The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 13, 1924, CITY EDITION, PART THREE, Page 3-C, Image 27

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    [ CLUBDOM j
follptfi* Nitflit
• .*)•** M(M la I* *t»»4 Ml* | *1,
IH ntillf IMt'W t» Mh •**"*
* t«l * r IH IWtilM IMI«« of-d* <4
' ih * to** fha ihmI iMilr im
iH(i|itniM 1**1 ini **♦»«* *k*
XV«*hlog**** 111** H*tfc (l*M »l twita
** o**«*mm
11 1*tn* mat* I# ha** *11!
* it* *»a ***4 NNtvarMtl** **tir***n'M,
p*i4 ft* **rl* *|*«|* la ***r*t>nd la mil
* ■11 h? *1* lit* iHlr mil*** * hi*#
Ih* firn*r*tn Ihla ***r kill I* •
filar *!**** tty lh* Kmml Kltth nf lh*
I nlr*t*H* «l Kahn***a. II I* a Ihfaa
arl n*ii*li*al »*it a* ***nra, ant Iliad
"Th* XX’i*hin* Hu**," wrltf*n by
Cyril I* I'nnfitb* la IHI. winning lb#
I lit! I'M** for tha h*»t nrl«lnal tnanti
At’llnn In lh" atnry lah*a plan* nn
a rlrrua ground* In front nf * aid*
#hnw, rirrua |t*rfnrni»r#, mualrlan*,
aitnndam* and tha ballyhoo, min*!*
with a amall town audlanr* all unrtar
Mi* watchful aurvrlllano# of Ih# yll*
Inga ronatald*.
nn# of lha I**! of Ih# 1* original
aonga, "flirting Away In X’lrflnla,"
baa barn a hit In I.lnrnln,
Oliver Maywnll of Omaha la praab
dent of Ih# Kogmai Kluh Ihla y**r.
Datiglitora of 1812.
The Nebraska chapter of the Daugh
ter* of Ml2 haa been honored In hav
ing two of It* officer* represented in
the hatlonnl convention which will
meet In Washington April 21, 22 and
23. Mr*. O. C. Wlnterson, the presi
dent, haa been named on the bnnquet
end reception committee, and Mra.
l'ranklin A. Shotwell, curator for the
1* Nebraska state society, has been
named a page to the national con
At Wllaon’a tomb on Easter Sunday
afternoon the pages will sing "Croaa
ing the Bar," by Alfred Tennyson,
which haa been arranged by David
E. Roberta and Dr. Daniel Brotheroe.
They will have the honor also of un
veiling the marble tablet erected In
memory of Francis Scott Key, author
of the "Star Spangled Banner," on
the Ftyincla Scott Key bridge over the
Potomac river In Washington on the
ofternoon. of Monday. April 21.
The president and Mra. Coolldge
will receive the delegates to the con
' entlon Immediately after the Memo
t lal bridge ceremonies on Monday.
Mra. N. N. Potts will give an eve
ning reception on Motylay night and
a banquet will be held at the Willard
hotel on Tuesday evening, April 22.
Miss Hnulshnw KiikurikI
^----.... ...^
\ GlUn. Frances Brad skaW he yn photo ;j
Mr. and Mra. Da Kmmett Bradshaw
announce the engagement of their
daughter, Kllen Prances, to Mason H.
Zerbe, eon of Mr. and Mrs. M. O.
Zerbe of the South Side. Miss Brad
shaw hae been attending the Nebras
ka university where ehe specialized
In music. She Is a member of PI
Beta’ Phi, and the musical sorority.
Delta Omicron.
Mr. Zerbe graduate* from the Iowa
State college at Amea, la., In June.
Me la a member of Delta Tau Delta
fraternity. Yeaterday, at the Omaha
club, MIbb Bradahaw gave a luncheon
to a few of her Intimate frlenda an
noudng her engagement. No date
ha* been aet for the wedding.
Both Mm. Wlnteraon and Mr*. Shot
well will attend thl* convention and
Mr*. ShotweU will remain aa a dele
gate to the league of American Pen
women convention, which will be held
at the Shoreham hotel In VVaahlntrton,
April 23 to April 2fi.
