W'l 1 MlHkM. tfcES r ¥i‘MAtUt t) li#V i%ti ri_ HinTl i% ^^| ] I MfWiWtKIi • I It *• W A IjL **A| A *» * 41 |Kt tAt ft H k $*%** U* 4 J* t ^ VAt* A«Adf'^ I*** < -• *t**4 *fc *• j ♦AsM*t*A *>i ttitfl (n »A* • si *t,»ii ] ti* H A4»^4*#*Ai A**lwt» j **>»wt***»A it t« >1 4 intdi **» r*4‘ **•41 »•* 1*4 §»* »f **» 4 fddi ||» |*l «* l*tt|»* |M II* ,u 1 * y; • - I Mtl ImRwHm I ItMM BE ,'lir®w*r MMitM *• 4H A-•*»r4tMi. f>***fc**f »**§. I |tu4t||«| Itfll • ■■* # - i *f t* * « * *•♦*#1 HlV'El r»*M A*** ti ikMfMk ▼ «»• «Mft »*• 4f*** • A'l* AH«M**ft 1 HI*It*A• tttA*«A t'H A'tlll •' Ull III III * .» |d i*»*i»4t. |i|4 _ im I tS^Fki iln*rVr» OKI m m-Hooi. IT t» *t |M I'mHtit Nattllht IV llll l'»* tiA Mill (»***• Th* Rrkrtl Ihtl ilftAmtu fnTt'ITT EARNER mi* |l*l ImAt* El till iWlI •< i til *r writ* to* Itt**!**!1** VAN AUNT BCMUOL Of Rl’NlNMM l*t» tmt Evtnln* HMMI,, t» E lull El » *t»» i HINT Id II EMlM fot'tf* 1*1 f*i • t n* tfflr* pntlttnn Cnll AT lift » ton* Am»llrM relit**, lilt hunt. nWliHAX RUEINEEE Pot.LRiitt Elttintrinh* unA R...itli»*«>in* . N»tA lllilt I»lh tnA rttwtm AT Mil PVRN n-hll* l*nrnlnn. h* bttnlr nr#*!*! l*i I. obtim# Kch I. tlirnuMn** AT I'll f 1 " .. . Mimlcnl—Itrnmnllr._It AoMl rot;MR «»n!».l f..r pnMIrttlnn I i*m <• MnnhtOtn Mu*lo !>*' ErnnAwtir. N. V PoPt'LAR nu7*lr. filling In •'bin*." full hnonunr tnA "hmnk* " E. M Ktbn. Ml. k .1 Rl.lt . AT mi. R** AT. 111#. I --- Untiring ArnUmilrn. S9 \ I.trftti iltnelnn el*«t*t In Omthn. "Thtrt't • R**ton.' KEEP S. HOTEL ROM*. _~ LIVESTOCK,__ ruultry and Suppling.44 RABT CHICKS AND HATCHINO ECUs from bluo ribbon winner* and trapnaatod Stock. Oat our frae catalog Wo can **v» you money. Fver-l.aylng Kgg barm. Boa 0 Sails Iowa. UUAI.lTy chlcka, postpaid, Leghorn*. 10r Book*. Reds, Orpington*, Wyandolles. Ancona*. Ur. I,t. Brahma*, lie. A* aartad, 4c Catalog glvaa quantity Prlco Missouri Poultry Farm*, Columbia, Mo 'iglCND chack for baby chink* ahsad an.l gat dandv Ratla, Rocka, Hu/. Orpington and White Wvandotl*. SIS 60 per hundred White Leghorn*. Ill 60. Chicken LI l tit Hatchery. I.lncoln Neb, BABT chit ka. 10,000 *aH mornlna*. III? In Jill, lva. HA. 1M» _ BO* HEAL, furnltura and rua hanraltrr aaa Homo Purnltur* Co., houth fide jfATTItRRB and brown mahoaarir llvlny loom bahl* with drawer. AT. fill ,,w rT,r Mwap Column. MA $RAI7B Tael* Violet flar coll and n»w r, volt ballary for office furnllur*. H «J». fmha Pa*._ »OPr> aadan or Pord 1 ton ifu.k ’u, trad# for Dndf a eommarclal truck fill. Omaha Ba*____ THAI ill. my III* aqulfv playar Plano frit motorcycle, or what have you! C •<». gmaha B—. «»ir.VflOMrr truck and aylnphona; will trad* allhar for radio, chlckan*. or what par* youf. C-H4, Omaha 11a* Ol.frH Itll tourlna bodr to awap for Hoard body. Perfect condition. H 1*7. Pmnba flaa. PlRn r rf.AM four chair barber chop to jrad# for equity *n houee, li III, Omaha 111 a It if. too capenlly Inaubator for Ial2 rup or radio aqulpmant. Addraaa, 0 loo, pin* ha Pea CONN trumpet cornet, allvar. Bold bell, tod eaae for barber flalur*#, chicken*. yord coup# body. 0-147, Omaha Hr* PIANO—tfoap* epaclal rnrtkr, for barber flrfuraa, thicken*. Pord roup* body or yshrit bevo yout f III._Oiniha Mar_ f/;T io Irada for *ood Ford Coup*. O fya, Omaha B*e Chalmari tourlna car for piano ar what aavayou C -1 * 3. Omaha flea {HANDLER tourlna car for what hav* Ipw, C-lll. Omaha lira fimtP.H Waahburn. trad* for what hav* put Addraaa R.lll, Omaha llaa__ fri'IIIC Radio eat will awap for mualcal Valtumanl Writ* Omaha lira, Mot < 100 Eiol.lt or rid far trad* or aal* at till mmm. fKAllh- -I-ton truck for eood tourlna Bar or what hav* yout r III Omaha II** •WAP A wood Hal lira* for what hava paut tflirT Omaha Baa ___ iWciipAtOP. ttaad She*. awap for a food ahoiauC C-lll, Omaha Boa mi t , •' IvtiMmi Mi #it|t v»i*f. i» • ••■ ii i.