The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 13, 1924, CITY EDITION, PART TWO, Page 3-B, Image 15

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w —— - —fl
(lontf*t*on i
Tap for Every
* Citv Dimooiid
ft iNttlnirn n( ft nrlil In MitI
llmilu \II-M«r« al K«*n
trnrllr in Kraltirr
IT It lh* npMlltl
of ths Sunday
amateur league*
hilt on* wrc-ls
a«a\, MM of
t li • various
I* a g ii e s have
scheduled prut lire
games for this
TIi* a t * 11 a r
prattle* mix of
the afternoon will
I'a held at Konte.
nelle park at 1:M
o'clock when the
Woodmen of the
World, ainiiteur chump* of lu*t sea
non, tangle with the Omaha iVII,
an Independent nine who haw* many
star aeml-pro players In their lineup,
"hefty” Powers, Johnny Sullivan and
^t'arl Stlmson, former Poston lied Sox
player, will do the hurling for the All
Stars, with Walter Spellmnn on the
receiving end. Jimmy Moore and heo
Krupskl will do the heaving for the
Woodmen, with Ralph Spellman,
brother of Walt, on the receiving end.
At Fort Omalm thr strong Stand-'
ard Caimdry nine will hattlr thr
Fort Onmhii Soldiers at 1:30 p. m.
The Fort Omaha men have a strong
lineup and no doubt will give the
laundry men a tough buttle. At
3:30 p. ni. the I iiion I’aeifle Fngine
men will tangle with the Soldiers
and Manager Harry Itallloger of
the railroad men promises that his
team will be on the long end of the
llnul score. »
At Muny Bench the Helinclder Klec
trles, who may prove to bo the dark
horse of the Metro league, will cross
hats with the Nebraska Power Co. of
the Saturday Industrial league. Man
oner Schneider will work his entire
pitching staff, consisting of "Betty ’
Kibbler, Custer and Tony Bennunlto,
against the light men. The two elec
trie teams will battle at 1:30 p. ni.
The Omaha Police Force team un
der the direction of Frank Craw
ford, will cross hats with Are
Whited's lliirlington team at 1:30
p. m. at Fontenelh: park.
The Knights of Columbus team
is ill not play any other team, hut
util practice among themselves on
the grounds at Miller park at 3:30
p. m. Manager Frank (Jrrcne
his hoys need a little more polish
* log off before they will he ahla to
play any games.
The Carter Cake team of the Metro
league will practice at ihe dub
grounds at 2 p. ni. when Manager Bob
Korun and Copt. Kddle Dygert will
put the lakeside men through a stiff
pi act lee.
The Brule Holme-. Junior nine of
the tiate City league and the Junda
Funeral Home team of the South
ern loop n III try their luck against
cadi other at Athletic park at 1:30
p. in. At 3:30 o'clock on (lie same
grounds the Paxton Billiards, who
last season under the imtiic of the
Weft Hide Boosters won the eltv
(lass It championship, will battle
iiith some pickup team.
The Mlehka Ororery Kids, who ore
dm latest entry In the Southern
league, Will meet the fast McKinney
I'enlists nine In a practice tile on the
Central High campus, which will start
when the big clock In the postofflee
tower strikes 2.
Many other teams of the various
leigues who are riot mentioned above
v. Ill practice among themselves on
the various city parks and on any lot
that may he available.
Stanford Aims to Provide
Athletirs for All Pupils
Palo Alto. Cal.. April 12 -Stanford
University haa adopted the motto,
"athletics for all."
Whether athletic teams win or lose
ihe fundamental purpose of Wan
ford’s physical activities Is to turn
out a large number of me" whose
Indies arc developed a* well ni Ihelr
minds. Facilities are provided not
merely for the few men who ran
"make" the varsity apart squads, hut
' for every man In Ihe unlveraity,
. _ — ^- —
Hr K. K. Paddock, Ho* '.'"I
OH, K«nw» City, Mo,, for
2f» years has prescribed a
home treatment for Infer*
ed gill hinder associated
with gallstone* that ha
brought relief to scores of
patients. If you suffer and
before deriding on surgery
write him for his FREE
Booklet desrrlhing u all
stones ami explainin'* bin
home treatment.
New (W (or Am.ilrural
1 _ 'flobtyoustl.
This fine Is a new one P>r amateur
f ans end It belongs to Rob Ilnuech,
who will pilot the Nebraska I’ower
nine of the Industrial league, ttouech
has a fust lineup and say* lie will
make the veteran manager* In Ills
loop step to trim his power team.
One can almost see the determined
look In the eyes of Housch that he
means what he pays when he npaerts
that the power nine will cop the rag
In the Saturday loop.
Doc fair, freuse Kemmy, Lisle and
Bernard Dully. Peeseh, an Indian
hurler, who throws both right and
left-handed, and ltousch himself an
sonic of the -tars who the power men
have signed.