* ^
Club Calendar for Week
Hwm of Mnne, eervlree flunday at t
J* tn. Mr*. Kete Copeland In charga.
ilia Junior Young People e aoelety of tha
'1 bird I’reahy terian church will furnish
a epeclal inuelmd number
Olil I’mplr'a Home, 1126 Fontanel!#
boulevard; eervlree at 2-20 p. nr Bar,
)'■ K IreFreee. paetor of tha Lutheran
church of Our Redeemer, aaeleted by
tnernbera of hla choir, will conduct tha
(let Acquainted club tonight at 7 p. m.
at the Flret Unitarian church, Turner
boulevard rind Harney afreet. Mr. and
Mr*. Albert O. Fuller, boat* The Belvl
dere Woman * club will preaent a play.
' The Kxchnngt*," directed by Mra Havfd
OP H Oreleaer The Harry Konovltrh or
* be*?ra will play *e|«cted Kuealan melo
Hellen e f hautanqua cirri# at tha
Uinckatoue Monday for a 1 o'clock lunch
Tannyeon Chautauqua elrele at tha T.
M'. (', A Monday at 2 p. m. Mra. Mcc
Drew, leader.
Nr rain club, I o’clock luncheon Tueaday
a* the home of Mra. F. J. Martin, 2614
l'owler avenue
Dundee Chautauqua circle with Mre.
Helen Morton, loo, i North Forty-ninth
airitt, Monday, at 1,30 p. m.
Omaha woman'# club, directory meet
ing at 1.30 In tha orcheatra room under
the atage at Technical High achool.
Jobe* Daughter#, bethel No. I. enter
tain* Council itiuffa bethel at dinner In
the charnpter room at tho Mnaocl* temple
Monday night.
Omaha Woman'# club, open meeting,
f 10 p. m , In the Technical High achool
auditorium. Mra. Philip Potter preaiding.
.Program by apeech aducatlon depart
Him* Lima Chautauqua Circle meals
with Mrt I*. .1. Mhecran, 2229 Ogden ave
i us n t :: o', |gnk TiiNd • -
Omaha Woman's club, lug h<on at Pret
t eat Mila club at 1 o'clock undar tha
direction of tha litaratura departrnant.
| Mermo dub masting postponed from
'April 1 will be bald Tuesday with Mra.
waiter O. Prlea. On# o'clock luncheon.
| I*. K. O. I hapter H. M., at tha home of
'Mrs Paul Havana, 101 North Forty-first
| atraat, Mrs Clemens Waldron, aaalatinf.
Loomis ( hautenon* Circle meats Tuee
! day at t p. m,, In tha V W. C A Laa
iSon, chaptara I, last two sections, and 19.
South Omaha Woman’s oluh, musical#
at the homo of Mra. O. O. Root at Lib
arty hall, Tueeday, April II, at 1:20 p. m.
George A. Coaler Woman’s Relief com
at tha homo of Mra. Mrs. Johnson, 1211
Lake atraat, to tie comforters. Luncheon.
Omaha Woman'* club R. M * will en
tertain residents of tha old People's
homo, 1196 Fontonolle boulevard, Wednes
day, at 1:90 p. vn.
P. m>. O. Chapter B 1 o'clock lunch
• on with Mr*. Paul Gillespie, 617 Mouth
Fifty first avenuei Mra. A. F. isingarnan
Ahamo A miliary to the Typogrsphloal
union, at 1:20 n m . Tuesday at tha homo
of Mro. James Klrikead. 2(03 Pierce street.
Mrs. C. (i. Trlem, assisting.
K O. fl. No. I, regular -erd party Tue*.
day at 2 p. m , In tha Klks club rooms
IP,stee«es are Mra. Homar Knight and
Mr« Nat O'Pnn
Omaha Vlualnoag Women's club, dinner
at tha Y. W. C. A at gift p. m April
5roup In charge, lad by Mias Doris me
an. MuaP- by Mr. and Mrs U K.
