The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 12, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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    Saturday=Pre-Easter Sales of Apparel and Accessories
Include Many Features That Will Bring Crowds of Shoppers to All Departments
25c Bag of Marbles 5c
Limit of Tun flag* to a Cuntomcr
Consisting of 10 glnMles and flO crockeries. Itegu- C _
lar 25c value; specially priced at, for Saturday, aJC
Basement Arcade
l—- 1 1 me ■' * ■ i -M- - J«.l. J'._li ■■ .. 1! 1 -U
Fine, Healthy Babe Chicks
t Specially Priced | A
i for Saturday, Each * vJV*
Saturday, on Our Second Floor, You May Buy
Tuxedo Dresses
As Offered in Vogue
Again the great outdoors begins to beckon invitingly and Tuxedo presents
a fitting array of fashionable models appropriate for women who w’ish to ex
press their individuality in costumes becoming to the newseason.
Inspiration gathered from Paris and the smart resorts where beauty rules
and styles originate.
Developed for discriminating American women by Tuxedo, a house whose
aim is the presentation of the artistry of quality and youthfulness in
dress, with values that are unsurpassed.
Collar and cuffs of fine hand
embroidered net are edyed with
Venise lace. Colors: White,
daffodil, navy, poudre blue, tan
and fcray. Sizes 14 to 40.
Price $29.50
Specially Priced
White collar and lucked vestce
are edged with fine plaiting and
white cording on pockets and
cuffs. Navy, black, poudre blue,
reindeer, gray and all white.
Sizes 14 to 44.
Trice $29.50
Suits and Coats Greet the Crisp Spring Days with a Warm Reception
For Sport-For Street
For Dress
Easter Coats
Specially Priced Saturday
Individualized models that inetrpret the ac
cepted mode with an originality in style, a
care in development that is most unusual at
this modest price.
Worth up to $55.00,
Saturday $39.75
The Brandeis Store Second Floor—West
The Neu)--The Smart
The Becoming
In the
Easter Suits
Specially Priced Saturday
For every type and taste are these newest
models. Straight in line, they perfect their
smartness by clever trims, slit backs, tight
sleeves and correct attention to details.
Specially Priced Saturday 39.75
The Brandeie Store—Second Floor—Woat
For Woman anti Miitfi
' Our Annual Fruit Tree Sale Saturday
We have a complete selection of hardy, strong local
stock, suited to this climate, and now is the time to
buy at these great price concessions:
Montmorency and Early 4,000 Yellow Transpar
Richmond cherry trees— •"*» Ben Davis, Early
4 A Harvest, Gano, Duchess
1 OC and Wealthy apple trees.
Pear, crab apple and ^ OC
plum trees— 1,000 Concord grapes—
_— m rn mm mm m W t 0 m ■
There is only a limited number of this grafted stock; so early
shopping is advised.
Th« Br«nJei» Store—Biwmtnl—W«»t
Saturday’s Drug Sale
Includes Special Prices on Soaps, Powders, Sundries
Service Castile, 2-lb. bar 39*
Packers' Liquid Tar Soap,
at 39*
Kirk’s Hardwator Soap, 7*
Palmolivo Shampoo, 29*
Cromo Oil Soap, 6#
Mary Gardoa Tale, 17*
Sempray Jovenay, 49*
Coty’s Face Powder, 79*
Stein’s Cold Croam, 44#
Bourjois Rouge, Ashes of
Rose, Mandarin, 55*
50c Milkweed Cream, 39*
Pinaud’s Lilae, SO*
Djer Kiss Double Compact,
at, 1.29
Dorin’s Rouge—All shades,
at, 35*
Fan Toi Bath Powder, 21*
50c Lysol, 37#
Fellen Syrup Hype, 83#
50c Listeriae, 39*
Listerine Toothpaste, 19*
Danderine, 24*
Bath Spray, 49#
Vantine Incense, 19*
Mascaro, 29*
Mineralava—Tubs, 33*
Pepsodant Tooth Pasta, 35#
60c Aubrey Sisters' Beauti
fier, 42*
Marrow’s Cuitcle Oil, 29*
60c Sempray Jovenay, special
at, 49*
1.000 Mavis Double Compact*
—Regularly sold at 1.60, In
gunmetal embossed case; pow
der and rouge; all shades, spe
cial Saturday at, SBf1
Limit 2 to a customer.
Vfiedburjr Soap, special, lBtf
Melrose Powder at, 39(^
Melrose Cream, special, 39^
50c Neet, special at, 35£
25c Hat Brite, special at 1 !»<*
1.00 Listarine, special at 79C
25^ Listerine Tooth Paste,
special at, lBtf
Rubber Sheeting, special at,
yard, 4Bc
Palm Olive Shaving Cream,
special at,
Rubber Gloves, all shades,
special at, IsB*'*
50c Non Spi, special at,
Asperin, genuine, special, doz.
at. 15*
Powder Puffs, special at B*
Tooth Brushes, special value
Pinaud's Lilac, m
Whit* Rabbit Easter Egg
Dyes, special, 3 1A.
packages for
For Lowest Prices
Ne. 3A Rase Camera—314*
r> 14 ; special, 12.98
Klick Camara — 216x414;
special, 1.B9
Hawk Eye Film Pack—2% x
314; special, 1.49
Browaie No. 2 Camera
Special, 2.SO
Photo Albums—Loose leaf:
special, 69c
Art Careers—Special at, 3
packages for 10c
Highest grade work. Quick*
est service. Work left be
fore 10 a. tn. Is ready 4:00
p. tn. of the same day.
