The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 13, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 10-A, Image 10

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    M<*\<loo KiNIiIs
in Ndiraskn
I *<isl» "t| I \ n|i » hi (* »'♦ l*r»■«
chli l*| Mn mi I*
Hi \*mm iihil Ihh
AN f| M Ail m « n f <1N im M*
•m»ns N*P« *eks A*»m« rat* who a*
ItmiHd Otalr pteferrmw aa In Hi*
(Will • pi f aidant 1*1 nominee In laal
Tu*ab) • primal v. *. cording In avail
able return* an dettn’cratlc preetdew
ml preference.
In ill pru lm i*. i « pi*>•' tiling a
fan mtm Mian nn* thhd of theatate*
doling 41*1 Met a, M<-Adon had polled
f.114 vcd**, while hi* cloarst rotnpetp
lor w«* On\*mor Bryan of Nebraska
with S»7 vote*.
Third an* W .1 Bryan, a favnrll*
non nl democratlo conventions of by
gone gear# and a brother of the gov
ernor. Ilo Irid 3*'* i»|*s. two innra
than Henry Kord. Governin’ Al
Smith of New York «m flfili with
There were no candidate* for the
democratic presidential nomination nn
lh* Nebraakn ballots, hut a Una waa
left blank on which democrat* were
permitted to write In the names of
their favorite*.
This arrangement resulted In a
range of names an widespread that
accurate compilation of the vote waa
not poaslble and a majority of demo
cratic voters did not bother to signify
any preference. Inasmuch ns the re
sult Is not binding on delegates to the
democratic national convention.
Senator Walsh of Montana and
Senator Underwood of Alabama had
a few vote* here and there.
It Is believed that when all the of
ficial returns are In less than 1,000
precincts will show any record on
democratic presidential preference.
The state's delegates to the New York
democratic convention are expected
to cast a complimentary vote for Gov
ernor Bryan as the party nominee for
president, and their course thereafter
will he guided by Individual prefer
IbUIB BI,OOt>. By Owen Johnson. J.lttie.
Brown Ar Co.
This new novel by Mr. Johnson con
corns Itself with tribulations of the
daughter of an old. wealthy and aris
tocratic American family, who on two
occasions sacrifices herself and her
desires to save Um.wvninfc'i fortunes
of her father. 1 tier willingness to
make these sacrifices is due to her
love for her fathei* and her family
l>rlde, a pride which finds expression
in her every thought and action.
In "Blue Blood" Mr. Johnson has
accomplished itwo things: First, In
npenlr-? of the novel, he has in a
rather masterly fashion portray’d the
widely different viewpoints of a star
reporter and a writer of society news,
both of whom call on the heroine’s
father at his palatial home on the
eve of what seems certain to be his
financial downfall; second., he has
brought the story to a novel and, of
course, a satisfying rllmax which on
lirely repays the reader for his of.
forts.—J. T. A.
TUB FOrtEBT OT ANT, By Adrien be
Corbeeu, ltsrper * Bros.
The story of the growth and life of
a great Sequoia In tho California for
ests from the time the roving winds
hurled the seed until 7,000 years laler,
when other winds hurled the giant
tree back to the earth from which It
sprung. A little book, but worthy of
considerable attention, not only be
cause of the charming manner In
which the author haa told the story,
hut also because the story has a pro
foundly philosophical healing on all
life.—J. T. A.
“THE HAT ONES'* by Char!** Ifnnaon
Town*. The Ontury company.
A smart novel about smart people
la this one, and Mr. Town© write*
Scotch Miner to Move From Humble Hut to Royal Palace
as Lord Hit(h Commissioner ol Church of Scotland
I tr*l Tim* Offlr# Hold Id
IMlirr Ihm Prft( l» ?*«*
«|g|i*t Mrttiltrr nl
I.eeAcS, AptU It When K-%
pytM trel* 'lM tee It u Nil th*
lulnm stamp the man* the |n»i|
tup *' Itml ,* he tfttl'l n»t hate heett
thinking id Jamie Brawa, Vet Jamie
Br««h I* the latent Beoltleh twmpll
fieatlnn of th« Ik idlleh hard a Im
mortal pronouncement,
Jamie, aha la a km lallM member nf
petllamenl and who ha* worked for
30 year* Ih the mines of Ayrshire
ha* Just got himself a Job that for 343
year* has been held rgrluslvety hv
met! of rank and title. He has been
appointed lord high commissioner to
(bo church of Scotland, an appoint
no nl hitherto given only to a peer.
