The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 13, 1924, CITY EDITION, PART TWO, Page 7-B, Image 19

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    [ Owhi Gwin
HMkt, kt»»H II,
I »«ff »W*I «!*"-«-4 *1 «lwm| mm
, ff tffprtl pff«t Iffm Ml »i»n«
t**t* affn* IwpMffH *MI **•
Ml** • *** KMHffMl ffff Ml* 1*1*
M*^A ^ I.. |. ff
ThH *"T’ l p
, „« it* «r« fur Iff* Miff it«n*Hff
fft thrtl kill Iff* irfl !'»*►• Mr
f »l«tt Ml* HmlHt »«* Ik nm
I *m« «M Iff t®*4 HmmmmI *| tiff
«ff*«t«4 fftVt* I* If* M|kff Hr.
,ilpll «,Mr UN Hit*.
tl«» ffrtff III *i>«4 IffMINl #1 H*
ltl*ff*r. H<-«rlfu »ff» kl mt,
Hit *Mit ffptli |t «|ii«t«4 ttntitlM*ll|
\\ heat
Ne. f hard: I rar. 99’jr,
\b. 3 hard: I rar, Mr,
No, 4 hard: 1 rar, *lr,
Vo, I yellow: 3 rara, Ur; I tar,
\n. 4 yellow: | rar, 70<: * rar*.
)Jr; 3 rara, 7l'»r; I rar, iO'»r,
No. ft yellow: I ear*. "ft'tr; t
rara, Tl*ii| I rar, Tlr.
No. I! yellow: I rar, 7fl'»r: 1 rar,
rar, 7(*r.
Sample yellow: I rar. *7r.
No. 3 mixed: 4 rara, 70r; 3 rara,
fiH'vrj I rar, 72'ir.
No. 4 mixed: 1 rar, 70r; t rar, f>9r;
I rar, ft8'»r; I rar, BNr.
No. ft mixed: I rar, fide; I rar, 67r.
Sample mixrd: 2 i ara, 65e.
No. S white: 7 rara, 47r.
No. 4 white: 2 rara. 4fi’yc.
Sample while: 3 rara, 4fic; 2 rara,
m No. ", mixrd: 1 rar, 4fi!»r.
Hard: 4 cars No. 2. 7 cars No. .7.
Mixed: 1 car No. 3.
Spring: 1 car No. 3.
. Total 13 cars.
Yellow: IS cars No. 3, 9 cars No.
4, 3 cara No. S, 2 cars No. 6, 1 car
White: 2 cara No. 8, 3 cars No.
4, 1 car aample.
Mixed: 10 cara No. 3. B cars No.
4, .7 cars No. 6, 1 car sample.
Total 65 cars.
White: 13 cars No. 3, 5 cars No. 4.
Total 18 cars.
_ , , Wk, Yr.
„ Receipt.— Today Abo Ago
" hoai ...15 in 67
Corn . M 63 j5
',B|.I. 35 11 J6
Rye ...
Barley . j
WE. Yr.
Shipment*— Today Ago Ago
\v heat . SO 17 0 1
Corn .141 112 «(
fat* . SI 09 3H
Rye ....
Ha rley . ’j
. (Bu.hel.i
Rerelpt*—- Today Wk. Ago Yr. Ago
" haal . 3S9.000 2»5.000 7S0.000
Corn . 775,000 359,000
Data ...... 439,000 359,000 030,000
Shipment*— Today Yl’lt. Ago Yr Ago
Wheat . 437.000 300.000 uio.uoo
Corn . 690,000 675.00(1 003.000
Oala . 663.000 r.oo.i.o < 907 000
Buehalg— Today »Vk. Am ' Ago
Wl and fl.. ■ , oyo
corn . 17.000 ooo 1
,,B,B .. ooo I
,, , , H i e! » Rr ;
f arlota— Today. ,4 * V'».
'ybeat ..... i»3 ;i <;ii
< «in .. 106 4<l iis
Oata .. 65 :u f,n
Wheat ..... J....... 43 19 10*
Uorn . 66 4 9
Out* . 1 'JO
ht. Louis receipts
Wheat . XI .r? $R
turn .*....91 52 f,j
Oala .39 XH If.
Minneapolia ........96 no \f>%
i "iiuth . 17 ai 79
Winnipeg .....214 2SI 406
Grain oml Produce.
Chicago. April 12—Wheat—No aalea.
tom—No. 3 mixed, 77c; No. 2 yellow,
79*1 79 Mr.
Oala—No. 2 while, 49®50c; No. S white,
Rye—No 2. Me.
Harley—69® 75c.
Seed—Timothy, $6.00® 7.60; clover,
II e 50® 22 60.
Provialone—«-T.ard, 110 36; riba. $10.00;
bellies, f 10.25.
Ilay and Grains
Kunaaa City, April 12.— Wheat—No 2
bard, 99<®$102. No. 2 red. $1.07® 1.09;
May, 96 Ur, aplit bid; July, 96%; Septem
ber. 97 Hr spilt bid.
*‘orn—-No. 3 white. 72% ® 71 He; No. 2
yellow, 7*®?*%'.; No 3 yellow. 70 %®
77<*; No. 2 mixed. 72 % #r 74r ; May, 73 %c
hi<l; July, 74 %c bid; September, 74 %c
aplit bid.
MANY ar® th® eyes that ar*
turned to gas® with keen ad
miration on th® well developed,
healthy girl no matter where ah®
may be—on the rapidly moving
thoroughfare or gilding gracefully
over the dance floor.
All eyea turn beraua® we all ap
preciate the girl with the flgur®
no Arm and plump—th© 8lrl witli
radiantly red cheeks, cheeks that
carry a touch of roses from na
ture’s own garden—the girl with
tho sparkling eyes, keen and sharp
—th® girl with buoyancy and th®
swing of youth.
Not nocossarlly an out-of-door®
girl. Just a girl with ever In
creasing blood cells. Just a girl
filled with the vim and vigor of
8. 8. 8., since 182B, has stood for
Increased blood cells. 8. 8. 8.
means restored strength—rekin
dled vitality—added energy. Tak®
8. 8. 8. and watch the bloom of
youth return to your cheeks. Watch
that flabby, U1 nourished flesh fad®
away before flesh that Is firm and
plump. Red blood cells will do It
and 8. 8. 8. will build them. It
contains only pure vegetable In
iredlenta. 8. 8. 8. la sold at all
good drug stores. The large
M size bottle is more economi
sing You Peel
llte Yourself Again
| Chiafp Grain
it «%— « <» »* *♦'
• .* *!•«> *,**•*.* (|< *«***» ******
h"4 eawe # %« f*
f i *** ** PHMttef Mte*n §4*4
tlftawiftHtl unfit »*»<■-«*» »*■=** tlbtt Ilf
flhiat* ♦ •<»•*■§ el * M« Pit --MhM UMl
*H |p«**4 • * mp**om * tea****
Wtera« *W»4 \ in »1»h.
