I found! Bluffs Society V -_ , ■■ , -> la | iw*w ti >th wi Hhm'M M *wd M*# T # +■+*' mlm Nw*rti ti*## \n li »■ d W»Ht lit fft* m • p it. Itatnw *♦*#• tx - a || dv*t*»t f #w riitM' liwat taM M llwlt txMM >f I f'fc to H i# Mum «hfit iit*i How »h *># i *iiM ■ . atin* IMi nail ii# ##'*!. Ii# F-M* N" 1* P**1 >4 lar* ***# ** ( tM *.«i>iao'»*-'** •**<• an# t# Mr# fit##* ,#f ixmlM |M* • l»o«*h • ..■% ii i|s* tinutoi i+*< ta are Moadamaa Sarah ll*nton Knapp. Carla! on Woodward, Drayton Buahn«ll, W, A. Maur*r, John N. Baldwin, I<*)ti* Montgomary, Thoma* D. Mrtralf. K.*E. Cox and Mlaa Adah Dnllrv. Celebrate* Hlrlhdsy at School. Kleven college friend* of Miss Car oline Thelnhardt, who la at DoPauw In Greeneaatle, lnd , helped eelebrate her nineteenth blrthduv last Sunday at a dinner which was prepared and milt hy this young atodent'a mother and her grandmother, .Mrs, M. K. Kohrer. From the dainty place card* and other appointments for the table, to the candle lighted birthday cake, everything waa sent spectal delivery from Council filuff*. Mrs. Kintz Writes Playetie. This year the Garden club in arrnng Ing their program seemed particularly anxious to have something original, and Mrs. ,T. If. Kintz, at the sugges tion of some of the members, con sented to supply material for one of the meetings which will he held late In ihe aeason. When but a girl of 16, Mrs. Kintz, at the home of her parents In Dresden, wrote a sketch entitled. "The Return from Boarding School," and to her great delight the little story, which has much to do with a bouquet of (lowers, appeared In one of the leading magazines published nt thnt time In Germany. Thin she has Just rear ranged In a playette "Say Tt AVIth Flowers" which will be presented by live of the Garden club member*. Although this charming ami talent ed matron devotes hut little time to literary work since her marriage brought her to this country, she achieved honors along those llnea In Germany and enjoya reminiscing over her girlhood days. Laughingly she tells of her desire to have a four set play "The Game of Chance" which she had written, presented to the pub lic, and knowing of the great interest which a coualn of Queen A’lctorla, the duke of Saxon-Coburg Oodha took In young people ambitiously Inclined, wrote a letter asking permission to ; have her play read to him, hoping to . st least receive a word of encourage ment. To thin he consented, and so delighted waa he upon henring It that he Immediately arranged to have It , produced In the Royal theater, by the best actorn of the country. At the first presentation he sp ‘ peered In his box, with a number of other celebrities, and knowing that the young writer was In the audience With her mother sent word that he would like an Interview with her after the second act. Over this she was most enthusiastic and being familiar with court etiquette expected to greet him very formally but he received her In a most democratic manner, ex pressing surprise at her ability and ADTiinmnEM. Beauty A Gleamy Mass of Hair 15c "Danderine" does Wonders for Any Girl's Hair • W Oli 1*! Try I HI*' When < mulling and di'-aalng your hull, |unt molatni your hull hruah wit It h lit11« "IJitnderln#” mid hruah It through your liulr. The 'yffn t la atarlllng! Vuu can do your liulr up Irnmeilliilcly and It will np penr l wire na thick and heavy- a *maaa of gleamy liulr, aparkllng with life and poaaeanlnK that Inrompurnhle •oftnea fn 'hrieaa and luxuriance. While hcaiitlfylng the liulr "l>an define" la nlao toning tind alltnuUil Ing each Mingle hair to grow thlrk. ,lopg and Mining liulr atupM fulling out and dandruff tlloappenra: (lei a Nit lie of delightful, reft lulling "Hun detjine" at any drug nr toilet runnier .unil )UMt «ee how healthy and youth ful your hair beconfca. Mr* Wallun% Shoparrf a i\uvs\ 1 — Pfcoto by M#fi». Mm. Wallace Sheoard. Numbered among the spring visit ors In Council Bluffs is Mrs. Wallace Shepard who came from Cleveland, O., to adtenil the wedding of her son, Whllnce, Jr., and Miss Dorothy Jud son, which will be solemnized in (lira ha on April 30. Mr*. Shepard I* visItlnR at the home of her slater and brother In law. M*. and Mrs. William Pypor, and will also spend some time with her |>nr ent., Mr. and Mrs. .John 1. I.lit*. tni Wednesday of this week Mrs, Frank Judson of Omaha will (five a let fir Mrs. Shepard. hopes thnt sfie would continue her literary pursuits. Because of her deep gratitude for the help he had given her, she later wrote a sonnet, dedicating It to hint which he personally acknowledged In a very lovely letter which »he now prizes highly. Before reaching the age of 21, Mrs. Klntz, published a novel entitled. "Pawned" and also contributed a series of ai th ick to various publics tlons. In addition to her literary work Mrs. Klntz plays the violin anil Is most talented along artistic lines ns was evinced last week when the Garden cluh memhers received origin al and attractive yenr books wlgch were entirely her work. The pages were rut In the shape of baskets and what appeared to he a bouquet on the cover design were really little hook marks of vari colored blossoms which may be easily slipped from their places. Interesting Summer Plans. Among the passengers sailing from New York on the S. H. Adriatic, June 7, will he Mr. and Mrs. John Galvin of this city who have planned an in teresting trip for the summer. After* a stay of a month or more In Ireland, a country In which the Galvins are deeply Interested, they will go to London for the American Bar association meeting when shout 1,000 or more Americans and their wives will he guesls of the Kngllsh, Canadian and Australian attorneys. During August Mr. and Mrs. Gal vin will probably Journey Into Krann and Italy hut have not as yet planned a definite Itinerary. Bridge-Tea. Four talile* were filled with play era when Mr*, Clarence Kmpkle en tertalned at * bridge-tea ln*t Wed n**day at her hom# on I^ifayette. avenue. Spring Recital. More than 20 puplla of Ml** Mlnnl* hell* Roblnaon appealed In a very at tractive dancing recital recently In the K. of P, hall and in-eaented a very pretty picture In their aoln and enaembl* work, Mr*. Wolfe anil Son Sot Coining. Mr*. Clifford Wolfe and *nn, Cl If ford, Jr., have given up their plan to vlnlt Mr*. Wolfe'* parent*, Dr. and Mr*. Donald Macrae, Jr., till* aprlng, but the Macrae* expect to go eaat during the coming ainnmer and will apemt aoriie time with their daughter amt inn Ih law In Rockland, Me. Mr*. Stewart lloalea*. Lunching with Mr*. Charle* Teat Stewart laat Monday were the im-m her* of her bridge club who aperit the afternoon with card*. An additional gueat Wa* Mr* tleorge Htewarl of Kort Leavenworlh, Kan,, wlio departed Krlddy for hi i home after a, vlalt of about la day* In Connell Jiiiiff*. Celebrate Natal Day. Mr. and Mi*. Henry H. denning* had a family dinner at their home laat Monday, the oecaalon being the fourth birthday annlveraary of their »on, Henry Jr. f’eraonal*. Mlaa June Pavla I* recovering anil* factorll.v from a tnnall operation. T.ee J>avia of I’aMhdena, Cal,, waa a recent vlaitor at tho John I'. Havl* heme, Mr. and Mr*, fliarit Corey expect 111 move about l week hence to Hchetiectady, N. V. Mr. and Mr*. Donald Annl* had a* llu-ir gu**| fur a few day* laat week Mia* Korfllu I'ue.ick of Creaton, la Mr* Harvey Jackea I* hero from Repina. 