The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 11, 1924, CITY EDITION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Morning Jee
CITY edition ^ VOL 53. ,NO. 267. OMAHA, FRIDAY, APRIL 11.1024. * TWO CENTS••
1 1" —*■“*■*Hf Mill U 7Mf)i tHUf H<l M Ilf. WMIHi IN HI —w» Oita<4> 4<h H»,i» <1 V»Ml Dilli aai Nfi4af, III. iaMaf aalf, $•
Thomas Maintains Slight Lead to Win Nomination
McDonald Is
Knapp Out
Seward Man Chosen Demo
cratic Candidate for Sen
ate After Thrilling Race;
• Johnson Finally W ins.
Thorpe Defeats Selleck
By Pr««.
John J. Thomas of Seward, nomi
nated on the face of unofficial re
turns as the democratic candidate for
Pnlted States senator to oppose Sen
ator George W. Norris in the Novem
ber election, maintained his lead
throughout the day as belated reports
trickled into tabulation headquarters,
nnd when tabulation ceased early this
evening he had a total of 20.992 votes,
with 1,829 out of 1.936 precincts re
corded. Kenneth McDonald of Bridge
port had 18,809. while Trenmor
Cone of Valley had 10,301, and D. C.
Patterson of Omaha, 8,583.
Tabulation of belated election re
turns from Tuesday's statewide pri
maries cleared up a number of doubt
ful and hotly fought contests, includ
ing that for republican nomination
for secretary of state which unoffi
i ial returns showed was won by I..
] . Johnson of Omaha.
A total of 1,844 out of 1,936 pre
cincts in the state gave Johnson a
count of 26,822 votes compared with
his nearest competitor, Harry It.
Knapp of Broken Bow, a lead of
1,844 for the Omaha man. which po
litical observers did not believe Knapp
could overcome when the outstand
ing isolated districts sent in their re
turns. Trailing Knapp was Joseph
V . Mayer of I-incoln, with 21,691,
by Woodruff Ball of Valen
tine, 11,450, and T. J. Cronin of
( muha with 10.266.
lit lor state candidates for nomlna
11 below governor who had close
rat—s which remained in the doubt
ful column until today, and who
were nominated on the face of unof
tidal returns, were:
William* Successful.
George A. Williams, Fairmont, re
publican candidate to make the No
vember race for lieutenant governor.
Williams had 27,753 votes, compared
to 19,765 for Grant S. Mears of
Wavne. with 1,642 precincts recorded,
16,662 for John M. MacFarland of
Omaha and 10,192 for Thomas E. Con
ley, also of Omaha.
p J. Mnllin, Albion, democratic
lieutenant governor candidate, who
had 22.397, compared to 15,231 for
Frank Mills of Lincoln and 12,625 for
James p. Connolly of Omaha, with
1,467 of the 1,936 precincts tabulated.
L. A.- Larson of Wellfleet, demo
cratic candidate for land commis
sioner, whose vote of 27,862 gave him
a substantial majority over Warren
Higgs of Archer. The latter's vote,
with 1,597 precincts in the race en
tered on the tabulation sheets, was
22.762. .
Three of the doubtful congressional
races were also cleared up during the
day, It. H. Thorpe of Lincoln defeat
ing his fellow townsman, William A.
(Turn to Page Three, Column Four.)
We Have
With Us
Joseph M. Swenson
Burlington, Colo., rity attorney,
. hanker and land owper.
Joseph M. Swenson was a Swedish
t>oy of 13 years when he started
•“•*0 make his own way in America.
He worked his way through high
school .and university and is now an
officer of three banks and a wealthy
land owner.
Born near Stockholm, Sweden, In
1890, he left that country when a
boy to seek his fortune in America.
He came to Oakland, Neb., where
there was a large Swedish settlement
and worked on a farm making $55
the first year. For three months
through the winter, he attend a coun
try school and completed the nine
grades the end of the second winter.
Mr. Swenson then came to Omaha
to enter Central High school when
he could speak English only brokenly,
lie carried papers and washed dishes
to finance himself through school.
