The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 13, 1924, CITY EDITION, PART THREE, Page 2-C, Image 26

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    Country Clubs Announce
Opening Dates
|V-» IH* t iH IM I* NMif | Mil | IH# lumi-H *♦••* * l#H *t,**»* Ml ft** I
a*> f # t » •* i *>» ->» H H | tin■*.* t ■ l • » » » il it* »•
M»*** >a>t*> a* *«a $mh# f****, tad * m«itt|iaadiaf ami tat mnn.tni
wMr* H» r»»«in ■ >r»» * M Ha awia N» «(<• »*<h fa«« in* iil ui tt da*******
tn» i v»*n i *n*h, t* *.*» tt m atiaf Hand*ii a wkwiit m<t ******
•Id tM t»M tat* »** IH*t titda tt* #«**♦ fMt wttmlt* *M>h Mi !mM
a iHMtiiv f*t #**>•*** at «t»a Inando* i*MtMt*n all Hint**, a lit *4**
** H«Im*iih and Hat *> HU it *M Mtati, Mill ,l»«» f, *t tha lalital a*
ft*** »fW I
Ta* lt*ld H«h him ih ttadti Hat Mat It tad lt*t»ri INI** ^ itMi
*iH Mat M. |*m»**H Han HId vttii tha lattat Huh m Mtr li, §i*in*
**' t-i* ttiaa t«r that* mix,*! tftH*4 rtaaataa and rt|MtH*m Mint tha Htti
PSum tha AthMt* *i«h iiilttit Tatft and htt wiMim Hill in t* |na
.id* at tha ri**d Huh Mur* Mun Hill tun* tM mu*l« at M*|'tr IlnttaH la
H a fhtta* at ha hat f->r It* Mtnnt a**i
<»rt*t t*aM htdi Iht l*»r**t Matin# *H»* la 'ihnaa nat**” That
h*** It all*'* trhirh him ha *t»« In iht I'ltWl* hataa*n Mat I and
f* on Mar I* a Mali**# l*ntnt"'*nl trM h# h*ld I# whlrti Iht AhthnHtma
*'' ih* am Id ft invttnd •• TM nfMnlna dlnnat damn »HI IM h*ld May It
Iniimna tilth ha* nat a*i a daflnlla data, hat II la t'O'MJi* that Mtur
d** tilth! Mar H, Hill h» rh„*#n
Kaster Pageant
at Unitarian
“Th* Consecration of Kir Oats had,”
a aymlmllc service for Easier, will he
given by members of the Ulhle school
of the Drat Unitarian church at an
Easter veaper servlra at fc p. m. Sun
day, April Jo, in ths church.
This pageant w*aa written by Dr.
and Mrs. Eugene Shipman of Boston
for presentation In th* church of
which Ralph Waldo Emerson was
one* pastor, and Is dedicated to this
church. It bears a foreword by Percy
MacKay, who took an especial in
tereet in the production.
Characters In the pageant Includes
the Voice, Sir Galahad, Yglals. the
mother of Galahad, th* Angel of the
Grail, trumpeters, knights, pages,
virtues and the heavenly host. Music
from “Parsifal” and other famous
contributions on a similar theme will
he used. Leon O. Smith, superintend
ent of the Bible echool, and Mrs.
Ralph E. Bailey, are chairmen of the
.pageant committee; Mark M. Levlngs,
dramatlo director, and Mrs. Elolso
West McNIchola, organist.
The publlo Is cordially Invited to
attend the service.
Tea forBalladist
Mr*. Sergiu* Morgull* entertained In
formally Saturday afternoon at a tea
for Mine. Isa Kremer, Interpreter of
ballads, who appeared Friday night
at the Brandels theater. Mrs. Morgull*
and Mrne. Kremer were friend* during
the girlhood In Ode**a on the Black
*ea, but had not seen one another
for a number of year*.
