The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 13, 1924, CITY EDITION, PART TWO, Page 6-B, Image 18

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    Friend HukIniimI
Now Slavs Home
ami Hears llndio
I ifr'l INnWnn of inmiinp
Mala Now Appear* Selrnli
"1 hal'a Home 1 ilk*
•ut Radi* "
There »** hunter In the temerh *f
* hen perk*4 huetnlt4 ttinl re4l*t *»*
■ teal knnn In wttrN men Hit
* fe, h# related. h#4 lelelr brow*
■n M(t«wr>l In llelentn* In lh# radio
ihii he could go nui mghi* »» much
* • he wished without even having In
nee hi* threedbar# alible
Util theta we* more hitman than
truth in hln Statement m far aa II
a Upline tn ih* aver*** men ati4 th*
eieregn American home
Th* fact la that elnr* radio cem*
In moet husband* don't want to atay
tint. Th# air la *o full of Interesting
mograme, high-grade orchestra*, en
*> i tntntng public addreme* and apnrt
news thal they look forward to get
ting home at night en they cen
Helen In.
Problem Appears Halved.
It begins to look as If Ih* enawer
to th* question of the age*. "What
nlll kpep a husband homn night*?"
I», "(let hint to build a radio eet."
A Inland man recently told
of moving Into a new house and
of a delay or two or three Week*
in beginning to operate the radio
■et to which he had been accustomed.
Home didn't seem the same to him
nr his family. Spare time hung heav
ly on their hands; evenings seemed
dull and flat. The whole family had
begun to get on each other'a nervea,
•hen they realized that all that ailed
.'them was they were lonesome for
/radio. The set was quickly put In
commlsclon snd promptly restored
the household to Its normal charm
and cheerfulness.
One reason for the popularity of
radio In the home and the phenome
nal Increase in the use of receiving
nets la that sirnpla types of set* which
any member of the family can eet up
nr.d operate are available at reason
able prices. The tendency of the
newest advance In the radio art Is
toward simplicity of control.
Seta are now designed which, even
though they have four or five tubes,
are not difficult to build and have
i-nly one control dial, in fact, less
operation* are required than setting a
phonograph going.
Family Set* Now.
A little over a year ago parsons
starting out to make a set usually
made a one-tube set with earphones.
I'ut now the day of th* one-tube set
has practically gone, and th# great
majority of persona who build sets
nee from three to five tubes and a
loud speaker, so that th* whole
family can hear.
Radio has come Into the home to
Lift Off-No Pain!
Doesn't hurt a bit! drop a u!Me
Freezone" on an aching coin. In
uantly that corn atopa hurling, then
•bortly you lift It right off with fln
gera. Truly!
Tour druggist eella a tiny bottle of
Freezone" for a few rente, aiiffblent
to remove every hard corn, eoft corn,
or corn between tna toea, and tha
illuees, without aoreneaa or Irrlta
Force of habit causes
millions when they need
a tonic to ask for
You are familiar with the
salmon wrapper and the
honest, robust face of the
"fisherman.- You
should always ask for W
SCOTTS by name. J [
from Europe
After year* of ■ucoeeaful use In
luropo, I>r. Steln-Callanfet*' wonder
ful non dlotetlo dla.betlo treatment,
filch allow* yon *» **t what yon
need, I* now kvatlabla In thla coun
'ry. A book deecrlblng thla wonderful
• -.»Unent will be aent FUFF OF
■ HAUqF to aufferera ef dlabele*.
I on’t tilay —Writ* M. nichaita. Dept.
: . 42nd fit., New York
Oldest Living Settler on Site of Omaha Came Here With Brigham ) oung
in ISIS, Settled at Florence and Gra:ed Cattle Where If. 0. If. Building Stands
Net. Ilrnn !>•! R'l, lltif
Wtllt (nt Itrnrul D««l|»
•ml Mrl linrnln at
I hiimmI Hlllff*
rtrtwte* »h*» a • **'•*
Ini* 4#*r*»*h Hshr*»h* In pb>*>»> i
day* *w4 R»i Hmti IM "«*
May. Ilemy IMlgfii I* Without
d.iu hi th* ft vat peraon ttotg livtn *
who ran.* In Ih* f*r***nt *M*
Omaha. III* advent Inin Nebtaaka
date* ha.k tn 1*41, eight treat* he
fora onngre** turned the art creating
th* tartllary nf Nehraahw and >e*t*
befma Omaha wa# thought nf.
Th* atnry of th* life nf Henry t*.