«» Mi j . ■’ wk ®pa* _ _ . j ! » i * * Hi i«MM |ti Old I’M t »«rH ***** H»k *•*•* ♦***• | | *i M** ^ t*tl *t>» f Ml» « III imc n® tCJnS t* * * ***** *»** «**t««**K ! m £v±l •• »4 ♦♦*> i t,i j /yHiHii ®T % ®*u5T i tv*»»* **♦**•> | ♦***rta wi iHK ♦«*»* ••'J Mi**®* tffi* _ w iji, tww»fc| ht« pVmV'S' ****►•! wT*4h **» rftHWt ft* |4«h *n„», df**#fR*W>« *t *»d I* »**h (M |rt|i Of ha** Hi' « tit,, - * • P**_ . tii ini- h*.»| »** an® f«*4 t**i® | • Bititatr tranaw-rairtap, daw-p h"dr d»*h »td**. If on MtMB »«# •*«•* • •« I *mt P* PO t MUt §** h**t*f, f r»*»* • ** *ta%* *M ! viH m* mark*** la tr*d* ?**t f»nt#h »h*»ra, l»»« #n inf, »f ahat hart > "1 * j r fl|, cVnaha Bm I * *o«d, w»t* *hr#ta, « ' m*-< h*P*»a1 ropdM*op fof H*th*r ftttu'P* • birlmfi* ford f**Ut'* Hdf. I' Ml, Ol*l*> ‘ Bm . n\ H rhalf hath*f *hot» *l*rtMr *#i»i»t’n*'t I fur ftUta 1**1 *ad Mat llw* M ••!. Oma W in wTiTh-Tt*d* Marta? l*a*ld*#»n atth atdaear for f«rd or *Mt tun* you" It Ml, «»ma wilt. Nf* Vf habr t ab, *.*ma furnltut* t« ttad* for font or Mat tti**. Inaaaa* rarilar or whM hav» v»u 1 < M’ ■'»u*ba Htt, 1*001# hall In Omaha for lrad* for *«i»ittv i in houao hot#! i»i roam IP® haw** C ft*, |3f.o *nu|iv in l room hovM with fruit, itaraa? rhlrktn hnu** and nno aora of around for what tiava vou? At *171 Will t f n .1.* f.Hlty IBOft m 1 lota for ford oar or lar*** diamond AT. 201* aft or 12 m HA 1140 a ft Of i p m ___ I. ATM ford aadan bod* In *ood « nndl ■ tlon to trad* for ford coup* or what Hava you It MB. Omaha Mar. MOVINO- A lot of *l*-foot rhlrkan wlrr. aoma furnltur* and auto tool*, for a hat hava you. 8.117, Omaha B*t Machinery until Tool*. 55 NEW end aerord-hand motor*, dynamo#, LeRron hlecttlral Work*. 313-20 Mo 12th Buda, Plants and iWaan. 56 • I'l'AV aerd, well cleaned; 13 cwt ; aark hitnl*h*d. .7, W . Miller, Wi»whtngtnn,_.Kan Mu*lral Instrument*. 58 EOfl RENT rholae of rriV h1*h grade idanns In Upright and Grand form aoma an law a* 13 00 per month. Fret tuning and n-uranre Rent allowed If you Wlah to purchase later. MCHMOM.ER A MUKU.KR PIANO CO 1614-16-li Dodge St, Telephone At. 1366 WR do aipert tuning, regulating renalr ing and ra?nlahl$g. Free ettlmatee furn l*hed nn request. Telephone your order to Atlantic 1166 All work guaranteed. HCHMOM.BR A MUELLER PIANO CO 1614-16 13 Dodge St. Radio Equipment. 58 CUT price# on everything In radio, R. 14. Fhlafs, 218 N. 14th St, Wanted to Buy. 61 DESKS. DESKS, DESKS! New desk*, uaed dsaka. bought, aold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnsm St. AT. 4144, EARTH wanted; willing to pay. Call WR 1417 ~ ~ ItOOMH KOK~HKNT ~~ Itoom* With Hoard. *2 FURNISH Eli room. mod., rneala If de alred llttue'orn Park Diet. 1 330 Park Ave. HA. 7lt.l. 2 SLEEPING rim, cloae In, 1 blk to ear; reasonable; board If desired. HA. 2734 FRONT room in pew home, good location, private family, very reasonable W A 7 146 ROOM for two, pleaaanrly lota I ad, with board If dealred. WF, 6322_ REA UTIFTJL room, dssirabla location, vary reasonable. HA. 7473. GOOD room and board. 21 meals for 19. Walking dlatanra. HA. 6774. , Room Without Board. W vaiinam ar., mi, Weldinutun inn HAS NICEt.T rURNSHBD ROOMS WITH DETACHED OR PRIVATB BATH AT VERT ATTRACTIVB BATES TO TKHMANENT QUESTS. DON'T TAIL, TO SEE THEM. _ BUSINESS OIRI.S ATTENTIONI A real home with cooking prlvllagee or not, with or without board, uaa of whole house. Just von and the family. Investi gate. IIA. 4370._ TWO WslLf ur nlshed south rooms, private home, must ba seen to be appreciated HA. 4244 or HA. 6144. 2409 DEWET. beautiful furnished rooms in naw flat, reasonable, walking dlatanra. AT, 1429, FAnNAM, 2607—Sleeping rooms, good i* • a t Ion ; walking distance. -FA 2413. LARGE attractive room# a Do single room. 1921 Locust *t WE. 6492 K Slop in inwii. n HOTlIj iANroHP—l»lh Mini r«rn*m KOTMIm HKNHII AW—KNHi Mnrt rainum Sponlal roIra to prrmonanf gtnoia. V\mt*d—Boom*. *»K MOUTH room, !i wlndowa, orofarahty no otliar rnomora, prlv, foot. Wont Formnn proforrt*d <||vo full port. #* M2. Pin !>»•»• RR/I|7kNTATIC—POK IfKNT. Apartment*—FurnUhed. hit WALKING DfOTANCM 'no-room. thra* room offlolari' Cloan. rnodarn, flrapreof l*il yaf* hath « abmat kit'han, and Pt'fi NEW MKAI, HMRVtCa: If doatrad Murnrn*r rataa. 