The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 13, 1924, CITY EDITION, PART TWO, Page 1-B, Image 13

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    [ qSls, 1 The Omaha Sunday Dee 1 ' ~
_l iiMrim -trum_———■J
\ m | \n 41 PART TWO MIA, StM'M MMiMM,, APRIL U, 1984, I II KIVK <
National and American Baseball Leagues Open Seasons Tuesday Afternoon
Mmiv New Kurt's
Will \|i|N*ur on
Kidds This W eek
I Itiln in Until \& Ihm-I* \pprni
Hi tler Hiilam ed This ^ rnr
I’ll nil in Srxrral
I?» inti «l Press,
13.—The finish
In* touche* in
preparation* for
what promises to
I’* Among the
most keenly
fought pennant
rives In baseball
history will he
applied over the
week end by ma
jor league pilots,
who have prac
tically completed
the annual spring
task of Ironing
out veteran kinks and gauging the
worth of rookie talent.
fans who flock through the turn
si lien for the opening American and
National Deague games Tuesday will
view probably a greater array of new
fares than any recent season has wit
neased. Reports gathered from the
various outfits show that more than
RO newcomers have earned
spurs for 1924, resulting In sbnkeup*
that appear most noteabl* In the
ranks of the New York filants, Brook
lyn Dodgers and Boston Brave* In
the National league and the I’Uladel
phla Athletic* and Boston Red Sox In
the Junior circuit.
XX ith the exception of the Cincin
nati Red* and New York Yankees,
major change* have occurred in the
lineup* of every contender. And
the Red* and Yankees, while re
maining intact outside thp battery
positions, have added new blood to
their pitching corps and strength
ened their reserves.
Taken as a whole, the club* In both
w heels appear better balanced than In
several season*. This I* particularly
true of the American league, where
such second division outfits of 1923
a* the Red Sox and Athletic* have
teen strengthened to *uch a degree
that they appear among tha outgtand
Ing obstacle* In the path of the world
champion Yankee*.
»*■» t.cncral preseason opinion, how
ever, has selected two club* In each
circuit a* those most likely to upset
the drives of the Yankee* and
(Hants to set baseball history by
capturing pennant* for the fourth
straight year. In the American,
these are the Detroit Tigers and
< lev eland Indians, while the bul
wark of anti-Gotham hope* In the
senior organization are the Red*
and Pittsburgh Pirate*.
Six of the club* start the season I
undei ned leadership. Four of the*
are In the American league, with Lee
Kohl. In charge of the R*d Sox,
Frank Chance taking the- helm of
the White Sox, Stanley Harris |
xcongest big league pilot, guiding the
Senators, and George Slsler directing !
the Brown*. In the National league. I
Dave Bancroft has tak»n over the I
managership of the Brave* while <
Jack Hendrick* ha* *ucre»ded the
lot* Pat Moran a* field marshal of
the Rer*.
Slsler will attract twofold Inter.>:
for besides his showing as a pllo
fan* will watch keenly hi* attemp
to regain*lils brilliant playing form
after a year* lay off because of eye
Ilaltc Ruth, after a spectacular
comeback that won recognition last
season as the American league's
most valuable pert.inner, Is out for
a supreme hid to shatter his home
run mark of 1931, when he *h*f
tcred all existing mark* with 59 rlr
ctrlt clout*. Ill* durable team mate,
F.vereft Scott, will attempt to fur
ther stretch the consecutive game
record which h# hung up last year.
Scott now haa played In 1,139
straight championship game*, a
record, begun In 1919.
«»» Individual performance* In th# X*
tlonal league alao will draw their
»here of attention, particularly he
cauae the magnate* have voted 11,000
ea a prize for the aeaaon'e outatand
In* afar. Frank Frlach, brilliant
captain of th# Want*, and Roger#
Mornaby, Cardinal alugger, are
among th# leading candidate# In pr#
aeaaon dlaetiaalon, Mornaby, who
Igat year tied Mane Wagner'# mark
by leading the league bafarnen for
l|ie fourth atralght year will again
attempt to act a new record bv land
log at the top thla acaeon.
y /
Minneapolis, Minn., April 11.—
An unrepnrted knockout scored
against Fred Fulton, heavy weight
lm\er of Minneapolis, administered
by a woman, was claimed Friday
by Mrs. Maude Thompson, who,
with her husband, Karl Thompson,
filed two suits seeking $31,000 rism
ages from Fulton.
f barging assault and battery,
Mis. Thompson asked $10,000 for al
■* ' legi il Injuries lo hdrself and *5,000
for an alleged attack on her two
Mrs. Thompson's complaint
charges that Fulton slruik her dur
ing an argument. Site returned the
lilnw, knot king Fiiltnn iinrouscious,
ai curding tn Iter suit. Mte charged
Fullnn had kicked her children.
At vtilMfMiSee—grnle f,an*emsn, WM
** ■ i>n Olmn.el 'iei.rse Bo'rh S' I.ntj's
In i") rou-nlt toy Coynter best Jack
!»*><•*» U| IV
Preparation—'The IBacktone off Sweets s|
««■ omim- SPorr im
which icwoaamcj* ca*
GtT mTo VHIoa*.