- j,
The Jeeps Hosts
Mr. and Mra. Victor Jeep enter
tained at dinner last evening In their
Miss Peterson Hostess.
Ml** Ruth Peterson entertained at
a bridge luncheon at her home on
Saturday, In honor of Miss Gertrud*
Allen, whose marriage to Mr. Clark
Swearingen will' be solemnised In
June. Covers wsr# laid for the Misses
Agnss Wlllmarth, Mildred Landen,
Lorrene Abarr, Margaret Mowers,
Marl* Carveth and Margaret Falconer.
“Easter Sunday” Not
Good English.
<OmSiw4 From Fag# Oat.)
spectfully, "The picture* are not on
trial. It la the spectators who are
Judged In here."
Com* to think of It, lan't the ex
preaelon. "I don’t Ilk*’’ rather child
like? W* hear It ao much. A lecturar's
volca has hardly dlad from ths pint
form *r* paopl* ara saying, “I didn’t
ilk* h*r?" Similarly, with art and
aong. Liking or not liking la leaa Im
portant than tha r*a*on for either
caa*. If wa take tha trouble to cay we
Ilk* or dlallk*. w# ought to give our
reason*, ao *th'*ra can Judge the value
of our opinion.
Mr*. V. A. Brogan ha* returned
from a vlalt with h*r daughter In
Tea a*.
Mm. John W. Gambia returned Frl
day from a week'* visit with her
mother in Llneoln.
Mr*. Edward Oahea of Lincoln left
Saturday afl*r a week'* visit with
Mr*. Earl Hawkln*.
Mr*. Robert 8. Smith and Ml**
Grace Gaughran have returned from
a four week*' v1*lt Jn Chicago.
Mr*. Harold Pritchett *nd Mr*.
John Potter TVeh*ter leave today for
a week at Excelalor Spring*.
Mr*. D. A. Johnson and daughter,
Ml** Margaret Johnson, ar* spending
the week In Excelsior Springs. Mo.
Jams* W. Morton, Jr., will srrlva
Thursday from Northwestern univer
sity In Chicago for a vl*lt with the
James H. Morton*.
... .i
Mrs. Thomas McShane of Balti
more, Md., will arrive next week to
he the guest of her sister, Mis. Roy
Byrne, and Mr. Byrne.
Mr*. W. F. Dorward and Mr* Ar
thur Sorenson left Tuesday for a
week'* visit with Dr, and Mr*. R. C.
Jon**. They will return Monday.
Dr. S. Morgull* plan* to leave
Omaha In June for Cub*, where he
will do some research work. He will
Join his wife and daughter In New
York later, and the femlly will then
go to Mnsearhusetts for the remainder
of the summer.
Dr. nnd Mrs Charles MrMartln will
hnvn n* their guest for the next two
week* Mr*. MrMartln'* brother,
Bryan O'Keliv of Winnipeg, Canada,
who arrived Saturday. Mr. O'Kelly
has been a frequent visitor In Omaha.
There will he a series of dinner* given
for him later.
Mis* Kite* Holovltchlner, daughter
of Dr end Mr* Kiln* Holovltchlner,
goe* to Indianapolis soon to spend
her Master vacation with Miss Klim
lietlr Oraff, daughter of Professor nnd
Mrs. K. U. Graff, formerly of Omaha
Ml** Holovltchlner I* studying Jour
nalism at. Llndenwood college, Ht.
Charles, Mo. Hhe graduated last June
from Central High school,
Miss Judson Gives
Trousseau Tea
On Thursday Ml** Dorothy Judaon
nil) gtv* ii IrmiMmii ten *t her Fair
acre* home, She he" chosen to ***lat
her thou* young matron* for whom
•he eerved ** hrtde*m*ld, Mesdame*
Krancl* Maine*, Ch*rle* Allleon, IVoug
In* Peter* *nd IlRrknee* Kountae.
Gn Wednesday, when Mr*. Judaon
will give a tea for Mr*. Shephard of
Cleveland, mother of Wallace Shep
hard, who la to wed Mlaa Judaon.