Catchall, followed by a talk on "Tha
Omaha Smelters" by Simeon Jonaa.
Omaha Woman's clah, speech education
department in flurgasa.Nssh auditorium,
Tuaaday, at 10:16 a m. Kttemporaneoue
*r,ae< h*s by Maadarnao R. V. McKelvr, F,
H. Waatarftald, W, J. Travar, If. J.
Knudaen, L P. Roberta, L. F. Wllcos,
Howard Smart, Jams# R Kilkenny. Ro
yiaw of push. time, force and quality by
Edwin Pula
ft. O. K. No. I, special business meat
Ing In the ICIke club rooms Wednesday
k< I v in. Final matting In tha old
ilub rooms,
Omaha ( ollege Club, book review aectfon
Wednesday. nt 4 p. rn , with Dr, Jennie
Califs*. Mrs Calvin of Council ftluffs
ivlli review ioo«|err. poetry.
P, K. O., Chapter l». K., will rqaat for
a 11 o'clock luncheon Wednesday, April
14, with Mre Pearl McGrow Karris, 114
.Vorth Thirty-third street. Mre. J. R Mc
Graw assisting
P. R. O., Chapter C. R., will meet W*d
Wednatday with Mra. A. F. Ptryker, 41 IS
Mouth Twenty-third atreet. Mra. William
ftedgwlck assist ant hostess.
Alice B. Howard Chautauqua Cirri*
Thursday at 7.10 p. m., In they f. W.
C. A.
I nHy Mindy Clnb, Thursday afternoon
from f to 4 at IS 14 Burt street. Mre. C.
Young lesder.
P. R. O. i liapter R, 1 o'elock urnheon
with Mrs Flohert L, Grant, S177 Jeckaon
atreet, aaeleted by Mrs. Hervey.
Miller Park Presbyterian rharrb.
woman's anr|#ty, at 2:30 Thureday at the
home of Mr*. Frank Neef, 237# Marcy
Alpha f/odg* Mtft Myetl* Workers, sard
party *t their hall In th* A. O. V. W.
building, Fourteenth snd Podge street*,
April 17.
Biff Misters, dinner st 4:11 p m . Thurs
day at th* Y. W. (\ A. .followed by a
regular husln«s» meting. Mr*. Hlchard
Johnson and Mrs. Hattie Jaskaleck will
give a one act play.
O. K. M., I.lberty Chapter Kensington
Club., Thureday afternoon In the lied
rrosa room at the Mesonfo temple. A
musical program has been arranged, Mre,
Gilbert Wetherhlll In charg*
C, A. Grant Women** belief Corpo,
regular meeting Thursday at l;J0 p. rn.,
in Memorial hall, courthouse. Arrange
ment* will be made for all who will at
tend the department convention *t Fre
mont, May 4, 7 and I. Old Guard Post
V«wi Ara I'raahytrrl an ahurah. mil*
alonary aoclaty. at tha homa of Mra. A.
ft Walla Friday aftarnoon.
F. E. O.. fhap tar f. V., 1 o'clock lunoh
aon Raturday. April If, at tha T, W. C.
A t#ivan t»y Mra. T)aan W. Fay.
R. F. C. Kanalnrion at tho homo of
Mra. W A. WI|roa,^f47 Ernmat arraot,
Friday at t p m. Mra. M. J. McKltrfck
In chart#
If an or om I'ark Mol had lot ahurob. w*.
roan'a foratfn mloalonary aoclaty. !>ant#n
aarrloo on Oood Friday at l;St r m.
Rpaolat mualc Mra W F. Harford will
flvo tho Raatar maaaafo.
I ■ 1 ....
Quality Day-Bed.
Hand finished walnut ends—
nil-cotton fait mattress cov
srad in splendid quality err
tonne of pleasing design, hr>!
fully equipped with caster*
and guaranteed rustproof
Complete $15.75
1919 Farnam
Sure Way to Get Rid of Dandruff
Girls—if you wsnt plenty of thick,
beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by
all means get rid of dandruff, for it
will starve your iiair and ruin it if
you don't.