Films are developed
free when prints are
Tko BraodaU Star*—Maia Floor—Woat
ffurrier's Semi a New
Back Lace Corset
For Medium Figures
This is a model which solves the
difficulty of keeping the lower part
of figure firm and rounded under
\ tight-fitting gowns, giving the per
\ feet contour which means youth
' and charm,
J This Style, No. 1^50, with the
all-rubber top is both fash
ionable and satisfactory and
is comfortably boned.
Special for Saturday at
The Brand*!* Stare—Third Floor
I Saturday •••Timely Savings on
Knitted Underthings
All Newest Springtime Styles
Union Suits,
One Day Only—
Made of extra fine quality cotton and
nainsook. They coma in the tipht and
loose knee styles; with bodice or band
tops; in rejrtilar and extra sixes; colors
are flesh or full bleach.
Women’s Glove Silk Vests,
ttloomers nnrt Step-ins
In plain or fancy stitch styles; made of
a wonderful quality (flove silk; In flesh,
orchid and honcydew. All sixes.
Regular 3.00 to 4.00 Values.
1.98 ^
The Brandeie Store
I inrd t Iimii l enter
Saturday-—Special Feature in A /~YAA
Easter Hats 1(J—
fiats of the Latest Mode for Easter Wear
New in line, in fabric, in trimming touches, in coloring are these
artistically designed, well-made Hats, bought at unusual price
concessions from several prominent makers.
Silks—Fabrics —Straws—Braids—Combinations
Trimmed wth Flowers, Ribbons, Embroideries, Ornaments—
In a Delightful Array of Colorings.
Remarkable Sale of New
Spring Hats
Hats for every occasion in the newest of materials, trims and colorings.
Tiw Brandeii 5tor*—Second Floor
for Newness
Georgette*, crepe de chine*,
lace knit, fiber silk, in plain
eportahades and fancy com
Speial Saturday
1.69 to 3.25
Monogram vestees
and Tom Boy collar
and cuff sets in linen
with colored bind
ings. Very special
Saturday 125
Specially Priced
Novelty Silk Meshes
A Urge aiaortment, with
combination colored French
dot*. In two big loti; »p»
cialljr priced.
49c md 98c yd.
Ready-to-Wear Veils
and veila for all kinds of
59c. 98c. 2.50
The Braedeia Stare—
Male Fleer—Nerth
Notion Sales
For Saturday
60c Kotos Sanitary Napkins
—Special at, par A O _
doten, Saturday, “OC
50c Vcnna Rubberised Sani
tary Aprons—In all OQ
colors; special at, OarC
Hair Net Special* 1
10c Fashion Silk Hair Nats y
—With elastie or
tied ends. 4 for «OC H
15c Vaaitlo Cray and Whko ||
Hair Nats— I
3 for i
15c Fashions!to Ham
The Braadel* Stoi
Main Floor—Soa
Fashion Combines Service and Beauty
Newest Easter Gloves
Specially Priced Saturday
Perrin's “CollinetteT and “Grisette” Styles
In one-clasp real Grenoble kid with the (mart perforated
double or flare cuff in black, brown, gray and beaver.
Saturday Priced 4.50
Kayser and Van Raalte Silk Gauntlets
Extra quality Milanese in clever novel combinations of gray,
pongee, heaver and mode.
Regular 3.50 Value* Saturday for 2.50 Pair.
Sixteen-Button Silk Gloves
A splendid quality tricot in gray cocoa, beige, black and white.
Very Special Saturday at 1.50 Pair.
Four Unusual 79c Glove Specials
Novelty suede fabric gauntlets, short silk glovee, long suede
fabric gloves, plain suede fabrie gauntlets.
Saturday for 79c.
The IraadaU Store—Main Floor
Saturday-”” A Rare Opportunity to Buy
Women’s Silk Hosiery
At Exceptional Reductions
Women's Chiffon
and Thread Silk
Reg Value 1JSS.
AH are full fash
shioncd and well re
inforced. Colors are
melon, n u d e, loji
c«abin, black, and
brown. In all sizes.
Saturday Only
for Then* l ow
Kayser, Onyx, Allen A,
Van Raalte Hosiery
1.95 Pa"
Regular 2J>0 Values
In chiffons, medium end heavy weights.
AH are full-fashioned and of" the host
quality. Colors are dawn, nude, gray,
brown, tan bark, black, airedale and nas
turtium. In all sires
Pure Thread Silk and
Chiffon Hosiery
AU are full fashioned; with fine lisle
tops. They come in dawn, nude, cameo,
airedale, tan bark, sand, moonlight and
All-Silk Chiffon*
and Chiffons with
Lisle Tops
1.59 Poir
Reg. Value 225
In all the lovely,
wanted spring shades
of sand. dawn, nude,
brown, airedale. gray
and the new nastur
tium shade.
All are full fash
Every One e
Remarkable Value