The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 13, 1924, CITY EDITION, PART TWO, Page 2-B, Image 14

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    John Weismuller, National Champ Swimmer, to Appear in Exhibition Here
Big Knit lire
of Final Tank
lion* This Year
Hetty linker. National k. V.
I . F'am*y Ditrr, May Man
I'ntnr for an FOtl>
Tti* final hrhwy lawk ihh 1 of (lie
*e*enn at Sti hulnt Menu tinatittnl will
l« held Batitrdav, May 1# tV*w-h
at# Mandril of Nh holaa Penn prwm
••>» the meet Will lie a fitting cllma*
n th* tnn*t tupiewtul pwlmmlhg win
«in In the hl*t«lV nf the ainii t In
llr. A. I*. I niidott nf NIi lmla«
•letin hnwplUt liaa Invited 4idiutt>
\\ einnitillrl' and hi* faltintt* i liili It,
ItiH H*rhr*ih, In aptieai- III wp*rlal
i vhlhltlolt al III* nieel. I nai li
l>t* \V ettdell lwi« already received
awaursnrr* Ilia! Welanililier will be
•m hand In attempt lit lower al leant
i ne nf bln world reenrda. 'f hla w III
li* WebdntllMr'a flrwt n|i|i*aranee in
ftoelnr Cnmlnlt la anvloit* lo make
the meet th* grenleat water elaaale
t ier winged tn Omaha and hna nlwo In
llted Hettr Becker. National A. A.
f, fancy diving rhamplnn, nf Atlantic
City, lo enme tn Omaha for all exhl
hit loti. Miwa Berber haw not yet ae
i eptial the Invitation, hut every effort
la being made til Indue* h*r In com*.
Three Mid-Wewtern A. A. I1.
wonieiiSi elwiniplntiwbip evenla will
lie contented, the 50-yaril free atyle,
oil-yard hrrawt atroli*. nml pliSlgn
for diatnnre. t'orinne (inidon,
preaenl Mid-Wealerii 40 and 50-yard
free atyle record holder, and 4th
yanl champloii. la hoiked npwn t«
wet another new rerord in the AO*
yard free atyle event. She will al
we compete III the breaat atroke,
Ruth Dowell and Henrietta Bor*,
hath atar nurwe awlmmera of Nicholas
H*nn hoapltat, aro entered In the
plunge for distance. Mlaa Dowell won
the national junior plunge ehemplnn
whlp hut year anil Mia* Bora la thlwi
year'* national rhamplnn. Many
other event* are atm on the progrtfm.
Organize New
Baseball league
An Inter-department baseball league
baa been organized at Creighton. The
league will he under the direction of
Athletic Director Hchablngcr nnd hie
depaitment. Kucrea* with thla new
branch of eport la expected to equal
that of the Intramural haaket hall
league, five teams will make Up the
league, one each, from the Arta, Law,
Denta, Medics and rhnrrnnry.
One complete round will he played,
c-tch one of the five tennis playing
five games. The complete schedule Is
to be posted Monday and it Is expected
ttint two grimes will he played each
week on fre ghton field Immediately
after high school practice. Due to the
short length of time for playing, the
games will he of (he seven Inning
dope the winners of (lie league hut
common opinion holds that the Arts.
Law end Dents are the heat hets, with
the bent* holding the Iretter chances
of three three, Horne of the Dent rna
lerlsl eonslsls of Nolan, Cannon.
Lovely, Leupke, Johnson. Logan, j
Mlewsrt, McDonough ant Hertoglln I
The Deni* are especially strong In i
batteries, having Lovely and Johnson l
a a twlrlers and leupke, Itertogllo and
Logan for the place behind the hat.
Tha Arta will draw upon brant
Hi bemmer, Russell, Ryan. Alien, Mai
ouey. Cupel, Morlcy and Kean all of
whom have taken part in amateur
y hall. Tho low school has such men
lm Mahoney, Bihaon, Rod res. Wolf
Wgcbtlgr and several other* of high
I Irlibre.
fine Valley, N, J., April 1? — hteel
shafted golf chib* were approved for
use In all national championships and
all competitions belli und'-r the
inspires of ths I’nltsd Hints* Cold
nfgoclatlon at a neger-uflve commit
•es meeting Haturday.
Ths i.'Orntnlfl's fixed Heptemhsr 12
ind 13 as tentative dales for the
Walker Intsrnallonal cup ronlsat and
appointed Robert A. Cardner cap
lain of lb* American team,
N»w York, April 12.—Flv* bout*
tolalintr 40 itmnd* of boxlrm romptl"*'
lh« card April 29, *t Madlaon Mquarn
Harden for tlm b#n*flt of Hi* Olympic
Jack Zlvlr, Pitt*1)Ur*h HahtwHaht,
will Kvrr ilanim*»r, Chicago;
Paul Bttrlcnbarh, N«w York rnlrlillr-.
weight, will fur* Unfold Abbott, N*w
York, and Kddl* Cannonball Martin,
N>w York, honlnrriwnljtht, will bo*
Phil tlo***nh*rg, N«w York in 10 rouml
ruth ram: air fiirlnnip
Hrarnton. I of ItVnnili 10*0 'in f.
I7t pr*aal m, PC t Kfi ,, I I* 19 I I"
«»., AO.lir. 199 tf'lufkl i
Tim,- lit P:ir,f9b,l. Pfranr ,o,t.
t.urky Iit,II",. VII,,,lot. i|r„r*n KnllJ.
lay,,(lit*, PI* I' »l»„ >9i,
ifuill ram: Ml* tuiPinx*
Cilia#1, I9Z tCUlfcl ,, S# 1 ;(/ » 4"
lu«oi,hi»* Sf#w*Tl. Hii tifAllarr, i 0 tty
a Inlta*. 1*1 </*»aai ., . • *"
Tim#: 1:14 Ilrll Krana !•/alaawur
th; >1199uni. Aprar Shot »i»« tin
*"v*i 11, ram Mila and oar aiahtti*
(I Warm* 1*4 ... < *1 *".* 1 SJ
4*ni A l",w. I»2 < Prar„ aa, oi I 4 .9 I J9
floor, III Htahrrl.. • , •••••*•*»
'ril„»l III, toil' •<*»»••• -POO, A,h„r.