It doesn’t do much good to try to
comb or wash it out. The only
sure way to get rid of dandruff is
to dissolve it; then you destroy it en
tirely. To do this, get aliout four
ounces of ordinary liquid arvon;
apply it at night when retiring; use
enough to moisten the scalp and rub
it in gently with the finger tipi.
By morning, mo*t, if not all, of
your dandruff will lie gone, and two
or three more applications will com
pletely dissolve and entirely destroy
every single sign and trace of it.
You will find, too, that all itching
and digging of the scalp ,will stop,
You Can’t
Comb it
Out j
and your hair will look and ferl a
hundred time* better. You can grt
liquid arvnn at any drutf store. Four
onnrej j* all you will need, no mat
ter how much dandruff you may
have. Thii jirnple remedy never fail*.
---1 —
Easter Food Sale.
Auxiliary B of Alt Saint* church
announce* a hom* cooked food sale
for Saturday, April 1», at Oakford'*
mualc atore. ^Colored Ranter egg* will
be a feature of the sale. Mr*. H. C.
Nlchol*on ha* appointed the follow
ing committee: Mr*. T. h. Davl», Mr*.
•1. If. Duckworth and Ml** Rl*l* Eldar.
Order* for food will be taken by mem
ber* of the committe* and by Mr*.
Lenten Bible Talk.
Mr*. Carl R. dray will give the !a*t
of the eerie* of lenten Blbl* talk*
next Thureday noon from 11:30 to 1:30
In the blu* room of Mr*. Baker'*
cafeteria In th* City National bank
building. The** Bible lemon* ar*
given under au*plre* of group thre*
of Mr*. Qray'a Blbl* clam of men and
women, which meet* at th* Flrat Bap
tlet church Sunday morning* at MS.
Th* public 1* cordially Invited.
Conwrt riuh Plans
Musical \VtH*k
VM l*rtf r*«A A**4 •
A (Mil H. *1 It It * mHmA I*
-oolMot (>I*M *# MoAt »trt
HiMfftlNt nt» IMM «Ht Art
IlMlIt I tlf AW t**#n.M
n Mim MiIIi Mo* MiDM
li I ilm Mlimi l!rn(l|(
IVwnlt Pm^rtM.
A rathar t**tt**n nf
him, r»«4tnf a, *nt**h *n4 a nn*
ftil |*»a|F t« ptrf*i#4 fc» tM
alwtatNi »*f !K« tHnaha
tnmivi'i Huh t« M th* Huh at
Hi mnilfti t«Hn«ffttt at INp tw
la tha TarlltrtHlI ItHth irhnH a«4l
UtHttfn Tha |Aayt*t I# f*Tha Tan
Pmiml tinnh,1* bf iahiaa Rati a, Tha
antlra i»ff**tatn Nlovii
•via* a snrArh KJt«rattM haaatifaaat"
Mta Hafte* » Halmaa
nnrmif • »»•*= h, Th* l*fa
Mti«nnfi of Amarbafi I4aata"
Mr* Jamaa M Kilhahrtf,
Tan* p«*m .... , . ...» n*aa»t*
T»rtmt«ai Mah »»hi»Al atfbaatra.
fUltlM “Kaat I* Ma*«"
fllrHtl* Jaan M-mH'I
*#fif #!**»»
T*#*r i,411a n*H* *»f Mina** ... Rail
"Mart h#»a“' . . irtiaftmafar
Mr* «»•«!*• Fra*. *AJtr*a«j Mr* J*WM
Kllhantir. alt©. Mr*. O. K Monra*.
N>V*I<M (• ... . . 7,*ffl*f*lti
Ttthnl**l Mlfb *rha©l ©rchaatra,
I Ail r Him* . Mr* 3. O, Pratt
Sir itarry Nlm* .Jumna rmtir
Kata.. . Mr* A, N Marrlnatnn
Jam**, th* fltttltr. . Iiurtoa Thom**
South Omaha Musirale.
Mr*. C. n Root will he hoeteee at
a mualrals given by th# muelo depart
ment of the South Omaha Women’#
club at the library hall Tuesday,
April 15, at 2:30 p m. Mrs. Perry
Wheeler will be In charge of the pro
gram. Mrs. Hester Hroneon Copper
will speak on ''Music.''
