Ex-Kdnealor I lure Aids West Coast City "Self Itself (\firl F. Adam*, Former Trrb High Prinripal. Hat Unique Plan of Co-Operation. If you'll help tn« get the thing* * 1 need for the schools, I'll help you to aell Ranta Crui reel estate." Huch was the queer proposition from Knrl F. Adame, former prin cipal of Omaha Technical High achool, now euperlntendent of achool* at Santa Cru*, Cal., to the Chamber of Commerce of the latter city when ho : eaumed charge of the educational system there a little more than a year ago ; The plan was a decided success, tccordlng to the March Issue of the \\ estern Journal, of Education, which devotes a page to the work of the former Omahan. Superintendent Adams, the educa tion journal states. Informed the San ta Cru* Chamber of Commerce that conventions, summer bathers and • elderly visitors wero all very well .• for the city, but the great need was for young couples with children. Good •< hotd* are tha greats*! UlnrlMi for famllli1* with children, ha argued Plan \\ miieil \\ ell, R«nta Crua got tha Idea and M lowed It up with enthillrteein, Thi olty now la tending out literature "tailing lha amrM" that Rants t*rrm haa lha "very a< hnol jour bay and your girl ought to ha ailendlng " Superintendent Adatna. on hla aide, according to lha education Jnurnal haa built up a anlendld and far r**< h Ing program that already baglna tn matarialixe lt\ vubatantlal *vid»n held naxt w**k. Monday to Ktirtay In I'utlva, from II to 1 In tha Otpheuni ihnattr twdar atlnpleM of th* mini* tailal union, with apaakara *» fol low*: Monday, "Tba H-okunlna nt th> /-- - I'aim Sunday. Sunday opens the biwiist week uf (lie y ear In (lie ( lirtslian churches of thnalis ami fin* wtii'kl. Palm Hnnday, the day that com memorates < lirlst '* entry Into Jerusalem, will lie marked by spe cial services in Omaha's ehiirclics willi eiinfirniatimi, baptism and communion in many elinrehes ami special music liy the augmented rhoirs. The rntniug week. Intervening he tween Palin Sunday and Kaster Sunday will he filled with activi ties. Many of the churches will hold services every evening slid i there will he many services be sides in preparation for the great est celebration of all, Kaster Sun day marking the resurrection of Christ and usually marked hy a rejnvenation of humanity in new clothes and hats._ COURSING MEET NEAR TEMPLETON Audubon, la., April 12.—A coursing meet, something new In the sport line in this section, will he held on the Frank Irlimeier farm, near Temple ton, Sunday over a course that Is visible for more than a mile. Twenty black-tailed Kansas Jack rabbits-have been brought to Tem pleton by the promoters and the meet will tie open to all dog entries. Grey hounds from all over the surround ing territory are entered In the meet, Carroll sportsmen entering most of them. Art Wilson of Hew City will officiate as Judge. DIETRICH RITES TO BE AT HOME Speilal Ill.palrh to The Omoh» He*. Hastings, Neb., April 11.—Simple funeral services will be held at 3 Sunday afternoon for former Gov ernor and Senator Charles II. Dietrich. Bishop Beecher will be in charge at the home, where the Episcopal fu neral service will he read, and the Masonic order will conduct the service at the grave. Howard Would Cut Tariff. Washington, April 12.—A 50 per cent cut In tariff duties on all manu facturer* of aluminum la proposed In a hill Introduced In the house today by Congressman Howard, democrat, of Nebraska. Howard said his bill is In the Inter est of the American housewife who desires good kitchen ware. lie as serted an aluminum trust was con trolled by “one American family," al luding later to Secretary Mellon's In terest In aluminum. EDWARD REYNOLDS CO. 1613 Farnam Street Every Garment in the Edward Reynolds Co. Stock Must Be Sold by Order of the District Court Omaha Women Who Have Not as Yet Selected Their Easter Wardrobes Can Now Enjoy Sav ings