T3ST| The Omaha Morning : see CITY EDITION J VOL. S8. NO. US. OMAHA ;ttll, 12. 1984. • TWO CENTS" HJfWH■BUS-* <---' ^ ■" 1 1 1 ^ mt m.ii n ?«m t*n» •*«*.. » •• -v* ,,l» *'N r"'* 11 T**,t twl» «»«—*»» »l,; —M»* »■'»■ »*_—_ , j; ■_ aa * - . . . - -r .- --'**== - ----*- _ _ Vets’ Bonus Cash Option to Be Urged Clause in Bill Allowing $1 for Each Day of Service Above 60 to Be Pre pared. Simmons Launches Move ■Washington, April It.—Incorpora tion in the soldier bonus hill of an option for full rash payments to vet erans on the basis of $1 for each day of service above 60 days will be proposed by Senator Simmons of North Carolina, ranking democrat on the senate finance committee. The bill will be taken up again to morrow by the committee and repub licans who have agreed generally on the terms of the house insurance hill predict the measure will be ordered reported. The house measure would sllow computation of adjusted service credit on the basis of $1 for each day of home service and $1.25 for each day of overseas service, above the first 60 days. Cash payments would he made only to those veterans not entitled to more than $50, others be ing given 20-year endowment life In surance policies. $1,500,000,000 Bond Issue. Senator Copeland, democrat, New York, has Introduced a bonus bill along the lines of that Senator Sim mons will propose, except that, it carries no insurance option. Using the dollar a-day basis of credit, the Copeland bill would authorize a gov ernment bond issue of $1,500,000,000 to run for a period of 60 years, which amount. It was estimated, would cover the entire cost. Cost of the house bill has been estimated by govern ment actuaries at from $2,202,000,000 to $3,600,000,000. AA'ith a report of the bonne bill to the senate in prospect by next Mon day, an Immediate showdown is ex ported on whether the tax or bonus ^— bill wjll he taken up first. Chair man Smoot of the finance committee .'•enounced yesterday he would call 11m tax bill up for discussion about the middle of the week. Republicans generally, however, have said private ly that they would favor disposition first of the bonus bill, estimating that not morn than a week would be re quired for this. Paasage of a bonus hill is declared certain. Senator Rob inson, democratic leader, has declared he would favor immediate action on either the tax or bonus bill. Minority Report. Chairman Smoot said today he prob ably would transmit the majority re port on the tax reduction bill to the senate tomorrow'. Senator Simmons has asked Senator Jones of New Mexico, a democratic member of the committee, to prepare the minority re port, and Mr. Jones said today It was unlikely this would be submitted to the senate before Monday. Activities of republican organiza tion members, looking toward a com promise on the Mellon Income tax rate schedule to head off the demo cratic plan outlined yesterday by Senator Simmons, have been halted temporarily by the absence from the city of Senator McCormick, Illinois, a republican member of the committee, who had said he would seek such a compromise. Beatrice Mayor Re-Elected; Refuses to Retain Office Beatrice, Neb., April 11.—At a meeting of the city commissioners, C. C. Farlow was re-elected mayor. J. B. • High snd .T. R. Kllis were re elected »o their old departments. Although Mr. Kills received 57 votes more than either of the other commissioners, he ‘*-6* refused to accept the office of mayor. We Have With Us Today Mrs. A. R. Maynard, Detroit, Mir It. Housewife. Mrs. Maynard was born In Co lumbus, Neb.—not so many years ago—and received her education In Columbus. Chicago and Wellesley. Her father, the late M. K. Cooney, was a. pioneer Nebraskan, and one of the very earliest settlers In IMafte county. It was while living In Chicago that this Nebraska girl met her husband, an official of the Western Klectrlc company. Since her mar rslye she has made her home In Detroit, where she has found time to take a rather active part In sports, especially tn yolf; In politics and In the Woman's club of I>e troit. These things, however, she save, never interfere with the duties of h"r home or the time which sh« spends with her little daughter, who is now 11. Mrs. Maynard stopped off to i,*- Omaha for a. short visit with her sister, Miss Mary Cooney. She e\ pressed amazement at the growth and metropolitan atmosphere of Nebraska's largest dty. HOWELL PROPOSES NEW RAIL RATE BILL S|*erlel f)|»pntrh to The Om«h* Re*. Washington, April It.