The program will be opened with
two of her own composition! played
by Mlsa Anna Parker. On# of thee#
will be a fantasia In B minor which
won first prize In a musical contest
In New York City. Th# program la
aa follows:
Maturka .Anna Parker
Pantael* In R Miner . Anna Parker
Anna Parker, piano.
In the Snow....
You Showed Tire of Levins Me.
Mr* Leonard Whitman, volra.
Th* Malden'* Wlah.Chopin-Lleat
Ktude de Concert. .Sternberg
A Plat Railed, opue 47.Chopin
Mr* O. R. Rleth.
Cornet aolo by Stanley Plata
Vocal aolo by Mlaa Kleannr Connell.
Woman’s Club R. M. S.
The Railway Mall Service Woman’#
club will entertain the residents of
the Old People's home, S32S Fonts
nells boulevard, Wednesday, April It,
at 2:30 p. m. This has been an annual
custom of the club for more than 20
years. A flower and fruit shower
will be given each resident, and a
musical program presented, Includ
ing vocal soloa by Marguerite Archer
and Luclie Taylor, retdlng by Tommy
Pansing and Joyce Crosby, a violin
solo by Kllzabeth Smith, vocal dueta
by Ruth Archer and Jack Bittner,
Luclie Taylor and Marjorie Milts, and
a dance by th# Bredtn elstere. The
committee In charge Is composed of
Mrs. A. K. Archer, F. A. Andenon.
R. It. Frants.
Mrs. J. F. Hurley
lartractar la
Plioaa JA SSS7. .
V ^
One of my friends wanted to know why I
headed these ads "FOLKS?"
I said, “well, I get tired trying to think tip
headings that will attract attention, and besides,
I don't always want to talk about cleaning or
dyeing clothes, or nigs, or house furnishings.
We want to make these ads so interesting that
people will turn to and read them Just to see
what The Pantorium has to say today. Just like
we all turn over and read Will Maupin's ‘Sunny
Side Up.'
"You see 'FOLKS’ includes everybody, and
nowadays practically everybody send* their
soiled clothes to the Dry Cleaner. We want to
so Impress the name of The Pantorium on you,
that when your clothes need cleaning or presa
ng, you just naturally think of us.
“As I slew it, advertising is only a means of
ifetting your name before the people and ac
quainting them with your business. The quality
>f your work, or goods, and the treatment they
receive from you determine whether they are
o be regular patrons or not.
"I am proud of the fact that wo have on our
books hundreds of people who have been con
I tant patrons for more than a quarter of a
Now Li the Tim* t* Has*
Your Easier Claaaiag D*a*
Our address is 111! Joa*e St. Plraa* AT 4323
South Omaha Offis*, 24th aad L, Ph*na MA 1223
Pr*s. for 27 Years
h. A
Gas Pressed On
Mr. Krueger’s Heart
Both Heart and Liver Affected by Stomach Gat
"Ifor year* 1 bad gee, aomatlmaa go
bad that I got up ftitfh’N on a'loiinl of
proaaure around hear! and liver Adlerlka
finn-afinal anfiaaptl') helped ma In Ihraa
'leva and have not bed It fur alt month*
now. I know 'other people who have
been helped" isignedf ft. V. Krueger.
Infeatlnal Antlaeptlr.
There ii now offered to the publlo a
prepare!luri hating the l#OU0f,K a-Nop of
an Irifealinal ariflaeprlo and a ( ')MPl.KTI
avatern « lea near Th a preparation, known
aa Adlerlka, a»fa aa follow*
It tend* to eliminate or iteairoy harm*
fol germa and colon t*a* III In (he Inteett*
net renal thua guarding again*! appan
dW-ltla and othar dlaeaaea having thatr
atari here.