Savs Bill Tilden
Played Better in
1923 Than Before
Sew York, April 12.—Robert F.
Kelley , a sparling expert, says that
last year William T. Tilden played
better tennis than any man xvlio
had played the game t«> date. It
seemed during the mutrli in whleh
lie swept (he dazzling Manuel
Alonso before him at tiermantown
last September that he had ap
proached perfeetkm as nearly as
posslhlr. Vet those of tllo veter
ans whn have seen him playing
at various place* Ibis winter are
talking of Ills linprovemenl. ^
New York, April 12.—II. V. Valeri
line says tlmt Boll Simpson, athletic
director at the 1'nlversity of Missouri,
who Is making fully ns impressive a
record ns a roach as he did ns a com
peting BthlelP, Is about to Introduce
another top liner to Hie cinder path
Mc< ullogh Heebie, n ratvbonrd
youngster from the middle west. Is
coming along amazingly under the
skillful tutelage of Simpson. Only n
few weeks ago Heebie ran 50 yard*
oxer t lie high hurdles in the seemingly
Impossible time of six seconds list.
Though lb" experts refuse to lake this
mark seriously. Simpson maintains
that Heebie did It soundly, and fur
I hernvire, will prove ll when he takes
to the rlnders In the spring, ■
New York. April 12 Benny Leon
Mid, champion lightweight l«ixcr of
the world, and hi* manager, William
tilheon, prolmldy have received an
ultimatum by tide lime concerning
the baltlc ground for the proponed
bout with Micky WnJker. holder of
the world welterweight title,
Wnlker'M new manager, who line
aeveral Important connection* on the
other Hide of the Hud*on river, ha* ar
rived at the eontdu*lon that If Leonard
Want* to light Walker for tho welter
weight championship the ring must
he pitched on New .fer*ey *oll or not
at all.
Olympic* ^ill See Many
“Cotiirliark'" Attempt*
New York. April I:’ 11. V. Vatcn
tine any* Hint the coming Olympic
meet* will be marked by dozen* id
"comeback" attempt* on Hie part of
a* many of America'* former ath
letic great*, and none of Iherrt wdll
be delivered with more determination
than that of .1. Alfred Lc Coney, who,
ii* a genlOl* at Lafayette college
la*i *|ii lrig, wit* shorn of hi* 100 yard
and 220-yard Intercollegiate A, A. A.
A title* by “Moot*" Lever of Penn
sylvania, arid Fred Love Joy of Cm
hell, respectively,
Witrit* Oiit-of-Town (»«inc.
Any town In th# nraiby Vicinity
Unit la looking for a gamr* with ho
Omaha t^nm for n^xt Hundny nftrr
noon rnn hr lornrnfnoflatrd by mil
|lng Walnut 0Mi nnd unking for
i Friday.
85-Cent Bottle (32 Dote*) FREE
Just because you start the day
“too tired to got up” arms Hnd
legs stiff muscles sore burning,
aching back- dull head nervous
irritable WORN OUT before
the day begins do not think you
have to stay in such condition.
Rheumatism, kidney and bladder
troubles, and nil ailments eaused by
excessive acidity make one miser
Be strong and well. (Jet rid of
the “rheumatic" pains, stiff joint*,
sore museles, "acid” stomach, Kid
iiifc or Bladder troubles so often
caused by an execs* of body-made
If you have been taking nil sort*
of medic|pes without benefit, let
The Williams Treatment prove whut
great relief it gives even in stub
born cases. Hundreds of thousands
have used it. Established 31 years.
To prove The Williams Treat
ment conquers kidney or Madder
disorders, rheumatism, and all ail
ments caused by “too much IJriq
Acid," no matter how chronic or
stubborn, we will give one K5c bot
tle (32 doges) free if you send this
notice. Kindly send 10 cent* to help
pay postage, packing, etc., to The
Dr. D. A. William* Company, Dept,
CA-3283, P.O. lildg., Kust llnmpton,
If your sleep I* broken by an ir
ritated bladder that wakes you up
every few hours, you will appre
ciate the rest and comfort you gel
from the free bottle (32 doses).
Send at once. You will receive a
regulnr Kf><• bottle without incurring
any obligation. Only one free bot
tle to the same address or family.
Nothing sent C. O. D.
Slrililinu FiiM
Taking on ^right
Saw V*ii d t ■ ’tat •** t»
ling M a*t*w t*8 N li»H UmI aiiktr
»hw n#*i tw« * a* I • h* Will l<* * f«M
IM|M liMiiKMikl, and It ti* t*n l
I Ml* l*d lain hairl* Willi 1 Ha h*M fl#ld
art In Itial ilaa* til* f,ilu*a will aaatn
tnltMar lhan *i*f Miltdtnt i» a
falMNil la,* |n«|lli*1 H*
rdtatintnanal ahlll for Mi ymilli and
liwllad r*n*l1ani a Than* h wil#h *ig
■ nly 1 f \ yniihda. ha la almiisar than
iha avataa* NUfr of lh«l walgM.