Mesdame* Paul Shirley, Denman
Kountae, Misses FPeanor Burkley and
Clair* Daugherty will assist the
Miss Florence Hyde of Kanaaa City,
who 1* to he Mlaa Judson'a maid of
honor, will arrive on Saturday.
Club Luncheon
Th* Omaha Woman'* club under
th* aupervlalon of th* literature de
partment will give * luncheon »t the
Preftleat Mil* club next Tueaday,
April 16, at 1 o’clock.
Reaervatlon* may h* made by all
memhera and friend* of th* club by
calling Mr*. C. B. Coon, Harney 1*66;
ivy*. H. W. Dunham. Webater *813,
or Mra. J. R. Golden, Atlantic *889.
Mr*. Potter, president of th* club,
and Mra. F. H. Cole, former leader
of th* literature department, will give
Informal talks.
"On* of the Greatest Thrill* of My
Life" will be recounted by Mesdame*
Hemple, J. W. Gill and H. J. Holme*.
The program also Include*:
Violin nolo.Mlaa T.HHan Faber
Heading.Mra. Ruth Aforrla Stillman
1’lano aolo.Mra. J. Haarman
Vocal aolo...Mlaa Oraca Oallager
Story by Mra. K .Tohnaon. prealdent of
tha Story Tellera* league aa wall aa leader
of tha literature department.
“Peggy” Hartman Engaged.
Dr. G. E. Hartman of Randolph,
announce* the engagement and ap
proaching marrlago of hla daughter.
Lola Margaret, to Allen McCowan
Boggs, youngest aon of the late J.
W. Boggs of Lincoln. The wedding
will take place at 3 o'clock on the
afternoon of May 3 In the atudy of
St. Paul M. E. church In Lincoln.
Only a few cloae relative* will be
.Miss Hartman haa attended the
University of Nebraska for three
yeara and la a member of Kappa
Delta, Silver Serpent, Theta Sigma
Phi and Chi Delta Phi. Mr. Bogge
attended the university also, where
he was a member of Phi Alpha Delta,
and graduated with the class of 1920.
Sine* that time he has been engaged
In the practice of law In this city.
Musical-Tea for Guest.
Mr*. L. C. Nedder*on of Lo* An
g*le*. an accomplished pianist, ar
rived yesttrday to spend a few day*
with Mr*. Myron Hayward. Mrs.
Hayward will present her friend In
solo number* at a musical tea dur
ing her etay. She will he assisted by
Mrs. Rodney Biles, who will play the
Chopin concerto, accompanied by
Mr*. Georg* J. Johneton. Mre. John
ston will also accompany Mr*. Harvey
Mllllken In a Grieg concerto.
For Miss Curtis.
Mis* Daisy Doan* was hostess at
a theater perty, followed by aupper
at the Brandels, Saturday night, hon
oring Mlsa Linn Curtis, guest of Mr*.
W. E. Martin.
Athletic Club j
Reiervatlon* at th* Omaha Ath
letln club on Saturday Included a
luncheon of 4 cover* Riven by Mr*.
H. L. Horner, and dinner or aupper
partle*: OeorR* Ra*mu**en, 22; Lou I a
Bochme, 4; Max Herrinaton, 4; H.
Poeenthal, 4.
/■"" ....
Card Partif*
On* of th* flrat Wr poet lenten
affaire will he a danc* and card party
Riven by tha choir of Our I>ady of
Lourde* church, Tuoaday evenlnR,
April 22, at tha RurR*** Naah tea
room and auditorium.
Mine Sue Morearty I* chairman of
the rard committee, Ml** Marl*
O'Connor* of the danco and Mlaa
Helen Dolan, tha ticket*. A**l»tlnR
on the committee* will be Mle* ARne*
and rVancaa Honan, May Hopklna,
Lillian Rueh, Roee McAleer, Marie M(
Dermonlt. Anna. Haheey end Meeer*.