947 -0 ond 9-2 to HAN-KfJOM PARK 102 T#rra*« Court t,nrga 1 room apartmont unusually wall furn|ah«d and an nniiaual prlro only I,/.60, aurvimar, v'JCHT FAWN AM 204 < orhorry 40th and Caaa An •paririiont homa of 4 roorno 2 aapoauroa. Mouth. aa«r ond waaf Furnltufo, o rrongomon • ond aorvlra tho hoot. ftoniol $106. Mao thla today. CALL V§. WK WILL TAKE YOU OUT DftAKK RENTAL AOJBNCY. 17th and Howard. JA 29A6. I _ HA. 2*44 foranoona only, atropf innolly wall furntahod apartmont Will aarrifh* rny acuity Itant only $ 1A. Muot ha ar«n to ha opprarlatod HANF'OM PARK, naar —laid -luh. thro** lovaly out a Id a rnotn apartmont a. .fnrnlah ad tho hard, whito tlla hath, t-omplola for hotiaakaaplfig. vacant IfA* 42M. 20SI KAHN A 61 On* largo front room with kM'hanatta; on a room with klUkan. Com plat* HMI IMMt • at * * • * AnxfWRf* < thwpRM !• At-r* AYMMtMR I t* » %* f§ •*'*% f *•' ♦* *M* **4! l%*rt*N*»* #» ft* *% I o**wt «R*tfXi (MI tlM «*# iHaj It 1(4 ?«MI ItlMM'H I (--««*-* Nr I • *♦*(*«»-* »-* *-•» *11 mtiat t*4 iniaait«*l iiN, ft* Im I m*,! Ha I 4 m KM H»MM IN 1-4 K |t( M ft (#'-•>• (ft dm-* h * I Jit r* I(11 | ftti 4 t«4 1 «f |fl ft (t»t^« N* * fx***, im *14 ; it#, H»ft* h»4 ha? it? ft fw-it-l Ml ft ||»*t(N*c«t*tR tilt t*^4f* ft^ • »*** ft flt«Htt( 1*4 n*n»nm« ft! f Rt»Ir•• |y tlr■! nra'ail. b.*nutiftii floor and fin* lah Th«ra la on abundant# of cloaat •Mil for aval V thing Apt. No. 7 Harold, .’7th and Jackson Tha rant Is rsaaon abla. PAYNE A PON4 TO "Omaha's Rantal Man" 414 Omaha Nat. Rank Hldg. AT. 1014. Til E AN<) KI .US— 25th A vi and Douglaa. .1 and 4 room apta . 2 Murphy brda. auto matic alavator. cloaa-tn. aaairabla Raa annabla. HA. 2074 APARTMENTS and flat* for rent. VV J PALMER CO. AT. 99I4 Real Eatate Management Spertattata. HAWTHORNE 2206. 7 Howard. Rent re dured. New, nil modern 3-room apt# None better In Omaha 150, 165. See Janitor. FOR ONE OF DRAKE H 1,000 APARTMENTS Oat? Jackson 2H06, PETERS TRUST COMPANY WHERE OMAHA RENTS" AT. Oft44 17th and Farnam Ufa. STEAM HEAT 4 room apta . 135 and up. (•loan in. Cl. V. Htebblna, 161 • Chicago St. FURNISHED or unfurnlaned apartment In IfonaoMii Park Dial. HA. 7493. 311 H 31ST ST.--5 rooma with aun room. IIA. 7124 or 11A 6994 LOWER half modern home, 4 large hext *d rooma, private bath, 3937 S. 23d St. Business Places for Rent. 7! STORKS Large Farnam St. atore, tilt floor and large baaement flood atore in the Wead Bldg., llth and Farnam St. OFFICES Large offlra apa< e in the Commerce Bldg 19fh and Farnam Sf , 2d floor, front. Can be auhdlvided t) ault tenant. Corner office In the Raldrlge Bldg, 10th and Farnam Sta 2 room# In tha Wead Bldg, llth and Farnam Sta t rooma In tha E St W. Bldg., 19th and Ijeavenwocth Sta 2d floor, 44x111 1434 Farnam St F 1) WEAD and D H BOWMAN. HO n llth St , Wead Bldg AT. 01 It. SPACE aulfabl* for light manufacturing in Bromley Bldg 20| South llth Street. PETER* TRUST COMPANT. "Where Omaha Renta" AT 0544. 17th and Farnam Sta Si. I a - go SOUTH 14th—Stora bldg, for rent Four euitable living rooma and full baa* ment. Sfodern **rapt <*Hy water. Rent r*ae to reapertable parly Call MA. 2174 4000 SQ FT of dealrable light tpara on ground floor at 20| M 13th St 2-atnry and baaement bldg 1111 Harney St. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, "Where Omaha Rent*' AT OS44. 17th and Farnam S»a MODERN aleam-heated atora. Dow rent II P Stabbing. 1410 Chicago STOREROOM In whoteaala dlatrlet. loot Uouglaa St. PETERS TRUST COMPANT, "Whara Omaha Rantg" AT 0S44. 17th and Farnam Sta FARNAM St., M07. 1058 an ft Thomaa F. Hall, 1901 Harney St., AT. 7404. 64x131 Trackage warehouae, 10th and Dodge. JA. 0102. WANTED Meat market. 400 population or over ll 234, Omaha Bee Ifnufttm for Krnl. 7t ATTItACTIVB K(W DUPLEX. Ov.rlMVtnr D,ml, Park .) till Cuming SI. « room*, garage. For further Information. Sun day. AT 7173 PETERS TRUST COMPANT. "Where Omaha Rtntaf' AT 4114. 