Ill",I Nrwr, /.In*, ‘told H> ,"0 alao ran
t;, ra, <• Mila 911* """•*»'#•"<ill
Wnri liman. 191 nMarlii-*49 ** 3
Mannikin II, I Wiwd >.. < " I '
.San MaKUinay, lot iKo-l. • *"
Tlmr. I 41 14 llonallftll, l.n, ml
f Tt'J»l Icl*frf nt*« '**» ..
Nlmh ram Mia and n"**'«''*"'h,
Xlarrdilr. 191 fjonaai ,n " 1 *2 j in
fimili*. Ml IC’nnpar I. 1 .
An I, rtnr* tat lAhall
Tim* I 4 t> Vln Patrte*, P*ubt
fu4. H. ai^( Jiugltr *J*o
r" " " . “ " ' ..... ". _1
Swimmminp Champ to Appear Here
I L _ _J
Ml M.tM.hnM
•i at wirtlli * and
t>»dl<< of national
awlinnilna 1 hamptoo
ship*. will appear I"
an evhlhtllnn swlmal
Hie Mrlinln* N run
hospital «»om
\\ rtamnHer « 111
mine In llmalia *c
eonipanled li> hl« la
moil* i oarli Hoth
will (he rvlilblllnns
.loll IIII > In Nine ill a
place on Ilia I tilled
males Olympic team
lliut will eonipetr III
the I’.'ii In (anteN. He
In alNii cnnnled on tn
In i in; home Nrveral
slice* ol the well
known ha eon.
Welamullrr will mil
ennifiele aualnst any
Omnlm swimmer* nr
tank artist* from
other eltles. He will,
however, allenipl tn
lower Ills world’*
record In »«v»ril
I* e I • Wendell,
swimininc instructor
at the hospital, I* re
sponsible lor W els*
innller e omlnc l«
ICSohnny P
ZO&ism uXletr>
TIIK eager nml enrneat duffer,
numbering n million nr mure, la
< < 'll h( 11 lit I y uti tlm lookout fur
mmt devloe nr aid thnt will glte
him 10, 211 or 2k yards more'than he
line been getting.
About lift per /ent of till* desire In
it matter of old-fashioned human
pride. The other 40 tier rent ia a
maliir of necoaalty If he want* to
get anything approaching a good
score, Moat of the leading course*
have been built or changed to meet
the Might of the long hitter* and the
livelier hall. And the average golfer
hasn't ini reaaril his length aultli lently
to meet this situation,
latut; flight la not a matter of
great ftliyslral •treitgllt. It Isn't a
mailer of lilillsiMl putter. *> ril
Walker, ttsighing I IK pounds, lias
proved lliat by driving a* far aa
Hagen, who weigh* JKlf. To *ay
(but long distance I* a mailer of
liming la line hot indefinite. Wdial
are (he main fanll* that keep Ihe
mnllitude hark from Ike range and
h'nglli earh I* *eeUingf
There are three fnelm* among nth
its that are important cog* In any
long hitting machine These three are
the left wrist, the right wrist and fit"
right shoulder. They are rarely used
by the average golfer as they should
he used. Ami till* applies III a great
degree to the right shoulder. In Ihe
first place, all know, or should know',
that It I* I ho left wrist and the left
h/iiul that start tin* club bead Inn if.
The left shoulder must turn In natur
ally with tho awing. Willi Ihe left
arm fairly straight, the left hand and
left wriat must b* in charge of the
tub at tha top of the awing. Thay
must ba firm—firm enough to hgv*
complete control. Vat thay fa rely
ara, a* one can tee hr tha manner In
which tha club h»»d I* allowed to dip.
At the top of the awing the loft wrl*t
la r^iM'kffl am! H*nt only aliffhily, Hut
»tll! firm.
Tlila la Hu1 atari iif dlalance Bet
fins. At Iraat It will be the atari
If Ibe weight la placed fur balance
upon Hie Inaldr ball nf Ihr Irft font
and aflgbtfy tnnrr upon thr hrr| nf
thr right foul. Ordinarily from hrrr
thr aeeragr gntfrr attempt a to
throw nr awing Ihr clnh head at Ihr
hall. Thla la whcrr hr Inara dla
laner. tor lie either pnta Ihr right ,
wriat In Ino quickly and loara the |
emip at Ihr right plgcr. nr elm hr |
dncba tlir right alioiilder. Krniii
Ihr lop nf Ihr awing, aa Indicated,
with Ihr Irft hand anil wriat In ton
IriH, therr aliotiM Iw a f#cllng nf thr
delayed lilt. Thrrr nintt hr III*
feeling nf walling longer for thr
right hand In snap through. Tlir
Irft hand and wriat alart Ilia rluli '
downward without any attempt to |
get llir right wriat and thr right
alioiilder into the alrnhr at Ibe
atari. They muat wait thrlr time.
Aa Hie down awing geta well under
way, willi tlir left hand and wrl»l
Arm all through Ibe alrnhr, Ihr
eight hand and wriel can thru map
through, with thr right ahmilder
barbing up the punch. The Ann left
wriat and Hie Map of thr right are
thr two lliiuga that apred up the
club head aa It gnea on through,
and If the right alioiilder follow a In
Ita plaer therr can be nnHilng In
cheek the blow nr liotd bark the
power of Ibe wallop.