* 'tC> ft»'T
Vo M . •»*
1 VA>4 G*TS 04 TW«
P-, WtT«e<J? woUkim*
You 4>C1 "TXf r-n»iffci
"3oeK«* rm*T
Ltaa* ®am&
*b erAfeui
u —»m. »
nRK you weary of witnessing
crude youngsters masquerading
as professional rlngmen who
have an exhibition of sound boxing
to offer club patrons? Does the slam
bang, hit-or-miss style strike you as a
painful burlesque of what boxing
should be? Or do you enjoy It and
find It something delightfully Homer
ic, despite Its fla\or of darker ages?
Jack Hkelly, famous old time fight
er, Is an "ancient" with modernistic
urges. Progressive thought* and ac
tions are usually reserved for the
youth of the land Hence Hkelly be
comes unusual. He has a new Idea,
although some may label It a* the
outburst, of a graybeard with an "old
timer complex '
At any rate, Mr Hkelly ha* a new
Idea which is Important If for that
reason only.
He believes that the boxing public
should l>e spared th» agony of watch
ing youngsters perform who haven't
the faintest notion of what scientific
boxing means, of course, as Mr.
Kkdly admits, these stupid encoun
ters frequently result In considerable
excitement, copious blood lifting and
the like. However, the Yonkers sage
believes both the boxer and the fan
should be above such moron de
lights. He subscribes to the belief
that there Is nothing worse than Ig
norance In action, lie thete barrels of
sincerity and fun In the display.
The plan, at least, brings the writ
er this reflection: That the American
ring exhibits more untaught perform
era than any branch of sport he r/iii
think of. It Is cluttered with a quag
mire of unachooled youngstera who
think that a tough Jaw and a good
punch ars all that are needed to win
a championship. And the drab part of
It. Iii that mc«t nf them hi e neither
the purn h nor the Jaw.
No hall player ever reaches th*
major leagues until be has shown
signs of marked talent. And even
then he Is put through a tost gradu
st« course of hitting, base running
and general field tactics by the big
league manager. The major league
fan la treated to the finished product.
Collegiate football players are
coached thoroughly in all branches of
Ihe g.itne for n yen- before they arc
selected for a team. And there Is tbn
same stern and thorough attention
to rrew candidates. The rowing
resell has his candidates hard St It
even during th* wlnt'r months On
th* row ng machines In the gvm he Is
slr*d up for g*net»| films, end Is
then taught his position in the host,
feathering, the play of the legs, the
side, th* catch, the recovery, and so
In Kngland the sh»l! randldsta la
firm mnde In operate on a filed aeat
In order that >ia ahould underatind
the difference between a awing and
a mere tdlde on the aeat. Kven veter
an ornmen are frequently *een out In
tuba without elide* drilling In the val
liable knowledge.
Moat of our golf rhampiona have
"i rved ae caddlce In younger daya.
Htudving tb<- melhoda of the i rack*
for m limn tlo-y toted baga formed
the groundwork for their subsequent
auei < ora, I 'ew tennla plnyera ever
io bleved renown without In at ruction,
either from profeaalonala or tourna
men! player* Tha <oek*y first a*rv*a
an apprenticeship aa a stable boy,
M t beglnriera In the ring Juat go
In and f.ght the beat they know how.
Some Instruction flrat might apare
them ring destruction later—might
even make champions of th»m
Five green* at tha Omaha Field
<luh will be opened today, according
to an announcement made thle morn
The dub will not open until the
middle of May.
Stanley Da vies, dub profeifb n:i!,
••jK»rte that th* courae la in fin
■milt Ion.
f Hi#agn, April It.—«!#•» V'arallf. Italian
**fl*r won • on** fall m*»'h from
uguat «tepp, Colorado. In 41 1/» h»ra Fri- j
night Johnny Mayera, former mid 1
1 *** wa t g h * wraatling i-hurnplon and .Ink i
"k«, Chicago, wr»«’)#d JO /n'ntJtra to a
Ira w.
Appleton, Wk. April It.—Voting gfrlb
ung won an uneven roach wifh Ounner
Jon Quinn her- Friday night rjtifnn. all
|(<>iindH lighter and mu<n ahorter ih»n
the aoutherner. could not land an -ff«< tl»»
Mow. II# look f aavera beating before
*h- rpf»r*0 atopped tha affair In the
ninth round.
It Mit HtlniffA, hid —Wafnle tmlth.