17th and Farnam Sta. CLOSE IN III N. llth St , 7 rooma modern, 141 00 FIRST TRUST CO. 400 Ftrat Naf Rank AT. 0719 FOR COLORED 5 room flat. 1219 So i Oh St 114 00 PETER* TRUST COMPANT. "Whara Omaha Renta" AT. 0544 17th and Farnam Sta cToO FfrORENCE It LVD « room*. hoi wafer heal, large gerage, chicken hnuaa and 3 acre# ground, Sunday call WE, 6039 «r WA 3994 JOHN It MrUARVILLE, Realtor 1402 3 city Nal l AT 5411 CARTER Lake Club. 7 room, modern home, I wo hatha, large acraen#d porch, garage. Rented only on >early bn ate from May I Oallagher A Nelaon JA. 1132. 4 It < of tag*. 2004 (Malta Hi .$10 00 i It collnf*. 3211 III* kory At .... I ft Of) I It roll aft* 3100 Mapl* Hi.. 11.00 Y l» Wifi A f/ and |> II BOWMAN, IK dlf %2 H modern a tucro 1719 Jarkaon, $40 '• It. modern fIni, Dili Idoveiiworlh, $J . it Apt . Putman?, 10th and Plaroa. 140. i It Apt , 01 Ii and Flat*-*, $12 Omaha Mental Y. r* h JA Ifcl't MA 2004 i " 1111 • i 1 .in and balh and a Me - f KKNT $ or * tarn hnuao with aaiaga. not nmr |ft Pall Mr I'laavar, AT 9f.i.« l(MJ, IHTATK—Hilt NAI.K Itral I’Hlnle—InveMnirnU. 7HA WK< UND mortgage bearing 7 par rant Inlet eat on naw, modern bungalow. Ownar will discount antna for raah fail Mr IIIII, MA 029$, No 1191 Mouth JJd atraai a* M I M <»♦ M*H Ml ft. M» *1 ► »*«•«» Im .-*♦»** w** tM I N M Cl MVh f filial' *iff * a* -ah if*m«*H a* *fc» • *:«>» fff *CM| |< « VI |*h*»%* . *1 i.4 «*» VHM#t wtg ftm*# II 1 ‘maRt I >.M a * * * a* a< aa*iv* I at •»•»» 4 * - r I * * m Hti-lvV f* •<* ftr* MfHfl *»» #*’* ** a **•* i"»*ilit* ***** wwrg »*r™e .•I. a ea * |m e* *#**t»* *ha . a* 1***4 u a» »»««i a*4 iM *• * I * »♦«*•*♦* ♦**»«.* a- 4 r****a*t *4 ft t • h to****. taht*mv«tMi a** ** « ftgeM. A*1 Ra I fN* »«* *Vi liM I •*»•» PI t#^ani? Fsi t. it* - »|| rn*t M‘ tivb'tt 4* 41* i I**«t* IN * t ?«. v • la I mat rat tM** **l t i •!§•<** . ****** T.mimi f« |*i tvltig* * • s '• * rt at'd II* M *t*rtint May l*‘ Strata #*?**w tf» ft mif apattment at coat tf d*W»ad t'hnlre nf latatlcne HI t>VtAKM COURT find and j a*> t.**ge 11v«r>* mnfn. dining nook, dnaaina imiiit, bath and hit* henn*i»e In th* moat popular apartment* In the city, 9l7.lt. 7 THR Tit AM AN lit Pe Hat • trait I larga • omfortahla room* «n a modern, ateatnheatad apart - inant. $M* Ob, May fltit. lot PAt.MMR ?*’h and Pt Mary - A ..oner apartment I window* in lifting loom (tollman dining roam large dreading room - kitchenette and hath. $S5.oo *(«> fit*!. PARK AVKNI B DISTRICT. f PORTLAND Large comfort ■ Ida hotuvllka 6 room apartment. Mummer rate, 9*0.00. Ill TERRACE COURT I*rge I room apartment. 2 Murphy bad* French door* throughout. Pummel rate. *67. Ml. 101 HANHt'tiM A dandy cool I room apartment. Hummer rata, 967.10. W KPT TARN AM AND DUNDEE *10 AT.TfAMRRA. 4«th and Cap itol—Living room, dining alcove, kitchen Murphy had, dreaalng loom and bath Only $40 00 107 CARRRRRT, 40ih and Caaa New 4 room apartment. Will decorate to *utt. Rental only $76.00. 602 AUSTIN, |7th and Davenport 4 room apartment. Kaat ax poaure. A dandy apartment for summer. $71.00 per month. ( ALL US. WE WILL TAKE YOU OUT. DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. 17th and Howard. JA. S$0$. TODAY'S BEST BARGAINS IN FLATS—FLATS—FLATS The flat* w# Hat below are all real bar* gain* They are not brand new nor cheaply built, but are all fine bulMinge of BRICK CONSTRUCTION, well put up. well rented and well located WEST of the biietneea aertlon None of them coud be built today for the asking prlca. St !«ftul*. 4 roome up. 6 down In fine condition. Income $1,140 per year. Price $6,740. Duplex. 6 room* each aide, eolld brick and •hollow til# construction Newly deco rated. Income $1,440 per year. Tries $1 LfO#. Duple* a roome each aide, very targe building fin# corner lot In heat ef abape In ever/ way. Income $1,910 per year. Price $11,260. Duplex. 