Watch lh» right shoulder move
merit of lluyeri and Ihira/en, ami llien
watch the entiie thing In lh* average
golfer. The iliffetcfti" i* rant. Th*
averagg golfer allhar dinks hi* right
shoulder too guli kly or »l*a h* holds
It In lilacs all through fh* awing and
*0 check# th# *|jc»d of th* cliih held
I at th* finish. The duh h*ad <an t go
whistling on Its wav nn long na f.h*
light shoulder la held lank nr In nnt
allowed In follow freely along I he for
ward wn.v. There a»e no two finer
rlghi ahmjlder mnvernknla In golf
lhan lhn«e used hy llnn*n and Hara
ten. When they hit through the hall
I th» right ahnulder and lh* right elde
I follow up the hit with tha finest pos
slble freedom. And this brings In no
smoll port of their power.
Their * wings ma.v srem to br
rattier fast. They don't creep on
the hack awing, lint they have the
feel of the delayed hit. They never
soap (lie right wrist from the lop
of I he awing or duck the right
shoulder in a hurried effort lo hit
quickly. With the left wrlat and
arm In control at the atart of the
down awing about half way down
the right wrist and hand throw the
iliih head through, and Immediately
afterward, almost at the same
brealli, the right aliouhlrr follows,
llow con one of the million nr no
work out tlilN principle? The heat
way to atari In by NWinglng a club I
without the hall to lilt et. The proper
use ut theao three Important faitoia
most be tried* natural, Instinctive.
Balance and power can easily lie felt,
even If there is no hall to hit at. W#
[ believe the average golfer should
swing quite often without a bell to
hit at. until he get* th« feel of hub
nnc et the tup of tho swing imd tho
fc»l of power hn be hits through.
Another help for greater distance la
to keep the weight hack’, more than
forward. Highly per cent of golfers
figure ihev must Icon Into the ball to
get the Mg punch. Hut you can get
more of a punch from lha heels than
you can from the toes In any game.
When the weight Is hark there I* an
opportunity for the weight to follow
forward through the awing. Hut
when the weight la all forward there
la then nothing left with which to
hack op the blow ami get milled Im
petus for Ilia club head Keep the
weight bark nearer th# nee!* at tlia
top of lha awing and at tn* atari uf
tha down awing. Than when tha club
hand Is finally thrown through lha
right ahoulder and th* body can fol
low naturally and freely, whereas
they at* both m th# way when thay
stint forward too quickly
There are more mistakes made
by standing too far away from the
ball Mnd leaning loo far o\er than
otherwise. When you are too far
away from tha ball Hie right ellum
Hies wide and Is out of rontrol. At
least It won't hnrt tn try standing
a shade closer, with the weight
hack, and then hate a mental pic.
lure or foaling of the delayed
<^»trrl|hf, 1124 )
I'arla, Agrll 1?.—Johnny IMindaa'a
dainand fur a guaranla* of 150 000
with training atpvnae* and round
trip tlrk»ra hatwaan Maw fork and
I'arla, haa canard Uava kulal, tlia
(••ranch boxing promotar, In abandon
lha Idea of * nmti h bat wren l>und*<
f.’ortd'a fcafh''f'W'dal»t * chiITtpb'n, ami
lingerie l *r l'|•>). th* former title
toddar, oi 111'' I'arla valodroinc
Mm Frani'lam, \prll 15,—A riot
•lartad in Ilia Ural Iiinlnx of fha
game between Portland amt Man
I ram ion today alik li tarmlimti'd In
Meanml Ifaaenian licnworllty being
hiMM'ltad nut hy Third lla»anian
Both Ir.a lira Joined III Ilia malar
and fln.illy tin* |«dn a liail to be auin
uionad In reatnre nrdar lha gama
Haa reniunwd wholl order »a« re
tin, Italic anaonntar atarlrd whan
Miilllaan ataiillng aemml lm«a, ran
Inin lha Pwrthmd aeennd aarker with
atoll flora that tlia Inflar Haa knock
ad down. Kanworfhy ImineiMalrly
Jnnipad In Ilia lari and atrilck Mulli
g;m. Him 1.1 loll'd a anltd blow' on
Kenwnrf by'a Jaw which knm kad
him nut.
HUalumi* I %•*»»«
< mint \& lilt I 'limit* Snap.
(*»• r \fc hi* Setvii
H< v\\ I t IIISIA
(fill i* Ill , April II Watrtlej
godHi lli< Oklahoma iiiwlr.v •Iiimel .
bis 91 ,-ounl with MorrMi Hi blatter, the!
tongii Omaha wellri weight, In t!»• i
atrntt «f il*.' K*«t Chli ago boxing club
tjliMj night, when lie regtgtMwd a1
iii. give victory In II roubil*. ItrWil |
f. i fiend I lie going rough right from
tlu> emi t, *1111 In the second round!
Smith connected nottdlv on Mortis’*
jaw with a left hook which floored I
the ihiiahu battler,
I lia! ainack Jarred H. hlalfei to
Ills heels, hill lie showed hla lough
ness h» ref using to lake a count
anil i,o(<lili gnl to his feel |o re
sume the ImOlr.
Schlalfer, Who la aotiie slugger,
found Smith knows that wav of wal
loping himself, and the eowhody dis
played superior boxing ahllltv. Mor
rle got Ida chin In the wav of Smith’*
rl 'ht hand Just a* the troll aounded at
the end of the fifth round and wa*
groggy when he ambled to his eorner.
The sixth wa* afao a rough round for
the Omaha boy for another right
sm.ick dazed him. The bout after the
sixth slowed up, and for the rest of
the way Smith played It aafe for be
held a winning margin.
