The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 13, 1924, CITY EDITION, PART TWO, Page 8-B, Image 20

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    tWim>*Fi sn\:
Fight Film Mmi
SuvnllrWin Told
I •migliMI v liUMltfiliMI ( ngi
millff I nntlntK* Wmli
I *e*(iitn AliMM nf Hr milt *
hart mt«f ^ hrrlrr.
W Mhtftgtwn, April II —tk# How*
wing of tin WiMlt Daugherty
10* obligating rqnMlIlH fiwt ikMf
at full gai >t today deaftlie thr Rh
»•««* if t Hallman Itiw-khait and
n*n»l"i Wheeler, r,-ntnwi*a |«no *
ter, 111 Ohio geunlm* Muaea, Men
ttattigahliv, and Jmim, Washington,
iwpnhlltwit, alternsted In questioning
Imlf a dorm «llnwura ml aulijects
• Hat ranged from Indian land fraud
mna In uMnhoma In ptohlblHmi en*
fititeNtml In Chicago, toiiehlng on
the Old llhkory Powder plant cane
i<mt l ho D*m iwey-Ca rpen t ter fight
film rxhlbittoh* In Oklahoma In lie
torn n,
•'o*ihii, i Ashmsi, Arisons, democrat,
IlKhlber if the Home guard* wing,
who at,rent, but Brnktor Moses, who
presided, aaid one member formed •!
iiniinilttp* forum under tla rulea, ro
Min Investigation vent nhead. Nm
did the fact that two republican "rjtp
ulnta ’ wets In charge apiiear to leraen
i Ho rffor* to find out what connection
tiro firmer attorney general or the
Department of Justice had with tlm
matter* Inquired *ntt,.
if he only new element Introduced
'fa* tlie Ob In horn i end of the flg'.v
incture hurluea*.
William Tilghninn of Oklulionia City,
un officer “out of ihe government *
office" there anil also a motion pic
lure man, t.,ld the committee of mak
ing n. contract In New York with K.
C. Qulmby for Oklar.oma rights to the
flight bicturcs, paying $7,SOU and re
.^civlng two films, lie said Qulmby
lint paid tiie federal authorities were
’ fixed" *o tliero Would ho no Jail
SOI FOR $201,000
l.aramle, Wyo., April 11.—M. A.
Kline of Cheyenne, special master In
chancery In federal court, late today
sold the Colorado, Wyoming & Blast
eifi railroad, running from Jsiramle
to Coalmont, Colo., to C. M. Owen,
rwpresentlng Callaway, B'lsli & Co. of
•New York, under foreclosure.
Tho sate price was $201,000. The
road Is 112 miles long. Parcel A, in
cluding all extra property In Wyom
ing, and parcel B, covering Its prop
erty In Colorado, were bid In for
$(00,000 each. Parcel C, In which was
offered all other extra property of the
company, was sold for $1,000. This
inoluded cash In the hands of Fred
-ft Miller, receiver.
Mr. Owen also represented bond
holders of the railroad and also of
the Huhn'e Peak & Pacific railroad.
It Is understood the bondholders will
operate the road and will forego In
terest on bonds for five years, allow
Ing tho money to revert hack to the
cofnpany. Mr. Owen was the only
Dr. Hiram L. Randall Dies.
jStella, Neb., April 11.—Ur. Hiram
I- Randall, father of George Ran
lull of Stella, died Wednesday.
funeral services will be held at
(band Island and burial will be In
Htocle cemetery st Falls City bcsldo
hl«t first wife.
Ur. Randall was SB years old In
.March. He was a pioneer of Rlchard
■nn county nnd practiced medicine In
Falls City for several years. The
second wife survives, For several
.veers they have resided at the Sol
diers' homo at Grand Island.
Fremont Ts Making War
on Stray Dogs; 6 Poisoned
Fremont. Neb., April lb—Six dogs
have been killed by poisoning within
the paHt few days. Police Chief Nage|
Intimated that no action will betaken
to offset the poisonings, ns all dogs
- Iiould he kept tled up as required by
h*w. With many planting their spring
gardens, stray dogs have apparently
br-cotne a nulsarire, and the- victims
ara taking separate action to abate
the alleged menace.
Real Kntale Transfer*.
Martha Caine* et at to Klmer n.
Porter, northweat corner Park
avenue and f,en*.rnworth atreM*
127MO ...$70,00o
Jhmisatesd Co. to Ad* I,. Mr#.» klc.
4fth atreat, D.l f. ef north or
Mania atreat, e*rt aide, 4d»1 49*v . 3no
Fen a U Olaaer and husband to Agnea
ffladerek and wife, 13th atre**t,
16? feet north of S afieat, aaat
aide, Irregular . 1,360
Theodore w. Metcalf* and wife to
Kinlly If Jones, Underwood ave
nua, 10 fr*at '•net 0f g|af 0treet,
north aide, 00*12$ . 1
Julia Af. Moylan to Fannie II. Mar
tin. Harney afreef, 60 fart weat of
7 4|th atraat, north aide, 42 9*120,. 1,076
Mi/jln K. ffaraklnd *nd wlf* to
Therkal 1*. Ifareklnd, northweat
corner 80th arid King atreeta, 04*
1*2 . 8,800
. Jf. 13. Marah and wife to Cleaveland
•f. Funk end wife, Fontenelle
honlevard. 260 fert north of Miami
street, east aide. 60*121 . J,f60
Georg* ft. Dehnhoff *nd wife to
r » Dixie C. Record. 23fh avenue, #7 %
feet north of Dodge afreet, eaat
aide, 37*4*60 . 2,600
* 'Fred Halley to George A. Dixon.