Milton Morearlty, Krancl* Brown,
Herald and Lily Dailey,
Reeervat.lon* for table* may be
made with Ml** Kllaabeth Hr*dy,
HA. *042.
— Easter Flowers ~~
and the freah, clean
feeling that cornea with
the wearing of thor
oughly cleaned elothea
go hand In hand. Clean
elothea wear longer—
'hat'e why cleaning >a
an eoonomy. . • ■ «
Cleaning and Dyeing
Main Olfiet and Planli
2217 Farnam Straal
Phfmf •
AT lantlc 0141 MA rkrf 001)
fOprrifUf. 1H4>
I.cntrn Visitor From < >iu«»
From her former home, Toledo, O..
Mr*. John U. i/oonii*. h*« »* her
gue*t, Mr*. Herbert Utile, who ha*
been the recipient of many »oelnl
courtesies during the past week. Both
Mr*. Little and Mr*. Loom I* are
graduate* of Smith college.
For Mrs. Brooks
Mr*. C. M. Wilhelm entertained at
luncheon on Saturday for Mr*, lid
ward Brook*, who I* vlaltlng Mr*.
Milton Barlow.
Announce Engagement.
Mr. and Mr*. F. F. Hodge* an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Edith Elizabeth, to J.
Shatter Arnold of Winfield. Kan.
Mr. Arnold will be recalled a* a
worker In the Young Men'* C'hri*
tlan e**orlatlon here. He la *t Tran
ent principal of the high' achool In
Benton, Kan., *nd I* a graduate of
Snuthweatern untveralty.
Mine Hodge* !■ president of the
Omaha Epworth league union, she la
a graduate of Central High achool.
No date hea been »et for the wed
For Mr*. Kennebeck.
Mr*. E. O. Kenneheck of Denver
arrive* today to vlrtt her parent*,
Mr. and Mr*. W. R. Wall. She will
bring with her her baby eon, Edward
Eugene, for hla flrat visit with hi*
grandparent*. HI* paternal grand
parent*, Mr. and Mr*. J. W, Kenne
beck, will give a hreakfaat of 14 on
Monday In their honor.
Mah Joug Rail.
Mr*. Perry Allen ha* made r*»er
vatlon for a large perty for the Junior
league meh jong hell neit week.
W ashing
Linens and wrarinjr ap
parel in pqual amounts.
15c the pound
Shirts fiiccpt drats), 10c t>
Ira. Handkerchiefs, 2c aslra.
Minimum bundle, $1.50.
Don’t Forget
Wet wash, flat ironed,
6c the pound
The old reliable
Laundry Co.
Established I A94
Harney 0102
To Visit Mrs. Towle
Mrs. Walter Shelton of San Fran
cisco will arrive on Thursday to he
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ross H.
Towle. A gr<^t n^any affairs are
being planned in her honor.
(iarrington-k niplil.
Announcement has been made of
the engagement of Richard Adams
Farrington, jr., of Oakland, Cal., for
merly of Omaha, to Miss Garland
Perlne Knight, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. R. C. Knight of Oakland. The
wedding will be solemnised tn San
Franelsro and Mr. Carrington and
his bride will reside In Oakland. Mr.
Farrington la the aon of R A. Far
rington, St. Paul, Minn. He left Oma
ha a few yeara ago for Oakland,
where he Is advertising manager of
Ih# Poat Knqulrer.
J\Shoe for Easter
That Helps Your
Health and
.Nawapnpar* nn<l magazine* hava
published much information on tha
harm which ahoaa ran do to ona'a
health. That ahoaa enn ba halpful
and not harmful baa baan proven to
tunny people of tha Cantilavar Shoe.
N'ayaa MrMrln, the magazine lllua
trator, aava: "f had alway* thought
ahoaa ware * nereaanry evil. Hut
Cantilever* ran ba enjoyed Inataad of
The fleiilhl* arrh, the well placed
heel, the natural line*, all permit the
I'antllerer wearer to obtain health
ful exercise of font muarlea, *ood rlr
rulntlon and correct pnature. Won
derful coinfort and eaae In walliln*
contribute to the- beneficial effects.