After the bout the Oklahoma fight
er claimed that he had broken his
right hand when he landed the punch
thil dazed Morrle.
A lahii'nlinn of round* slmwrd
that Smith had non arven. whllr
two were even and Schlalfer took
Smith did not show a mark at the
finish of the battle, hut both of
Schlatfer'a aye* were puffed »nd ha
was spitting blond. They weighed In
nt 14* pounds, both being under that
This make* the aerie* between
jsrhlat'rr and Smith even up, Mtirrl#
having won their first bout w hich was
staged In Omaha. *
Amateur Lineups
Given Once Over
Th* Metropolitan *m*l«nr baseball
team* submitted their player* for tha
approval of the managers of th* loop
nt a meeting held Friday nlaht at
the city hall.
The Knlghl* of Columbus, Head
men of Mie World. Schneiders,
Standarrl laundry, Cop* and tha
Carter lake* had all of tha players
they lra\e under contract O. Kd.
by the managers. Murphy and Al
fred Nelson of llie Colon I’ailfie
Fngineinen were put over tor more
investigation a* to where they
played hist season. "Speed" John
son, who Is under contract wtth tha
Murphy Did It*, was also set aside
for more Information aa to hi*
playing record laat season.
The Woodmen of the World asked
for a status on .ferry llegarty, who
played with the Norfolk State league
team two seasons ago and last, year
played amateur Mil In Council Hluffs.
Ills status will It* derided when fur
ther Information la obtained.
It was agreed by all present that
some ceremony be attached to the
opening of the league on April M.
tin account of a Muny association
rule, which prohibits the amateur
managers from signing players
nflrr June I, the "Metro mags"
passed a ruling that will protect
the mauager* In casr of soma un
foreseen happening. The rata that
was passed allows a manager, wtth
flif consent of fonr other managers,
to sign a player from soma other
league to taka the place of any
player who may ha Injured or la
otherwise nnabl# to play. With tha
consent of all of Ih* managers of
the leagne, a player from any tram
in the league may be signed with
another team after June I.
A motion was passed by Ih* Metro
managers that ih* board of directors]
allow Horace Ifosenblem. president nf|
i h» .lunlor Omaha loop, to he a mem-1
her of the hoard of th* director* of.
Ih* Muny s**oetatlon.
.1 .in ■ n ..
Cnndnver, Favorite, Win*
Newbury Spring Clip Event
I.nmloi), April 15,—Mr*. Asa Han
dert'O fi year old hay colt, Condov*r.
by lUdluui, out of Moonfleet, starling
favorite at odd* of I In 1 against, was
an e.isy winner from a field of |g In
the Newbury spring cup over one
mile Saturday.
\?i n. if ru. i. r.
fatalflr. If ...... ♦ a u * I II
O' N fill, M A I 1 « 1 l#
rf ...... A f | | A «
(trim*, If* . A •! ! II I H
f riiithrt »• ..... I I t « A A
llonnM Ml. rf ..... A I I A 4 Ai
ft* lima. If. _ 4 n a A | ii
TImmaim. .’H ..... 4 | I l ? A
ftft iMrr, r l I l ' II II
' irotrra. r ,. f »• A | a A
iMurui II A a A A A
I -r. |» 1 ? 1 A | II
KaiiiiaI. a 4 »f i» A A a
T*f«l« 14 i 7l M 7? A
iRun fnr HN#r tn rffhfh.
Ilf Tf MIN-Oft
%H. H If 1*0. ft r
AHiwifa. f»* 4 A A A A A
r .af. r ,11. f I I f f « I
ftft II-I.I., rf .4 I 1 I A A
fft l*f to. rf . ft «» A | A II
Iniim, ..... 4 a ii | i ii i
I r a In If . . f « I 4 A «
... A* ..... J A I 1 1 1
4 lArt'i, *’ • .... 1 •• •» 1 I <»
IVI.IMN. A .1 « f* I *• »»
Till A I* H 4 * 17 II 4
bf IaaIm««|
OiauIim . . ..1*01 OfO 001—«
iiMfriiwiMN .. mm mm wm~n
Auu.i»iur> —Tai. Uiia# lillai ftft lUnn I.#*.
1 ft.ahao 'I Arrr knar lilt j ftft lUoo Kr»r
min: ftftllilrr. NmIi'ioi.m. «*a»-rifl«# till
U 'tKiN. *Mwlrn : 1 Hal
«tin HoaNa on t*Alfa: f»ff fAriMHI. Ii
off tfAliHAin, t: off I rr. Ij i*ff B«ii|*aI. •
Mirnik •«* : R» JabawiA. * J Of 4; b»
..Ml 4. IliiAHIr MlAft I rwifit ft.
Holhfork • ** »l»AA4a. Mil k* *Hrk#A l>all
lft» ftft linn Mlfa: flff I’rlrr
•tin. A lA » MINIM*v «ff .ItthMAOM ft If* 4
Ilmtlnta: off f m. 1 In ft InniMftai «%ff
«%..ii|iAf. 1 *A * lAAln*# I AtAA
Ion, Burrow* on* I'rlor***. Tim* I 1*41.
Iliisln* Trark
I Stilus
k. I .Trumls
•iiijiI if Millie
Himtirr. I irrin Off Hon
or* in Mil** Kvrnl; Mow
Turk Hinder* Them.
l.iitmln, April 1? —After Mailing
for mote than two lap* H IKm
•non*, Omaha medic iiinnei, nnonl
mil lilckaon at the tai» In Ihe mil*
inn at Ihe hanaa* relay Iryatili on
Ihe I’nlvrrallf of Xehi-aska Iran k ftat
iinlay nfl"rnonn, lilckaon and (Then
flniahed second and third almost
abreast. The final Itynuta for the
team that will represent Nebraska at
the K. t\ meet will lie picked later In
the week.