If Hi# (l«M wllh MiTltw* In Nan
ark had gritt* In n Hnlah, (MMim
•inaly w-nuhl li«i# aanrail a knink
mil, Tha Uaniaia 1*11 would hart it
■ aliad lli# rafi r#* * dat Mon on |mlnl*
anyway If a riillnK l*y Dial nlWalnl
Had hatn n#i tniitad hy Ian'
Oitmli.t, Nrli.. \prtl I1'—HpiirlliiR
Kdlfiir, OmnliH I tally Hr*1: IMnr Mi —
I ri'*il llir Oinaliii Itir, iiiiiI riljnj
rrmlltiR llir aptirtiiiR piiRr, r*prrinll)
llir itupr »i illi'ii hy "Kiwjf," I I"’
llrvc llir Onmlm Hit MhihN nut In
fronl In Iho ivrllliiR nf nnmli'iir
*pnrl*. \>rv truly jiiiirn.
Itlt.I.Y M'KIAIil K.
123.1 lirauf M.
Morr Than HIM) Athletes
Kxpecteil at Kansas Meet
Lawrence, Kan., April 12. Kntrlrs
from all sections of the country are
In prospect for the second annual
University of Kansas relay Karnes.
April 1 !*. The athletic association
has announced it Is certain there will
he a larger representation than last
year, when son athletes from 77 In
stitutions competed.
□Kit IPS a trei kled fared monajsijr
nnd hi* name is Herman Vic
lot' 11° "HI pilot the Witter
ii. ('lark team of the (late City
league. Fellow manager* better he
war* of Herman and hi* nine, for
the old saving about freckled hoy*
alwnya having *nmn trick up their
sleeve may apply to Victor and hi*
Clark nine.
Herman I* one nf (he meat on
thiisiastie managers in Walter Nel
son'* loop anil always one of the
first ones to he on hand the night
the loop inert*.
On paper. Herman has a real line
up, Put what his men ran do when
they get on the field remain* to he
Has Loudest Voice Amongst Amateurs
Amateur fan*, no doubt, will
quickly recognize the gentle
limn In the plcturr. Yep that'*
right, It * Jimmy Sl^irnil who po»»e*
*c* the louoeet voire of any player
ivho perform* on the amatrur lot*.
Hkornal ha* a new part to play In
amateur rank* thl* *en*nn, being re
eently appointed manager of the V In
ton atreet Merchant*, Jimmy I* »
(racking good third haaeman and
m iurdlng to hi* friend* lie will make
a* good a manager n* ha I* player.
Many fa*t amateur* are numbered
among the member* of Hkoinal * nine.
The new manager of Ilia M< r
chant'* nine ha* played with *in h
fii*t team* a* the old Sample Hart
inue, nine* Optical, Ho wait I "in
tore, Woodmen of the World and the!
Walter fl. Olarka,
Mtih Koruf*. HiHimgrr #»f llif < .irtfr
f.itl** i'lui», l» Hi funk inff t- nnotl»*»r
■ fff ‘I h» R ill
Con f’c* < * I • i ’ m ' " f»f ■■
. A
Klml krhnrldfr lm* rtleaaed M»jl« < ap- .
per, former Hank* ll alar
Cm 11 Nrhnalder of flu* Mchnehler Clee -
Irici haa released John Maker/
I reddle IttplimHii will raptaln tlie <landa
Funeral Home of the Mnuthern leagu**.
Iggermler nod Mufranek will do Ihe
lm. ketoppiritf for ftie Krnlo llolmaa nine
The I del # Memorial rhtirrh ha* ap
plied for a berth In i ho Mnuthern t'hurrh
ftalph Maaon, who will do Ihe retelling
for i fo- •' It f. U • **«», haa I ha
mark* of a real ratcher.
Vinutaki, tlnodrpw and Tlhke will do
ih- hurling f-.r the Jandn Funeral Home
nine of the Moulhern loop.
The AJni Tlrea and Ihe World Iferald
Orphan* will meet in a iiraetha game
thia morning at Miller park.
Mouth Wide ChrUtlan* of the Southern
I'hutili Idugut have alffned C It. Ilod
gen. Kufftne Clark and Fred Hai hman.
The Twenty-fourth and Apeneer Mer
hante rtf tha Junior loop havff r hanged
i heir name to the Jarnaa Corr Klartriea.
Murphy-DId-lte of the Metro loop have
• gfieri Op MhortV Hulnotte who did »h#
rarelvlng for the Nebraska Tire* Ja»»
The Twenty-fourth and II Mrrehant*
of i he | n t ore’ll >• Junior loop have
• bang'd their name to the Mouth Omaha
J unlor*.
