AUTO OKKKUl. TO REPRESENT AD CLUB ■ I is*»<• I** > »> ■ f »i »<* **«*•# 1*4 MW* ^wKtHI to N'totoS'tH Mom* •■*»**•** to n * •I to* A«*top**M totot '»* to* ttoto* I l**l M>i* panto* i| •< *i • liMtowMtoftot »■*<» ««»* pf Mto to *•#* M>*» a f.p **»>« if Mi* • «*»* lto*i**»'i. 1 * »*>«■ 4 **ti Am) i■» ini ii * tit «*|wpp11it )to tipto«f«toto M**mhp *•)•' i * to >4ft*— PIN N to |M) *Mi >. « to ' MN* •■tofiil I •* «l I* IttitoMs *'>* lniitii" M*» I*••)»* Mr ISHtotto » M4to«* pill to fto I i)M Ptlltor to tof !• to IS II I* ilftolM IMl to** SIMM I l*» h*itoM*i inr« ftoto* »M iwppttiM if 1M* a it 1 *1# to * !««.*• *H*lrrin»*’Ml, *ll«lit»il * liPlaM #f to M. totoPtlf i**» Hill ■ f ttto am Ptlhiti ip a w#n (iff Ito i"*m**i nf I;n*l*ii1 Race Horse. Scrubby Coni and Come Cock Hast Become Inseparable Trio of M’-Sar lien Stal'ts Ml Ihm I ii' im Will »*» I *• ft ll**% *4*111 IVtlH I «4*ml*lti|*t '«»» Ofmt t ♦»>■■('’* IM llt n Ilf tit M-iwt 1*1* !•••* i'f Hit dnittl'iff* nwuMfini t Hi* tti Pfir tPip fi* *1 II Ih **? tVi 1 «* *vi>* «f lit* »;nt>t* w« *'*I1 p ti If ft ftf Illil'V IlMitllfif tiff i***li*»« . f™ I Htntil l« f M rut tint fltlttlm f» "if n It I'nt WllfM Jnlnttl lift* Ml til f ti MU... the nwaer «•! tt Inert truck nr (w'M'tiir.r car tau»l« tn « I nm»ail“I.Mi »r drv trn In lnrrwi«e power nr speed In Uc I 1. nntllln.l e i|i,. tnrt kf>l kl« iannt. nlll Un». Transmission for Ford Cards One-Ton Trucks or Cars with Truck Attachment Designed by cxprrteneed automotive engimnrs to mcei the demand for a really wsrh-wblle auxiliary transmission for Ford Trucks “sixForward Overdrive Underdrive Speeds F»r higher Speed I or Horn I’owrr Combined in One Unit t’lie use of a Varford Transmission nmltlpllrs the life of Ford uansmlssion binds many times savin# Hie cost of lellmna and tin oust and lnconfenlencs of laylnp up the ear 01 truck. (From Your Ford Dealer) Wf litrr? SMoeh In liiitiilit* .The Mttor Specialties Co. nr.M i:n. c m,oh aim. Ili< Hurthdiii' «fnl le IVr Fnrr il 'f*ntn -tie ha* canned the enlot* **f IJM e h«i‘ *e uiMIM * 01 r*I' tmrks In Hinny ? i ihn* *»f the t nMed Hiate*. Vb^tl H<^* ll ?pt*V Hefnie the mhnit nf Hilly i* not told by t*. H IWkptheilWf on iif|' nf Hie p In hit, Hdly *i*fm Mile time wandering oV* «ltt the * *«!»«• looking for fond. I!1 \ tut i* i' fly to f Ik Mali of Wrtgn* niut ntflhllnled hittiM If. He was loo oung t » »ii? liny, or *Hf»" non h lee* the pen* orhitil tin i .ms it ml llt'io gmnli*. \l f n*l Hilly v ,i* t' rnifiJ u mil* inrr • *nl it was agreed tlint lift •dmuM If dhpOH'd f t I tut !!».« W right had •!* terentiwd that FJIlly munt etny. and n thoroughbred I* to lx* petted. When the was removed, ll« -•* made* gtlell n fllFH tll'it the lit lie goat war brought bark. A bottle wmm piirehAned and the gout win “ruined by hand." Now, whenever Hess Wright leave* hri* fd.*d| Hilly If?vex too. When the Inn**® goes to the barrier for n, Mill miechci gr.