Iiong, Jttai now approaching hi* Milt
year, la romantic and Inlereatlng.
When Henry D#l<nng wa* horn In
Pennsylvania In 1*31, Ihere were loll
a few mllea of rattwav In the United
Ittntea. There wa* otily one railway
In Ih* world 150 mile* in length and
that one wn* In hi* nallve elate
When h« cam* to the all* of
Omaha In 134#, no railway reached a*
far wrat a* the Mla*l**lppl river.
During all these 7# year*, Henry
DeLong ha* remained on the bankx
of th* Mlaanurl. Herently he talked
over th* radio from WOAW station,
(live* Life's Story.
Mr. DeLong gav* Ihe following sc
count of hla life and hi* frlst trip to
"A few day* after Brigham Ynutu:
arrived at the Missouri river, upon the
Iowa aide, Capt. James Allen, who
represented th* United State* govern
ment, called upon President Brigham
Young and requested him to raise a
Mormon force of 500 men for service
In the war against Mexico.
"As an Inducement, It was prom ]
Ised that the men should be taken
through to California, to b« dis
charged, at end nf enllatment period
and they would be given full pay and
permitted to retain their tnna and
"Thla proposition was accepted and
stay. It not only pleases father, hut
mother and the young people. There's
a thrill for the latter in dancing to
muslo of the best orchestras broadcast
by radio. And for many a housewife
ths happiest moment In her busy day
Is toward the end of the afternoon
whan her work Is done and she can
alt down for half an hour before pre
paring dinner and listen to spirited
Who knows hut whst th* wall mot
toes of th* future will read: "What Is
horns without a radlo7'*
Easter Music at
Iowa University
Program to Be Broadcast
From Station WHAA
* at 484 Meter*.
Iowa City, Ia„ April 12.—Two hun
dred and ten University of Iowa stu
dents w'lll tske part In a program
of Easter muslo to be broadcast from
tha university's station, WHAA <4*4
meters) st 4 p. m., Sunday^ The
senes of ths program will be the uni
versity auditorium.
Ths organizations taking part will
It* th# university chorus, under di
rection of Prof. Philip Greeley Clapp,
head of th* school of music; the uni
versity gles clubs, under the direc
tion of Prof. Welter I .eon, Instructor
In voice, and th# university sym
phony orchestra. of 7* pieces, tinder
th* direction of Prof, Frank Estes
Kendrle, Instructor In violin.
These organizations will be assisted
by Miss Alice Ingham of Iowa City,
soprano; Mies Mllllcent Hitter of Wal
ton, Ind., contralto; Wesley Drum
mond of Spirit talk*, la., tenor; Cle
ment Scott of Iowa City, tenor; Har
old Reuschleln of Burlington, Wla„
baas, and Mias Vern*ss Frazer, In
idmctor In music, accompanist.
Th# program, which the univer
sity's 500 watt station should make
available to most of th* radio receiv
ing sets In the rouniry, follows:
I'for«Mlonal In Y, npu* i». No. I..K*rnlf1#
i;nlv*r*|ty Orfh«*»ri
I'm Ini tl for right part rhorua ftinar
companladl ................. M#ytfba*r
University f'honj*.
Ardanf# t'anfublia for String*
... T«!h4lkov*lif
ffnlvaralty On
It f'hrltt Bitan Lalarlng
rjuarret and M*n’a Choroa
f'Hertibfm Borg .Ttchaiknwaby
1/nlvarelty <;horu*
ftalm t% for Woman* Vd|r-#a. BrHubert
Wom*n p thorn*
Kina I fhoru* from "Tb# rhlldhood of
rtirfac” . ftorllo*
Mr. ftr-oft and llnlvartliy f'horu*.
J. T)*an Ringer, prreMent of the
Omaha Mona club, will Invite 71,000
Mon* club member* throughout the
I'nlted State* and Canada to the
eighth annual International Mori* eon
vantlon to he held here In June, eeer
radio Tueeday evening from elation
That night the Omaha rluh will
broad***! a radio program.
Information about the International
I,lone rluh organization and hletory
and growth of fh* Omaha branch will
be outlined by Mr. Ringer.
The convention will meet June II,
24. n and 24.
Mayor Ftahlman will deliver en ed
dreae of wrlcom* end Charlr* M. R.
Ore ham, dlatrlct governor of Ontario
will reapond at the reception June 22
In the city auditorium.
Election of offlcera and the eelrcllon
of the convention city for Kt25 will
occupy tha cloalng day of the con
vention .