The f It A f|'* half releii*rd II Hon
ahof and Clafetu e lt|eaa|e Too many
player* waa the reaaon given by Manager
A«a Whited.
The fort Ornutm Moldler* ha*e u full
blondrd imlluti »r. elver by the name «.f
Hevmoiir and, a* .ording to report*. he la
eom* • atrliei.
None of thr Mitndftr a# him I hum. Iiittn
algned itnv pla ye ra. anrordlng to the rr. |
or da of the an ratary of the Muny llioo
hall naao< i.tflon
l.m Krupekl of the Woodmen of thr
World atrurk out the flrai two hefteiaj
to f«. . him in n pra. lh a ga»na lull Mur |
day at Font*n*ll* park
I lure Vntea, outfielder, who *** with
(he Nebraaka Tlrea laet eeaann, will prr.h
ably play wlih the f'ninn I'm If** Khglnr
man of tha Metro loop
The Wrhoelder K.lrrlrk* of the Metro
loop are all eet arid taring to g<< e
*ording to Fruit Hrhneider, *ha liuaHlng
mariner of ha rle* frl- it
The Klnnrt NhoM of the Arnerlrnn
league will (.lay the Mro* n I’ark Met
r haute, art Independent pine, a pra. tb.-,
gama at ftlvervlaw park tlila afternoon
I lie Knlghta of i oliimlme tram of (hr
Metro loop hit a a him- h of left handed
hitter* in their lineup. About el* »f th
knlghta hat from the porfald* t,f ih*
'I lie Klnner nlinea lone elgoed It**
Oden, rail her; Ale* lfr*>nan. « w*> h-r,
and t'lyilr l-ugalel, ■mo*,| hnaetnao Men
ag rr Wllglg haa rr|e*aed Ray Mln'uin,
Mtood/ird I uuiolr* of the Metro loop
hne m faet Infield in ftube Fell man fnit
beer, V1nff|* Krlrglrr ae- '*0*1 be-- Hal
Meriden, ehortalop, and Frank Man- *iw#,
i bir d bare
Frnle Holme*' Junior* of thr t.Hh t It*
loop rialm one of «h** f a at re | Infield* In
the le igue In f ret I n- - Hal*
aerontl haae, F* k*r, ahoflatop, an*l Mike
Nrwbeig. r, third bee
(lark, who formerly r*oght for the
Hrraton tie ) and Walnut <1* i ** i pin
tllnea will do the receiving for the I liter.
I’*. If I. etorr drpeifioent team that will
play out t*f town ball
A former Trrh High ami todrprmlrrtf
outflahlrr wait* a berth >'»h *otna faet
Southern nr Hair » |!y league team Anv
tram that urn'a an outfielder tan irarh
him hy railing Market 31 ft Y.
Frank Oelelinnty. who did the reeelf
log for l|.• ftrlVK If V oil far If team whan
they .win the »|ty * hamplonali11» in H*‘*t
haa algned a • ontra« t »«• * *t* n for the
knlghta rtf I'nlomhu* tram
I p to the rloelpg lime of the off Ire of
the ar irtai) of the Mui#r M**H*ll ere*.
* latino Thutadav evening. • - *nr*ti*.ta
bed been flle*| by thr Metropolitgti Iregur
t*f thig number the Murphy* atgned it
the uinahn i’ollca, 10. Carter Lake club.
th* K»i gh'a of * ••iiimii '« ii. tn.»n
I’li' f i; Kii(in*fnni, 1 \> o< <l of -b*
World, 1 t, and th* Me hn*ld*t§, 13.
t **aldt. who pla>« third ha** for ih*
Fn? t Oinnlin Holdl*ra. i" a handy gant
with th* hut I.aat w«» k, In m lira* fie*
mt* with tha Woodman, ha polad n«i
fntir •af* blow >>ii of fua trip* »o th*
•lot* honm of tha tartar l-uk# « luh
An>a ha hn a a auriirta# for tha standard I
Laundry tanrti. Tha Wanelarda and tha
• Uttar l.uM1- rnaai in th* <p*nlng gam*1
April Jo and Itoh thinks LaMar Monday
I* * good d »y for aurprla* a.
Hut Utrra t mnntrHal laugtia nlftaa hu%*
paid thalr fram hi** f*a, **•< nfdlng *»•
,/ohn Itannlaon, *«e ratary of tha klurty
nthni lation Tha ‘Uriah* NuMonal HanM*
(hmrflnf** Fund LI fa and Fuat Nation***
Lank* ara tha taania thnt h«va paid.