The ultimate reault I* better health—
and more happln
The aanic Hue leather amt work
manehlp arc nhtalnahle »HI« Heaaon at
leaa coat, beontiae a large and ateady
production haa enabled the Cantilever
factory to make econonile* In "over
head expenae" without dlafurhlng
quality or «»*'« You will like the
Spring atylea of the
^ Shoe
and you will enjoy Ita comfort through
Bummer. The Cantilever Hlioe at the
new price* repreaenta the greateat
value In fine leather and at lentlfle ahoe
conatrur tlon obtalnahle In the city.
Mold Kxrlualvely III Omaha by
The Cantilever Shoe Shop
l7nN Howard Ml . Opp. V. IV, I . A. I
I * I latiali 1 a t a
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---- —
Equipment Week for Easter
Clothes and wearables of all sorts have been lavishly
provided for your choice. You will oblige our efficient
force of workers and profit yourself by making your
seleetion early in the week.
Trim Boyish
With skirts foppishly pocketed
•'Invisibles,” shadow plaids,
flannels, basket weaves, camel s
■_ hair finish, tweeds, checks and
stripes; four-button models,
double-breasted and mandarin
effects Sites 14-1*. Specials—
$28.50 $38.50
I to 12 Year*.
A Special Grouping
Trig little coats that accentuate
the charms of youth. Polalres,
soft plaids, "Invisibles" and bas
ket weaves. Tan, blue, green,
Mexico, gray, brown and com
binations. Very $9.50
Pantie Dresses
Cunning new style* in fin*
chambrays and checked ging
ham* with trimmings of stitched
braid, applique, contrasting
bindings and organdie.
#1.25 #2.25 #3.75
to Fit
A Cor»»t
for Kvtry
This well designed model of
fancy brocade with side front
fastening specially designed and
admirably adapted for the av
erage figure gives a flat con
tour In back and fl»Q fTA
front . *pO«»lU
Costume Slips
of Silk
Hip hem, rrochet edging on
strap and bodice lop, hem
stitched finish. Colors powder
blue, flesh, fan, i QP
orchid and gray.
Smart, Mannish
Are Without Question
"the Vogue"
Sponsored by Paris, popu
larized by New York. Oma
ha is next in line. Flawless
Pencil Stripes Twills
Twill Hairline Blocks
and Oxford Cloth
Double-breasted effects
pique vestccs, novelty cut
cuffs and braid trim. Colors
sand, navy and mixtures.
$4950 *59=
Beautiful Coats
Including Fur Trimmed Types
Luxuriously authentic modes developed in juena,
faille, charmeen, twill cord, satin, Mnllinson's
fancy silks, flat crepe and pom pom.
Some with fur trimmings of squirrel, ermine and
beige fox.
Colors—Sand, navy, black, ashes of roses, Roman
stripes and Lanvin green.
Price Range
$79.50, $85, $98.50, $169
Tailored Frocks
Of supreme Importance fur Raster wear. To
be worn with Animal Fox Scarf or < hoker.
Superbly beautiful materials, rharmeen and hairline
twill, some three-piece suit effects. All faultlessly tai
lored. Trimming* — Frills, Jabots, plaited ruffles,
touches of Irish lace and novelty silk braid. Color*-—
Sand, powder blue, hollywood. ashes of rose* and
$49.50 $59 $89
Animal Scarfs and Chokers
The Correct Accompaniment to Milady's
Suit or Cloth Frock
Fox Animal Scarfs—Fine quality, full furred, superb
top hairs, beautiful blends, beige, white, slate, rose
taupe and black. $.'.9.00, $19,00, *97.*o
Natural Fox Animal Scarfs —Color* brown, gray and
Imitation silver . $39.00, $19.00, $;,9.00
Stone Horten ( hoker* . $J9..‘»0, $39.30, $|9.:>0
Hrown Marten ( hoker* . $*9.00, *09.00
Squirrel ( hnkers . $1.9*
Finding tbe correct Inter
pretation of alt the mood*
of tbe mode In our newly
Amsden Feature
Always Priced
There are clever new com
bination* of French felt and
8 w 1 a i halrbratd brim*.
