Omaha Bee Sports^ SAYS WORLD'S CHAMPIONS HAVE EVERYTHING, PITCHING, HITTING AND CLASS FOR ANOTHER FLAG fly NAVIS 4. WALSH. HOW AMKKH AN I.KAIII K TF\Ms FINISH I—New York. #—SI. I .mil*. !— Cleveland. «—Clilrago. 1—Detroit. 7—Washington. I—1‘hllndi'lphlit. R—Itostnn. SW YORK, April 11. — No t> no. within tho mem ory of mortal man not even tho aontleman who spend* hi* tune removing from his hair vagrant strands ot cotton . from the padded ) cell, ever select ed a world’s champion hall club to flnieh worse than firRt, I the next time, and the writer can do no loss. The Now York Yan kees, even with three consevutive pennants and a world's title behind i hem, should and probably will, can ter Id the wire in the American league race this season. We might dope it one way and hunch it another, thus arriving at Hie conclusion that the Yankees will be over-confident leaving the field open for a sensational rush to the front by some outsider. Hut the fact Is ever preferable over fic tion, and the fact of the matter Is that the New York Yankees are distinctly the class. They have the pitching, they have i he hitting, they have everything. In brief, a foster-father couldn't look better to an orphan. It Is possible that Everett Scott, our slightly spavined shortstop, msy not stand up through the season, but i he chances are that he will. If not (he Yankees might find the going none too smooth, even with their laudable pitching. If any club is to beat them, It Is the Cleveland Indians, with their punch, speed and improved pitching. Speaker has revamped his passe champions of 1920 with commendable dispatch, and now has a white man's — - — chnnee for the pennant, Hide should hnvs another great yenr. t'ovelsllll Is said to have rome hark, and several young pitcher* ar# about due. Ainu th« hitting of Burns and Stephenson, now a regular. Is certain to win many games. Watch the Indian*. The Tigers have Impressive lilt ting, as always, and their pitching has become Increasingly effective with every season Cobh lias had the club. Bill lie has sprung a leak al second base and it Is our belief flint |)cl Pratt Is not the man to stop it. Voting Kignry at shortstop is also said to he In a bud way. The Tigers will not go (ar without any sus picion of weakness around the all* important keystone sector. Anything may happen In the case of the Athletics, a young club that does not know it* strength or weak ness. Tha pitching should be good for the first time since 1314. and Mack undoubtedly has nddeil a punch to tha outfield by the addition of Simmons and Strand, yet it is not a championship club and only a fluke will make It one. The Athletics need more strength in the infield, mote pep and hustle. Much of the Browns' success de pends on the ahllty of'Sisler to return to his 1322 speed, and the develop ment of a few pitchers to help Shocker Otherwise the club is fool proof. Wo cannot say the same for the White Sox. They are short of pitching, hlttlnK and outfield defense The team has been weakened offen slvely and defensively by the intro auction of young outfielders, but the general speed of the club has been increased. The punch is not there, however. The Senator* are an old hall rluh with a young manager, Stanley Harris. He is one of the few young men in the outfit, .fudge, Rire, Pecklnpaugh and others being be yond their prime. The team needs pitching and a third baseman. It will do well to finish out of the cellar. __. . - M< Kee*|lort. fn,—CmMr ri«* Mnrko «it Charleroi, Pa . outpointed Johnny Hor vath of >!anafi«-M, O, 10 round*, at Allentown, Pa ; Joey Gam of Allentown. Pa. won deciai'-n nvrr Andy "Kid ’ l’alm- l cr of Dayt-rn, <>., 10 rounds. j Chess Champion Increases I^ead New York, April 11.