Tha I nlnn f'Mtffla *t«re» flapartmrnt
who nr* going to play Indapanefant hall,
v unfa out of town g*m*a '*110 fa«t t*arn«
Ufltnaa * an ho arrang*d hy * ailing Mat*
agar flu*/. Charnlwtiin at Walnut mil,
or addn ilny him In («•! of tha a>oi <•
Tha Horrna Htrrrt Itnlldnga, who will
play tnd*p* ndant hall, hat* on* prof**
aioMfll ami four amntaur fighlara on th*lr
t*i*111 "Mad V*wa Murphy la *h* pro”
fighiar and th* four amatatifa a-* Mil*'
1‘M .alka Krn**l Vie ant. Jo* Favalka an*l
H*oiga W'* lg*r.
Mfloflgrr Vrunk t raw fold aiinounrrd
Inal night that th* I'otn « ntna would
hr** up ha fo|nw • f *.» Hi* opmlnn
gain* HagUy, *at»h • tawf'rd, f»*t* t»
or. yolt, firat hHaa , Tarffay, a** ond haa*
Fl*ldlrtg ahnrtatop. Ityan, rIttr<* •*««*
,V|* • oy, Kruagi t ami Nation. outfleldna.
Iht* Vilopp HnrllHt I’rlnllni I n., la lltr
only JnduMirltil I ruin (hut Iihi not paid I'*
fiatirttise, a* ordlnir to I'enniaona re*
old*. C I*. I»*dght .Auditor* OverUml
Tu**a, Cudahy I'arking Co, lien M uit*
ii ml llairilng <'r#gfn Co, arn all paid e*
fat aa Ham. hl*« fe» la * oo< ertied.
"Hoe" I'rmil. hIiii guide* III* poalnffh .
nlna **r* r the tough *->** of amateur 1**11.
haa tMaa man pi ■ | t nlng
I h-' Atri'Tli mi J t»*u«* AMmml. Mil* p «i
III • o «'l *ft. Ill,i.-ill. ii Kunr lltiffln
Carl Cglvnrl, hJyn. tjenrg*- Atthnod, I * • t*r
aon, .1. .1. .I* ‘ <* and Cheater Calm I
Tli» tViHiilinni nf the IVorlil nmilnn
• hntupa of leal aeaaott, will prnPaJliy pi*
a*nt I he follow tig lineup for I he open
tng gain* Mnelirtiari. t/tlrher, Monte and
Klllpekl, pH* here, ll.tegen. liar m Mi,'I
mm*' *- filet hi* < hudhi-r re> **lld !■ i -• .
t ,i < latiR, ahorlatMp, Tin I f t , fhlf*| ha*e.
It*»k, M' Kengu#, 'I t a< y and lern
* in, notflelderg.
Manager I’al f nlilll of (he M« Rrnm
f*> ntlat* haa lie following lineup I" pt*
»enA If* *ha follower a of ih*> Arnertrati
If* f* Movla Hoff .lit* her, I*m ** It I Hoff
and Wilford pltrhara; i,tt< i. > t ■( I
Inlehan .'d linnovart •..■•ml loi i
• rf i r ell, el.oH *t,.j, < ah ' third f.u*r I
• tit left field, l amb, r*nf*i field, and I
l i out man, t * lit ft*Id
Manager Urn N|m hltiR of lit** Plnfro#
• on* arm*,mo **a hla lin-np f«• r ilm op-o *
amna aa follow*. Carl \l-m k", fal-het
l aol Hamilton and IViliiatu lllootn, pit* b
'*■ M»N"' f i' I b*-r Mot Harm r*« "fi'l
lii'ii. I’gttereotM -h'trlatop M.h.h.ol
thirtl lot** I’hlfllp". |efl field. UriM(*«
*nt* r fi* l«l Him k ton. right field I,get
Monday (hi «Ht*a defe.tfed »h** Mwifi Imt*
penriafitwho me aiao uieioher* of ||»e
Infer*, if y Hague hr the m mi «*f * iM | I
Important Hoxinn
Hunts I Ills II rrli
April II- Date *>ftad* agu»n i
I rookie Mr lioell, IA round* In llof
April 14- HoIiIm l*ar<l» again*!
lari llitlnl. I' round* in flnllitoor*
April II I * *| M*»ore agnin*l Aim
lowti .1*** l*no«. lit roitrol* In AAlll-.**
Iiarre. I'a
April j| M'llr I roontihnll Murt'tt
again*! doe -oo/a. In round* in Nett
Ain II II——dark Helanet again*!
dar k Me* *1. In tonn«l* In lloltok*
April IA Mini Tat lor aruiii*! It«**t
Hint, Hi ronnrl* In lomo-Hr I'a
April i • drw I ,«». . ... f
Angle llulnrr. I t mood*, lo |lw*To»i
At*rll Id Pan* It** A ilia a«ul»i*l
A rankle A*lr lu rourul* lo I orooln
-April IT- Mutitro* *ir«" again*!