11 to 20 room#. Old building an Mg corner Rented for $|.I#0 per year, lenant operate* rooming heuee end •rtV-J11 i*K>u* M00 per month. PrIce $14,760. Triple, l room# in each Wonderful brleh on corner lot Everything elegant Built to leat 100 yeere Income $2.Of# per year Trice $22,760. Double St. Louie, 6 roome In eech. Deat cd In heert of Weet Fernam exclutlve borne ser-tinn Income only $1,440 pel year, but could really be much greater Well worth the price, $26,00# Three double St Louie, 4 roome each It flate In all on large corner lot. Every thing right up to anuff Income $7,200 per year. Trie# $4J.COO. Some of the above properties are fleer aome are encumbered All ran ba ban died on terma And remember THE INCOMES ARE NET. ee In e.V 7..V. ten. *n»e furnish their own heat, Ifghfe, gea. etc. (.ell ue for further Information, JOHNSTON REALTY COMPANY, i$2 Kee||ne Bldg e»r a a i g KE. 2IS6 Sunday end Evening. Psnti B$Nf L—<1 for fliii, 7f RANCH An undeveloped ranch propoel lion laying ope mile eouthweet ef Lowelien. Neb.. > mile* of river frontage on North Platte river. About 1.000 ecree of tillable land Is well fenced end hee two good wind mills Total a< reaga, S,a74 a- rea. Excellent hay and grating land. Thle Is good hard eon, W ill ••II thla vary (heap to good re aponxlhle party Small ^*yinenf down and 1ft yre at • per cent an balance. Mr. Jonee. Ill South llth St., Omaha. "BEAUTIFUL HOLLYWOOD TRALTS Ready for Immediate cultivation Ideal for berries poultry, dairying Located In ' he heart of wealthy agricultural dla trlct. No marketing difficult lea Berries, cgf*. milk. etc. bought at your door at good prices 1 10 and ?'• sere Irene at rea*onabis prices Small down payment. Jong eaey monthly terms Modern school ferllltles. pav»d hlghwava (1ft rnllea from Mealtle) Write for full Information ♦(» <’ar|er Me. Donald A Miller lor Desk No_6 2>> Columbia St Seat!Ie. Wash THE ROCKIES AS A BACKGROUND AS little as 1 J40 will give vou poaeesalon of 6 acres, four room cottage, hern gar age, famed, paved boulevard Heat Irrt- j gated aertlon Colorado. Send for deecrla* Uva clrrular, ()«orxe W ORnger Ins. Danver, Cole “must SELL* FINELY Improved $0 errs farm Moat *•11 and will (tit prl>a to $134 per acre if taken soon—Only $47S ee payment end easy terma on balama. t’naaesslon rlfht away. Hog ton, Logan la 1 'll ANDES end grape fruit of ftneat qual ify easily produced In soul barn Texas Hulls t ie unimproved land* $6o per acre; ee*leat terma to those who will Improve Hallway Immigration department. Boa IpiO. Han Antnnlo, Tata*. LWI'lR.VED 240 scree near Watson, Me, all under culflvaflon Will tabs rity in opart y for *rfi|||y ('ell Mr. Hill, HA. f.266. No ?I0| Mouth lid 0* ( Iff AtTruer for N»lr, 7*4 A' ft KAO 1C NEAR OMAHA i:.«hl*«n arraa wall Irnprovad • t room bona*. having alartri* Jighla and fataphona. • oinblnat i«.n barn, garaga, c on* rata Irnplamant hotiaa, rhl'kan hoiiar afr ) a*ra grapaa. o arraa alfalfa, a*.out ?»*fi fruit trap* ownar will ronaldgr a home In tha riljr on aama or •all on raaa*>nahla tarrna < all Mr Iflll, If A. lift. llmiara for Snlr. HO (10V.VC* TO HLIIJI Wm bava a numhar of rh' • building alfaa in tba f’lalrinont dlairbt, rlnaa to • ar and a* hool all Improvammta in You * an aactira ana nf tli^a d«airahla Iota for aa lour aa fl 00ft W» will alao tirlp you finaoia a horna. THMPVJ9 M KATf>r,N CO, Wm Build to PI#aaa 114ft Fa to am. AT 9940 Hoiim*—North. Cl HI ItM *Tf,Y mo 1 f • »■ a naW and anarual flniah. full r# tnanfad haaamanf: trlra lot V ary aaay fanna Walnut 4099 m* ifHCft N hnu • bargain fat ■ ■ It ill aa la, a:o furniture, nwpar l**atmg r|ty, WH. 4li9, _ _ ___ r * c IM I* I, I It h I 7 rru r». *•! hat *■ $7(0 raah hal tn»*. Kalra lot for ganian I talgh t.'ilt lira .1 A 0900 IFOR RATtVB My ittitcr, ■ tin hmiaa, ni**4 arn aarapt haa*; good lor at Ian W Hi. 4171. I*ROOM, madam; good, $4 740 Oaiaga Pavad. Nita neighbor*. IIA. 4741 Hi M • M % * • * *H * M t ■ II ftt II t ftt tRt ««**•* • oft I « i* Art# | *I M» ft* MM U ft • 4•** **, **•* |p«f# -• HI ft* * t, * k f’H** **•♦ *Mw* j ft* Mil *■*♦♦ ►-! ft* 4 ?e* *•♦• ■ -f * • l»-i I ftl M i ftaHt m «•!»» ' W*l r *t*§ *-- §v #*»'*§ • 1*4 F£c?u..v;%cor5r&");* 1*4*4 *f»h Its » ■ h*4 #***4* S*4 t*** f ‘ • §• fti* M •• |l* • « in <4»ft * "i ti*4i# triMKf *• »4» ft« li *f *»■ >• *ft|H ft* f«4tt«4*ftl •****♦ rt*aft ft*!