Captain ' Mml ' Gardner gave IiIk
gins a tough rue# In the SKOyard run.
Hoth men ran nip and tuck all the
way, although I-ewls, the third man,
held the lead until the final lap.
Gardner, w ho has only been out a few
weeks, made a desperate effort to
overtake hi* teammate, hut was un
able to make the grind.
A lOOyard handicap race was won
by Ileln In It seconds even. I.orkc
took the scratch, Ileln had a two
yards handicap; Match a three-yard
lead and Ithodea a seven vard advnn'
age. In n later heat, with all runners
at the ki latch, l,ock-e dipped off a
!0‘0" mark, noalng Mein out at the
Tha traik was very alow and a
atrong wind lilt the runnera at the
north turn. Coach Hchult* announced
that the Held event* would be atsgeil
Tuesday afternoon.
The summary;
440-yafd <ta*h’ Layton, first; QHti*
set end: Wblppsrman, third. Tims. 63
»*•• tllltjS.
440-% ard dggb- fir*#; frhnrrlrk,
MH *nt1 , Klni.tlRbutI, fhlid. Tlliil, 64 •*•<
JliMi y*rd run: Iflggln*, firs?: Onri1n«r.
••orwl: le*wi*. »hirU. Time ?.07.
CO vnTd high hurdlrg W*-*r, flrmt ;
Timm. Mtrond, Htirkla, third. Thus.
• 2 - U amrunHn.
Mils riirw; Omhft
fftgl; stun 4; 1‘ohiMi. ihlrd. */. Im
in* fijian. fourth. Tim* 4 61
100 rur-l *!g»h: Ms In. firm; ttbnd**.
Htund; J.ocU*», third Tim*. Il ••< <»nrl*.
Iff-.tsrd d»*h f.orb#, |f#in.
>»•<!. IS, 10 2 1 g#*-mid«
1 !•->**! lotr hurdl** W#lr, fDgt
Tlm», JJ gscMods.
Sophs iWin Tech
Interclass Run
A flock of nork craning Technical
lllgli atudent*. curving out on flm
flnlah alretch of the Maroon Inter
clooo croas country run. enveloped
eight contestant* who flnlahed well
hunched ond kept the Judge* ftom de
termining In what order tha men
Thh winning claaa waa not made
known at the run. hut tha fallowing
morning, after a meeting of official*,
tho anphnmoro clan* waa awarded tha
The aophnmorea, led bv Roger
Martlaon who raptured premier hon
or*, flnlahed with a total of 114
point*, IS point* to the front of tbo
Junior* who ran a cloaa aernnd with
1,11* marker* accounted far. Senior*
garnered 1,104 point*, while the fr»*h
men brought up the rear with **7
Roger M*rtl*on. Willi* Redenbatigli
and (iarenra Walderllcli, winner* of
flrat. aerond and third place*, reaper
lively, and the rhamplonahlp aopho
nior# team, will l>* preaented with
medal* and a ahleld at tha athletic
a***mh!v to b* held at Tachaktl In
tit* near future.
Oaietic# K. Swanaon.SIS South
Thirty flrat eireel, aaalalnnt foothnll
roach et Nehraaka unlveralty, wa*
nperatad upon Saturday »f the M»th
*>dia> hoard!*! for gall atone*, lie
waa reported to h*v* atood the opera
lion well.
Sw»n*on wa« captain «f the N*.
hraak* football team In 1*75 and In
lh* ami y**r w*a honorably men
t|on#d for a poaltinn on an *S Ameri
can idevcn, >1* w«* *»l*ct#d »* an
end on the all Weetern football team.
(liilhertMin Traiini-fg Trenton
t'ulhortaon, Neb , April 1!.—Muiierb
pllrhlng by iluat enabled t'ulberlaon
In trounre Trenton. II to I. In a earn#
played here Friday. Ilnalt etrtirk out
IS of the Treplan l-atamrn and *l
l»w*d three lilt*.
Rides Wise Counsellor)
ft- m
M.m l> U«riwr.
UhiIhvIIU, Kr. — Jockey Meek
Oerner hat been *naa*#<l to ■ <•)*
VVIe« f\iun#*lloi’ In Ih# Kentucky
Derby, U waa announced.
The rrnt li I veer old In 1he John
It Ward alald*. mi# of the main r<*
llanrea of th* w**t In Ih* annual r*
n*»al of Ih# rla«»l<\ waa (lx*n hi#
flr*l trial nv*r a mil# illalam-e thle
year at fhurfhlll Itowne y**l»rdav
It* ro\ *rnd th* distance In 1:4* ! '*
under reel mint.
iVrli lli**h iWk
S<|ii;hI Trains h>r
(nmini! Mirls
i oat It \k lulc lltt*\ W ltt|i|ittt||
Hi* II it>kirt Into Mtlfn1!
M«% I tiler I'l'int in
Mcolif- Hcldl*.
It. M l *r. ».* t ». h 1* hit* t.r th*
To tint, t) Utah M,. * ».* ta * hipping
hi* h.ieMe* lute eh', pa f»*r IN* <htir
*< hedPl* h* ha* tlti*(| tip ft a th* •Sntt'
ling *lr**t tt*> knt* ti
t*t\• iiiifIi appi .it' ntt Ih* Marnen
inatu to <1*1*. ami l..*«it Whtl* t*
■>*nr. hlng fur a Mlltatde opponent for
hi* ttiot nit th* wlv •p*n itnt* nh th*
Technical *■ hedttle. April !#.
Atitll IS Ih* Tn h*t.*m *111 jotttnei
In Hid Per. It . in tingle with th* •*
pertcnccd lowgna. Sidney ha* it r*p
utatlnn In Itlali mhnnt track circle#
nf putting nut futmldaht* track ag
cretin tlnii* Hint, frntn advatu • ilnp*.
till* year la nu exception.