Hereafter, so long «* be holds the
Job, JriiiIo will be known aa "his
grace." Mr*. Brown, who was a mill
girl when Jamie married her 32 yearN
ago, will bo "her grace "
Ever since Jamie and Mr* Jaml*
were married they have lived In a
miner’s cottaga In Annliants. con
taining two rooms and a kitchen.
The rent for this house Is $30 per
To IJve in Talafc.
But now Jamla end bis "missus'
are going to live In Holyrood palace,
at Edinburgh, the storied home of the
Stuarts and the official residence of
the king of England when he visits
the Scottish capital. He Is going to
get $10,000 a year salary on hla new
A* lord high commissioner to the
church of Scotland, Jamie Is really
the proxy of the klnp. He Is entitled
to royal salutes, holds levees just
like the klnp nnd rides In the state
coach, with an escort of soldiers.
When he is about the duties of the
job he is paid all the honors of roy
The duties of the Job consist chiefly
of presldinp at the annual sessions
of the church of Scotland. These
sessions are held once a year and
last a. fortnipht. It is during this
period that "bis pracc" and "her
prace ' will occupy the state apart
ments at Holyrood.
His grace” is not a bit alarmed
over the task of filling the shoe* worn
by Illustrious peers since 1#4J. "Her
grace Is not flustered because she
is going to dwell In the castle of the
Stuarts. They are both anxious to
get It over with so they can return
to their $50 ay par cottage,
“I shall hold levees ns representa
tive nf the king and shall ride In the
state coarh,” "his grace” said. "Then
at the end I shall return to my cot
tagw. the dearest plate on earth to
me' Ml be Just Jatnle Brown, as
I’ve always been.
To rpholif Tradition.
".lust because s socialist and the
tenant of a miner's cottage hss been
given the office does not mean that
the old dignities anrl traditions will
lie departed from. I'm going to sliowr
Scotland—and Hnglnnd as well—that
a socialist and a miner can do things
properly and maintain the historic
"Of course. I'm tremendously proud
that T've l>ern chosen, but It will
Alxnrt: • HOfM&jOOL> PAI/ACJ’ Centre PPEfERT MO>CE- 1
|av&»' KPi? fJAMC:? ^■ap^rN 'ti^rvr.KLy^ j/iyqr.-f wa*/xi
The present humble dwelling of "Jamie” llrown, tlxmn here with Mr*.
Brown framed in the doorway, i* a typical miner'* cottage, for whiili be
pay* *50 a year rental.
Magnificent "Holyrood palace” i* where the labor M I’, from South
Ayrahir* will make hi* home in Kngland.
make no different * In my mod* of
living. The hmne In the mining vil
las* »;i< good enough for me to take
my bride to 32 year* ago, and it -
good enough for u* now "
"Her grain" admit* that the new*
of the a|i|inlritn>ont dl*minrei led her
u bit when *he first heard It.
"I ga*pe(| when my huahand told
me,” *h« Haiti, "but I think well
manage, all right. I'm a very proud
woman, and this will I,a >n et'ent In
our live*. I'm doing nothing at all
to pi * i in ip mvself until Jamie eou:e»
home, hut he saya thl* is the dearest
place In the world to him, and bell
come bin 1. to it and live here as
happily ns ever when he c nil get
away from Ilolyrood W'e have been
very happy together, and I give
,I.imle all ttie- credit for making out
marriage a sun-ess."
of hi* wealthy and Idle character* *nd
of their luxurious environment In a
most authoritative manner. Wisely
enough, he has used the great war
only ns a means of finding happiness
for hi* principal male character and
as a mean* of revealing to that
character's very modern and very In
de|>endent wife just how selfish anil
hopeless her view of life has really
"The flay Ones" Is s book which
should prove entertnlnlng to a large
group of readers. There Is nothing
particularly new In the Utile lesson
conveyed by It, but fortunately there
Is nothing "preachy" In Mr. Towns'*
method of pointing out the mistakes
of Ills ease loving character*.—J. T. A.
Oil Mail Kraut] Probed.
TajArkfina, Ark., April II,—Several
stockholders in oil companies organ
ize I by Pat Marr are scheduled to
testify in the trial In federal court
of Marr and four codefcndant*
charged with using the malls to dc
fraud In connection with oil opera
ft. H. Calhoun of Victor. Colo., tea
tlfied yesterday he Invested $1,150
and received $1150 In dividends.
Mothers know a dost of
j| Will keep them fit
‘First Aid’ For Sick Children
THE experienced mother is not
alarmed when a child becomes
sir-k. She knows that most of the
ailments of childhood are trifling.