Bedford afreet, 160 feet weat of
Hath atreat south aide. 100x12*. 800
Hgrry A Tukay and wife lo Dennis
H. Courtney et al, aonlhwaat cor
ner 28th avenue and Fort atreeta,
4**123 . . . 4,300
John l.efferty and wlfa to Hern G*n
tla et el, Weheler eireet, 120
feet weat of 23d atrerf, aouth aide,
31x132 3,600
Grace B Htult to Charles ft Con
nolly. Hurnllton Ht . 320 feet w**t
of 60th etreet, north aid*, 40x134 .. 1.400
Bf Peters Church to Carl ft hhal
hurg. northeast corner 32d and
faoTflo atreeta. 00x12*. 4,000
J.tzele c, M ftiith to Bryce camp
hall, Grand avenue, 160 feet eaaf.
of 43d at reef, south aide, 100*
108 .. 1,200
Kugene f\ Hartley and wife to Mar
lofl't If Schartow, 24th atreat, 97
feet aouth of Mery atreat, west
aide, 44x120 . 900
Charles W. Martin and wife to Ca
hell W Bryant, southeast corner
30th and Titus avenue, 4818x120. 900
Bartholomew Re*| Kafsf* Co to
Troy Man/.er et at, 14th street,
23* fe*l aouth of Kurt etreet, cent
•Id**. 40*12114 . 260
<Oa Kg gen end wife to Jainea Ko*
techy et at, Third atreat, 100 feet
trortn of Haacall street, weat aide,
Irregular .. 8,680
T If. Maenn*r A- Co to Clara A.
ft Igga, northeast corner 68th and
Af/taori efreefa, 85x107 .... 1,000
•Kflery P Hunts and wife to Jeaafe
F Lancaster, 49th avenue, 47 f**et
north of Hurt street, weat a1d<
47*126 4,000
J. If. Hanks and wife to Victor PJ.
Martian and wife, Darlmor* ave
nue, 26O feet esst of I2d street,
south side. 60*127 . 1.000
Xlcj or K. ffamnn and wife to
Michael M Hirna, I .a r I more *ve
4, sue. 260 fert east of 22d street,
eaut'i xldo. 60x127 .. . . 1.000
• fit. Patera Church to Clifford D,
— Powell, northweet earner Slat and
Pacific a* reels. 608121. 2.400
Marry Koch to the Henson * Gar
reft Co., Western avenue, 4914
f »«t. weat of 6?d atraet, north
«M». 4»'**120 . ■ !.»•»
SfnHh.w M*lon* Iff M»rfu«rM« A
Wnrd iMh 30 ip.* norfh
of fB atraat, aaat aide, 30x110,,,.. 1,700
Tonsorial "Dictator” of Dundee Weighs feminine Style,
With Resulting Beauty, and Decrees "Boh" or "Don’t Boh”
tillin' \»|«iar«t Mtihglr M**l*
It* Minting | lUlHtuI Onri
ii, M ««, ywa<ama, *«if bah
• >>*nl4 i*M ha t**M*« d *
■ t»«i Aian I ail th*
*i«im ktrliil ll»*h MW l**M*»d *'
"tv*hat*a, madam*, hail n*d by I*
rtM« Tn Iwk * iMir In* If laouM
aha I il.i i ii mi fi*»|i >«»ur »l»li
madam* I ahall dr*a* H aa II ahauT
ha, l*nl hi*n aliall I Wb Ii"
Till* l« « »amill* of lb* «W*l%*nwi
linn In lb* Malawi l^taaan, a llm
halt Iwdiblng »lni|t (ml Iwauly |>arl«
ai ririlaih tlnn aad i'*|ill“l »i«;n
Thy ahftf*. abb'll I* mn i1*i-orala«l lb«
II afbntld rnally la> apallad ahofip*. I
rulrd by a w»al tyranhal Unrenan.
I,m> iim ia only “f. Ifut ha «»
Imrn In I’almarn, ftatys l*arn*d hit
trad* In Milan anil dirnMd hair It
Mwili. 1'nrlii and Horn* lung bffm
pnniltia in iiinaha.
"Willi mien a IwHigmund «h
nlioiildiri li# It n tyrant?" any h'
I'hainilUM llundTn rlitlnmrri,
I limllly nf .Inline.
Moit than 75 Kirin and wnniet
vlnlt l.omnxo’a nliop each day. It
they am nflWCOlnrra I airman In*
ntmcta lhe|r variety of IthuIj’, limit*
Iiik Imlh menial ami ponell .note*
I hen, with the finality of a supreme
court judge, he Inform* them how
their hair must bo cut or dreaded. .
If these daughters and wive* of
Omaha's wealthy citizen* had any
Idea how they wanted their hair done
before visitIng Lorenzo they quickly
abandon II. l*’or, to contradict the
youthful Lorenzo would he like tell
ing Dempsey how to fight, they *ay.
‘■■No, I don't always hob the hair of
those who want It bobbed,” explained
Lorenzo. "I feel that my mission Is
to add beauty to tlie world; to make
beauty where there is none; to make
beauty more beautiful. So how could
I bob everyone's hair, when everyone
wouldn't look well with It bobbed?”
Iihs nothing In ilo with laiien
zo’a portent Ions derisions. JfIn cus
tomer may be a grandmother, gray of
hair and wrinkled of countenance,
hut he Insists he will not hesitate to
boh her hair If ho thinks It will look
well. Hut let mmis plump or even
rotund woman enter Ida shop and
request a shlnglo bob, the kind for
which IiOrenzu has become famous,
dust let her!
Several Noes.
One glance la enough for I«orenzo.
Ho tosses Ids silky hands aloft In
despair, mumbles a few heart-broken
phrases hi French or Italian or Span
ish, and then In rather plain Kngllsh
Informs the fleshy one that the Ixib
Is not fur such ns she. Ah, no! In
d«od. severul noes. * Instead, he will
Insist on some other form of hair
dress. And the plump one Invariably
succumbs, and permits her hair to
l>e dr seed as the despot of The Mat
son Lorenzo prescribes.
T,orenzo hasn't been In this coun
try so long, hut he declares his Omt
ha customers are Just as lieautlful
as any he ever attended on the con
"Even before I left the continent
the women there were having their
hair cut; yes, even In Rome.” de
clared Lorenzo, as he gave his scls
sora a. click preliminary to the sac
rifice of another flowing lock.
Candler Loses
Suit for $20,500
Clyde Byfield, Whose Wife
Charged Attack by Club
Man, Wins Verdict.
Atlanta, tin., April 11.—A verdict
In favor of Clyde K. Byfleld. local
automobile dealer, was returned by a
Jury tonight In the suit of Walter T.