—Jose Capa 1.1anea of Cuba, world’s chess (-ham j pion, gained half game (luring the 18th round of the International chess tournament and Dr. Emanuel Lasker of Germany now holds a lead of one game with four rounds to play. Frank Marshal of New York strengthened his claim to fifth position and the last of the prize money. The 19th round will be played Saturday and two adjourned matches will he the only contests of today. Capablanca defeated Ed Lasker of Chicago in 60 moves. Dr. I-asker was forced to draw with Alexander Alek hine of Russia in 30 moves. Marshall entered his 37-n»ove victory over Kldflne Bogoljubow of T'krania for a brilliancy prize. Preparing for Transmissippi The St. Joseph Country club of St. Joseph, Mo., Is making big plans for he staging of the annual Transmissis tlppl Golf aasoclation tournament at its course the week of June 23. A new $150,000 clubhouse has Just ieen completed and reports received rom St. Joseph state that the course nd greens are in perfect condition. A large number of Omaha and out (tat# golfers will represent Nebraska it the annual tournament. SIG HAUGDAHL SETS NEW RECORD I.os AJigele.s, April 11.—Covering a .tactic# lap over the five-eighths mile \srot speedway trsrk yesterday in !X 2 5 seconds, Slg Haugdahl. Norwe gian automobile racer, established a new track record. The only record of 10 seconds wss held Jointly by Haugdahl and Ralph de Palma. Fred Knight Win* Amateur Golf Title Plnehurst. N. C.. April 11.—The, north and south amateur golf cham pionship was won her# Thursday by Fred IV. Knight of Philadelphia after a stirring 16-hole match with B. P. Verrlman of Waterbury. Conn. Knight came from behind and took the match 1 up after being 4 down to his opponent at the end of the morning round. ' —m—--\ Exhibition Games. - j \*w York. <&■) \ \ J < (A) .• * * * * ’ * • 4 Bstttrfaa: B*ntl#jr and dowdy. HlinK n»h)p and Bcbalk. Memphis, Tsnn., April 11— «. It K Pittsburgh GO . * * \ Msmphls (6 ) . ■ 4 1* 2 Battarlts: Cooper. 8t«lnd«r and Schmidt Warmoutb, Hyt, Sodgwlck «ad Taryan. Philadelphia. April 11— * T! r* Phlladalphla (N ) . 4 J ® Phlladalphla (A) ... Battirlti: Burn*. Walbarg and ulbaon. Ring, Couch and ifenllna. Kanaaa Clfy. April 11 — * JT. K.; Kanaaa City. (AA.) . * u 1 Battarlca”11 Kaufman, Buah and O Far *•11, Zinn and Houston. T«*aa. April 11— 11 ,r 1 , l*«a Molnaa (W.) . ® } i Houafon. i»m*nd. M* iimm Muakoica. Okl . April II - H 11 •1 p*tn*r i Wl. i * >lnakn**e, (WA I ■ * 1' . Mi» '*»!#• Hall. m’"1 *8 $.**!». A deck and H J,P'1 Will Bar Steel I Shafted Clubs in j Big Tournaments New York, April 11.—No change in the size or wplglit of golf hall* will be legislated the present sea son, an official of the l.'. S. Golf association announced today. Steel shafted clubs will be barred from ; use in tournaments officially sanc tioned by the l . S. G. A., he said. Kvperintents with golf balls will be continued, file official added with a probable change forecast for nest year. _1-J Many Entries in Kaw Relays w J,awr*nee, K*n., April 11.—More than 1,000 athlete*, representing 95 universities, college*, military acad emies and high schools in all part* cf the country will compete in the second annual Kansa* relays, the first major outdoor me*»t of the year, here April 19. Twenty institutions will ha represented this year that did not take part In the 1923 relays. Th* tinlv«r«lty clnm *ntrl*«: Crelrhton. Dartmouth. Drak»\ cjrinnell. Iowa State, KuniM, Kanaa* Atfgleii. Minnesota, Nnrth Notre Darne, Oklahoma. Oreifcn Ascie*. Oklahoma Aggl***. T**xar. Wash ington. Wiaconatn, Denver univeraity *n\«T ^ f^-L r^og OUJL<5 S i dUMV}- l-\ I CAM PLAV OUtR VAJWAT pcrr ? ] /tae week emp, Mo I’fK MOT / / -0OV I'M 601 MG C ^ -J-J (AFTER vAAMPj Guarantee Funds Beat Sanfords Hunt Rolls Three High Games of Contest—AI Wartrhow Howls High Individual Game. IIK till a ran tee Fund Ufa bowl in c team last n I cli t defeated the Hanford Cafe quintet, 2,098 to 2.O.V.T. whereby it broke a tie that enisted between inn inn i' uni-’ and rarrlrd off I lie season honors in (lie tireater Omaha league. Th« insurance team won the first two games nl the set hr 51 pins. The fate flv« rim* back in the final game, winning it by six pins. Guarantee Fund Life -team