The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 13, 1924, CITY EDITION, PART TWO, Page 9-B, Image 21

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    Sell Your Services Through Omaha Bee Want Ads
Evangelist Spreads Gospel of Home With Babe in Arms
ItMo Wahl «*•* * Hmw*. ' n»tM
•I Ik* mlttl miltrt Mai nm
rttu t *<• at Ik* tkrtwd Mnw'ikl
| tiifMl Ikeikeen tknr»k, Skw
Irantk and l»t|kii>n Mtwl*
!>■ Mtmil I talk *iana>ll*t
p,ratlinl ft*t« Ik* imlyH *Hk I
Mlii In kl* *• in* II* I* aknnn k*t*
ImkHna Hill* Man In* liin*, I
mnlllka, wkn mall* her inakku *p
••rat-ant* nn Ik* plaltoiin and
a**m*«l In rnk'l Ik* npnlnn*
linn mi* till.
I tnil!in* «f I il*ar lln*a|'a |in*m*
nn ‘’llnnt**' waa alien Ik* (antHi
III V il lull). VII Initial *lr**l, *1
III* arrtkra, tlm I ntl> family na*
III* largnal |HV**nl, ltn**|lng Ik
III Milker*.
Iliani al Ik* |n|i alum* Velnrl*,
I A, anil Mr. I ml) nllk Hnlml In
kl* arm*, Below are Jnlm, l-.iliel,
Mr*. I mlv lioldlng lialiy l illlli.
Albert, flarnkl anil llnlaml.
Th* rhulr nf Hi* Weatmlnater Prea
byterlan church, Thlrty flflli air**!
and Wonlwnrth avenue, will give a
veaper aarvlca at 4, Hupilay. Mr.
.lam** M. AVilaon I* tlio mlnlater and
Flora Hour* Nelaon la tho organ ltd
and (llrrrtor of choir. The choir will
b* (undated by Raymond W. Hag*,
baritone, and .lean Ituchta Protuman,
R** VVnnt Ada Produce Reaulta
=* iM'—' -1
Evangelist Holds
Babe as Example
Mary Zoe King Nestles in Dr.
Clark's ‘Arms During
Holding an 8 month* old baby In
hla arm*, Dr. Byron Clark, evange
Uat, walked up and down tha plat
form In the ai^torlum of the Har
ford Memorial United Brethren
church, Nineteenth and Lothrop
at recta. Friday night and told of the
naccaelty for homea,
"A roof and four walla, alone, do
not make a home,” he aald. "They
make ft house, that la true, but It la
lova and mutual lntereat that make*
a homS, A couple who have never
kai»* the bleaalng W a baby do not
know the ble**lng of a home. /
"X feel aorry for the home where
the father la not the head of the
home. That la one of the caaea where
. yen the addition of a child will not
make a real home.
The baby, Mary Zoe^XIng, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mr*. F. H. King, wa*
need aa an example of the greatest
necessity for a home, Hhe thorough
ly enjoyed being an example and
laughed and crowed throughout the
sermon. When, In emphasizing a
point, Dr, Clark lifted the baby over
hla head *he fairly acrearned with
The largeat family pr»aent, that ot
A. J. Cody, 603 I/tcuat afreet, waa
given a prize. A copy ot Kdgiw
tSueaCa poerna on "Home” waa tho
award. t
There were 10 menrihera ot the
family preaent. Including Mr. arid
Mra. Cody, The youngeat, a bnhe In
arma, waa Kdlth, the next, Robert,
then John, then Roland, then Kthel,
then Harold, and then Velorla. Ve
lorla la 1«.
A r»*llat among alngera la laa Kre
mer. International halladiat and Inter
preter of folk aonga, who put aeroaa
* program Friday night at the Bran
dele by eheer vigor of peraonallty and
dramatlo force.
Her work had not been well adver
tlaed and tha houae waa dlacourag
Irifly thin. But auch aa It waa It
paid her a tribute eeldom given by
an Omaha audience, for It remained
aolld In Re aeata at the end of the
program to demand—and receive—
four final encorca.
No roay and beautified Idealization
of tha aoul of a people le preaenled
In her bntlnd". ■ Her Interpretation
goea clone to the soil, and haa a hnrah
peaattnt tntig to If, which In no way
detra' ta frotn |la extraordinary effect
Iveneaa aritl vigor. /
Much more in tha regular mimical
tradition waa Vladimir Heifetz, Mme.
Kretner’a extremely talented young
mcompanlaf. and aaaletlng artlat, who
tomMned an unuaual technical maa
tcry of hla piano with an equally In
Icnalty of feeling In hla aolo numbera.
an on n inman.
Kdward IV. Jp-elan, 65, tor 40 year*
n real'!'rit of Omaha and a retired
policeman, died Friday night at hla
home, 7IZ Jtoreaa ntreet, He waa
lire.t appointed to (he pollen foree or/
October 1, I Ml.
III! la autrvlved hy hla wife, Alloa;
three aooa, lid ward W., Valentine,
Midi., and Joseph and Philip, both of
Olnnha, lie la also anrvlved by four
nleter#, Mra. Adella Oreene, Mra.
P. A. t'allln, Mra, Thomas Heelan
and Miss Margaret Meelan.
Funeral aervlres will be held Mon
day morning at S 10 from Hoffman
undertaking parlora and then to Hf
Patrh4i i-htireh n( 9, Purlal will he
in Holy tiepulchar cenietr ■< f .
___Ji 4 I
r ■■ —\
South Omaha
Mabel Phillip*, 24, hr Me of a month,
toon polaon at her home, 2519 Y
street, Friday afternoon In a despond
ent mood. Police Burgeon Young
said she will recover.
The husband arrived a few min t«r*
after hi* wife had drank the potlpn.
I In found a note on the kitchen table
and rushed Into the room where ho
found hi* wife. He summoned police.
"1 had received a telephone call at
th# fort and hurried right up,” he
They were married a month ago and
have been living with the bride’s par
ent* who were called to Denver Mon
day by the serloua nines* of another
daughter. Loneliness and worry over
th# Illne* of the other daughter are
believed to have Instigated the death
attempt. '
Mary Vlalcu was riding on a truck
driven by IloJIc Prlblc, 5011 Bouth
Twenty-Sixth street, transporting her
household good* from 5032 Houlh
Twenty-fifth street to another dwell
ing at 2404 P street, April 30, 1923,
she assert* In a suit for $5,100 dam
age* filed In district court. Because
the goods wer# Improperly loaded
they tumbled off, taking her with
them and Injuring her severely, she
Karl Wants, 1«, who live* In
caster county, I't., wn* arrested Frl
day night at Twenty-fourth and Ran
croft atrcef# when he entered an auto
mobile belonging to Chari#* Clelne*,
u, city fireman.
A friend of Clelnea waa In the back
seat arid aelsed the boy. The boy
anld he merely Intended to *leep In
lh« car, Houth Omaha poll# o turned
him over to Juvenile officer*.