*•» ^ » H’ *» "t'l • ••• *.'• H*
• ftw«4 fM mi Nil I t| f*
I * | * a
V«th #f IIP tall te«-M if Mtf §M
JhI* • »<»*♦ ill wMi'rt la * p* «***»»»»
in*#| pittet tin a #*-*• * * a* *M
** a* • *a«ni*| i»f, * ***?♦•» Mi**»*4 *te*
> II Ml| **■»»» • * fl pi ♦*»»**#♦ Npl
§*»* I* lift* *#•*•♦§ para **» Nn4 I*
f'lfl Th* ptiiipi *<»♦«»**• 'teal *»•••
4*eet*te4 m 4«ate* •»• %•*# a fa* **♦
'• Wtatfiif «Mit a rimti «r aniirtiwii
i* •**♦»* totOMi
hHte **♦ e*H| ill »*|MWHfe PPI
nf »M 4*i U*| ». tip ta |>t*aa**«* tram
a »♦ al ♦ e*4er1 tea* l tea a'**a|«fc la
• im r*» rtrd Itea r*|toa i*rpt
' •lh t»i* *M la )*#* ftfjhl 4*ma*>d M
n*H»|tt at Itea tip* I tee mt* emaed »f
•tea |r«H 11 **iii * tee interior an plr
mndera»♦>, iM ft»ae« la (tilia INIIIHP
laal It HIM imrente
Mayiat of Mae *.aia l» raate In* wen* and
»*mm»n*t*t» flue* 4* vel**|»*4 a
•inaaf i*.i aim* non .•» iPM awn
M>ane*|>n|ia fit mi nmaiiilM uf***n IH#
breeder demand far thi# §e*ln. Minna*
• Hii a4alafrtc of ?li im teuaheta laiitf
p»M for attiaiitiat ilia p**» wane
Hi* firmed with other grain* Tra4i
la thi* pit a f»atur«1e**.
reaclelftn* arre fm« la a alnta trade
a** b 1o It* hotter inf rite* ware
I la T»*e hifher
1*11 >«*iet,
lad Ira Heal ihii Oil Orrwm •«**
eminent intend* to ermpi ih* mm
«»n»me mlatinn* handed dona hi" the
I'iwm tommlHlon leaded I* riWelip
• haer In the trad*. Knp»< tally did this
i *w* a| (redi atanifM ant when report* had
It i Hal I hat a w«a (let man Imving of fu
lure* hate li rnflnrtnd an nailer money
position there, appatently more faith tn
tha future on pint of Herman grain ln
tnrnata amt gave birth to the belief that
Kurop* now legal da our prlct* at low
Weather conditions over tha bait were
somewhat inure favorable. crop reporti*
frum the southwest continue of favorable 1
nature, while advices even from Indiana
were le»n pessimistic. From Illinois fur
ther ristiiHRo cnmtiiaints were received
with continued talk of the necessity of
plowing up the grmind Homs rstn wss
noted over the northwest snd there were
indications that further precipitation was
to coma.
The cash situation in this country la
not as burdensome as many would nave
It. regardless of the relatively large vis
ible supply. From Iowa there came re
ports that considerable of country eleva
tor stock* consist of wheat of high qual
ity and protein, which would hardly be
delivered on contract, especially since the
bulk of the wheat is owned by mills.
Of late there has been a noticeable
letup In speculative activity on the part
pf aoirte big opeiators, the cause being the
uncertainty over further restrictive legis
lative measure* of congress. Todsy
Washington advised that the senate ag
ricultural committee had reported favor
ably on the McNary-Haugen bill, which
had been amended, all of which made
tha trade "sit back” and wonder. Busi
ness Interests In this country are fight
ing the McNary-Haugen bill. In s meas
ure taking the fight away from the grain
By Updlka (train Company. Atlantic 6.111.
Art. I Open. 1 High. I l.oa. I CIO—. I Yaa,
Wht. | I
May 1.01%i l.#S% 1.01% 102% 1 01%
I 1.01% I. 1.02 >, .
July I 1.0.1% 1.0* 1.02% 1.0.1% 1.02%
I 1.02% I. 1.04 1.03%
Sept. | J.04%1 1.05 ! 1.04% 1,04% 1.04%
Rye I I (
Mav I .65 I .65% .61% .65% .65
July ! .66% .67%! .66% .47% .66%
Corn | I I
May I .77 I .77%! .77 .77%l .77
.77'4 I. ..
July I .7 8 441 .76% -74% .76% .74%
Sapt. .78441 .74% .7 7 44 . 74 % .76%
.76% | . .71%
May 444, ,47 % .46% .47 .46%
! .66%!..
Jlllv .41% 44’, .42% .44 .4244
Sant .40 I .4(1% .40 .40% .40
May 10,92 10,95 10.92 ilO.95 10,97
July 111.It 1117 11.15 11.7*
May 9 *0 . 9 45 9 60 1 9.1* 9 77
July 10.12 Ml 12 10.12 Il0.11 10 05
MlimeiaiaoMa H’limt,
Mlnheapul.«. April 1 2 — Wheat —Coah :
Si. i north.: ii. »i I'll. « 1.164; Sol 1 dark
northern nprlny, choice to fancy. $1.21 4 U
I 27 *> , a on. I to choice, 21 184 $$ 1.2(1 4 ;
ordinary to coo.l, II 11 H 1.11 % ; May.
$1 1(14. . July. $1.1*4; Maptamber,
11.11*4. ___
Ml. lamia drain.
kt Inula, April 12. ■ Ca.h future*:
Mar. $1024; July. 11.014.
Corn—May. 7«4c; July, "f’lTtlOc.
taata- May. <9.
Minneapolis flour.
Minneapolis Minn., April 12-flour—
Chicago Work#.
Furnleh.d by J. k llache A Co.. $.4
Omaha National Bank building. I'honea
Jackann U$7-$$-l»i
Bid. Aeked
Armour A Co III pfd.,.. 77 77 4
Armour A Co !>*l pfd... $7 $74
Albert Pick . 1J4 1$
Ruaalck Alemlte . JJ4 JJ,
Carbide . W4 ‘74
KdJaon common .12» 32J!f
Continental Motor* ..... 7 7 V*
Cudahy . JJ.. {"
l>anlej Boone .*****
fJlaniond Match ........117
pfd ... 67 ei
Kddy Paper . 1* «
l.lbby . <4 J4
National Leather . 24 $4
Quaker Oat* .......260 27«
Jleo Motor* .*• }* <$.15'*
Hwift it c© .12J4
Hwlft International . 20**
Thomp*on .. J}*
tVrlgley ... **4 i'}4
Yellow Mfg Co. 7$ 77
Yellow Cab .•••• *7 *7 4
.. .... M. I-oule UvmMi. „ ...