—Senator H. H. Howell Introduced a. bill today making It Impossible for the Inter state commerce committee to fix rail road rales in excess of a maximum of f> per cent nn rate making valua tions. Howell, with other senators opposed to the Each Cummins law, charge* that under the present statute a minimum rate of 6 per cent guaranteed to make the 6 per cent the maximum instead of minimum rat# would. Howell asserts, re estab lish rate competition among railroads. Opposition to the nlleged 6 per cent guarantee was one of the keynotes of Howell's rnmi>algn for Vnlted States senator. I Foot and Mouth Reported; Western States Issue New Orders to Combat Malady. Sacramento, Cal., April 11.—Eight additional outbreaks of the foot and mouth disease in different parts of the state that had been quarantined were announced today by the stale Department of Agriculture. Gover nor Richardson Informed a committee of 50 men. representing the agricul tural, business, hanking and other in dustries of the state, that he docs not favor at this time calling a special session of the legislature to deal with the problem caused by the epidemic. The government said that what Is needed Is action on the part of the committee organized to underwrite a fund to reimburse Immediately those whose stock Is slaughtered in the campaign against the disease. VI do not propose to allow anv delegation or flood of telegrams to bowl me ofT my feet In calling to gether a hostile legislature that may resort to politics,” the governor said. One of the outbreaks reported was in Contra Costa county and It was the first in several weeks in an area where It was hoped the disease had been brought under control. The new outbreaks Involve 7.486 head of live stock. The best reports to the state hoard Indicate a total of 85,000 ani mals have been destroyed since the disease was discovered. Western states continued to Issue new orders to combat the carrying of the disease Into their territory. Nevada announced tramps and Ijnboes who hop off at Reno from trains from California will he fumi gated. Colorado Issued sn embargo on sll shipments from California of foodstuffs and many other articles. Washington will Inspect all tourists from California at the Oregon-Wash inetnn line and take measures to pre vent the disease entering I hat state. T.lvpstnek men of Oregon asked Gov ernor Walter M. Pierce to provide funds to protect Oregon against the disease. All automobiles entering Oregon from California are Inspected and tagged. COLORADO TO BAR COAST SHIPMENTS TVnv»r, Colo., April 11.—Governor Sweet late today issued an emergency proclamation placing an embargo on all shipments originating In Cali fornia nnd destined for delivery In Colorado. The measure Is taken In an effort to prevent the outbreak of the foot and mouth disease In Colo rado. The embargo Is directed sgalnst all foodstuffs, fruits, farm produce, trees ami shrubbery and numerous articles. Attorney General Williams declared that, the embargo would not affect shipments now en route to the state, but no further hillings to Colorado would be permitted during the epi demic In California. Young Farmer Is Charged Willi Violating Mann Art Creston, Is.. April 11.—Merlin W. Adrian, aged 23. an Adair county far mer, was bound over to the federal granjl Jury thla afternoon, following his arraignment before the United Stales commissioner on charges of violation of the Mann act. The only witness at the hearing was a tf) year-old high school gill of Greenfield, whom Adi Ian Is alleged to have taken to Council Bluffs in his automobile, March 23. The girl tes tified that they spent the night in a Council Bluffs hotel, nnd next day went to Omaha where tip again regis tered as man nnd wife. She rlnlmn she refused to accompany him In Omaha anil that ahortly thereafter they were arrested and returned to Greenfield. Adrian's bond has been set at $2,001). lie has a wife and nnd one child. Acruwd Slayer Surrender*. Nrw York, April 11 -Copt. Robert Roarnbluth, who I* undrr Indlctmrnt In fhr frdrrnl district court In thr rt.'ifr of WMohinston with flrrfft. Rol and R. Roth lor for th« murder of Mft.1. Alexander I*. iVonkhltfi nt (lamp I,owl* on Octobrr UR, 1919, xur* irndorod today lo I'nitrd Com nilMHloiirr Hitchcock. ... . ■ - i .....