C. W. Martin, Oraenwood, Neb ,
left hi# automobile In front of tho
Stock Karhanga building and when
h* returned, half an hour later, two
new overcoat# had been atolen from It.
Two youth*, 20, nr# held at South
Omaha police station for tnvcatlgn
tlon for th# theft,
William MrKinupy Dim.
William McKinney, 42, 2S4t> Crown
I'olnt avenue, died at the home of hi*
brother. Rev, John F. M< Kinney,
:,4fl7 South Twenty seventh street. He
I* survived by hi# mother, Mr*. Ma
tilda M> Kinney; a alater, SJIsnbelh,
and three brother#, Virgil, Clarence
and Elmer, all of fnmpbellaburg,
Ind,, bealde# hi* brother here. Fit
neral aervlce# will be held In 14rewer’a
chapel Monday and th# body will he
sent to Campbo|l#bufK for burial.
Margarpf MrKinzie I)if».
Mr*. Margaret MrKfntSle, 63, died
Friday night at tier home, Z406 A
alreet. Khe I* urvfvad hy tior hua*
hand, William; a I-rot her, Hugh
Woodward of Wlnleraet, la.; a
brother, Willi* Woodward of Ite*
Mot tie*; and a alnter, Mr* Harriot
ftralnard. The body will be taken to
Wlnfeiaet Sunday for funeral and
Sfort* la f,nolt'd.
A C. ltlatleli reported to pollee that
a. thief entered hi* ' More, 2602 N
afreet Friday night and atol* $20 and
two boxe* of elgnr*,
Hummol on Playground.
Park t'omnil*«lon*r Hummel will be
at a meeting of the Houthemd Pro
gre«alvt Improvement club Sunday
i —^ ^$$1. * 4^- - < *
Temple Israel
to Hold Boys’ Day
Ollier Churches Expected to
Announce Program in
Few Days
The first church to arrange a pro
grain for Boys' Day In churches for
Boy* Week, April 27 to May 3, Is
Temple Israel. Rabbi Frederick Cohn
and members of the congregation have
made preparations for special events
beginning Friday, April 25.
At the regular Friday evening
service on April 25, a special speaker
will address the boys. Saturday at
10:30 nearly the whole service will
be conducted by boy*. Justin Wolfe
will lead the prayer and Herman
Rosenblatt will read the Hebrew
responses. Other boy* will rend pray
ers In F.ngllsh and Hebrew. Abe
Kohn'a boy orchestra will play and
Laura floats will recite "That Little
Boy of Mine." Boy Seoul* in uniform
will present the flag salute and give
the scout oath. Rabbi Cohn will talk.
Sunday, two weeks from tomorrow,
there will be a Sunday school as
sembly at 11 *■ m. Bov Scout* will
give their pledge of allegiance. Martin
L. Hugarman will be the shaker of!
the day.
Other churches are expected to an
nounce their program* for Boys’ Day |
In the rhureh*,wlthln a few days.
Samuel H. CaldJfell I* chairman of
the committee for the day, with vice
chairman consisting of Rev. Edward
J. Flanagan for the Catholic division,
Rabbi Cohn for the Hebrew division
and Rev. John L. Barton for the Pro
testant division.
Sermons to and about boys are ex
pected to be the order of the day.
In addition to the services, there are
expected to he other meetings at
which prominent athletes or civic
leaders will address the boy* on fair
play and true sportsmanship.
The annual meeting of the congre
gation at the I.owe evenuc Preehy.
terlen church wee held Wedneedey
evening. After * dinner eerved hy
Icedere of the dlvletone of the eJd eo
clety the meeting wee called to order
hy the peetor. Dr. A. F. Krnet. Dr.
J. M. Petton, O. R Kleeley end Dr
J. If. Wellec* were elected eldere for
e term of three yeere, end P. F. Hon
orden end F. C. Hrelnerd were c.hogen
dearone for three yeere Dr. J. M
Patton wee choeen preeldent for the
enduing yeer end II. D. Johneton • *
VV. W Carmichael, R D. Johneton
and Jamee Corr were elected truetece
for thiee yeere. The treneurer'e re
port ehowed ell bllle paid and e bal
ance on hand of etanit $400 In ceeh
and pledgee.
et t" In Turner hall to talk on the
playground end community center
which the club line requeeled the city
council to eetahllah In llrown perk
from f In W etreete end from Right
eanth to Twentieth etreef*.
Sl.'tliltftl hy lliitthantl.
Mre. Krnmu Jordan, 4733 Mouth
Twentyelxth etreef, enffend e knife
wound In the left aide during art at
Irged uuairel with her hunhand, Clar
ence, et their home, Friday, lie la In
jail charged with cutting Wllh Intent
to wound.
Prowler Kontrtl.
Ham Morteriaen reported to police
lhat h» frightened away a prowler
Who waa entering hie fiedrooin win
dow et 3021 17 afreet Friday night.
South Omaha ltn>vitic»
PHONK H A 1214
of#p rniKsu at ihk
"KrftlSLM TOllOKItOw,—Adv«rtlMn>«nt.
Mill* Jlnol lt*hl**t*tr I«4t*» »<f
IIW MHtilitfil rtHlil t*4 ptHtl
<*■ ■ 1 lot* th*
hunt *1 ihaptl ftt***p» ift*r
ttiwtt in tH*M it** rum ml ****••♦*
fi r Mnnli tiwl I ml** W 1“ W*frp*> h,
*l**i AIM ThttHwInr liwtwm Hi lit*
fmtti* In *«MMh*n In fttmty ftt*f**H,
Mi* tflff nfhi'tm* »tt* JttAa*
Imoit |tfn**ti, II W l’atH**k,
ifnttpa tlntfn**. Affhnr li ItnMnln,
\l IV fMahangh, A* ting I'liM t f IVt
lie* lint It 1‘RtnftnWHtll, l*n»lMl»*t*t
• - I 1 ~
t*ty of lit* Kill*, i'hml** I nltl, lit*
Minor, \ *1 patrr.
Mt>t *t *.fVr * it**** front ih* KIM, olty
hull Ptttftln}** Rtt'l finttt |mllr* tntirl
ntOnli** an* lt*nh*tl on fit* *|i*r,
ll»v. It It. Wtynn, i**»ior nf th»
I'nllnl I’t**hyt*i Intt • Inin It. ttfWt IntriJ.
1’itlli * *'onttitl**lon*r tlanry Innifi
mug "Altli* With Mr" ntnl "im*
Hwrrfly HnlPtnti Thought." Kl'lt*
Cm l*tm jil:i.vnl fli* nr can. No *ulngj
wnn glvpti.
| He per line each day, 1 nr t day*
| I Co par line earh dav. I or I da* a.