**n In a preocuppled ivuy not far off. Tho two are ln*»*pai aide. • i Thru ram# Hmut, th# a*m* mk. I i|e \vi<•> hub tied Inti hist faM. IVf this 'n ? «n he had to Have a pt»e© h live iHint mdiiM i*» fairly warm. Many ipmU of %ai ioup hum# w ere tried hut nit lacked something In please th© dttninuttve fighter. i iiir> drt'. w hen tie w as ahoyt two months «'id. he hopped Into Bess Wright'# ©tall. Billy #crept*<1 the ndv#m of the bln! with a few tosses of horns hut ‘topped when he found Smut whs stile to dodge Any of ti s ru hr*. Bess mod© no objection to A i ow friend at #11. -n now the three live In pence And • ntentnient In the big box stall. I£nch ■ ins to depend on the ethers for companionship Hint entertainment. And. Beclccthelmer declares, each is ready to defend the others at any time. A skull of n prehistoric man. found hi New Mexico, shows evidence of an attempt at surgery. a section of front It took the I nit'd States 41 years and four .months to produce its first billion barrels of petroleum. Steel Body TrUCk Co. b. Detroit Why Commercial Users Prefer the Ford There is much significance in the fact that more than 75% of * all commercial cars of one-ton capacity or less in the United States are Fords. This overwhelming preference for Ford haulage units has its basis in the low cost of Ford transportation, the rugged construction of the truck it* •elf, and its unusual adapta bility to every line of industry. Mechanical excellence, simplic ity of design and ample power are further factors that have contributed to the popularity of the Ford One-Ton Worm Drive Truck. The Ford One-Ton Truck equipped with an albsteel body and cab is now avail able as a complete unit, priced at $490 Lo.b. Detroit. Screen sides and canopy roof that may be easily fitted to this unit are supplied at small ad ditional cost. « 1 See the Nearest Authorized Ford Dealer . * / * ' ■ " v ' ■ . CARS • TRUCKS * TRACTORS 1X41 Music Mimory < «>nu*si I tmt: - rirrr j* =■ »<- =■ .1' mi j.ww* ■ *lfil t1 1! vftg»l I r f! Hit H*t f ^ m |» +ii|* | **4«li4 It-**i 4 j i * ♦ *% «•* j Uis-fc *< *4r<4 * | f. $ tp-v«4 **» * <► p** j I . ft... .-a *».*.. »tt ..hag la th*j jv-44*. ** t%f a «if)4 i» • w*4Itftf 114] [*,„*• .1 «f a 1 ..... had d-hMj 4 J* , f, Ilf* # | fi f Hrd{ M KfllJuli j Ike, * )-■«««.« !*»*<»%** v**g w»i tl*#4 . j 1t** , 14M **# hfw^ w»l*4y f«ft4 *4 #4 ihtk iwfM 44 ntf* fP M * «4# i t | i*.: **»<-« rt ft !*• L#*$ k**1«*i H» N« •«* •* **Hw4 ii,*i !«»• fkt f. « t |wi« ^ j Vi lit ft 11.... vr lie.l< Ml *M * *<’•'* ..ill it tw[.|* that I * lint* hid af nt hit .tftvli pa th* hi) • fathers I It•> ituta Minn f..(i.tft*1 tt<» toaiti , it t i < inn •• ha ran, and at ln*t Ilia father had to (■>♦ nt him, rlt a.ittfr-l. to the diiii» 1 ha gt■ nt man esl.ed th<* Httto fellow what ha wished to I'la' «it li and li« Mh*d only that ha might sit at tha areal Mtfffii gnd play, Tha dtiho *»• an ini|"| with tha li... * Iwl-et that •in Instated tt".'t’ a tnualaat education for him, to «hl< h tha patent* finally ratiMlM. Ita si tidied hard, played In oreheptrae, eij..|a>#ei| and Kept at Ilia pintle ptost aertously. an that hy th- llm» h* ana groan ha had *.«\rd ;on dlienla, apotlgh to start him i n hla travel* In Italy, tl* ranmlnad (Itera for 13 years. fitaclnnteil alili the Italian spirit of rnmsn-e which i s pressed Itself In npern. Ills composition fhnwed great change while In Ihle tunny country, frctn being tiff and dry, to the more n.-dural e\ni ision and spontaneous flowing melody, l> pk-al of bright sun shine and southern skies. Also h» trained 111 Italy,the secret of writ ing effectively for the voice. l!» finally was drawn back to llermany by the w'ah of his mother In 1710. There be produced hla find oiiera. ■'Rlnaldo." eompoaed In 1 wo weeks’ tine. In 1712 he went to !,ond»n. There he cane Into favor with Quern ,\nne, f»>r whose birthday he com posed »n Ode. nnd she rewarded him with a life pension of 200 pounds a year. in 1741 he was Invited to come to Dublin, where lie produced his mauler piece. Strange that aflcr a Ilf" de voted to writing of opera he should begin so late to write In the style of music by which he Is now known to the world. In response to this friend ship shown from the people of Dub lin, he wrote the oratorio, "The Mrs wish." In this, his most celebrated work, produced on the 13th >*( April. 