Oklahoma cowboy, beet Morri# Mch|etfer,
• mIii m round*. J#'k M cf'arfhy,
• 'h|r * go. knocked ou» Ron** Heneofi. Kl
ein in *econd; Tommy Harman Baltimore,
•topped Johnny King Aouth ' htrago »n
•b* third round Kddfe Wa|*h Aouth
''hlrgfo, beat Af*v# Adam* inTour round*
Kdd-a Morrl* iioux City, wheat pgr*/
Bor,co In tight round*
At Appleton, Wig.—Toting Atrlbllng won
« rachncal knockout rr *r Gunner Jo*
'%*ilnn of MlAi*apoltt In pin# round*
Phoepfg. Arlru April If,—Young Bat
fling Xalaon of Globe. Arl* , wee awarded
rha referee • decieton In i 1* round bout
her* Friday night with Jack Donovan
of Aal? Dak# City. Th#r are lightweight#
Battling Botch of Miami Art* . knocked
out Jeea Amlth. Ban Antonio. Te» negro
heavyweight in two rounda, *nd Tack
Bruno or Phoenl* knocked out Frankla
Burnt, New York bantam, In on# round.
At ('paper, Wyo.—-Tommy i ommlakey.
Denver, won on a foul in the fourth
round from Billy F.bmke, At Paul. K.rnle
Rob* t'eaper, knocked out Kddle f.vm li,
Cleveland, In the fourth Marry T*»e.
Butte, dec|«joned Pep per a, tliu h
cater, N, V., IP eight round*
At flea Molnee. la.—-lolmar Marrle, lie*
Molnee, outpointed f'hlck Itonovan, At
Raul. eight fount]*. Harold /*’ ude, !>•«
Moine*, drew with Rav Miller. Milwaukee
eight round* l#e I nlpp, Waterloo, won
from Cud Wtlaon, He* Moine*. four round#
Philadelphia. April It.—Jutntti* Aarro.
California llfpf weight. Friday won * da
< *lon over Sate Goldman of thla city
without rtriktn* a blow Mia victory »»i
tn Judge M'naghan'e court whec* Gofd
man and hi* manager were ordered to
**r»ke from their record* a reported d«
'•»» of Aa•' o by Goldman n the ring
racco’a application D<r an Injunction pr#
venting Goldman end hi* Manager froo
rirrula’tnf report* of *uch a vicrorv «**•
'."■anted by the roijrf Aecco declared
♦h* repor'e were untrue and »het »h*y
- lured hit sending a* a boxer.
•Iirk 7.1 *lc Pittsburgh lightweight, wtll
meet ICver Hammer rt rhlrifo on th*
Olympic Fund ahow to bo staged In Madi
■ on Square Garden. New York April 2t
/I vlr a*r>ec»a »hla bout lo Inaugurate h «
"< palgn f' r a * rack a* Penny l^eonard a
i Ilia,
Paddy Iran of Pittsburgh. former no
*.ooal amoteue lightweight champion. will
< i**h with Vic Proa at Mo'<a P'luerr
Gordon, Pittsburgh Monday night In hi*
last two atari*, Ilyin knocked nut Young
I'enno and derisively defeated Freddie l,u«
in tVKceaport. f*a
dffrntown Johnny leonsttl. one of the
lending contenders for Johnny fjnandea's
luoliit lightweight title, ha* been eigne,I
to meet t’arl Imane in a return bout at
Madiann Square Garden. New York, on
May 2, l^nnord and ftuana rer*nUv
fought a #H-n*nt|onH| draw at on« of | he
•mallar * iuh* In New York. (,«friM. featherweight champion
of the United o‘ate« army, >■ honked fn-r
•wo rnnr* battle* On Monday night he
will rlaah with Kart llaird In M*|t»more,
whlla *»n April 21 h* will hook up with
1 immy ("ooney In Holyoke. M»e*
fete Zltlr, Koalam brother of Jerk, wtll
have if out «lfh Yohnnv Vf-er# of Young*
town at Motor Square Garden. Pittabur*v„
Mondaj mgti.
Bangtails Filling Ak-Sar-Ben Stalls as Time for
Spring Race Meet of King Ak Nears Starting Time
From the range*. from »to»k farina
an/I from winter nit* meetlnga the
o install* com# to fill the triaMtl at
the AV Hni lien trank. For three
ve»k» they have been arriving at
M.ort dally and more are exp"t*d thla
l.a*t week llie morning workout*
on the trsrk began. The earlier
arrival* had attempted to make the
oral a few flnte*. hot the winter
■draw, ronpled with the fart that
♦he frn«t waa wftil In the ground,
Lincoln Owners
Prepare Protests
IJimoln, April 1! Char lea N.
Moon and the Bell xer brother*, own
era of the t.lmoln Htate league bn an
ball elub, whlrh ha* Imen dlaplamd
by the Weatern league rdub, aald to
day they wire preparing a prot'et to
I,, rent to Herretary Farrell of the
National Ae*o< latlon of M(por lt»«»
ball tyeaguea agalnat the aetlott of the
Tri't ite league at It* Omaha meeting
In rafualng to giant th»m a franchlaa
In the Trlifafe, whereby they might
plane a team at fiioux Fall*. Not
only did the meeting Ignore their of
f»r, but they propoee to appropriate
the Lincoln player* of laat. aeaaon
without nompenaaf Ion, Moon and
tha Be|t.*era aeaerted. They offered,
they aald, to **ll the club Intent for
Annopoll*. April 12 —Thirlv Ihro<
owlwrnor*, ropt r*'*nl log 14 qiffrronf
InatHutlono, portblpiitoA Kfl<1«y In
tho qualifying ovont* propitrolory to
lh« final* t'Kluy of th* not Ion*I ml
logiolo nthWIn a tutor bit Ion nwlmmlng
rhatnplnnchlpa *n<1 Olympic tryout*,
at tho novol no»4omv.