After graduation ho went to the Uni
versity of Nebraska at Lincoln. He
was graduated from the college of
arts and sciences In 1908 with Phi
Beta Kappa honors and from the col
lege of law in 1911. All this time he
was earning his way through col
leap by waiting on table and through
the summer making collections for
hi agency and selling atereoptlcon
view's from door to door.
lie went to Sidney, Neb., after com
pleting his law course and took part
In development wr>rk of 4'lieyenne
county for 10 years. Then be wenl
, -e. Burlington, Colo., where he
1m at present city attorney, lie also
is vice isaSblent of the Stock Grow
er’s trank of Burlington, president of
the Farmers' State bank of Strnms
burg, Neb., and the Farmers' state
bank of Flagler, Colo., and owner and
piatiager of 80 farms In Colorado.
He Is Interested In the development
of eastern Colorado ramie
Evidently There Is No Such Thing as Honor Among Thieves
| reserve
•would voo nvnDI
please’ CXf
Woman Killed
by “Best Friend ’
—- r
Slayer Says She Planned
Shooting to Attract Atten
tion to Book.
Portland, Ore., April 10.—Mrs, Kva
Bradley. 65, was shot and killed io
her home today and Miss Nora Hol
lis,, 49, a Monographer, told polire
she did the shooting, Mis* Hollis
rame here seven year* ago from At
lanta, Ga,
Miss Mollis surrendered to police.
She wild she wrote a hook called
"The Living God Is Satan, the Evil
One." and told the police she had
shot Mrs. Bradley, her best friend,
to draw attention of the world to Ihg
At pojllre headquarter*, where first
degree murder charge* were being
prepared agaln*t her. Miss Hollis ap
peared remorseful. Tears stood on
her cheek*.
"I would have killed myself too."
she said, "only It cam« to me that If
I did, there would be no one left to
carry on the work."
Police, after hearing the woman's
life story said they believed her
troubles started seventeen year* ago
when her far* was torn and scarred
as the result of g wreck In Kansas
Special Dispatch to The Omaha Dee.
Hastings, Neb., April 10.—Charles
1(. Dietrich filed suddenly of apoplexy
at noon today, following a fall on
the sidewalk a* he was returning to
his home from a visit down town.
Mr. Dietrich was elected governor
In 1*99 when the republicans broke
an extended period of democratic or
fusion rule and shortly after his In
auguration, following a deadlock In
the legislature, tvaa elected United
United Statea aenator to fill the un
expired term of M. L. Hayward, who
died, •«
He wns a pioneer of Hastings and
for years wns active In politics.
Muny Court to Close.
Municipal court* In th* city hall
will l»c cloaed on Friday on account
of the death of .Judge VV, F. Wapplch.
r -
Palm Hrach Urn Lays
t'nfc of I nusual Size
Cnlumbua, Neb,, April 10.—A hen *
••Kir. m*»aurlng ••Itiht ln< hr* in cli
• iimfereni-# one way and aeven Inrhea
the other. vt«* iU*<n\er*d In * neet on
* farm at the home of Mr* Mtnll
Hnetti her of the Palm llenrh neigh
j horhoorl. The or* «a» laid by *
| lihod* inland red.
Washington, April 10—The repub
lican organization In the house was
routed again today by a coalition of
democrats and, republican Insurgents,
and by a margin of 12 votes Sol
Bloom, democrat, retained his seat
ns a representative from the Nine
teenth New York district.
The contest of former Representa
tive Walter M. Chandler, Bloom's op
ponent at the polls, was thrown out
hy a vote of 210 to IS*. Democrat*
lined up solidly for Bloom. Seven
republican insurgents and two others
also swung the! rsupport to him.
The vote, however, developed the
first split on an Important issue
among the insurgents this season,
more than half of those who held out
ngainst the re election of Speaker Gll
lett declining to bolt with their lead*
er. Representative Nelson of Wiscon
sin. who spoke tor nearly an hour In
support of Bloom's claim to his seat.