1'anada, for a aprlng vlalt with her parents, Mr, and Mr*. K M. Cady, Mlaa l.llllan Hhabln of (he home tl> inonatration department plana to leave M il lull a fortnight to r< able In Amea, la, Mia* Allierta llrnivn and Mlaa Marie Merrill of (lie llhinrv alaff me plan ring lo leave during Hie enmipg month fur a »lx-woek*‘ aojourn on the Pacific coast. They will return home by way of the Canadian flock lea, spending some time at Lake Louise. Mr. and Mrs. Heed Fllcklnger are receiving congratulations on the Mrth of a son, who will la* called Heed Ahbot Fllcklnger, Jr. Miss Caroline Thelnhaidt, who at tends MePuuw university In clreen rustle, Jnd., will spend the Faster va cation In Louisville, Ky. Betlv anil Winfield Muyne, children of Mr. and Mrs. \V. V Muyne, left •Saturday for Harlan, la., to spend Master week with Ibeir grandmother., Mrs. Mon Waller and aons, Jimmie and lmnald, Jr., who have been with relatives In lies Moines sines Novem ber, returned horns during ihs Iasi weeje. Mrs. John Calvin returned Thurs day from Mason City, whers on Tues day afternoon she addressed the Women's club at US general meeting on ''Modern Poetry." Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hralnerd and children, who have been In Moran, Kan , for several months, returned to Council Bluffs during the last week and will reopen their home on Shrr man avenue. Mrs. Kmnift Tlnley left Friday morning to spend about a week or HI days at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., with Colonel and Mrs. (ieorga Htew art. Mrs. Stewart was formerly Mias IIIIsabelh Htelvart of Ibis city and has been a recent visitor In Council Bluffs. Mi** Until* lb,**, who attend* Mmlrnwuod at HI. Churie*. Mo,, 1* exported home next Willy for a vl*lt with Her parent*. Mr. nnd Mr*. Dillon Ho**. Ml** Amy ftohln*on, who I* nl*o * itudent there, will not return to round I Ulurf* for th* aprlng vacation, but plan* to apemt Kaatei with relative# In Ht, lamia. Dr. and Mrs R. K. Werndorff. who have been living on Franklin avenue In the Walter llughea home line* !a*t October, expect lo move during the rowing week to 401 North Herond atreet, th# home recently occupied by dohn (lardner. Mr. and Mia. Hughe*, who have been In Cored, Nab., are planning to return to Council Hluffa In the very near future. Chriat Uiild Society. The book* which nr* moat uaed In »he library are fn*t going to piece# A fnirchaae of Til new hooka waa matin and the delight with which they wet# received by the children aeeined like the greeting of long #ep* united friend*. On Wednesday afternoon from 8 l# 4 n clilldren'M party wa* given al the Omaha Copter, A "movie" wa* shown for th# #n terlalnment of the children and their parenla on Friday evening Following the practice of having cm I| aewlng circle meet al the can O r oil, ,, dm 111,: lent. Circle No, 1, of w III, h Mr*. H II. |Hi} Ic |m chair wfotnnn, met on Turadny ttioinlng Hlncc tile aewlng circle* have been meeting al the center, It Iota hern found neceaaury to aectira a aewlng machine The one »* hail waa dam ogrd In the fire, Tf nnv frlenda hnx-e one to donate the ancle! y will be grateful, I he number of bablca brought to the center during the month wa* R2 Four to w liable* were received and two were diamiaaed, »*♦»«♦* «l»flti< «f W-M l**» *«•*■ hH|M M«Ml h* IP* •*»«*♦ N W» • MPil MkM< **•! W»* * ** Mi* I* »Wi> «*f *P* l*H*l ***~**lH***-« **•*•* .»* Ml MPt **«P MP I »ir •*•«• MM HP ■ «*»* p»P' u* Mllrn M •** PPM** iPPP • '**•* *.