Realty Active During Week; Transfers Total $250,000 for Six Days Southern Type Home Offers New i IHpiis to ()wncr> t*rmr.Hil*lianl • oitipatn M«*. itipiM \Hrarli\r Onr Story Itiiopaloo lo Supply rVwaitil. Wnh ih* Inmaatn* d*m*mt for tioin** of itutini'tlv* typra Ih-odln* Hi* mark*t, Orwv*-Hibbard a •'«. Ii»v# |hp|w*»pi1 plnn* fur * hWM that I* both oriRtnnl R«e used as a sleep ing porch. • A passage to the kitchen opens from the dining room. FrtWn this passage opens the breakfast nook. Along one side of the corridor, or hallway, la a cabinet for dishes. This Is designed to appeal to the house wife who hss realized that gtcps must be saved In a home. Kltehen Is Compact. The kitchen Itself Is well planned. It Is compact In every detail. Am ple cabinet space has been provided and well planned windows Insure s maximum of ventilation. The wln pM^s*’s also make the room exception ally light and make the use of ar tificial light unnecessary except on the shortest days of winter. Entrance to the bedrooms Is gained from the dining room. A hallway connects the two rooms, one of which Is in the front corner of the house and the other In the hack. The lailh opens from this hall and Is lietween the two rooms. Kxoeptkmally large windows havn been planned for the imam. The en tire house may lie easily ventilated in summer and as easily heated In Ihs winter. While the entire plan of the house Is to have a place that Is compact It, st the some lime, provides a very agreeable spaceotianess. titrate HuBt Apart From Home. The garage Is not built Into the house Itself hut Is s so pirate build ing. It la easily accessible, however, even In winter. The driveway Is so planned that It Is but a step from the back door of the house along the 1 drive to the front doer of the garage. All In all the plan of the house supplies a long felt wart of 'he home seeker. It Is the sort of place that the average person dreams of. IMPROVED STEELS SHOWN BY HUPP Tn the educational Hupmobtl* parts display, now being shown by Its dis tributor* and dealer* to motorists throughout the country. Is Illustrated the sweeping improvements, the au tomobile Industry has contributed to ward better steels. The Industry chief ly responsible for the high grad* nickel, chrome, molybdenum nnd other steel alloys now extensively *-*»d In the better motor cars, as well as In other fine machinery. “A parts board takes th* mystery, out of the motor csr," says O. Hutchison, general sales manager of the Hupp Motor Car corporation. “It gives you th# facta that count. Huying a ear with knowledge of what la In It, is the sound, businesslike way. >nd finding out whut I* In these vital parts is a libera! education In what wake* wotor car value. The whole question of price and value, money’s worth and satisfaction. Is bound up In thes* immensely Impnit aot exhibits.'' McGiiigan Join* Kcalty Sale* Department William Mrf»re. One srrvlcs station dealer wrote r* utplainln* that the last /three he had j disappeared, and asked for another to be i.i baled "poison." Cheerful Southern Home Real Estate Sales Show an Increase Dundee and North Side Dis trict* Show Greatest Amount of $250,000 Business. Activity In real estate in almost every section of Omaha wa* brink last week. The Dundee district and the North Side showed the greatest signs of the approach of the annual spring rush. The total amount of money In volved In the transfers will amount to iipproxlmately $210,000. As recorded the transfers are: i KNTK VI.. A .1. ftOilaetf-r lit .Vari* Flannery, 7D Smith Thirtieth wttert. |r, :*&4i. M-irfh* (lalnea to !