1 Or per line each day. 7 daya nr longer
f'laaeifled Ada accepted at tha following
The above ratea anplv to all adv*rtf#e
menta lit claaafftoatloiw
I .net and Found . 4
lltlp Wanted Femala . 37
Help Wanted Male . 2*
Saleemen and Agapta ............... SO
Situations wan tad Femala . 3i
Situation* Wanted Mala . 12
Article* for Salt . ........ 44
Farm and Dairy Product# ........... 44
Homemade Thing* . 43
Uouaehold Hood* . 43
Kwhp Column .....43A
Wearing Anparal . 40
I Wanted to Huy .. 41
Hoorn* With Hoard . 42
ftooma Without Board .. 43
Hoorn* for Ifou**ke*plng . 44
ftooma I7nfurnl*hed .6« \
Suburban Hoard . <4
Farm* for Rent .76 A
For all other clarification* our regular
rate* a* quoted below anply
Morning Edition .I p. m.
Evening Edition .11:00 a. rn
Sunday Edition.» 00 p. in. Saturday
alther charge or * aah ordera.
ATIantlc 100k.
Theaa rataa apply to The Sunday Omaha
He* aa well aa The Morning and Evening
He«. All weak day advartteementa ap
pear In both morning and Avenlng edition*
at tha one coat:
14c per line each day. 1 or I days.
16c par line ea^h day. I or 4 daya.
lto p#r line each day 7 day* or longar.
Answer* to Want Ads
which have box numbers
as addresses may be
phoned in. Just phone
AT lantic 1000—ask for
an ad taker and tell her
which advertiaement you
wish to answer. She will
do the rest Phone
AT lantic 1000 to answer
Blind Want Ads—you’ll
be pleased.
< V
»■ 1 1 ■■ » 1 1 I
Funeral Nolle*# .................... A
%’anlts and Mnnumend. II
Funeral Hirer tor* ..0 j
femeteet** . I#
Flor1*»t* . F i
4 ard of Thanks . F
Lodge hollers ... I
I omlng Event* . I
Fersonnl* .. . .... .8
Isat anti Fonnd 4
Automobile* for halo ..1
Trurks for Male . A.%
4ufomboil* Agencies.4 !
Motofrye4ss and fllryelrs . 7
Automobile* for Farhang* . a
Auto Accessories, Part*. »
Service Station* ■ Repairing .... l»
.. .11
i . It
llttalnfss Merrlee* Offered .......If
Molltllng Contractor* .14
Heating and Plumbing . Ift
fnanmnee . Id
Millinery—l»re*amak»ng . ..17
Mnrlng—Tmrklng—storage . II
Painting and Papering . If
Patent Attorney* . ff
Printing stationer? . 1|
Professional Merrlra ...tfl
Repairing 9f
Renovating and nplnf . If
laundries .... 144
Tailoring and Pressing ..,H
W anted—Busin*** Merrlee .tf
Help Wanted—Pemala .......... 77
Help Wanted—Male ... ft
'Help Wanted—Male and Female If
• talesmen and Agent* . .. If
Mt nation* Wanted—Female .,. II
| situations Wanted—Mala . ft
| If n*l ness Opportunities ............ M
i Investment—storks— Itond* .14
Real Rotate I ana* .... 14 A
Money to loan .. ....4ft
Wanted to Borrow . Ift
Correspondence Course* . ,,,, 77
Local Instruction Classes . ftft
Musical—Itramattr . M
Mooring Academic# ................. If %
Private fn*trnrtlon . *. 4ft
Wanted—Inatrnrtlon . 41
Mags. Cats nnd Pet# . .41
floraas, tattle. Vehicles...4ft
Vnnllrf and Moppllea ..*.. ,44
Wanted—Live stork . 48
Articles for Male .................. 44
llualness Lpitlpment .... . 47
Building Material* 4A
Farm and Hairy Products..... 4f
Puel and feed ... . 80
Hand Thing* to . II
Home-Made Thing* . H
H#«*eftold ttooda II
Swap C olumn ....if A
Jewelry and Wntehe* . 84
Machinefr and Tool* . (ft
*e*d*. Plant* and Flower* 14
I “pedals at the store* . .17
I Mn«leal Instrument* . 88
j ttodlo F.«|nlpmer*t .. W
Wearing Ipparel 80
! Wanted to liny ..... 81
ftooin* WHh Hoard .. 87
| Hoorn* W ithout M«iard .. ftft
Hoorn* for Housekeeping . 44
| Hoorn*. I ofnrol«tied 84%
‘•nhurtotfi Him rd . 81
j W here fo Stop Ip Town 87
j W anted Hoorn* and floard 88
\ |»arl rne ot*—Furnished 80
1 Ipartmeot*— I nfnrnl*hrd 7#
: ItiiMo*-** Place* for Rent 71
Hon»e« for R* nt 7t
House*, t nmlshed ^
Office* and Me*k Hoorn . 71
Out-of-Town V ro|*erfy .. 74
■•iihurhan for Rent . 78
Farm lend* for Rent ..... 71%
summer Plaie for Rent 78
W ‘inted to Rent 77
llualne** Property 78
Heal P«tate—Investment* ., 78%
I arm* and land* for Sale ....... 7S
I’llr %«reage for Mats 7fA
IfoiHM »- f,,r *«|» ftft
||on*eo— North ... .. 81
I House*-—Mouth .. 81
( J|ou*e* —%t e*| ... 81
| It oii*e»- IteOftou . . SI
j For Male— Dundee . SI
i For Sul#.— Florence ...ftft
j tor Male—Connell llltiff* .. 87
l-wt* for Sale ..
Heal f.Mafe far Farhanga 88
j Wanted- Real F*fn!e .. . 88
.Aim I Ion Male* *1
|Real Fatal* at Auction .. fl
NhoI Vim A
mT hfiMt it*.. *i* VT * * #•.. i i
»»>l *.*»,*• AIM Hi4i. • *
it y lit
*«'4 » « * *
H» ^'1 «|t* I* *w» »» *t*
**4t*i*A I ***** AM !.♦* •*» y «>*»■.* A *
%*<» ***** Hmm a9 f•
M»**A **• A tBMRSti pi h **11 I r**
ll* »•* A It I W ft. I
l»*«tA*t. A^ttl If, at t ft t Hi fantiit luifMii, |»tl Vaim ftt t»
** »*»,««**.* i Atf# s t » ffa Ifllf.Mfii
M' i» iif* t-A*nat#*f i» fi'i»*ft» *4
*Ti 1 Phi • r t%ati*i k'T a hi' ii7*Tiaf
f* mm. It • Am* lit it Amt*
I • *.!»•
- *1 * ' 11 M •*,,■.!, ...
r* * fiantf
t «*• A*«4 It* t*af* »«*«#* *|| if
"maHa, aUt fit* ♦>» *h*»» Ht»m» *
I tank AatMwal U , u,l A*Mr *f 11*1
«'n», ap**l <1* .re# W f lint,*, (a
I Mt^tal a til l.i MM at fH*
iiratta* A I'irfaa'-a .H*t»i MnMa*, A•*«It
i* Al It’ m , It** 4i»Ha* *t*t’k **ff I*
itit f*»iia*i Ini •*< *»»»•«* m Nii-i (fit
#mt*a»r thf •* «f I Ha l-’tt*
■' ' 1 * » *•
* * i iH I
ttvnlllfVA. litti) * 'snl' K«t i A i 'I #Hd
William, all ..f 1***1.