* *M. M*««• | Mil iPlwiiPtuP M* Mm PttttlP P4* llupt* rtiiMhUM Mfl Mil inilif IPi »*M*l Ip ** M*’ ' • Ml* M IPi M*Pm4 *•*«• **•* *<».« IPi MmP PW* Mull «*W wiip IP* **«*«*>» •*•****» TP# rPIMl **i > h*** PP'iP *"• twin **l*Ml*tlM Ml I pi PlM «*W 1* **,i*Mnt PHP *IM**i» *M**»n»l »••'* liPt-it v f*f*Mn>* 4 *''>l * Pin* W*M Man it* ***i(.M*iiM l.«»i mP IPi** j i Inin fr*»t" IP* |w*PWr •< po«l* *m*>* ft** iBilfllrtlM* IP ItPlil* MH South Side Women • club It’* d > | natrd til fat lha (tuntuw nf I** « of a fdHure for tht Sttilh Sid* (.ran- It Tht* gift wa* •">' In !»• «* nil ion nf enucleate* received In III* South Side library Ity 1h* Woman » ■ lob of South Omaha The 1 *nlyarally nf Wl*< onaln II hrarv arhool r*«JU*etcd *« onple* of tha .lanuafv Uhrary bulletin, which I* t-omnUed bv Mia* Tobltt and staff Thl* bullet In contain* a very romttr# henaive Hat of periodical* tinder sub feel claaalflcBfIon. Via* I.ultl Myers, aaalatant In the referenre flaps rt men t *nd In the hoa pllal llhrarlea. ha* resigned to *o to Oallfnrnta. Ml*a Ituth Mcllvalne ha* been appointed In nil her place. "None So Blind." hy Albert Parker Filch. I* the atorv of Dick Hlaladell’a year* at Harvard. Dr. Fitch ha* drawn the Harvard background «o faithfully, hi* characters are such very human hoy*, hi* theine so vital and hi* treatment so refreshingly Idealistic that the book will he a wel come aui'prlse tn those who have complained that there I* no Inspira tion to he found In the novel* of the hour. * Kxcavat ions near Washington, !> | C\. have unearthed n leaden plate hearing the inscription, "Virgin Pare.” and not far from the same spot a mould encrusted leaden casket containing aonje crudelv fashioned heads and a document which was taken to New York to he deciphered When that Is effected, light may he thrown on n mystery that has hith erto baffled all res# arch the f.to #>f Sir Walter Raleigh's lost colony on Roanoke Island, Va. Virginia Pare was the first Knglish child to he born on American wojI. She Is the heroine of Mary .Johnston’s romantic novel, 'Vrontnn,** which purports to give an account of what became the rnysteri ously lost colony. The library of the New Ym k hot.m leal garden, Bronx parks, has a< qulred what Plrectnr Nathaniel A. Britton calls the most Important ml I lection of books on botany and horti culture which has ever passed from the old worjd to the rt< w The pur chase of this collection is cited ns the { most noteworthy Incident of the, year In Pr. Britton's report for the] year ending .January It. 1&24 the collection comprises ahoiit R.OOoj bound volumes and a still larger i number of pamphlet* and ttnlsiund volumes. They were bought from the botanical garden of ihe city of Ren eva. Switzerland, wh» h offered it for sale In Ms entirety for 72,000 Swiss francs, about $12,000. Social Settlement Note*. Twalva mu ale pupil* ara *tudylng nt tha Sattlemant. An Kngliah Haa* hue recently barn organized to meet In private home* A half tltna hoy'* worker. Mr. W J, t’urran ha* hern aitileit to the staff. On next Monday night a ftubacrlp tlon supper will l*> given liy mine 25 or la senior Huh member*. The giieai* will lie member* of the board hiiiI their husbands, nl»o lie1 Hum tier* of the ailvlaory rommlttee. Two rlulifl In millinery hair tieen niKanlr.nl and have proved great drawing eardn among Iha young women The month of Marrh end* with * club and claaa raglalratlon of ap proxlmnlaly *20, a volttnlear workara raglalratlon of K4, ae\en new actlvl lie* alerted during Ihe month, ahd 41 claaae* organized and functioning The volunteer workara have been *■ cured from chinch** collage*, worn en'a Hub*, Iha Junior l.eagna niol from tha tank* of tha aanlor club i inemhac*. _Benson Society_ M -i* «M H *•»«» fc»f* WmwI n«A** 1 •to At*** I tot *f R*# A d Ito * 1*# * pint 1*1 ml**Pi A 1*4* to 1 I Ik II AiwImI to M** I' I ♦**•• *4* j did I# ; Holt* Smith, **tophon* koto; ll*l.a I.