Navy l<*tl tho #1*14, flvo ml4*hlp
mm qualifying North*' otrrn an'1
I’nlvoralfy of lu*o o nth qtjoflfl*4
two, an'1 John* Hopkln*. Wlaronaln
Woof point, William* *n<1 Primoton
Ctno oo» h t>oorgla Torhnh fl oi’J f'nl
vorulty of Indiana alao ha*o o»ltn
m»r« mtorotl.
Pa«*ing of Mud Grid
Tee Binning lo Official*
Now York, April I?.—Tho p»**lng
from football *rt the famou* and hi*
torlc mud te*» will b« an unrnl*ed
» leaalng to tha official* and a dlmf>
polntment to certain team*, notably
Hyracnaa, which had developed If lo
a high degrc* #,f efficiency. The in
ventor of tha fa* rernalna hidden In
the inlata of lime, and alnce it |« now
faIm»o probably no nna will at*p for
ward to claim credit f«»r Introducing
It Into tha game. If ha* canaed to be
a credit,
Thla aid to the kicker firat - no
into atiiocr-,'* nimiii 1t07 when the
f'*rw*rd pnea #itnie Info the gam*.
Mow le gffeata Inc lude regiment* of
elevator bo\ * on annual vacation
They ^ iff continue to hav* their up*
ana down* ,
made Mir eaperimenl* dl*h**rten
For aeveral day* ro,irtra Trttnbb
bud hi* "gansi" buav with i k*a and
match** and the oval «•* ’«h/ip*d
tip ,'* flraduatlv I* la get'lnr In*'- g'-od
ahap* and anon tha promtelng 2 year
olda th*» »ra to r'.r* dm ng *b#
apring m»»Mng will h*gitt to hreer.e
But, It la nil roily *h» J>,*-»rold«
that mak* up tha aggrcgrM-n at tha
track, Several old fn*nd* f tha u-r
tana of Omari* are already munching
th*:r oata In familiar at alia
Mark flnnnrlti, erratic actor of
the donee I pdik* airing, ta |rrcaent
and In good ahape after a winter
apent ott the farm at I’amrH, dto.
Ho far lie Itaa altown bellrr *|n-*d
and entltiranre Ilian ever before
and promlae* to be a contender In
aeveral of tile event* till* apring,
Parnell ftoy, a newcomer, la In the
atall neat to Mark. Ho nlao look*
and art* like a comer Ho far be
haa Mapped nround the tr.vk in good
abape and baa ehown great prornlea.
Then there are other* t /ardom
baa t*en place,] |n hla ill after a
winter of nulei r**f. A few other*
ha1* come track front Mini
Among fh*ae If <irl»arf r;|rl win
n»r of five atari* at tha Outran
track. F»odor* haa b»*n ahtpped
In fiom Phoenix and la ready to ahow
hla h**la to eom* llgtita of i; » turf,
Some Id# head of running alork
from Tlujuanat la etpeded to reath
I>* M'dnaa, fa., April 12 Th* 100
yard di>»h la atpartad to prova nn*
nf *ha oip.tnodlng fr-nlnr'-a of tha
Irraka rainy* h*ra, April 25 and 20
l,rtaf yanr tha avant »Mrart*d art M
rapt Iona I gllttarlng array nf alar
Topping tha llrl In Ilia antrlaa fnr
Ihla avant tbla yaar t* I rwin of tha
Kan«;ra Aiigla* who won th* mnUiry
again*! a rln.ay fl< H jn th* Irraka
m»*f. laat t< ir, a'ipptng tha diatamr
In ft 4 5, lltln'rla will hav « trio of
•tara In A vara, I; ma n*><l lllghr*.
whlla Michigan will l» r*pr*aar»tad
hy Whitman. MrOokln* and l'oitlt»r
of Iowa, two of tha *p*«dlr*t rron 10
tha Bit Tan. at*o will Ira in tha |«ti
yard avant along wllh Lay don r .f
Nn*ra Itama. rlray of Itntl.r, l/r-k*
and Blral^g'iot of f "hrar n 1 •• .n■ >
van of Ohio, And»rw*rt r,f Waahlrg
ton, Maddng of I’tirdoa and U illlarna
Of tha Kanaaa P*«(a T'«"h*r*
Sav« “Biff Thrfr** of
W ill (!otn|tf1f \ltrnatl
N#w York, April 11 William Al» I
bott J# fiuthorMr f*»r lb# maf'innil |
fh*( *J#n# Jn '.'<11 V. || m »n |
and .fork Huff ld»»'*n h»!I romp#*!# In
fb# Ivrncllnh rli»«M»|i? bit# In Jiiw 1
If# #*y# iIi#f ifrn fkirn* < l<»Mt>, I
r#ll find ##v#t;il of fur* will umloulilf’f)
iy d## id# lo Kff ntrr<Mrf. IV«»m I b«- h<»)
• hlriacH #r# #l«lnr up If I# Ion r»mln.'
rr»f»r# #PP#r#nf that !l»# nvt »«#<•* in |
vaiiion Hill nil !<#• In in# thrrrtlnn
a rut fh#f fh# Amrrl«#n np'n rtinm
plf»n*blp #irh In .fun# #♦ fr**it h||J
p# HMhouf Mnyliah r#pr#«#st#tlon.