Musical Director
for WGN at Chicago
E. Warren K. Ilowr.
Thla photo ahowa E. Warren K.
Howe, rnuepal director of The Chi
cago Tribune, Zenith hrnadraetlng
elation, located on th* Kdg<*waf*r
Beach hotel. He haa had in year*'
experience a* enlolet and conductor.
For fh* leaf nine year* he he* hern
a member of the faculty of the Amei
loan Conaervelnry of Mualc.
tt Ian f. search that the bootlegger
mind*—It'* the eelzur* you know
Fort Wayne New* Sentinel, j
520 men enlisted, mustered Into the
United Ktale* service and departed
for Fort Mavenworth. July 20. 1940.
They took the l>oat at Traders”
Point. Not long after I hegnn dig
ging wells. 1 met Den. O. M, Dodge,
who later became chief engineer of
the Union Pacific railway. \V« be
came warm friends. In 1959 when
Abraham l.itnoln visited Council
Bluffs, 1 bail the honor of meeting
was one of five children. When
I was 10 my parents Joined the Mor
mon church and moved to Nauvoo,
111. We arrived at that plac# the
day Joseph KtuHh was burled.
Came With Brigham lining.
"I was but 12 when Brigham Young
derided to take his people to the fir
west because of persecution to his
sect. Karly In 1949 we started on
this overland Journey. I walked the
entire distance from Nauvoo to Oma
ha. barefooted, driving a small band
of sheep end a few cattle behind the
"We suffered untold hardshl|>s. The
rood* were new and at time* almost
Impassable. Many died ls-fore w*
came to the permanent camp.
"We reached th# Missouri river.
Just opposite Omaha, In June, 1949,
and after considerable delay managed
to get across the river and went
several miles northwest where we
made a carnp. This camp waa about
three miles beyond the present town
of Florence. After a short stop there
Brigham Young decided th* location
was too much ejtjmsrd to Indian at
tack*, and moved hack to tb» present
'alia of Florence and made hla per
manent ramp there.
"A* aoon a* shelter had' been pre
pared for the 3,500, a picket fence waa
l,uilt around the entire camp at a
bitter protection against Indian at
tack*. Th* Pottawattomle Indiana
had Juat left that locality, but th«
Oniahas, Pawnee* *nd Otoe* were
claiming th* country a* their hunt
ing grounds.
( allle Grated Her*.
"Soon after reaching Florence I
was adopted Into the family of Brig
ham Young and ate at hla table with
hla family. During that mmmer I
did th* light work about the place
and herded th» cattle ao that they did
not stray too far away. Many time*
have I had the herd grazing on th*
hill* where the preaent town of Oma
ha now atands. and I am aura that
one of th* point* I well remember I*
now th* locality of the Paxton hotel
and the Woodmen of the World build
"Brigham Young elwayg aeld
"grace" Immediately after w* aaf
down to th* table; we bowing our
head* while he said "God bless the
Food Was Scarce.
Th* greatest difficulty was In get
ting a supply of corn and other ne. e*
aarles. There were no settlement* on
this aid* of the river and very few on
the Iowa aide. Th* nearest point
where these supplies could be obtain
ed waa at HI. Joseph. Mo., 15# miles
to the south. A* w* hsd no money to
pay for what wa needed, our men
worked on shares for th* farmer*
Announcer Known as
“Solemn Old Judge”
Oo«r*« D. Ilaf.
Moot "|j„ onlomn old Judro," who
hold* forth nf atnltnn WMt', Morn
plilo, Tonn. Iro'.on homo ho In Ororgo
r». H«r, dlro< tor nnd ehtof annminoor
Hr dnwliM PrM*.
Prn,r«rri l« bo btoad'btt ffundo#.
April |J
Illy »ouri.#y of KoAlo pi,,». >
0'tnirtl timo.)
W»B, Allaoto ill#), 7;I0, rhurrh oorv
\YOS. (Tilrago Tribun* (17#), t to •
artle(*. or'heetra.
Ky\V, Chicago (119), (’hlrago Monday
Kvanlng club
WliAP, ( hlrago (J99), I, organ; 9 II,
WIIK Cleveland (111), i. roorarl,
WFA A, Irallaa New- (471), I, Bible
etaee: 9, addraaa, 9; 19, rnuata.
WW./, J>*f roll Newa (117), 19 g m . Mt
Paul cathedral, Daan Warren U Roger*,
or/ heat r a
WOC, l>a ven port (414), T, Organ; 9
• huff h aervlce; 9 19. orrheatra.