Th* Council TIlufT* r»laya, May 3,
will tiring Itigrtbcr th* cream nf
eoulliwrMerti Inwit and cnalern N»
hrnaka team*. All Omaha Icama will
he r*pr***ni*il, and t'nnrh Whit* ex
pccta to aend a alrnng aquad arruna
the river.
In preparing fur the Council Hlulft
meet Coach White tin a I rgnaported a
crew of hla men to Iowa on iwo oc
casion* to a ecu el mil ttie Maroona to
the Iowa count*.
Th* Male m**t at I.lncoln nn May
lit will ha the lilg event Whit* will
point hi* men toward. The Mate
meet will lx- the climax of th* track
year, anil If Technical can cop the
honor*, It will Inoat th* Maroon
chance* in the city ineel, which fol
low* 13 day* Inter.
Conch White may enlxr a team In
Ihe Medic relay* on May 17.
Harry Lee Hurls
Buffaloes to Win
Hutchinson, Kan.. April 11 Art
flrlgr* anil his Omaha Buffaloes
played flawless Irnll l-ehiml Lee •ml
Koupal Friday and Omaha defeated
the Hutchinson \vh«at Hhorker* »f
the Western MMClUion, * to 2.
If Lee had stayed In the box. It
la doubtful if Hutchinsnu would
have counted, as he allowed but two
Moua In the six innings Out hr pri
ll ir tiled, a single hy Foster In Ihe
first lunuig and a double hy Wilson
lu Ihe fourth.
It xu WI loon who leaned heavily
■ gainst one of KnUpnl'a offering* and
sent It to the left field boarde while
llm Foster, on by a |»n«n aranipered
home In the seventh. Wilson scored
on Wiggcn'a sacrifice fly. Koupal al
lowed two more hits In the Inning but
they wcrW not of the dangerous kind,
lie aeltled down and In Ihe last two
frames struck out four of the six
hstsmen who fsrrd him. Pilcher
also starred at hat, getting three
blows In three trips and s- uing two
(Hlo Prlersoii. big rlghlliaiidai,
started fur Hot* lilnsoa and ueul lu
tba Hilrib Inning wlthuiit any trou
With une down, Wilder hit a
homer, la-e singled. Ijixallie ground
e«l out, caught by a fast play at
first, and O'Neill singled, scaring
Lee. ItoMuson hit a homer over
right field fence, for Ihe final luo
ruus of Ihe inning.'s double in
the sixth scored Thompson, who
got on by a pass. I« scored on a
srratrh hit by O'Neill. I.enahan
doubled In Hie ninth and scored on ■
sn error hy KothrnrU. Thomson's
single rnunlcil llonnwita with llie
last run,
Lee a wrrrk whs the feature of Ihe
game. The Omaha learn looked more
finlehetl In all dr>|inrlnients limn the
Wichita Western league rJuts which
juat closed an exhibition set les her*.
The score:
N.w York. April 11,—Woyifif
fir*t aani nf th. In «h* Van
k«» .fndlnm. fh» Now York Y»nkr»»
lout, 10 In t. fit fhr llrnoklyn Ifndpnrp
tfWtar whnn ll<w»i*rr, a rtn-rpM
pit! hrr tip In fht* ninth Inninf,
lh» t»od»" r« nrorlnf fiv» run*
Tfia a
ft. »l % i
Urnoktvn (N| ...1 a 11 I
t»rk < A I * • J
JtgMaria* ftn*thar, \ *•<-%. I»i-«*im»«i
and |»al*arr» . Pha*k*Y tno#« ft•»•! |*r
*nd flrhany. Mafinanr- lui ray
pi t«*i» ''ipri’i i» - n w r
f* ItflMlt I V | . .. I 4 1
Hi »,*»«»# (A ) 4 ■ l
Mill aria* Hh*fdall and ll*. nia» Pru*M.
Rh<f lirr and Ii*rrr*l4
kahaan i'M>. Ayiil 11 — H# *1 K
• hbnyw IN l ..HI- :
Km m (‘.ly (A V I . *11 l*
ftatfarlaa Pl*ria and liaiin-it. Thorn
inahlon, Ah mart and M.tmty
.*». —f
ffauatort, Ta* April If — ft M V.
!»#• Mmnao (H) , 441
lluuaiuh <T ) ... If in I
Maftarlaa .funa*. Wtlann and Huaflfag
4r.*fif....a Knight, ftnatlt gad M<« urdr.
and IMmon<t
India AH, April It — N H t
fati.arapvl a (A A » . 7 I
Itfiatnn 4 A f .... . ill
ftaitaria* Pally. |g*» rw alf. Illll and
Krtaay*r. uhr and Having
Waohtnytan. Aprl I. - ft II K
ft«*«(»n (S ) . . ..... 411 I (A » 4 t 1
Mall-ripa I tana* Irh, M«n|m .1 ftgrpaa.
iM «»'Vai||. dnfinaon. M'.gnda*. Marlin.
and flt»a»
I <»mft III* k Apr*| If ft If V
I ,t»nfat HI* f 4 t » 14 1
h'lihiiffh (N I 4 4 1
Wgft#t'*» Nlnrriaftfi M'ad*«* a*d
tlnaffi. ArrtmHll. Ka«h Ha Min and Wr«n
CinmiMli, April If - ft M ft
<l#vAi an* it- 141
<*!*■ tanafl 1 N • 4*1
I la la and Mvarf, |Vm« hwa. I..«i«*
Hava and Ifftrgr*** Pandt*a«c
StroMflnir^ \\ in- Minr tianir
Stmmahin j;, Nel»„ April 12 -
StrornehurK High orhctol l.iwlinll
I ••am »|rf*‘ut«’<i Hheiby High. 4 in 21, in
a *lnw gum* pi* yeti h»r* Friday aft
ernoon. Slrntn«l>ui*'« Inn 1*1 allow-*)
hut two bile, While the Shelby plti'her
Wrg< tom b»it fur eet*n. Shelby1*
eroree were made through tone* ploy
log on the port of the Strnrnahtti*
\& fl-llillgtoll \\ tlto Itohl Hit IT.