B#t Waul Ada i’rodact BcaulU.
Ilm Mi mil anon allrr III* do**
«f Him marline at Him Maxlt-an
rniira*. hwli alaltl** a« thal of
I iiIoiimI llakar trill h* rM|irMHMn(Mif
In llilr hnmli THmjt ar* mi par 1*4
In Hm Hi* Imm'IIiic rnnlanilMr* In III*
taHnti* alalia raiaa
I ar'thin® point* to tha m»»Hn*
'hi* to h* h*l'l from May XI
to bin* 24, a* on* of th* b*«t »i*r
h*!ii a» any rat*, if thing* k#ap
up m* lh* hav# ao far, th*r* will
I.* rror* *ntrlM» than *v*r b*for»
“Carp" to Fight
(ribbons in Mav
Chl'-ago, April 12 Th» return of
Henrgea Carpentier to the American
train ho» l.aari **t for May SI, at
Michigan t'ny, according lo tha vary
latent dope handed out hy and about
I’romotor Kloyd PTtralmmona today.
Tha original d»te rat for tha meat
iny of tha Fiam h Idol with Tom t)lh
bona wa* July 4 Than, according
to rc' |# Information, t>a*rainpa,
Carpai tier a managar, algnad two con
tr*'got hi* da»*» mix'd, and Pro
tt'o'ar Ki'relrnm'na found It nacaa
• ary to ad, anc* th* tlma of hi* »how
to g»t out of th* •'■ramhla.
fiaor***' other opponanf, It la aald.
twill b* nan* Tunnay,
Plfxalmmora aald tonight that h*
would mai<* a daflnlt* announewmant
next week-probably aattln# tha data
"f the bait)* to th* vary hour.
hr A»e«cl#l#d fiMa,
Mon. I ,In April 12 Arn* Borg of
Hwadan today clipped nearly Iflaernnda
from flu world* record for tha half
Pole open W Her awlm In th* meat held
lo determine the Hawaiian randldafea
for tba aartional Olympic trynute
Borg lad Warren Kerb'ha hy US met
era Puna K»«loha wa* third Borg a
Urn* wa* |n 11 2 The world rarord
• t« l« I 4 *> held hy Charlton of
Item I uneng n cama within a
flf'h of m »r nd of tha world* rac
ord for tha Iflfl malar hack afroka.
hie litre lair* 111 41.
I at tha half mlla rara Borg a un
■ 'fl il dm* for the quarter mlla
' !fl compared with tha world * record
of 5:11 4 * .
V ■ >
Itr Nathan Hanaky. who haa of
flea* In room 4k? of the Nrandala
tin .rlar lanllilitiK, rntnaa In Ilia front
with a hig offer to Ilia amalaur hall
player*. Hr. Han*ky aays ha will
git a free medhal Iraatmant lo any
amateur hall platrr who I* Injured
on the tandlcl* till* ttaaon
Hirkiinl Holds
Mono|x>ly on
Heavy Fighters
Signing of Marry ^ ill* I'm«
I'rmnnlrr in Pmilinn In
Slagr Hig limit* Kirpn
I Milwillril,
MV VOgK. April
I * — Te* fill kard
haa MldllkllM
hualpea a • 11 V a
move lo force
Jack Dempaey In
to a match with
Harry Wllla hy
alerting the negro
for ae\»ral ring
Iwttlea at Boyle*
Thirty Acrea In
Jeraey City. Aa
far aa It can he
learned, no other
promoter ever at
tempted to obtain
the negro'a elgnature to artlclea of
agreement providing for a battle with
(he world champion.
Perhape Rickard la banking on pub
lie opinion to round up the world
champion and hla manager. Having
algned Wllla. Rickard knowa that if
(he negro defeats one of the foreign
ehamplone, Klrpo, Romero or Spalls,
popular clamor will compel Dempaey
to meet the Brown Panther In Sep
temher or take another run out. It
lonka aa If Rickard, by clever manlp
illation, haa put Dempaey and
Kearns In a hole from which he knowa
they can extricate themselves only by
accepting term* for the long delayed
mill with the n»gro.