If it seems serious she calls a dor -
tor, but whether or not she calls
him she gives, first of all, a good
laxative medicine. The doctor
would advise that anyway. It
is his "first aid." Such experi
enced mothers as Mrs. Everett
«E. Hunt of Belzoni, Okla., who
has three children and npver
any sickness, and Mrs. E. B. Kuk
lenski of Prosser. Mash., always
give Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup IVpsin
at the first indication of sickness.
Such timely doses have saved
them much worry.
The Meaning of “Good”
All doctors agree that a thor
ough cleaning out of the bowels
is of first importance for it re
moves dangerous intestinal poi
sons. They will also advise a' good
laxative,’’and by”good”
trouble; salts, which comen
trafe the blood and dry up the
saliva. They consider Dr Cald
well's Syrup I’cpsin safe for all
ages as they know it is a simple
vegetable compound of Egyptian
senna with pepsin and agreeable
aromatics. The formula is on tbe
Give Laxative for Colds
Adults should have at least one
movement of the bowels every 24
hours, and children two or three.
Failure to have it means consti
pation. then headache, biliousness,
drowsiness, lark of appetite. (Jive
a dose of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin at bedtime, anti there will
lx; health and good feeling by
morning. A dose costs less than a
rent, and a bottle can la- had
at any drug store. Odds and
constipation come together, so it
you notice toughing or sneering
stop it at once with Syrup Pepsin.
they mean one that is
effective and yet, harm
less. They know that,
there are phvsirs that
never should he (riven
to children - calomel
which is mercury and
loosens the teeth; phe
nol|il*halein. a coal-tar
dru(? .hat causes skin
1_ -
•••••If You Want to Try It Fra# Brfort Buying'*****
*‘*yr«i|i Papain. ' !»I7 Washington $t.*
Mootirrlln, lilinoi*.
/ nerd ft good laratire and would Ilk* la proe* what
\ nn to / ahotil !>r ('aldn *U'i Syrup I’epitn by celuat Itil
Send me a fret trial bottlr Addren to
Same.. ...... *
Not mors than no*
Mayor Gets First Quart From New
Mechanical “Milk Man” of Omaha
Mayor •laim-s I>hIiIiiimi> fnkine lit**
flint Imlllc nf iiilllt from Ihr auto
nmlir mill- »iinlor that wan atarfi'il
Imliiy ill H ill Kiglilrrnlh mill Maplr
strretn liy >srnr \\ rnnti anil, owlirl*,
of tin* palrol rielil*.
\n imply liolIlr must la- Iiiimii:IiI
lo llir nlalioii, plainl In llu* ma
rhino with a illmr in llir moiu j slot
mill in a frw nrromln a full Imllli
iif mills Is III Hu- pl;lrr of Inc
'Ilie tender will he open!Ic<l fur
:n pi)1, ninlcr Hie unspires of Volley
View fill in of wlilrli If H. Iilissinon
is proprietor SI.ilions will lie plurril
nl v»■ ions points llirougln'iil Ilic
c'l). if Ilic first one is successful.
W omen nitil children Innl gathered
it Ilic Hi si 'lotion before Hie mills
• ’illicit Innl opi ncil
Th#* Nebraska Press a **« iatlmi t
will b«* h* I I In Omaha AlMPist
21, 22 and 23, It was dwld* d I i d iy
after an all day meeting of fti# dir#* j
tors and field seirHary if Hotel j
Conan! Invitation* v*i i • ron i#l# f <*«l |
»!*<• from Aurora and Crawford
About 32a Nebraska edllors and 17a
western Iowa editors am » \|s*‘ tid at
the meeting.
Plana wet# r|Ih# ti**cd for » Know j
Nebraska" w • • # to I*' • i C* • *i *!' • I
of the "Know Omaha'' week, held
lute recently
These editors were at tic board
%t*« Man* W>* ! « • < l |
MM#I pi * I.i(h-II ' ' h* hl H I » i
Vfr-n MhmocIh I Ion I <5 %i#1»*fi V *»# I# It" j
|Mihl Hn V|r* pirwitlml Ilf t . ,*.,f |.|i >, i . J
I IP I • ■ 1II I*. •**'#»« V , n ,i I 1 I ‘ I
HIM of ill. m»*«m Inflon; II I ’ O'if It IM
Old ijul* C It Kutlle I * . I» •
A c##rl*on, Aurara’♦ItepulilO M»i, It I*
rim y. I'm »»•»•«• I'lljf ItapuM • •*»«, r‘. *t
I ’ u ri «* 11, liroUi-ii How I'luif. I !’ t'l'iufy,
• ’li.rtl f.ianty HmtlllCttttt, *M*I •'
«*, Itui k of Harvard. flH'l malMO of
Hi* Mr In ask* Pres* nom l«H"U.
f'hurlh* Ti lrnhl«\ ae« ret try of the!
