The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 12, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 16, Image 16

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    Support Fails Wheat Pit, Market Gives Way to Lower Close
. • . — '■ 1 " 1 . """ 1 """'"I " — - .
Com Acts Independently Strong !
'at Start, but Reacts With Others
I in k of ConfMpncA «n Buy*
in? Siilr Blantrtl for
Dfrliiif in Wheil,
Hr Tbiimmi Mil*.
Chicago. April II -Support failed
the wheel pit on th* huts* early to
day after th* market had responded
Melt to a broader export biiHlneaa and
gat* wav gradually to a lower rloae.
Corn acted Independently strong from
the outset, hut reacted with the lead
ing cereal and finished Irregularly.
Wheat closed unchanged to 1-Jc
lower, corn wan l-4e higher to K He
lower, oat* were 1-So lower to 1-tc
higher and t ye ruled unchanged to
I He lower.
The lack of confidence on the buy
ing side was probably the real reason
for the late decline In wheat, Back
spreading between Chlcngn and Win
nipeg, with the buying at this end,
checked the break during the final
minutes and brought about a flurry
at the close.
Short covering In corn was fairly
active early, hut the long holding*
were on lop on the hard spots and
late In the day prices dropped ab
ruptly only to recover at the last.
Cash corn was 1n better demand in
most markets. Vnfavorable weather
Indicated not only a lessening of re
ceipts, but also further delay In
planting of the new crop.
There was good buying of May
oats at times, but the reaction In
wheat unsettled this pit. The sup
port. came from houses that are cred
ited with being the hull leaders.
Bye dragged In n slow trade. This
grain Is “lifeless" and Is not af
fected by routine news.
Provisions were slow and easy.
Lard and ribs closed 3 1 2(jS5c lower.
Pit Notes.
Flattering crop new* from the
southwest appears to hate been ap
preciably offset at this time by the
complaints of spotted condition of the
plant east of the Mississippi. In Illi
nois and Indiana considerable wheat
ground has been plowed up. while
there has been of late damage re
ported as due to Hessian fly Infesta
tion. On the whole, the crop outlook
has been regarded as promising, but
the persistency with which the com
plaints come from nearby territories
seem to have exerted at least a
steadying Influence on the market.
Cash demand for wheat Is appar
ently better than the surface newa
would Indicate. They ara getting
considerably more money for good
wheat In the southwest than locally.
Reports from Kansas City today told
of a keen demand for grain of high
duality. The primary movement has
been negligible the last week and
stocks In the southwest and north
west have shown fairly liberal de
creases. i
Weather conditions In ths north
west were less favorable for tha fa
cilitation of seeding operations. How
ever, the season is slightly ahead of
schedule over most sections of the
northwest. In Canada there la said
to be * lack nf cash pressure. Ap
parently there la plenty of the Cane.
•Han grain •till held In strong hands,
lake navigation opening, according
to vessel tnen, will be later than ee
parted e few weeks hark.
Tha general belief prevalla In the
wheat trade that the market needs
aotno radical trading development to
get out nf the rut. I’rlcea awing up
and down within a narrow range and
adhere more closely to technical con
ditions than anything else. There la
a sound belief that bottom levels are
near, but there are few who will at
tempt to discount the future. The
elimination of legislative fear In the
grain market undeniably would go
far In bringing about the restoration
of that much needed confidence
among speculators.
a iuaiiaia a a ia .■ iina,,a .1..■ ,ati*n*< a a. a
Thousands Have Discovered
Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets
are a Harmless Substitute
^2)r. Edwards* Oliva Tablets—tha sub
stitute for calomel—are a mild but aure
laxative, and their effect on the liver la
aluiuat instantaneous. These Jittle olive
colored tablets are the result of Dr.
Edwards* determination not to treat liver
and bowel complaints with calomel.
The pleasant little tablets do the good
that calomel does, but have no bad after
effects. They don’t injure the teeth like
strong liquids or calomel. They take
bold of the trouble and quickly correct
It. Why curs the liver at the expense of
the teeth? Calomel sometimes plays
havoe with the gums. 80 do strong
> liquids. It is best not to take calomel.
Let Dr. Edwards* Olive Tablets take its
Headaches, "dullness" and that lasy
feeling come from constipation and a dis
ordered Jlver. Take Dr. Edwards' Olive
Tablets when you feel "logy" and "heavy."
rhey "clear" clouded brain and "perk up"
spirits, lfte and 80c.
Mrs. Oswald Benefited by
Taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound
Girardville, Pa.—“I took Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound be
lore my lass two
babies came. It
keeps me in per
fect health and I
am on my feet
fetting meals and
oing all my
housework until
an hour before the
baby is born. A
friend told me to
take it and I have
used ten bottles
sincel heard about
it. I recommend the Vegetable wm
pound whenever I can. J ust yesterday
a friend was telling me how miser
able she felt, and I said, ‘If you start
talcing Lydia E. Pinkham'a you will
feel mie.r Now she is taking it. ”—
Mrs. P. J. Oswald, Jr., 406 West
Ogden St, Girardville, Pa.
Mrs. Nicola Paluzzi Says
Mishawaka, Indiana. — “I took
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com
pound for weakness before my babies
were bom. I was weak and tired
out all the time and it helped me.
When 1 had inward inflammation the
doctor treated me, nut did not help
raa, so I tried Lydia E. Pinkham’a
Nanative Wash and it helped me at
once.” - Mrs- Nicola Paluz/J, 416
E broad* ay. Mishawaka, Indiana.
Narrow T rade in ('ash
Wheat Here Friday;
Corn Sells Ic Higher
Omaha, April II, IWI.
(ash wheat: There was a narrow
trade in easli wheat today, due
largely to the scarcity of desirable
milling wheat. A good demand
persists for the better character of
w heat. I .oral mills were In the
market and additional purchases
were made out of store. Receipts
were 12 cars.
Corn sold about Ir higher. Re
ceipts were somewhat lighter than
exported and a good demand pre
vailed throughout the session. Re
ceipts were 55 cars.
Oats were in good demand at %r
to \c higher. Receipts were 18
Rye and barley were quoted
nominally unchanged.
V No. 2. hard: 1 car, 99 l-2e.
No. 3, hard: 1 car, $1.11; 1 ear,
98c; 1 car, 97c; 1 ear, 98 l-2c.
No. 5, hard: 1 car, 91c.
Sample: 1 car, 9!r.
No. 3, mixed: 1 car. Durum, 93c.
No. 4, white: 1 car, 69c; I car,
68 l-2r.
Sample white: 1 car, 63c.
No. 3, yellow: 8 cars, 72 l-2c.
No. 4, yellow: 1 car, 71 l-2c; 2
cars, 71c.
No. 5, yellow: 2 cars, 70 l-2c; 1
car, 70e.
No. 6, yellow: 2 can, 60 l-2e.
Sample: 1 car, 68c.
No. 3, mixed: t car, 71c; S can,
69 l-2c; 1 car, 69c.
No. 4, mixed: 1 car, 69c; 8 can,
68 l-2c; 1 car, 68c.
No. 5, mixed: 8 can, 67c.
Sample mixed: 1 ear, 6$c; 1 car,
No. 3, white: 8 can, 4%; 6 can,
46 Me.
No, 4, white: 1 cor, 46 I Ac; 8 can;
46 l-4c.
Hard: 6 can No. 2, 6 can No. 8,
1 car No. 4, 1 car No. 5.
Mixed: 1 car No. 8, 1 car No. 4.
Total, 18 can.
Yellow: 18 can No. 8, IS can No.
4, 3 cars No. 5, 4 cars No. 6.
White: 12 can No. 8, 3 can No. 8.
Mixed: 21 cars No. 8, 16 can No.
4. 2 can No. 5, 4 can No. 6, 2
cars sample.
Total, 103 can.
White: 1 ear No. 2, 27 can No.
3, 12 can No. 4.
Total, 40 cars.
1 nr No. 3.
Total, 1 nr.
«iiaiiliiliit(ifii«iitiifii|i!liitii|.jijiif,i I.ifi.iuiiii! lilt
(Car lots.)
Receipts: Today. W'k Ago. Y’f Ago.
Wheat . 11 10 §0
Corn . ...66 63 13
Oat a . If It 12
Rye . .. 2
Barley .. 1 1
Wheat .r... 9 43 71
Corn .11 110 143
Oats .In 31 to
Rye . 1 .. 1
Barley . .. ••
( Bushels.)