*** lift D t ft* , ft Mt IHIHU III iwtiM NtMfttl ftTRfckTj TWO MM" HP ID i AH A O A lt»l A IN AT II.IO* VI.RT uogn Tft.ItMft I.Kt VM ftHoW top Tllii tM.ACR TO. DAT i Al l- MH ORA NT WA 4® It, oft MR HttJ* HA III! KQtTTARMl TRUST CO. 1ITH AMD TWlUtll.AR AT t»4l N o <7 H A* M oS i m HOf.T NAUR RA RIPH M 'darn, well hum I room oak finished bunaainw; aevaral at »r*rttv# built-in f#oture», oak fiti | ah aud floor*, food 401** and ho*e»n«nt; atnrm window* aud a< r»*na; | ^alty yard and lawn l*i i' n |l,M(i, 11.210 raah. balance |4& a month A food bom*, priced ilfht ftor ap 1'ilntmen? call be for* I p. in. Bunds?, or D. ft RUCK A CO, R*altora 74 2 Omaha National JA. 100®. Pa'earner I.ovfran, Kft 0104; Paul Bo*. W K 1172; Buck KK 2*34 _ I) ENT BUY FUR COLORED IN OMAHA. Only $760 rath to Handle. 6 large elegant mom a. on main floor • »> KfiNTENKLLE PARK EAST TEMRS Attractive I room bungalow a nlr* asst front on boulevard, 1 blork north of park All oak good baaemant, large attic $769 cash, balance like rant. Call Mr. Ruaeell. KP! 4434 NEAR NORTH SIDE HIGH Practically brand new five room Keisat *ne Bungalow. T.arga liv ing rwifn, choice oak finish East front lot Hose to rar, $6 764. II 4»A rash rail OSBORNE REALTY CO., 134 Peters Trust Hldg JA 2212 __ D E BUCK A CD. buy And sail home* llniiftr*—South. M KKC.IA HIVK KIKI.1J ( l.l ll Ilnur. WC.KJI.WOBT VI AVK AN |J ItTH rr. TAKK IN HMAl.I.r.lt llllMK r^rga living room, dining room, library, breakfast room arid kit* hen. 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, tiled bath; 2 badrooma and bath on Id floor; billiard room, laundry room, hm water heat Owner animus to sail. bes priced thta much lasa than coat or comet ruction. W FAUNA M SMITH A CO. 1*24 Tamam St JA >644 Eva HA 22*7 YES, oak floor* In every room! * R bungalow, 4 * year* aid, hultln features, vary fin* lot, with fruit and garden, ar reened porch and awlnlng Iwse than $6,4*9 Term* JA. 1264 4 ROD*# home, corner lot! Ms 114. 17th and Elm Almost modern $1.Mft down, r»aI monthly. 1 block to Vinton St. car JA 23*4 1*21 S. 17TII—4 rooms on on# floor, strictly modern, i years aid Teaar A Tasar. specialists In S aid* borne# llnta«r«—W,*l M iiniir nama: i'abimi buii.t mv riWNKii vt>n iioirt Estra large 4 room bungalow fin tahad in oak, floored attic, flat Hu ■ iiii, larga lot, garage, won derful value for $4 ooo. half f 'SHORN B REALTY CQ 634 peter* Trust Hldg JA 9111 ~~ NeTtT^HT REGIS DANDY * ROOM f I o M ■ Strictly modern white oak floor# large mitt pnr< It. paving all paid, astro special vein*, $9,944 Owner leaving city. OH MORSE REALTY CO, |?A Peters Trust Itldg JA fill HIX ROOM bungalow In fin# rapalr I < ar gnrgf* III font on 49th 41 1## faat <>n rma Ronm for f mnri houaaa nr a dandy rornar for a»ora building •• II# for rntira pfnpart/ vail Mr Mamar, KB 4136 nr AT »••#. Knacwoon Uara nna morn bungalow In firtgawno# fnr I * lid #1 nolly mortar* riraplgoa ra-a*a mh. HI# floor, Thia nigra will ba worth nvaatigaim# Fall Mr Mioan. WA fill |«B A V BN WORTH tVBVOIITB Flat ranma nab and whit# anamal flnlah - <1 bungalow On navad atraai only M IM l aay farm* Walnut I• 1 **. F l AVINI; I hi;-(Ttt. Ml *T HKf.f Dandy fnnrtafll ft room bungalow oak and anamal flnlah Tf»a |M|*a ta ilgbi and taring to gilt. fall Hatn#y dll i i MV# Ft PA UK HUM K FlaatiHful 1 t on in hnffia With 3 attra room# ftnlahad »>n Jd floor. t »ak flnora and flnlah l*rl**rt to aril W Ft UN AM MMITH A i*0. Ragltora. FA dM4 Hun HA. |!» IM *• Hr N't i - > \. < room a alt niolarn. 1 hadronuta **a!