**** rd khri dnil Yount Plano dtirl ,l**n I'mfl, rwllnWott and rfnnrr Rotort Yount, funding l>nr othy Stratwa piano aoln; Mnllarr rn i«.>n. flut* *olo, Krul I in v,». vt»>-at nolo; Mr a .John hrltton, mailing piano goto* l.y .Martha liolhairi and I'M 11 It Adam* Ruth Smith, trading, am) a group of Ronaon Nfltral tlr'a, unrior th* dlmctlmi of Mr*. Young, put nn a playlat. A doubt* danr* *»» put on by Dorothy and Loula* Rrotv* Cleanup and Beautify Week. Th» week tieglnnlng Monday, April 14 la to he dealgnated aa "Cleanup and Beautify Omaha" week. The Henaon Commercial club and Woman * club have been ret|ueated to aaelat In the work In Henaon and vicinity. Mra. F. IT. Young la chair man of the civic committee for the Woman'* club arid la planning an ex tenalve campaign. Narclaana Chapter O. K. S. The regular Initiation aervlce of the Narrlaaua chapter of the O. E. H will he conducted Thuraday eve ning, April IT, In the I. <>. F. hall. Birthday Dinner. Mr. and Mra. O. Arthur Melchei entertained at dinner Wedneaday, compllnienlary to their eldeat *on, Willi*, who wa* celebrating hla 1.1th hlrthdav. Cover* were epread for Mra. Melcher'a parent*. Mr. and Mr*, ft. O. Franclaco and Mr, anti Mr*. Metcher and four aon* Dinner ftiirat. Mr. Arthur Bond wa* a Thuraday dinner giu-at al the home of Mr anil Mra. Paul Wilcox. I’arent Teacher Aaaoelatlon. The Henaon Parent Teacher aaaocln tlon will hold aeaalnn Monday, April 14. at 1 IS in the l!o*e HM achool. After the hualneaa aeaalon Mlaa Eva King, pupil of Mr* E. .t. Whlitler, will give a mualcal reading and Ml** Caroline Wolcott Collin*, from the Ne braak* l.lghl and Power company, will «|M*ak on "Itom* Elghtlng, the Aid to Beauty." Mr*. M. Felerman will rentier a group of vocal aelec tlon* Mr*. Walter Relahaw ha* charge of thla program To Itanee the Minuet. Klghi member* of the miixlc depott Inert of the Renaon Woman a rlub put on the "Minuet” at a program given Thuraday afternoon at the Hcnttlah nilea temple. Km h lady ap peared In colonial ooatome. Knlrrtaln* *1 Uachron, Mra. R. V. Hyde entertained at luncheon Monday, complimentary to Mra. I>. Sturt a and Mra. Walter Itelahaw and children, Walter Fred erick and Kleanor, who are moving next week to their new home on Fowler avenue, Kntertaina at Country llonte. Memtrer* of the double five club woie enteitalned at a luncheon Fri day al the borne of Mra. Harvey Soger near Valley, Neb. \nnual f ongregational Hliinrr. The annual congregational dinner of the I'reehyterlan churrh waa aetved In the church dining room. After dinner, reporta of officer* and committee chairman were received. It waa voted by the congregation to extend a call to Re*. Ferguson of Alliance Neh , to the paatorate of the Renaon church. Kntertaina firand l.odge of the I. O K. Mra. .Innice Shield*, f>n2» Kmtnet alreet, xxaa hoateaa Friday afternoon AhrKMrtHr.MKMT. aiiwkii'hiknt. Girls! Say Goodbye to Dull Yellowish Teeth New Safe Liquid and Special Paste Whitens Stained Teeth—Instantly Idvf i v man admii «** personal dainti n«fM In flu* fiilr p#* 1. 