1742, he abandoned all dramatic and operatic elements and went hack to the purely reflective type of music. This oratorio, written In 26 days at fever heat, was given before a fash ionable audience with a very small chorus, a mere handful In compari son with the great massed choirs which sing It today. The endlem-e received a request that the ladles die card their hoopaklrts and the gentle men their swords In order to make room for the public. It was an over whelming success arid remains today the best loved of all his oratorios. ( ompositlon. "lie Shall Feed His JFloek” Is one of the favorite contralto erlas from the oratorio. Its appealing, smooth ly flow ing melody, with Its richness of tons gives this number a true devo tional spirit, a promise of divine pto tectlnn. There are at Intervals, nn swering phrases when the singer and the accompaniment repeat the K.ini" figures. The calm, peaceful melody seems to bear wllh It the toneh of the shepherd, ever alert for the wel fare of his flock. “FarHiicloIn” From “L*Ar* lcsinine Suite"’ Composer, (ieorgca Bltert. Blr.*t waa born In Tnrla of poor but talented parents, hi* father being a alnglng teacher and hla mother an excellent pianist. She taught him the beginning* of music and at 9 ha was sent to tha conservatory. He I* **ld not to har* eared particularly for music In those day*, hut to have been exceedingly fond of hooka, hoping to become a writer. Throughout hi* life thla lova of literature often cama| Into ascendency, crowding out Ihe de al r« to work at hla muale. When Rlget waa 14 ha wa* a mas ter of the piano, carrying off pile* after prlx* at tha conservatory. The grand prlra of Hume gave him oppor tunity to etudy In Italy, where hi* conipoaltlona won much attention far hla brilliancy an* fraehneaa of atyla. Hla Mat of composition* Include* church music, overtures, aultea, a few iimall symphonies, but hta greatest Interest wa* alway* the opera. Blaet'* fame must reet upon the suit* J/Arlealenn* and hi* opera. "Carmen," which wa* counted a fall ur* at. first. Blaet died not knowing that It la on* of the greatest opera* aver composed. He had Just entered upon the greatnea* of hi* career when It was cut short by hla untimely death, enuaed by long houra of over work and unremitting toll at copying and orchestrating tnualc, by which he earned hie living, The music in 1,'Arleslenn* was firs' written aa Incidental m u * I c to s plnv, "The Woman of Arlea" 1.4 'er Ihl* ntialc was arranged as two aultea f »r concert use. the Farandol* b*lntr part of the second aulle. This guile ehowa all the composer's isie drain'll!'