H**tll*. April 12 The I'nlverellv
of oeh'ngtnn il'-fnitlH the Tniverel
t« of 1‘oltfnrtila hy eight itnd » helf
length* here today In their annual
hoot race, retaining the ovtil rhatlt
gnonahlp. Th* dt*tan1‘* wo* four mile*
Ur Rolf ehampton at Ihe Omaha
Kirld rhih. wan medallM In Ilia
i|uaMf>hic round of Mu annual Mouth
IMrH u hnil Rolf tournament at Kim
r•miiI park Krhla), alien lie turned In
a raid of *1 for I It hole*. He I* a
firduiiaii at Mouth HIrIi.
Mrvrntrrn Mouth Roller* i onipeled.
U. S. Tennis Body
Selects Team for
Davis Cup Play
Fifteen Ranking N**t Stare to
Compete for lutrruatiojial
Trophy—Tililfn. Rich
ard* Named.
New Turk, April II Th* Inivl*
[rup committee uf th* I nlted Slate*
Trnnia aeeor latlrin Saturday took the
firm elep toward define* of th* In
ternational learn trophy Ibi* year
v. hen It announced th* aeleitlon of
l ai|uad uf 11 tatil.lna *t*r* ae *11(1
!«>•■ fur the 1SJ4 American t*nrn.
The playat* aelected at* William
W. .luhnaiun, Howard Kinney, (lor cm#
t.ilftln and lioheit Klnaey of San
I ranclecu; Vincent |{l< Hard* of Tank
era. N. T William T Tlld»u II. It
Vurrle William*, Carl Kim her and
Wallace Joltnnon of rhiJadelphia:
T rani la T. Hunter, frank T. AmJet
am, Oeota* Kina, Wateon M. Wii*
I urn and Hugh G. M Kelehar of New
Turk, and Harvey Snodgra^ of leia
South to Compete
in Three Meet®
Spring vacation pm a crimp In the
trank practh* at Suiitb High, hut
i'ua> b Hatton expect* tu pm bia men
through a rigomit# training tbla
Th* m»n fruin la al year'* *|Uad
noiliwl out regularly l»*t week, but
lh* new men on th* mined did not*
*h»w up <-on-l*trnll> for practice.
t omb Haltnn ha* tbre* meal* lined
up fur h a trarkalera. Th* Council
HiiifTa relay* at Council Hluff* on
May J. lh* city meet on May *1 and
lh* Medic relay* on May If.
J’atton announced Saturday that If
enough of hi* men ahowed up to
advantage In thru* rneeta to mak* It
worth »h.l» to enter lh* atata meet
at Mltcoln on May IP he would Irani
port anme of hia trarkalera tu the
capital city on that date
A dual meat between South and
t'raightc.n la hanging Arp and la th*
abavnep uf Com b Dr*nnan n« daAnlt*
*t*tr* hav* teen taken tu bring tbl*
•r«nt about.
Phl.airo, April Ttenato flardtnl,
Italian heavyweight *1 railing chain
plnn, won In two fall# tonight from
Tam Myakf, Japaneae wt»a'ler, tak
ing on* fall In Jt 41 with a haadlork.
and the neonnd in 14 mln.iiea wrlth a
me hold
John Peaek of Xehraeka
Charity T»l»h. former Olympic rham
plon In IT®; with a head ariaama and
wrletlm-k, and IVavna Mimn, formef
Nein aaka fooitiall alar, defatted Hhk
Oavlaioiirl with a haadlork la * I!
Clrnu ttod If i/ia,
Ultnw-ood, la, April It—In a had
gama la which holto teame matte
•even error*. nioetly dot to ear®
weather, OlenWrvxxl detected i'aciAc
Jurn tlon High, 4 in t, on the litter ■
ground*, Wedne*<l»v nfi»rncxin. Knv
»II wea on the mound for < lien wood
while p'lvnn did the hurling for the
l*t. III. Jtiti. ti.lo trnln.
I. S. Pn*|wrl
lor OUmpio
(hhhI and Had
ViIiik\ii«ir uf arti)
IVwiraiMii l lutgrnM ik >»l Mr*
r»*»il l «w|i<i|ai Kai t
Vii(k iHMMlMMMting.
> - .
“■ RW V itlk
t « •
IM»n i § • ■ *
■ -tl tig |>*
• Bin ■ | •
ttt»B! and 'I * 11»
t«dttlmrnt t 14
■time* M * i*
• • • f <• • i
if** 4 and : I
■ itniMlifi ' >|
,-om hided. 31*tt*
fin* pniape •
*1 th* short at 1
middle rliiuntr*,
but nut on* Amre
lean t > m». • <*
liav Includ'd. w no figured lo f 1 ■ i
real opposition to N'uitlll of Finland!
Wlfl* of Kwednti. am! other foreign
entrten at 1 ',00 meter* and upward,
Kay experienced hi* mo*t dtsap
pointing indoor season of recent'
>ear* He hrohe only one record,
a dlstlnit novelty lor Kay. and
twirw he wa* beaten la scratch
race*. Once the most consistent
runner in Amrrlra. he became a
rank in and-oiiter. giving a second
rate performance one night and a
championship effort tha next. Kay's
mast laudable achievement came in
i winning the Hunter mile in 4:1ft 3-5.
I n new record lor lb* distance.