4*l«l sollitoo I'! round* lo llrookltn
April |t*. II*" r t 11 ret* again*! Hid
Norfolk, I ! round* In ll«»«tr»n
April III Tiger Plotter* again*!
dlmntr Haret || rnonrl* In New
A *»rk.
V-.■ — ...
\\ inning Tilli*
HilgrilV lloliliN
c •
K(* AV I, A)t)| It IMtf II frt
k If#f in iHr *«-*M >«#* non * H
«t ^iHMt and nnioltt of lltira «• AA «l j
ih ItittM. In rapt wing ihw N*»n»!
aM f*o*uh t*t*n < hatvpp^ahlp nl |
• Hf at fof Hi* IMHlif j
out llavtft N a fit M w bn H fi-r
iMn nill n<*l l«# r«i«inltil hi any irath I
tifltif tmt tha national oprn 1(1*1
hinning (m(b| * f III #m nt
t*atlar than th* fliutf nhh nhiih lir
non a iMr »*•*
Ilnur n, aitn a fta flr*( n<*tt ilia hit I
llnttnl *>!*♦n olmniptonahlp Ivt I'M A ban
• aptmad pMrthitllv nvan tltla of
rnnaaqiiatH a In (ha golf fttfH. 11«
liaa ha|i| Hi# lhhl*h npan* (ha t ratx h
opart, (ha National. fha Wfwtarn, (ha
Ma(W)|iollUti nih| other mHional niNt
atntn fit Ian |nn ntMiarmia In mantlon
Tha only wnrththllt aimruplonahin
which ha na\ar took unto himaalf »■
ilia t'nnndlnn opan, hut llml may l>r
;oiM*llhta.| fnr by tha fnoI that ha hi*«
»mt play ad in tha dominion avrnta t' • I
any actant.
Horn — IfWni.
I ln*«lfic iflon—iVrprtiinl Hr** A.
^tilnrr IlmH—H.'i.MlO mnntlih
I'lii.wr l.ltnit-—nitlrrn
l’rr*Wlrnt—llhrff It. Trurnr*
llr**«li|4|i»rt#*r»—:Sf» Ailnnit M < !• I -
i m ii rHK*»iHKN r**
<iklotiomn < Itj—*1 o|iit llo||i«n«l
TiiUn—.lutiifi K. I r-wnf4»r4l.
\\ l« lilt**—P'rank l*t»rll
Ilf* Moliim—I. Iff KfUfr.
OnuthH—A. I Hurrh.
I.ltirnln—II Hnnl W nkfflfld
lifiMfr—Hilton I.. Anfrnirr.
Sf. •lo*rpli—V. II. Trn4». I
Hmr'n Anollirr Ita* ]
i c/ce UlhilzUcj<4
f I ^ 11: i. 1, >. I * v
I umaf* nr IW9 tW ,‘r ' UP
\ Well in.. i* 11 *»* ‘
till that A* • Whilst, th min In /
ppiurd who will imut it** th* * I
A Q. r«ilr«»:i*l nine In tho Aum-I «n
league* N u r«l!n«t*1 mm.
Ace Ja Olio < f 1h*» I'* si hUMlrr w
unionp tho man nr* iIn hi-* cliruit
Wo Imim- thlw wtaforrunt pn tho fact
that A**e rounded up tho largoat
nurnhf r **f i*»* riflt#• »»f an* i .
Somethin;? like 40 na n wie op th#-*
<*. Ti. A </ ftfiuad when tit#* fire?
practice* h# Id and m»w ho haw cut
hlw c-iriK **f ronl.i*" t*» JO mop, and
after Pula \ - v * rk * it M tiMn*
Whited s.iy-> hi ' Pin** will I - ill read*,
to of»jj the* flajf In tho American
Golf In this country I* developing >
history—a literature, and Its annul"
must be written by champion amateur
golfers. I believe
that every cham
pion golfer owes
It to the game to
publish during his
lifetime a dee
cilptlon of hi*
method of play
We eannot expe l
professional* t o
do this for us
Moat of t hem
have not t h <
time, the lnellti.-i
tlon, nor the
Gaining for the work. When It
comes to u* through a am ond person
It Invariably lose* much. Then, loo,
a<)f is n professional's means of live
liliootl, and «> cannot eapret him to
give nway all the aei rets of hi* trad*
I have reached Hi* Hge when bust
oe«* la likely to rlatm the greater part
■ f my time, therefore, I seize this <x
i salon to pul my theory into prm
lice, and to place on record In this,
i scries of newly-written articles,
lining the mean* that will ■ arry
farthest, my method of play.
Kvcry golfer who plava tegiilatly
has an Individual way of playing It
may be goisi, or bad, but It I* Individ
ual. It I* Ills own. I have reaihiyl
my method through many trial* and
tribulationa, arid Its adoption In s
saved my nerve*, and physical
alrength throiyth many a tmirmi
went. T learned my game In the
The Brandeis
Stylish and serviceable
arp the new topcoats,
and indeed handsome
with their box barks of
dignified English lines.
