[This Week’s Choice Real Estate Values JUNE TERRACE (trading bring don# on n*w I 4J»th nvrnu# and Pihknry dml, A now addition t Omaha Nat. Baak Bldf. JA SIRS Sunday WA BOSS f ^ A Happy Hollow Home tn Omaha** m«ft9 deimhte il*f4var* An aft repttnnatlf nail bn*11 an ltd I Mr* *9 lk» »tiatk#vH r«%H*et nf ltd and rMr»|i I'rrtU. lino** ha# flat larn# room# KM f!r«t floor, tnrledtnn n ver* iHriHIvf «an wn, four brdeiH.tns atnnnlnc iHtrrlt ftnt IVi tiled bMh* Mfl aerond finer, t we ms id** room* and bath on third floor. Whit# enamel ftni*H ami oak flnera throughout. Hot water hunting plant with ell burner, (•aran# for twe ear*. In* finding eomplete n|*artm#*it for rhauffvtir. George Si Company City Nat'l Bank Bldg. AT lantic 3024 i f ' Something New Just completed, five rooms, large attic, full cement basement with floor drain and excel lent furnace, oak floors and finish, wall plug in living and dining rooms. All modern. High, level, south front lot overlooking Fonte nelle park. A down payment of only $350 takes this and you can move in at once. Should you want some other location, let us show you what we have to offer in a home that fits your taste' and pocket book. Call Mr. Goodall. Hamilton & Co. 303-4 N.vill. Blk. JA 0687 Em.—-KK 3140 or AT 0718 II.. ."1 Get Out Your “Ford” And «ee thU dandy Clhlrmont bun galow. only 81.770; with double s garage; oak finish and floor*; ouilh front, 46*186; paved afreet, finite to ear line; thi* i* a *ngp; remember only 8750 down, $4. l*er month. Get Out Your “Buick” And *ee thi* elegant rant front bungalow, with hand-puiDied exil ing*, 8*0 built-in buffet, wun room with French door* and V window* , built by owner; ha* double ga rage alao, paving ail paid; priced below eo*t, You mud *•« thin, 8 room* and bath. Get Out Your 'Cadillac* And «#e thie ft*n*onhur*t ea*t front home, located on peettle*t • treat ia iiernon, on a large lot, 83x221, with double garage, Oak ftnieh and floor*, hot water heat. '•Uirrn water a* well, f.ar (| ( poreh, extending on two xlde« ; birch *hade treec, fruit aho; 4 room* and hath. Phone Mr, Yfiid«on, WA 8124, or Wood yard, WA 8777, Corner 50th and Charles Sts. Large living room, two cor ner bedroom*, full bath, handy dining room and kitchen. Dig attic, full baae ment, enclosed coal bin with coal chuta. Dundee i* build ing north and west very rapidly. Many high-clan? home* within two block* of thin pretty bungalow. Here ix a real opportunity to buy where value* will increase. Priced now at $6,850. (.'all u* about term*. Your* may be juxt right. Phone todav, WA 1232. R. F. Clary Co. REALTORS 508 Omaha Nat. AT 3075 Hornet Built] to Last I built house that Is mire (/. ■ tivp v««u IfniiMf. 1 'till' ti*«p Hwlll boxiM n I Omaha an* *tr«ii"', port payment u*d the bal ance monthly. See the house —then see us. WA hi80 or KE 2840. Edward F. Williams Co. REALTORS 805-8 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. JA 0420 9 SOUTH SIDE ' HOMES 3 ROOMS—A I.OTS W-.t "Q," $1,500 A real nic# rot lag# built about 1 years ago. Minims nr* a nln sir.-* and have hardwood floors, goo I big cellar. * lucken house and other buildings. A few fruit free*. !/»• rated in a fa»t. grow lag dhtriet, one block to car line and pa.# ment. 9400 will handle 1 ACRE —4 ROOM HOUSE 524 ond MQ,M $3,300 The house la only a few peer* old and la well built, baa good aired rooms sod nine light fix tures. fJuaranteed furnace, Large stucco garage, chicken bouse and other building*. Wonderful Inwu and an nbundanre of grapes i nd * fruit. Convenient location. Hose to school, ear line and pavement. 