Mamaint All! l>* •*mt ft 1V«af#v A
M*afay »*fiat**l ttni|*» a n, h, hi. ran'
Mitiit, tnr tmrial
Vaults and Mnmmtrnh VI
\nipiiti• NallM • i it VisHi
-#*• 1 i.v an leading undertakers
Mfg. hy Omaha t'nnrieto Uurtal Vb»|I «»
Fiifirral IWrerttir*. C
Under!abets and Embalnterf
Phone If A o2< • offi. . jail I srnam
( EST A Ml. I SI I Eli SINCE 1*421
23d and o gta. I2fc«j t* nth St
MA. 0440. AT. J 472
Dndfa at 24th. Funeral Directors. JA. 2FR
Uulat, Dignified Supervision
Funeral directora. 2224 Cuming. JA. 1224
3120 N, 2 It h HI.KK. Q2&7.
Ill 8. 13d. new funeral home. HA. 0417.
24th and Wirt. WE. 0047
1423 CUMING 8T.. JA. 0424.
2411 Farnain St.
Omefcrle*. D
Omaha s moat conveniently located ceme
tery. Laally accessible Family lota on
partial payments: Immediate use if necea
•ary I'erpe'ual care filth and Center
• all WA 0*20 or AT. l#7t. our auto will
rail f».r you without charge.
The cemetr-rv 1« very beautiful. Wee the
display of plant a m the * reenhouaee.
Orders are being taken lor spring plant
MorlM*. K
ft'i^l.WH, Kl.irlal, :<ll> l .rn.m JA. 310C
.HlllN HATH. llu« R«rn»m. JA. It0»
PrmonmlA. 2
I/JNEf.T 7 Join our corrrtpond
,-n< . .lut. of m«int>«r«
*v.rywli-r.; particular* fr<- .V»
lion*! <•nrreepurideni # • lut#, 74*
A t' ade Station, Central Ave . Log
Angeles, Cal.
WANTED—Refined Catholic home for
healthy, happy boy, 2 years old. must
l#«* family of good habtta and able to give
good rare; • an pay some expenses, may
I *- a v e permanently If mutually sstlafaa
tory. Write Y 2431, Omaha live.
THE SALVATION Army tnduatrlal horns
solicits your old clothing. furniture, mags
fine* We follect. We dlatrlbute. Phone
JA 413fi and our wagon will call. Call
and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114
podge street,
TOURING? If you i on* *mplate a trip
west in your car nast summer, write for
your information and protection, to the
Idaho State Automobile IA. A. A ) associ
ation. 1* O Bo< lit*. Holes Idaho
I'rostatlo troubles treated without surge-y
or drugs. Dr. C B. Hunt. 632 W.-H. Hldf
Theatrical historical mae#jue costumes for
plays and parties at Lleben's. Omaha.
MAWHAOE violet Ray Room 36. Douglas
Block. S B 14th and Podge AT *644
COLORED girl wants laundry or day
work WE #646,
214 N 17TH 8T.
I .«»•»! nnd Found. 4
A light eolored novelty hair pin.
undoubtedly the ifroperty «f e
lady The owner can re. ovar har
pin hy definitely establishing her
ownership through Hoi A-ttt.
Omaha He#. 1
Lf>ST—Small purs* containing dlamond
stud'1ed wrist watfh. |2<* bill and aoma
c hange, at < nr Savior Lutheran church,
3«ttb and fsard 11 AT 4 218 Reward
Antomobltra for Hair. ■
or tiikkis good i *i?o cab*?
gfudebaker Roadater ..MM
K«*ex KoNtltirr. . ltd
Oakland Roadater .. 1*4
Oakland Touring . X**
Kaaag Touring . y........... <♦-'»
(fidamobile Touriifg ..
Franklin Touring ...
Ford Coup# ................ IXI
Oakland Coup# .............. 41}
ffaynaa Coupa .• &•
r.onk thaaa av*r If la tha markat for a
good l ard Car.
Apeelala for Sunday and Monday.
Twantlath and Ifarnay Atraata.
I^fa ItJI Actual mtleagt, T,*0fl.
Kioalloni condition. naw nalnt,
good rubber, na Intel Anvabata,
many aatraa. Triad right for
lilt’ Jonaa At. AT 107*
Foftli I-ton trurk. Ifll modal,
driven racy |lt||a, »q nipped with
fruit body Ifaa grar ahtfl Iran*
miaafon and Rgaaetf axle A bar
gain for ait)»na wanting a lata
modal trurk
IIU Farnarn Mt»A. Ml*.
Top AN If I'tfRTAINA l/H*K WII KK.«,
KTC. Iioo YMiVVN, *N«» FINANCffi
RRtf 0 rnadafar, lat* modal,
ovarhaulad repainted Will aril at
raal bargain Parma If dealred.
Mi* KarnamHA MJI.
< HANI’I.KH o»| I'K In trlra ..million, 1
n«w Itoyal rnrda upholafar log fine;
bumper a Id a llghta, apara lira, IMS
Thona IIA Hl«
TtfURINO >»' i*i running ordar;
good tlrra and nrw ton III
SMI Karnam
"*fi It PH Y IfTiT rf *
Downtown t aa.) Car Atora
141* Ya - won Air eat AT 4411.
O. N Ronntr Motor Cg.
SMI Karnam.
>•41 Firmw AT lilt
t»«Hi|f t'NKIf CAItA
nir Y Of It A AT
lltrr I,. AMITH_
RRANP taw. 1*14 gtandard malt a alxryl
today oara at fai-tory price Tour opper
t unit a No trade# lt.*xD 4*4. Omaha Itee
K* »HI»A—LH »I»ti Ml— I't'l' W H
Jtti R Slth Ttl. AfA. MM
• (•
till lldp* St Mil
i| ftMl* »t IMIMMIUM ttRVDt
ffll r*+4 f-*i MNfi b ff tiff
*111 i 4A ]»* •«#*«#* t* f» )M
111* t> >4 fait #♦****• P I . .. fll
'1 t 1**4 f •'•«*# 11. R .... ill
iff| 1 *»4 i*Hl. ItllfM, Ik, R .♦**, Ill
iff* »*ba* tap# itfct na* Ml
tffi star v«»# *n**oM#r4, If*
Ills iHltipt SfUMI 1m» imDM •*•
«• • tit infill *#u um» tH#i ♦»» * a ■
•>fPU*4 fa M» »Hk in • ••
i»iw i*S * tnu in ill Ml m ilt<«i
out »•») NMM1* fill
indrimy m ftrn r * in.
Durant an4 Star **r*.
or»« Sunlaii an 4*
Oran * #nin*a
1121 Ford aadan. A I condition
four go«d tlraa .... MM
1121 Fort Hadan motor fina. *oe>d 0
tt*#a, largo lock wh*#!, na«a
pain*, upholatary hka paw
. MT1
1 a*2 1 ord Sedan |3#9
1123 Ford Coup#.$319
1121 Road at at atariar and da
mountabla rlma. oatru good
rubber, apartai curtain* 1396
1121 Ford Touring, atartar and da
mountabla rlma . $219
Ford Touring . I 19
Ford Tourln* .$ M
Ford Ro»d»tar. In airallant con
dition .| 74
1121 <*h#vroiat Coup#, nlea rr»n
dltlon thrnughouT .1499
Studabakir Tourln* .$199
Farnam at Bird. HA. OIM.