• Mavbe We’ve Been Overestimating the Chic ken’s Intelligence. f Fool chickens f wouldnt 1 Yt»u think therb lea*n \ mot to try to CRolf j The road ahead ot ah l^trrtYMoBiLt f 'POOL AUTOrSTS' j wouldnt you think. I they'd learh not to ; try to CROSS the TRACK AHEAD OR A t TRAIN ? IStinnes’ Four Sons Take Over Work Death of German Industrial Magnate Cause* Flurry of Stocks. Berlin, April 11.—Hugo Stlnnes’ death today held public Interest, over shadowing even the Dawes report. There Is fear of a serious repercus sion upon national economic*. The general feeling la that his gigantic In tereata depended too much upon hi* master hand to b* guided by others. Thl* anxiety was reflected In the dis astrous slump of Stlnnea’ stocks, tilviwi Son*. Stlnnes realized the certainty of hi* death yesterday morning when he called til* four sons to the bedside and calmly told them: "I am going, but I depend upon you to live up to tradl tlons. My advice, summed up briefly. Is: Work, be honest, be modest, both In demeanor and requirements. Shun soft luxurious living- Hetnember, sue restful work is Its own reward." Stlnnes’ eldest son, Dr. Kdmund Stlnnes, in. who will take over hts father'a administration of affairs, gave a. brief statement to International New* Service. To Carry On Work. "My solemn pledge over my fath er's death Is to live up to the tradi tions he established. If I fulfill this pledge to the best of my ability, I will feel that I have been worthy to bear his name.” The second s<>n, Hugo, Jr., !H, re inafns head of the Hamburg shipping line. The third son is a student, and" the fourth Is still a boy. Just before hi* death Stlnnes de mnnded the simplest possible funeral. JURY IN M’CRAY CASE DISMISSED Indiana polls. Ind., April 11.—Th* Jury In the trial of Governor Warren T. Mol’ray, charged with larceny and ctnfocjaslernent of stalo funds, dis agreed and was discharged at 5:40 this afternoon. When called into court by Judge Marry O. Chamberlin, the Jury re ported that it was unable to reach n verdict. The court then polled the member* of the jury and each re plied there was no chance of reaching a verdict. The jury was discharged. Court Hears Walton Appeal. Washington. April 11.- The appeal of former Governor Walton of Okla homa from the impeachment proceed ings by which he was removed from office was taken under sdvlsement without argument today by the *u preme court. Marriotl in (ion mi I Bluff*. T)t« follow! n*c per»nn» obtained mar Hugo Iti onimn in t mint'll Hltiff* •lay: rill T.opai. Omaha . .*’ SnlHi't Oirtlrn, Omaha •*•••» ** Itnhart ftSvana, F( f'mok Nab. .T1 Nina RptMtr, l»r*v*laii*l. Ip .. ti Huy llaffnar. FI I lot t la. .. ** t'lara < *a milch* *1, Klllol, l» ...*••*• »• I ,#o* MtH'hlan. Omaha .. >* 11•*I• i Nl*muni1, Omaha ..*»«•»•••« •* • ‘liar lr« fiorrnralf, Oinalia .. *• Martha Aarh*. Omaha_ ■ . >1 r Summary of The Day In Washington The White House announced President Coolldge'e opposition to large campaign contributions. The senate committee to Investi gate Indictment of Senator Wheeler, democrat, Montana, subpoenaed Its first witnesses. Japan lodged a bristling protest sgalnst proposals In eongrese to apply further drastic restriction to Japanese immigration. Charges of Illegal administration of the packers and stockyards art were heard by the house commit tee on expenditures of th* Agri cultural deportment. More testimony about fight films, the Old Hickory powder rase and the Milter Bros, prosecution* In Oklahoma were heard by the Daugherty committee. president C'oolltJgA denied he had or would Issue Instructions to the