THE SEA-HAWK tty Knfnrl Snhnlmi. ■ fItMHOi 1 i!f tUrud, K*wtM*r*4. J »tnil*>1 aculn that ■'UHou* twlitxl, talhtr Mn||» "I |t>« hMt*r IMn I fnnh, N>lt «*M h* * l» *» «»I4 I.jf *a« it im Mtt on »l»lfh I l*ft hiw.** HI* hrolh*»* *n«M*n *t»M *n«t ih* niH *l*r* from rut of hi* *I"W|» iwlltm rut tfifnl l,i«n*l • Mill' II' Ob—ry* |'mw" ntrtra *» iha rolor f*>l*<1 mill of Mlt QHv*r't firm, j*l »*t*r ih«u*hi t« •tli how II oain* thrr* HI* own tffitlr* ***»#»S Him inn f«mpl»l»lp, W Ml a Ihi*' north at MM, l*nal •!» I.lnort Itrori"-! hli »V*t, U**W* inn^ar In rr**t * |lmr« that «■*« h* »Hi n» irrrlW* •|l» wntiM hav# II,** h* fWWlaii atwnal atillanly, antwnrlhf th# r* that v >« •rlllan In a vary ltn* hf Hln hrnihara tan* Mv I M>l ttmM Mm not to rrom Mr |>Mh put ixotgM | 1 hint) wn» mMMM* h».t *»(*»•! upon pun It* »ffn*oi<«ti m> K»ll h* mi4 tttltl>» »t*loti it »*■ |<#vnn4 hiimnn p>»»r t» •nttnnv »nd . Ht Bin ur«or*t i»«t null KM," ••• «h» oth**» gwlfl (4«t*on>tlon I »o« I mu •** Noll" ’ M »Mil« l'**l lh to ih* inquiry of hi* hmlMr * *i*r*. 'h«n t vnu •** ih*i w* fought ih*r« »lm«M In lh* xw— ■**_ nnfar/>f\ir< ■ ti% n a nnw rr»r> R.*i.t«r« %TWION * O D. IN TEN MINUTE? MlVb- HAPP OP the P^KPPE«?b PRWOLITV CO WILL b'NCi' A.NO THEY —rmnmrairi DULCET JINCLINC, (7^" WSri VITHTHEIRFEETjMk TA-TE -TOM • te. tqm: TAv-TM © 1924 »v Iwr'iTFt*Tv»* SenviccT Inc. - oh. ^>v/ee.T»e • "TUtT W-L. HELT OIHCLINC WITH THEIR. FEE.T " /flfpfcs WWn JERRY ON THE JOB cutting the casualty list._Pr»wn for ^ by Hob,n J Scaon To Lost A CuStwe&A I wz. • Buy manse- J Vou'K CiQtfT /8orr 'rtt. j v Buae Bei* SV»Ea. thaw / '~nj£ CmooCmoo - ME OMft StU, NO] r /ucfisTioarrs Yo oioaaan T)AM>grftA»4. MET GoY /A y V BwMCUt novj A*>o Saw?/ '--rnfe Saves, tua^ ) i YgA^S\^ f "tiers a \ar & av*jbsau1U.» —fr- 1 f%xn we Sms onvn^ One Sin SETS’ HUKri S \n A Bjcnclf Jj ^ 7 yJkCClDENT /rr atari,-* grew wild hit lip* twttehad ••I tH* Mid fNiyar. *h« indf atrv.d il 1**1, attil h* added MHNtt fay I ___ *| ped Sn choice," pr.'lswted l.toft*l "He came at mt *Hb h • drawn •word Indeed, I think h* w*a half drunk | warned him of what m^»t happen to the ether did either *f u* fall, hut he Mde m» B«t nmrwflt nr »elf with the fear of *«> auch rone# Uuenre* to himaelf ll« * a* full of foul word* i f me and v mi and all whoever bore our name H» IM4| me with the flat of h** Made and threatened to run n\* through aa I stood uniae* f drew to defend myaelf What rhntre had 1’ I d:d not mean to kill him—** tlod a my witneaa, I did not, Noll, * Without a word Oliver turned to a aide table, where atood “a metal baaln and ew-er, f|a poured water, then came in the nitu alienee to treat hla brother * wound. The tal* that l.lonei told made blam* lm|id» ration of R*>«amutid i nly, indeed ih* consideration of hla future—had set a curb upon hi* own bloodthlraty humor. When h" had washed the wound he fetched dome table linen from a press and ripped It Into Mrl|t* with his dagger; he threaded out ope of these and mad* a preliminary crisscross of the threads across the lips of the wound—for the Mad* had gone right through the muacles of the breast, grazing the ribs these threads would help the formation of a clot Then with the infinite skill and cun ning acquired In the course of his rovings he proceeded to the b&ndag ing. That don*, he opened th* window and flung out the blood tin’ed water The Moth« which he had mopped the wound and all other similar evi dences of the treatment he cast upon the fire. H» must remove all trace* even from the eye* of Nicholas. He had the most implicit trust in the old servant's fidelity. But the mat ter was too grave to permit of the slightest risk He realized fully the justice of Lionel's fears that how ever fair the fight might have been, a thing done thus in secret must be accounted murder by the law. Bidding Lionel wrap himself in his cloak. Sir Oliver unbarred the door, and went upstairs in quest of a fresh shirt and doublet for his brother. On the landing he met Nicholas de scending