started off the night's play with a bang, get' ting 1.0A1 pins in Its Initial game. Al Wartchow rolled the high game of the evening In this game, when he toppled 241 pins. While the Insur-* am o men were getting their 1,001 pins the restaurant men were crash ing the maples for a count of l,0ii7 Coleman and Wills both rolled 221 In this game for the Sanford quintet. Ham of the Sanford team rolled the three high games of the evening, top pling a total of 6fi0 pins. Ken Sclple rolled the high set of games for the Insurance five, crashing the maples for a count of 6f-0, The score; Onarantrr Fund I.lfe. Olson . 1*0 202 HI— *** Moore .>11 1*3 l»l— Ml K Kelpie 3AA 70S 173— AA* Al. Worlrlinw 24* 271 ISA— Mi k ticii.l- .337 tit IA2— AAA Totals .. I«*l l»AO AA7—29AA Sanford r’sfe. Coleman .. 221 IAA IAS AAA Mam .2tA 2SA 214— AAA w ilts .221 I All mil— AAI Koran .ISA IA2 IAA— AIA Wooiilinrr . ttA 20# I7A— ASA Toeals .1AA7 »A3 313—2953 Illini Tracksters to Go to Berkeley 0 1' TIL, April 11.—Coach Harry Gill named 21 ITnlversIty of Illinois track men who will make th» trip to Berkeley. Cal., for the duat meet with the I'nlverslty of California. April 1A. Two more athletes, prnhahly Aprlnters o:- weight men, will he se lected before the squad leaves Satur day afternoon. H. It. Finns Is the only daah man on the list so far, slthough Bob Ayrea, who has been on the invalid list, Is going as manager of the team and may compete. The other mem bers of the squad are Capt. "Pitch" Johnson; Don Kinsey nnd A. C. Hchm. hurdh rs; Dale Carter. Douglas Fes eeiujfn nnd J. I*. Koone. quarter mileis; OsorgA Graham, halfmller: ■life Makeever, Mel Hall, C K. Ponzer, S. C. Msrzulo and Kddie Mleher. mllers and two milers; Marshall Siveeney and H. P. Wnllaee, broail Jumpers: Ted Flint and Laurie Wright, high jumpers; Fieri Schtld hauer, weight man; Milton Angler, javelin; and hem Brownell, Joe Me lloz anil It. L. llunaley, pole vaulters. Michigan Aggies \\ it hr! raw From Drake Kelay Meet Ka*t M.*ch . April 10 Ha rnujii* of allrgrd dlacrlmlnatlnn on th* part of l>rakr rHav nfTMal* who havp plarod thf* athlatft* from th* Mlrhlgin agrb tiltui.t 1 college In th«* unlveraltv chiani Heat Ion. Coach Ralph If. Young bn* derided not to pond entrlc* to the meet. 1n*tmd. the aggie* tram will t*p enttred In the Ohio atate linlveralty iday gtiliu'i April 17, Coach Young *n Id I lioiiiati Defeats Jakwav. Thomaa w«»n from .lukwnv In Thura day night‘* rnmt\ 700 to 13.1 In the 14.3 billiard tournament bring plug rd at the Metropolitan billiard parlor. \\ 'dl-M ** inrHs Thoptua tonight, r~ ~ Newcomers to Central Track Squad Causing Veterans Plenty Worry l-_---' With many new track candidates under the coaching of Noble this week at Central High S' hool coming to the. front, veterans look forward to strung competition In the lnterclsss meet to be held at Creighton field April 1S. Wilbur Pope, brother of Wayne Pope, captain and star track athlete of last year's squad, Is running the low and high hurdles Ilk# a veteran. Bud Richards also looks good In the low hurdles this year. Muxon. foot ball player, is a flash In tha dashes and track fans look forward to him winning the hundred yard dash In the interclass meet. More than 10 candidates are try ing out for the distance this year, with the Ketterman brother* ap pearing to he the choice of the writer. Oliver, Marrow and Kinsey look best in the discus, but It Is rumored around Central campus that. Thomas, who hold* the state record for this event, will be out heforo th# Inter class meet Is reeled off. In the high Jump Msrrow. Pope snd Kettermsn sre likely to he the rlinlre of Coach Schmidt. Pole vanit ers seem to be scarce, but Cheek, and Kgan are clearing the bar In fine style. With this material on hand Central high school will make a hard bid to carry off the honors In the city snd itate meets. GREEN FIRE WINS GREENHAM RACE London, April lt.