•:. It Ptfflff, north \V0H ct,rn**r I'nrk avenue and I,«'»wn worth "t lntNh tpnrtmftt*,'* lin.eeu K P. Itenl to a, .1 srtilueior, III avail* Thirtieth »tr*et, |6,2Si. m Mii.r Fannie Tea a mi or f«» tamiore Hwartl, 4f2f> 'apMol »v*n«*', Klllth H Kirhpw ink to r'hrlatine F fi tea. north weal cornei Fif* y-ind t tidfi >%<•<.•! ivantia, I4.IHI0. T .1 S'hrnldt to Helm (Inland. Flfiy n*ih between Jackson ami Howard $7,3 00. H tf. Harrett to Halim* \f Kwoll. Ill Smith Ifnpny Hollow Isoulevi nl, $7,200 K, H. Hum* to .feaal* K, ban'alter, 144 North FJrtv-nintll wtr**et. $4.eon. Until* Sloe hi r ir t«» II It. f.lnyd, aouth eaaf i «rn*r Fort) righlli and Vamain Mi iff* a. f|«J. 500 Verona I'e terpen to A F Johnaon, aoii i h*-fix t cor re** Pa-npiot and Happy H allow bAHltvard, F 4*. 11 ora re k » Co., to Zorah W. flarey, 6117 Nichole a meet, 914,600. MM TM OM %ll %. Pathna A, Murph/ to .1. .1. Fl-*nac. «’.J'fO Mouth Twenty third atraat, 14,00*. K .1. Narnao ft» W I,. Browning, Thlr t**nth batnr<*#»n I* and o. iintr.i, $4 loo Anna B. Kionk* to (itortr Itrtvi, *410 Mouth Mlxtaanth air**♦, 14.700 K«.n*t»nfz to John WirfbiM. 4522-21 Mouth Twanty-aizth afr****», $5,000 IMNHIOM PARK. B X. Hob*rfaon to Krnllln* Peak#, 2117 Hoot h Thirli fourth rtrcat. $4,500 William Mkoicirian to William HlOltly, 1619-12 14-10 Park a vino*, $28,000 Mt. P*tar» church to c. <» Mhalburg. north***!. rornar Thirty-*** and and Pacific atraat a, $4,ono NORTH MJIIK. P 7. Johnaon to M K. Ih^rwin, 6205 North Tw*nty-*lfth avanua. $0,000. P. f. Johnaoo ’ o M K. P*ar«dn, 2*20 K|or*r»ro Anno M M* Hnd|*r t*» Kill Wtrahbo, 246? Pamdon arantia. $0,160 Abraham ?tivld*mi to M«mt»a| Gold war#, 220* Hurdalt* afr«>*t. 14 0 Jlin# F. W*a'*rg#rd »*» W. 7, Morton, Jr, 1*03 Pratt afroat. $-.,§9J J J Nalarm to B*f*ha M K»tk. *414 N«**th T-yant-, •tfchth av*nu*. $4,3f'ft Mit.m HarM*oo to G*orga ff«to*on, S2?4 North T'wantv nltPh atr*af, $4,75* Prudanc# It***-** to Murah I B**rnan, nortw*at aorn*r Ttrri!|f-fl(|h»li avcnu* and Nona *‘ra*t, $17,9*0 If A. Tul**y to f». If, Courlnay, 2*95 Hurt wiraot. It,’.©*. T. K. Huff t i Aiifuat Fink*. 2(94 fim* da», av*nu*. $4 CO# If. If ll»tp«*r to Al»*find«r Wllhalm. 2$<»7 North Tw*nt * a*%» nfh *tra*t, $4.2#o fuaiina K Fink* to Han la min Cohan, I "of and 1712 North Twa»l> a-«*uth rt raat, $6099 MlT'i H. O 17 Fahranbuch to foal# Mt .fiarr.all ?4.'4 Haliavua boulavard, $4 409. Hoi* Alarrtis to Mat r opolitar, Mrllftlaa Jlatrlcf, 1*22 h Jwao’iath atraat, 17.269. NORTH WMT, B A Oifvcf t*» Ifomar \Vh*« 1*r, 1102 • ottli Forty a*v*r«fh a»anu*. $7 "00 Tlena Ati'lmn.n t*» f.oUto Adl*r, 2(01 Ko¥vl*r av*n •*, *0,309 Multi* c ci«’v t<» K*uh*n Mnrril, 0l?3 North Thlrtf third avert*9* $'.,400 M.'nl ara Mr.rtw?-*- I,n i*i mupanv to fta'fh McCoy, 402 1 l.a*.tnora avanua, M.oon. HKMIM rtHli. V. I,. IfnJI* n<1 M < rant * off, 1414 tfawthorn* *vnnif, $7.