fipjKirtmont of Justice with refer enre to the indictment of Senstor Wheeler of Montana. Sumner Welle*, American com missioner to th« Pnmlnlran repub lic. was ordered to offer friendly assistance of the United State* In sn effort to achieve peace In Hon duras. Chairman Hall of the Interstate commerce commission advocated postponement of the effective date of section 29 of the merchant marine act before a house com mittee. President CoolMre, 1t was an nounced, will oppose American hat tle*hlp conversion to oil burners If It will lend other nations to make similar outlay In navel ex pendlturea. The aenate oil committee suucht Information nbout a IJ,<100,000 loan by the Chase National hank In New York In 1919 to William Boyce Thompson, former chairman of the republican national committee's finance committee. President Coolidge. In * sharp mesHHKe to the senate, dcatini; with the internal revenue bureau In vestlRntion. urned s return to (tov rrnment "in sccordance with the usual forms of the law of the land,’’ and senate democrat* later replied from the floor, Omalui Morliimic Uinrpctl \\ illi Httliliitip (.arapr Tenimath, Neb., April II Fret1 Fay, who wan apprehended In Omaha Sunday and brought here on n charge of burglarising the II. If. fleharht garage at Cook recently, wua brought before Judgt J. It K.iprr In the din ttirt court here itxlay on a charge ol burglary. llo pleaded guilty am .fudge Rnper sentenced him to tlu penitentiary for from three to never yearn at hard lnlmr. and to pay enati of milt. Fey hid previously work*»< for Mr. Hchnrht «t> mechanic. Ilf broke Into the gnrage and got awa> with about 14do worth of tire*, tht moat of which wan recovered In Oma bn. Fey la 29 and ha a h family It Oma bn. Board Adopts : & Dawes Report Reparations Commission Votes to Accept Plan of Experts’ Committee. raria. April 11—Th* Interallied reparations commission this afternoon unanimously adopted th# Dawes re port recommending ways to balance the German budget, stabilize currency and restore normal economic condi tions. The commission met Informally at the offic* of the chairman. Louts Itarthou. The member* had been studying th# report ever alnee It was Issued Wednesday. The next et?p will he to obtain tha views of th# various governments. The reparations commission will hear German representatives on April 1*. The commission recommends the allied government* to sccept the re port, provided Germany accepts, and take th# neeeaaary meaaure# to carry it out. TVondon. April II.—Aft International ronferenca with ths United State* participating, to dlacuan a Anal repara tlona settlement upon the basis opthe Hawes report was forecast her# to day. The flrst flush of optimism that the problem would be solved through gen eral acceptance of the Dawes report in Its original fnfrni gave way to doubts after advices had been re ceived from Berlin and Paris. Although Premier MacDonald has »>een studying the experts* report since Wednesday, the official attitude of the British government has not yet beene disclosed. In quarters close to the government fears were expressed that France would raise objections to the Dawes program because It does not fix a definite total of German payments. This may mean that France will firing in the question of allied war debts, which might return the Issue lo the oki vicious circles of endless discussions. It is possible Premier MacDonald and Premier Poincare may consult I ref ore either nation makes a decisive mo\ e. Intimation is given semi-officially Hint Great Britain docs not wish to hurry tilings until after the general | elections in France and Germany Meantime something may happen which will cause the downfall of the laborite government In Kngtand. Pirliirr of Mr*. (!oolid|r IVf-M-nlrtl lo ^ liih* Houitr Washington. April 11.