v lilla llo wlyaa mail off lo tha than
tar or hr'dga
Kvan lha talk l« hrlttla and alar
rato, Thera la no lelaurely ronvaiaa
tion alnnit thlnga worth while Whan
people go vlelflng Ihay remain Id or
if rhildirn do not laam to ha quhk
• hay are run d<n*n by motor trticka
and mall wagona. Men who have
fslr little hueinera »nterprtae. are
faring !o expand. They eeem to feel
aloth mean a death.
New York HI lira
And thla gore on until endurance la
tl« lunger poaalt.le and thtn cornea
mental atagnatlon—and the old fnah
toned hluee. I never vleit a amatler
community that I do not pity rnyaclf
I aee people living a life that 1 be
Itcve la meant to tie lived
They have wholeaoma Intereata that
the New Yorker never can have due
to ihe Inaallithle rueh and hurry.
Tha back fence goaalp, th« . aaoal
dropping In on the front porch, the
email talk of Ihe nelghhnrhoia! might
aratn commonplace to them, but to
tha man or woman who haa lived in
New York a great many yeara they
would ha a welcome relief
The at ranger la often Impreaacd hy
|the way New Yorkera walk along the
alreeta mumbling to themaelvra The
truth la there are llmea when they
welcome the eound of th'lr own
Moat New Yorkera are galloping
along In the hope of aome day get I
ting away from the grind and finding
peace ttut when a ripe lima cornea
• l ey want a few thouum.l more and
aa a reault neually die In harneaa |
<< npyrlgh! 1*14 t
(.Iiirkrri Ho* Hall* Wedding.
lemdnn, April 12—Chicken po» j
ih«l din**** whlrh generally la only
a mild annoyance for children haa!
brought grief lo lamdon aortaly
The aorlety folk were all aet for a j
gay nodding p«rly at th* marring* ‘
of Mia* .leaale Carlo* Clarke and l/Ord I
Arthur lluller, eon «f the Martini#
end Mtrrhloneaa of Ormonde, when
'-hit ken pug fell to the lot of the
hrlde to la*
Mr* Carlo* Clarke had to get httay '
at midnight, and ah* po*tponed the i
wedding, murhito th* dl*a|>pn|ntm*»i
of many who had «tnv*,t home from1
their night rluh# In anil. Ipallon of a
gav nediUtg any on th* following t
day. j
France. A flood of peeal/m haa Inun
d/ifed Germany.
f'roapect .Not Hopeful.
In I'lllii delu«c, all pacific elementa
are < ompleiely aubrnerited.
The aiiectAcle la likely to react on
the French electiona, which will take
place a few daya after the Orman
poll. Theae two new pnrttamenta.
auraln* with revival patrlotiaina, will
t/o /ailed upon, before there le time
for the wntera to atibaide, to deal
with the report of the Interallied e*.
p«rt* Not :i ho|e*fu| prditpect.
The Italian electlone are a triumph
for natlonallam, faaclatno aroae out of
a corn eat with aoolcltain and In Ita
method It la anti democratic, but Ita
real «plrat|on la not derlced from
lla antipathy to the economic doc
trlnea of eoriallem, nor from Ita at
ta. htnent to the Idea of autocracy
It a true that Italy auffered more
than any other allied country from
‘Trance Means to Drive Hardest Bar
gain; Prussia and Bavaria Once
More United in Fierce
Hostility to France ”
the tidal wave of nrvlaliatl? Impute?
It* Industrie* were at one time near
ly aw-arnped hy It.
Alt e|,'i**e« were therefore ready to
wehome ary movement whlrh put »n
end to th» reign of Induetrlal bullies
Thin le whet f**<!«te arcompllehed
AH the aame. thrlr movement wa*
In e#s»en<* patriot!?, not •oonomtc.