#or». !, K Wet*or> to .Uromu Flynn, I4;*l fpllfornlA afranf, 17 M»'> I If *» oRfunn to Itulh Ifarpar, 1921 Ifa/nllron tfrc'-t, |t,oot. Mil rill %*T. T.oijU Cohn lo V. ’ll. hi If i ffk a, 2411 South Ninth eli«'*•!, It M»<* Moan Tlbal to Hut hr u» If Martin, IX-6 Foiith Klfhth atmet, If.'iwu. niN4t IlM. Merraret M iffeo to tJ H Pi»r*7. Slety ana l -J«* •tr*att, 912.630 ri/OKi mi:. M T2 Hereklr.d to T J* HerekfhS, 1806 North Thirtieth etreei I6,900 nftrrJSvi'it. Ellen A. PhPerd to Temple M F*ydef», Flft) -*i*rh *o I (I in ti 1 a Kir# < inli i n t ili i a for navmi ynnr», II* I* *»|n rl*»n**i| In nil lln«‘» nf H*nl Valuta nml Inam a nr*. Lui(ls<'ii|M' Vlen Set Out Trees in Aquila Court Pools ami Water Plants W ill He a Feature of Uniqile Business Block. Trees and shrubs to the number of 7M were set out last week In Aquila Court yard. Tha planting In | eluded a number of fir. pine, spruce, cedar and poplar trees. The plant ing whs done by A. I lodge, local landscape gardener, and Was under direction of Raymond C. Cooke, one of the owner* of the building. Following are the different kinds of trees and shruba that were planted and the number of each: Thirty Flat k lull's spruce trees, 10 Douglas fir trees, r. Ilalantn fir trees, 10 pine trees, 10 Colorado green sprue? trees, fi Initl pin* spruce trees, 2.’ mugho pine spruce trees, 10 hemlock trees, 10 r<*d cedar trees, 2 poplar lombard I trees, I poplar holla it a trees. 3 Roster's blue apruce trees. Si arbor vitae, American mossed: i arbor vitae, 2 arbor vitae, oriental. 5 Swedish Juniper. 4 Irish Junl|ier, J Savin Junl|>er. .10 june|ieruR canaden ala, 2j bamboo, 50 amitelupsig veltehel, 4 clematis punlculata, 200 vinca major, 2!> water llllies, SO Japanese Iris, 50 water hyacinths, 150 assorted perennials. Paul Kruger, a landacapq mason of Chicago is putting on the finish ing touches to the courtyard paving and Is building some foundations for ornamental equipment «f the pools. Marry Binder, Omaha electrical con tractor, Is Installing wiring for the pools snd over thq bridges. Kwln (4. Jewell, manager of the building, says new leases are being signed eveiy weak for stores and of fices. One of tlist stores rented Iasi week at 1617 Howard street, will be known as the "Marylielle Shoppe and will be operated by Mary A Kreb* and Belle Hatch, gowns and wra pa. MISSIONARY FROM LAPLAND TO TALK! Andrew Wangberg, who bn* In ho red fur SO year* in Norwegian Lapland, tha inoat northerly mission fl»ld In the world told the story of hi* experi ence* last night In Goapel hall, Forty fifth and Hamilton, lla ha* a roller tlon of stereoptlron slides, Illustrating the life of the Lapp* and hi* own thrilling Journey* by reindeer. These I travelogue* are free. ^ork SlarlHon Twinriilues Vw % Omaha \<| nf the atnhdlhg of the dl* trlut, avers* effort ia being to*dn to I hi »ntIfv the place lof**re any of the lota ate Mold, Harry Wolf# declared Tt eea are lfeing planted along all i»f the Mr^eta and a aunken gardan la being built down the center of the boulevard. Twin ridges, ns the addition Is In be known, Is to contain 101 lots. These lots am lo hotvery reasonably priced, Mr. Wolfe declared, and will furnish Ideal home sites fur anyone. "It seems to me that the time of the expensive home is almost gone," Mr. Wolfe said. "People want small homps that are not eery extensive. 