Kaat Mt. Houle. Ill . April
It.., «• iota. 100 head; compared with week
.1 go, native beef ateer*. light yearllnga
uni helfera and beef row*, 25c higher;
Te*ae ateera, 26o lower; light vealere.
|I.O(»tfi.26 lower; Blocker and feeder
Mtock, etrong. other rlaaaea. ateady; tope
for we«-k, matured eteera. $11.*0; mixed
nrllng*. *».5»; bulk, for w«.k, M
I..r«, 17,25® 10,25. y«»rlln«» «n4 half;
nr., »Y.«**T.5»; barf cnw». *».0#®«.3S:
' ■« nn*re, *2.60®* 00; bologna bull., *4 25
r no,
iroga-Roo.lpt., 2.500 h.»d; aolvn,
mo.ffy 10®l5n filgh.r; bulk gooA light
u»i*hte. 37.70197.76; medium weight and
heavy bote he fa, $7. «f. 7 70: light light*.
16 76If 7.6ft. good Iftft to 110 pound plga,
I*. 76© 6 76; packer aowa, unchanged;
"'ih'n.V and t.amba—Racalpt., 115 bMd:
fnr w»«k. all rlaw.a, 26e««n hlgb.r,
'«»<*'■ Inp waul lamha. b««t
.linH, 114 75, fat gaarllnga. *l*i »}t
• wail. *12, bulk won! larnba. 111 2**14 50;
, ijpa.g, *14.50® 1 4 75; fat aaal, *t*.40«
I 2 0*. ______
Ii.flrll In Raa.rta
N.w York. April 12 —Tha actual aondb
Hun of H.nrlng hnuaa banka and truat,. for tha waak abow a daflult
In raaorva of If.5lt.t7*. Thla la aa lo
ci,a., of (2.172.120.
f N. Y. Curb Bonds j
Naw York, April 12. -following la tha
< ffjclal hat of tranaa*Mona on the N«er
y f rk Curb exchange, giving all •took* and
Londa traded In
Utah l,ow Cloee
10ft Walker Min - 3 V* 1% 3%
706 Wenden Copper Min 1% If*
Homeeftn Head*.
1 Allied Packer *■ . 60% 0®%
3 Aluminum 7a 1931.107 1®? 1®*
4 Am <1 At K fta .. »4% »*% H
1 Am Hum Tr.h 7%a.. 9®% 90%
10 Ana<onda Cop 6** .101% 101% 101%
ft Anglo Am HI 7%e.l02'» 162 1ft':
2 Aaam; M II 6%e- »•% *0% •»%
.1 A f (lulf A W I li. *1 *4 60% 61%
1 Helgo C' Paper 6e 9’’. % 93% 91 ft
1 Ilcih HteeJ 7a 1925.103% 103% l®3-»
2 c«r, Nat Jt 7a ...10$% 10«% 10*%
< ntiaa Herv 7a H.... 91 911% tl
2 C**n Uaa Halt 6m . 104% lu.11* 1'*.;%
I Con T«**cti!«? 9a ... 7H% 76 76%
m Con V A H 6%«. . . . 9 4 *2 % 93
6 i udaby I* 6 % a ... *6% a tti%
I Ilcrra A Co 7%a.. 99% **c» 9»%
10 Detroit C <1 fta 1 >0% H'»%
7 Detroit Kdlaon »ia .103% 103% 103%
1 Ualena Hig Oil 7a . .106 M6 106
1 Hood Rubber 7 a... 1 Of % 100% 100%
I Ini Match 6 %e 92% 91‘ , 94%
Kenneoott Cop 7a 10ft 104% 106
J l,ehtgh V H Ha 90% 19% V9%
h |,ib. Mr A Mb 7a. . . 10ft % 100% 1Q#%
l Manitoba 7e . 97% 97% 97%
l Market Ht Hy 7a .100 100 10»
3 National f.eather fta 96% 9'. % 9f. %
New Or I* H 6a.... 96 at-a 1**
1 N n V €%• . 99% 99% 91%
2 Hub H C N .1 7a_106% 1»6% 100%
i , Hut e Oil fta % . 9&% 96 * • 96%
1 Hhawaheert 7a .103% 101% ]03%
3 Hr (Ml N' Y 7a 1936.101% |0|% 101%
1 Ht Oil N Y «%a . . .106% 106% lor, %
I Hun 011 7a .102% mi* 104%
I Hwlft A Co 6# 92 tl f 3
3 TMar Oeag» 7a .1*4 1«4 I«*4
6 I ni.»n K I, A H 6 % a 96% 9* 9>
1 Drifted Dll f* fta . . 71% 71% 7|%
\V abater Mill* 6 U « 101% 101% I o | %
Foreign Honda.
20 Max O 4a ... 62% 631 13%
1 Met O 4* 1?% 3?% '?%
U f*wia» ..a .... 9 • 9ft • *
4 A* !•• 6a . 94 % h '« 96 %
"« ««•■ !.*.» • *m.*»,7*
*•» iltM.N ■ IIHI* .* li*. anil it*
«ri»m mi kilim
*>«m» 11 r> |l «M I ti * -hi »»* ' k..« .
MMIMMi immimi m I.ii *.»»*« l«
• *** •*•»*•• IK pHlM m> »»l. »(«.!
#i*9e^ *« • bi-i • ’Militia*
• o«id *• * half a fed *k*?tm, si'! I r>
fair Is te«d fed half*,*, 6?eaf»»a»;
• in fair f. 4 keifei^ 16 Jftfe V n«'
• h"»ce l« fttne fed •'nvi. |i (l>f I I”
• «w*d I a there fad *«ae 96 6*#* 16. fair
't* food fad raws, lftftti#«ftri, to
fair fed c«wa. If M(j|Ul. *i*r»4 *« rhoti-e
fead»ra, 96 1ft#9 !.• fair to to.*d faadera,
• T 16 at ft as, •ominnn »o fair feeders. $6 M
if" *6; fond |n hrne ato< aet«. |7 IMl
I Hi. fair to goad eiocVera. 99 69#7.M».
• mnmnr In fair Pt writers, |,
!traahy •larkarr |l ®t # ft*. ai«**l» heffei*
94 6006 50 ft . ding m«i. M >0ft/ . !ft .
stock nm, 911604 25; at'* h « nlvee.
94 5004 00. Veal miIvm, 9 4 09 # 1 ft 7ft ,
bulla, at age. ate.. 94 750 7 90
Huge—He« elpt a. ft — tiO head t.oral trada
was of an extremely alow chare. ier for
Saturday in fa*e of tha very light supply
at hand and ailghtly stronger Iremla at
other camera. Shippers took on a few
of the hast butcher grades at prl< • a
around 6c higher than Friday, while
packets made a atand In secure their
droves at steady to strong levels and trade
dragged ns a result Bulk of the sales
vai at 96.96#7.00 with top for the dav.