Uaad Car Dap't.
Opan Sunday’s • till I.
Opan waak days till • p. m.
Trucks for Sale. SA
Mack. Packard. Plan*. Maatar
and Dougina dump and ataka body
truck* at bargain prlcaa
Jill Jonea fit. AT. MTS.
Konn TOUR I MO. Hail •tartar,
•paedomafer. lock wheal. ate.
Nearly new tire* This car ta
priced to aell today at 1126 09.
Term* without finance charge.
3661 Karnam.
RSO ape* d Wagon. 1 % ton 1921
model, raconatructed, good cab
and body Bargain
f M oppkr MOTOR CO
Kamain HrHA 04t«
Two 1’<6-ton Packard chaaaln
and cal»a Good operating rondl*
tlon for aala cheap at 120“ 09
1614 Jonea Ht _AT 1071.
ONE to three-ton uaad troclfa; term* can
be arranged. International Harvaatar Co.
of America. 714-14 S 10th St.
FrMtlealty new Mi'k ourk slightly
damaged in fire for aala cheap
1614 Jonea HvAT. I9T9.
Auto AcMMortaa, Part*. •
FORI) Sedan body with built-in Pullman
bad. X—4-paaaenger Coupe bodiee.
Trartl bodlea built for any ehaaala.
PFiCt^nn, 2616 leaven worth
GUARANTEED new and uaed auto oarta
at a aperial cut pr9»a Nebraska Auto
Parta. 1014-1* Harney St.. JA. 4911. and
2106 fuming St.. AT 1979.
S4il and 20wSt* a!get, IS 69 and up. Other
•fee* in proportion. Kaplan Auto Parta.
1111 Nlcholia.
Hrrvlre Station*—Repairing. It,
Rayfleid carburetor and Elaamano mag
neto aervlra. AT 1669.
V MKM HnlRfi 4 SQM. 417 8. 11TH.
Mllllnarjr—Dmamaklng. 11
ACCORDION. *I4«. knit*, tun plMtlng.
eovered button*; all atyloa; hematltcblng:
buttonholes Write Ideal Button and
Pleating Co.. 191 Brown Block. Omaha,
Neb Telethon* JA 1111.
Hematltcblng. Covered Buttons.
1144 Earnam. Second Poof I A. M7#
DR KHMM A KING and aawlng. Mrs Broad
2440 Karnam. AT 7419.
Moving—Tr*rk*g*—Hloragc. IS
' riDn.iTT storaob * van co!
btoraub mhippino i»ti nffie* furaltur*. autaa.
111.7-t l HOWARD rr. JA. *»**.
PACKINO, MOVINO. MHIPPINO, MTOR7NO furnl.h»4. AT. *774 of JA. till.
Itib .rut l>»*»n»orlh Mi. Packing. m*v
In*. »lnr>«». .hipping. JA. 4147.
ooRr-oN tt riRKPRoor tvit»r * van.
71. North llth Hr. I’hon. JA. 7417; m.»
in*, p.'lilng, »ii)r.««, .hipping.
Painting and Paparing. It
A NO. t p.p.rh.ngin, Wall p.p.r
••I. pnc. Fr.d I'.rka, 4**1 *. 74th »t.
>IA, till. AT, 74*4.
I'AFKItirANHINO- Ia»w, Quit, AT t»*7.~~
Patou* Atl«ra.r*. W
Procured Sand akatch er modal today
for elimination, prompt report and §d
v|<* No charge for preliminary advice.
Write for free booklet and blank form
on which to dlarloaa your fdga. Highest
refaren-e# Promptneaa aaaurad Claranra
A O'Hr Mo Ragtaterad Patent I.awjer.
299-B. Sarurity flank Building, iMroctly
• ernes tha atraat from Fatant Office,
Washington, D. C.
.1 W MARTIN. 621 Fatarg Trust Bldg.
Omaha; alto Washington Double aarvlca.
• ingle fee A!■«» help tail patent#.*
Printing ftt*tlon*rjr. tl
Co 1ft South llth St »ho«i# J 4. 4464
Repairing. t)
USED and new sowing ms<*hlnrs Sew
ing marhlnea and vlrtrelaa rat-aired
llent me-'htnee. |1 per week; |l per mo.
mu kkl mi sic house
IMh and Harney.AT. 4111
Vtrnnvftffnff in| Dyeing U
oMAIIA PILLOW OO^ftitMr mgttraaeg
mad* from youi n«n fealhara. W# will
• all and ledlvar lt#7 « titli ng JA !♦«?
Ilrlp Wanlnl—Krmtto IT
UDIRi Kvarywhar*. part or full tlma
to taka tha plgca of gtnrakaepera without
any invftt mani or Mptrlm a All mothin
will help you Thla la a aplandld oppor
lunify Tall ua wmathlng about rout** If
i'm No ill drand ('antral I’oat Offlct.
Naw Tork City
I.APIK.M l.aarn hatrdreaatng m arc* ling,
parmanant waving manicuring, farlt rna*
tlaflar pav for thla work than
anything alaa you rould laarn Pay nr Intjulr*. M‘»i,Kll <OLl,*<JIC. lot
f* lith Ri
\\ ANTKI* Indian In thlg locality ta am
In old* r llnana for ua at h«ma during
•h«lr laiaura mnmanta Writ* nt once.
’ t-'nvhtnn fmln older***." ••• l,tma. Ohla.
I AHN ffi to |ld weakly, copying name*
neii.l atamped anralapa for particular*
Inlnca Mfg (’« , To I ado, O.
y:\1*KHT ntarcallar* wanted Pay id
Uaiuty I'grlor, So. 9 Baird ltid|.