Which Under Normal Conditions Would Be Impossible to^ Offer " Mr. Gottlieb L. E. Klingbeil, a partner in the Edwards Reynolds Co., through application to Judge Hastings of the District Court, has caused a receiver in equity to be appointed with orders for a quick and com plete disposal of the entire stock. I In Compliance With This Order Every Coat Suit Dress Skirt Fur : Petticoat Slips and Hosiery Have Been Priced for Sweeping Disposal Regardless of Cost or Loss Only the finest quality of wearables have ever been identified with the Edward Reynolds stock, and now when they can be bought just be fore Easter at such amazingly low prices, surely no woman who delights in sharing in a real money-saving event will allow herself to stay away from this forced selling by order of the court. So extraordinary is this selling that it will prove to your advantage to make your selections at the earliest possible hour. E. M. REYNOLDS. iV««a." |>y I’r II* it sly nf KMMi< Mi-mmlal I.Ulhirni fhureh, Tundiiv, "l.eMottn from th* Burr* it Tig hv lie, J*nk» nf th* Fir*' Presbyterian i lwn It, V ednesdav. "Th* Or**t R»fw»vl." hy Jlr Bi' III ef 1 en'til t‘Plt*d Fter byterian church, Thursday ''An Ussier In J*ruM Itm,'* hy 1>r. Miller nf ihe f ril Chris tl*n church, Friday, "A Buffering Uml," hy f»r Wagner nf the First Methodist church. Tlio first IS minutes (if the meet Inga will ho devoted W singing led hy S. tiraham Fraser of the Omaha Theological seminary. A spec la 1 inur ie*| number will also he given each day by the i hoir of different, chunrhes. Tho purpose of these meeting* I* to respond to the thought nnd spirit of the season that Is largely along spiritual lines nnd also to promote goodfcllowshlp by bringing together In a eotnmon meeting, representative, of nil rhttrehe* and all eln- e* |n the community. WOMAN’S CLUBS IN DISTRICT MEETS Special Dispatch In The Omnhn Be*. Aurora, Neb., April 12 —The annual convention of woman’s clubs for the Fourth district of Nebraska will he held In Aurora April 35 and If. The Nineteenth Century club and other women's organizations In Au rora will be hosts. The 37th annual ronventlon of th» Sixth district woman's clubs will be held In Alliance April 29, SO, May 1 at the Methodist church. Brvan Qualifies. Tallahassee, Fla., April 12.—William Jennings Bryan of Miami todsy quali fied as a candidate In the June pri mary for delegate to the democratic national convention from the state at large. Plans to ( Iran l p Omaha Ma• I *• U rrk fur Ifrmoval of Kulihi*li — "I it*\Says 1’iitln. Craek*d dishes, roller towel*, Mali weed* on vacant lota, tin eont in yards and alley*, dusty attests and stray piece* of paper will he thing* of the |test when pinna of the Wom en’s division of the t‘handier of Com merce mnlerlnliise. At a meeting held Friday night hv 1.., members of the division nt lit* chamber, severe 1 persons told why Omaha needed *uo|i a cleanup. It was decided to name April 21 26 as clcnntip week. Hr. A. S. IMnta, city health com missioner, told his audletioa that two yenrs ago HS.400 tons of rubbish was removed from the etty. "Kverv home In the rlty," h» said, "will he nodded ss to th# method to lie used In getting aeeiiinnlated ruhhlsh ready fer the rlty trucks. It's «nay to rlesn up s city, hut It s hsrd work to keep It. clean." John I,. Kennedy was chairman of the meeting. Mayor Dahlman urged the necessity of cleanup week and said that city nfficlnls would cooperate fully In the movement. Miss Inez Bolen, chairman of the campaign, told of the plans and re quirement* of the campslgn. Reminding You of “This Week’s Choice Real Estate Values” Page in the Classified Section. Piano Prices Tumble Big Clearance of Uprights, Grands, Player Pianos and Phonographs --— These new low prices and unusually easy terms make this Clear ance Sale the biggest bargain feast of the year. Don’t wait! Come today! Prices lower than for