It has gathered Into It* fold ton
eervatlve*. liberal*, rtpltallgt*. *orl*l
Irt*. r*thnllca. freethinker*, prote*
It represent* * rally to th# fl*g
The mo*t atrtklng faacint appeal to
electora ooneleted of highly colored
picture*, repreaentlng attacka by arc
dallet m»ba on the Italian flag, or out
rage* perpetrated by theta on Italian
aoldler* who fought In the war.
The three election*, therefore In
dicate that there la a revival In the
tplrlt of aggreeetve nationatiam
throughout western and central Eu
rope The European . nation* are
•landing on guard for their menaced
lOHrrlilu !•»« »
ABE MARTIN On tK Tobacco Habit
( onmiitnln' Wtlh Kilnr*.
ts>t(»r Mont*, t* I* rnnfln*d t hl»
Imd thl* w**k an' th' dnrtnr **>*111*1
hi* unmatur* tlaau** *r* upart on’
III* niMa'Inn la afallori hy rtgarrl*
"* nntbad * |o( o' young gltl* »n’
woman lately that !ook*d f ua Ilk*
th*v had atallnd ngldailnn* an* wr
l.*ll*v« Hi amok In' that a caualn' It
VV« wouldn't l>* auprl**d If th' day I*
domin' wh*n t#rb«rk*r will b* a* In
ionv*nl*nt t «tt aa liquor, An' It’ll
1 "'!*• lid* o' hardahlp*. far th' habit
I* firmly **labll*h*d that auddnnly
■hullin' It off H atoll th' onuntry
Hul irformar* don't oar* nothin *Im.ui
w mikin' a ootinlry If ih*y think
ihay’r* right If klrkln' out liquor
wn* an onnomlr pmpnaiilon how
■ limit thaikar? Think o' th' 114
plan*mr* an' Ilk btlrklavrra kno, k
In ih*r plp*a nut an' fillin' *#m again,
'in fimblln around f*r match** on
th»r *niplo)*r*‘ tlma. ia>ok at th'
dark* ihal *n**k mil In lh' allay, nr I
down In lh* haaamanta, I’ »mok*
i*arat»' !>.. k at th' folk* w ho kaap
away from rhurrhaa ran** tliay ran I
amok* in >ni Think o' lh' poor pe<>
pla Ihal puff anav lhar maairar aarn
In'*' Think o' lh' atwiaiy wmnan ihal
na*lact lhar rhltdran an' anask off I'
lh' altlo I' amok a. or waala gaaoHn*
tricin' out In lh' country whara th*y
kin puff with Impunity Think o' lh
Inrnnda lh' nlrkal Hear I* makln' on
afflrlancy. an' lh' hole* lh’ thro* for
a nuartar kind ara makln In aalarla*
Think o' lh’ ru*a an' walalroala that
ara damaged by lira an' aaha*' Think
o' th' fahulou* wealth tied up In rl*at
at hnldara an briar pt|<aa‘ Think o th'
sraar annual hr# Inti cauaad by d|«r
at bull*' Think h<’'»' many cmokr-l
polltlilana hat* climbed I' high office*
by paaatn’ out l.l^ hlark ngar*' Think
o' th man art boya that hat* flapped
on our foe! at th' the «ter goln’ out
between acta t amok*' Think •' th
homes that have hoar srrecked on to
. *>unt of a mislaid pipe' Th' last thing
a murdarw* *1 -e» before goln- f th'
chair Is llaht a rlgarat. an th' Drat
ih r.g a criminal doee altar ha gft* In
th" l*« hup la ask for a ctgarat. But
trrbacker haa a iua powerful defend
ere an th’ reformat a !| know they'ye
tiaen o tight If they ever try t' put It
out o' hue-neap We don't know what
attitude |.|g business H laka on th'
<4ueatIon Th' workman that used t’
git pickled ever' flattirday afternoon
an' I-a an economic Itahllliy Till If or
It Monday mnrntn'. dldn I loaa half
as much lime al his work as Ih*
• mnker who fills a pipe or roils
■ Igareta But wa do hope •omehnddy
’ll evolve a slandardtawd nickel cigar
that won l sated Ilk* a comb buntin'
4Vd4MliSM. IH* 4