1 think the most popular priced home is from ft 500 to $6,500, "This Is the idea I hat we had In1 mind when we platted this pew ad dition. We had a wonderful sale of the Infs in our Standard Place ad dition and, since this adjoins that tract, we expect to do even lietter. "The Bale of lots Is not to begin until dune j.'' The addition Is exceptionally well located. It Is far enough out to be well away from the traffic of down town Omaha and yet Is close enough In to be desirable. The Lincoln high way, Douglas county’s greatest thoroughfare, Is on one side and the Field club on the other. The boule vard will connect the two places and furnishes sn added attraction to tic motorist. COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER NAMED Jtr W. If. Wray Hoyle, pastor of tli* Central T'reabyterlan church of I reaver, will he principal speaker, of the commencement of the Omaha Presbyterian Theological seminary at the First Presbyterian church Thur* day eienlng, April 24. At # the same evening tlvro will be held an Omaha seminary hamjuet In the church. Rev. Albert B. Marshall, former president of the seminary, will preside. There will be after dinner spec, lie* by prominent out of town and Omaha men. TRE ORA SERVICE ON GOOD FRIDAY A Tre Ora service will be held from noon to S In Ht. Pecllla cathedral on flood Friday. Rev. Robert Tail mage. 8. J , will preach the sermon. Special holy week services will fa* belli also Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings this week. At II this morning ther* will he the Palm Hunday ceremonies of bless ing of the palms. Holier Captain’* Wife III. Mri. Minnw Thorp#, wlf# of I*<* lie# captain !?#rt Thorp#, 1* quit# 111 at Nicholas H«*nn hospital. No vlsl tors ar* pcrmllN. Mrs. Thorp# Is Brunei tr#r«#ur**r for Nebraska for th« lVcr## of Honor. =BLUE> GRASS SEED Harden and Lawn Fertilizer*; Annual and Hardy Perennial Plant*; Summer Flowering Bulb*; A*paragu*; Rhubarb Root*. SEEDS AND PLANTS THAT GROW; RULBS THAT BLOOM NEED ANY? THE NEBRASKA SEED CO. Corner ISlh and Howard AT 173ft _ _____ .ft Updike i Are You Planning a New Home or Some Improvements? Let Us Assist You We can refer you to reliable con tractors and aid you in many other ways.' It It Our Butinett to Serve Yov UPDIKE LUMBER & COAL CO. 4500 Dodge Street WA Inut 0300 Youths After Carden Context Prize When II. Iliirnliaui drove one of the garden contest prile pontes around to the sellouts In show the contestants what their prlte looked like, three hoys, students of the llundee school, lett home at unce. They are t'lnreuee William Dodds, #S1 North Fiftieth street, driv ing; William ,1. W aldmamt, B#S9 California street. In the middle, and Charles Nelson. SOU I uilerwood avenue, right. The hoys were having their Caster vacation at the time. There were no lessons to hinder them and when they s*w the pony all liilrlied lip lo pretty buggy they wanted to go for a drive. Strangely the pony behaved excellently, while tile hoys drove him about the streets of Dundee. They enjoyed the ride so much that they almost forgot to return to their homes for limeh, and that is a grave ovesight on the part of a young hoy. r1 "" > Chewing Guru 'Trail, Due to V o u t li s’ Generosity, Proves Their l ruining _/ The generosity of leo and Albert wax their muliiing. I(elective Munch and Itvan ar rested l.en Tohln, hi, 2611 < apitol avenue, and Mbrrt lining, 16, 1617 Mouth Tihirty-flrst street, and turn ed them over to Juvenile officer*. Two ilay* ago the establishment