It la the moetf complete ayatem '’Uanaer
ever offered td the public, acting on
MOTH tin per and lower bowel and re
moving foul matter which polaoned the
- • alar f i on the ai 4 w» h nt • bln#
elae can dlalodge Jf brlnge out all gaaea,
thua immediately relieving preaaure on
the heart. It la aefonlahing the great
ernount of polaonmia matter Adlerlka
drawa ftom the alimentary «anal mat
ter yon never thought wee In > our aye
tern Try M right after a natural move
merit and noth* how rnu* i» more foul
mattar H k«ihga oul which waa polaon*
inv you fn •light lltordin, tuoh •« orra
atonal rongllpallnit, aour atomarh, gaa
*»n tha fliomai h and ah k hrada< li», <ma
apoonfnl Adlant.a A 1,1% A YN hr Inga raliaf
A long ar trartimant, howavar, la ntraa
**ry in raacp *»f ohatlnala < onalIpat Inn
and long atandlng atomarh troubla. praf*
arahly undar dlrarllon of jour phyaMaa.
ftaporta from I'hyalrlona.
"I found Adlartha tha boat In my on
flra 17 yaara' aiparlanra." (fttgnadj Dr.
Cl. Eggara
"I uaa Adlarlka In all bowal raaaa
Until• rarjuira only t*na doaa " (Nlgnad)
l»r K M I*. (Naina glran on raijuagt)
"1 liava found nothing In mr to yaarK
prartira to atral Adlarlka." (djgnad) Dr.
lamaa Waovar
Affar taking Adlarlka faal haffar than
for 20 yaart ll*»«n * languaga to at
praaa tha AWfUI< IMITHITII » allmlnat
ad from my ay at am," i«lgtiad) J. IQ
Adlarlka la a < onafant eurprtaa to pan
pfa who Hava uaad only ordinary
and atomarh madlelna*. on account of lit
rapid, plaasant and (VlMPI.KTK arllnn
It la aold by trading drugglata avary
wh* a
H*»|rt m Omaha by Mharman M»«**»nnall
Drug Company and ottear loading drug
ckts Jjmes HtY N |
Bpeaklng on tha auhject, "Praaerva
tlon of American Ideal*," Mr*. Jama*
B. Kllkannay will appear for the pub
lic apeak Ing department at the open
day moating of tha Otnalia Woman’*
club Monday afternoon, I o'clock, at
Technical High achool.
Admlaalon to the program given by
the apeeoh eduratlon department be
fore the Omaha Woman1* club will be
for club member* and their Invited
gueata only.
Y .W. (', A. J’ajivant
Aft NM« l*!**1 'T*ft T*ftA A#
I##* M M #»***> Ml IM Wtrt #*•
•*..»• »# im t W r * •»*> A* *
Af Ml #* *« l*M AftMw#*l|**i Aw*
|M|«M Ml***' MW » **"ft ft# »• ■.#»♦• Hwft HIM MMIW
♦*,-*« IM Ml MftM iMft IM Art*
It- ft ft# !#•• < WtoA A IwMlrt*
*M Mw i .ftui«ft Ha*#*, mH
> ftftiwiiftft
Ttift nM IMmIm
*t>» |HM ft* •*** .
. I,,,, Plin Afttftft
rfttt M*#«ftlftftft . MMHt*ft ■••>♦»
M IMAftl lilit* . H*t»ftrft I’AftlftMft
ft* liftMta ft A* W*«A »*M»> * * .j,
|*»*. <k| »■ .■!»•*
*#>• I'.ift.Hft I*Aft Aft*A A ft**A
. . . .. imiiMi ImM
t»• • iftMMi A**a Mft’lft rfti.ft
1 ftft Ilk# ***** • ft***
A 1-AfftAA *<# ftt*l«ft*tl rlufc Alt#* will
•ftftlftt, Jftfttat nirl llftftw*** AMI* tftftil
• Aft Il *tftc f'ft.. ftftftloAftl frtllrtl f*>TA*»
IM "Irftft i< Ilf* "
Thlft 1ft IM AftpftMmAAl A fir** ftf
foil •! ftftftftnnlri’ II oftMft ftft ft
rllmil *o IM I ml**! MMft rlftftAftft
ft»lili A Mftft l*r*i Aftlil Ar ft*'•A #lwfc
Klurrnr** PwihytfHlin (live
1M2.1 Hrvue.