~Tha Greenham Plate rsre of the opening day of the S'ewbery Port Spring meeting was won Friday by J. B. Joel s three-year old chestnut colt. Green Fire, by Sun star, out of Green Cloth, who heat the favorite, A. R. Cox's bay colt Caravel, by a head Sixteen ran. Green Fire was nuoted at 10ft to 7 against and Caravel, 3ft to 1 against. Steven Ronairhue, leading Jockey over the flat for nme veara, had the mount on Green Fire, scoring hit first success of the. season. The Greenham Plate is for 3 year olds snd Is run.over one mile straight course. The rsre has a ' slue of 1.000 sovereigns. High grads diamonds have been scarce in Kurope the p*«t year. --———-— Wants to Meet Schlaifer in Omaha EDIHK BURN BROOK, welterweight champion of the I lilted States army and one of the leading welters of the country, wants to meet Morrle fschlalfer In an Omaha ring, according to word received from his manager, Jimmy Bronson, former manager of Bob Martin. Kurnbrook has returned to active service in the ring after being out for two months with a dislocated ankle. He defended his army championship last week by knocking out Krnest Hale In two rounds at Fortress Mon roe, Va. - - -- ^ Kinsey Coast Net Champ. Honolulu. April 11.—Robert Kinsey of California Is mid Pacific tennla champion by virtue of his victory Thursday over Harold flodshall in tha finals of the Invitational tourney here. *4. 7 5, f. 2. I> j (toll Oratory, lit I hate I aatil when I lopped a shot Winds that I fiinlMthty ortrr not, \nd nfl In I he future will I say The same old wold* In the same old way. "What," ask* It. It. 0., "do thay mean by 'the gentler sex’ when Mlea Olenna Collett play* a 650-yard hole In 5? It's a good thing we atlll have j a Jack Eempsey and a Strangler l,ewls to keep the modern woman temporarily curbed or restrained,” 2,000,009 .Strokes. Chirk Evans ha* figured out an other way to play good golf. The ex open and ex-amateur champion, trail ing the bounding atntlatlc to He lair, says ho has played 2,000,000 golf strokes In practice and In play, all a* close as possible to the game pattern or standard. With certain patterns to work on lie has hammered away for nearly 20 years to get the stroke grooved. There are quite a few golfers who are certain they have played that many strokes in bunkers and traps, but their only pattern was a pas sionate eagerness to get out as quickly as possible. To play good golf, or consistent golf, one has first to learn the stroke—and then forget It. Forget It while the swing instinctively goes upon its natural way. Thoee starting out again this April who *tlll believe they can hit s golf tall and think about seven or nine important details at the same mo ment, will spend most of their sum mer under giound, flogging away at the sand. TRAITMAN TO LEAI BLUEJAY GAGERS Al A unu^ ucv given in honor of the Creighton university bask et hall team. North Central Intercolle g i a t e C o n ference rhamplona, and members of the athletic staff at Hrandeis Restau rant, last night. "Johnnie" Traut man was chosen by bis team mates as their leaner anu cnpvam »ur ine cuuuu§ ora ■on In place of Captain Lovely who ha* played hla full quota of years and Is now ineligible for intercollegiate ■ports. Trautman began hie bajket ball career in 191*. hla sophmore year In high school, in Elktofl. South Dakota, home of Jimmy Lovely and Chuck Kearney. In the season# of 1919 and 1920 the Elkton squad captured the state championship with Trautman playing regularly In the forward posi tion. In the 1924 season, Just finished, he was easily the most rnnrtstent player on the entire squad and was again high point man for the Bluejay squad. Trautman is a Junior In the College of Arts and Science and will receive hla degree In Jun* of 1925. After that he expects to enroll In the College of Medicine at the University of Minne sota. MacDonald Smith v Signs as “ProM New V.M-k. April 11,—MacDonald Smith of San Francisco, whose come back was a sensation in professional golf circles last year, has signed as professional of the New Lakeville Golf end Country