of A. K. Ilenson, 111 Siulh Twenty, eighth street, was broken into ai'd several thousand i hewing gum hall* were stolen. The sleuth* took the trail and on Twenty seventh and Tome ill street* found a hunch of small hoy*, some chewing the bristhlv-roln; ed balls and other* ploying came* of marbles with them. Two boys, they said, gave them the ball*. They *a)d the box* went west. Westward then proceeded the de tectives. In the next blink they found more boys, amply supplied with chewing gum ball*. The cticwlng gum ball trail led west and still west until the sleuths found Some boy* who were acquaint ed with the purveyors of the chew ing Klim balls. \crest follow ed quickly. SHERWOOD EDDY SPEAKS IN OMAHA1 Sherwood Kddy. Je< turer, and I'auI Blanchard, rwtary of the League for Industrial !kfnm racy, speaker* at a lum hwin of M |>eraona held «t the Y. W, C. A. Saturday no«|p Those present InchMl *d a group of 2$ student* from the t'Diversity of Omaha and 12 from the ('Diversity of Nebraska College of .Medicine, the other being citizen* of Omaha Interested In the work of Mr Kddy. Mr. Kddy and Mr. came to Omaha from Lincoln, where they have hern conducting a aeries of meeting* for student* this wok un der the auspices of the university. Stoc k JVrish in Burn. Wyniore, Neb., April 12-—Fire early Friday morning destroyed a barn, burned 10 cons, 2 calves. 4 hourses, ft few tool* and a supply of feed and bay on the Robert Humphrey* farm, five miles northwest of Wytnore, and caused a total loss estimated at over 14,000. Plant Now The planting season is short. Now is the time. Make your selections at our sales ground, 20th and Dodge. Nebraska grown stock. In business here : 37 years. — C. E. BALDWIN. Mgr. HA 3299 or AT 9174 Tornado Insurance L. J. Good*!! HAMILTON & CO. 303-4 Neville Block . JA ckson 0687 V I-ARM I .AND STILL I AT GOOD FKiURI ftf ftitu *-«»*#I«**»# M %9 jt ta»M |M |*iwi iN tiwA linilf ** i|n*4 pt t>#t l<4 flf Mitt f»♦* rf IH# M)H IftM W**4r til *f W#*r I VAWf It \%* • Kfk, ||M }# r n* f ** w cmiWljf Wit Nt) for lit «Ml. i t • III |*»*f itff a If»ifii fum wttf Uh||i S>b , Win #• ) I fi*f |llt |»t t •«rw A 2«f *fff fitm wtwr Kwwt'tHt, !• , «ti #«•}«! fi#i ilvw tkri* t timfUr MNt Ml |flM fw • ?«|Mt film n %r IfcdltnW Id* A r*fw»if frwtw !iwb HI MU, I a ihnwt .l a I It trrw fttwi • illnpr f»*» t«4*» |h»j irr# a flrttw tU* iVwt#r *tli«'«lrjiI l)i«lrirt lluar4i " trr Ar*lira Trrr a»4 Ra»M R P*a»f Baram • 1 rlu> r»w • •**1 rnl! CHAMPION IRON A WIRE WORKS IVk aa4 Jarkaaa limn J. j. m44t. Pnf, __ Real Estate, and Real Estate Alone, Is Absolutely SAFE! Whether it’s a Home, a lot, a piece of investment property, or a farm if you own it you've got something, and there's no argu ment about it. No man is really safe and secure financially, regardless of his wealth or salary, unless he owns Rea] Estate. Nothing can happen to his Real Estate. It’s always “there,” and it is always worth money. There are thousands of men in Omaha who are independent be cause they own some Omaha Real Estate. The best kind of Real Estate, of course, is the HOME. Home financing has been made so convenient in Omaha, that any family can Own a Home, and stop that never ending drain on finances and morale, known as ,(rent payment OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD Consult a Realtor / #