'I tils is e mtlntf of tl.MttP type. hut in good condition. A pood lot and plenty ot shade, fiarag# and chicken boil e J. H. KOPIETZ REALTOR MA 0000. Sunday C«ll MA 3050 or 2I4« *_ * It Takes a Heap of Living to Make a Home Don’t waste all those joys and little sorrows putting atmosphere m some one else s house. Own your own home as soon as possible and make it express your personality. Live into it a n atmosphere that spells you. I I Comfortable, Roomy, Square Homes Southwest 7 Rooms J.ooka Ilka a 16,808 homa, but S fc,2f>0 buy a thia ap lend id anuth front comer residence. Has four dandy corner bedroom*, brick foundation, full basement. Handy for Southaldera also. Kaiy terms on this biggest aouthwest bar gain. Extra lot If needed i BEMIS PARK 3510 Charles St. ' OPFN * TO » P TODAY. Widow lady aelllng tbia fin# ft room residence. Mont complete with 2-rar garage. Is finished in finest oak, most eonvenient to car lin* and school and Technical high SEE IT TODAY. Submit af fer, cash or terroa. For particu lars Sunday call Booth. WA 100*; Minikus, WA 7734; C.ilbart, KK 601S. Schroeder Investment Co. REALTORS JA 32S1 704 K.aliaa BUf. f-^ One Acre West Dodge $1,100—$110 Cash Balance $11 Monthly Only 10 hlorka west of Fairacres A full acre, south front, eteeHent locution near Dodga roa*l. Direetly : west of Fair acres and Happy Hal low. Reduced to I price pee lot, this would l»a under $J00 for an average lot, yet l! la directly in ima of Omaha's best development. An acre In the West Dodga dis trict at ahftae price la certainly . one of the beat speculative In vestments that could ha made. FOR EXAMPLE— Tn 1000 Ifeaeri. Liebentritt and Trhlda purchased a tract of Ti acres at Oilh and Dodga streets from Mr. Claua j[ Hlevers for a consideration of j 111,000. About seven years later these thrifty gardeners sold the j tract to Mr. J. A. I.angen for $26,000. If wa were appraising this property today wa would val le It *.• r.ct |e«s than $60,000. Don't let this opportunity pass, ft pa/ never rome to yen again. The Byron Reed Company JA Mil ISIS Farina St. t^ --* Today’s Best West Farnam Offering A roomy. ple**ant home place with fine tree*, on aonth front lot, in quiet, do*e*ln Weat Farnam lo cation. Home haa veatibule. coat efoaet, large living room with French door* to gleaaed porch. Wining room, butler** pantry, kitchen on firat floor. Four light and well ventilated bedroom* and bath an aecond. One room and bath on third. Double garage and WHve. Baud Heater, ahowar lie basement, aereena and atorm window*. In parfect eondltloa Inside and ant. Male* an effer an eaav terms a* property muat Ha *old Immediately. Out of office hour*, call Mr. Burr, HA *M«, er Mr. McDowell. KK 42*1, Tin Benson & Garrett Company REALTORS 213 S. 19th St. AT 9640 II_4 Can You Imagine $ff.250—$l,500 Ca*h Kountze Park W« abitiluttlf rarommrnd thli bum* as b*ing oaa of tha bast bargains offarad. f rooms and slaaplng porsh, Fng tfah trpa h'-ms. Flraptara, ho* mad sailing, bookmans. a\tra larga living room, oak floors throusb out. 17.50(1 bnma at M.JSO. Wilt ha said Monday sura. ftjndfcy rail JA 1754. Stuht-BedfordCo. 