17 10. Although receipts wrr* tight this
wp>. prices failed to respond and values
on tb* float art 190 20c lowtr than last
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sb. Pr
65. .24.1 *4 69 lift. .174 Ml |ft 76
61.. 269 150 « Ml 71 . .259 16ft 6 SA
• ft. . 249 . .. 6 9ft 64 2011. 6 *6
73.. 202 4.. 7 ftft ill. .2 50 4ft 7 06
90.. 279 . 7 10
Sheep—Rtcefpia none A steady ad
vancing market featured tha fat latnb
trada this week with vglues advancing
into new high ground for the year and
closing at the ton. Final prices showed
fully 50^6ftc upturn over last Saturday,
beat wooled lambs touching 916 66. Clipped
lambs also advanced sharply being $1.00
higher for the the we«k A good tone
dominated the shearer market and prices
are up 26060c for the six-day period.
Aged aheep are little changed for the
Quotations on Sheep and Tamba—Fat
lambs, good to choice. 115.76# 16.66; fat
lambs, fair to good. 914.50016.50; clipped
lamba. 914.25 # 1 4.76; ahearing lambs,
lift.75016.40; wethers, 99 0001200; year
lings 110,r.o# 13.60. fat ewes, iighf. 99.00
011 26; fat ewes, heavy. 17.00#*.76.
Chicago Uventork.
Chicago. April 11.—(United State* Pe
partment or Agriculture.)—Cottle—Re
ceipt*, 600 head. Market compared with
week ago; Better grade* weighty beaf
eteera 26076c higher, mostly 60c up:
common and medium light ateers and
yearling! steady to 26c higher; extreme
top matured eteera, $12.40. hlgheet for
current year; heat yearlings, $11.76: fat
she stock 160 40c higher; weighty Kosher
cow* and better grade* beef helfera ihow
*n g moat advance; rannera and cutter*
firm; bulls atrong to 16c higher; veal
calves uneven, largely 6Oc0$l.OO lower;
•torkers and feeders steady. Week’s bulk
price* follow: Beef steer* and yearling*.
$*.60011.00: fat aha stork. $6.6004 60;
cannera anil cutter*. $2.1503 90; atockers
and feeders, $1.2507.76.
Bog* - Receipt*. 1,000 head; market
fairly active, atrong to Sr higher; bulk
good and choice 110 to 326-pound aver
age*. $7 450710; top, $7 16. bulk packing
aowa, $1.1607.00; killing piga unchanged;
bulk desirable afrongweight. $1 2606 10;
estimated holdover, 4.600 head; heavy
weight. $7.36«f7 1£ modtum. *7 4007 16;
light, $7.0607.66; light light, $10007.41;
parking sows, smooth, $4*607.00; pack
ing aowa. rough, $1 6601.66; slaughter
plga. $6 0001 76.
Sheep—Receipts, 2,000 head, mostly
direct; market nominally ateady; for week
around 13.000 head direct; 132 car* feed
lot*. Market compared with wrfek ago:
Fat lamb* 26010c higher; yearling* 2»0
60o higher; sheep mostly 6c higher; top
fat wooled Jamba for weak. $17.10; beat
clipped lambs, $16.60; top fat wooled
ewe*, $12 60. Bulk prb-e* follow; Fat
wooled lambs, $11 00011.95; clipped, 114 16
015.40; wethara, $10.16011.10; ewea,
Kansas I ity Livestock.
Kansas C'lty, Mo., April 12. — 9 Pe
partment of Agriculture),—Cattle— Re-1
«*lpta, ISO h*ad. Calfaa, 26 head. Hatter
gnde* yearling* and desirable weigh'*
beef steer*. 2bn higher; pliln lignt weight
• tears barely steady. Week's top: long
year lings, $11.60: heavy steers. 911.11;
hendywelghts. 91110; better grade* beef
rows *• rung to 16c higher; better grades
he fars grid medium cowl stead"; medium
heifers, wask to 16c lower; rannora and
cutters, dull around steady; bull*, calve*.
Stockers and feadara, strong; heavy fl-ehy
feeders. $9 40; week’s hulk price*: Beef
ateer*. 9*26010 60; yearling* $7.0006 66;
l.eaf cows, $4.6006 60; heifers, $5.7609.26;
cannara and ruttara. $2 260 9.76; bologna
hiilla. 14 260 4.60; practical top veals,
$10.00; gtorkers and feeders. $6 6001.00.
Hoga— Receipts. 1,000 head; steady to
bn higher; packer and shipper, top. $7.26;
hulk nf sales, $6 $607.26; bulk deslrabl«
190 to 200 pound averages, $7.2007.26;
packing sows, $6 4006 60
Hheep and Lambs— Receipt a op through
hitting for week: Lambs 60 to Tie higher;
mostly 914 00014.60.
Mloui City Livestock.
Sioux Pity. la. April 12—Cattle—Re
ceipts, 400 head; market compared al'h
a week ago; fat ateera and y*arHngs 26c
to 60c higher; hulk of sal os, $400010.26;
top. fl 1 GO ■ fat cows ant hotfers Sic
to 60c h'fher: cannera and cutl<r«. 26c
higher; veal*, f.trn; top, $12. *0; bulla *f.c
higher; feeders. strong, *op. 44 6'*; emek
cra. steady, JBc lower: stock yearling*,
and calves, st**dy, 26o lower; feeling
eowa and it*!feet, steady
Hoga—Receipt*, 6,000 head: market lc
to 10c higher top, 47.10 l>olk *f sale*.
$6 6007.10; pig*. $6.7007.10; butchers,
$7.0007.10; ml * ad. $9.90007.99; heavy
pecker*. $9.4006 50; stags. $6.0006 26;
native pig*. $• 0006 26; western pigs,
$4 60.
kbs*p and Lambs—Receipts. none;
market compared with a wee* ag* ?6o
higher; wool lambs. $14.6"*; clipped lambs,
$14 7r.• *waa. Hi f.o
j Fwmcial Ntwj
I'M*! *'V* NM ♦**(** M'H
• I i id ■ ■»•.»*!« MdlHt • 'it **•
"’V*'*#* S*M M t* *»♦» ftfl,
»* -•# <*'•.«*»■ * • »..*** *• •' **i
)M *» i*i »*♦, *t»
d, • t» * *♦**’ »* **dr* f»W*j
f*dt»*4 ■*. * * 4 * ’ ’ M d, * * 14 • * I i
M. . s*. •» k <*->■■• ■ . * <4 » ■
«>t * A»i .»»#••** m-»*- w **»
,»!»• V a. t i t .* !*, k f> *k
■i mil kg t» >f* tdf.-B *** **mm i
MltaM *B **• Id* l«*"dM t»< ("J.K'j!