Candler, Atlanta club man, to can
cel a $20,500 note the latter gave
Byfleld In the summer of 1922 follow
ing an alleged attack by Candler on
Byflt-Id's wife.
Tb# cas# went to th# Jury shortly
befor# 10 this morning. Th# eult
wae th# second to grow out of Cand
ler'# European trip, on which he was
accompanied by hi# two young
daughters and the Byfields.
Shortly after his return to Amer
ica. Candler Instituted proceedings
for th# cancellation of the note, given
Byfleld In Paris. Immediately Mrs.
Byfleld filed suit against the club
man for $100,000 damages, alleging
that on board the steamer Beren
car la, Candler entered her stateroom
and attacked her. Th# Jury found
for Candler.
in the suit for cancellation of the
note, counsel for Candler contended
he had been forced to give Byfield
the note Immediately after the Inci
dent to protect himself from physical
violence and public exposure at By
field's hands.
The defense denied that duress had
been exerted by Byfield on the club
nsin claiming Candler gave the note
voluntarily to aettle the affair.
Atlanta, Oh,, April It,— Forest
Adair, prominent Atlanta business
man, caused the arrest of Mrs. Asa
<1. Candler, wife of the millionaire
soft drink manager, hers laat Febru
ary when she was found In an apart
ment with two men, bemuse of hls
friendship for Candler, Adair testified
today at. the ouster trial of Chief
of Police James Beavers.
Adair, whose testimony was given
In the form of a disposition, said he
acted on hls own Initiative in the
matter and denied that Candler was
in nny way responsible for hls wife's
Veteran Conductor Die*.
Sioux city, la., April 11.— P, D.
Moran, for 40 years h conductor on
the Chicago, Milwaukee A tit. Paul
railroad, died here today. Moat of hls
service was on llnea In Boutb TTikota.
Births and Deaths.
Vtr»ll and N«ra Anderaon, loot North
Fourteenth atraat, girl.
Denial and lluth McMillan, hoapltal,
* ay.
. Barbara Doatal, 6711 South
Fifteenth atraat, girl,
Ahraham and Francis Marah, 1710 South
rhtrty-eecond avenue, boy
Neal an I Alpha Snmpsoii, loot K atraat.
Aparlman*. No, 10. girl.
William and Adairnl Slaphana, 4621 p
atraat boy.
Nlrholo ind Mary Mrhlro, 110714 South
rwaniy-aacond alra.*, boy.
Aron and Mlnma Levin a, 2*02 Franblln
street, girl.
.1. Louis and Saran Trachtanbarg, hos
pital. girl.
glr|,,*Ph |rr*nr** I’auatlan, hoapltal.
colonel and Marl# llotaaa, OIT North
Twentieth atroat, hoy.
'Henri and tJnnt, hospital girl ©
Henry and Nlalla Tlbbala, 3210 South
Ural atraat girl.
William and Vara Masdln, 1400 Nurih
Ftghieenfh atraot, boy.
Harman and Caroline Itelnhardf, boa
pltal, girl. '
Haan and Hazel Swiff, hoapltal. girl.
Victor and Mabel .rones, hospital, girl.
Solomon and Ida Lagman, hoapltal a<rl
I meal and Mabel r 'arsy, ImapHai. boy.
. end Klim Larsen, hoapltal. boy.
, 'Mill* and Nad* Floyd, 6714 South
Twenty.eighth at real, boy,
Michael Henry Infant, hospital
o »nf«r.t, 1107 Mi South
rw©/i»y-»©f»,f|/| afreet.
Alvlrdo W||*on, 87 yearn, ho«pttal
i.n,n%n Ora*©, 78 yearn, hoapltal,
Mary Hoy tin, 32 yearn, hoapltal
l.lrria, Ann ('line, 62 yaara, 2888 Tltua
a.f 'i#*}1 *“^ **■ w*PP*ch, 8 4 yaara, till Hurt
Nanry Franklin Thompaon, 1 yrar, 2017
North Hlafy fifth atrart.
fe*tira Hall* HrniigUnm, 71 yaara, 4818
Davanport atraat
Joaaphlna Johnaon* 4t yaara, 1012 Mar
far It A.
John ntrh'ird Grant, 1 yaar, flavanty
aa»-orirf and Woof worth avanua.
Omaha Marriage Licenses.
Harry Fe gtiann, ' anon City. Colo .. 20
' seal* .fohnson, Kl I'nao, Tea. 21
.!»< It Rose. Chicago, III.. . over 21
Hannah It. Kroper, Omaha .ovar 21
Marriage License Applications
William II Ttodabaugh. Omaha ...... 22
»• a |e|i I, Fu»hn. 'Imkln .. 20
tainaa *e|f Omaha . 38
Juaephina Jon ©a, Uinaha ... 27
Lake Superior Drier
by Six Barrels ami Can
Hr tnlimal HrrvIre.
Duluth, Minn., April y.—Duke Su
perior, Voleteadlcally epeaklng, waa
drier by elx barrel* nnd a can today.
A cache of alcohol In eix feet of
water wh* dlncovered by federal pro
hibition agent*. Owner* of the liq
uor have not made their appearance
to claim the aupply.
The aelzure of the liquor followed
dl*covery of S3 barrel* of alcohol,
valued at $420,000, In a cold atorage
warehouee here. Within the laat
week federal agent* have accounted
for 35 barrel* of alcohol labeled un
der the greatrnt variety of dlsgulae*.
from varnlah to fl*h.
By ImmIsIH frMi.
Pekin. April 11.—Additional claim*
for compensation of nationals who
were victims of th* Llricheng handlt
raid last May were filed with the
Chines* foreign office today by eeveral
foreign legations.
The American legations filed a claim
for 117,991 In behalf of eight nationals
and the right waa reserved to file ad
ditional claims In behalf of nine other
Americans Involved In the affair.
The Ifrltlsh legation filed a claim
for $78,809 for five nationals and the
Italian minister presented on# for
$72,981 for two nationals, All the
claims, which are given In Chinese
currency, represent sums naked to
cover the loss of effects and the cost
of medical attention.
With claims filed April 6, they bring
fhe total amount China Is asked to
pay because of the Llncheng affair
to about $590,(100.
