Glad to lie Bark Savs Bishop as Hr Arrives Herr M«'ilini]i*t Offirill Come* llmtir on SlrrlrllPr \flrr Month* of 111 tit-**!* in South. "I *m (lad to h* track hnma " That I* all Blakop llom*r C. Stunt* of tha Omaha area M*tl»dl»t Epta copal church could aay Friday morn ing a* h* lay on a stretcher at the Union alatlon. Th* anm* amll* that has greeted thotiaonda wna on his face, hut the bishop could not rale* hla head to speak to the friends Bother* 1 around him. T*'*nty Methodist mlni*l*ra of umaha were at tha atatlon. Among other friends who hod Rath eted to greet th* stricken hlahop, wer* Mr. and Mra. Howard Uuahton, IJr. and Mr*. W. F. Uallfas and Mr*. David Col*. The bishop called Mrs. Uushton by name as she bent down and kissed him. Mr. Uushton accom panlcd Mrs. Stunt* to Florida in Feb ruary, but returned some time ago. Rlshop Stunt* nnd Mrs. Stunt* ar rived at 8:fi0 trom Miami. Fla., where be suffered a stroke of paralysis on February 12. Hla left side was af fected. For two months he was too 111 to return to Omaha. Many Favors at Chicago. Railroad officials at Chicago made arrangements to have tha car In which the bishop was traveling Join ed to an Omaha car, so no transfer on a stretcher would be necessary at the Chicago station. Flowers and prominent Methodist officials of Chi cago greeted him there, among them, being Mr*. Thomas Nicholson, wife of the Chicago bishop. The day was Mrs. Stuntz's birth day and she and the bishop were pre sented wdth flowers and well wishes. Stood Trip Well. "He stood the trip fairly well," said Mrs. Stuntz. "X am sure he is improving. He has hope of doing a part of his work here, so was anxious to return home. He Is able to sit up for several •hours a day and takes nourishment. There is a great change In the bfshop since my arrival in Miami when he was so seriously ill He is going to get well now." Mrs. Stuntz explained that their son, C!y„ has filed suit In district court against Dodge and Burt counties asking $1,700 for damages suffered In an automobile accident when his car toppled into a ditch, west of Fehllng. McTCnight s auto struck a culvert, he says, causing the car to tipset In the dltrh, resulting In destruction rvf the machine and serious Injuries to himself. He allegee that the presence e warning post or s safety device v would have prevented the accident. Bryan (iuided by ^ ote. Hy AMOflnlrd |,rr«». Lincoln. April II.—Selection of Judges to fill vacancies on the an preme court bench and the municipal bench at Omaha will ha governed gn-ntlv by the vote cast at the pti mat ) , Li * et nor Bryan an id today. Lost Rubens, Worth Million Francs, Discovered in Dusty French Attic YNirl*. April II — A H«b#a«, nlu«l M ttiort Utnn 1 **»»» fmvifa hut b##»* dlHotHiNl mnon# 14 fil«l fiuviwn pun lm*M f«r A fiw hundrH frttir* by an ant In wiry at Rfiuhili, IwoHl* nf |(i th# l*#tlt lfe*Ht#n rnrr##|wn«l#nt Ihtr#. Tha plctiir## i%#r# Inlirrlthl by i I opal man from hi# irr#»tt unfit. Il*nrv Hnbtlin, attfUonttr f«r tha famotta Drmirt an Ira room In I’arla In thr r##ln of Nnpolron III. II# thnuaht thmi vahitltaa amt itowwl Ihtm away In a rorntr of tho attic. Iltrrntly they wrra r##urr#ci#d whlla th# attic \va# bring rlPHtiHl and w#r# offered to M. Art##, a local antique dealer, who took them at a amnll price. I.oiiKIok them over with an artlat Airplane Bombs Honduras Town American Sailors on Shore Leave Narrowly Escape Injury. Washington, April 11 —Air pilots of Honduran revolutionary forces have b , un bombing raids on Teguci galpa, the capital, and have killed a number of women nnd children. Four bombs were dropped near the grounds where members of the Amer ican landing force from the cruiser Milwaukee at Amapala were exercis ing, but dispatches to the Navy de pnrtmont today from Hear Admiral Dayton made no mention of any rns unities among the American naval force. Rear Admiral Davtnn said the avia tors evidently had mistaken the Amer lean sailors for enemies. (Commander Causey, in charge of the detachment at Tegucigalpa, was expected to make vigorous protest to the de facto government and revolu tlonnry leaders against continued bombing of the city os endangering American lives. The report to the Navy department said the aim was to bomb the jail at Tegucigalpa, but that the missiles landed on residences. Washington. April 11.—Sumner Wells, American commissioner in ihe Dominican republic, has been ordered by President Coolidge to revolution torn Honduras to offer the friendly assistance of the Cnlted States in bringing about a solution among the warring factors and the establish ment of peace, it was announced ai the State department today. Wells sailed from Santa Domingo on the T. S. S. Richmond on April 9. He will act as the special representa five of President Coolidge. Trainmen on New Haven Line Get U age Increase New Tork. April 11.—The New Tork, New Haven & Hartford Rail road rompany announced today that its conductors, trainmen and yard men had been granted the following wage increases: Passenger service, 3". cepts an hour: yard service, 4 cents an hour; freight service, 414 cents an hour. friend h* w*# Mulch he * tin* (tie Hir*, I# lnch#« bv Hit«, which l«mk*d Ilk* A ltnh*na. The* rl*«n*d II c«t>* ftlll* Ahil wer* a»lu|»l»hcil In (Inti lit* •KMlWti 4*r*« then **nl lit* t»l>lme, which *hnw* Venn* *lc*pln* *ntl a fann, l« |,rnf***nr Tttmijn* nf lit* Rm***l* *cl nchtmf, A well known aulhttrll* Ml Ruben*. Who pronmnnul u K*ntiln*. GIRL IS WOOED AND WON IN DAY |r>m#»tle r# j tMl»na enort thm h*r htmhanrt, ltarrv,| innpoaed th# anin# day hr met her i iarl lYeerolmr. If* had com# out from N#ar York In won h#r nl