Matt* H iwM I »Pik
•f ** ll tft »•§ ft •**' *♦' «• *# *• 1
latbpa w * a HfMpa a*«Me§ !
| ' *4 *4 »♦=’*■«* t«#4* f •
•.*.*.♦ *4.4 (tifini' !••» w 4**■ «••»*
itpltji |»ew#tj I <■ l 4»fc» M R»fv
N#4p HiUfft-fti* M
h MIAMI* Hi H ***•.••* »•• »t
#•<•** 1 •*<• •*# f •* •*-■•■■ 4 =• • •' #m Hi
* * •*'**•• g 1 *
' *0 • » • * *» .*■ ♦.»■ »—a»*
I1' »)n|»**» l*rt*i» 4*a AH > *i *»*• y * ' *
'■♦*•§ ft -ft*, i « t ■ * •.' ft ! • • 4 ’ ft *
Him#Ml | *ifti t <!■•«•*• a Ai**» M* l H
* Ht , tb»» Afe r W
Wfc tan waa »btaa *tf f»ut §f+4
a>iiaf r Iim* ft»t*ftt, **. A • A
Vitiawaftlaa f« »*• «'§!»» part
a»|> ta flmM HIM MiM|*t
UAKUHI) llt’tOll l Ah C*»
74S ~l VaM HAh MmTi n 7 i uVie
• m ee*ntt a !♦«*#♦ Rett - laaa waik
itwwd lab waltinf «Mn «».trh#' n* Bhe»«
#fM*ftft •«tft|'!^'*ft I a* r>* nan**.* rail I
••I wjtia M-H.MA MVPI'III ttf.I.Mlk
1*1 f tMj>, <
W ANTH» fiial r!»*• » nmmat■ *al Ant
kuMMfn man, pam.anaa* |M*«dllw*t In
aa l*b«r trouble fiend ta*d pan* It *p*»'
man of a If yogi *| b* ntnntr Mh tay Ht*
rat lira l •# _
MICN wanted b» latfaat fcr# *rn rtf Ita
Hind la tba w orld pat I of full tltn* #a
parlance unnecessary, our mew fatting tip
to lift* Wftekll In a a*! pi m a • Rad Baal
' t'n , 323 « nal I ■ * Mldf ' >
A!,f. MKS'. Woman t*ovi. atria. IT to It
*tiiina • o •• fto« gn\armiirnl r-oAlHona
111VI210 rtiatallnr or a*ationar» » wrtia
Mr Oititani. HI. Ht. j,oula. Mo. Imtnedl*
at# tv.
RAII.WAY Mail Clark* Wanted™Omaha;
• lamination May H; |! *00-12 HAO yaariy;
big ralae atpaciad. Writ# Mr Oimanl,
ATI. Bt Louie, Mo . Imrnadlalaly.
Ha a daltotlva |*>o$l0n waakly. travel
ovar lha world; experience un?i**'-ew*a ry
Amerben List active A*ancy, Ttl Columbia.
Ht. Louie
AN opening for rallabla, aethi man tak
'r,g orders for guarantaftd fiurnary utork
Hull or spare tlma Pay waakly. Brown
Hroa. Company* Rorb»»irr, N V -■
KIR E M V. N bra k • m **n t^glnners HM
$2*0 (whl'h pniltlon?) Railway. T-2617
Omaha Baa
Ifolp Wanted—Mala and Female, tt
AOBNT8—Man or woman. sail I.lvlngwton
lingerie direct from mill to wearer All or
wpara tlma. No aspdrltfiaa nat '-•sary.
• ‘harming knlf undargarmanla. lovaly.
durable, low priced Woman • annot r-aiat
'ham Representatives actually ar* making
aa high a* |2l a day. Tour pmfite in ad
vance, you ahow the got»dn. mall ua
order* wa ship *nd collect Htoraa cannot
(-ompata In valua and price Fraa photoa
of actual models and wamrlew of wonder
ful fabric. Kxclualva territory opm.
Writ# for plan lAvIngeton rn<1*rw*ir
<‘orp . |0( Jeweler* Exchange Hulldlng,
Minnaapolla, Minn,
TTPI8TH—Add materially to your In*
coma by typing author*' manu*' riptw in
■ nara time. Ea*y work: high re*- WrMa
Mr* R J C arn»-ft. Tallapooea 'ia
MAKE 92S-I7S Warkly writing eh w «arda
for ua at home Wa initro# t you and
eupply work. i^wpt 332 National Mu*
dloa. 6121 Porchf»tar. *Chlcago__
Balnimti and Agtnta. 3# i
SALESMEN—Diamond afri*«:i m - at last! I
Amaxlng dlecoverv of flijah ‘km xtartle*
Jewelry world; lino weekly Inti-du* r.x
these magnificent gem* sample - *»e fre. 1
V6 Mt* quirk. Kajah <’o. D*pt A. Walla
bury, N. C_ J
AGENTS-—Keeponalble company man’s
man In avary town to take rare of Its
advertising, experience unne *asar> , excel
lent opportunity; we also have attractive
axentr proposition Ouaran’e* Sign Serv
l-e. III W. Super-', *h<ago.
At)ENTS—-Clark mad* • :& an hour eell- j
ing veetpocket windshield cleaner needed1
by avary auto;at, motorman, engineer, one
rub keeps glaia clear 24 h<-ora. 99.909
sold; amaxlng proposition frm« Seiurltyj
Mfg Co, D*pt. 710. Toledo O._
SALESMEN wanted for worlds fjn*at 1
valve spring tool; absolutely new; noth
ing like It ever offered; sella on eight j
wherever rare are used, be first in your*
territory with thle popular tool Slonaksr
Mfg. Co , 241 3 olive St., Lo* Angeles.
SALESMEN—Inexperienced or experl
enred, city or traveling Write for fre*
book “Modern S*1**man*hlp ' HI# demand
for men Earn 13.690 to 110,099 yearly.
Addraea National Salesmens Tr Assn.,
Pagt. 409. Chicago.
AGENTS Maks 1199 month and fr**
automobile with n*w atyla written guar
ante* hosiery Pa^ tim* and evening* '
bring you 12 hour. Experience or capital
unnecessary We furnlah 26 aempl**.
Jennings Mfg. Co Trial A-J4I, Payton. O.
SELL Madison “Bolter-Mad*" Shirts direct
from our factory to wearer. No capital or _
experience required; eaey sold; big profit*
Writ* for fre* eamplea Madieoa Mills, j
691 Broadway, New Tork City. ;
OOOPTEAH MEG CO. 22 C—Goodyear
Bldg. Kanaas City. Mo, is making stl
offer to send a handsome raincoat free t#
on* perei-D in aarh locality who will
recommend It to frlenda. Write tod**
AGENTS—Clear SldO per we*k eeMtng
Spray pumps and Autowaehera. Truitt eoid
94.999 In I months; big profits, new fee
furea; exduaiv# rights, free eampla offer.
Kay Huaeler Co. Johnelti*. n, «»
AGENTS—Ngw wonderful teller Mr
profit ovary II eai*. Deliver on ip©’
License unnecessary No competition
Sample free. Mteelon Co . 619 N llelstad.
CMoxyt, III.
100 PER CENT profit; eaelutlv* terri
tory; o*if automobile owner# new pet
ented epong* automobile waehor, at
tach#* to garden hoe# Writ# Never
Scratch Attto 'Waeher Co, Denver, Colo.
RESIDENT ■aleernon manufacturer#* line
men a knitted neckwear, ealllng on g*nio*
fum and depart- atoree State of Neb.
Writ#, giving r#f#r*nc#a The Pauner
Knitting Mill*. 117 0th Are . N Y City
SALESMEN - New iawn rgke 7n
•ighL Collact llboral commiaalon with or
der#. We make deliver!##. Write for
propoettlon. Lawn Broom Co. Cedar
Rapid*. la
AUKNTA— Earn MO* a month eaay »noT
A W Uliama mada Ml In threo hour*
Every car owner a proepe« t Writ# today
to Atranaky Co. Dept. 2072. Tukwana.
s n.