'tilt mi a 111 fan In Irtily dalntv and rhaiiultia with dull ) p||nw|p|i tnet It lllmu Imdrni l '«till III MH t Ion inp|* rml. i fi*W « ••III p and whlfrn* |p*th inat'itilly, at honir l,nnr« fprth flHMhlna whit*, hiPtintm and rlpan Contain* nlld aafp liquid which looapna and auft‘HI plain* and ii apnciitl pnatn which unntiy remove* them. Worka InaUntly Quicker, wurer, wafer than old w< outing ninth ndn which In,lured enamel. Money Inwtamh i efuudrd If not delighted with firm applied i Inn WARN! NCI Mont' accept chrap li*i«iId Imitation* Alwnvw Ineiwi on grfiyinn lllnm hodnnt t’ornhlnatlon. tha SAI**K im.itnont For «ali* h> all good dltigglnta. t# tite erndPH IM ft*#*! «4 i4i | «% |t f»# »fc| Mti iftiit —ft f fif 4f* >ni 4 it tMt if" i * in Mm iffil 1*1* t4»»* Moitpft 4 ik« fwtt*s§ iMMO'f MN ;.H| M«|| if IM tV*p*t*t p(fe4tt *• f** = 4 * 41 MMfttltk it i lMd| |M* | ff %ft* t tA, ift i tmn | Aft ♦ft% ititi«f» * I i it I* ft 4 if aft i mkiitM |e ft I* if Mr in M*^fMf ftrttftf aift Mi tftted Mrfft* dltf I AdW* 4*d Ml* if IlMfi, till |g««4ift I In 1 i fftift fpfiftftt. ttlt hi hftteH M Mum 4m r iflftfftffoft April 1« to INI mm larva rf the Methodud laid!** Aid Mil Mtnr I’red *M M« t l t,*od»n ft II IMIil IH* friliif i I hiiHiltn Junior Utah f IimmiIi** M •« Hetnice Cifkiln Pkiert4tkftl| h**t junior high i iaeamat* * at a |ftih •I he* hw In IteftPMfihMtftt Wednee day afternoon fn>m 3 to 4, Pink 4id| ft Hite ft nr tfftnf aa a c»dor a» Heine thtmighoi.it the r«*o»ni and i dainty, pink and fthlte lumheon «m rrrved j The afternoon hm et»ent in mimic and gamer May Pmihaar Mmle Machine. The Henenn Haptlat « hurrh la eon teiTiplatltie ttie (itift'hnre of a moving phftire mat bine to l»e need In the portray ll of rellglout and educational auhjecia. a trial picture entitled "The Jack Knife Man," naa put on In the church Friday evening Should the committee decide to purchase the fna chine. It will he need In the Hun* day evening eervhea. World Wide Onlld. Mr* Sharp *nt*r»*lned at her home Monday evening complimentary to the young ladle* of th# Baptist world wide guild organisation. Mr*. Bowman. 5*20 Military avenue, will I* host#** to the guild member* at 3.30 p. rn. Monday, April 21. The young ladle* will sew for mission hospital* at this meeting. I'lits on Cantata at Bellevue Cliiireh. Mr. O. Arthur Meleher, director of music for the Bellevue Presbyterian church, and hla choir will sing th* cantata, "Paster Praise," by Carrie B. Adams, Sunday evening, April 20 at th* Bellevue church. Kiitertafhs at Puncheon. Mis* Dorothy Horn entertained at luncheon *t h*r home Friday, com plimentary to the officer* of th* Girls' Reserve Personal*. Charles Green, student In the state university, spent a few- days with hi* liarents, Mr and Mr*. W. D. Green. Miss Klolxe VVrav spent h<-r spring vacation with h*r unde, Mr. P K Wray, and Mr*. Wr*y In Kearnej N'eh. Mrs. F. Warner Smith and son. .Junior, of Beatrice, .N'eh.. are giu-sts at the home of Mr. and Mrs J’aul Wilcox. Mr. and Mr*. A. C Morton of Pin cnln siient the week-end with Mr. Morton s parent*, Mr. *nd Mr* B. It Morton. Mr. snd Mr*. It. C. Sturt* snd Mr. snd Mr*. W. F Retshsvv *nd family wtll move th# early part of the week Into their new home at 23<15 Fowler avenue. Miss Dorothy Ttoth left Thursday to spend th* week end with her elster. Kunlre, who is attending achool If Mm*»iP «.**•*#«*?* !*•«*••«* n« .t mm> Hit M * Wiim«« *M VI .*,* AHM *M * **** N*rt* **♦ ■> i , ...* •««* **■«»» »«**<» *' «M hnM* r* Mr *M Ml* | M’-****1 M,» #**« <* Mw** *M **>*»>*>■ ,4 tmt Si* *♦•**" *M ***« "* *| iM 1mm *1 M* *M M * ) • **•* *,»*» M»* >* * «**« **♦ Mi* M~r*» Mr *M Mi* lit* •rtwitN h***** !*>"*■! t* '*• ***** l«l »M** »M* ***** «**• •**"** *n| tMM MM**** Mr* * I •** ’ •M Mr Nh* __ ^ \ , P .11. ft, J *(•**•• «»(•! «»•»■># ■<***•* **** 11 ■ t ft tutfeai fltiiMP 4* Mom w*r*t#*t *W1 Py«***^ * ****** «f HWl •**♦»*♦ fPftMMftftl "■*' H P WMtH _ _ Ho*4«« «•*«♦*■ P*»#*V '%m* I rt*M t 14 INnao* Mitt • •***»* P • '*♦ fUH | * Jmp. >| t#tfi P**H tM 4 g*4*?