tfldMi.l ■ • «« if* MMfM '.’H* df
h..l »*•*>.» Mid* M*ii«i im *»•»;
a*dtt* . t "‘hii id *i: * i** ’•* * at td if*
lid* Ld *1 *M«IM tdtddf* * i *
.-fa- • •*-•»• • • ••»'►• fJMII^IWl
t,d* ' * .<#**.I *r1 I *! '.4 d«dl . * *lt' j ]
*d i« »»ii i*Mi*» i •• d*d •
d |(|| |b* iMil' Itftl it ■ N»***=P * I'*11'' j
I i| f .mil l ttwkf *>» 4$* Pt*f*j
*v •••»*» ••
MTM for Martt tot fc*friW***t 1
• *
r«r«t> f»g«i*o* •
„t,v^fAf tl’tt ***♦
*fmri of n*aPi than #,******* *t**^ o*
l , , iM-'-f'oi * *•***
|*tM M frf «**!• . _ . iWJ
«Hi. *a»l • ti*t o^H**f !«►**'• off* rod in*:
}*#»' IPOtalatO* **» aHlttiR I'M’'******.
rtf iH* *n • Iwatng |n«*f >•**
folk * **ata»n 4 r »*•♦*'it If# in Ii»* **r** I
!f*4l PR I«k1 M! ikrt.k iai.r in 1 ?* %
fMfongih of tf*** *• „ •v**
^.id «• »HRti *• ihi. ** »«*** ‘,*z!rj£
„f th- >•-•# • M»h fnatMtod ijh* fpirtitn
Milium** matin i |innt»lil alrtfi'Hg BRain
lull it ihmd It.l> a*4 Hfigiog *ram*
It point a to M!' •
rtP-»« of I»ao»*ii of own*, wtmti 4r»Pt>P4
alnui it teoitit* to I* otn»«*ot»i!y **•
in i«fir. iii*n ..f Ika Vkiory •* y*«*
iftiiat « fln(ii»n . , , »
Tho «M!(lr . lORfiOR hotia# «fRt#«r.*At
ahf>w*4 d.. rfMrf In oil |nm lp»l H*mk
t ..-ana. ftlar r»o«l« nn4 iti vo*im*Pi* rtror*l^n
Ilf tf-f, n*« domRf»*I d*po*lt* *l»»ni|'*tl
f.-R.fia «»i»9 *n«i tim- «i*po*iu» f*1! *
ftOn. ARRTOgal** rnanryn totallfil I/02.M1 -
fifiii, lanvinR « d**fm*H In r*ookrv# of 9*.t2*.*
170, an Ini raaaa of 12,171.110.
^ ,,. ,n— .. ■ . —I » ■ \
I New York Quotations J
New York Stork Farhan*. quotation*
furnlnhait by J S. Hu.he, 12t Omaha ha
tlnnal Bank Bldg. ...
A in x Rubber ......... .... * l*
Allied chemical. JJ *
Allli-Chalmert ..
Am. Bert f^ugar. It % It •'* 3J
Am. Brak# P. F • ■ ' ‘ %
Am Can t*H t.% f«H •* J
Am. car A Fdry. 1RJ1* 1 SR
Am. Tide * I- P »<% 'J^V
Am. Inter. Corp . 2" !»% !•% -J
Am. l,ln»e»d Oil. ■ ■■ 1* %
Am. Co,-emotive. . . .. ■ •>» '•**
Am Ship A- t om, 12% 13 1; >1 »
Am. Smeltlmt *0*4 U% **,
Am. Smelt, p. . •••• J»j*
Am. steel F. «'% SJ *?}» j!'
Am. S'l.r.r . J* i'j4
Am. Sumatra ... 13% 12 JJ
Am. T A T.17*% 126% 12/% 1«
Am. Tobacco. •• • 141
Am, Woolen . *s% *',% *" 5* *
A naronda . 21% 3.% 12% 3*
Aaaor. Dry C.ooda. . . . ■ *J *'
Aeaoclate.l Oil- S0% 10% 30% JJ%
At.. Otllf A W. 1. 11
A t la* Took . _*»
.. 20% “*
Auto Knitter . • • • ‘ *111
Haltelti .114% 119% IJJJ* ’J*/
Halt * Ohio. 63% 6»% 6-% O a
Ileihlehem steel. . . 6®% 49 41% 10
Brooklyn Man Hy 1*% l*% 1*% '» »
Hoah Mnsneto. ... 34% ’’4 -4 -•>
Brook Man pfd.. *0% 69% J* ;'*%
Cal A Aria Min Co. • •. }«%
Calif Pole. .. 24% 24 24 24%
Canad Par.. ■• . ***„ >}}.♦
Cerro do Paaco . 4 6 44% 4»% 44%
Cent her. . ... . .. J*%
Cent l,eath Pfd 40% 40 4# 40%
Chandler Mol. 4* % CS 44 44%
cheaan A Ohio... 73% 7.% t.% il »
chic & N W. 62% 61% 62% 61%
I' )| t it P.. 14% 1 4 % 1 4 % 14 %
fi M A St pfd... 27% 20% 24% 24%
C II 1 A P_... 24% 24% 24% "4%
C SI P M * O By. 32
Clu*»t -Beabodv. * •
Chit! Copper..... U% 19% 19% JJH
CI net t-Peabody pfd .. .. .. '.Jl4
Chino... •• ••
Coca-Cola.. fiU 9% M*4 4#%
Columbia Carbott.. .. 41
Colo Fuel A Iron.. 30% St'a -tS 30*%
Columbia Om. .. . • 34 34V4
Congoleum . 41% M% &• !*» &•
(?on-oiid Cigar*. ... .. •*
Continental Can .. 4* 4&H 4# 4«'«
Cont .Motor*. 7 *4 7 7U 1%
Corn Product*.. . .M&'t 144 14 4 *» 146't
Corn 1’ro t tnew).. 3.1 ’* 3: % 33% 351*4
Co*den. % 3li% 3444 14%
Crucible . *3% &* *2% f'1%
Cuba Cane Fug .. 13V4 1414 13% 13%
Cuba c Fug pfd . .. 4*»% f»4% M% 40%
Cubt-Amer Fug. .. 33 b 11% SIS 33
Cuvamt! Fruit. 4414
ManTH Boone. 1>4 34% '•t 3
Dsvldaon themPal 44 42% «2% «6’4
Data A Hudson. .. .. 144%
Dome Minin* . *•%
Dupont fto Nam 123% 119% 119% 121%
EI*o Htor Hat ... 47 66% 6* % 44%
Erl# ..24% 24% 24% 24%
Lastman Kodak ... .. 144 l*%%
Famous Playera •• *7% 14% 67 67 %
Fifth Ava Bus . 4% *%
Flslsobman Yeaat. 44 47% 4* 41
Freeport. Tex. ..4% 1% 4% I
Oen Asphalt ..... 17% 34 36 37
Oen Electrlo .212% 243% ?|6 214%
Oen Motors . 14% 14% 14*4 14%
Ooodrlrh ...... 24 11%
Great North Or# 24 27 % 27% 27%
Ort North Hv pfd 67% 6* % 64% 64%
Gulf Htates Htael.. 61 44% 67 4«%
Hsvea Wheel . .. 21 It
Hudsoh Motors ... 23% *1% 25% 3%
Hartman Trunk Co .. ..