WBAr. Bor! Worth, Mter Telegram
(479). ||, or*he«tra.
WOM, .refferaon (’Ilf (449 9), f;|9,
church aervlre
WOQ, K-nae- Clip (411, 199), 11 a m,
earvlf-ea, 7. eerviiee. *a< red ruu-l#
W(ll, Medford Mllfafd* (199), 7 19, pro
WRAP. New York (491), 4 19, thoa'ar
.nrrhea’ra: 4. organ
WJ*. New pork (441). 7 41, orrheatra.
WOAW, Omaha (4J4), tarn aervlree.
7, aar rad mualr; 9, Bible *»ud>, 9, *#rv
I lf:#a.
wri, Philadelphia (Iff.), 9 49 aervlro*
WfP, Phllad-trhfg (409). 4 14, enn< #r».
K'iH' Portland (491) 4, orrheatra
WOP, Mrhnarrady ( 144 ), 4 314, »»r<ire*
Kpo, Man Pranriaro (411), |;|i or
h*afra. #
Coiiccn* Under Knife.
SVaahlngfnn, April 11.—I’hyalrlana
'i I tending H»n*fnr lam<a rviuaena of
Michigan decided today In perform
n operation eerly neat week.
A are lament leaned at the rViuvene
.'!'-ri.e ai I H p. m mid the aena
| yondltlon continued to Improve.
o^H B^r ™ _^B — ^B B ^^^By
y^H Wm ^^k_BBB MB ^^A ^B ^^k ■ A ^^^By
Mf /I II I.N :- Fletcher'* Castoria U especially prepared to
relieve infants in arm*' ami Children all ages of
Wind Collc
To Sweeten Stoma* h
Regulate HowcM
Aid* in the assimilation of hood, promoting Cheerfulness, Rest, and
Natural Sleep without Opiates ^
To avoid imiutiom, a!*a\i took (or ike aiftia*«rp n( l>
Pm -ti direction* on each package, Phylkiant everywhere recommend it.
there, shucking corn or doing any
thing they could to Secure food for
th* settlement. As soon a* a few
wagon load* were earned the teams
were sent latch to Florence.
“While the tnen were securing
these supplies at St. Joseph, the peo
ple left at Florence were building
houae* and preparing for the hard
winter month*. Lumber was secured
from nsttve tlmljer and much fuel
wa* taken from th* drtft In the Mis
souri river. 1 remember one song
that th# men were singing ** they
of logs we build our houses,
Of shake* we build our doors,
of sticks we build our chimney*
And of dirt we make our floor*.
First Train In I tali.
“Tn th* early spring, preparations
wet* mad* for the first train to Ftah.
This train that started west from
Florence In April, 1M7, c.insisted of
143 persons, Jlrlgham Young himself
In charge. Klght of the 12 apostle*
of the church m ompanied him. Just
st this lime 1 vena placed In another
i family.
“X had a chance to get across the
Missouri river and made my way to
"Mlll*r’a Hollow,“ which wa* near
Kanesvllle, now Council Bluffs. Here
I found a borne and worked doing
odd Job* until nearly 1* years old
“Soon I became convinced that I
should t>* a preacher and wtdle I hAd
had little achoollng that did not
dampen my desire. About this time
J(wight L. Moody carne to Council
Bluff* and I sought him out and
told him of rny ambition and naked
him to help tne. He talked to me
several times and gave me good ad
vice. Within a year 1 h-gan preach
Ing and was later ordained as a min
Isfer of th* Methodist rhur'h. After
riding th* circuit for several year* I
began doing settlement work at Coun
cil Bluff* which resulted In the
founding of the Charity mlewlon*
which are ■till being fostered, paying
particular attention to children a re*
fit# work." _
jm ■ ^ i« •■■■■ i i MT-sr-su -WlilT.a-- --Ss»
For Cough*, Cold* and Crip,
Tonic Tablets (24)
For General Debility, Wcahneaa,
Want of Strength, Lmaitudr
Tired Feeling.
1 "Forty"
Indue#* Repona and Natural Re
freihing Sleep.
Prlaa, Nna. tt, «» an* 77 *«a ae'fc.
At Dnif Utor#*, nr nn rrmUimnr*
(Our Hi*k» nr i O P I’urt-H >'«•(. Hum.
phreys' Hnmrt' M**lielne in., !M Wllltpm
H, Yerk — _____
J, \. tllST.