Receipts: Today. Week Ago. Tear Ago.
Wheat . 320.000 330.000 S47.0OO
Corn . S94.000 370,000 tit,000
Oats . 601,000 312,000 106,000
Wheat . 119,000 621.000 117,000
Corn . 041.000 640.000 111,000
Cmta . 661,000 613,000 401.000
Bushels: Today. Year Ago.
Wheat and flour. 310.000 1,061,000
Corn ... 226,000
Oats . 62,000
Week Year
Carlots - 4* Today. Ago. Ago.
Wheat . 13 t 21
Corn .Ill II 11
oats . 62 47 49
Wheat . 21 21 ?•
Corn . 27 32 17
I Oat a . 6 7 11
(Wheat . 31 II II
Com . 73 21 11
Oata . 67 11 39
Minneapolis . 11 134 234
Duluth . 95 111
Winnipeg .....377 109 141
Hv Updike Grain Company. Atlantic 1311.
Art. I Open I High. I Low. I Close. I Yes.
M*y’ j 1.91*1 1.9J** 1.91V,| 1.91* 1 191*
July I 1.9, * | 1.04*1 1.93 | 1.93* 1.U3*
I 1.03*1 I 1 1 9?.%f 1.03*
Sop. | 1.04*! 1.94*! 1 04 I 1.04*1 1.04 *
I 1.04*1 I I I
By. I I I I I
May | <4* .44*1 .44* .44 I .44*
July I .47 I .«7*' .*«V .44 * i .46*
May ! .76*1 .77*! .74*1 .77 I .76*
I .77*1 I 1 I .76*
July J 7«*| .74*! .71 *1 .74*1 .74%
I .78%, ! I I .74*!
Rap. ! .74*'! .7414] .71*1 .74 *1 .74*
! .71*
Cut, I I I I
May ! .44*: .44* .44*! .44* .44*
July .44* J .44% .43* .43*1 43*
Sap ] .40%! .49* .40 .49 .44*
Lard i
May 110.90 !|0 90 J10.S7 110 17 110 93
July ,11.11 III.12 111.11 11 16
Riba l(!(f
May I 9 92 J 9 93 | t 77 I 9.77 J 9 90
July 110 07 110.07 110 06 (10 06 [10.10
f lilrago (train.
Chicago. April It Wheat-No. 1 hard.
II oil* . No 2 hard. |l ojl*
Corn—No. 3 mined, 77077Hr; No. 2
yellow, 79 »*r.
Ogt* No. 2 white, 49 0 60c; No. S white,
47 041 *; r.
Rye— Ne sale*
Barley — 61094'*
Meed "Timothy. IS 0007 10. clever 111 60
0!!; 60
Provisions— Lard, 110.77; fibs, $10.00;
hell!**. $10 26
91 laouU Caeh Drain.
St Louis. M" . April II. W heat May.
$1 01 4* . July. 91 oj** 0 | r*2%
Corn Mav. 79’s' . July, r9H0<$'Ar.
Ulli May 4»i
f ... .... ■ *
Omaha Livestock
v___—_- --J
Omtll, April It
Raeatpfg vtrti Call la Nag?
Mendsy ... lift* J Ifljl
offtitsl luaaAav .... 1401 II,III Il.jJJ
uffiptst Wednesday * *61 I* til II III
official Thursday ... 1.194 l.ti| • *94
Estimate Friday .... !.$•* §,0f0 9 $*♦
1 da till* -u * •
asms da laat wk t» 985 Tl.104 |2.Af I
bam* da. 2 wka. at $f,|3T 11.036 $•.••§
dam* da I »ki ag ILtti »? **416
•am* da. yr. ago .11.104 99,140 4t.4*4
Callla Receipts, 1.40* htad Tha Frl
day rattla trada «m )uat about steady
all aroaad Quality of moat of tha #»e«*ta
w*a not vary gmnt bulk of today's *#!**
ranging from fl 21*0 t$ Frlma heevj
rattla ar# nominally quoted up to |tl SI*
11.10 What few feeder* war* hare moved
readily at steady prKea
Quotations on Cattle; fW<a *0 prim*
beavaa, 110.06*1119; good to rhol o*
90.16*10 09; common to fair beavaa, 06.6*
J9J6, Choir# to prtm# yearlings, 610 96
*10 60: good to choir# yearlings. $9 00*
fo 96; fair to good yearling#, 08 00** on.
common to fair jearlmae,
good to choir* fed helfrra,
fair to good fed haifara.
common to fair fed haifara, 95.76
.•holm to prime fed row*. I. «0 _
good to choir# fed eo*», 0* 60*7 95;
to good fed cown. 66 50*4.60; common to
fair fed cows, 02.60*4.75; good »o choir#
feeders, $* 15*9:6; fair to food feeders.
67 26*8 00: common to fair feeders 0*60
fji; good to choice Siockcra, 67 36*
1.10; fair lo good Stockers, |* 6007.60;
common to fair stork era, $6.75** 60,
trashy atockers. §4.00*9,90; stock heifers.
94.6O*C50; fe, ding cows. |4 50*5.26;
stock cons. 03 25*4 26; stock calvts.
14.60*8 00; veal calves, 64 00*10.76,
bulls, stage, etc.. •4 26*7 00.
Vo. Av. Pr No. Av. Pr.
13 ..1041 $ 9 36 6.1118 9 0 *6
141__1071 9 70 26. 0*« 0 76
3 ...1293 10 0‘» 1 1290 11 26
0. 901 7 75 24. 017 8 00
4 . 776 8 25 8. 086 8 30
30.1052 8 60 4 740 8 66
No. Av. Pr No. Av. Pr
* . 635 7 10 If*. 617 7 76
13. 747 8 00 7...... 706 8 45
13. 740 8 90 20. 006 9 65
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
4 . 602 7 00 3. 06* 7 "6
* . 005 7 40 2 826 7 76
7. 600 7 75 0. 800 8 00
2 .1075 8 26 2. 086 8 60
No. Av. Pr No. Av. Pr.
16. 874 4 35 7. 814 4 60
7.1032 6 00 7. 040 f* 60
3 . 063 6 00 15. 0*3 6 16
3 .1018 * 25 5. 840 6 25
0 .1062 * 60 8. 068 6 b0
4 . 075 6 75 4.1112 6 85
2 .1216 7 25 2. 060 7 35
n. 1266 7 60
3 . 063 6 00 16. 0*2 * 16
3 . 1013 6 25 6 *40 6 25
4 . 676 * 25 18. 683 * 60
6. 686 7 00 7.414 7 10
No. Av. Pr No. Av. Pr.
1 .1 460 4 00 1 1170 5 00
1 . 1000 6 40 1 1210 7 09
No. Av. Pr No. Av. pr
1 . 90 * 60 3. S4* 7 26
1 . 210 7 75 4.1*6 8 60
1 .170 10 25 1. 210 10 60
1 . 170 10 76
Hogs—Rec«tp»», 8.000 head. Despite the
fact »ho supplies locally were small this
morning the market failed to show any
particular snap on the early rounde. A
few sales made to shippers looked around
steady to 6c higher than Thursday, while
tha packer market was at a standstill
early with buyers bidding steady. Early
top waa 67.06. paid by yard traders with
bulk of the safes at J*.00*7.00.
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Ar. Sh. Pr
06.. 172 80 6 76 64..231 ... 6 86
81.. 201 40 * 06 62..243 .
56.. 101 ... 7 00 71..236 .
36. .170 . 42. .305 80 7 05
64.. 267 . 68..201 .
22.. 202 ... 7 10
Sheep—Receipts. 6.800 htad In faca
of ratnsr largs supplies for Friday the
fat lamb trada displayed a good tons
this morning with buyers out !n good sea
son and first sales showing fully steady.
Shippars paid 616 65 for two loads of
cholca 76-pound averages. Shearers ruled
fully steady while aged aheap ware also
Quotations on Sheep and Lambs—Fat
lambs, good to choice, 911 60*16.66; fat
lambs, fair to good. 914.00*16.26; clipped
lambs. 913.71*14.30; shearing lambs.