• A LEA MEN— Sell coal In carload Ida.
aide or mein line, eipertenc# unnecfeaarv;
earn a week'a pay In an hour, liberal
drawing account arrangement. Waehlng
ton Coal Co . >01 coal K% Bldg . Chlcago.
SALESMEN Making email lowna nlac*
our O K Mint Vender# with merchant*
on oomminalon ha*1# Writ# ua for mora
information Iowa Novelty Co. 110 »*v#r
Bldg., cedar Rapid*
A'IKNTS~-$|V to ft®® weekly eaay ae llng
new Jumbo Rig letter Changeable Sian*
K very merchant buy# Catalog free.
People** Mfg. •<« W*. Randolph St.
HALKAMEN — Wav* a good eld# lino for
•* teamen calling on garage* and tire
• hop*, commiarlon bgala Addrea* Arrr -
•trong. 4920 Kaat 20th St . Kanaaa City.
SALESMEN making ema’l town#; ##11
laeea. India#* neckwear, all or part time, i
(lood co mm lee Ion a. State experience. ref
#tencee. territory. Moeer Co , 074 Br oad -
way. New Tork. __
AGENTS 119 a week taking ordara for
Thomaa Guaranteed lloaiery. 17 different ,
kind*; lei eet atvlce and color*. >«u»
*U* In frea outfit. Thoma* Mfg C*. Mill
TII7, Dayton. O.
AGENTS—Repreeeni a real mill; l*H the
•♦rlglnal guaranteed W##r Troof hnat*rv.
all colore, cotton. Ilele. ellk. Salary »>r
commiaalon; full «r part tim* Interna
tlonal Knitting Mill*. Nefrtatown, Pa
AGENTS—fa* per cent profit Wonderful
little article; aomething new sella like1
wildfire Carry In pocket Writ# at once i
for free eampie Albert Mill* Mfr . 24201
American Bldg Cincinnati, O.
' lUAIt aata«m«ti W*atad 111* par n>.*Mh
«r 1 **pana«-« Ptparlanra unnaraaaary
band addrraaad antalopa for information.
Hoy a I Cigar tV, High Patat. N^C
AtlACNTM Farn f< aitra «v«ry day by
aalllng ua tha namaa of man and
you * all an Inthrut Co, Aft* Con* tea*.
Cftl<*|l _
A<)KNTA— Malta fl an hour aTtj^Ma'nd”
ata A pafant patrh Inatanttv titenda
laaha In all manat la Aantila fraa Col
lotto C*, Amatardam. N y
AtIKNTf* Pal an I ad hnma na -aattr No
artlrta I ill* If 4 aaloa In ft ralla Traman
•In via profit Ktrlu tarr Apang lay-Loom to
i> , III* (lartand liMa Chlrago
AtlFVTM f'ont ba without our oltrarttvo
popular ftu*«l ahirt Una. a*t| A*’ tn
naaraf; Wmata any Itna IN Hta faihlN
Uaar Mhtrta. Ja< haon Mt Cinrlnnatl. o
» I N i M \laka ftP to f ' nr- t tm
• amplaa. genuine gold lailara far atora
n tn don • Tibaral offar to ganaral aamta
Ma» % i.r « \ i mt, I h:r»|,,
IALMMRN T• *» •»
• drartlaiag campaign paya you If* a day
Knnwladpa of radio unntraaaary t'a«;*r»'
aalap jaarantaad Hm «»:. |m« City, la
Unit la t.tfa Toni'* fraa, vrmMlof ■
ful madlrlna, hi a rap** tar htg profit*
UdWi Co. L»*H 4 7, Pi. Lou.a, A'
I »••!... I'M' <
m*t**m*m iMI St***** **
I | «f m** U • Hi I* •*
**.* # a 4#*« «*#«• *»♦« H
i t* fc§ I# « . i n ia*#tnnf%
» .. M
n»-*>«at tiff «* l‘*M 4»
• «*f in . »n Vh>4«*t*in#
H % A IIH, MMANI fell
• - • • ..•
N***nnni *»nh t in4nftn€»n • ftM A
♦ wM> *1 Mi *n* AHA tha ifnAAIfe Himn
-*a . #»* 1 Ha fat'Aft* §• nt # wo * I
.1 i«t |.»mu it aA I a* • * 1
. ' • ■ • * •
•• »».* * Iff* pn»>*?f»aa 'f i I
' ht*4n « Wl-f «*' 4
r*»n>» a*tia ef N*i*a*»a Hn f*»*a*ia
.. . ».i | • *»m A • ‘ Ni * •
l**oiahA V Mil. Mn
P AM Ah JmmT **• haH«
fiI• I M.tNf f »»ih* f HnMi'na nfttlonftHf
a4»#Hi**d |mna*hot4 |»f •-■lni-*a T*»tf
« AN I afaHHnhnd |#Aft Pntonwn#
| - ? #in nt# li.*r i.m a»l #n#r r ■
<•<.*'* Vtftr* * if A *tr A. Jt*PT nnW fn#
i Hr paint dnalttP m*A "f a "H»mi “•»» •*#
MM tun# m mjr <f Omaha nn4 #A**
«h*m Wrlti ! f»r wr
aura MoNFf MAUIH* l Ft.AN f It
|<tf a %‘n I»n|if Sft. AA 'H*-nft, Mjt»n
AMKSTP FA till l«* U 1 NI>« *W PlIAfllU*
*e«v»en atn ftoattinp Hip »otnminatont Ann
ina th»» hnauttfut laatiHf aHada BAAilJ
tittft4ffH; n** Inofilnp uNmaii f'nai o*
timrn fha i ordinary thadaa S'o dnll^Pf*
(f*p nof rntlfftini to do I*tf da
U'lltn fur hnw aa'*-a plan. Tha WnmpinuH
i «.. Ini-. *1 l.nunard Pt . Nnw T*iP Cm
AGENT* I make th« beat Ch'-nla*# Ha-e
and Chewing Gum Ha my a«»n' Evjry •
»K.i1y w.ll hgy fmm )'U Writ# *odev.
Frr#» •»npi*» Milton Gordon, Clneititiat*.
AGENTS -Men end women to tt.eWe M|
money end build their own huatiieo*.
Everv horn# buy# Write today to F*ed#
7M \V, *»th St , Chicago,
AGENT* Hen*a»looei aetltr, inahe ••! t#
lino veeklv Hell Fa* Atay-prtet trouge9
t rreoor Make# perfe* t create have# preae
rr a bill# Light weight, fold* Into *■##•
venlent alee I^ow-priced, aetle on fight.
We deliver Rig prof for you. Write quldg
f'»r eornple and de’ella I»ept 11. Oetgey
.Tunr Company. Cincinnati. O,
SALESMEN You can make f1|A pe#
month In your ana re time railing only one
polit y a day! rive poll* lea a day pa? o
you $730 monthly! Policy ,jpaya I*.*>•*»
death and $-& weekly benefit for el^k
n*aa or Injury. Total coa». $1A year!