Mondamln, Iowa --' For over one
year nnd a half I wan afflicted with
a hnt doctor* rolled nautili* In t«'lh
at rue, ahotildera, Nn k of neck and
head. 1 took treatment from many
doctor*, alao nt the Hprlng*, lull found
no relief until I commenced taking
Hr Pierce'* Anurlc Tablet*. I had
not taken them over thirty day* until
I got rrllef. I continued ihdr tiro for
•eyernl week* nnd Wn* then feeling
fine. I ran do tny work without any
pain or trouble, hMIuiokIi l am |*a*t
75," ,1, A, Yoat, limit* 2.
Health t» your niont valuable aaeet.
7>o not neglect It. Writ* Pr, I'irrre,
preeldeni «*f the Invalid*’ Hotel, In
ft lift* In, N. Y„ *11 about ymtrtelf You
will receive confidential medical ad
s Ice KRKK of *11 coat Or, *end lor
for a trial pkg. of Anurlc (anti uric*
j \V()AW Kudin Programs
it* in* «*4»* fiifiifwt
tt*t Mm|* N IM *«*3l«ti
tttw i
N«hi IpiH li
• $ m h||’i *‘*hl N# ’
Am »*> t* ft W-WfdHL *•*!** *♦
t>t 4*-<«•** ttNtMfyi> m IN* i
<*.#<*«•»« •** phtpt**t*t ilwii*» »•**
•* * •
• M ' It " *N* •
I * Ait* ttflMfl I **»?! N# ll|*
w** 1 Itiiti Uft X 41*3**
Him * • » ti*|fp>--p W?*t FH»**i*tl
It Mtiff fi#|A
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If f |4my*M
*. fijvipf* f|t|4if| MlIHlitMi
v«mit **»• i*i»*i#4
t *i utiiofi
. • * - • ■ ti. MifilHiMyHI*!
Vnafl |Hf|< Pflfrifl i , .•
|« t •*!■* •«#•**•, i‘N N#t*
If A K*‘th***
Vrr*l T* » It'«!*!*• wMn J#*«9
MH ft A KMlMti M*t I, 4 Jtwitt
\ hh| Pota wtffttq , .. t ‘tu
Mil H A NAll*!
tittr*tm»it«l !**♦#* !«•¥• Tf»*n* *>**
It • 4 i
ft if.i |*l«ivt*ll, »****♦, M A KMimr.
t*la« «»* IfffHtf f Kno* I’ll P** J»»«t
inmt INUf” . ■ •Aim
t t. ftt MtttNr* Mf****m Nr fW'**;
nf N**»l V t H of NpHlt n*
v Hpit**• no* «* A Cum*.
»i*tnr, t'•«•*< It IMafft. It
M|ht»- »*ttAr N***ir NfiAtr f*P
■omI dirtHton **f itr* I’ifl It Ofif.
9 p It* Mil til* I i N • |»t I *#f»tt* Np
i%p*iiniii*ifr prtibH»r)pn t-ht*r*H Mi
laiii- M Wllwft. j**it«*r- ln»f*
S>jf..ft oftiiltl •'’d nlr**t*r
tVtwfflmtli nf th* ’Vafin
III n.t’ tVh**f» t *upy*y *hr Wl»f»Af*ili
i rit**-' M**«n
,A^Oi*inn’"lli'lM“'*nif t"h Tli«
In>!r1»rif*| *n1o* Mn t*t*rN*. Mr* Mruwn
ah«f Mr H«vtll
T#nop into •«»i*tdtP tfid M**r w00jtr
.W Vf FiiiVh
n... Bole 'Thorp T. - W« ia„a
.K. K limy
Antt’-m "O, for th# Win** of •
{h>%«” M*i»d**i**oh»»
M • >i nni* Ntlwfl *n'1 'h,,'r
rnnfrnlio Holo From ' I»p*»H
Lift ' HNH!«y
Mr*. Mropn
' •».-.■ Mr« liyi»» 'v* r... M'l Brown, rontrylto;
wElitr M. Kinrh, t*nnr K K rinr, h*M
Monday, April H
i It p m.—Dtbflyr prnir.m by *•"
italra R..y»l orr-h»air» at Brannala biora
r„,a«jranta .
i nn P m —RwlUI pro*ram arranfM
by Stanlay .Ian UlovaVjr. t1'
»pIm a rut tnairtKtor Pr.aantM by • t'1**
nn pda at Kt»til»y t^invaky »a*at«d by
Forest Ps Inter, baritone Ann* Anderson,
flutist. end Isabelle Williams, soprano.