• Tha ladle# of tha Florence Preeby
tenan church will girt a home talent
entertainment "1*81 Havue" WedM*
day April II, lit tha Florence Com
mitnlty building,
Mr*. F. II. A Ilia will praaant a
tableau atory antftlad. "Than and
Now," of which aha I* tha author.
Thla entertainment ta apnneored by
Meadamee, H. Harrington, J. P.
Hrown, Frank Owena, It. H. Olmated,
Thoa. Kendrlcke. H. H. Avery, C. P.
Kohlea and J. M. Brengla. Proceede to
help defray debt on Manee. «
Ivy Camp No. 2.
Ivy camp No. 2, R N. of A., will
celebrate Ita 33d birthday with a
high five party on Tueaday, April
22, at tho Bwedlah auditorium. All
membere and camp No. 120, M. W.
of A., era cordially Invited.
«Y*ome in and jet acqaintod
«its <juiet here-One may rest
• and shopinleisare.wevea
wonderfully cozy little •
shop va na such lovely
distinctive styles. Wont
you come tomorrow ?
Prices $10 to $25
hamflton shoppe
Club Celebrates
ttp immi MrtMll i#4r4«ill'* I
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*nnft for N *W tforh 'flt *IN b* |
Ni*»l inUnliM |<tn*t of lb* lu>>*N
«'MMM PtMl Hob II lunoh*-n I
Moo A* < h*M *1 lb* NfftftAcI* rub,
Ifttw-ftwll ft! till •**■>•» buftlnft**1
will *» lr*i»ftftfi*4
Thft m*nuftrrlpl *Hi1Mon of *b*
H>4» will »«o*l Tu*wA»r ll I f b M
tb« MorrH ap#tim*nta ^
I*iwr1 I'b*»r*h Uufkom
Tha I* A I** of cirri* No, * of
Memorial church will hoM ft luncheon
•I Ihft church Tu*»1*y. April II All
lftAI*ft *n4 1h*lr fr1*nA* *r* IntllM in
illMl. I.unchaon Mill b* MfM »l
noon *1 lie ft pint*
Vary taw Mark •r*ntn* fowna aru
•**n • I
Radio Cabinet
(Like Illustration)
This is a beautiful cabinet
made of solid mahogany, hand
carved edge around the top
and on the dividing piece be
tween the upper and lower
cabinet. The finish is dull
Tudor. It makes an attrac
tive piece of fumiutre for the
room, resembling the new
type cabinet desk. The top lid
opens up and the front door
down, affording an opening
for a radio 26 inches long bv
10 inches deep and 10*,f
inches high. Two doors below
open out, affording a cabinet
for batteries 10*4 inches deep,
26 inches long and 10*4 inches
high. This cabinet must be
seen to be fully appreciated.
Price $47.00.
Good Furniture
1800 Douglas Oyp. Foeteeell#
Upon your printed litera
ture retie the responsibility
of correctly portraying the
character of your product
and organisation.
Pictures Unger longest in
the mentality of the reader,
and the success or failure
of your printed salesmen
may depend upon the im
pression created through
Don’t let poor engravings mar a reputation that has taken years
of time and money to build. Use our “deeper etched” cuts and
be sure that the presentation of your product and organization
is the finest that is possible to make.
Phone ATlantic 1000
Bee Publishing Company
ERNEST SCHERER, Mgr. Engraving Dapt.
A FEW line*
OF type about
A SALE of tmart new
MILLINERY that will
ASTONISH you from
LET u* not go into
BECAUSE this limited
SPACE will not permit
WILL be offered in this
SUFFICE to say that
WE offer
_« _
THAT are, we know,
SHOULD you happen
TO go to the
OR to the STRAND
MAKE it your business
TO walk to the
AND see our unusual
WINDOW display
OF these unusual
VALUES, for we
ASSURE you that it"
WILL be well worth
YOUR while and
THEN be here -
EARLY Monday
AND select the
EVER purchased for
WE thank you
AND say
16th and HarMf