$4,902,907,000 IN
'Washington, April 10.—Combined
resources and liabilities of the 12
Federal Reserve banks at the close
of business April 9 were reported to
night b%, the federal reserve board In
thousands of dollars, as follows:
Resources: Total gold reserves,
$3,103,446; reserves other than gold,
$P7,97S: tothl reserves, $3,201,421; to
tal United States government securi
ties, $268,903; total earnings assets,
$996,119; total resources, $4Ji02.907.
I,labilities: Total deposlW, $2,063,
067: total liabilities,.$4.902,807.
Ratio of total reserves to deposits
and R-dcral reserve note liabilities
combined 79 3 -per rent.
Contingent liability on bills pur
< haded for foreign correspondents.
Charlotte, N. CV, April 10—Five
peraona are believed to have been
killed when Southern railway train
No. 3#, New Orleana to New York,
I a truck a motor bua at a croaalng.
I near Klnga Mountain, N. C., early
tonight, according to reporta received
here. The victim* were taken on the
train to OaatonJn* N. C. The train la
due In Charlotte about 1*. but la r*
ported late.
Drops D.-a.l on Mix l iirtn.
Sterling. Neb . April 10.—John Fran
ela, :,o, a reaidcnt of thin town for the
pa at 2S year*, died auddenly after
making an automobile drive Tueadnv
ilienth la slid t«» be diiH to heart fall
ore Francla drove hip cur front town
to hla farm and waa Inape. ting work
there when he dropped dead. He
leave* a wife Karve Francla. P.ur
llngtun at at Ion agent at Adam*, la a
brot her,
Tax Bill Battle
Opens in Senate
Widely Differing Measures
Reported Out by Oppos
ing Parties.
Washington. April 10.—The legisla
tive light over the Mellon plan broke
out In the senate thla afternoon with
the reporting from the finance com
mittee of the widely different tax hills
framed by the republicans and demo
The administration bill, csrrying
the Mellon rates, was presented by
Senator Smoot, republican, of Utah,
chairman of the committee, and the
democratic bill, lowering the normal
Income lax rates and boosting the
surtaxes, by Senator Simmons, demo
crat. of North Carolina.
The republican bill provides normsl
taxes of 1 per cent on Incomes up to
$4,000 snd s per cent above $4,000.
The surtax rates wns started at 1
per rent on $10,000 and graduated up
to 25 per cent on Incomes of $100,000
or more.
Simmons proponed normal ratea or
2 per cent up to $4,000, 4 per cent be
tween 94,000 and $8,000, and I per
cent above $8,000.
In the aurtax provlalona the demo
crat* presented a wholly new method
of taxation. Inatead of figuring aur
tnxea upon a percentage baale, the
democrat* *et definite amount*, cou
pled with percentage*, as the ba*l*
for levying surtaxes.
On net Income of $10,000, the demo
crat* proposed no surtnx rate*, but
provided a 1 per cent tax on Income*
In excess of $10,000 and not exceeding
fhlragn, April 10—President Cool
Idge'a lead over Hiram Johnson In
the Illinois primary continued to
grow as Additions! returni were re
ceived today. For ths republb -in
presidential preference 6,028 precincts
out of 6.868 tc»ve;
With but 102 precincts of 6 668 In
the state missing, Iteneen’s lead In
the race for republican senatorial
nomination, jumped tu 6,766. Riving
IJeneen 362,118; Mct'ormlck. 347,3611.
Ilrliron Students in Content.
Hebron, Nflt . A | i II 10 Hebron
High echool held it dcclafrmtot y c«»n
(eat to roI* 11 rtt|ii tiMvnUtlvpN to the
dlutrlct context which will b«* belt! lit
Western, Neb, next week. Helen
Mul.lwln won flint pitot* Htid Meryl
lAwlexM MH’ond. MirthaWaitcnjwugh
i won nrgtnrtrol honnra.
Hebron academy and Hebron High
•ohonl will aend debating t«ama to
Muperlnr to compete in the dlatrlrt
j debating conference at Superior on
j Friday.
of Germany
Stinnes, “Industrial Kaiser/'
Dies Following Three Op
erations—Illness Caused
by Overwork.