Dozen (Jiiofttiono Taken Up
in Shipping Board tyuiz
Washington, April 11. The house
committee Investigating the shipping
board threw the spotlight today on
an even dozen f|iir-stIon# bearing on
the future of the American merchant
Subject* taken up by the commit
tee Included direct government opera
tion of ships, a new managing ypera
tor*' contract displacing th# present
Mo-4 agreement as It relates to th*
Cnlted Kingdom consolidated route#;
foreign discriminations; leasing of
plsr* snd warehouses; rat* conference
agreements; trade rout* consolida
tions; section 28 of the merchant ma
rine act; th# La Toilette seamen's
act; grounding of th* Leviathan;
stevedoring contracts, and "overlap
ping'' functions.
Legal Fight of Sisters
Over Baby Postponed
I,o* Angel**, April II.—A legal hat
tie begun In euperlor court today over
the poeeeeelon of {-year-old June
Hhoeted, wa ged between her mol her
nnd adopted mother, who are aletere,
ended without reault when a further
hearing of the cane wae eel for
April 24.
Attorney* repteeenllng Mra. Lola
Pollan, the mother, sought to aet
aside adoption proceeding* filed In *
Duluth court. Attorn'ya for Mr*.
FUsle Hhoated. the adopted mother,
countered with evidence to ehow that
the caee hae been determined IB
favor of their client on two prevluua
Kxchangr Club Honors
Its Thirteenth Birthday
Kxchange club celrhH^rd lie 12th
birthday anniversary, under the
present system, Friday night at Oma
ha club.
After a dinner a aerlee of entertain
ment stunts wore presented by mem
her*. Ham Reynold* 1* president.
The club la one of the oldeat cl vie
luncheon hodloa In the country. Its
tdan nr organisation, however, was
changed 12 year* ego.
Bryan (rtiidod by Votr.
fly AmhtIsIH Press.
Lincoln, April II. detection of
judgea to fill vacancies on the su
preme court bench and the municipal
bench at Omaha will lie governed
greatly by the vole mat at the prl
n,ary, LoVtinul Uiyun auld today. |
Two States With
Cattle Increase
Feeders Here Enlarge Opera
tions While Others Are
(lutting Down.
Chicago, April 11.—The number of
cattle on feed for market In the corn
belt atatea on April 1 this year waa
only 9.V5 per cent of the number on
feed on April 1, 1923. according to an
estimate of the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.
States east and west of the Missis
sippi river showed fewer cattle on
feed, but the largest percentage was
shown In the eastern group, where
the number was only 92 per cent of
last year.
The only Increases were In Ne
braska with 108 per cent and South
Dakota with 110.
The decrease seem* to bo duo to
either an actual shortage of com or
a shortage of corn of good quality
rather than to a shortage of cattla.
Good quality beef cattle aold higher
In February and March thle year
than during the same month# since
1920, and the spread In prices be
tween feeder cattle and beef rattle
hae been th* largest for the winter
months In four year*.
Movement of Stocker and feeder cat
tin into the corn belt and Into all the
state* except Nebraaka and South
Dakota the first three month* of the
year was lea* than during the same
months In 1923 and 1922 by 12 and
13 per cent respectively, yet th# price#
of feeding cattle were lower than laat
year-and but little higher than two
years ago, and the price* of beef
cattle higher th*n In cither of th#
preceding year*.
The quality of the corn fed the
paet winter, especially In the eaatern
corn belt etatra, hue been poor, and
u n satisfactory gain* and compara
tively high price* have tended to dis
courage further feeding even In area*
where a surplus still exists. 1st at
year's large crop of corn In Nebraska
and Kouth Dakota and th# compara
tively cheaper price eeein to have en
coura ged Increased feeding.
Thewlnted marketings and lsnpect
ed slaughter of cattle showed a smsII
Increase over last year and ware the
largest for the winter month* alnc#
th* season of 1919 1920. Th# fact that
In spite of this Increased slaughter
and of competition of pork product#
from th# largest wlntar hog slaughter
or record, th* average price of beef
ataera In January, February and
March waa hlghar than In th* pravl
oua thra# years, would aeam to Indt
cats a rathar favorable situation for
th* fteders of cattla during tb* neat
six months.
Postmaster Stricken.
Tsbls Ilock, Neb., April 11.—Jacob
Klein, postmaster at Burchard, re
cently Buffered a stroke of paralysis
while busy at th# poatofllce. As his
condition Is Improving, It Is thoughl
he will recover from th# affliction.
Itiu Mcrriim'iil
I lift» Hia tui ^ III \iitit
•if Jtikrtleft |t ..rllt
W Ini..
Tit* it th* •>**« ttt*.n tm gw***
f,„ pdfrt fnr l«*twl Ith THIt
it Hi* itmt «f Hit phi M*t bt
ppmc l«. #*• I. thi |.mI eut t of 14
ini, |»t in ton* tiih Iht ftwi
•print time *nd taint rlbtlt ft 10 Iht It
ml It I ratlM. Thtrt M ft Ihltt
Ml! kutalin Why pW tbnuld doth!*
Imi will ht sibling in ih* gay tty nf
lb* .Ply, ymi nifty |*l ytmr |.i In
oh* tml ntint oil Iht tcreett* of varl
out nim It |h*tl*i* tnd ftlao win t
m*h prtn*.
Tht t nut lift |ii* It offeilttg ft f.iftl
. nill yilit* nf |4 tftiTi wetk for Ih*
best Idtral I J*f, **| .'till print Ilf |1.
third nf *1 Mnl II iddlllontl prlr*s
of II *#» It. Tht tw*t J.ikeft submitted
nr* shown on tip* *. r**n* of III* Hun,
Ntihuibmt, Vlclnplt, l<nlhmp, Ortnd,
l.yrtc mid ttenalto th*at*r» In Omaha
iind Iht Slrand theattr In Council
Some nf your ntlghbot ■ and friend*
havt experienced lh« thrill of teeing
llielr Jokes on Iht ni»vlt tcrtenn.
You cnn d<> a* much. Mxkft Ih* ef
fort and keep on trying if you don’t
ivin tint first time. Submit original
Jokes sn.l use th* blanks which ap
pear In The Omaha Bee.