He held him a moment In talk of the sick man above, and out ward! V at least he was now entirely composed. He dispatched .him up stairs again upon a trumped up errand that must keep him absent for some little time, whilst himself he went to get the things he needed. He returned below with them, and w hen he had assisted hia brother into fresh garments, with as little move ment as possible so as not to disturb hia dressing of the wound or set it bleeding afresh, he took the blood stained doublet, vest and shirt which he had ripped and flung them, too, into the great fire. Wh»n some moments later Nicholas entered the vast room h» found the brothers sitting composedly at table. Had he faced Lionel he would have observed little amiss with him beyond the deep pallor of his face. But he did not even do so much. Lionel sat with his back to the door, and the servant's advance Into the room was rhecked by Sir Oliver with the assur ance that they did not require him Nicholas withdrew again, and the brothers were once more alone. Lionel at* very sparingly He thirsted and would have emptied the measure of posset, hut that Sir Oli ver restrained him. and refused him anything hut water lest he should contract a fever Such a sparing meal m thev made—for neither had much appetite—was made in silence. At last Sir Oliver rose, and with slow, heavy steps, suggests e of his humor, he crossed to the fireplace. He threw fresh logs on the blaze, and took from the tall mantelshelf his pipe and a leaden Jar of tobacco. He filled the pipe pensively, then with the short Iron tongs seized a frag ment of glowing wood and applied it to the herb. He returned to the table, and stand inc over hie brother, h® broke at last th" silence that had now en dured for some time. • What.” h® asked gruffly, “was the cause of your quarrel?” Lionel started and shrank a little; between finger and thumb be kneaded a fragment of bread, his eves upon it. “I scarce know.” he replied. "Tuil. that is not ths truth.” •How-’” “ T is not the truth. I am not to be put ofr with such sn answer, yourself you said that you had warned him not to cross vour path. What path was in your mind?” Lionel leaned his elbows on the table and took his head In h!s hands. Weak from loss of blood, overwrought mentally as well, in a state of revul sion and reaction also from the pur suit which had been the cause of tonight's tragic affair, he had not strength to withhold the confidence his brother asked. On the contrary, it seemed to him that in making such a confidence, he would find a haven and refuge in 8!r Oliver._ Me and Mine /^weu. 6|R, ‘TWjCft A WSBK I CO TO A COOS> <5Vr-WA3lUN< .AMD TAKE ' boxing: i.essoN>s^*j»T^ KBBP5' ME iro WOMOeRAjt CquCITIOM-sA> Th/uk *t'» V . —< *-T* —> KWOW WHAT I X>d • t ThH FIRS"**^TMlrsiG EVERY MeWJi^ft ' Takc Thb IJ7AICV DB*BM --• IT OI^LV TAKC3 o*je about Teu MlMU.TffS - AND V* PEAOVy FOR JhE. DAY - - ’ AJO*^ • iy ■■ ■ ■ ■■"—■ 1 *■* A *•* '" | LlKC HORS6BACKv > I RiOIkS, ANC » *ni »•* I >-—- I > ( QF /SCL The CLAPTRAP , HPREL l .DEPEND ou READinX* Tne papb r But i have t$ LlSTErU Tcj mrv\ YAP ABOUT r hi-s exeRCMSinO -- - ta'S VUOKjDERTUL CONDITION J lii^LL/7. ABIE THE AGENT Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hershfield An Added Attraction. W MESER ANb ME OPEN'Mi OUR TEATTERSA | AT .THE SAME TIME » ANt> HIS,RtCW$A NOU QCT TO H'VJE .THEM V CAR FARE,, V 'root, i. 1 I "f Illlt UtltiNS It Hill* » ■rat IM rauaa M all. k* <■■*' plait**-!. AM (Hr Otlvera <■*»• fl»«t» many banquets have soured them. The l«est speakers i reive as many as Eat invitations .■% | week to make apeeohe*. When th» v I «poak now it Is for a sum ntu > | from 1100 to f.’o'O. Will Hoc. ■ * lap - I he vioset ted New York for Hollywood was making more tnonev front aft - dinner speaking than he was from his theatrical engagements. The best sfter dinner speaker I ever hear! wouM net lie rated high ' >*t he struck a responsive chord He said I thank you" And aat down tv . at i.|ht ilit.)