911.26*16.00; wethers. 90 00*1200; year
Itngu. 910 50*13 60; fat ewse. light. 99.00
*11.26; fat awes, heavy, 97.00*8.76,
Receipt# and disposition of livestock et I
♦ ha Union etockyarda. Omaha, Neb, for
24 hours, endlpr at 3 p m . April 11;
Cattla Hogs Sheep
C. M. A St. P. R. R. 1 6
Wabash R R. l
Mo. • Pee. Ry. .. 4
V. P*R. R.10 U 24
C. A N. W.. east . 1 4
C. A S. W . west .14 47
C. 8t. P. M. A O. 3 7
C. B. A Q.. east . 2 1 ..
C. B. A Q., west . I* • 4
C. R. I. A Vcast . 3 1
C. R. t. A P., west . 4 1 1
I. C. R. R.:. 1
Total receipts . 60 00 20
Cattla Hogs Sheep
Armour A Co. 258 1065 1060
Cudahy Pack. Co. 264 1805 2228
Dotd Packing Co. 120 1260 ....
Morris Packing Co. 242 856 470
Swift * Co. 6*1 1508 050
Midwest Packing Co. ... 15 .
Omaha Packing Co. ... 11 .
8. Omaha Pack. Co. ... 1* ••••
Murphy, J. W, . .... 1011 ....
Lincoln Packing Co. 6 .
Kenneth A Murray . 240 ....
Anderson A Son . 1 .
Bulla. J. H. .. 19 .... ....
Penn I* A Francis . 8 .
Harvey. John .......... 01 .... ....
Kirkpatrick Bros. 12 ...» ....
1/oniman Bros. 62 .... ....
Luberger, Henry 8. ... 17 ••••
Mo-Kan. C. t C. Co„. 10 .
Neb. Cattla Co. 14 .
Sargent A Finnegan ... 07 ..
Van Sant, W. B. A Co... 4 .
Wertheimer 4k Degen ... 1 •••
Other buyers . 70 ... 94*
Total . 100* Ilf T «640
Chicago Livestock.
Chicago. April 11.— Cattle— Receipts.
4.000 head; most killing classes, steady;
uneven; some weakne** on lower grades
fsd steers and yesrllngs and In between
grade fat aha etock; killing quality gen
erally plain; liberal proportion of run.
light weight ataers and yearlings; beet
matured steers. $11.21; several loads
910.76*1 1 26: hulk fed staera. 18.50*
10.00; plain light Texas downward
to 9*.76; several load# Canadian. 68.26*
0.76; mostly. $8.76*0.25; bulk vealers to
packers. 99 00*10.00; few. 010.60*1 1 00;
atockers and feeders scares In fresh re
ceipts about steady; country demand nar
row for light stockers.
Hogs—Receipts. 26.000; moderately ac
tive. 6 to 10c higher; bulk good and
cholca, 160 to 325-pound average, 87.40*
7.60; top. $7.60; bulk desirable. 140 to
160-pound weight. $7 10*7.35, bulk pack
ing sows. 06 86*7.00; killing pigs steady to
strong; bulk desirable strong weight#,
06.26*6.46; estimated holdover. 9.000
Sheep and Lambs—Receipts. 11.000;
fat lambs. uneven; best handywelght
shipping kind strong to 10c higher;
others mostly, 16 to 26c lower, sheep
scarce, steady; bulk desirable fat wnoled
lambs. 016.50*16 0$: top. 01710; bulk
clipped lambs, 914.26*14.7$; best fat
awes, $12.26. ^ __
Kansas City livestock.
Kansas City. April 11.—HJ. 8 Depart
ment. of Agriculture).—Cattla- Receipts.
1.000 head. Calvaa—-Receipts, $00 head,
all killing claasew steady; Colorado steers,
f 10.30 * 10.43 : yearling?. 91Q.O0. Texas
Brahmas, 97 66; beef cowa. 94.60*4 60;
bologna hulls, 94 26*4-60; top vaala,
010.00; medium and heavies, 04.50*7.60;
atockers and feeders scare*. around
Hogs—Receipts, 4.000 head: slow;
steady to $c higher: shipper top. $7.25.
pecker top. $7 20; bulk sales. $4 85*8.30;
bulk good to choice. 190 to 360-pound av
erages. $7 10*7.30; bulk 140 to 150
pound, 06.40*1.00; packing sow# mostly,
96.40; stock pigs, etsad>; bulk, |6.60*
4 00.
Bhesp—Receipts. 1,009 head, lambs
strong to 10c higher, two loads chops
82-pound Colorado to shippers, 014.8$;
others to packers, 914 25* 16 40, clippers,
914.00*14.»0 , no sheep offered.
Si. Paul Livestock
South St. Paul. Minn.. April 11.—
(United State* Department or Agricul
ture.)- fettle— Receipts. 1.100 Mid; mar
ket firm, active; killing quality medium;
fat matured attars, early, $10 00; few
loads good grade steers held around $10 M
and above, bulk of sales. $7 00*8.10; fat
she stock, $3.60*8 00; bulk of aalee, $7 00
and down; cannere and cutters. 13 7$
*3$o. bologna bulls active. §4.21*4.11;
atockers and feeders In light supply, fully
steady, calvaa receipts. 000 head; 60c
lower, heat lights, steady. $9 00.
Hof*— R seal pts 9000 bead; market
alow, staady to 8r higher bulk butcher
and bacon bog«. $7 00*7 10; mixed tights
and butcher* mostly $7.06. rough heavy
sows. $4 00*4 26. pigs $4 60*6 7$
Sheep -Receipts, 600 head market
nominally steady, receipt# mostly direct
to packers, 'hole* to prims fed wooled
lambs quotable at $14 30 up to 018.2$.
• hole# light awea quotable from $11 00
# II 2$.
St Joseph lives t4H*b.
Wt Joseph, Mo. April II -Hogs R*
calpta. 2.000 hoed Steady to 6c higher;
top $7 76. hulk of vale*. $. 0 *7 20
Fettle Receipt#. head bulk steer
'•alas. $100*10?'. tup, $10 40 rows and
helfrra $4 ?.. * 9 H6 . elves *-on., |0 00
Mockers and feeder* I
Mheep Receipts I 00O head ,
Iambi, $16 76*16 60, ewes $10$U*II16
Stock Trading Recovers After
Early Period of Heaviness
Short linvrrinni Op<«r*tlnna.
Apparently ('.au*eil hy
l),iwm Hr port Arrept
a nee, l.iuir Kite.
Total sales, t.Mt.tM.
Twenty Industrials averaged 92."I;
net gain, .46.
High. 1934, 101.34. low, 91.44.
Twenty railroad* averaged 11.41;
net gain, ,64.
High. 1924, 44 33; low, 41.36.
New York, April 11,- Short cover
Inga operation*, apparently Irfhplred
In the new* that the reparation* com
mission had accepted the Dawes re
port, brought about a sharp recovery
In today’* stock market after an early
period of heaviness, during which
most of the motor* established new
low records for the year.
Standard industrials, such as U. R.
Steel common. Baldwin, American
Can, General Electric and F. In
dustrial Alcohol, closed at net galnB
nf 1 to 2 points. Supporting order*
in a number of these iasttea were In
evidence from the start.
Gil share* developed Independent
strength on rumor* of another early
Increase In crude prices, Coaden. Pa
cific OH, the Pan American Issue*.
Houston and Standard Oil of Cali
fornia, gaining a point or so.
Felling of the motors was In fur
llier reflection of alarming reports of
decreased productions and sales. New
1924 lows in this group were estab
lished by Studebaker, Willya-Over
land preferred. White Motor,
Mack Truck, Stewart-Warner, Strom
rerg Carburetor. Yellow Cab and Cht
’ago Yellow Cab, tjie laat two named
Issues breaking about 6 points. Fish
er Body broke nearly 13 points, to
190 1-8, and then rallied to 1931-2.
Sugar shares were heavily sold on
publicatVn of government estimates
showing record work production of
wore than 21,000.000 short tons. Am
erican Sugar refining created another
new record low for all time at 45 and
then rallied to 47, up 1 3-4 on the day.
South Porto Rican sugar closed 21-2
Points lower at S3 12, after selling as
low as 81 1-2.
Short covering In tobacco products,
which closed 2 points higher at 66,
ifter having established a new year's
minimum price at 63, undoubtedly
was Influenced by the return today
of George Wheelan. the principal
stockholder, who declared the outlook
for the tobacco Industry this year
waa very good.
Revival of * demand for Norfolk A
Western, which rallied about 3 point*,
Lo 127 1-2, on rumor* of apeclal divi
dend development*, wa* the feature
?f the railroad list. Other active
■hare* In that group displayed a firm
Call money held steady at 4 1-4 per
cent all day. Tim# money and com
mercial paper rate* wer* unchanged,
the bulk of the business being done
at 4 12 per cent.