—Members of tin* Pi Beta Phi fraternity rfath ered here in convention touay pre sented to the White House a portrait of Mrs. Uilvtn UooHdge, which wtl! be plated 111 the permanent collection at the executive mansion. Tbs pic tine Is by Howard (’handler Ghriaty and shows Mrs. CoolUfg* standing with a white collie dog by her side tlhe wears a Pi Beta Phi pin A re ception III the blue room by Mrs. 1'ooHdir* followed. Private Lawyer, Paid by Couzens Brings Protest, Wheeler-Brookhart Sued Mrl S. Daugherty Strikes Bark at Investigating Com mittee—Senators Denied Chance to See Records. Ry Associated Press. Washington Courthouse. O, April 11.— A refuse! to produce the records of the Midland National bank or to allow their clients to appear In per son before the senate Daugherty liw vestigating committee, was entered by attorneys for M. S. Daugherty, broth er of the former attorney general. The refusal was Anal, the attorneys said, and Chairman Brookhart noti fied them that proceedings charging M. S. Daugherty and his associates with contempt of the senate would be sought. The committee, whose subpoenas were formally disregarded, then pro ceeded to take evidence from other witnesses bearing on the Daugherty Investigation. The committee was told by John Phelon, one of its agents, that the former attorney general had 175,000 on deposit at the Midland bank. It was also told that he owned In 1921 2,500 shares of the Wright Martin Air corporation stock. This company had been named In the investigation as re ceiving ''overpayments" from the gov ernment in war contract accounts. Striking back at the senator* on the committee, the Midland National bank served Chairman Brookhart and Senator Wheeler as they sat with summons to appear In a civil suit of undescrlbed character. Th# summons gave notice that a restraining order ha4 been Issued by Probate Judge Gregg against the eommtttee and In behalf of the bank, seeking to prevent Inquiry Into the bank's affairs. The restraining order was issued In the Payette county common plea* court snd served by the sheriff. It cited th# senators to appear on May 10 Th* committee attempted to pro reed, while agent* sought to learn of ths legal harrier to Its proceedings It called K. I,. Bush, * Washington Courthouse business mat. who re fused to be sworn as a witness, at least until he had time to consider what answer he might make to ques tlons. s He was not excused, but let go, Chairman Brookhart observing "that there may be somebody else before the bar of the senate." Joseph Hidy, a local lawyer, repre sented to the committee that a peii tlon had been presented to th* court of common plea*, with a former law partner of H. M. Daugherty sitting on the bench. Chairman Brookhart announced that the restraining order had been issued by a judge of a court of limit ed jurisdiction, sitting In another court other than his own. Htdy tes tlfied that no petition for a restrain Ing order had been filed a* required by law and that, he had been unable to obtain a copy of the restraining order Itself. HOUSE FAILS TO PASS ROAD BILL lies Moines. Ia., Apr’t It.—The house failed again today to reach any conclusion of the graveling road' bill, but an amendment was filed late this afternoon which was believed to I have the necessary qualification to meet I he house's approval. The senate also put In an entire day on the drainage bill with Senator Huser, Muscatine county, endeavor ing lo strike out those sections ad versely affecting levees In the east ern part of the atate. MATHERS PLEDGES AID TO M’MULLEN ‘Full aupport and saslstnnc# of Adam McMullen" was pledged by A. X. Mathers, defeated candidate for republican nomination for governor. In a telegram lo his successful oppo nent Friday. Mathers' telegram to McMullen fol lows: "Accept my most sincere congrstu latlons and full support snd assist ance throughout your coming cum paign. (Signed) A. X MATHFBS." Only .2 of I Per Ont. "Sonny Furlong, 1441 Webeter slreel, and John Pooler were dis ml seed In court Friday morning after tl.e city chemists had testified that the "sweetening" (Jeneral Prohibition Agent Boh Satnardlck had seised In n raid on their estahllahinent last Saturday contained only J of 1 per cent of alcohol. Uriah Senior class of the high school had "sneak day" Tuesday snd diove to IJneoln, visiting the pent lentlary asylum. Gooch* flouring mills amt other place of Interest. The i lass Is • oliiposed