** >f,*t*tfl* f*r .-§*»*!•* I •• f ^ i ' * MaftfHn *» |*>«(« I (Hi 1 * «f r|«t* Mh«M« Ih4 • ♦***••» **t 1-ftntftM-* I ft* t *»»«#(*• ! » *• P *. *^»»* ff*« M«f h •* b»oi, I |l ftlifb ft fc ■« * a** 4»p**r ft *ft I A M *• M-» * 1 •• man ******* »AP JuWdt WtH **•*♦*•• fi»t*n*a manftt* ft •'* Pharma* irta**t* ' »-«*• «** ip* Til Jar.-•!# «ftlfl M***»4** «»»•'/ |>. *» I Mfii* MMV "tr» Vr H iMOn h**m « »** * * |t> *~'m «»» ,.«» *• *' * *» •= • !*• »•►<** *»1 *•* *» ... » • •<». I 4m % ' I 1 * I l ( *w# » • tkutMli k >1 >*• 1 * P , ,-t . , . H * it «**►* **■ V •* I . - I II I Ik *M I | IM«* * ** ’ • " • p tH !*« » k* | f* «'•»• »*• • M.,k1 •M frwuln ••• •*» ” **«t • **** •#'♦< t*H» r tnitk ffc» (*«lh*k !• (*•! *• HMM HikM *1*H • ft* * • f* >» AIM I M 1*1 It M WOMEN! DYE OLD THINGS HEW Swfaifr* Skim Co«t» |)fe**e* Kimono* iJfaf-f Glftf* ,r Stock1n, » Kili'h ISoon! p#rkSK» *if I' • Dyaa" contain* direction* *o sin any *tmm can dya or tint an" worn, faded thlrg new, even • has never dyed before. choose »• oolor at drug store. Cleans Gloves and the Auto Upholstery Which Soils Them Cnbrgine, the perfect dry cleaner, cleans white kid and all fabric gloves and helps to keep them spot less by cleaning velour, broadcloth and leather automobile upholstery, as well as all seat covers and the in sides of tops. Carry a can in vourcar. i 35<* All Drug Stores Leaves No Odor I How I Regained Strength < to do My Work * rACTORV i No 4 IMriOT((5tNTRA«CI t 11— MM C. M. MAftUKO • it roiTRu eaaa RoCMn’li, „ V. ^JIRIjS work in mill*, offices, factories, stores and kitchen* all over this land, often far beyond their strength. Frequently such a girl is the only bread winner of the family, and ►he must toil on, even though her bark aches, she throbs with pain, tin* headaches, diizy spells, i* all dragged out and utterly unfit for work, Lydia E. Pink!)am’* Vegetable Compound builds health and strength for such women, a* is evidenced by the many grateful letters which ara nvcivod, attesting to the value of this old fashioned root and herb medicine. - How This Young Woman Got Relief Rocmksteb, K. V.—"I uaexl Lvdia K. Pinkhatn'n A'egwtable Compound for weakneaa and A dianlsiemcnt. Thin troubled me A lot when 1 walked and when l waa aitt ng down iind I hid to alar away front work a great deal It made me weak and nervoua too. I learned alwut Lydia X. t’inkham'a Vegetable Compound from one of your hook it« and read about bow it bad helprd ao many. It baa done ao much for me I mm recommend it to olliera I am able to work in the factory now and can walk buck and forth to work and enjoy it. I am very glad to have v >u uet tbrao fact- a> a testimonial.”—Mr*. C. M. tUino, 221 Central Park, Rivbrater, N*. Y. Another Woman's Experience T rniMiTov, Mirn "I antlered every month and waa very Irregular, had h- ad *> lira all Itie time, waa thin and pate, with no appetite. I bad taken all kind* of medicine* mid every doctor told me I would have to face an operation before 1 would be well again I waa only a working girl, doing factory work and I had *o a toy at home ao much that I waa getting rather di aeon raged. My mother whined me to fry Lydia Iv Pttikham'a \cgetahle Compound and I did ao w ilh g-xat reaultn. 1 am now- feeling fine. I have etartod to lie more regular and gaining in -trengih an t weight alao, I have adviaed all mv girl friemla to take your wonderful jucdmne. ’ \Tr», IhmEska MflHiUt, t.’S S. Rath Avenue, l.iulington, Michigan. The Standard Remedy for Woman's ills is Lydia E. Pinkham’s Ye detable Compound ^^CYDIA K• PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. UYNN, MAS*