Houston oil _ t«% 14% 41 63%
Homaatake Minin* .. .. 64% 60%
Hupp Motors. •• 11% 13%
III Central .. .. 1*1%
Inspiration . 26% 24% 24% 26
Int En* Corp .. 22 22% 22% 22%
intarna Harvester. 14 11% 16% 16
Int Mero Marine . .. 4 7%
Int Mete Mar pfd. 10% 19% 29% 30%
Int Nlrkel ,.. i... . .. 12% 12%
Int Paper .. .. 31%
Invlno OH . 11 14% 14% 16
.Iordan Motor .... .. .. ., 24%
K C Houthera ...... 19% 19%
Kelly.Hprln* . 14% 13% 14 14%
Kennacott . 26% t< 26 16%
Keystone Tlra ... .. .. ..
lie# Kubhar .<• . . 11
l.ehlxh Vallay .. 4t% 44% 40% 40%
I.6hli|h Kites .... 26% 26% 26% 26%
*lmo Locomottva.. 69% 69 69 6f
f, .0 . 6|
Louisville A Nash. .. .... si
Mack Truck . 96% 71 74 79%
May Dept Wore... . 16% 46%
Maxwell Motor A.. 41% 46% 4014 4114
Maxwell Motor R. 11% It 11 11
Marland ......... 37% 14% 34% 27U
Me* Heshoard .... 19% ]|% 14% 19%
Miami Copper ... 11% 21
Mlddla Aral#* OH.. 4% 4% 4% 4%
Midvale Htael .... .... 13
Mo Pacific . II 1?% 12 12%
Attractive Business Loans
__ ^ _ _
Fir.t National Bank BUt. " * V
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Accept only "Raver” package
^ wh!cn contains proven directions.
£ H»nHr ‘'J^*.T»l•,, boxot of 12 tahteta
t AUn r*otfl*a of 24 and 100—Dru^ista,
Aaplrtn la Ik* trad* mark af Barer Manufacture of MonoaretlcacMaatar of BillfjUcactd
F# ft ffP MW I1 1 US
• t Hti « xf#»4 H% ft% *1% tl %
Bmhihiw* ! ,» Hi
**• * . -H *»%
SB i .« «n .t* ih **» |
ii t* %«» . *4
% f ,,,. * I| IS:
' « • '»•<* >»
*1 HU * M l*% »* 1* IIS
:: h* iL 8'
i i I i i 4#4% tf?l| if|M
•tt* ter ii a Ha hi at
'tifd »***•• ,fc , iff Ifi
(•» tn»«**i4* • M «t% •*% li%
»«we* H # - * MM;
t *»*# . , M
sin PPJ IIP** , lil Ija
♦ i i ra h i It IM| I#
f*wi hIr fS I SI i •% f# % j
hm i tr*M _,, tf % ;
1’m.wM P*eM * e« •* »* i
Kph 4 it **»e t*i 1*4 rii| t%%
I'KHWl* • «l*
« ». i. tit *■»**• M .1 I* l*|
imt t»fi HI ii i* l«|
Kl*i P» Pp*M*
|«|| ft • 4 It *4
***•>»!• M l» % 1*4 M
p»»4mp i 'x lt% Ms ij% IfHJ
P*|^.fte * • 4 • % *%
Hetmfeb* 1 4 P 1*4 •* 114 *•
ttH *t !•»’ t» hi M4l
«m i A • t H4 H4| HI H4
Pi I 4 * W ■.?**%
*.4*iti» nf»i Pt . I** let**
*,|N |,*hH!h 114 H M MS
Then t men «M ... 11% 11% tl% !f%
ppiHiii til its1
mp»it an ...... Mi »* 1 ill ns
Unit P h* f . ... M | H M *1
►Wall* OH . .. ?*> Ml MS fill Pan *»S “ *‘4 It.
Pnuth Hit! Ml II II IIS
Plan on nf 1 at MS t*% 1*4
mu «itt ,S 1 i?% til ms ms;
Plawart * Wame» ft til 7f% tl %
Pt»-nt I'tflt *■ « *11 Ml 42%
ptiidr-haker **'% M M tl %
P'BriehaWnr fnawi 11% 341 24% ** %
1(4 (14 H|
Tatnn 4 PaHfir .‘It 1 211 S* ; %
Timken Rolle, ill 21*4 31*4 ,*>.%
Teh Pro* pet a . It Ml m , M
Tab Prod A .. II MS
Trent on* Oil 4\ «S *4 4%
1 l*ar(fi. . Ill I St 1 1114 inns
1 ‘fitted Fruit . . . Ill 1*«
f X t’aat Iron Pipe "IS *1 *11 11
1f * Ind Alcohol.. *T M% MS ««*S
r X Rubber ?«S 21S 2*1 *»1
1T P lluhber pfd.. IM, in JM< % ?•*,
1* X Pteel .ITS »*1 tlU *7S
V X rfteaf pfd . nil 1**1
I'taH Copper ,,, • M\
Vanadium . 231 22 74 22*4 jt%
Vlvaudou . *4 *1
We baa h . MS Ml Ml 111
Wa ha eh A . 44 4*1 4fc\ MS
Yellow t*»h . inti ]n«
Western t'nloti. - . • . . t|U
Weattn* Air BrW . Cl 1 4*1 fA% *«%
Weatlna Elec IV 11 IS is
Weatinftiouae H»ea IS IS IS 1 S
White Eafie Oil . 23% 2' \ l*% 7*%
Wonlwerth (new). 73% 74 7* 77 %
White Mot ora ....12 *1*4 *11 *1%
Wool worth . 2*4 mu 217 Slti
Witty* Overland * *S *S * %
W|Ilya-Over pfd.. 7»* *7 17% «•
Wlleon . . ......... .. .. 11 S
Wllann pfd . . . 44
Worthlnp Pump .. 2*1 2S SI 2**4
Wriflay Co. 37S
Total aalea of etorka for weak. 4.47t.7f'ft
New York Bonds
- *
New York. April H—Eat ablfshTusnt of
saw peek price* for ths year by most of
the French governmental and municipal
bonds In the face of a general downward
tendency featured today’s dull market.