Ak Hardbri r.oe meeting*. received
word H Hildav morning from Till j
, .11 >!*%,•• f I t M < and Mre. < ’ j
I; Irwin i'Im * nmv \Vy*» . ownet* of
n bug* stable of horara, were Injured
In hi Hiltotnoblb* h< « id*‘nf mar the
Moutlnin ti < Sr l*'iidny aflrmoon,
According to flu- telegram, Mm. Ir
win rnelvrd a fia»fijre of the |rfl
arm nnd minor hrnlaea. Irwin ramped
with minor in jut bn.
Th** Irwin* were returning from the
Tii.KiaHa tare tinrl. when the <*«*«!
-lent «»**i lined.
I II*. Jrnk • In f JlirilgO.
fU\ ladw n lint ! link* wilt lm\i»
foi < Jim -u'm on April J i»» attend th*
in* tmg of the lioard of Natlminl Alla
• **11 llifi dmu'hti i. Mi Harold I
f'yatt find 11 in II *•*»»». Kohiif I'/igr, nf
Krouklvn. N. II, will meet hint in
i hicago nnd return to Omaha fur
several month** atay.
PnrkiTH (lontrnl
\ti Trrimil Jokr
Moat I Namitl Oku
Mi m t*i kill in \«liniiii»tra*
I lull u( I im •
Up I pliMtpl fclliip
IVaaltlftgOm, April II AdmWIa
I Ml l<>n of lb# paiket# and
,Mrol a<l under III# ftrpaHm#»lt ef
AfrtrallMM w#a denounced •• * j
"Joke" and '*lli*##l In a.-nt# r**p*<la'|
al Itnld) # ae#alnn »f Utr bona# until* j
mill** nW »*!**»»dll urn* ,v lh* A«il-|
Millura department Ir real'gattn# lb*j
•nfnrremeht of ihl* iwgillatory Ian
i ’tin Irma n I kin .rd I Kin#, pro
#r»tal v* republic*n. "f I lllnolr, a#
•ailed lh# actlvlilea of ilia department
a* a Joke in admlnli'erlna Ilia
John W. Hum*, a Ian per In lb*
aolldttnr# department of Die depot I
fnenl, testified a» In Ihe alleged II
le*al|i|r* of Ilia enforcement divlalon
t’halrtnnn King raid Ihal altlioiiah
Ih« packet* onteiiellilv nci# opposed
In the enactment of the law, they
actually wanted It and Immediately
undertook to aid In ltd adtnlnlatta
linn by obtaining the appointment of
men of their nwti aelectlon In the
imckern and atockyarda divlalon of
the Deportment of Agriculture. lfei
added that tha packer* are now ad
inlnlaterln# the law.
'•Murdering I-*w."
"They are murdering the law In
Its administration, an<l they pretty
nearly murdered the aecretary before
lie found nut what they were doing."
In connection with his charge of
megaliths In the enforcement of the
act, the official from the solicitor'*
department said:
"I hold Mr. Chester Merrill (as
sistant to the secretsry of agriculture
in charge of the packers and stock
yard* division) responsible for those
illegal practices." -»
Hums, whhw* tenure jn the depart
nient If not expected to last much
longer, in view of his attack on it,
told the committee he was ready to
resign last December because the con
ditions In the department were not as
they should be. At that time lie con
ferred with Secretary Wallace. The
witness went on with his testimony:
( itea Irregularities.
"If he had known about certain
things lieing done snd their con
vBuuenrcjs, he would not har e per
mitted them "
To illustrate, the witness said, de
partment auditors had found irreg
ularities in a South St Paul livestock
"If the account* showed the ship
pers had been robbed," he said, "it
was the duty of the secretary to give
them a hearing and handle the case
hirnself. The way It was done by
fine kind of hocus-pocus was that
the records were turned over to th*
livestock exchange Itself, with the
understanding that it should de
terrrdne the course of action to tie
100,000 IDLE
I/orul'in, April 12—A national l"ik
•.uf of shipyard employe*. Involving
i 00,000 men went Into effect early to
(lay. The dispute arose over wage*.