Out of the Jokes which do not win
cash prizes three are selected each
day for this column. ^Today's are;
Mamie—What Is that Teapot Dome
I read of so much.
May—Some new way to wear bob
bed hair, f suppose.
Horace I*', uilbert, 715 North Twen
tieth street.
I.lttle city girl, watching farmer
milking cow. asked; '’Is that wherp
you get your milk from? We get
ours from Mr. Jensen.”
Mrs. J. P, Henderson, Cushing,
Mr*. Perkin* had swell company
for dinner, ller small daughter re
marked, "Mother, there * a hair In
iny aoup.”
She replied, "No, darling, that'* a
crack In th* bowl.”
August Bosel, Ashland, Neb.
Special Dispatch to Th* Omaha Bee.
Hastings, Neb., April 12.—Fred
Kuenneth, vice president of the First
National hank and for many years
actively connected with hanking
circles of Harvard and Mlnden, died
this morning at Rochester, Minn.
Mr. Kuenneth was president of the
DcMolay bodies In Nebraska as well
a* adviser for the organization* In th*
South Platte district and "dad" of the
Hastings chapter.
He was a 39d degree Maaon, on# of
the moat active Masons In this part
of the state. Funeral services will be
held at the Congregational church
here at 2 p. m. Monday.
By Associated Frees.
Lincoln, April It,—Oovernor Bryan
today announced the appointment of
C, F. Murphy, 49, Omaha, as labor
Inspector for Omaha. Th* position
was vacated by th* dlsmleaal of Jerry
Howard. Mr. Murphy was recom
mended to the governor by the Omaha
Central Labor union. He will receive
f60 a month whereas Mr. Howard re
ceived 1150. this being necessary, ac
cording to the governor, because of a
shortage In I he fund out of which
the labor Inspectors ar* paid.
West Branch Pioneer
Drops Dead in Garden
Table Rock. Neb, April II,—WU
Ham Scott, who settled In West
Branch precln<-t mors than a century
ago, died suddenly at his home In
Pawnee City Wednesday of a atroke
of apoplexy, Mr. Hcott had *i>ent
several hours at th# courthouse th*
same morning, receiving the returns
frorn th# primary election and risk
ing friends. He went home shortly
hefora noon and began spading In th#
garden. When Mre, Scott called him
to dinner ah# found him lying In th#
gerden where he bad fallen, death ap
parently having been Insuntaneona.
He was about 79. A son. Harry W
Scott, formerly county clerk of tbla
county, I* a resident of Lincoln.
Mexican Rebels Lose Navy.
Mexico city, April 11.—Two vessels
of the Mexican navy, which have been
I nth# rebellion, surrendered today at
Puerto, Mexico, They were th# /-ara
ges* and th* Ague Prleta O.
Th# rebel* ar* without a navy now.
Snow in Northwest.
St. Paul, April II,—Snow and rain
fell In varlou* parts of northwest to
night. Snow was reported In eastern
North Dakota and northern Mlnne
Government, Municipal, Industrial
and Public Utility Bonds
For Investment
Inquiries Invited
“HarryA Koch-Co
Howard at 18th AT 9555
Omaha PkmIiht
«*%»M ftfMi ft
tn< t tM>
< >i* f-t * i * * m i i HI1* *’ t*
i mu iMiti If Kt» t«**
(*■ >»•
*,* h"h Mi m
* ■
,HMM l> \|* #»«,t f*l Mi Mt**
itlu, if,
. tisll wtirif.
I #*, • »*»4 , “•»•** t
iMi.ii, mi H
II H | i »» < ■ I «*n * • II
♦MilliH M mill *••*>*•*• *’•*•'*
liMH _
M K* I !•*«• *i*» litmM. »» m*
>i»i. |f it 11* naff* it. I*
*»•»• *»*#•*»* |1 Mi >t** ••«*! Ml lf*»
t'-.« if *(**• t# NMii < f*ii
>’«*. *«f* I, It M . *m ifliiti« i,m
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<Mti • Mt* IVi N» l
***%!», Itfl »•#<*># ?£t
»t.fM ,
t*#t*n* ■*#«».# Ik* Mtaainf
trtf ,s | t ' h
«n t# t ito lt»
nlt|f fe*a«/ *.»• I !M a* a •'*», f 1* .
a * !n« (*i . !l|M »**» * it *t ♦ §*»§»
»* f* ttwtfcr flat* 11
n* ^p* if* i »< •♦♦an lit, 4«ilii fiT and
tvil fMthufl. liili, **<•*• f*» ini fsii
(•a*fc#-t»d l:t I
and HIM !*♦« ©Id !*»,*• and Nt* t, «ei
.«f»« la. Hf •"» |l a# r*« ittatn ♦ a
iffrba | It* and «%•* ||»- far lb , *»d»r I
!»• tfte |*fr» IMi nn <4l|« •>-I- if r|l|itMN
MRli'r nanttd
tMlHiil llQilia a,# rlvlf# fnf «1 rilit 1
rhlekaita dd«fca and »♦*•» f <* )«j •
fllfra and fur d*f*t*d lurk*)*, I*
*>* iitn III a i»t». #* ftoma dtaifrt-f art
Arfratdittfr tkinmanta «f drt«M.j t>u«ltry
and afrlllna aattia nn la i»#r «an! eTmmift
•M*n l>**4».
Jnhitina i«ri'*t* ■
tailfrra Him mat. a**i», t i»rn|f*r«, ,\rt
1 I. ■!* ; h*t»a fit*: riitiNra
T+ffittf: d*i'ka flit?*' fi#M r«a* s 4r;
♦ urltma l*f| N«. luraaia, , <tn*id« i ni*I>
- • • a
• 111..*
Cip»' * lubber* (ft- telling at shout (ft*
following prh eg. f O I t»»» ,|)| Kao.-ir
whit* flab. I"* . take trout, 1»©:10«; hall
hut. 2»» northern hullb*ad* jumbo. 21©
2So: catfish, tegular run, r:*#3i.« ; fillet
•»f haddn> k 21c, black cod sable r.ah
ete*h. |#c; am* lie, 24 6 I#**; flounders.