Buying of the French obligations was
nlfhmnred by the widespread popular ap
proval of the Dawes report and the In
dlcated success of the plan. Gains ranged
from substantial fractions to abour 2
polma and other European government
issues moved up in sympathy.
Prices of domestic liens fluctuated
within narrow limits. After an early dis
play of firmness, profit taking developed
In a number of traction and low priced
railroad le*uea. Freah selling cropped out
in the Wilson A Co. bonds, driving the
74s and convertible 4a down 2 to 3%
points to new low levels for the year
New financing announced for ne«t week
Includes an Issue of $10,404,440 to $li.
044.440 Pacific Gas and Electric company
bonds. N’swr York banka art also Inter
ested In the offering of $12,409,040
Canadian Pacific 6 per rent bonds which
will ha sold In ths Canadian market next
1 tilled States Bends.
deles (In $1,440). High. I.ow. Close
111 Liberty ... I It S >• I
7 Liberty let 4 % a,. 99 27 11 24 11 24
143 Liberty 2d 4%#.. 113$ 1124 !•.!»
43 Liberty 3d 4%*..100* 14ft 4 lOOfc
425 Liberty 4th 4%a. 11 30 11 27 9130
132 V H Govt 4 % ■. . . 1 00. 31 109 21 190 21
« Anion .7 M Whs Is 74 73% 74
1 Argentina 7e .10|% 191% 101%
14 Austrian gtd In 7s 49% 19% 19%
I» chines* Gov Itys is 41% 41 41%
197 Bordssus fa .10% 79% 14%
6 Copenhagen f«%# *9 19 19
I Gr Ptague 7 %s_ 14 14 14
14 Lyons fia .14% 79% i»%
199 Marseilles 4e .. *4% 79% 14%
4 It to da Jan la '47 .. 92 92 92
14 Czech Hep la.. 94% 9«% *»1%!
I Danish Mun *§ A..107 147 in?
24 Dept of Meins 7s .. 14% 14 M%
4 can 5%s notes 29 1«1% 141% 191%
13 Canada Ba 'S2. 99% 99% 99%
4 Dutch E I Is 'II. .. 94 93 % 93%
:i Dutch E I $%■ *6$ 17% *7 17%
at Framertcan 7%» .. *4 ■§% 94
21 French Rep *#.... 99% 9* 99%
141 French Rep 7%«... 95% 9k 91%
4 Japanese 1st 4%a.. 97% 97% 97%
24 Ja penes# 4s . *4 t« 14
• Belgium la .1«2 141% 141%
25 Belgium 7%s .1*1 144% 141
3 Denmark 4s . 91 94 91
3 Italy «%• .194 ]aa loo
4 Netnerlande 4s .... 91% 91% 91%
i§ At I* At* tom
if ,, | ■-. W* f, i to ?1 m ’ • % T ■ , |
l AraHaa o i!i % ♦ * % ito m ]
j t”' *•* ** til n
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IK A* f AA f A H| A |
t ft i tap |. |(N H H M | If % i
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if to*«* a <Hb*«* *♦ iffm *«*t% ii!!*
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« |« *i I HI ..* to It I,
ii ipii A *a A I Aim M| **%
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l liiff m p t|i tom to % *i •»
*• ma** * m i m Hm ?• % i
!• « pHf !'»<* !%• . to\ m% to •
i 'Aft r** d I* *«% f»S to
• lit to A <» »• *1% If H * «
I <%** r»f ti**r«!p It 1*1% 1*1% |#1 *
I toept f #p• br r to III Ml M *
« » #n« Pi* |«4 4* M| m| l‘I
ll to#fn» H l’i*f* H 1H| 1 ti 11.
I tofirt A Itbln tv 5a 11% *»% H %
II «*bto A t» rv 4%t 1$ If % to%
15 tobfa A AH am t%* *«% «%
I r ll * g tvf to A !•*% »t|
1 to*!* A Kae* III to.. HI H% f*%
2 Chi' «lt Wm H 6*% M|
4 C M A At r . V 4%» «4 M \ M
If to M A At I* rv ||« M M| M
34 to M A Ht V 4# 14 13% *3 * .
4 C|»t« A Nor ft 1*1% 1*1 1*5
1 to n I A I* |>n 4t ?A% 79% til |
IP to H 1 4 P r*f 4« 17% **% ft1*
i tohllt nop «• .1*»% I** 1**% j
1*» Olev I >. T*r to 17 H% It % I
5 toohi (Up a Kl it at 11% • •% 9* %
4 t'ommonweji ftw it I* \ **% ln%
i toon* Cop I «. f Mtr it IT% IT * >7%
12 toonsurntrt lJow to. to % IT % to%
1 Cuba <*9 Milt H »• at M M 94
1 toubtn Am Pup *t 1*7 » 1*7% 1°7%
I lltnv * H Ur con 4t «R% «*% «*%
2 l»n Kdfi r#f a« .1*5% 1*5 !#:»%
i P«t l td llvt 4 %t 19% 19% *9%
1A I»nnt Ntm 7%» .1*7% 1*7% 1*7%
4 l>uqiittnt !«♦ it.. .1*4% 1*4% 1*4%
1* Ktti Cub An 7 %■ .1*4% 1*4% 1*4 %
3 Kmp Q 4k nil ., 41% 41% 41%
4 Frtt rr l'*n 4t .. «5tJ to % 45 %
17 Brit *n htn 4a . 45% 55% 65%
1 Flak nub la _1**% !**% 1*"%
1* Utn Five d it .1*1*4 IP*% 1***4
5 fJoodrlrh * % * »«% 14% 9 4%
14 Goodyear T» i« 11.1*1 1*1 1*1
1 Goodyear Tt to 41.116*, 116% 115*4
1 Und Tnk My to 7a. 112% 112% 112%
2 Ond Tnk Ry C 6a 1*3% 10.7% 1*3%
I flrt North 7t A .1*7% 1*7*, 1*7%
4 Ort North 6%a B . to% »*% 94%
2 Htrahay *• _ 1*2% 1*3 1*?%
1* Hurt A M rf 4a A *3% *2% «2%
1* Hud A if ad Inc 6s **% 6* 4*%
2 Humble O A H 6%a 91% »«% 94%
3 HI Cent 4a 63. 11 % 11 % 11 %
1 Int R T 7t . *7% 17 % 17%
1 lot R T *a *4% 55% 44%
3 Int K T rf St at.. 43% 63% 63%
47 int AG N ad H . 47 46 % 47
3 Int A a K lit 6a.. »6U »f>V 15%
2 lot M 5f af 6.. n:% 12^ R2<
17 Jt rent rfp 4t _ 2* 20 2*
4 K to p A 7. 6t 90% 90% 9* %
22 K to Terminal 4a.. *2% 12 \ 12%
17 Kally-A Tire la . 95 94 % 95
4 l.oult A N 6a 03 .101 101 1*1
15 Vltrk Rt Ry ton 5a. 1*0 1** 1**
4 MidvpI* Rteel rv 6a *1% 1*% to %
5 M At PAR P* H 6%p 1*1% 101% 1*1%
431 K A T pr In 4a to 99% !*% 99 %
4 \f K A T n pr In 6aA *2% *>1% a.