< flnlah amith front, |>avad a"a«* t*th*a. |l> •> taring. _lUft do * oah fall WA >lfli t'ATMBDf* AI# DIKY RIFT iFtnaba bargain * tnntna. all mndarn • ntnrr lot aouth front nrt* a 93.71# aggy tarma Htmdav WB. Ml* * %lr Hgtfia. # rontna rariAr butil-ln tub, lit *• o b f a • I labia pn \ # d alraat, i w t i ii ■ a F» iwT r.II » I N ItiI | ^ l... liii» h® •• Mat your with ua for raanlta JA 1114 tlfTRT t* Fun I Ml l »• 11 o»a UtT 4/ill># ft—|#lti a oil It -I aliaatg, ti '< All Ii provamffita .it" t AM.. Ml AN T A 1 r *4 W ll.I, build h» your *rd*r on our bagufl wJrwjar"-'v"' •“* It Ml ►•lift MU %t#M M •*■ Mil IlHIi i%it *t t tefMfik mil** n^mh ** 'At iliTf nTiiiI ini fi n tw it *♦ 1U lit »•*! tN'P i1 |r| io» § i. y« * «i > 1* i Ifttatll Ifttt't * •• ■ Im im Hi if tf- IM *> t t* if * i **i*i ft i ft*- *•* * i| till lit Mm. Hi IHt ** M* •1***1, i i **fl » v#* lVitM«fl mm if to ll** ni if MM *m tttli TWif it |Ml fti 11*11 A*# $M HIM firl ■*•* •tf HI N»» Nilt I W*»*4artl Nr-iMt *M tilt < M* tl«Mt dm if*#* I »A * i ft to ii*** in H*t*t i*ifc w-"ii mtl» »* * **4 t»tm Util to lilad Nitl ft»'#*« tub H^* *! Ii*i tfttjr *M It*** »«#*•♦ If**! *•** LA»f* . * * • * i ** ill f«oft-t 4»r«ti|HA fldltt t**d HfM fF in flna neighborhood; #1* fin# room*, full length living room. gunroom, chearful dining room and breakfast room, three bad room a. on# full-length, ail attractively finished and decorated A home you will enjoy. Priced right Shedd Inveatment Co, Realtor*. JA. 4264. Sunday. HA. 4467. BEAUTIFUL FIELD CLUB HOUSE Veer IRth and Wool worth F!r*t floor ha* large living room acme* front with fireplace cheerful dining room, aunroom. commodious kitchen. 4 bedroom* and bath on aerond floor. Maid'a room on third. Recently decorated Oil burner Garage Moat attractive location • 1 3.S00 Rea* enable caah payment*. Shedd Inveatment «Realtor*. 631 Sunderland Bldg. JA. 4 264 Sunday HA 4467,_ MODERN BUNGALOW. ’4-ACRE. RIGHT IN TOWN Dandy five-room oak flnlahed bungalow, garage, fruit ehrub bery, tree* choice eaat front, about 4 block* to Miliary Ave. and Clafrmont, Owner for quick aula a* v# |4,|90; 13.000 cash You have aaan nothing like thla OSBORNE REALTY CO. 630 Patera Truat Hldg JA 221? 14,759- 11.260 DOWN PAYMENT. t room modern houae Hardwood flnlah Hot water heat preaent nwfUf* live In 4 room# and get good income from remain Ing 3 room* Sunday and evening* call Mr. MrOtitgan, HA 1644 C. I» HUTCHINSON CO. Established 1611. Iff! Farnam St. JA. 641». I>« you want a cloee-tn 7-room house with garage west? f»n# black from fn.dge St 4 roam* down. 3 room* and bath up, all modern Nice llgot baae men! Won h the money, 14 769. fiaao egeh * III handle Sunday cgR WE 674* 11,160“ 9699 DOWN PAYMENT. 4 rooms, modern a*eept h*at flood con dlt|on Large lot Paved a»re#f Cine# to ear line Sunday* and avanlnga c* : Mr McGuigan. HA 1944 C. D HUTCHINS* »N CO. Eatabliahed 1616. 1121 Farnam St JA 9419 EDGE WOOD New 6 room bungalow All modern fee ture* F’replare f*re«« tub til# floor floaa to c#r Price |4.969. Ttrma. Call owner W ainut 2324 IliHiaca—llftiaon M FOR SALE—HENS*»N 6 room#, all modern.... 64 199 7 room#, alt modern.,. ...... 4.999 4 room*, alt modern. .......... 14,909 6 room*, all modern .. 2.399 6 rooioa. a'I modern .. .. 4 690 4 room#, all modern .. . 4.696 2 room*, good lot , . .. 2.990 Small I 'own Payment. Ha lap c a Term# FRED A H A 1 LEY. WA 4194 *916 Military Ave BENSON New flva room oak and white enamel finished bungalow, with three lot* only 96 690 Walnut H1S. For Hair—llimdrr. 13 Dt'NPBK SPKCIAU OWNIR or A NICW COI.ONIAI. TTTK BUKOALO* OONAirriNU or A ROOM* WITH A 1.1. TUB Ml/ILT IV rKATCRKA A N l> rmBPLACK: HICK 1/TT, woe HI,PC (JARAUB KTC. IA I.KA V. INO THB CITV ANI) M CAT a pc i.i. thia piomk ia pnicr.ri TO *CIJ, AT UNO. CAI.I. MR 1111,1. IIA nil UR MR OR ANT, WA «##» KQI’ITAKI.R TRCAT CO ItTH AND DOUGI.AS AT till OINl'Mt ««ll CAl.iroRSIA AT If All Four raom* and den flr*t Coot three d«»n. t*a*ad #t*e#* Tbt# • only < raara old and ia a te*i bar 0a In an tar* rm tftml II A IMI bunda* J A It) 4 Carea _ • ROOM Dl'NOtK APT • Ate liable Ma* I Rant for gummer |M Th«a I* • Hand* ae^ond flair *o«th front in ftraprnof bunding In t«e*t part of Panda* Nwr r*r and otlaaeb WA. flit. U 14)2 AT. lilt til M |»' Ill HMt Ml » | llk-k'l* * »i**m**B »> ItMto t*ll mbaa ttm a*«i* r»*t»*w «*«**" I » ‘> *»«>* **•**! tit to* *»• m •'Ik *•#«<* ••'**• * * •»! •** ; **4 krmfc'**** *Mf*rti** 4mm* *' * * ! n**■** r*f»****At*i * * '* Anon tftioo loAirmtn* *M tmfii nr *•*•» j t*t* tftr** l-*4f*om, *** ft*’ * AO 1 f •* I )*«l 4r*t> • flit* *»«mM Bp *< • A*■ f■• 1 •■ ' null fikit If*** *M *!!