Powder Hlue
(h er Plaidn
25.00 |
hard way—phklfftf up where I could,
and dliw'urdififf when* .er ! d - ' voted
that I W;i« on the nrontf tra**k. 1
was compfdlod to pay the prke • f
many month * and year* of fruiting*
practh * M\ first . ojf t»tvin« f«*r my
longest ef|j»t in«»* w • < no Jof .-r than
H quarter rti* 1 • For me reason I
routd not yr*t tlu* * < *» r.> farther
lmck( and in thuM days 1 played n
vet y wide • pen t * m e.
M > grip f! ffi-rrd . h -* . • r r
of n* i«jf • m v >p - a - f<' » m * •
diftrrol. in ! I * *• « H*-p! * .-r*»i. • ;*
fin fh* it'll m ord» f <■ • h" *-r
(•us rale* with *• h it I had w*;stifed .i , i
Hi. I I III I' l -l-.l I Hi- ini'* * I- '«!
of |»rm » te- *■» F#e|. n’» ' h rt r| •- ?»11 * in
**i»i hi tig *ifd-i graft! fg lit* wily a Seb* m
!.«• V l fill l' I gi\ -
It * - • * * I ; / ii
• m runimii • in fo-v it I * oald hi***- to
solve th** eucii on ».f ‘ijfi p-> nnmni i
((* a! • I not •*{ i i.» <-r» i /
!*tari< rg and * * ,tt* i in «w*fer #«•
bau* '»«r oty - r« •*« * h . **d > »-r*t
I -r attu>Ul|t of •! * I»« rh*‘ t **#•!. I
•aw ctfarti the r»«‘ * why -*.» many golf
• HI |fi«o Ihoir « lh a < -fi h# > lr if
* hoe! ! ft."tight »t-i»t ih. r* Piu»t be »
way nut. .«*»♦! I .,»•* !f tu find It F(
n-ri#n« - had been yradsally • nc Iiii r m*
thut tb- mi. * ■ r v ■ • aht mod * <
ti*y|ja « wtjld I.- *i—■•! f .i nl! rfulr*. *i #
W if- file Mlf" ‘«l mI 'I *. - *->.'(»» * fig
I ( on t a ti-d my , r t» -* * men * *, .'ltd »vt f i
goon I dol*i • m i w iif*t h* r I w ■ t-- -> ■ *it |
h fhrtt iif V- s nr mi. .,f J' %gfffa I «•#d |
l h- ,”<m* » M. ** ■ an? 'b
■grow gutter • ui ^ >f * ■ * x «h ti !
stiff hngth-tiing • • • a .,*• f<. ihr <1 *
iHK'f I bat I v . n t (“d • . g i h# h*.fcp
v.-rj imile and I V-tu t.ghf ml
M If I h « i him# to f*ra•-( |.-- f# *
maithi*- *fi n j - firacto *-g
Ih- irtlflrt? f 4J'f (f* if 4 **><|
-very ti *r I ii*i ( | .p . »»K- et»e
full' 1 wan h-U'if.g * 1 h* I to
PVrpyrlshf P?l »
f. K M'.rf . i tdm pl.i ’ nl with Ih
1 (nlir»'• \VI e v *a*f *■ il'.'l, e,-,*
* *#»*<! * '• Mm * In t*la r wi'H the f.«f*
t^r lake • luh M'lfrlaey an litfifldf*
I'nl Moron to
ri«»lil Nimilini
M* trU It *f"»1 M>*«n
i -,*i t-,WtS VWfttiM NH ip** «*«*• -hM
i • »
M , t p ,»»»(. M r t
\ lop »P r*» »!* «>• I «*• N
..<r M«y t !• foil Ihrotiih fhp («»'rofr*j
f Ntpif « i-,ii«mp ****** will h*
It. finl In thp H<tvd f- Kl'l <4 ■ PI*
nrtiM mpin *v*tti HlHWittpr (p
I si I,IM Port l« l®II*i| fi *•*> Imp
I. * innrp lb«« *;p rotlM* by Or* up*
I ri»H rubt of 1b* S*w Vot V r ntotnlP
It, m*ro ttnjirp « II Imp In lb* It
u. Mil 01 Ini flO’ll Of! M»V ? IPpPrillt '*
i f IH* MnnIHy iif lb* |w*rforitr*rp in
II » rriiiiii *rr|il ItlrMnl hp* ti"! >*t
», ■. (n»| »n ii|i|mn'nt fur th* chlbp*.
T);» 1‘nJrxi Pacific atnfe department
which will have a fan* Independent
tram In the field la ready for out nf
town games for any Sunday or hoi!
day after April In.