many years— make your own terms! NEW AND GUARANTEED lieautiful new players, "rands and phono graphs—the rream of the season—sacri ficed during this sale. 3 to 5 Years to Pay BIG BARGAINS IN GRANB PIANOS Direct from the factory of one of America’* largest piano makers of high grade pianos, and absolutely guaranteed. Think of buying a handsome baby grand at such n ridiculously low price—and such easy terms! See These Big Phonograph Bargains New and guaranteed Schmoller <£ Mueller console phonographs as low as $!)7.R0 ffi down and small monthly payments. Rend this list of bargains—we have hundreds of others, Victor Phonograph ... SI2.M) Wilton Phonograph . . . * I .*>.00 Path* Phonograph .... Jjt 10.00 Snnota Phonograph ... Jit 17.00 Hruntwick Phonograph, J| 1*1.00 l.diton Phonograph . . *r»2.00 Perkina Console Phonograph . *72.00 Columbia Phonograph . *7S.OO Terms $1 Per Week Schmnllar Jk Muallar Piano Co.: Plraaa irnd ma prim and Irrmi on a Grand .Upright ....... Phonograph .. Playnr . Nama .... Addraaa .. OM fk» Dodtc Si-(kak is* - ■ dhomnson -Boldens Easter Apparel Waiting to step forth into the Easter promenade are the estab lished modes of the spring season. With the certain knowledge that the straight silhouette is the only smart one, the woman of fashion selects apparel for Easter and the spring season, making shopping one of the pleasures of the Lenten season. Coats cliriK smartly to the tube silhouette The fitness with which each detail is accom plished mark Thompson Belden coats the un usual, the different, the select. The allover embroidered poirct twill of very dark brown is lined with dull tan crepe, and flaunts a scarf collar of the same shade. $98.50 Canary yellow is the color one woolly, warm topcoat of downy wool chose for its own. $49.50 A more formal coat of black marvella is a very superior garment with tucked ribbon trimming and a collar of summer ermine. $98.50 IS Dresses love to be smartly simple of line Whether the fabric be printed or plain, it ha* no choice in the matter; the sharp scissors of fashion cut it on straight, slender lines. A youthful printed crepe with sleeves alarmingly short has a pleated jabot frill on the left side of its blouse and no other trimming. $29.50 For the matron we have an equally smart figured crepe with long pleated collar, lace-edged, of white. , $42.50 Georgette in gray, de signed for dinner wear, is beaded in cut steel with small beads and nail heads. A gracious model. $98.50 Suits Jackets are boyishly short or knee length The well-balanced ward robe of spring include* at least one suit, for there are many occasion* to which no other mode of apparel is adequately smart. A garconne model (short, boyish jacket) of pin-striped blue-black poiret twill has a wrap around skirt and a man nish vest effect and cuffs achieved with white pique. $59.50 A costume suit of very dark blue charmeen, whose swagger box coat has inlays of gray crepe and a flattering collar, is accompanied by a dress of blue and gray. The blue skirt is designed with narrow pleated apron, the gray crepe blouse is solidly tucked. $98.50 n ' Chiffon Hosiery The finest of texture, the perfect full-fash ioned fit. the lustrous sheen that lives throughout the life of the stocking— these the qualities, plus elusive touches of style and beauty, that make Thomp son - Relden rhiffon hose the choice of well-dressed women. Shades of Prinlotnpx Phantom — Pink of the first anemone. Illusion — The first spring leaves. Chose—A pale cro cus yellow. Haze — The spring morning’s sky. Fantasy —A mauve mist. Shadow - S p r i n g’s cloudless sky. Sprite — The green of tender grass. Vision A buttercup \ ellow, STUK.KT H OOK H n f Sparkling with all the charm and fresh ness of Spring— New Millinery for Now and f aster— $15 fj The finest Paris ian modes rep roduced in qual ity materials at prices amazingly modest . . . H FOl'RTH ,<| FI OOR -8