Death Big Loss to Nation
Hr Ansorlsted Pr«i.
Berlin. April 10.—Hugo Stinnes.
more closely Identified with German
Industrial than any other man. died
this evening at 8:10. Indefatigable In
his labors he struggled against the
Impending end and was conscious to
the last.
Around him were gathered hts wife
and children. To them he had de
voted In his later years all the time
he could spare from his vast business
Interests. There had been no hope
for his recovery for many hours and
the foremost medical skill could do
nothing against the ravages of dis
Three major operations had been
performed, the first about four weeks
ago for gall atones, and it was owing
to the Impossibility of keeping the
patient quiet, according to the sur
geons, that complications arose, ne
cessitating further operations, the
last one on Sunday. It also was re
ported that pneumonia developed.
Sole Topic of Discussion.
Since the grave nature of Herr
Stinnes’ lllneaa became known In Ber
lin It had been almost the sole topic
of discussion. It far outranged in
popular interest the project Just pub
lished by the experts' committees for
the settlement of the reparation prob
lem. The far-reaching business enter
prises of the man. his great influence
among political leaders and his eccen
trlctles had. since the war. taken a
strong hold on the German people,
and his death, though expected, has
caused anxious speculation as to who
may arise to take hi* place.
The death of Stinnes, at the very
moment the procesa of disentangling
the reparations knot seems about to
enter upon its final stage, la felt In
official quarters and industrial circles
ns a distinct loss to Germany. What
ever the popular or official attitude
towards his political orientation, or
his far flung economic program may
have been, there was a widespread
Impression that Stinnes was pre
eminently qualified to take an active
part In the final adjustment of the
problems of which the experts' com
mittees have rendered an exhaustive
Worked 16 Ilnur* a Day.
Herr Stlnne* per»i*tently refused
to enter Into public discussion of the
reparation problem* or the French
occupation of the Ruhr. He preferred
to hold himself In readiness until the
moment for ultimate action had nr
rived. Even during hi* four years'
Incumbency of a seat In the relch
stag he declined to participate In Its
debate*, nave once when he unfolded
hi* program calling for ''more pro
duction'' and abolition of the eight
hour day law. of which he wa* the
unrelenting foe . HI* own working
day avemged IS hour*, and he wa*
uncompromising In declaring that a
uniform eight hour day was viciously
Inimical to Germany * economic re
Stlnne* w-ould talk freely to news
paper men with whom hs was ac
quainted. but not for publication.
I.lkewlse he w*« always accesslbl* to
financial lenders and business men
from abroad who mads pilgrimage*
to Berlin solely to meet tha man
who bad been vaguely dubbed ''the
uncrowned monarch of post war Ger
Began Career on Farm.
The great German Industrialist he
gan hla career In hla father's coal
mine at Muelhelm, where he worked
with pick and shovel, shoulder to
shoulder with veteran miner*.
To his associate* and business ac
quaintances, Stlnne* wa* anything
I ut a man whom popular legend por
trayed as an octopus with widely
r unifying tentacle*, clutching madlv
at smnkcaack*. hnailng dynatnoes,
n<ean liners, hotel properties snd
newspaper plant*.
“He wn« a hard headed hualnea*
man, who espied In the disrupted poet
war eronomh a everywhere a fertile
Arid for ttin exploitation of hi* on
• anny genius for awlftly appraising a
situation *nd then applying to It hi*
talent for constructive organisation."
one of 111* nsaoolnle* In the Ruhr oh
served today. Til* Invaalon of the
financial world wax of more rerent
or rii rrenre The ndmlnlxtratlon of
til* diverging interexta will develop
upon Id* xmia, Kdniund ami lingo,
Jr , the latter at preaenl In charge of
111* father'* nhl|ipltig Interest* In
tlamliui'K. Kdmund, the oldest, I*
resident general director In Ilerlln of
the Htlnne* Intercut* located there
I .outing; Follow* \ttark.