You get amazing reauite uaing our direr t
by mall selling plan Addreaa t’nder
wrltera. USC, Bonnell Hldg . Newark.
AGENTS—Genera I agenta drop every
thing aell the five-In-one wringer rn*p
A mop. mopitirk. ecrub bru#h. flocr
*r raper and mop wringer combined.
Light and practical. Other faat telling
epeeta)tie* Agenta cleaning up 110 P*r
rent profit. Territory to huetlera rlv#
In-One Mfg Co. 66-A, Wwrceater Maee. »
AGENTS—Make over 1100 every week ear
ing Nu-Way Mending Fluid J5f» per cent
profit- a *ale every two mlnutca Meade
hoaiery—all fabrlra qub k-r and better.
E\*ry hou*ewife buy* Write for outfl*,
quick. New-Way Laboratone#, Inc,, L>ept.
H-13H, \H Healthy. «’1n*>nn%ti. O
AGENTS Go into bualneae for youraei/.
Mak* money marketing proprietary apo
dal! l*a under you own |.f>*la We fur*
ni*h everything end #how you how Book,
let free National Scientific Laboratories,
20*. Monroe. Bp hmond, Va
AGENTS—H-« <*me representative largo
■ oncerti Kafabil*h youfaelf permanently.
Simplified method telling *hoe* factory to
wearer Profit* large Sell eaty. Apply
immediately- Style Arch Shoes, Clncta
natt _
AGENTS Wanted, to handle high-data
photographic proposition Weelland Stu»
dlo, 1120 Walnut Mt , Kanaaa City. Mo.
— ■1—1
Situations Wanted—Female. 11
DAT work wanted by wh.ta woman. AT.
Situations Wanted—Male. 11
WANTED—Poeftlon cutting meat, by ex
perienced msat ratter and grocery sleffc;
■ ngle, country town preferred Will gi «
name* of 26 business men aa rtferanee.
Y-2U*. Omaha Bee
EXPERT automobile driver and demon
strator will drive by the hour, or toeeh
you to drlva your new car For appolni
ment rail H McPherson. HA 621*
FORD stockman. Two years' experience.
Wants position Write or wire. H. R.
Ptnney. Juleaburg. Colo
GRADUATE pharmacist Registered in
fa ll yrv* experience Beat ref furnished.
C Ml. <~>maha Rea.
RtMlnro* Opp«rtiinlllM. S3
WANTED—Tru.tworthr. e«unp« man
with • i.060 raah *n«1 up. by well-known
Mfg company to establtah and manago
permanent aufcsdlary buaineaa in Omaha.
Willing to pay th« r.ght man 136* a month
and expens e, with ahara of profits ax*
tra. Box Y-JIll. Omaha Be#
TkK "Mvetery of John Rich a Million* *
«“how he quirkly acquired greet wealth,
will be eent absolutely free wblia limited
edition laata This intensely Interesting
book will bring you the moat important
meaaaga of your entire Ilf#. Thrift Pub
lishing Co. Burnside. Ky
MONET in grain 112 6* buy# guarante^
I*.*** bu. wheat Ne further risk Move
ment 6c opportunity take |(M; 4* |4M,
etc Particulars market lett#r free, in
vestor# Guide. 126 A-R Bldg . Kenaaa City.
F*. R PALK—General mde# bueineea in
good, Itv# territory Approx Invoice }4 •**.
Bldg , war«h»u#e and fixtures vat $6.6#*.
Paul Blae, President. Farmers Union Oo
Op Aaan . Julian, Neb.
ISMS.*04 FT* ET virgin timber S W oi
Seattle. Wa«b $6*.e## fee almp’.e ot on
rrulae at |3 6* thousand. G W. Fen
tier. Montpeliar, O._ ______
FuR HALE ahatt metal and furnace ehep
in county seat town of 4.440 in south
western. fa Tools and stock will Invoice
<1 **♦ or better C §44, Omahe Bee
COMMON sens# end $!•• or more wjtl es
tahltah cash buaineaa Dept, 14, Faul
Kays. Ilf Broadway S T.
FOR PALE—Well equipped dental #*?!c#
In town of 16,a##, cheap for cash. Mra.
f« flopine Grand Island. N#b
GoOD-PATfNO general merchandise bus*
loea. for aate in growing Wyoming town.
T •****, Omaha Use
!aNY bueinea. an>wb*rs acid for cash Ne
publicity Federal Fystem. lot Paxton
Bldg. AT. #411.
[POOI# MAI.I, for rent all furnshad. Jocg
thfa ever 2414 Ames Art
InTiwtmont—Htor-ko—Rond*. M
t.()W RATE on ottf propartr, qaithi*
rloMAk no monthly pojrmonfB. /A. lilt
W T. Praham___
. ... ' . • ■.
IU*I Ratal* I ami—._M\
I -bab • on Omaha tmrro*«4 pro port r ||
lowoot ral.a
... £»*** M- RJXPRR.
■ ;i nir NotmBBi, ja mi,
1»1» <iit>. Nht HA R 4*. JA tilt.
•IX p.r ooBt Ioabo pb i'm.ho tMid.Bcoo
< ««B op hart.1 Prompt oorolow. m R.
I.’.ioo* tnr . HI KooIIbo R 4«
REtNiNU mortaor.o of rontrortp wuf
rho.0.1 hf Tuhrt Coniponr. •}* TifM M
tionol Ho Bit JA Hit
I WILL hoy fa.itiii.o on4 roatricto.
Porti o MO Pm Not >;.1« , Pmaha Not.,
OARVtN WRPR. «4| i*moh. No- Wl4r.
h arm Loooo ob wool Nab an I K R t'olo
nwa Kloha Co. Pm.ha
M .nry In loan. U
To itnrvlr »o»r aiMwr tanla IB IB* oontw
»av that banka au«*r»a the mv#«r tatta
**f tha bvR!r,r*« cammuntta
Anr amount !<van#i yp t« |JM a»4 v»4
an ranar ft *n fair mantfct* nainrantn.
<»ur aotta! pirmial r'an rirat* thn Wan
ar <1 all • hartra
Wn ha r a ba*n in hnamaaa fa • 'mate at«p
I# aarra and ran aaaura tay »f a laid
rinfiJantial and aouar* daal
IM Karhnrh Hack Tal ) A 3144.
A.*uth#a*t rornar 14th and l>»«nian fta.
C*ran ha Rm _
, M**NKY TO laliSH an Inn* fma «rltkant
rfin»iHif«; no dalaya. nn rad tar*. Un*
Untn Jetat finch Land Sank. Unrain,
Nnh _
l OtAMONP laana at tan ant rat an. h ta*aaaa
atrtrtla aonfidanttnl Tha t'tamand (2h»
■ » ■ « »»r
( Rrmptmtlfiini (twin ft
ft It f#k aanr Omaha HatYn ay Anil
• lark Rkanrtnatirraa Ml % Aa nan** qaaa <
tlana fraa T'ranht n laailtwta. ^rnt ?*f
N* Ki'htaui. >! 2
-; — „ v-m^i