Msno solos:
fm "Cnpntry Dance .B**tpov*n
<hi "Amor* coquette"..rrimi
Catherine Pugner.
! Plano *«1oa: . _ ...
(mi "Hark, Hark th* Dark ..........
;.. Be hubert-Lles*
(bi* 'Turkey in th* Btraw .Onion
Mildred Hennet.
Baritone nolo :
"Out of tha Dusk to You' ..
For*st Painter.
Fluta obbligato, Mis# Anna Anderson.
Flute solo
'Trsviata'' Popp-\#rdl
Mis* Anna Anderson,
Plsno solo
Horn# Sweat Horn#’' . Tablbarg Foater
VI# torts Kunrl.
Plano soloa:
ini "Noel urns . f.nopin
(b) 'A la enigma*"..... .Harrlman
Margaret Carmichael
Vocal solos.
i*• Philosophy.* • MeOIII
thi "Jest, Perfume and Dane*".. ...
. Orunfg
Miss Inshells Williams
M is* M«r«ar*l Csrmlchael, •rrswpinlH
Plano *'»!♦»■:
(si "Klegv" Massanet
lb) 'T#. the Ruing Bun Torjusaen
Margaret Kofborf, age I®
Plano aolo
No# turns ' Leybaeh
M!*s In*s Mar,re.
Baritone eol»»
".lust Been Wondering Alt Day Long'..
< snntng
Forest Painter
Flute obbligato by Mis* Anna Anderaon
Piano aolo .
petit* Magurka" .Bspelnlkoff
Ft ore are U»y.
Plano eoloe:
imi ' Malden's Wish" ..... Chopln f.lsgt
(b) "Goblin Danes" . Dvorak
Mildred Guggenrnoe.
Fltjl# eofo
"B#-hargo Caprlrcloso" ......... Babbathll
Mis# Anna Anderson
Plano aolo» .
"Dance of 'he Fives" , Bapellnkoff
Ml#i Jennie Glliaapla
Tuesday. April II.
I M P M.—Omier program by 1,1 »na
dub or# bestra, Harry W Wert, diroc*
| for
"Linger Owhlle "
Lions Club Orchestra
J Nin Rlngef, president I,ions dub.
Crosseyed Papa '
Orr h eel r a
Plano Bole—Select*#!
Harold Wrtghi.
Bong of Bong* "
"Moaning Batophon* flag *
Batephone q*»Tiitette
"I tftlll Bei.ev* In You.’
"A Perfect Day "
Bnxaphone Quint*'**
Bay It With a t'kulal# "
(Vocal solo by Charles Barbas )
‘•Baaertie." Bssophona Bolo
Marry Gefroet sad Orchestra.
"f T^ov* You "
Home In Pssadsna
"Miadlna My H«ein»sg *
• heetra
• .IS P M —Program from vocal ete*
») | M*o4 Ift***1 fto9f \
ft hUliMl Mai _ _ . .
W 114 ill 1 * ft'*# *M •■♦ft
*} l-fh JPW
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Rut* iT*mii>awl
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tMUM III*' •#4
(MMfll N ft*#*#*
fttfHia" ftnlnt
9• a tamp* Mo* j
(lit A M*r Mtatftiftt lft*M I
Mi** f *«*4a Mod to***
Itf >♦**»* A«iot l§* *
i* in«* Tm»i
Pi* ok Wftrtftft
ftoprftft* ft«ln*
Ml *-Th# Mill# fatfnnM* ’ af#**!la
ih» "thi Mi** 4*ftil|
Mr* I •» ■«••*(
f«| "fthl |C**n%r9*%, Mi l
(ft) *”fft* M**M l*f»*B ’ I#**4.
hitman «l >11 «•*♦•
Vernon Horn
(‘nn'riMn Pnlm
ini ' litnfm and ftunablno * Mffc
llii "Mmnlog If t nan'' ManaoHel
Mr* ilrnrjr |rann»f1
T*n«r Polo*'
IA I "ValMlin Pont'*.. Tn*»i
(ft) 'TIi* Olft H*«r*in ftrri»l*r
n «H*f I Wlffi-n
Popraoo Polo*
i«i "Mr'i «*Hfly ll*ad*4 H«h* "
<».) fur* P*lv* * Hand#!