W.tahingtnn, April ti» Highly revo
tionlat* and government *«ddleiR
»re dead and looting hat btnken out
«* n teatilt of a combined attack by
the rebel army agnlnet Tegucigalpa,
the capital of llnnurda*. acrmdlng
to a dll* pat oh to tha Htate department
[tod* v.
Plan to Relieve Farmers Offered
in Reclamation Committee Report
Overhauling of Program, Involving Loss of $27,000,000 and
Providing Protection of Further Expenditures Proposed;
Completion of (Guernsey Reservoir Recommended.
Washington, April 10.—A compre
sensiv* overhauling of the govern
ment'* reclamation program. Involv
ing the charging off as a total loss
of J27.3fll.14S of the approximately
J150.000,000 invested, and providing
measures of relief to thousands of
farmers and protection of further fed
eral expenditures on irrigation of the
arid wastes of the west, is urged in
a unanimous report submitted to
Secretary Work today by the special
advisory committee on reclamation.
The committee of ex'perts, now dis
banded, has been making a study of
the reclamation problem for six
months and Its report was presented
with the recommendation that It lie
used as a basis for prompt remedial
legislation. Members of congress from
many western states have mads vig
orous pleas during the sitting of the
committee for aid to the project set
tiers and it Is probable that President
Coolidge, to whom the report was
submitted tonight, will have some
recommendation to make to congress
in the near future.
Wheat closed unchanged to ',c
Millions Ik>st.
Declaring condition* are serious on
many of the 2S projects located in
15 western states, with three already
that of the $143,000,000 already spent
having failed, the committee stated
in building Irrigation works, tIS.501,146
will never be recovered, with a prob
able loss of an additional IS,*30,000,
the whole representing losses in con
struction to supply w ater for lands
found to be of little or no return
The principal recommendation of
the committee, of which IJr. Elwood
Mead of California, recently named
commissioner of the reclamation bu
reau, was a memher, is that repay
nient of construction costs be based
on the actual crop production of the
farm lands rather than the present
system of a fixed percentage of the
construction cost per scrp, which
wa sheld to be "Inelastic and unscien
Would Kill Id-Year Plan.
As a remedy, the committee advo
cated abolishment of the 20-year In
stallment plan now in operation and
the substitution of a system whereby
repayments shall be based upon the
productive power of the lands Irri
gated. without any fixed period when
the total Investment shall be returned.
The productive power would be de
termined from the average gross an
(Turn tn Pas# Threw Column One >
England Opposes
Repairing of Four
U. S. Viar Ships
Premier Macdonald Declares
Reconditioning of Vessel*
(.onflicts With Terms of
Naval Treaty.
Hr I normal Serriew.
Washington. April 10. — ftreal
Britain, It was officially revealed to
day, Is objecting to the recondition
ing of the four dreadnaughts which
broke down In the recent maneuvers.
The question of what course shall
he followed has been referred to Sec
retary of State Hughes, who recently
sustained the British position In com
polling the abandonment of the gun
elevation plan. Members of the house
naval affairs committee, where the
matter is pending however, evince
greater determination thia time that
the American fleet shall be kept in
condition for Instant battle duty and
even In the face of an adverse report
from Secretary Hughes will recom
mend some way In which the objec
tive may be attained.
Holler Trouble Develops.
The present controversy with the
British Is over the Navy department's
recommendation of an appropriation
of $11,560,000 for and
conversion of the T'tah, Wyoming.
Florida and Arkansas into full oil
burners. When the fleet was having
battle practice In the winter, these
vessels developed serious boiler
troubles and as a result are unable to
taka the r places In the fleet line be
cause of the necessity to greatly re
duce their speed.
When this program was made pub
lic. the British immediately took
notlre and a few days ago In parlia
ment. Tremler Macdonald was asked
If the proposed reconditioning as well
as gun elevation was not In conflict
with the naval treaty negotiated at
the Washington limitation of arma
ments conference. The premier re
plied In the affirmative In both In
stances, and It Is reported that repre
sentations have been made to the
State department, although this Is
not yet confirmed.