3* M K A T n a J f a A 63% f.*% 63*;
.3 Mo Pacific 1st la.. 94% 94% 94%
3* Mo Pacific tan 4a.. 57% 57% 57%
4 Mont pow 6a A 96% 95% 96%
2 N K Ta| A T taf 6a 9« % 91% 94 %
13 .NT Can rf Aim 6a. 97% 97% 97%
1 \ T On dab 4a 1*6 1*5 1*5
7 N V to A Rf 6a A 101% 1*0% 1**%
24 NY NlfAH rv 4p 44 1!', 12% 12%
3 N V Tel raf 6a *41.1*6% 1*5 1*5%
2 N T Ta| pen 4 %■ 94 94 94
• 9 N A W rv «a 121% 127 127
Large Profits Shown
in tha Stock Markat by the
Stock Markat Forecaetan
Empress Theater Building
»%*««**»*•* Mi
H to* fp ** ♦
I# i t f* m> Hi
• » i«| • v **4 t* H
I t* w i p ft jl M ft
Mi II" If
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* «ft*n««** t*ft ft
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Total aalaa of t»oM» |2#i,*t*.
HI. «l«aet*h N»r*lofli
J»t InMph. April II.—Oattja—ftacaipt*.
ion head nominal hulk nf ataara tala*
f*>r 11 2 :■ *'t 10 no. top 110 00 «oaa and
halfar* M 25ft# 16 ralvaa 9* 00# 10 on
atrrkara and faadara. II 200* I!
jf"#* Karalj.ta 2.100 b' ad ataadv In
Sr htyhar, top. 17 21. hulk of aalna, 17 10
^Mir*»p and tjamha Tlocalpti. 1 600 haod ;
ataadv; lamb* 916.71# IC S*; awn*. 910.76
# II SO _
»w York Dry finntf*.
Now York, April 1?—Cotton »«oda
markata bald baraly at«adv in tha dry
good* dlvlaon todav, umdarat# trad'ny
continuing and moat of thn buatnaaa ba
* * t** *M Ml * i|i*i M iH* » H
4*2 *#• f *Mf f* ♦ ■* ****** If* ^ 4 •***§■
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»*■* *<*ft‘|h'» |l't|l|t, h#*t *1*'*€
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(*«**«**•*i-v#'*t f*d# *llti tai Hlitt
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IHt* 'FftiT’ i»l* ItBItf] Jill#
}if ft* , ririfii roan it;’ Itfi M",
i | Bat| matt i • • It It
T#n * waitt. §!»* •! lot •• IH •’-'«*!
•lira. TV
fir# .Pf*t4jr; f#ory ft»*4 fHf Ift.
A** I nrt rro4*r#
N#w T^t-k. April 1?- Il’H !*r — Katr * aa
rtlptft a I«t fubt r*raam*ry firi'a (It «*
• 1 dor*!, MHVltfl.
Kil* P’##4r r '*lpi». It III mh*
NoafCp %n4 n*»rH aaoftra h»na«ra
ohitrft. ftrs’a to av*ti|* oxtrat. Jiff H .
Cttaaaa — Jrraptilar, rartipt# M Oi
invr imp* m iTn t. "
%(■ %er» (misate* n*ttoa aa HJ* hatette
at wheat or cere. Wo farther Me*. A eei
■rat of to from oetloa price «teee yea ea
ewpnrtueitr to take tote: to. Stte; to. ftft ate.
ntn today ro* particular* ma
nu MAfttKT Lima.
Invertors Dally Guide. 3. W. Breech,
Seat. 3-3. (Old Baltimore Aw, K. C, Mn,
Zatabliahed lttl
fN«w York Stock Exchange j
, J Chicago Board of Trad#
MtmMrr New York Cotton Exchange
land other leading Exchange*.
Now York: 42 Broadway Chicago: 108 S. LaSalle St.
Branch** and correapondenta located la principal eltlaa
Stocks, Bonds, Grain,
Cotton, Foreign Exchange
Bought and Sold for Cash or
Carried on Conservative Margin
224 Omaha Nat’l Bk. Bldg., Omaha
Telegkeaee JAckaaa S1BT-M
"The Bache Kerlew" cent ea application—Correepondance Incited.
We are operating threa large, np-to-date terminal elevator* in
this market—now at your earviee.
Write Ua for Detailed Information
Updike Grain Corporation
Omaha, Neb.
Peters Bust Coftmrt
Peters national Bank.
^ %
TarnamijftySven teen th
Condensed Statements, March 31, 1924
Peter* Trust Company
Bstabllahsl IM*.
Bond* ....... $ 218.025.77
Mortgage* on Real Estate .,.*#<«.r»*. 491,821.22
Deposited with the Bute.. r 40,100.00
Du* from Investors . 1,025,857.53
Aooounta Receivable. 420,864 70
Office Building and Fixtures .. 231,000.00
Safety Deposit Vaults. 69,684.57
Real Estate Owned. 13,768.23
Securities as Trustee. 7,716,288 93
Cash on Hand and in Banks. 153,135.93
$10,880,546 88
Capitol Stock.$ 800,000.00
Surplus . 100,000.00
Undivided Profit*. 48.164 82
Reserve for Taxes. 16,882 32
Bills Payable. 201275.41
Loan and Bond Acceptance*. 494,884 96
Funds Held for Investment. 144,514 48
Loan Commitments. 651,076.06
Bond Commitments . 186,850.00
Int. Collections and Other Accounts., 115,022 84
Trust Funds. 7,818,897 00
$10,380.546 88
Peters National Bank
Opened frt lailwii September, IMS.
Loans and Discounts ,..$1,173,368.23
Bonds . 579,801.41
Stock in Federal Reserve Bank. 7,600.00
Furniture and Fixtures. 26,000.00
Overdrafts . 777.61
Cub and due from banks. 613,743.88
Capital Stock Paid In. $ 200,000 00
Surplus . 50,000.00
Undivided Profits. 47,238 88
Reserve for Taxes and Int. 643 64
Deposits . 2 002.308 46
THROUGH the joint facilities of the Peters Trust Company and the Peters National
bank we offer a complete service in any of the following departments: Bond
and mortgage offerings, checking and savings accounts, trust matters and fiduciary
service, loans on city property nnd rentals, steamship tickets and foreign exchange,
modern street level safety deposit vaults.