K.rpo also hn« been outwitted hy
Rickard and muat tight and heat Will*
or forfeit another opportunity to rake
In a golden fortune In a return match
with Dempaey. Klrpo all winter
flirted with Rickard a rivals who fail
ed to get him under contract. Now
Rickard la in a position to freeze the
Wild Bull >>ut of another tight w-lth
Dempaey If lie r»fu*ea to Are' meet
the negro. Romero, the Chilean
heavyweight, who will arrlv* here thl*
week, and Fpalla, the Italian, who re
cently ata'ed 14 round* with Flrpo in
Bueno# Airea, stand ready t" ml* It
with Willa If the wild Bull hack* out.
Lincoln Holdouts
Come to Terns
Lincoln, April 11.—Howard Wak*
field, manager of the Lincoln West
ern league team, who arrived re
cently from I'hlcKgo on hla way to re
join th* club lit lt» epnng training
catnp at Nowata, Okl . aald practically
all th* holdout* of la at acaeop'a Slou*
City club had coni* to term* Out
fielder* Mlll*r. Milan and Henry have
repotted, h# aald, and. w-ith Dick
O'Conner, who I* to Join the rlub at
Wichita W*y»VM think* h« ha* on*
of th# *trong**t outfield* in th*
league Another hit of good new*
h* *ald, waa th# promt## of Catcher
Snyder, who ha* been playing on the
Pacific roa*t, that h* will be on hand
when th* *e»*on open* neit Wedre*
day. Art Stoke* *tar pitcher of the
Lincoln Slate league club laat *ea
•on, I* *l*o to Join th* teem
Hoppe and Srliaefrr
to Start Kxhihition*
New York, April 12 — Willie Hoppe,
world a 11.2 haJklln* billiard* rham
plon, will l#t»v# for m tour of th#
Pn/lflr roant W#<1n#**1tiy for n n#rl»*n
of #ibihlt|nn« with Young J#k#
Yfftfirdnyn Rnult*.
Mr§« r#<*a mil#
fAmtn tFr#v) tt H !*h i'm
Altnhlanm (Fr*nrf#cM t 49 4 00
r*ti"h Oirl (Woa4) 44-'
Tima 41 Lura of G* d. Fhaata F.t
praaa, Mount fthaatg, Horn# ftun. N*rn
m*a. r*hlllln ark and Rfwimmit# alan fill,
■•rond rara Mill and o al*taanth
Rarnpla (Fatnri .149 2 40 1 ••
riroon spring <M«»|f«ra) ..II# It#
F««r Fuaa (Smith ) I ••
Tim* 1 41 2-1 Hohay Makar. lad*
Winftsy, Tnngh ottd Tight, Olad Hand
and Frank Tlfrur alan ran
Third ram MHa and a alftranih
'» nt iulrp i Miit'sm • I# U.#0 1 49
Martha I*. if»»ini . 1 •• 2 4<*
Mo* gt and) l.t#
Tima 1 4# 1-4 I nan'a nr a MHdrad
•»«' « •• a and Mn roan al#n ran
Fourih m* S mila
f atfy TlfH»a tNaall 1 •• 1 40 • «rt
Mhlfty < Mahan .10 4# 4 2*
Mta« &f>aat* (Fray) 4 «0
Tima i rtf 1 I r‘ntltai*n tad* **r»uennn,
i •tt'a Krtdfrft* Hatty Aldan and Itjhim
i!#n ran
F *-# Dr# r»tf »«< •
Parn#g Gong!# (ttillirll *1# !** If*
i A1 *''<'••1 ? t* } *•
Harlan, |f MrT«g«*/t -'4*
Tima 4« TF# t'raola. Fa*!# a# and
r^uarraav a’an
«»'»n4 ra<# h t and ona half fur
I #t#o T*aar»# fMtlnan 1*1# » 4* 4 1#
A’andal. <Mut^hp) 4 1* 4 I#
Tiding* (Howard) 4
Tlrna 1 II I I r>a#t»alr. Fapfjra Flm
pllrllr. hgulra Wlggina. and nuddugi*
»l#o ran
Third rar# Th-#a fourth# mil#
f.ord Uranlf#, (ttallarai It# ltd 14#
load 7 Irna* 17# II#
famra K i»|| ar# (AlaH ft#
Tim# 1 14 lltddan J#«a| and " llhaa
Vtarra aim ran
Fourth ran# Mila and a • ••laanth
rhittfida lr (Marlnalll) lift 4 1# f •*
Htimi (La# I II# I##
h#j*argf Inn. (Mr I,ana) ft#
I.(!■•’ I ll Tan* T4*au, Urn ng Fun
Llawallyn and chlof f'orr> al#o tan
Fifth f»*r hill* and a half
Mil# Attiml# (Howard) #40 It# I «#
ri. ( W a 11 a • r ) f«# 4 *#
futiarhutn (I#nn * . . . 4 1#
Vonu# and P|4 alao ran
niMh 'a* a Mil# and a half
>td I'a Ithf ui (Marglar) a:.# 4 t# 9 t#
H I# hor > , (Marlnalll) 9 1# ft#
7odf (llarr#)) 9 9#
Tim# *41 14 ll«|al#r. Onurmand.