! power end Is today r.n* of lb* most popular concert flee** I he "Farandole" Is a very old tradl tlonnt French dance In S S time, need aa a kind of prnoeaalnnnl on fete days. Thla procession la led nlong In a airing with the leader carrying a stalk of corn or something of that sort. The dancers go tip and down Ihe slrcels. In and out of people's 'garden*, pausing now and then to linilnle aonio groleaiiue motion of the loader. Finally the procession winds up at the o|>en srpiare or village green. The orchestra'* annormerment of the dance Is preceded hv a clash ing veil Ion of lb* old French t'hrtat mas i 11--I ‘ The March of tbe Three Kings" The muale then changes to ihe ipcrty rhvlhtn of the "Fsntndole" irtd III* iwo Ideas arc thence forward Interwoven In Ihr ImsI measures, j vvlule Ihe "Farandole" vvbbls In the, upper register* of Ihe orchestra, thej hrns«e■> tindmotsth sl't -of mil tho 'hem* of the In a i c It. Nut* lailiiU’ ih4i (*# •*< !• I ***! **• *#*«"« phi# **> 1«H' ml« »hh» • ** fUM »***.*■ *b»« *»*•** i, • *.-4 it# iM< «t |*» mm ■ • • » • 1 •,» M f »«•“ fc*f * •*> *• «> f la An th|| •’*•4 1 •* *•** I .-Hi M*M *«• Ml»t «*■< »»<**t* >«#*» ' \m mi# «f i*** *»*■* * o\KI \M> ro 1.1 Al) (ONV KNI1ON i VAIN AH Ml M >» «■* | jfj i II *• *»!#** 4ft | #* 1 Wl i •„ |i tw 9 4t# H* M *| ■ «4 MW »4 4 **m | H»|* tin I* |M»# hmr •«] *4 t| )j^| tifflfp Ih I *-. , ^1 !#?* t)1 >1 |¥t«-=*. •• ii ^ mjD = ipi u|> |< $ t»#j hMtt LI 1 ljt1 <• ** l n«f* *4 •» • # i-v„4 m» *«•> iimitam m * «Mctv«4 « *«*■ * !>. «Hk*l t*H< «4 *» *•<• h»* 1 >#*■*• « tlr*m I «V»»- fc*%* W** MWUMli W fc* M** N **.»♦*•* * '»*■* • HaftlMlli ** ».**** M K «*■*»# <*«»« M *lir»n * ■ * Mill* t»..i4l«*»« Mi*t» M Ym»» Do You Ever Think? Did you ever stop to think v hat the three trademark* above mean to yon when you pun ha e a Durant or Star car? The Durant and Star trademark* are the outstanding emblems of Durant Motor Co., the third largest builder of automobiles in the world. The Andrew Murphy & Son trademark is one that the public ha lcarned to realize that it. rppearance bark of a ear means permanency, ii'i;>litv and satisfaction. 1‘ has been the buyer’s guide for more than 50 years. Your Investment Is Protected Kverv Durant and Star err owner’s investment i« well secured. Satis faction is guaranteed and backed bv Durant Motors, otic of America 5 largest car builders, ami Andrew Murphy &. Son. one of Nebraska® oiliest and largest distributors. Durant uring . $ 890 5edan . . . . .$1365 4-Pa»». Coupe . $1340 F. O. B. Factory Disc Wheels Included Durant Star Cars Touring .$540 Coupe . $695 Sedan .$785 Special Touring. $640 F. O. B. Factory MORE THAN 300,000 DURANTS AND STARS NOV/ IN SERVICE Andrew Murphy & Son, Inc. 14th y Jackson Here 54 Years “It is the Car for Everyone” $<;• H A. Ttrtnfut, notod nufmobi l* • uthoritjr in "MOTOR" "The New Essex possesses many qualities which I did not believe could be incorpor* ated in a closed car selling for ?975. "It ii a type long needed in this country. It possesses grace and beauty, can travel at sustained high speed without passenger discomfort, is surprisingly eco nomical to operate and does not cost much to buy. "These qualities combined In a six-cylinder closed car selling for less than *1000, shows what can be done by an organization that can work Just a little hit ahead of the market, and see public demand before It arrives. "It is unusually smooth, accelerates belter than the previous Essex, which is saying a great deal, and is ‘the* car for everyone."—H. A. Tsrantous, in MOTOR Ask About Our Easy Payment Plan Imm—m—a——■a—a——— The COACH *975 Touring Model $850 Freight and Tax Extra _Open Evening* - Some Territory Open for Responsible Deelere - OMAHA-HUDSON-ESSEX i.< Harney at 2tith Street Tel. AT la^ic MU KILLY MOTOR CO.. Auociate Dealer -- 1 p« ^