Foreign exchange trading wa*
quiet, with the principal rate* fluc
tuating within a narrow range. De
mand sterling held fairly steady. Just
above $4.33, and French francs were
quoted Just below 4 cents.
| New York Quotations |
New York Stock exchange quotations
furnished by J. g. Bgche A Co.. 214
Omaha National Bank building:
. . _ .. High. Low. Cloaa Cloaa.
Ajax Rubber ..... IV 6 gu 414
Agrl Chemical ... 9% 1% • g%
Allied chemical .. 46% 45% HU 45
A Ills C*halm*»rs ... 42 41 % 42 4t
Am J)eet Sugar,... 39% 29 39 4044
Am Br «hoe Ftfry. .. _ 77% 7g
American Can .... 99% 97% 99% 97%
Am Cor A Fdry.161% 155%
Am H A L.. 9% *% 9 9%
Am H At L pfd- 64% 14 14% 13%
Am Int Corp. 20 19% ;o 14%
Am Linaeed Oil.... 16% ]&% 16% 16%
Am locomotive ..71% 71% 71% 71%
Am Ship A Corn... u% 12 11% jj
Am Smelting ... 69% 61% 6g 69%
Am Smelting pfd.. .. 9a«Z
Am Steel Fdry.... 35 34% 34% 36%
Am Sugar . 47 46 47 45%
Am Sumatra .12% 11% 13% 12%
Am Tel A Tel-12«% 124 124 124%
Am Tobacco .141 139%
Am Woolen . 64% 67% 64% 67%
Anaconda . S3 32 "3 32
Aaad Pry Qooda... 91 49% 91 96%
Aaed Oil . 30% 30 30% 30%
Atchison . 99% 99% 99% 99%
A O A W I.. .... n it
Atlaa Ta«*k . 444
AuatIn-Nlrhols ... 20 19% 20 20
Auto Knitter. 4%
.114% 112% 114% 113%
B A O . 63% 63 62 % §4%
Beth steel . 60 44 % 60^ 49%
Brook Mn Ry ... 16% 14 16% 16
Boe<-h Meg . 36 23% 26 26%
Brook Mn pfd . 69%
Calif Peck . ., 92%
Calif Pete . *4% 23% 24% 23%
< al A An* Min... 44% 42% 44% 42%
Can Par .146% 145% 146% 144
Otto de Pasco .. 44% 41 44% 44
cent Leather - Jt% 12% 12% 12%
Cent leather pfd. 40% 40 40% 3*%
Chandler Motors .46% 46 u, % 46%
r’hea * Ohio . 72% 72 73% 72
Chi A N W . 91% g|%
CM A lt V - 14% 14% 14«I 14%
0 R I » P . 24% 24 24% 24%
C St P M A O Ry. . . JJ
Chile Copper .... 24% 36% 34% 24U
Cluett Peabody . .. 96* li<
1 nlno . .. i» % 1# %
Cluett-Peabody pfd 1*3%
Coca-Cola . 67 6S% 60% 66%
Colo F A Iron .. 30% 9» 30% 23%
Columbia Carbon. 49% 49 49 60%
Columbia Gas ... .14% 33% 34% 33%
Congoieum . 6» 67% 59 64%
Con Cigar# . 12% 13% 11% 14
font Can . 44% 46% 44% 44
C'ont Motors ..... 7% 7 7% 7%
Corn Prod .146% 14 1% 145% 163%
Corn Prod (new). 33% 32% 33% 93%
Coed an .. ....... 34% 24% 34% 36
Crucible . 63 9n% 42% 61%
Cuba C*ne Rug ..11% 11% 11% 11%
Cuba Cn He pfd ..41% 69% *«% 6!%
Cuba Am Sugar .. 33 31 % 3? 31%
CuYtmsl Fruit ... 64% 66
Daniel Bonne .. 2* 21% 29 74%
Davldaon Cham. 46% 41% 45% 41%
Del A Hudaon ... 104%
Dome Mining . 14% 1% 1 *, % m%
Dupont Ua N ...121 119 121% 1*
Eaatman Kodak.. . |o*% |nn 1;
Krla.2 4% • i : 4% 24%
Klee. Hor Battery. 64% 66% 64 % 96%
Famoua Plsyera... 47% 4«% 47%
Fifth Axe Hub L. 11% 11% 11% it
Flak Rubber. 4% 6% «% 4%
k lelachmsn'e Ycaat.4% 4 %
Freeport, Tex. . ,. «% * x 9%
Gen’l Aapha It. 17 *6% 17 ' • %
Gen I Klectrio.211 % 207 % 21«' % 2* * %
Gen I Motors ... 14% 14%
Goodrich . . ji % j« %
Great Nor Dre JR 27% 27% 3*
ot Nor. Tty pfd 64% 66% 64% 56*;
Gulf State* Steel . 68% 46 6<% 6T
Hayes Wheel .. 37 8»% *7 34%
Hudaon Mo’ora ..24 2i 1.1% ?i
Homeatska Mining i.n%
Houston (Ml. 70% 48% 64% 44%
Hartman Trunk.. 37 57 %
Hupp Motors...... 13% 13% 13% 1.1%
Illinois Central.... . jni %
fnaplratlon . ?!.% 24% ?f.
Int | Com Cp. 22% 22% !* % r %
Int'l Harvester. 45% 81% 46 $ %
InCI Mar Marins. « % ;% 7% .%
lnf| M M pfd .. 30% ?*% 3"% ?R%
Int I Nickel. 19% 12% 13% 11
Int i Paper ..... 3h% 3*: 34 % ,14
Invincible Oil. 16 14% U 14%
.Iordan Motor. '‘4% 74% 14% 74%
h C. Southern 19% |9 % 19% 19%
Kelly Springfield 14% 13% 14% 14 »
Ksnnecctt 14 % . . % 3'% 34
Key alone Tire
Lee H«lht>ei II
Lehigh 1 a I lev . . 4*»% 40% 4«% 4*
1.thigh Ritea . . 25% ?»% % 36*4
I Ima I«t'Ciut»ot 69% 6 8 61 99%
Lnoae Ilea , . 64
Louis A Nath 91
Ma<k ritnk n% I. • »% 16%
■ 'i .. . -i
Me, I* »i . *1% *1% M% M
Maxi all M » .... 61% *» 41%
Mat wait M n 11% II II 11%
garland . SIS >•% «!% »«S
M.ate.n keahaard 19% 14% 11% HH
4|iatnl i*n|*B.r ... 11% II •* II q
Mid maiaa Oil .. •% 4% •'» t%
Midtale Meal .. ill. (I
M« PetlB# .. H% '»%
Ms Pacific efd 41% »9% 41% 41
M«m • Ward . 14 % ti% 14% 14 %
MM bar I...da ...1% I •% 1%
National Enamel.»«% ln%
Net Miami I _ 49% 49% 4"% 19%
National t-eed ...III 121% 111 !>•%
N T Air Brake. 19 l»
V T »%itl Bltaa 2% 9% 3% 294
N T 4'antral .19«% 994k 190% 94%
N T N II 4 II ... 14% 11% 14% 11%
North Am . 33 21% 13% 31
Northern Pa.-ifio .41 61% 43 41 %
N A 'V IIy ... A IJ«% 116% 131% 114%
itrpheutn . 19% 19% 19% 19%
nwena Mot . 41% 43% 41% 43
I’actric oil . 61 41% 69% 49 5a
Park Motora . 1*% 19%
l*9n - American . 47 44% 44% 44%
Pan - Am K . 46% 44% 46% 44%
Pann It II. 44 44
Panplea tlaa . 91% 91
Pern Marquette *1 % 41 *4
I'hllllpa aPte . 40% 31% 49 S*%
P'erco-Arrnw ..... .. I
Pootttm Cereal .. 49% 4»% 49% 49%
Praaand Steal car. 49 47% 4* 4«
Proil A Hr f I tiara. . 29% 24% 99% 29
Pullman .114% 114 114% 114
Piinla Alegre Bug. 69% 6«% 90% 69%
Pure Oil . 23 % 23 21% 21
Ry Steal Spring.. .... 110
Ray Consol ...... 9% 9% 9% 9%
Reading .64% 63% 6 4 63%
Reading Rltee 17% 16% 17% 16%
Keplngle . 6% *H
Rep Iron A steel . 46 44 % 46 46%
Royal Dutch N Y. 64% 51% 6 4% 64%
Bt (. A 8 K. 2"% 20 20% 20%
IS 1, * S IV. 37% 36% 37% 36%
Schulte rigor St..102 100% 100% 100%
Seara-Roebuck .... 94% 93 94% 83%
Shell Union Oil... 17% 17% 17% 17%
Slmmona Co ..... 22% 22% 22% 22%
Sinclair Oil . 21% 21% 21% 21%
8 toes-Sheffield ... 64% 67 64% 67%
Skelly Oil . 34% 23% 24% 24
Southern Pacific.. 99% 99% 99% 9*