of 16 membeia and I IVill he graduated May H Coolidge to Senate When constitutional and legal j rights of the senate are used aa a subterfuge to cover unwarranted Intrusion, the department investi gated becomes the victim of vague, unfonnulated and indelniie charges; insetad of a government of law we have a government of lawlessness. Against the continuance of auch a practice I enter my solemn pro- j test and give notice that In my opinion the department* ought not to be required to participate In ft. If it is to h» continued, the re- | sponsibility must rest upon those ; who are undertaking it. It Is time that we return ta a government under and in ac cordance with the usual form* of the law of the land. The state of j the un’oii requires the Immediate adoption of auch a course. The request for a list of the rom- i ponies in which the secretary of the treasury was alleged to be In terested in must have been dir- | fated by some other motive than a desire to secure information for I the purpose of legislation. The appo'ntment of an agent j and attorney to art in behalf of the t'nited Stales senate, to be paid by some other source than the public teeasney is in conflict w.th section 1764 of the revised stat utes. Mellon to Coolidge When through unnecessary in terference the proper ever rise of this duty (conduct of the Treasury department) is rendered impossible. I must advise you that neither I nor any other man of character ran longer lake responsibility for the treasury. .. tiovernment by Investigation Is nol government. All companies in which I hate been Interested have been sought out. I have aided in obtaining from them the waiver of their right to privacy and in the de livery of their Income pit returns : In complete detail to the committee. This Investigation has disclosed that no rompany in which I have been Interested has received any diffeernt nc better treatment than any othec taxpayer. The Inquiry, so far as showing that I favored my own interest, ha* tailed completely. Any con structive purpose of the commit tee has now been abandoned. __/ Stationers of Omaha Accused Thi'iiIx-Ivo \)Miciation< \rc charjretl VI it It l nfair Mfthnil* of Competition. Washington. April 11.-—The Nation al Association of Stationers ami Man ufaoturers of the I'nlteil State* xcith offloea in Chicago. the Wholesale Stationers' association of the Vnited States with offices in New York cilv. and :i sectional stationers' associ tlons are charged xrith unfair meth ods of competition in a complaint Is sued hy the federal trade commission today. The organization named vlr tuallx- ronlroi the mantifactur* of stationery goods In the t'nited States, the complaint charges, and alleges that they are In combination to stifle competition. The following local and sectional association* are named a* respond ents in the complaint, with their of ficers and members: Atlantic Sta tioner*' club. Baltimore Stationers' association. Boston Stationers' asso elation. Buffalo Stationers' club. Chi cago Stationers' association, Colorado Stationers' association, Kansas Book Dealers' association, lsjuisvllle Stamp and Stationery club. Northwestern Stationers' association. Omaha Sta tioners' association. Paclflo Northwest Stationers' association. Philadelphia Stationers' association, Pittsburgh Stationers' chib, Hh hmond Stationers' association. St lamia Stationers’ a» •delation. Stationers' Association of California, Stationer* and Publishers' laxard of trade of \>xx York. Station era1 Association of Now York, Sta tinner*' Association of New Orleans Stationer* tlub of Buffalo, Station ft*' Association of Southern Cali fornla and the Stationers Club ol Toledo. The Weather K-' Ft>r *4 hour* ? m wt April H tlonrh Tfwprriijiim la m *2 1 p »n 4' 4 a. hi . 41 S l* Pi * , . . 4' ?• ro ....... M * v w. 4! * a ro4 a 4 |» 4 4 • a- m ... 4 1 b * , *4 )• ■ ni . 4| a |i m ....... 41 11 a m .... 4 T f* in H U nt.on 4 k I p m 43 Sfiialr sing Constitutional Right as Subterfuge to Cover Unwarranted In trusion. President Sava. Hr tHWlilfi Swn. Washington, April 11.