*«*•* A * •' ** It no* Ph’4i| I*, A * - ’ • Fnf K«l* Htfrm* N ■ i fH«w «* ’ ••< '• . W*f Kt»ITi ill of TIIB CAl'i A*fAH KB if** .. For BaIb—I mini II llliiff*. *7 It* r A AM Pfltrr. 11 Ml V*»l It ItintloB ml m*4 turn*** h»»t, «*k flot* •rf*«ti*A itntrh, *■?•*• lor I r«r >* Work In Am** A** r*r, ■ tno* to Ithnul. BAAP HMOA fit Kr*Hw» W4* AT »7}l Lot* for Italft W ROT AttllU, on li« A«* f» In* Hanacom nark, for aala at a bortatn nr1''* . C A tJRIMMKt* JA lil*. FI/'RKN' K FIM.It SEI-UNO l>al«.mcn on croon*. ororr <1«r. r W MARTIN » CO. AT OUT. Roal Estate for Krrh»ngr. M FOR SA1.E OR EX'"HAN'flE. Flna farm 101 arraa. (rol'rovai, ‘n Mla aourl Earbanra for houaa. v i^ant loti f>r •'■renre near Benaon Tel WA 43©l Hmall down navment halafif# term*. KflBfi A BAILET WA 4 20 4 *>f* 1 r> Nfi’ttray Ave ITAHKA CO. MINN, 120-acre farm, two mile* from atatlon. graded roa-1 *•' only f'0^1 1ncumVranre for acreage in nr rt ear Omaha or Council Bluff", eultable for chicken ranch Addr*aa Box F. Mar ahall. Minn._________________ I M PROVE I» 120 a-rea aoutheaat f.f Calhoun Neb Vlll take C'fjr property for equity. Cal! Mr. Ifllf HA G2»*. No 2101 .South 2*d Bt,_ INCOME property and choice lota Iowa f’ltv rented good repair, exchange for lard or oropertv of equal value Price 140 000. Box K. Brodhead. Colorado. IK vou ran t ael| It let me trade it. 8 H Hrowne CO. M2 Seruritie* Bide. F a H M s f ;iblf ELL~ Real Eatate. AT 1232 SLATER a CO., p.eaIt in Keeline Bldg WESTERN If* I r^mlm S A. »6f>7. Huettelmater Rea! Estate \T * -• u_ Biggest Bargain in Dundee Thin is one of the finest new brick homes in the new part of Dundee and must be sold at once. Call us today and we will be very triad to show it to you. Sunday call WA 3996, WK 5039. John R. McCarville REALTOR 1002 City Nat’l AT 5025 Holy Name Parish by Owner Five-room modern bungalow, all large roorai; hallway con necting bedrooms and bath; heavy oak floors throughout. I,ot* of extra features; floor ed attic, full cemented base ment, extra heavy Nesbit fur. 1 nace, coal bin. and fruit cab ! inet. Hot and cold water 1 ronnections. Floor drain, etc. Six-inch cement driveway to well-built garage. 50-foot • south front lot. .lust block and half to church, carline, school*. Built by owner less than one year ago for his home. The price is $5,150. Take* $1,500 cash. Might consider a good lot as part of first payment. Call \VA. 1232 evenings. M M MMM •«« Ml ► M «hm4 HnM I ***** *• $ Tw* *, -. * »4 t *.« *4 *♦ 1 M ^ fw '4{ M * t * ** Nj^> ** *» ** ^ | W * JJ,' * *: SI# r »- * * t, * M ••«• |JH» *• V tei vmuur rn.rm ’-tnv* flpr E *r • •* r«i« • t * * *™*****r^j|'j|E' ft'** 1 ♦'tfilttjr **^** m**' * "iM * •••• rs £Cv*„.*;../.vy Vv . * *•4^ 4 T tiit. , “ "« r, Httyi*"Hi r«•• * * fllPtl Nr A 1 i>r.N . i « »r **•* wM tM.it Ml'Mtf MiT » MtIQI K iN^ Ml j * I Mf Nfcwr Mf'N < * lot’ll tl MM* C*0 • i " 11 | inf IT WITH MlUjUlt If !|*A *r*»t «r fcitiMAA'*** it A *MS. TT= i| I'lHN'l AHl'** * # nr.BVinii am» ptytt i fi C***M*'*fll »•!*• fi'fn J A flit null Ml * A I* A 1.1 M»»l*‘*,» « I ■'Sir M"MI « t irr vuTM '■*“ HAMILTON * CO Ml t N«»UI» I.. . J* ri tt MAT >»uf * > I • •' > *> ,'A . nri. H ■ I.uturj rafillf, 1ST *11* 1 amlAt “*• __ f We Make 5% Loans On Farm* 5tt% On Omaha KfMil K«tal# pieces, all good. Some have grapes, others have excellent building sites and others particularly adapted to gardening. Your first payment gives you possession, with right to build immediately. Buy now let your crop make your payment*. Sale»men on ground today drive out. GEORGE & COMPANY, Realtors AT Untie 3024