5p*rlall.t. In Dund** Hon.i JA 1734 Kill Flnor City Nnt. - f ' On 54th Street South of Dodge We have a 'J room tapestry brii k and stucco boose with wide front porch end cement floor, vestibule entrance, reception hall, largo living room with fireplace and built-in bookcases, pleasant dining room, kitchen, breakfast nook and refrigerator vestibule. Second floor has four bedrooms and enclosed sleeping porrh, good-sired closets with mirror door*. Third floor ha* largo finished room with storage closet*. House nicely finished Itr hardwood, o*k floors throughout, enamel flni*h upstairs, ('orutmctlon of this home is excellent and It hn* been beautified with more than $100 worth of shrubbery. We will he glad to show this on appointment. Near Dundee School v. » Two story brick and stucco home, having a living room SOxlfi with fireplace and ninny windows; dining room bus panelled walls; kitchen lias built-in features and extra toilet and lavatory. 4 excellent bedroom* on second. White enamel woodwork, with birch doors, muhogantzed, tile bath, pedestal lavatory. This home wss designed by one of -r- —.. . . Omnlm's best architects and the construction is splendid. I _ W • ■ Fnliro building is lined with LP4^LlLLeJL*BykJ flaxlinum. There is n hot wa ter heating plant. I'. S. oil / burner. I’ermanent tubs In 1*,*VJ8*J J laundry. One-car garage. A '- *< . .ft? .Wtfrr.t Me *t732i U for appointment to *how. ~ — Good Hums Pried Right, Easy Term $4,200 *f *«*.* an IN •♦♦♦** $*** , . . irtiipil, r** t^e t*4 aaa* K>>«-li H# naW>t Hmm» ft "• * tftl $$,800 . ... |g *td np t I * naUa linoleva»4. e**Mih of • * " ft ift4 Mtnid pi'Met* H*t heat. Very #**|f faemj. $7,000 ] Sit mnmi, f*ill f»*t»*tnr0 h««*a, in clone »n 4utrtit, finer Yetee achetnl. Tlirte ntea W4•* r’nwg a«4 *innftn| perrh on itc «n4 fliff; a*M« tei f|®nea4, Heart \ *r# miner etirenfhe ffiteree, In ,4*n* frrfr'^n hilt, t-uttar a pinery • n4 he*»t4 iififi. Ifara *p# thrat hnmaa it rail vilit-fiviif price*. Lot **• *H*>w ® you your choice. Sunday* rail HA l«t». C. T. Spier & Co. REALTORS Ranker* Reaarve BI4f. M- 4887 k __> ( Build I Finance I Loan 1 Insure I B°y I Sell Exchange IT S YOUR PROTECTION TO CONSULT US SHOPEN & CO. REALTORS JA 422* Kostins Bid.. J. A. Shopoi) W. R.ZInk Prs». Sot. C. F. Shoptn, M.r, of Sals* Ber.lund, HI.boo, Rabor LOT BARONINS We have a special liat of paved at reet lota at from 9700 to $1,200 which must , be sold. One a half block east of Dundee rut to 11,100 ji —A corner in Clairmont dia- i! trict, $1,200. Some near the West Side Park car lina only $700. Get this list Easy pay menu. NOOSE BARMINS 6-ronm cottage, all modern with hot water heating plant, 1 needs aome repairing and decorating. Located on S3d i street, between th# West Fnrnam district and the new Technical High school, $5,250. t room*, imilr M*. a block from tbo Wei* Side Park rar line. In Windsor school district, tl.SSS. On paved ha« aara*a. D»n •r lr»fi»f$rr$d. Quirk poaaoaoion. (••room hotita and larf# § round*, nf#rlookli»f Hiiurnm park, hat waftr h'atlnf plant, v»hit# cak finltk. opariallf built for pr#«#n$ | ow»«r. C*all for partlaukra and i appolntntant to im Not much rath wad ad. Harrison A Mortis Howe. HA aatMi WA HIT • IS Omaha Nattanal Bb. JA. S.1I4 \-/ 111 11 ONCP MORI! -Tka Standard Hat# bungalow advartlaad on tkta MV* last Sunday waa oold W ado radar. Wa knva anotkar now bungalow naming (ompUtkin in Standard Plata. Think! $4,BOO ONLY $750 CASH all modarn bungalow. o*V floor* and finUh, built.in fraMira*, #*r#l!rut condition. darnrttfd ♦ hrnufhnut, brink foundation, not 'fnrfrrd. built for a bum*. %*• ragf to matrh kiuir, ? Iota, float to far. fchnnlt and park. Only $4,500 With $750 Cash YU, IT IS A n ARC AIN I flmwla) pknno 1 «lt**y (lahria, KIC 10.10. W altar Itowtaf, KK 020 i. Our Bt»t Vtluri 1k» »»•••»• I*** ***• • "4 Ih t **«d • HI *•••*»*» »•••'* Mil. h **4 R«»4 M *«•. I^fmi i rtk N Him! •wrol l«l»«#a»nw, **»*» Itiyk mil Mmewdlk l’**k >i knot*, t Mwk In f •*. riir.1 •iff#' f-min* poM Ttrr-d t« *#ll; owner need* money, CilMiil 1*500 *1,?»0fl i i*h, toorle new. 5 nmwi, 1 iy Mnry •emi-h«n> *nlnw, Inn* H*in# room, 2 t»r*e bedroom*. |»ni|» Silk end F*«n»- I*.