Hand-painted and beauti
fully embroidered. Plain
tailored hat* of Peteraham
ribbon, java brim* and fab
ric crown*. Hat* of georg
ette crepe. In fact, each and
every favored material for
the advanced »ea.«on.
A wide range of color* to
match all tbe new dre«*
»hade*. Tarragon green,
pbe**ant, wood, tomato,
navy, navajo, larl*t.
New Neckwear
for Easter
A large assortment of the popu
lar aport acarf, made of fiber
■ilk. In all the latest colorings
and newest stripes. Specially
priced, each .91.95
Spanlah scarf* In dainty color*.
•ach .93.75
Ruffling, vesting and bendings
In white and ecru —
75* to 96.50 yard.
New underarm baga of i!!k and
leather with or without Inald*
frame. Each—
93.95 to 915.00
A ipecial number of opera
length beida In a large assort
ment of color*. Each.. • 59*
New opera length bead* In
round and oval shape. Our reg
ular I1.2S quality. Specialty
priced, each . ...89*
Ju*t received new Easter nov
elty handkerchief, new col
oring* with fancy cut corner*,
fancy spoking, scallop*, etc., to
gether with a variety of novel
tlea seldom assembled In our
Easter Veilings
Include colored dot veils, edge
veiling* by the yard. Also an
unusual assortment of mad# up
veil*, blue, lavender, taupe,
gray and black.
Silk Petticoats for Easter
Fashioned of the Finest Floriswah Silks
Richest of Colorings
Stralghtllne, tailored, tuck* and plait*, the moil beautiful 'quality
allk* and *tyle* to he had. Color* ecru, Kgyptlan
green, roae, peacock, vanilla, bluejay, henna, navy,
black, white and fleah. Until regular and evtra
alze*. Special .
New Linen Dresses
for the Larger Woman
Sites 4H to S4, Inclusive
Designed to give the desired slenderized effect. An
attractive atrnightline model of prc shrunk Irish
linen, gathered over hip and hand em
broidery on collar, vestre and pockets.
Colors, orchid, rose, oyster white, tan,
henna and green. Very special.
Regular Sizes in This and Other Models
Price Range $5.95. $6.95 to $12.85
Easter Hosiery
The Season's Fashion Features
Sheer ness—and—Shade
ilotb demand quality If service la to reault. The lighter the
thread the greater textile strength It must bare. The light*
er the shade the greater smoothness la tieoeaaary. Both coat
money. Often the dye ail) disguise. Our hoalery la return
able if near la not aatlafactory. Chiffon weights In the right
shades, at—
$1.95, $2.65, $2.95. $3.50,
$5.00 $7.50
]\/f sy/%/% f faster Clothes Should
IVICs tl l Interest Nr%*“r
If It's a Shirt—
"a offar a group of aitka, aptandld quality, th# aort that
get Into politlra during tha war whan tha? rott $12 00 aad
$i:>M. Rroadi loth*. jar-< v and rtapaa 1$ "u would
ha about lighl sou On aria Monday, aa. h .
Mudraa, Ingllah Itroadrloth and Tarrala Shirt* ta Whit*
t’opular riain Colora and Naat Plgurta.
Our Collection of Dollar Neckwear—
la Intaraatlng Vaahlonahl* and appaallng knit allka. nit *'1>*
and allk and wool In modlah ahapra
Socks—An Easter Special
Th# hlg #al|ar I# a luatro'i* ailk and flhar In M»' »
and all aho# ahadaa at pair., <_