Southern Railway. 62% 62% 63% 62%
Standard Oil Cal.. 60% 6)0 60% 60
Standard 011 V .1.. 37% 36% 26% 364*
Stewart-Warner .. 76% 71% 74% 76%
Kiromberg Carb... 62% 60 62% 63
Studebaker . 90 37% 49% 99%
Studabalter Inetr). 35% 35 35% 26%
Taxaa Co . 41% 41 41% 41%
Texea & Pacific... 29% 29% 29 29%
Timken Roller ... 39 36% 36% 35%
Tob Product! .... 66% 6 3 66 64
Tob Prod A . 53% 94% *3% »5
Trane CM I . 4% 4% 4% 4 %
Union Par .130% 129% 130% 130
United Fruit . ... . 149 190
U S Cast I P .... 73 99 % 71 70
U S Ind Al . 66% 66% 69% 66%
U S Rub . 29% 29% 29% 29%
V 6 Rubber . 79% 79% 79% 79
C S Steel . 97% 96% 17% 99
U S Steel pfd _ . .. . 119% 119%
Utah Copper . 99 66 % 66** 69
Vanadium . 23% 22% 23% 27%
Vlvaudnu ........ .... *% 4%
14 abaalt . 16% 16 16% 16%
Wabaati A . 45% 46% 45% 45%
Tellow C T Co . 91 69 59 % 91%
Weatern Union .. .. . 1°6
Matt Air Braka . »»% 90%
West Electric . . . 6"% 60% 60% 6"%
Wa»t R<ta. . 1% 1% 1% 1%
lVhlta Kagte Oil . 25% 16% 26% 25 a
Wool (New) . 74 73% 73% 73'*
While Motora _ 61% 60% »1 % 62
iVoolworth Co .... 212% 290 292
Willys-Or #r ... h% 7% 1% IS
W!!lM»-Ov«r pfd . 49% M% *9 • »%
Wilson . 11 11% 11% 7*%
W!l*on pfd . 44
Worth Pump . 2i
Wriflay Co ... . 27% MS 37% %4%
Tw» o'clock mIm, 724.900 sharta: yea
tarday's total aalas. 1.044,200 shares.
Bonds, $19.127,000
Kx. DIxIiImkIi.
Baltlmor# Sc Ohio, 3.91.
Aaaoe. Dry Goods. 1 26.
Amarlcan flmelf. A Raf., 1.99
Amar. Boar Sugar, 1 00
Oraat North. Ora.. 2.00.
Oikaro Marks.
Chicago stocks. bid and aek. furnished
by J. R. Barbs A C« . 224 Omaha Na
tional bank building, phona JA 51l?-9$-*9
Btd AaW
Armour A Co Tlla pfd ... 77% 77%
Armour Co Dal pfd ..... *7% I*
Albert Plrlc . 19 14%
Baaalrk Alamlta . 29% 30
r»rbld<! . 97% 17%
Edlaon rom .19» 12t%
Cont Motora . 7 7%
t’udahy .... I* ••
Daniai Bo«n» . 29% 29%
Diamond Motch ..117 111
D**art pfd ...44 *7
Eddy Papar .. 1» *1
Dfbby . 4 %
Nat Daathar ... 2%
Qtiakar Oatg .24* *70
Ran Motors ............. Id l$f4
Rwlft A Co.a. ..Idas 1*2%
Swift Int . 20% 20%
Thompson .. 43%
Wahl .. *«% >7%
Wriglty .
Tallow Mfg Co .71% *0
Tellow Cab .. *0 #0%
wool Business at critical
Point as Shearing Begins
Boston. April J1—Ths C«mm,rel,l Bui
let In will lay tomorrow :
•'The wool trade hae reached a critical
Juncture in the year# operation#, with
^hearing commencing In a general way
through the central Rocky mountain dla
irlcte and the southwest The manufac
turer# are giving tha dealer# little en
couragement to Huy the new clip, al
though a few of them are buying wool Jn
* moderate way wherevar attractive price#
are named. Tha good# market, bowavar,
continue# to drag
"In the foreign market# there la leaa
excitement but price# keep generally firm. |
except on aome aubetltutea which have
receded from the high point.
"Mohair fa In demand In aome quar
tara at firm price#, although In other
quarter# there ie very little request.’*
The Tom mental Bulletin will puhlieh
the following wool quotation# tomorrow;
Ohio and Pennsylvania fleece# Detain#
unwaahed. 58057c; 4 blood combing. 58
V 57c; % blood combing. 58 0 57c; *4 blood |
- ombing, 52051c; fine unwaahed. 4*0
Michigan and New Tork fleece#: De
laine unwaehed. 54055c; fine unwaabed.
4«043c; 4 blood unwashed. 14 0 58c; S
blood unwaahed, 59 058c; 4 blood an
washed. 51054c
Wisconsin. MlMourt and aver ago New
One-half blood »S0l4e; % blood. 180
55; 4 blond. 52 052c.
Scoured basla:
Texas fine 12-montk. |1 1001 If; fine
8-month. 11.1501 20
California, northern, ff 8001 35; middle
count/. 11 1501.20; southern, 5105011"
Oregon: lantern number 1 etaple. II 15;
Ine and fine medium combing, ft. 950
I 2"; eastern clothing, 11.1501 ft; valley
number I, 81 2001.2#.
Montana fine staple choice, 81 >901 87:
4 blood combing, fl 250ll«; S blood
combing, 51 080112, % blood combing.
Delaine. 91 81; A A, 91 1101 21} A
Hupei a. 91-1*01 15.
Mohair: R~#t combing. 71089a; beat
carding, 85079c.
New York DenwrwJ.
New York. April 11 Rye— B a roly
steady; No. 2 western, 17 4r- f. a. b. New
York and 75 4u c. t. f, export.
Wheat —Spot, irregular; No. 1 dark
northern spring c I. f. track. New York,
81.434; No 2 hard winter, f o. b .
II 1*4. No. 1 Mamtnhfa do, || 144. and
No 2 mixed durum, do $1,17 4.
t’orn 8 pvt. #teedy. No. 2 yellow, c. t.
f track. New Tork domeetic, all by rail,
*74?; No. 2 white, do. 8*4?, *nd No. 2
mixed, do. M4<u
! (fate Spot, atesdy; No. 2 white, 18 0
hard Easy; middle west. Ill *0011 4"
H‘ * flwi HYrtti; fa-r to good, |4.2O0>
4 40 choice to fancy. 14 45 0 4 40.
torn meal las; . flue while and yellow
granulated I' 29402.28.
Barley Quiet, malting. I*091<; c. 1. f
New York.
Kerd — Irregular; western bran. Iff
po ind aai Ua, $28 *"0 2* 50
Hey Barely »teu*D . No. 1, f 2* 800
3f «'*. No. 2. 827 000 21.00.
l-"iou» Quiet; spring patents, 96.000
8 5", spring Heat# $N""05 5" not • win
ter straight# $5.0005 88, hard winter
straight* !.'• 5"0 8
Por nines I -Quiet, fin# white and 3 allow
granulated 11300135
Mope rirtn, stale 1323. 9S0olc, 182?,
S3W < . Paciru coast 1*23, 35 0 40c, 1»?S,
* 1 0 30c.
Pork Easy. mesa. 824 75088.25
Tallow Quiet, special loi>#e, 7 4 0'4?,
exltx. 74'’
Rice Mead) fancy head. 7 4 0 *a
Mlmtcaitnlla Drain
Minneapolis. April II Wheat ''ash
No 1 northern 8110401154. No 1
<la*k northern spring, choice to fancy,
$131401374 good to choir# |1l«40
1 28 4. ordinary to good. $1 1140 1 18 4.