Mr* W A 1*1 er
Vortl |*u*». "Power Hlemal'* (from
Pit hat M*l*ri . »to**lni
Ml** I Inrln I.lP'1<|U)a> *.id
Mra Henry I»ann**l.
Ha** Polo#
(a) A fav*|l#» a Pom?'* .AI|Ma*n
(hi ’ »tn'k*«t m th* t rail# of *b*
D**r» ’ Knl*ht
a u. Km#n
Violin Po’oa*
(or "Abortra*#* Maaurkk -Op II' •
... W|#n»o w*k|
(ft) 'ftondlae Kraftlii
David Robinaon. pupil of
Harry r'anonnovltm
T*nnr Pol* — p#|*rt#^
Howard K Pt«b*ri
Ha •• Polo*:
(a | "H*tr M*. T# arinda and Wf'ra"
.. Handrl
(b» "Oytny John ' flay
(cl "OforU** Pocci*
J Edward Carnal.
Tfuiradar, April I".
t p m—Every Chllde Story Hour con-'
ducted by Qrmrm Porenaon, editor and
publisher of Every child a Megailne
a 40 p m—Dinner program by the
Golden rod orrheatr*. Wallace Johnaon,
• pm —Regular monthly meeting of
World Radio camp K K May, rongul
commander Anapicee Woodmen of the
World The following welt known oover
elgna will parti'Ipate
J R Cain, Jr . vice president Peter*
National bank* Dr John r. Plmpaon. phy
alclan, Johti N Crawford, euper|nrand*nt
W O W building Karla H Ptflea. head
conaul of Nebraeka. male quartet of
Omaha Paymour camp, and the Rev. J
E. Wagner, Kirat M fe ektrtl,
Mnelal Entertainment.
$ $o p m,—Muaical program by Kl
wante club, through courteay of May
Peed and Nu raery company, Shenan
doah. la
Short TalU—-"Klwanla
E O. Rutledge prealdent of the Shen
andoah Chemical company, prca.dent
Shenandoah Klwanla club
Tanor Polo— Punrlae and You”.
. .. k. . . Arthur A. Penn
Dr J D Bellamy
Mra r*ror»e. accompanist.
Violin Poio—"Indian lament" Kralalar
Mra V M Carpenter
Retallne Howry, acrneppnntft
Vocal Polo—"I Know Whata a Darden
Orowa" ... litnmore
J4ra Helen Crone
Mra Brower, aecompanle*
(a) Vocal Polo—"That Old Dang of
Jim Ahlgren.
Plano Polo—He lac t«d
W W Benedict
Short Talk—"The Sunny side of I.Ife "
Rev. H If Pittman
Vocal Polo—"Jnat Baen Wondering*..
..Irena Ackerly < arming
Mra. Helen Crone
Mra. Browar. neeompanlat.
Violin Sob.—Selected
Prof. Ely Raamuaeen.
Qear'et—'Klwanla Pong"
Kiwnma quartet:
Henry J. Pchnetdera firat tenor.
K D Kbrighl, aacond '*nur
H 0. Dtabrow. baritone
A. 1* ffobba, bees
Short Talk—
Karl E May preaidant May Peed and
Nnraery company
(at Vocal Polo— "Under Bobawia'a
Moon" ......Moreland
(hi Vocal Polo— Mallow Moon".
... Wendell Hall
Mra E E May
Mra. Brower, accompentet
Short Talk—"Our National Anthem *
E ft- Eergueon.
Aaeieted hy Klwanla quartet
Vocal Polo—Pe looted
|. ■■ ■'''
YOU Tutors?™ fjooo
M mJ H it.Wl '.TT rii.Ti.r, sf.n
m ro.1 lm Km Om
^mm IWta, S.mJ Ml UR |
Ar.M.4 nilliw lot picture of «. Ml.