Special polire force* »re cuarillns the
dock* and warehouse* in the principal
Palm Sunday Music.
Number* from Dudley Buck'*. "The
Htory of the Cro.**," .vill lw* eiinjp at
the Central Intted Pre»by tei ian
church, Twenty fourth find Dodjre
street* l»y quartet and chorus choir
Palm Sunday.
M>U l(ll‘l Ml 'I
Good bye. sore feet, hiirnlng fed.
swollen ff t. twenty feel. smelling
feet, tired feet.
Goodbye, corns. callout**. bunions
and raw spots. inort shoe tight
ness, no mote limping with pain or
drawing tip your face in agony. Tlx ’
i« magical. hi is light off "Tit”
dinws out nil the poisonous exuda
tions wlihh puff lip the feet. I’sr
"Tlx’ and foiget your f**.it mlsny.
Ah* how comfortable your fed feel
<Jet jt box of 1 Tlz now at snv ding
hi cbp.irtment *1**1* U»nt stifTei •* gnn«i fe» t, glad feet, fed that
never swell, never hurt, never get
tired A yesi s foot comfort goat an
teed for a few cents.
News |
W I ■■ - -■ .Ml Ilf I
Nad I I'M)* Ml •>•4 Ml* tia ra*
l*t«|i* •*!• *Hi«tltlnM “I «** 1* r ki
INalr ahlMrrii iM *IMr nklUfM, th*
IIHMWII Ming lh*lr 1*1 h wadding kn
nlvatnary, Thar tart r**lit*d h*r*
f. r th* |»*t It mu
In*tala i Imn ruial rtnltil •nd
fir* |wi*tm**t*r* of IVahatar county
Ii*l4 U»*lr ijuartwly tnaatlng hat*. A
h*nqti*t wa* ■»tv*d *i ih* hot*).
nil*} -A *t>adal hoard nf r»pr*
••ntntlva* i f Virginia, Klllay, I,mi*
Inn and r*rab orchard, village* In
tHI* vicinity, It** b*«n anpolntad tn
i*< a|r* bid* fur lb* con*t rut cion of
ih* dlitrlhutlon gyit*m *nd *wtlch
leiard* and fur th* a*I* of bond*
nacanaary for th* aiaction of *l*etrle
lighting ayatam for tha town* In *■
inrtlnnia with rnrtil *l*cllon r**ul!»,
will'll give Ihn town* currant T. II
H*v*rag*. A, M. Irarmn and II. It.
Millar ar# on Ih* board.
Wymnra.—E. L«. Purdy, fomi*rly
wrlth th* Mom* Saving* and I»an at
■Delation of Baatrle# for *«v*ral
v*arn, had b**n appolnt*d **er*tary
for th# Wymor* Building and Idran
naaoclatlon, taking th* plac* mad*
vacant by th* reulgnatlon of Mr*. V.
D. Denarnor*.
Niobrara.—Arthur E. Barta of tval
nut ajid Mia* Anna Zoubek of Ver
del, were united In marriage her* by
Rev. Arthur E. Rarton. Th* ring
ceremony wa* need.
Niobrara.—Spring meeting of Nio
brara Presbytery will b* held in the
First Presbyterian church here
April 15 and Ifi.
Beatrice.—A tiny eon was born at
a hospital to Mr*. Van Henrhey of
this city. The babes father died
suddenly about 10 day* *go of heart
trouble following th# death of hi*
father a week before, who was also
stricken with heart failure.
Beatrice.—Funeral services for
Mr*. Charity Jog* w»re held a', the
family residence, conducted by Rev.
C. B. Hankins. Burial was In Ever
green Home cemetery. Mrs. Fogg
wa* a pioneer of Beatrice, her hue
band serving as mayor 30 year* ago.