A team male. Kay Watson, am
likewise a disappointment. Watsoa
looked like the beat haJf-niiler in tut
world late in tha 1421 outdoor season,
but couldn't w.n on th# lioarda th.t
winter. It is s-iid that he la over*
trained. The sum* excuse if offer1 J
for Jake llriwoll, supposed to •*
America’s leading quarter-miler. Kx
ctpt in isolated instances, Driscoll
couldn t run fast enough to keep
Vaira on our Indoor tracks.
IIIurs* has pret noted Jimmy
(oiinolly, foimer inierroUegUle
■ bantpinit, frmu running to form
l onnolly did 4:1* 4 S for I be mile
during llte 1133 indoor season, but
louldn't heal 4 h» this winter with
a nmlorryi le. Jle was another dis
Sprinters Excelj
The sit nation, howeaer, had it* tip
tiiuisth- aspests.*n Murthis, a am
(•aa one of the best exhibitions
nf any eprlnt season in winning ;4
■tarts In 15, being beaten only by
• 'heeler Bowman of Syracuse, *n a I
most certain Olympic point winner.
\t the quarter \ ernon Ascher did
••■me gi»at tunning until be liroi e
••own temporarily; Joe Tierney
■hewed a rare turn of speed la win
ning the Huerraeter l«9 and the Case -
4<i#. and Allen Woudring, perhaps tha
beat 449 man of the lot, ren t*i
4» ae> ootla lit e recent relay rare,
tfier plaiing Je..| fur most of the
indoor season.
*u hey lee hark turned la a
I Jl 3-5 effort for a world's Indoor
retard al Ml Meiers and ran ses
eraI rrrdilaMe rares at one mile.
aHb»u;h slightly eutebene there by
lAnyd llahii. a yery prmnising
youth from Boston Ray. honeyer.
was the heel utilee of the season
and obliged also with the fastest
(no miles of the campaign. closely
fullnwed by \ erne Ituulti
^ / it*/// ft ork (tinui
Parfurmanr-aa In tha ft*hi areata
Indira I ad an Amariran landallda in
• ba high jump and broad jump hi
ioria, with a braij* aoorln* In tha
polo Ttult and abotput. Landr.r,
frown and Unborn should in*# tba
Tirat thraa piaraa in tha hi(b Jump,
iiartint Mr Idanta, and do Hart Hub*
bard tnd Al Kona aro almost oartain
to linlab on# two in tba broad Jump.
Idbby of dart mouth, Ownn of Pann
avlvanla and a*.armI wastarnara w»ia
• rmalalant ‘ twalra al*ht" man In tba
pole vault, and Ralph HI la' nhntp it
tin* was auffh-iamlv pood tn warrant
tha Irallaf that h* may min that
avant, Tha aamm mar ha Mid of jw
Andaraon. th* Ch:cafo hurdlar mho
hrol># aavarml world* rarori* hafo *
an Injury laid him low.
StriMm* Brin Quinn.
AppMon, \VI*., April It.—Taunt
stitiillnt. (looit a arhoolbny twine
•anaatlon. w«» cradltad nrtlh • tacbm
i-al knockout In Ilia ninth round of
a achodulod 10 round bout * Ith Qua
n«r .loo Quinn of lllnnaapolt*
Th* Iinut mat tamo and iinmtorrrt
Stanford Trackotrro Win.
Stand ford I'nlvaraity. rat.. April tj.
— Stanford track man dafaatad th* A I
antitharn confaranra Win hara th'a
afternoon tav tha arum of *7 to 44
Fans Not Surprised at McTigue’s
Refusals to Box Tunney for Title
N#«r York, April 1? Mika Mo
Tlgua'a poor ■him1Mat In (h* on#
aiilmt hailla with Youna MlrtHing al
Nawark M|iliin> lh« Irishman • par
oiatc nt rrfuntla to l»i* <Jnn* Ttinnav.
holiior of lb# Amath-nn tltl# In that
itlvlalon l-'rom th# ilav I hat M-Tgwa
aim a rafaraa a rla- «lin i.»af SIM In
UuUla a raar ago. Tunnay h*» haan
tr’ in* ta arran** a match tn vain.
Rut now M. Tieua hat fallan into tha
■t.arartl. tvhlla Tuanav will m**t t,ar
pantlar n*»t Jun#
AiranlUi* to a lulu a hv tlia Ktt
rotvatn t*o»|n# aiitborKIra t'at pantlrr
null ta tha light haai' Wright chant- j
plon of th* wofM it*aptia tha fan that
Slkl aloppmt him in t'aila tn |h?3,
(Vnaaquontlv Sikl itidiiY ln»a tha tltla
to M< Tigu* in tho tiuhltn affair, th#
Kimrh BOlona in Mat,
han Parpantlar artitaa h»ra paal
month to htht Tttnnav |n Juna and
Turn (liMom al Haul Kicaimrnan a
aiana naat • hlcnao <>n July «, ha w li
proclaim hia rltht lo tha world rham
pionahlp at tha lialu l»an\ vwalglit
limit i'aip-nllai a ilfht to dafandg
Ihia »l»la will ha apptovad hr thou* *
aanda of »ln( foHownara who h»r# aaan
both Hil.l and MiTtgua in action.
Thara lan't tha atlirhtaat doubt Ihn t
('arpantlar at hta haat routd ahj
daolaivatv tt»a fcnf*(lr*a Uttilar and
th» htht £lilliif triahman
i'arpantlar will Hava hla handa full
whan ha ahapoa up In tha rlnt with
Ttmnav and Olhlwwtt Tunnad. wh.
won tha A 'Mat >an rhamiMonahtp ha
lakiwa tha mnama of Harr) Oiah. a
a %aatt) lm|>row>d ftgt^tar.