—President Coolidge In a message to the senate today advised that body to maintain Its "constitutional and legal rights" in conducting investigations. The president supplemented his message with a letter from Secretary Mellon In which the treasury head declared that should “unnecessary in terference" with the proper exercise of his duty I* continued "neither 1 nor any other man of character can lone take responsibility for th» treas ury." "It is time that we return to % government under snd in accordance with the usual forms of the law of the land," the president said. "The state of the union requires ths im mediate adoption of such a course. Test of Message. The president's message, addressed to the senate, said: "Herewith is a copy of a letter from the secretary of tba treasnrr, Hon. Andrew W. .Mellon, to me, which I feel constrained to transmit to the senate for its Information. Also a copy of the resolution adopted by the committee Investigating the - bureau of Internal revenue. This is dons because it seems incredible that the senate of the United States would knowingly Approve the past and pro posed conduct of one of its commit tees. which this letter reveals. "There exist*, and always ahoukt exist, every possible comity between the executive department* and the senate. Whatever may be necessary for the information of the s»nats or any of its committees, in order better to enable them to perform their leg islative or other constitutional func tions. ought alwsys to b* furnish'd willingly snd expeditiously by any department. "The executive branch has nothirg thst It wpuld wish to conceal from any legislative inquiry on the part of the senate. But it la recognized both by law and by custom that there is certain confidential information which it would be detrimental to the public service fo reveal. Such information as can be disclosed, 1 shall alsrays un hesitatingly direct to be laid before the senate. 1 recognize also that it is perfectly legitimate for the senate to indulge In political discussions snd partisan criticism. Questions Motive. "But the attack which Is being made on the Treasury department goes beyond nnv of these legitimate requirements. Seemingly the request for a list of the companies in which the secretary of the treasury was al leged to t«e interested, for the purpose of in\eat'gaHng their tax returns, must hate been dictated by soma other motive than a desire to secure < Turn Si Face Si relume One.* WYOMING RAILWAY SOLD FOR $201,000 larimis, Wvo., April 11.—M. A. Kline of Cheyenne, special master In chancery in federal court, tele todav sokl the Colorado. Wyoming A ft*st ern railroad, running front Ijtrsnre to Cnalmont. Colo., to C. M Owen, representing Callaway, Kish A Co. of New York, under foreclosure. The ««Ie price was $11*1.****** Tl*e road is 111 miles long. Parcel A, In cluding all extra property in Wyom ing, and parcel B, cohering its prop erty in Colorado, wers hid in for 1100.*>00 each. Parcel C. in which was o(Tei-ed all other extra property of tha company, was sold for 11.000. "This Included cash In tha hands of Fred B. Miller, receiver. Mr. Owen also represented Kind holders of the railroad and ata^r of the Hahn's peak A IKciflc mi I-On A It Is understood the hondhoKler* will operate the road and will forego In terest yin bonds for five years, sllow | ng the money to revert hack to the I company. Mr. Owen was the ooiy hldder. i Farm Barn Bursts in Flamr*; Four llorsrs. Two Hops Perish Beatrice. Neb.. April 11.—The Urge horn on the Robert Humphrey farm, s miles south of Beatrice, was de kltoyed by fire today. Ten head of cattle, four horses and two hog* per shed before they could lie taken from tha burning huilding. The origin of the five is unknown. The loss a rev* cred by Insurance The Humph ray home was daatpayed i by fire on New Year* day and s new (building n«is is In course of construc tion \ derail < omiurtnr Pic*. Sioux Cip 1* April U-r T* » Morntt. for 40 >r*r» * oondtH'tnr on th# i*bU u»v 44 M I'»h! railroad i1i*d bw-f My M*y»t of Hi* *** on I ntvt tn >\*mh n*kot*. Read uThis Week’s Choice Value Real Estate Page" Sunday's Want Ad Section < i A --7 i