*nc, rrappie*. 20© 2Sc, bla* k haaa. If»e;
Spanish tna* hcrel, IS to n-» *:,«■ Imj.
en flab, 26 4u lea* than price* *ho *
l'rt*h oyafera per gallon |J 106 4 00.
Khell oysters and lame, per 100, I. oo
Loral jot,n#r v are selling American
rbeeee. f ■ nt jf gride, *■ follows H ngie
daisies. 22c: double .falsie*, 21 Sc, Young
A merles * 21c. iongh»rria, :::’#*, so <ti ra
prints. 22S* ■; brh*k, ;2’*< llmberger, 1
Ih block, 31c; imported Eo#iu«fort, OSc,
Naw York white. 34'
hkkk cut#.
Wholeaala price* „f |,**f eJt* effective
today arc as follow*:
No. 1 rounds, lie ; No 2 17c; No. 3,
12Sc: No. 1 loins. 3ft; No. 2, 32c; No. 3.
l*c; No. 1 riba. 26c No 2. 23c; No 3.
17c; No. 1 chuck* 12c; N.», 2. 1J* ; No.
3, 9 Sc; No. 1 plat**, a Sc; No. 3. *# ; No.
3. 7cv
Jtihb'ue price*
Apple*—In barrel* of 14*. lb* : low a
^ inaaaps. fan*-v if 2s Missouri B h# k
Twig, fancy, JjMt, Jonathans. fancy,
*6 00: U*n Pavls. fancy. h 71; Jona
thans. Iowa. oxtra fancy. |f.7&; Genoa,
fancy. IS.00.
Lcinona—California, farcy, par box.
If 00. choir* per p.,*, Iffo
Avocado*—(Alligator pears), par dozen.
If no
Appl**- In boxes; Washington Dell
clou*, ax'r* fancy. 72-|n alr.e. |4 <10; 3V**h
Wlbaeap*. extra fancy. 12 7 6 ; fan# y.
12 26; etiol* e. ft ff; Home Beauty. #-*tra
fanc y. 12.Oft: fancy, || 76; wrhli* winter
E*?!"1*1"* 'x,r* u1':y4 •2.6«©2-TI; Grime*
Holden, wrapped II. ,6
Strawberries—Louisiana, plpta, M SO par
^^ravtfrtilt — psr box extra fxncy. 12 SO
©4.4*0; farry. |2 26©4 00. Florida. fancy,
per box. S3 9n © 3 #0
Orange* “California navel fan^y, ac.
cording to size IS 1661.00 per box;
choice. 26c tens
^Cranberries- Jeraey. SO-lb. boxee. fancy.
Bananas — per tb 10c
Jobbing prl#ea
Eggplant—Per dog, 12 00; 20c nar lb.
Shallot*—#o'jthern. SI 00 per do*
Cabbage—f*#lery cabhage, 10c p*r lb ;
new Texas cabbage. 4tyc per lb.; crate*
4c per Jb.
New Boots—Texas be*t§ and earrota.
per #1#»* bunches, tor; <♦*.. bushel. S2 r*0
Onion*—Yellow in sacks par Jb . 2*4c;
red, sack*. 4%r, white »s#k*. per lb, Sc.
Hpscish per #r»te 12 -0.
Tomatoes -Florida. *att. a:* backet* •
|6 00 : per basket. f 1 2*/
Celery—California, per do*., a^cordlni |
to fixe. 11 2662.0#; Florida, rough. \
dog crate, S3 71.
Lettuce—He»d. pep crate. 9Z #0; per
dox fl 21. hothouse leaf. 4S« per dot.
ft note—Turnips parsnip* beet* and #-#r- !
rota, in aacka. 2*4 6^c per lb
**pp#ra—rinio f ar in . lie.
Cu<*nmb#ra—Hothnua*. 12 o# T#r do*. 1
P'tratef—Southern. par do*, bun<*hea. ,
I! '001 JS.
Hru»»-I* Sprout*—For lb., 2#*.
Hcona-Wa* «r f rtan. p*r hamper 1
* autlflower—California, par crate, 12 71
01 00
P.buharb— Lug. 40 fhe. 13 1*01 It.
Aaparagu#-- F#r lb, *$<•
potato**—Nabraalr* Ohio#. par 10# lb*
• 1 *0; Mmnoaof* Oh o*. 11.71; Idaho
Makar* 4e p*r lb.; Wedtern F.aaaat Rti»
ala, II • * par eat.; new Triumph*. ham
| par. 14 *•
Sweet Potato#*—Southern, crate »r
rordtna to brand. 11 (tag 2 71; Jertey eeed
bu. baakat, 12 3*
Market quntabi* in carload lota, pa*
ton f. «*, b Omaha.
Wheat foada. nominal quotation*
prompt delivery; bran, 121. fa; brown
ahorta. 124 00. gray ahorta. 12* i0; radd* g
12# ##.
fV.tfrtnaeed Meal — 41 par can*, lift In
Hominy Feed--tvhit# or v#ll«w, $2* "
Important 4avalopm*n*a contain#*’
in thi* weak'* mark#t review re
garding tha fol^rmg eoenritfaai
Himma Petroleum Pennsylvania
Erie Railroad Mudaon Motor#
St. Paul Humble Oil A R. !
K C. Southern General Motor#
j, Iron Product# fHtbilier R»d«#
Mieaottrl Poc lc American Sugar
Writ# for free copy,
O.aUr. in Slock, and Bond.
35 So. William St., N.w York
I I tHl'M liMtltK »*| *■**•
IflhMt •*** t*•**, JP**#*. I1.**
j, ft 1t*l» Vd'» ♦ • *•» >♦ Hi
*«> I
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Hi •«■>» (MM »*' '* M*t * "tf t‘
[WrU f* I 4*f fpft 4f fft *•#•** ** 4» *ftp
i •■•••> t I'** - •
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fl i * * «i t-tMH •*t» M*d |!