Mutineer Buzz Chnmlierlln hna
- toyed dates for games with Colum
bus. Net, . for May 4. .lone * and July
11 and would like to schedule a entne
for April IT.
rti t of town tennis that want to
hook games with the store depart
ment Pam < -in do so by eallinat Man
-il-'c fdiiiirtborlnln at Walnut 0M1 or
I rank Holmes, Market tic*,I after ft
p t i All i * <inr -1sr for games by mail
iiia Idris *d *r* Manager
i ,ir11 i J > r r8 nf T’nlojj I’aeifle
'tore department.
Sesto Now Manager
J John Sesio
—■ < ilt.N'NY FO'To, * ho wt!l manage
•.... i n v\t i lull of ihe Southern loop
— i* not only an amateur t»i«rliall
manager hut an amateur "pug" a*
well ime i.tnt E't triurh Informa
tion i i -1 i.Sng the Diet* nine thene
SV. have teen abb- hot Withstand
It*^ pr-to a imving enf hu»b**fn at Ihe
1111 rent tin i In obtain Ihe Inform*
tiutt that e< »lo inlendii to keep hi»
ilet;; pine up in the running tht*
eeiafi n,
letrl year (he Metz club, tinder
|.John * management, played Cine* C
I lull and ultras* gave the league lead
■ r« a go d run for their money.
( ommrmiil jiiiiI
to Moot Soon
I i «|ii> • N\ ill • K »ir
llirf llrimiiMlIait at
"V liiratlay
I t ruing.
Vu.ti, ninm*'«
u I. ( f <M T,
'< \ * >1 • ap’ *
r# th* i‘ rmr>»f'
I n 4 u • I r I • t.
it h ant ttiiadap
In • I l#*«u*« an
n.tnnr*a lt)*t m**l
a* . f th* Comma*
■ i ,.i i InfMirtat
j.a h Ml ha I *ld *t
hi* t.fflcm at Ih* "V"
. >1 Tu*-rl*y, April
m« 1 hi
Hintiy Iahaat
l*n*u*a will meet on
Thuradoy, April 17»
Th* Commercial lt>;i(fn» I* now nr
B • l/r.| till la romprael of a * team*,
which will pIhv thro* time* around.
A ' : .it • - In till* loop w ill *'*rt a' ♦
nV|. Tt <■ *• hedtil* of Ih* opanlna
b-imr. which v II b* pl»;r«l on April
19, follow ■;
Klral National Banka ttlay* t.uar’
ante* Kiiml I.lfr.
(hiinltii Niitional play* Omaha
Printing t o.
linker Ice Machine playa N*
braaka Power to.
The Jni! . ‘nat league l» In n**d of
■ tloi t- -tn t" ' untl out a fa»! aia
tc .-n kei) Thl* loop will alao **#rt
on April 19 «r •! play* lhr** Um*a
.ic TI - r] rowing* for Ih* open
Inc gome* In thla circuit are:
Cudahy Parking Co. play* Ore*
lanil Tire*.
II iriling ( reamery Co playa Iten
Biw ult Co.
I P. Krelfhta drew a bye.
Several change* have been made In
the personnel of the manager# of the
Commercial league. Ed Tilley will han
dle th* linker be Machine Co : Krank
la- * '< •' |."‘*id*rrf of the Cltv
league several year* ago. will pilot
the Omaha Prints, and H. M. Young
the 11 y h< - r»f *he T'!r*t National
Mank team.
higlifeen teams mi l>» grromtno
■lab-d in tlie efnirrli loop and I#
■ an lie l a hen rare of in the Sunday loop \t present, Weston
ha* the application* of If rhurrli
and HI Sunday school* on hand and
the entries for both leagues will
■ lose mi \pril I*, when the leagues
will hold their dual meeting*.
If t North tirntrha church**,
which have their own anaorlatlon,
wdn with the original t’hurrh and
-t|' I S nl leasoe* the varatvr iee
- f»»th th- Churrh and Sundaj School
Imp* will fie filled.
The Vtltnlrtlrf fleefrtes ef Ihs Weirs
;'•*»!• hn « 1 nf 1ir.r<ip « L*>
P< » > * »,(, r*f h*t. K i Dl#f, i uaf#r inti
l'«r an ' | ■ h#r«, Roiifjf, f!r»I
• M • * ■ J '-ac# Tlftdr, «hortf(Ai :
• I T Mflfl. i#ft f #!<j
! * >1, i-f’tmr f *Irl, 0* >i S + nthtngr. r g
ff#M » if win Hi#
*•!#,• *f/ • *» ft
^O'lKE shoes, like good com
pany, arc a satisfaction to
have—a pleasure to be as
sociated with. One reason
why so many men wear
Florshcim Shoes permanently*
Otis *f ear m \ii
Fieri brim
The Florshcim Men's Boot Shop
til.*) South Sixteenth Street
IfrlNfrR Ntrirf