*00. 11,50% r»»h. 6 mown. two •<»ry; n**w denoratinna, fin est of ***lrrlr*i cnmfortable h on\r. romp)**# in every detail. Mr. Wkelen. HA 27271 Mr. O'Donnell, AT 5419; Mr. B*rrett. HA 5447. J. J. MULVIHILL CO. REALTORS 200 Brandeii Then. Bid*. 9-8 Let Us Design and Build YOUR NEW HOME • WE RENDER COMPLETE ARCHITECTURAL AND BUILDING • SERVICE T. H. Maenner Co. BUILDERS 018 Omaha Laaa BM|. )Sth aad Dad (a AT 3862 __e Here Are Four Real Boys $*,»W—$1,000 Cash 5 rooms, in real food shape, all one floor, paved street, south front. Balance payablo only $25 per month, $4,050—$1,000 Cash . On# year old, 6 rooms, first floor all modem, oak floors throughout. Paved street. You must see this home to appreciete it. $8,000—$7 W 6 rooms, all modem, 3 rooms first floor and 3 bedrooms and bath second floor. East front. Street paved, carafe, $8.080—$1,000 Each Dandy nearly new all mod ern 5-room 1-floor bunca low. oak throufhout, earner, paved street, 1 block to car. These homes are all well lo cated and close to car lines and schools. GRUENIG REALTY CO. REALTORS JA 1880 1400 1st Net Bk Sunday Call Mr. Reed. |CE 8611, or Mr. Restia, KE 4746 5010 liard Slraal BEAUTIFUL LARGE HOME ON TWO SOUTH FRONT LOTS (97*115) IN HIGHEST PART OF DUNDEE Thing r*v'm 14*3B. with han*. j| •«a* flrwgta## muilf rn.*w iarf* dining rimm. dan. kitrhan. panfrr, »aiwwwad a da porrh Oak haa.-h |j and Mteh w«»4i ti*ad. fiv# aamfortahla hadrwAtwo. hath, yj two aatra toilata and rhowar. Mat • nar haat. (»*a haatar. On* tenant laundry fnriJItina Vtatra good ?. rar garaaa ArtiMie iawdatanina, including ffrara aibwr wall tdaMad Owner witt •f»i,l a amallar * man In trad*. Baautiful in Summir \ Cnmfarlabla in Winter Tha !**•! la nr* hama wnlua yog | ran find E.H. Benner Co. REALTORS 401* KmKm* BM, )K M»»4 \- -d* Oat-Hill Black Frtm Elawtad Park llo» t. noth si 17,000 00 Om acre of ground, or *n M*; t rwi* n«*ti*e, t«*« fata an* of that* »!o*o* and •tart porln* rant fa panrtalf. ♦41 a Barker Are.—$4,160 Ob* and ano-haf Harr kaaaa. Tkrao dandy mom* *a ftrot floor, two tart* PodrootB* and both an ' - —A floor. Oak flaer*. Oak aad *r*a>*t finish. In *ii*0*ot rosdl tlo* out»!do and In. 636 N. 48tk St—$6,400 B mud n*w hunvolow *f fir# fin# { room* on an* floor. Hu larva } fVtorod nttlo and mm irrp hsa» nri*nt. B**t of rnn*tra*ttoa and finuh Cornplato with (ntartor do*, omtio**, *h*d**a llfht fltitir**, at* E4f#w*w4 Brick Bnagalotr, $6,260 Naarlp new. n*# alavaat room* on on* floor. Bmuttfnlljr fl»t«h*d and taotllr d**omtwl Ha* fir*, pi***, til# kath. rrfHl t»h. krrnb- 5 foot nook. Ot*. Garofa drlro. FH«* ? »«,»!• T* ln*p**t th**a t*d*». Call 6mal B*n*oa, B'AInnt 1M*. ar t>. M. 8>o*n. WA Inm 1*11, *r Benson & Carmichael AT laatit SMB Bdl Pajrtoa >Mr -1 H Tlii« properly Is built for an ideal home T arga reception hall, music room, lixinf room. dinl»g room, kitchen, refr-rerator room a-«d ev*ra toilet on firet floor Three pleasant bedrooms w|*h 'arge closets, sen ing room, tile bath with elaborate fixture* on second floor, fomented basement, plastered ceiling, eubdivided into laundry room, fruit room and heat inr room. Steam heating plant. Where ran you dupli cate thia home for M.750? fall us for an appointment. R. F. Kilgore. HA 5*27; f. !\ Alien. KF 5744, or .1 H. Payne, WA 705*. Piynt & Sons Co. BIB Oaa. Nafl Bk ,»A 101B w~