4< p**ft*4i H *w» •*%« m
M* ftfc** ♦« 4 Irfl
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MtiAtf fft IIHft, IP» iiHl ft# Iff M«*f
Pifluf * M* I H tftftfflti) •*• '
**••**§ pffft *M afftft# | .M‘,| |H* « »«mlWf
a * ‘ * » aw * 4 a § » * 4 »
at-4 #*44-1 *ft»*ft *.< . * a**# I* ft * •
<««HM4 nrM l« iftf tvftftft lW».*n
•Of III* »«4 W4.ft<ftM fftft4* aPfM fa ft* •
, . 4. - ,»4 * • #,. « » . • . *** ** •
Hi fft * iVft fftroftr* 4 *»*•♦•* “ftti* *»
tf‘M* ftfft fc-4 ft.* sfftftlftMnf ft*. Mf
«• * •
li.ftt-i PHl *• Hi« 1M w»|ifcM *4*
ft HlMi !*•»♦ ftft'lft lltl ***l Ni fPi i
pftft Man I* pda»44 oft 44 Mft*M*a*4
|M Ml «f|l MMII ftfft HI*
I IP ft lit ft» »4 »r IM»t 4p«M p* "4*» • ***
»k fa* | pofnft mi'U »**4 » of Mo
pln*i lftft.p Uai ft»»f m I* 4ft|ft
I'Mitaf I* »»t **♦ i*4 p#«/i * *
•f 4 li*ftft of fftft* iM rot laal l« 4ft»*
Mamiftt paf famiaf Ift M«w>lla4 ft M» !
(la Iftiitf ■ at 4 !■»»■•• fan fft flftfi
(•fit## Ihaft ft wr#|y a § •« Thm ftftftftott »f j
IP* |a|. I* *»• w ftt Pftwd w|i*< t ftifttft of!
. #»ff» §M ftfPrt • « ftl*( friftfPai
It ft*Hftlir Mf H wftlrft !«ft »* i.d '*i ta*»»
IP* .IftittftM f *♦ honilftft f**.« and p*o
lino*.« *»* »ii n mm • ft«>*f.p« d*«f«M
for ip# Pa«t M 4ft|i, «v i.maH
liMfiiltiq t» iftiP*. ligfti, *p4 •»» • j
"imillll<i(l of ‘'IMtd •* (" • r>r*o *tf •
fftfc* ig pfa» # TP» chipping damn'd *«
frft.4 for IPs p4«i vmIi or la dfttft *•
f ftr-lir-f (anPftfft In Mhih r*vi*>4a*mg
IP* •*.'**«.« of IP* i*fM# (• ftlftdi
rftlalM ftl* low for lh(* Mm* of your < »f
• ••ft.** ip* *0.1 of ill* fordlof aftftin*o |»
0«**r •( P ft ft 4 l»*il Hi# 4*rr»fto4 in lh!*
larriforj' *• w.«fd| „t, waM: »o **i h *o
a# i ftp t, lo f».« i lift ♦ tof ii I prod in ♦ too !•
Hoi ftoffiririil lo ••iMpla iH* ilrmaml* of
• pft IriJa, tod w|>*!i I rod* !• Prior tpp
pr ftfft nop Pouftftft. lo Olprr fltlr*
9hara Ih# d*Miftftd (ft n«»l to l ain l^.ral
It on •# ft •*** ••irprlfto.l in h*ar of Ip#
'•Mt d»* lllta* l.t olP*r purl* r.f «H* roi*o
fry. nn*f If II had not Po#o for lh* 4**110*
•-Uffthar* Ipft »1n .«Pd* of Ih* *riiiln lo
ihlft t*rriiorv ronPI o»i| it* *upp|i*'l (o
foil WHilo Util iriftrkftt l* ftiroog «i IP*
i»r**9o| I!in•. |» will h* .not.o||«d *oi|r*Jy
d*maod nod produ> lion ood »h*
f*trmar nmy d**r<‘ft«ft ftharpl/ at toy Mm*
r l BUD IfKBD.
Nominal rjqrrlallnni. Omaha and Cotin*
#11 Bluff*, flirealier run. per Jno |*a : Al
falfa. . ... ra«| e|.,v*r IIS* oat)
21 no; «w*»et * lover, 11 2 00fi I *. #*#).
th>. t< 0*)€t7 n*' Hudan «raa 16 71“'#
* <6; ri»i,a eeed |l i'orij jo, mil
let, ft 00. German millet. 12 26.
Trlraa at which Omaha mill# and Job
ber# ir# eelln* in round lot« tie## than
rnrlotaj, f o |. Omaha. f#>llowj P*lr»t
patant. in tl*lb. hasra. fo 2606.16 per bbl..
fancy clear, in 4* !I* bay*. I . 1006 2*
per bbl ; whit* or ye.low lortimMl, per
tel., fj 32.
Nominal quotation#, carload lot#
Upland Urab'e—No . J. 112 60014 06,
*#• - f 1«>.660 ) 2 60; No .. 17 oO0f-O6.
■ « . • ««4 I I ' ‘l| Hi
I*. . ■ •.i»» * » n«*4f«J
it t | ’ ■■*!*(
.. , w • __ ,
j I l«*l, ... -* I *1 * J fflj ‘ > •» *■
| MUl> 4 #*• ' M • I P»
I I - »* m * *# * I «t«r*CM«^
. i * M *»
i •it*
DIMM 4MwH« 4 4fcW*»
*.<4 ttMlt *M»tl <M#*»4 »*f » f ^
1*1.4* . .
♦M** *• • »- .. '• “• J
H Ittn I* It, *•*••'* •* P
*•»."*< * i>«il iH- • * *A
l»*|* *•« I* I**# • ‘4*; #1** **'**■
,1m # *
t ,*•« N t| ** * II * * * 1 •-* '* I*1
I* *»-*i «■*♦* i**
Nil* t
I » •*. * * .M
• «*,**••
. ' ,
I t! tin I*
‘IV* s#ri p ifKi 1* * ’ * * ***
MfH*| 4 *#4i * H
v«*«s f*- is i *i'Wi
It «•< %
**-■ *s n**?t*. *aht# *•*
IkM „ ,4
I iii 1 hi f 1? fin** SMtf J'*?.
|j!tS Jolt 1 |- US 4»r*«t**» II tl
Marriril in • mniril lllnff*.