May ft 1"‘*. July. 91 t2. September.
* 1 1"4
t ’urn No 2 vellow 104 #714c.
oat# No 3 white, 44!%o4',*%'
Barley 58 0 7.V
Rye NO 2 80081c
I lax No. I 8? 41*2 4
New York loHmt fYitwrea
New Ymli April II t’otton future#
. loaed steady; Mil. 8" 87 081 ""r. July.
?» 480**10. <it t..he* tk.«70?5A8f. l*a
tenth** ?5 82c, January, 24 83#
If Omaha Produce J
hatll. April II.
• tf Ldral )"bbi»# r*
taller* rum lit; 1* ••*lk !*>*•
4#c. standards l*4i finU m.
Dairy Buyers a«a par•J*1
|||.U httlUr Mi twill or tuba Mf II* for
remm** pa Meg ataaa Par Mai •
unaalted bat far, ISv.
HI ITRlirAT, .
Pur Wp, 1 • raarti «>maka bayart
ray lag 11« pat lb at country atatloaa,
!« dalivated **»naha
ihkmi MII.K ^
If li per a»t tor L-ah milk tMilng I I
dattvarad an dairy p'atfotro Omaha
Par Na 1 fraah *•«». dttteared, «n M«
riwi, I* tl. a*» nnii«. I it rti'-Ha ll«. In
soma quarter# It r«*e eating no| laaa
than I* iba . la betas quatad tor
fresh »gg* It 41 per eaae. weighing laaa
than It Iba
Jobbing uflcta to rofallara V. R spa*
Hals, tic; V «. aatra*. inmmanly known
as aeiarta. tic; country run. lie; No I
•mall. tl«; cbrrHr
Buyers ara paying around tha following
prl*e* f«r No. I gt**eh
Alive— Broiler*, up In I Iba. aa«-h. lie
par lb ; heavy ban*. 8 Iba and uvtr. tie;
4 to 8 Iba. lie. light liana, tin. eprlngs,
smooth Uoa. iafrtSc; ataga. If*-. leghorn
• prlnga lie. rouatara. lit ; durka, fat ted
full feathered l?#llc; great, fat and full
feathered. I2HHU, ttirkaya young toina
and hen*. tO< . old tom* and No. 2. not
tullo. II*-; pigeon*, 11 »*o i»er doten. ca
pons. 7 Iba. ami over. 27'’ pec lb ; under 7
lbs . 25c per lb«; no culls, al**U Or crlppitd
poultry wgnted
llreaaed- tlu\era or# paying for dreaaed
chicken#. duck* and geeoe 2|*3c above
alive pr|r#e. and for dreased turkey*. Ifc
fir above live prl*-ea. home dealers are
siraptlng shipment* of dreaaed poultry
xnd selling same on 19 per cent clinrnis
aion basia.
Jobbing pried of drataed poultry to re
tailers Hpring*. soft. 3uc; brollere. No.
I. 43c; No 2. 32c; hsna. 2lc; rooatera.
291222c; dock* 25f82"c. reeae. 20ft2&c.
turkeys. 32c; So. turkeya. conalderably
leaa. rrsir.
Omaha jobber* ato selling at about tha
following price*, f o b. Omaha Fancy
whit* flab. 2#o; lake trout, 28Q30c; hali
but, 28*-; northern bullheads, jumbo, 23 0
24c: ratfish. regular run. 32<tf56e; fillet
■ of haddock 2f»r. black cod sable fish
steak. 20*; smelt*. 24®35c; flounderV,
20c; rrappies. 20% 25c; black bass, 35c;
Spanish mackerel. l'e to 2 Iba.. 25c. Froz
en fish. 2 if ie less than prices above
Fresh oyatera p*r gallon, 12.80^ 4 09.
fiheil oyatera and iBm* per 100. $2 09.
Tjocal Jobbers art aelllng American
cheeae. fancy grade, as follow*: fclngla
daisies. 22c; double daisies, 21‘vc; Toung
America*. 23c; longhorn*. 22c; square
prints, 2114r. brio**. 22 ‘^c; llmbarger. 1
1b. block. 3*r : Imported Roquefort, «lc;
New York white. 34r
Whole**!# prl'-ea of beef eula affective
today are sa follows:
No. 1 rounds. 13c; No 2. 17c; No. 3.
12*<jc: No 1 lolne. "4c. No. 2, 32c; No. 3.
l»r; No. 1 riba. 25c; No. 2. 23c; No. 3.
17c. No. 1 chuck*. 12c; No 2. lie; No.
3. 9Sc; No. 1 plate*, a He; No. 2. 3c; No.
1. 7e
Jobbing pr!*e*
Apple* — lr barrel* of 143 Iba : Towa
Wineaape. fanev. 19.25; Missouri Black
Twig, fancy, |5.8t); Jonathan*. fancy,
15 0*; Ben DavU fancy. 14 7b; Jona
than*. foea. txtra fancy. 15.75; Gauoi.
fancy, If. 00
L* rnon#—'Jaltforma fam y, per box.
14 00; "hole*, pc* box. 15 59.
A vocadoa—f Alligator pears), per dozen.
15 00
Apples—In bnxea Washington Dell,
cloue extra fancy. 72-80 *i*e, ft *0; Wash
ington Wineaape extra fancy. 12 7-; fancy,
12 25. chol'-e. 1185; Roma Beauty, extra
fancy. 12 00; fancy. |i 75: whi'e winter
Pearmaln. extra farc y. 12.50ft 2.73; Grime*
Golden wrapped II 75.
Strawberries—Louisiana, pin's, |8 50 per
era t e.
Grapefruit —F’-r box. extra fancy. 13 10
ft4 50; fanev, t3 25&4 09. Florida. fancy,
per box. 13 0 «f|3,f.o
Grange#- -CaHforni* n»' *1 fancy, ac
cording to size, SJ 85ft5 00 per box;
choir# 25c leas
Franberrlee— Jersey, 50-Jb boxes, fancy.
| ft 50
Iiin«na»-P** lh 1*c
vegetables. y
•inornni prKM
Eggplant—Per dot, 52 "0; 2*0 r*c lb.
f ha’Iota—Bouthtrn. II 09 per dot.
C>bb||i—('*!*rr < abbaga, 10** per lb ; Terse cabbage. 4',»c per lb.; crate#,
4e p»r lb.
New Roots—Texas beeta and carrot#,
per do*, hunches. #*c; 4**. bushel. 92 *9.
Onions—Tellow in aacka. par lb.. S5fte;
red. aacka. 4**c; white, sack#, per !b.. 9c.
Spanish I er era*# 52.5"
Toma toe#—Florida, crate, al* baakata.
14.99; per baaket. |i J5.
Celery—r*a||f0rnla. p*- do*, according
to tire. 91 *5 dir 2 90; Florida, rough. 9*
do*. rate. I' 7'.
Lettuce—Head, per crate. 95 90; par
dor.. 51.21. hothouse leaf. 45e per do*.
Roots—Turnips pa run! pa beets and car
rots. in aacka. 2 4 0 2c per lb.
Peppers—Gr*»ep Mango per lb . 25c.
Cucumbers—Hothouse. 53 00 per do*.
Paralef—Southern, per do*, buncheat
51.0001 25.
Brussel# Sprout#—Per lb, 20c.
Beano—Wa* 0* graen. per hamper.
f'auliflower—California, per crate. 52 75
01 00
Rhubarb—Lug. 49 I ha.. 91 2502 94.
Asparagus—Per lb., 25c.
Totatoea—Nebraska Ohio#. per 144 fba.
11.54; Minnesota Ohio#. 91.21; Idaho
Baker*. 4c per lb.; Waatern Ruaaet Rot
ala. 91<ft per cal.; new Triumphs, ham
per. 9 4 54
J*weet Potatoes—Southern, crate, ac
cording to brand. 93 000179; Jersey seed,
bu. basket, 92 25
Market quof*b>e In carload lota, per
ton f o b. On aha.
Wheat faeda. nominal quotations
prompt delivery; bran. 121.25; brown
short*. 124 09; gray shorts 525 00; reddog.
92# "4
Cctfonaead Meal—43 per cent. 944 59
Hominy Feed—Whit# or yellow. 929-99.
Dl fester Faeding Tankage—44 per cent.
945 *o
Alfalfa Meal—Choice promo?. 92# 90.