Hughes In Give Opinion,
Secretary Hughes was Invited to
appear before the naval affairs com
mittee today. He replied that he
could not go before the committee,
hut If I he committee should send him
a copy of the bill and a memorandum
on the Navy department's program,
he would prepare a formal opinion on
the State department's attitude. Thla
suggestion was compiled with and the
committee hopes for a reply within
a day or two.
Today the committee called Into
conference behind closed doors Sec
retary of the Navy Wilbur, Assistant
Secretary Roosevelt and th* ranking
admirals of the department, who yes
terday Urged early artlon on the pro
gram Secretary Wilbur's first formal
recommendation to congress was
mad* In n letter to the house com
mittee. dated Marcit 27. asking for
tills proponed appropriation
'Character Through Camping*
Motto of M. C. \. Camp*
t'ohiinbii*. N#*b . April 10.—IVrim
n«nt 1nv#*ttn*ntn of $30,060 hi** i#pr#
In thin ymr'ft equipment at(
t’anip Hhfliloti, eolith nf t'olumhtm
i*hnnii'(er Through l umping’* !• th#
motto mtoptr'd bv th# #t*t# officer*
of the V. M tr \ for tli# 11 *t*te
teligiou# mn*1 * *. |.»| eervice m#*tlnn*
!«» he tifld in th# t'iinp thl# Piminirr.
Athudniu# at th# trt*#ti»tiH « #i
P#« •#«! to #*t#r4 th# 1,606 nmk tbti
New Oil Policy
Announced bv
Navy Secretary
J y
No More Leases to Be Made
Without His Personal Ap
proval, Wilbur De
Washington. April 10.—A new nav
al oil policy, designed to safeguard
the government against any such
bases as those granted under former
Secretary Denby. was announced to
day by Secretary Wilbur.
lit a letter to Senator Hale of
Maine, chairman of the senate naval
committee. Mr. Wilbur declared that
"no leases or contracts will be made '
by the Navy department without the
personal approval of the secretary of
the navy.
Referring to the Teapot Dome liti
gation now pending. Secretary Wilbur
salil he would avoid "in every way
any act or proceeding which will In
any way Involve the rights of the
government In auch litigation and
will avoid any conduct which may In
any way lnterefere with the conten
tions advanced by the attorneys for
the government."
• The question a* to whether or not
the oil reserves should be managed
by the Navy department or the De
partment of the Interior or the ex
tent to which theae departments
should co-operate In the further man
agement of the reserves,” the letter
saiJ, "Is involved in the pending liti
gation and the secretary of the navy
and the Navy department will be
guided by the judgment in the afore
mentioned litigation, unless in the
meantime congress enacts legislation
for the control of such reserves.”
For the information of the secret
senate committee. Secretary Wilbur
said it should be stated that "both
reserves numbers 1 (California) and
t (Teapot, Wyoming) contain large
quantities of all that can be pre
served In the ground, at leaat for the
present.” Reserve number I (Califor
nia), he stated, "presents a different
situation by reaaona of the leasee to
the Honolulu Oil company.”
Beatrice, Neb.. April 10—After de
liberating for hours on bid* submitted
for the construction of the Junior
High school building and the remodel
ing of the ward building*, the hoard
of education awarded the contract for
the Junior High school building, to
Gordon A Walker of Satina, Kan ,
and the ward buildings to Conn A
llohertson of Beatrice. The Junior
build ng is to cost approximately
$210,000 and the ward buildings $»0 •
00O. Fifty bid* wc*e submitted. Work
will start at once, tt was announced
Thieves knter (iamcr.
Beatrice, Neb . April 10— Thieves
entered Clark's garage at Fllley, Neb .
last night, stole two auto tires, a shot
gun. rilled the money drawer of $1 4S
In cash and escaped Kntrnnoe was
gained through a front window.
I The Weather )
itM°r ** *,our* T r m it.
tn« Kra utt.l h itndr*'!'
f (nf«l •!!!» • Jiinuirv 1, 1 |>:
dtflrltftt 4. (ii
llourls Trmitfiahirfi
lam It
■ a 1ft 41
Tam ia
• am it
4 a I *
i» i m 4»
I Ham IT
I II n»ot ..II
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4 t* m ll
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• »' n 11
♦ i m ,,,,,,,I|
4 r *« ...... (»
Oil Turns
Woman Into
Living Pyre
Mrs. Lillian Ericksen, 18. of
1 Council Bluffs. Wrapped in
Flames When Kerosene
Ignites;Child May Die.