Tlia fr.l»*v*if« R'tmiH
rtst* |i t» I'.Untl Uhlffi *#•«•»* t*r* nmfi* . * ij
ff**l#»l**4 ^ *r*^*, •*•»»*h* 1 ■•*»*•»
ftoh*r< Kt«n-. H I’rim SPW. .... J]
Sin* pfr»n* * 1^**lin*t, f*
n-t »|*ffn*r KHJ»«t »• 4 sj
1 lura imill)**I, KMInt I--*
!,*«» Mi'his*. »*ni*h« si
Ai«ti utift Umiht ..
l*H»>tna tfnft ft- *ff, l*»H*h* .
M*rth* A* H*. QNI«t»* ..* I*
Hoa<l l iniidilioiir.
(rurnlah*.! by 1 ln» f'oisha Auto Chib)
! im o!f» Highway, tUm* -IfoMls good
Mnrni,, Iftrhwa- Waft-—Rn*<l . l«M*d
*»'t nf Ottt*ha du* t* l*» % 1 r%#r l^toaf
tla r*rn#rt» at?ast to Th»r»y-«Uth iwln
f(, r. i>t# on « n»*r atr**t
miifk thank's north to Idneoln h-ghwaj.
Ron da aoo | _
?. i i» Rorga g«*«i
Maritjian Highway — Roads good
fornhiiakor Highway Rogtft good
r A ttogi'* good.
Highland « ufoff Road* good.
PlarV Jlfll. Trail—Roada r«'d
r,forge Wisblngton Highway —
fair to Rfalr, good north to MtOUX City.
Omaha''ul** Highway —Rr ada good.
oimmIui Togalfft Highway—B^ad* good.
K n« of Traila. North—Roada good.
K ng of Trail*. Mouth—Roads good.
Rivrr to Rl’*»r road — Road* good
Whttr-W *> •'!" High wgy—Roads good,
i O A. Xhortlin* Road* good.
Primsrv No > -Roads good
Updike Grain Corporation
(Prin!i Wirt DapartmanH
{ Chicago Board al Trad*
MEMBERS *' and
l All Othar Landing Enrhnngrt
Order* for irrain for future delivery in the prin
cipal market* given careful and prompt attention.
Phone AT lantle 6312
618-25 Omaha Grain
724-25 Terminal Building
Phone B-1233
I-ong Distance 120
Real Estate Loans
Residence and
Business Property
Borrowers should consider the value
of continuing financial and business
responsibility on the part of the com
pany from whom they obtain their loan.
Attractive Rates
Prompt Service
Hnttrii Stales ©rust (Company
1612 Farnam Street Phone JA 2911
r.RTi»EMr.vr. munutiint. tmnrmnunT.
How Signs Of Old AgeCreep Into Your System
When The Iron In Your Blood Runs Low
Far Waal of boo, Yo« May Ba OU At Tlarty-Naraaaa, britabfa and Al Raa-Dowa-WMa
at Fifty or Yoai^ Ba Yo^ m
That Halpa Strengthen the Hare—. KawwWwri Ttaeur and Aide la QW*g Banewed Few
and Power to the Body. Phyeideae Explain Why Adarfatatratfaa <d ItapU Maeetad Iron
Of tan Incraaaae tha Strength and Endurance erf Delicate, Rundown Paoylt la Two Week*'Tune.
Old age hue already aunk Its talona into thousands of men and
women who raatht still to be enjoying the springtime and summer
of his simply because they have allowed worry, overwork, nervous
strain, dissipation and occupational prisons to sap the iron from
their blond and thereby destroy its power to change fond into living
tissue, muscle and twain. You win ntxi plen
ty of people st 40 who are broken in health
and steadily going downward to physical
and mental deray while others at SO are
•iron*, active, alert
and seemingly grow
ing younger every
year. Onedaaa with
er* and die* like
leave» in autumn
while the other by
keeping up a strong
power ot reantanre
against dieeaae may
pass the three run
and ten mark with
surprising health,
strength ami vigor.
But you cannot ex
pert to look and (eel
young and vigorous
unless you have
plenty of iron In
jrour blood.and phys
icians explain below
why they prwarnhe
organic Iron — Nux
U tK» •ntkntiaatn lot
Urliling yonr <h%
profeUnw Km* »«nwl
ft foa lav* loat tHa
tpnaf of ftur »tnp
and four mo*fBlfPll
ara NgWgag_
* raw slim u afcnakmc
»»d ymmt bea lonki wrh»
klad, wr»»»fn a ad olj
haw paina acrow the back
and your face tonka pale and
drawn, do r*>t wait until you
to all to nwcN and raOapae
atm iron—to supply it* Iron deficiency
in the weak, nervous, and rundown so
as to build them up into atmt*er,
healthier men and women.
When, ae a result of iron Warratron
you grl up feeling tired In the morn
Ing. when you find youraelf nervous,
irritable and easily unset, when you
ran no longer do your day's work with
out being all fagged out at night when
your digest** all (oca wrung, or you
in a etate of nervous pmatratroo, or
until in your weakened rondttmo you
contract anrne arrtnua diaraar. hot dd
pkefUy of wnnarh, carrot*, baked apple*
nr other iron containing frmt» and
ee««ahlea to your daily food and take
orfawc Imn-Nnatnl Iron wtth them
forawhUe wad wt how ranch your
mndhloti tm.Tmrra
Thnuaanda erf nropta hwre aarprto-,
ln«!y Inert aaad tU wrangth. taqr |
fc? Mm nrtMB.. \
■nrf mturtnrr in inn
*Wk« timr by thx «artv
pk rxiNrnnent. But in
making «hi» tt*t bn
•wre that thn iron you
take it organ*- Nuxatnl
Iron and not metallic, iron or naaml
iron which people uaualfv take. Orpi.
ic Nuxafed Iron m lik* the mm in rnor
Stood and bke the iron in aptnach. len
til and apple* while metallic ima m
iron jwt a« it orenes from the action ei
wtmng artda on amall paecira of trim'
Nuaaied Iron repreaenia organic iron <
in aurh a high)? concentrated lor at
that one date it e*ti mated to he
approximately equivalent (in nrnmr
iron content) to eating half a qu*t
of aptaach, or one quart of rrmm
******* l« ■» }*' taking extract
of beef instead of eating joimda c4
| meat. Your money will tv --‘ mflrif
bv the manul* inters if