No I apo». prompt 924 *0; No. 2 epot.
prompt. 920.99. Choice meal la very
T.inseed Meal—14 per cent. 943 1*
Rutfermllk—Condensed, for feeding. ♦»
bbl. Jot*. 93 45c per ib.; flake buttermilk,
509 to 1.590 the . #c p*r lb. eeaaheU. dr:#d
and ground, l"9-lb bar#. 925 00 per ton.
Nominal quotations. Omaha and Coun
cil Bluff*, thresher run per 194 lb# : Al
falfa. fl# 500 20 00; red clover. 51# 090
It.ft; •* eat clovar 1 2 04011.49; timo
thy. 14 0007 *0; Sudan grass. 15.750
4.75: c«i.# seed. II 90 *r 1 14: common mil
let. 91 04; German millet, 92.25.
Price# at which Omaha mill# and job
ber* are selling in round lote ('■•## than
carlota). fob omaha. follow: First
patent. In »9-lh. bast #4 2504 3ft per bbl.;
fancy clear. In 4S-lb bags. 15.1005 2#
per bbl.; whits or yellow commas!, per
Ctrl. 11.92.
Nominal quotations, carload lota:
Upland Pralr # -No . 1, 911 50014-99;
No 2. 919.90012 50; No. 3. 57 004*9 00
Midland Prairie—No. 1. 112 50011.59;
Ko. 2. 91* 50011 59; No. 1. 94 0904 00.
lowland Pralrlo—No. 1. 9#. 00010.99;
N«. 2 9* 0*04 0"
Packing Hay—9* 5007.9*
Alfalfa—Choice. 922.900 21 "*; Na. 1.
110 09021 00; atandard. fll "0011.09; No.
1. 511 50014 00. No S. 919.00012 99.
Straw—Oat. 11.0*09 9: wheat. 97 49
01 "O.
Strength In the hay market 1# being
maintained through continued light re
ceipts of both prairie and alfalfa, and
through a fairly good demand for tha
better grade# Price# are steady and un
changed. Howe%er. the preeent atrength
tn the market la caused nvre b? small
rereipi# than by Increased denial*-*. Very
little hay of the better grades !e to be
found on the local market at the present
time. Because of tha scarcity cf No. 1
and atandard alfalfa medium and low
grades are meeting with a better demand
aa substitutes for choice grades
Hides- Seaa«*nable No I. ftc. No 2. 4c;
green. 4* and 3c bulla 4c ard 1c
branded 4c glue hides. f'fte, calfi 12c
and l"4c. kip, 14c and »lyc; glue skins.
4c. dry flint hides. 14c; dry salted 7c.
drv glue, ftc: deacons. 7 ftc each, horee
hide#, 13 25 ard 12 25 each; ponies anti
g’tie# || 5" each bng skins. 15c each
Pr|c»# ir* quotable as follow*, deliv
ered Omaha, dealers' weights and selec
tions •
Hides Reasonable No 1, 5c; No. 3,
4c; green, 4o and fc; bulla 4o and Jc.
branded. 4c glue hide* ‘.’Sc. calf. 13c
and 10»yc kip. 1 «o ami #Hc; glue skin*,
4r . dry flint hide* 10c. dry suited •**;
• 1 i ' glue, da * * * I a
hides $3 25 and I. . » each: pon e# and
Foreign Government Bond Issues
Carried to New High Level for Year
N. Y. Curb Bonds )
Now York. April II r*MI#wiaf to
official Mar of irisMdtoM on Oia N«w
task r*4#»» I t.bat gs giving all eooda
tradad In;
INwweeMe Honda.
IVif h f.ow Cl#ee
• Alllod Packer •• •»% 9*%
I Alllod rack*' »• VI II 73
1 Aluminum 7a *|I..VA|tok 1*1% }MH
16 Aluminum fa ’ll HIH 1*9% 19?4
3 Am Roll Mills If.. 99% **'» 9*4
9 Ana (’opper «a lit IMS 191
2 Anglo Am Oil 7 4* 1M% 1*5 ‘4 1*5*4
19 A**n Rim Hdw «4a fl 9*4 •*'*
1 All O A W I li 6M4 6«4 **%
14 Haavtr Protl ?4a 71% »1% •*
6 Hath Rlaal 7a 'I?... HfJ 191%
6 Can Nat It e«j 7* !»•*% 101% 19«S
6 Can Nat. R> 6a .199 109 1*9
4 Charcoal Iron *a .. •• **
t Citlo* R 7a "c* ft 4 94 ’4, 94%
% Con Gas ft 54« .. 994 99% »M
6 t’on Oat H fa .192% 10*% 109%
14 Con Tax • # .... 69*4 7* 714
)6 ton P A It *4« .. 93% 91 9*4
1 Cuban To! 7 4a .199 4 J9«4 199*4
7 |.— ra A Co 79* . *9% 97*4 *9*4
2 3 Mat C|fv ii *■ 191 1994 1 n i
21 Matrolt fcdl 9a l«i% 10*4 J014
1 Dun T A H 7a . 91 91 91
19 Pad Rug fa, *3* ., 9*4 9* 9» %
19 Fisher N fi*. '21 lf« loo J90
I dan Pat 9* 964 96*4 96 4
5 Gulf < l| 14*. 1926 1994 199% 10,'S
1 flood Rubber 7* . 199 % 199% 199%
7 Inter Mutch 64* *» 3 »4 914
37 Kenn Copper 7* .101% J0<4 lft4%
1 I.ehlgl. Pow Rec «■ 99 *9 •«
4 l,eh Val Hart. 5* 97 H 97% 97%
7 Mb M» N A IJb 7a 190 4 109% ir.94
1 1 >Iar Wlmhester 7a.l9f» l^j 1*7,
1 Manitoba 7* *7% 97S *7%
6 Mark Rt Ry 7 s 19f* 99 \ 1«0
7 Morrla A Co 7 4a.. 99% 99 S ’*%
29 Nat leather 964 96 96*4
6 Nor St Pow ft 4a **4 994 994
16 Ohio Pow 5* **R\. 664 M % M%
f> Phi! El 64*. '63 .1004 190% 1004
1 Phi! E 5 4a. *47 . .199S 190% H»*S
7 Ph Pat 7 4a w w .1924 4 *n2 4
1$ P R C of N .1 7a ltc.% 1*4 1*4 S
16 Pure Oil f, 4 a . 95% 95 96
1 Bloaa Brief fa .... '*'*4 994 99S,
4 folrif A ‘ i» fa .93 99 99
5 B Cal Ed! 6a ... 99% 99% *0%
19 R O N Y 7*. '26 ..10!% 19)4 JOJ 4
1 8 O N T 7a, ’26 .194 4 lft44 1944
1 Run Oil 6*.9*4 99 4
1 Swift A Co U . 92% 97 4 92 4
1 Tidal 0**ge 7- ...1934 19*4 103%
22 T F LA P 64* .. 96*4 •* 954
6 TT O C 6* '26 ..1904 1994 190 4
2 VJ OH P Hi 714 714 5? 4
1 Vacuum Oil 7* 106 4 199% 109%
orelgn Rond*.
2 Rap Peru *• 9* 99 99
14 R 641 ctfi n* r 1» 11*4 7*H
: Bwiaa 64* . *1% •• **
1* Swim fa . 9* 99% 9t%
Bloux City Livestock.
Rioux City. I*. Arrll 1!—Cattle— Re
calpt*. 1 ooo head; r jacket active; killers,
strong; »»o<*k*r«. steady: *at steer* and
yearling*. 17 09011 50; bu’k 9* '•'"01O «0;
far con*. .,nd heife*-*. !i*0«?9 59; can
ner* and cuttere *2SO0 4.>- eii». P
*y»2 09. bul’e $t15«i5.?r. feed *r« 16 59
0*50. atk*r*. 95.900T.7i. stock year
ling* and calves. IS <^97 5'J, feeding
cow* *nd he'fera. 117508 50
Ifoga— Receipt* 7 969 head; market »n
higher. ton 17 95; bulk ***907 96;
light* I* 500*39. butchers. 94 9507 05;
mixed 16 5906 99; heavy pack »ra, 9*26
09.99. *tag». S3 0o V 5.261 ratlva. pig*,
14^906 25; »<*|ftrn pigs 16 50
Bleep -ird bamba—Market atoady; re
caipta. ICO h»ad
New York Produce.