Rescue Efforts Futile
Mrs UUian Erickson, 1*. will dif
and her year-old child, Albert, Jr., is
in critical condition as the result of
burns sustained when kerosene ex
ploded in the Erickson home, Takoraa
addition. Lake Manawa, late Thurs
day afternoon.
The husband. Albert. 20, was
slightly burned about the face when
he endeavored to save hie wife, but
his injuries are slight, according to
police surgeon, Robert S. Moth who
atteded him.
Mrs. Ericksen was endeavoring to
kindle a fire in a coal range through
using kerosene, when it exploded be
cause of live coals that the woman
believed had been extinguished. In
a flash she was enveloped in flames
that spread to the child beside her.
Her husband, working In a garage
near the home, and attracted by her
screams for help, broke in a window
to come to her assistance, but his
efforts to save her from fatal burns
were unavailing. *
The child waa removed from the
fiercely burning home, with burns
about the face and bead that may
prove fatal, physicians, who were
railed, declare.
The little cottage In which the
couple lived was completely de
stroyed before fire equipment arrived.
Both mother and child were
ruahed to Jennie Edmundsen hos
pital. where hasty examination led
physicians to announce that there
was no hope for Mrs. Ericksen's re
Four U. S. Planes
Arrive at Sitka
Rouml-^ orlil Fliers Make 300
Mile Jump From Prince
Rupert in Four Hours.
Br AuwItM Pm.
Sitka. Alaska. April 10.—The four
United States army airplanes flying
around the world, which arrived here
at 12:45 p. m. today from Prince
Rupert, B. C., were to remain here
for the night at least before resuming
their westward journey.
The planes flew the 300 miles from
Prince Rupert, B C.. in four house
snd 21 minutes. The time here is an
hour later than at Prince Rupert. The
next stop Is to be Cordova. Alaska.
475 miles northwest of here. Sitka
was the capital of Alaska when the
United States bought the territory
fmm Russia in 18*7.
The landing today was without in
cident and the weather good.
By AmrlsM Pro*.
Toklo, April 10—The American de
stroyers Pope and John D. Ford, car
rying supplies for the American
round the world aviators, left Koko
ham.1 today for their posts In the
Kurile islands, north of Japan. The
Ford will go to Paramashiru Island,
the Americans' first stopping pine* in
Japanese territory, and the Pope to
Kettobu. the second stopping place.
Four more I'nlted States destroyers
are due at Yokohama shortly. They
sill take up stations In Japanese
waters to be In positions for render
ing any aid needed by tha fliers in
their transit across Japan.
Summary of
The Day In
Sol Bloom, democrat. New TorV.
won his fight to retain hta seat In
the house.
Secretary Work's advisory com
mutes recommended sweeping
change* In reclamation policy.
The senate finance committee put
over until Saturdar consideration
of the soldier bonus bill.
A house committee heard testi
mony in regard to Secretary Wal
lace's administration of the packers
and stockyards act.
Secretary Wilbur announced a
new policy designed to prevent
leases similar to those granted un
der former Secretary Penby.
Secretary Wilbur and Assistant
Secretary Roosevelt discussed the
navy modernisation program with
the house naval committee.
Senator Johnson, republican. Cali
fornia. in a statement annoum-ad
he was not ' quitting In what I am
attempting to do politically."
t'h i rman \' it* n of the senate
committee Investigating the Inter
nal revenue bureau introduced a
resolution for discharge of the
The committee to Investigate the
Indictment of Senator Wheeler,
democrat of Montana, was ap
pointed w tth Senator Borah, repub
lican. Idaho, as chairman
Ths lav bill was reported by ihe
aerate llnanoe committee and Sen
Stor Simmons demo : It, North
Carolina introduced a substitute
for the demiK rata,