club, whose course Is tinder construction at Great Neck. L. L. He will take up hia duties there In 1925, but will represent tht club this year In tournament play. Smith's engagement adds another etar to the galaxy of profesaional* in the metropolitan district that al ready includes Walter Hagen, Jim Bamea. Gena Saraxen and Joe Kirk wood. Smith's most recent triumph was in the California open championship. «hi"*uth Omaha Junior*. Blown Park M»r. hunii Torr Klsrirki, , A in ton Tub» Mwtft Indapandar »•. Mar t*. bing I*. Jalt 99. Floranca Cub# Oorr Klortrtca. Hf"» n Ti k llan'htata Vtnina Tub# pwift Independenta • Mouth Omaha Junior*. Milwaukee, AA la.. April It i-Fmlr Ho«nm*n oaat faaTtarwalght. and Uri'rc# llutcb •*( t*t 1-ouia tnaat h*re to night In a 16 mund match, th* winner of which ta a* haduiad to meat Battnl* Baa* of Philadelphia her# April 24 *• half of a double w mlup affair. In which , .toav Manger and t>anny Kramer of Phil* •lalphia will mart in tha main avant. ilmiiPinan and Butch hare mat pravtouatr. Uanitiiiar winntn# n nawapwuer dacletot* after a hard fight In Fa at Thicago, Ind tan Hornurdlfio. « al April II—-Hilly Papk* and Johnnr Wabar fought a fa#i draw hat a Thundar night Both ara tnt»K>* lightweight* In th* *#mi-wtndup .loa Buti'* 'f I »»a Angela* knorkad out ttaorga Tahrogat aftar ona mtnuta of noting tn tha aace>'.i round with a right! he ok to ih« taw '# ha> ara Junior ligh- i ust.pttia Junior l‘*»wa|l. loa Angalra Sunt "nwsuh* «to| pad Town* Oao***> of! Manrafuanto tn tha ie> anil tout'd tha r*f I ai«* aioppiiig VUa kvul to Mil tiaotga SIOUX FALLS JOINS CIRCUIT BUT HAS NO CLUB TO PUT IN RACE-WANTS ANTELOPE MEN Man Mart » the players to (Hum Kalla for 1 and throw the franchise In for go measure, but the South Dakota r* sentatlves booked down^ For t Hloux Falla would get the same Infl* d that played with Uncoln last **>• when the team won the Nebrs* pennant. Follow Ing the action of the r' owners In voting the Lin franchise and club over to H Falla, the Lincoln owner* declare that they would take the matter with Secretary Farrell of the Natmr Federation of Minor elube. and if « decision didn't suit them they would start court action. Sioux Fall* has no player* signed It expect* to get the Uncoln club Moon *aya Sioux Fall* wdl have to pay. Sioux Fall* say* It will not I nder the rule* of organized baseball, the Uncoln players be come free agent* soon if they are not disposed of before that time After the new Tri State league » i "V organized, with Sioux Falls, Sice* City, Beatrice, Hasting*. Norfolk ard Grand Island as member*, the club owners decided on a 120-game ache*', ule. which opens May * and close, September Dick Grotte, who was president r*t the Nebraska State league, will act ?, president of the Tri-State circuit. Takes Out $5,000 Rain Insurance on Drake Relay Meet Dm MoIiim, April 11 .—Athletic Director K. I.. Wilson of Drake ■niverslty took out >5.000 rain in surance in covering both days of the 15th annual Drake relay meet. April 55 and 56. The insurance will indemnify the 1,500 atliletea ex pected to compete for at least a part of their expense* in case of Inclement weather. AO receipt* are pro rated among the visiting team* to help defray expense*, i J Jack Ppffi ier After Schlaifer Jack Palmer, Philadelphia welter weight, who has been hurling chal enge* at Morrie Schlaifer. went one ■ung up the lender to the champion ihip, when he decisively trounced A1 (Valters In eight rounds at Atlantic rily, N. J. Palmer charge* Schlaifer with be ing afraid of him and is willing to 'cross-bat*" with Morrio on practical y hi# (Schlaifer'*) conditions. The most notable feat that Pal mer has performed la to win over Mickey Walker In five rounds. He iccompliahed tbis in Philadelphia, vfarch 14, 1S5J, several month# be 'ore the present kingpin of the wel ierwwghta won the title from Brit ion. He also defeated Pete Latzo, Rocky Smith. Barney Adair. Johnny nilma. Piet Hobln, Eurpean rham >lon: Phil Bloom and a score of other food boys. RAINS HANDICAP D 3Y CANDIDATES Louisville. Ky.. April 11.