MT Re. Vol.uM. W* hl„. |aMH
M>« * *» Mittol rf »»§t*A*A H
***»».,*•- A 4* M M M
*ff?( *■ ’**—* C**% #%*»*
ft R * »•*••**
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Hi f •-»*•' »'••*»•* *• A,
*■*•*■*1 * »
tRR AAtA* t*«* «»f < •>♦
A t*ii*4 i *«n»t «* I* !*■*»<*
Itil tiHA '**<
ImM t*
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M V, M4a «**••
!»>»»►• 4*4 <**•**■
R*»( i tAA***# »• ■-♦•t-t***
•a' »(*H| t#
I *1 f f MftltM M I Miff
t |t *
4 *00 P'f||MM * § >!*•♦* 4
Iff _
f f t r ** «^f *•» l*l»f * ift* •
ft MtH*f A«#t* '• fNniba r**pi«»c M<
Hl.a tot* ■ «' • •(**»
Mi 4
MiM I t riln » fcf«.f'
ftopiono *n n, *4* 0(1 |t:* Y*#%
Hiii f» Ann* Mm *
H*h f feMi i tiootor, jh***
In*! *(Mo "t Biff
Pifitll lilliti
Mm !>«**! i * tft > in
Ml** • *4i P»ta»« |M«*r
M m f t •«*••'% IUMMI. rOIift
Violin iii|o. •***ttftO** FibPH
H it I.**•»•* ft* hnonho*
(Fy|ilt f Mu l«woo ft »lil|
M *• J*nm ftlfl ft*. pift*«
Pnprotio •*>!"
io) fttaot Aflv" f’bortoo Mo mi
< H) Mi I MU* ft an,** A»'*iwr RyM,otff»r<
Mi* t'barl*# C l>K Jf
Madam A M Horflot’ |H*no
Bar Mr! io **»!<»;
I. wl of Bono* Hob»*t I 1*1
|U» P*ii
Mrr W * Ma»*. piano
foolnmt'p«at ffiH
in! “Fairy Tfti* ¥. Kofi K*ti)*ab
ib) "ioborntpo** . ***** oilfig
Th* .***f•• nil otottro
Popraftn on!©,
“Vlllanalla * . . ». .. f»* i At yon
M'« f) |nn« |)iin«»Jl)r
Him « h«* *r. I'.ano
Warm »©lu
"i^h»r*y l» Flat Minor' . « h*»pln
Mua ISyflja Wh**|*r
Him oolo, o#lort«*i
iiu« gnanaon
Mr CliRtf F. Portion?
fttpr .no an|o;
ibj "Oood-Nl#h’’ .. .. Ashford
Wra «*b#fl#a r op# jr.
Madam A M Borflum, pane
Violin oolo;
Andante ... . Gait* mam
Mia* L.oul»* P-hmuN*.
Miaa Joan itirl n« pano
Forffona oolo
"iiypay Lovo ftofif"
Mr S. k Kattor
WAAW Programs
Monday. April If— TV) to 9 p m,
Presented bv m U>n<**!aus «ra,>mt.
Arranged by Rev. lUa- J Chtpuran.
March—Leaetfnvky I'arkamirh" . . Stoc
Medley—"College At*1. S*'*dr
PI* no Solo—Select e*| ....
Agnea For*!
Polk** of Boh''»«)«♦
f*) "Prljd F#p/iku“.Harm**
<b* Jen ae N*4j”. -ioic
• 'rchllru.
Cornet Solo—JC !e* tej . ....
V'ocal Solo—' Looks 4 Brown*.
Jarne* Fa*m*J*i
Satectfoaa— ofBohemia**. Ssfransh
Or< hair .
Corn*! and Trornbotf Duet—' Found
ling Wails'* * .Orti:
J'-hn f'hapuran a*f James n*xousek
Vocal Continue—Petdted ..
John Kgjir
Walt*- Taste of R<t*m'*. "lay. Ly.
Ly“ .I. . Orveny Satschefc
Bohemian Pef. .
i*> "JneepMftf ' .Tkht
fb» Twamr CrKnt' .fin ft
Dsacrlpllve—‘ Forge b 'ho Forest’. Stoic
Vaegl Solo* Rusalkd .Dvorak
Mr' Jet*n| Vojlr.
' A*le j» no *h* f»*S, Anonymous
M' .lose pi Vojlr
Vais* Final*— In I>r4 ml*n«l *. . . Vf***#n
< trt h*tp*
tprll 9.
Eight P M -Mf'Cftri'ii#
April ?.
Eight I* M — F.dti« f ,<ntai program.
Talk on 4gri«u tural fg.:* by W. F. Mar
fin of fh* Coon l’a<f. eyeterr Ne*t ag
Sunday's Sunday a* hoi; 1-seon by Her.
«. U Brown
\prll t
Eight P M —Bridget*Ik by M'# Osy
f' Purd * *. “4*1 Oood Friday
**rvl* e by First l.o4.-an *■ hurch of
P* pillion Neb . Rev Wj A Siebert pastor.
April t
Eight T». M Markeli^ams.
Loud Sptaker
For Crystd Sot
Work* on One-Two Sot
Hearing l« Bettering
Radio Sipply Co.
1128 S. 28Ik H\ 3003
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