Ar»m*>MH and IV Itaa alao tan
**‘roth rar# MM# and 1# >#tda
Aar# fl(nward) ft* 4 4# 9 ff
nrff Wan# (R"hiu»on) I :• 4 *#
|f . Miittof** (garland) 4 #0
T m# 1 •• "* Tra'anu# Tartar
4*th Wfithft a#d lhomhgdg#
kUo ran. ..
If y.ilntIn Hniwrn RlJW wl*hes In j
■■In ttinr with U. K spotting edltoi*
he Should send hi* hstna Is th< 1
laundty snd h»ve It shrunk.
New York Pennsylvania le*gu»
wants eighth club to round out1
Itsgue, hut >an‘t find ins whirl,
entries up to emndetd, llow shout i
the Phillis*?
All Buffalos* need for sin e.«fu|
season I* one Rood pitcher snd lfl.nou
i s»h customers
TeeltiR I p.
"Voii golfers are a funny lot,”
Remarked the puzzled vicar;
"You *tsrt a match by talking tea.
But snd by guzzling liquor.”
Al Belch may tie *n Adoni* hut
h» won t Ire If lie continues taking
on sockets like Klrpo.
Washington club faces Idg finan
cial problem this year. With frenzied
(ongresamen calling each other all
the names not In the dictionary and
providing free vaudeville, w ho wants
to watch a hall game?
Creighton to
Hold Net Meet
Tennl* I* to assume a place as *
minor sport at t'relghton this spring
and the athletic department has
promised that a university tourna
ment will be held. If the tournament
showing 1* atrong enough to warrant
a representation, a team will repre
sent the Blue jays at the Confer
enc* aprlng meet, May 2J and 24.
Among the student body at Creigh
ton are many players of a high cali
ber end It thould not b* difficult to
build a team which would make a
very creditable showing. Bill Adsms.
medic, has been city and doubles
champion; Jam** McGrath, law, has
hsld honors st fart»r Lake for the
past two seasons; Paul Fttzgibbons Is
rated as one of the best from his
part of the country, snd Anthony
Arlsno of the Dental college captured
his county's championship when he
was In high school In Colorado.
Bluejay Relay
Trvouts Soon
Track cna< h ‘Thet" Wynn# of
Creighton will hold the final tryouts
for the Kansas relays atjuad Wednes
day evening. “Chet'' expects to er
ter s team In the I mile relay and
also In the mile, half mile, 440 and
HO-yard dashes
Th* trophies for the relays which
are to he held April 10 consist of 77,
whits gold watches, 14» silver medals
14S golden hrons# medals and also a
large challenge cup for each winning
relay team
There will he IT relay* divided into
university, college, military seademy
snd high school classes, and also nine
•r*cia! event# open to university and
college athlete#
Plan Another
Chess Tournev
New York, April 1!.—The commit
lee In charge of th# Internationa!
chess tmirna n*nt whfrh enters on Its
last feur rounds today, after having
lf*n In progreea aim# March 1*. an
nminced that another tournament wae j
planned for next year, prohat-ly at 1
Aahury Tark. N J . during July and
August Invitations would be confrn I
*d to tha four leaders of tb# presert
meeting and the famous Austrian i
master*. Gruenberg and Vtdmar.
Eldfin Rogoljubow of I'kralna won
hta adjourned game with F D. Tatee
"f England after #n moves trd draw
another adjourned contest with Alex
seder Alekhine of Russia In 1$ movaa
Montevideo, Uruguay, April 1J.—
Krrnlnlo b palls, European heavy
weight, on hta way to New York,
told the newspapermen that he had
signed engagements with Tex Rick
ard, American promoter, to meet
Floyd Johnson snd Quint In Romero
Rojas In the United Slates.
French People Turn
to English Language
for Sporting Terms
ririi. April If—The word "honk
maker" In Ihi raring rente haa hern
admitted to the Frenrh language by
lha French Academy, hit! it refute*
la aamlinn the Fogli«h t per ling
term “crack."
h nrk i*n |>e new dictionary It pro
greeting tlewly, and rite of the main
reatnn* for Ihe delay I* Ihe Irouhle
with which Ihe incmhert of the arad
cnty hare met In patting upnn the
niinierntt* wnrdt of Anglo baton nr
Igln that hare become of rurrenl \i*r
time Ihe greal derelopnirnl of tpnrlt
In Ihe life of the French nation
Monte ruling« hare been tlrange, |o
tay Ihe Icatf.
For Intlanre, Ihe arademy ruled
lhaf "challenge" he< onte a French
word, while ll teftttrt to recognier
“rantei " I trpenller itn challenge
I tempter In Frem h. but bpln.trd
ran not win In a ranter H» tnut| paw
Ihe winning poel "au petit galop.'*
I’ltnrho \ ilki
to Defend Title
\gainst Frank \sh
4 liiimpimi l Utai'iglil iml
I catling Hrili*h 4 Iml*
lengcr ^ ill Halil*
M r(lnc*<lay.