—Candi latee for the golden jubilee running if the Kentucky derby quartered here rave been unable to step out at top ipeed in workouts this week, as local racks were heavy from recent rains, rhe oval at Churchill Downs Is dry ng rapidly, however, and la expected loon to be In the best condition. Umpires Assigned to Opening Day Games Chicago, April 10.—President Bon Johnson of the American league to ■tight announced the following assign ment* of umpire* for the opening fame* of the season next Tuesday: At Boston—Connolly and Dlnneen. At Washington—Evan*. Xallln and Rowland. At Chicago—Owen* and Holmes. At Detrott—Morlarty, Hildebrand ind Ormsby. Today's Fairies. BOW IK. Ki *t rue# II ,!0t, 2-yoar-olda. 4 fur nnga Italian ...10* flu>r«»4jr ... -10$ Rarnajr Googla 110 aKothar .... 113 Foobcap ....10» aRajoctcd ,...10$ Tha I'raola U$ at'arr and Cotdtn anlry Hreond taca »1 200. claiming, lyoar ilils and up. f'| furlongs: l'rapair .Ill l.iatan Pfsr • ..110 Popp>a ..lot K.iuira Wigg na l“» Arondal .Smp1i.iv '*« VJu'rk Tima . .104 Rudduglc 1'4 Tiding* 101 Twt al Watnr 02 Third rara $1,200, 1 xear-oMa and up furlong*: aPunlln ..12* T***d *lr»n**a - Tima* .114 Wilkes Bar-a 1'0 .la a F O'Hara 10$ Kid'n Jtoroll $> a t'wad an anlry Fourth ra e IVinfa Gacrga hand add ad t-yaar-olda ond up. mil# i*»d a *?tt#anth Reparation 120 Opporman .. 11 Rama .11$ patting Hun ..1«0 Tharwdala 10T Tony Raau .. 100 0 dan HiUowa 103 Kagar II Mawallyn KJ Chlaf C\ttry 4« Fifth raca Gtaimina t * tida and up, ml la and half Ruparhum ..104 Camni* Cl 102 Attixraay Muir 10f Nosua *» 1'it ,, tf Miui 91 l.ittia A mm 'a of Rigth rat e ( laltnmg $1 too. 4 rear >Ma anti up mil* and a half Hobtar .10J Hickory 101 Annlxaraarx ..101 I'* Haa Of Old Faithful - *• iluurmanxt Of Tody .. 0J sax rath race xTaimtng $i 200 t >aar (|V* and up. milt and ' xaida R If Rang 11) TtajAtma 1 ylty Wit, hat U. H - W !$«*» tu Mi Tandaf Haf h 110 Th tphf 'n ,100 Anna 0| |u‘ — —« . wL Hoppe to Play Jake Schaefer Xcw York, April 11— Fresh from the successful defense of his world « 18-2 balkline billard title, ending Thursday night, IViUie Hoppe will en gage tonight in an exhibition with Jake Schaefer, former champion, at a local club. Hoppe retained hie championship against the challenge of Edouard Horemans of Belgium, iast night, by a score of 3 300 to *58. The Belgium won the final block, 618 to 600. Score by innings: Hoppe. is. i< * ' i*. »* * ’■ 4 0. TJ, 1. ( -Tom' it* rjn«. It1 77 . average. Jilt-14. ..... Hererr.ane. 4'. 3, f. I. 4 I 'I • * *-■ • X. 17. li—Total »l». High runs. it.. »?: average. SI U-18 Referee: A. C. Cutler. OranA average. Hoppe. JltS-99, Here ir.ana, II 11-79. Zanfres to Substitute for Carter in Boxing Show ___ Lincoln, April 10.—The managers of the National guard boxing tourna ment planned for next Tuesday night, were notified today that Bay Carter, fc-loux City boxer, who was on the card to meet Chariey Long (colored! df Omaha in sn eight round bout, had broken hia ankle and that Ted Zan frea. also of Sioux City, had been substituted. events, comprising 30 rounds of bnx The tournament w ill consist of four ing in all, between men who ere de clared to be well matched. __— - Pacific Coast League V_ Farrarnento. April 11.— F. H. K. V#rtion ....\\ * Batt*rte« Christian. Penner and Mur phy; Prouph. Hofhra and Fchang. Salt Teak# Cltr. April 11— F H F Oak laud .... • J • Salt Lak# . I*Jl l Batter**# Krau#e. Arlett and Feed. Singleton aod Cook. Fan Franc'*#. April 1! — F K F Portland . I ? 1 San Fran dec# ...> 1* 1 Batter!*# Wiatera and Paly. Qaarr; Burger and Agnear. Telia. Lo* Angelea. April 21 — F B T. Feat tie ... . . * 1 J * Loa Anrelea .. I 12 1 II rousers [n fine worsted*, all wool cassimcres. tweeds and cheviots in a wide range of suiting patterns to match your suit and vest. All Siir» 28 to 50. 3.95 The greatest selections I nti'l the gn^itest t allies. I F.atlK l l.«