Beatrice.—The Question of a munici
pal lighting plant, tha current to be
furnished by Black Bro*. Mill* cor
poration of this city, will be put up
to the voters of Beatrice May 13. It
I* proposed to purchase the current
at a wholesale price of 21* cent* a
kilowatt from the corporation. The
period of the contract to be entered
tot* (»«<*#** tM MtSpMf t# j
II (••••
It I ***** U' Mill tt |M« *. *■»
l*r*l iMmnil ««l * n ltutM «•* th*
ity«Mi*tR t|i-h*f In K *t t**va Mat*
>i to* | * *• !•**■»
two** M* *** *»4 r.o* t** "It i th'
l»f f
tt IWW* M,» twin | II
tttfa #f H M IfpMiti *>|< 4*. ••
•tied •( th* t)N#r ttuM* f • •* *4
ifinti Hti» * *• t f • iti ** »*« ImiI
It# ftwf*«tti. W ent (Mot et>4 Wlanet
and I 4eiifhiet i f juds* lie Mult nf
W**t NM, Th* fttn*r*l MM
•I tVvttmre B*t*tf4a|r, **4 the l*4r
fatten t# Wlatter fturday for MfM
f>»t»i«nt l**'ilght rMfiliett • **r«
the h<*tne nf K. J. Klnf«t«n, Krenunt
THur#4*r dm in# a ktlnf ah** in'* i4
th* family, *nd thowtitfhly i»n*« hr4
th* hnitfe taking shout IT in r»*h,
a wrtat tnat'h and other artlrle* nf
firm U ftrn* k l|i«h • .1 1 4ii »' s
team won unanimous drrlaton nf the
hills** in tb* 4*h*t* tilth Wftnr*
Mlsh school team, Th* teem eup
pmled th* efflrmat!i* nf ti* Imml
Station qu*stlon
IJnfMn.—Th« regents of the uni
remit>' accepted tha resignation of
Prof. R K. Howard of tha agrlcul
Mira! college, horticulture depart
ment, who wishes to go Into private
Tectmueh —Fred E Fay, II, plead
ed guilty to burglarizing tha Henry
Seharht garage of about $400 worth
of tires, and was sentenced to tha
penitentiary for thre* to seven jeers.
Broken Bow.—E R. Purchell, sen
ator from tha Twenty-third district on
tha democratic and nominee to the
same office In tha primary. Is also
the nominee on the republican ticket.
Friend* wrote In his name.
Aurora.—The annual convention of
the Fourth district of the gta’e Fed
eration of Women's Club* is to be
held here April 15 and Id. A pro
gram of speeches and music is ar
Ifumbolt.—Lieut. ErTold Ball, for
mer Humbolt boy, who haa re
cently been operating a passenger
airplane between Tegucigalpa, capi
tal of Honduras and tne city of San
Pedro. Sula, for an American Com
pany, returned here. He declared he
had received an offer of considerable
money If he would bomb the capi
tal during the revolution there.
tVymore.—The large barn on the
farm of R. H. Humphrey, near here,
was destroyed by fire. Four head of
horse*, ten cows and two calves were
burned to death. Total is esti
mated at 14,000 with only part of this
amount insured.
York,—Sheriff Peterson of York
county is in Lincoln today to confer
with Governor Bryan In regard to
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"Atn^rft^tipin m><! IM K K K ^
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tft* n) IhiiUr M *m44? ‘
l*i itaa of | i0 and !• waro announoad
by tha Kountaa I’ath irtatrVt Irm
firovamant ftlub for tb# b*#t kart
lawn* and yard* In tha dtatrlct dur
ing tha rlaanup oampaign at a marl
ing Friday night In l#ycaum hall,
Twaptyaoiond and la" l*t »traa!*
A raoolut Ion am ad'-ptad fop > h«
Uniform trimming of traa« a- 1 i
fomrultlaa appointad to taka a-apt
toward praarrvlng and baautlfylng
tha traaa Tha club m*»ta tha aaropg
Friday of aaoh month.
At 1716 Douglas St., three doors
east of Strand theater.
New special equipment for eye
examinations that assure best
possible results.
Our Special:
Bifocal Lenses, lenses only,
at .87.00
Glasses complete for near work
or reading .86.00
1716 Bonglas St. Ji. 1948.
“A chip off the old block”
EVERY packet of Ferry's Seeds comes
from a parent plant that has proved to
be ideal in every respect. By ideal we
mean that the parent plant is a purebred—
true to name and type.
Here is a relationship that every gardener
should keep in mind as he plans his garden.
It always pays to be sure about the ancestry
of the seeds you buy.
At our experimental gardens we watch
our plants. The history of every one is
known. Before going to seed, undesirables
and 'freaks" are weeded out. From only
those which are ideal are the seeds har
vested. Then, to make sure, we test these
seeds to see that they do run true to the
perfect type.
Such care as this on our part invites you
to buy Ferry’s purebred Seeds with faith
that they will produce in quantity and qual
ity. Ferry's purebred Seeds are on sale "at
the store around the corner."
II rile for Ferry's Sreil Inniinl. Il is full of
gtinb'n finis, del it nine before you plant.
D. M. FERRV & CO., Detroit, Mich.
San Francisco, Cal. Windsor. Ont.