1 Pan* ho Villa t‘ «
I I V rt i■■*. flash. r*■
U it* h • place »
• < i •
weight boxer*. b»
l» going to t* com
pelled to defeat th»
two beet n en of hb
weigh’ fr*«l Eng
land and t h *
v im h*
fora the com in|
a til I i impalat
la completed Th*
British en’ry h
Frank # Aah ant
the American
Frankie Genaro. The flrat of th’
pair to get a crack at the crowr
which adorns the bronzed skinnet
athlete from Fncle Sam’s posseasioni
In the far Pacific Is the Englishman
who will meet Villa In a scheduled
10-round ronteet In Toronto Wednes
day night unless there is an el*x*n*h
hour postponement.
This bunt virtually will prepare
Villa for a battle with Genaro, who
Is the most worthy foe for the
champion, and who has signed up
with Jimmy Johnston, New York
promoter, for a contest with Villa
as soon a* the open air season gets
under way and Is waiting anxiously
for Villa to accept terms.
According to British boglng crltl*-s
who know more about th* gam* than
any other sports writer* In Europe,
Aah la the best boxer sent to thl*
country sine* Jimmy Wilde mad* h!»
more or less euqeesaftjl Invasion of
th*e» ports some time ago snd end'd
up by losing to Villa. Wilde #** a
gr**> boxer, but he had slipped *orr>e
when he r.-n into tha Filipino and
was outpointed hv ■ wide margin
Wild* returned to England gnd
helped to t*arh Ash some of the flqf
points about the manly art In the
hope that the fl; weight title rould
he returned to that country. When
A«h was believed to ho ready for
an Invasion of Inlted Allies boxing
arenas, he was sent here. In HI*
Aral two start* In this country the
British mite has performed T*ry
creditably, winning each one In •
rather handy fashion.
Ash i performance ha* been or niKh
a nature ae tn Impress American fight
critic*, mho believe he mrl|| give Villa
a serious argument, although they do
not believe h» can beat the champion.
In th* Toronto engagement, which
haa been scheduled for Borne time,
the title la not at all likely to change
hand* It I* a nodecision contest
and, like mW small English boxers.
Ash !# a light hitter. He cannot be
expected to knock out a tough, fast
fellow Hk* Villa, who 1* a much
harder puncher than hi* adversary,
and Ash s only chanc# to get the
title I* to flatten Villa.
The A Ilia A»h bout Is itof the only
one on thht week's calendar of flsftc
entertainment* In this rountry thst
I* Interesting Harry Grek. middle,
weight champion, who would rather
light big men than those of hi* own
poundage, will meet Kid Norfolk, a
dusky warrior. In Boston for Id
ae**lon*. tlreb I* fast enough to
outpoint the negro, but Norfolk can
hll hard enough to cause tireh some
trouble should he manage to plant
one of hkt rights against the chin
nr mldsertlnn of the middleweight
king. No title will be at stake a*
Norfolk couldn't make fhe middle
weight limll If he would ruf off one
Thu Is hut one of two bout* ir
Boston this week Jock Ma!on». mid
dleoelght champion contender erlll
meet Hu* e Rafner for 11 round#
Ratner h»# fought Malor* before and
alwav * has finished eecond. but elcse
enough to make it a highly interest
Ing sntsrtainment, On on# occasion
neithsr ore showed enough to enter
tain th* r*f*r** and they w*r* or
dered out of th* ring, hut that 1# only
one*. Th* other* hav* been all right.
Motlrrn Football Plant
l« Vital Nffd at Brown
Providence, It, I , April 11,—With
work wn th* new Brown athletic
Held, with It* foui baseball diamonds
snd It* si* gridiron* for fnothsll, of
fering ample opportunity for general
sludent preparation, about to begin.
Brown men end friend# and follow
er* of Brown In Providence and else
where are asking more Insistently
than ever;
When will Brown have a modern
fen*ball plant’
t*f the need of such * plant ther*
appear* tie doubt Brown men them
selves «*v th»t Blown It not **rv(ng
other Meelf or the public with the
present football facilities
In north, elevator hoy* are given
discarded suits by wealthy apart
ment dwellers Then they gw sooth
and buy new one* for impoverished
itiii • » ni*ii-l I IS I I %».| I
final t rum MUnllH|t
W t* f*f*
A*hn#it1*>r Kt*«irtc Hark# .*14 |i $4$
A T Thoni|«#i«4 ,,.*,. 44 IT 44:
Xo4* V'.MinM A M«m<.ii .... 1* || .43 ?
Ilf>«*maa • ...... 4* 41 4t4
V> Krn«#» ... |4 41
A fewM*0 rinanara ... 41 It*
AtanUrA i til ilifla 14 44 4|1
Juliet N Holt Mi*fi«*» N •
Put-> ««'« t> ’4 4* 414
Hartli. *• *1 M t '■ I
ln«4i% i4ual lwi*«r*
T 114
n«ff m
,1» *-,#•«■>« !«|
fuaiM l«t
V Ts.-mj-w* ..ill
■I'* Tfc.%mr**vi ,|M
Pi » *
• r