New York Ap' I 11—Batter—Steady,
rere'pr*. 13.367 tuba
Fgg« Irregular receipt# 39.712; fresh
gathered extra flrat#. 250 26c. freah gath
erad s*orag» packed. 26 4 0 2“ 4?; fresh
gathered f!r*t*. regular packed. 24 0
244c; f'-erb gathered firsts, storage
racked. 2507*'- freah gathtrad awronds
and poorer. 234 0 23 4?
Cheese—Irregular, receipt#, 13.929
pound*; *t*t* whole milk fiats, fresh,
ageraga run, 154 014^.
New York Hpot f ottwn.
New York. Apr 1 11 —Cotton—3 pot
quiet; middling, 2* 30c.
New York 811* nr.
New York. April 11 —Bar Silver—*4#
Mexican Hollars—4 5%t
glues. 9! 69 **rh; colts, 2k each; hog
akin*. 15c m< b.
Wool — pelfa, fi 09 *o 12 09 each; lamb#.
75c to fi 59 each; cifpa. no talue; wool.
29c to 40c.
Tailow and Grease—No. 1 tallow. 4%c;
B tallow, 5c. No. 2 tallow. 44c; A grea*e,
5%c; B grease. 6c: yeFow grease. 4 4c.
brown grea*e. 4c: rork cracki'nga, 150 99
rer ton; beef r-ra.-kling* 939 09 per ton;
beeswax $2fi 09 per ton.
W. ■ ^98 y 11 III I
A child in the teens needs
an abundance of proper
should be a part of the diet
of every child at school
II run, anemic cnii- %
dren should never C
be denied Scoff’s. 1
How to buildup your
TO b« under weight often !
prove* low lighting-power in
the body. It often meant you ore 1
nsinutnerve-power, minut red
celt* in your
blood, minus
health, minus
vitality. It is
serious to bo
minus, but
the moment
you increase
the number
of your red- |
Bioou-ceus, you Begin to Becoms
plus. That'* why S. S. S.. since
1826. has meant to thousands of
underweight men and women, a
plus in their strength. Your body
fills to the point of power, your
flesh becomes firmer, the age lines
that corns from thinness disap
Cesr. You look younger, firmer.
ippier, and you feel it, too, all
orer your body. Wore red-blood
cells 1 S. S. S. will build them.
S. S. g. is told at all gong
drvg stores is r-o -ires. The
larger aist is aors economical.
C ^hr Worlds Best
Jt Vflood Medicine
Updike Grain Corporation
• ||
i Pnrata Wtra Departmael I
t Oikago Board of Trod#
MEMBER* - and
I AH Other leading Errhangee
Order* for grain for future delivery in the pnn
ripal market* given careful and rrompt attention.
Phone AT Untie <t:i12
«18 25 Omaha Grain
724-23 Terminal RtiiMinj
Phan* R-I83S
Ion* Distance 120
Movement Too Late* How*
evrr, »o <;onnlFr*rt D«*n>
rral Downward T«*nd*
New Turk, April II —A let* rally
In the l»nd market, apparently
prompted hy the slan-ity of the rep*'’*
nthme remniMMl In scotpttnf the
l>tw*i report, today rerrlwl eotne ol
lit* Fremit* end other foreign guv
Eminent Issue* Into new high ground
fur th# >*nr. The rnOV*m*nt. f-emln*
ftrr a iwrlod n( hesitating prices end
lull trading, w«« too l*te, however,
lo counteract th* general downward
With the return of the French frane
to abmi 6 rente, French republic »•
ioui*h»d e new top price for the year
it PO t 4. and municipal obligations
moved up briskly ott freah buying.
Danish munh ipal 8* advanced 214
points, and Bolivian 8s reached a new
!#24 high at 90.
N*vi>ra1 domestic laeues shared In
the late movery, Funta Al*ger sugar
7s recorded a point In th* face of in
< reased selling pressure against a ma
jority of sugar stocks and bonds, some
of Which established new low level*.
A renewed demand for United Ptates
treasury Issues carried th# ‘'Mellons ’
up to a new record high figure.
25 82nd* strive psr. A break of 4 1-2 ^
points In Wilson 7 l-2s and weakneas
In the rompany'a other lines unsettled
the Industrial list. Rubber, sugar and
oopper company bonds generally lost
New York Peal try,
N*s Tork. April 11.—Poultry—Dir#
■toady; broiler* by express. 40095c: fowl*
by express. 25 0S9e; turkeys by freight,
25 0 40.:. hy axpresa. 40 0 59c; dreeeed
steady; pr r*a unchanged.
1 'barter So. 1533. Reeerve Dt»triet No, 15
31 ST. 1*:«
Loare and d!»
count* Includ
ing rediscount® 114,471,441 14
Overdraft®, un
secured . . 1111 44
C 8. Govern
ment aecuri
t’ea owned:
Deposited to •*
euro circula
tion (U. P. t
Bond par val
ue) 1,4** 4*# *•
All other United
State* Govern
ment securl
t *• . II 44* ft
Total _ 1.941,9*9 90
Other b e n d a.
stock*. aerurl
* -# etc. 74144154
Banking House. 1,94* 444.44
Lawful r»»cr\e
with Federal
Reserve Bank. 1,I14,»27 21
Item® with K Od
er? 1 Reiefv#
Bank tn pro
cess of collec
tion . C22.Sll.9ft
C«*h In vault
and amount
due from na
tional banks. 1,928.144.22
Amount due
from StUi
banka. bank
er* aad trust
companies in
the United
F'ate* . 2.4*4. lift 12
Exchanges for
clearinghouse. 441.214.21
Che< k* on elh*r
banka In Ums
•am* city or
town a* re
porting bark . II!.921 91
Mi» eilane o u a
cash :te:r* 112.474 >t
R e d e m p t Ion
fund with t.
8 Trea*urer
and due from
U H Trtiiu'r 49,944 ft 7,912,729.1«
O t her
interest earned
but not col
lected . 11.744 n
Total .... . 127.427.544 12
Cap ta! stock
paid in. 9 1,44*.444 *9
Rurplo* fund 1,449,444.44
Undivided prof
it a .ft 247.4:2 24
Reserved for
Interest and
taae* accrued . 241.914 VS
Lee* current
e*pe-«*ee, in
ter e • t. and
ta*e# paid lil.lLJt
Cl r i u I a t 1 ng
note* out
s'and'rg . . . 994.444 44
Amount due to
national banka 2,4'* 92T 27
Amount due to
State nark*,
banker* and
treat comps
'■. »■ : n ; be
United State*
and fore *n
■ Auntrloa 4.919.422-44
Certified checks
outstanding 44,418 99
Cashier'® hock®
i.totan<!*».f 291.179 81
Demand deposits
ioth*r than
bank deposit*!
subject M Re
serve «depos
its payable
within 39 darn:
Individual de
posit* eubject
to check - 12.824,422 .9
Certificate* of
deposit due ‘u
lea* than 3#
day# tother
than for
money bor
row ed) . 9e «42 -
State, county
or other mu •
Strips I depoei t a
m r u r H by
pledge of a*
eet# of thia
bank or sur
ety bond 48*.**' *#
PM lends unr*‘d 21.27* 44
Time deposit®
•ubjoct to Rc
eerva ipayabta
• ftor 89 day*
or subject to
It day* or
more notice
Certificate* of
deposit pother
than for
money bor
row-ed 414.242 49
Other time do
pe’* UlMIlfl
United State* a
•UfH-a.ta fother
than postal
eatinge). In
cluding " *v
loan depoeU
account and
deposit® of
United State*
disbursing of
7 ■*r* 1I.I1U4 IJ.ltft.t9
Siote« and bi|i»
r e d, teceunted.
including ac
ceptances A’f
other bank*
• n d fere gn
hilts of ev
chang# or
draft* so d
* 1th t ndorse
ment cf this
b«nk ... ft
-ettera of C?e-1 -
it and Travel
ers checks »©ld
for A'aah and
outsfand ng * 29 924 17
Total *2 7.427.184 38
t;« * of N#br*«ha
fount' of lHniiisa **
7 P T AM ‘eor Cashtar of • he abC'O
»amad hunk. d«» solemnly swear that the
h^'e statement t* true to the boot of nsj
knowledge end belief
Con Sa t Attest
L ** N \M«
* M kRLIb 0 t-TX'ROR
Is ti •• >, 9
{ to befero Pit th e
4th day of Ai 1984
14 U R4*K!K«
Notary Fublka.