The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 10, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 9, Image 9

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    Dog Saves 3
From Death
^ by Gas Leah
B«*« •« W. Bedroom
Doon< How Fumes Were j
Turned on I«
<e?r„nT: human,
be stalking In ^he*'^™'^ ?*f \
street*' 8,24
hef ma,n'r*1,nL!iUr"n? herwIf
-orn,n* QZVriZT^
s?„'r —*■» * si
_^™_touna ths dog exhaiistea
§ there’s
y~ is
'Ms*99t Q,mo/fty
~~ -— - • - <i
fmm lt» effort* to awaken him and
breathing gas filled air, lying whin
ing. and gasping just outsld# hit bed
room door.
"I ran to tha kitchen, shut off the
gas and then to tha room of my
niece, Florence Alex, 1», who makea
har home with ua.
"Windows In har room war* closed
tight. She waa unconacloua In her
Tha room occupied by tha girl la
Just off the kitchen, and though the
door waa cloaed, the fumea had pene
trated the bed chamber.
How thb ana was turned on no
one knows.
‘‘I was accused of being a klan*
man," declared Tomes, because I
worked in the election at the polls.
Several persona spoke Insinuatingly
about both my wife and I working
In the election.
‘‘I don’t believe the remarks had
anything to do with the occasion last
Mrs. Tomes, attempting to revive
Miss Alex, fell unconscious at her bed
side while her husband went to call
help at a neighbors.
Police Surgeon Jack Follman de
dared Miss Alex out of danger short
ly after his arrival with police.
Mrs Tomes Is unable to be about
but Is In no danger. Tomes suffers
only a severe headache.
The dog prancea and scampers
from one to another of the family
• nd receives pats of approval of her
heroic rescue.
Miss Alex is employed as clerk by
Martin Bros. Insurance company.
Returning home at 12:30 Tuesday
night Tomes declares everything in
the house was orderly. The niece had
retired at 11:30. None of the family
used the gas range after they came In.
The three members of the family
seem to agree that someone must
have walked in their sleep, or that
someone with the Intention of exter
minating the family entered after all
were In bed.
Black Hills Presbytery
to Meet at Sturgis, S. D.
Sturgis, S. D., April 9.—The Black
Hills presbytery representing all the
Presbyterian churches of the Black
Hills, will meet In Sturgis April 15 and
IS. This Is the annual spring meet
Thorne Easter Specials
Suits Coats
Valuta OQ75 Patching
to 45.00 MW New Styles
Men Who Are Making Omaha
lc/. 3^■ Jonas rinchart~ mapspen photo*.
Surgeon whose services to sulter4
lng humanity have been many, but
which will never he catalogued, un
less in the cold, curt sentences of a
hospital chart, Is A. F. Jonas. Like
others of his standing, he shuns pub
licity. holding closely to the rigid
ethics of the profession. Tet he has
made for himself a name that ex
tends beyond the circle of his local
He was born In Wisconsin and got
his first education in the public
schools at Madison. In 1877 he was
graduated from the liennet Medical
college at Chicago. In 1884 he studied
at the Ludwig Maximilian university
at Munich, and later did postgradu
ate work In hospitals at Vienna. At
present Dr. Jonas is professor of sur
gery at the University of Nebraska
college of medicine, a post he has
filled since 1892. He Is aurgeon-ln
chief at the Methodist. Douglas Coun
ty and Wise Memorial hospitals. Is
chief surgeon to the Union Pacific,
division surgeon to the Chicago A
Northwestern, assistant surgeon to
the Omaha line, and otherwise finds
his dally docket pretty well filled. He
ia also a member ef a considerable
number of medical and surgical so
cieties, and belongs to several Omaha
Dr. Jnnaa waa captain In the medi
cal cor pa during the war, end was
also aide to the governor. It la dif
ficult to tell In a sketch of thla sort
of the services thl# man haa perform
ed. hut It can be aald that he haa
quietly but effectively participated In
a great many undertakings for the
publlo good, the full record of which
has never found Its way into print.
Personally, the doctor is bluff and
genial, well liked by thoae who come
into his friendship, a deteeter of sham
wherever It la fount), and a valiant
fighter against any error that threat
ens to visit discomfort on humanity.
r *
Senator Howell, 36 Years
in Nebraska, Applies for
Pioneer Body Membership
- ■ j
T. M. Russell of the Douglas Coun
ty Association of Nebraska Pioneers
has received a check for II and a
letter from) R. B. Howell, United
States senator. Senator Howell's let
ter is In the nature of an applica
tion for a membership In the as
"1 think I am entitled to this as I
Joined the citizenship of Nebraska 36
years ago," writes Senator Howell.
"Whether my application Is approved
please present my compliments to all
my old friends among your organiza
tion and assure them that to the
utmost of my ability I will endeavor
to serve them as citizens of Nebraska,
as I have tried to serve the people of
Omaha In the past."
IS for Just one laf. Then there’s 14
other prizes each week. Send your laf
to the Local Laf Editor, The Omaha
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U. S. Senator
Feta Prt*.
In Heard Nor
©*unty. County. From, filoan. rla
Adam* . 24 11 151 435
Anlelop* . 24 14 Jnt 429
Arthur . 7 7 1% 70
Benner ......... 7 1 11 21
Blaine . % 2 15 •€
Boon* . 19 19 195 *49
Box Butt* . 14 9 216 23.
Boyd . 12 12 1** 49"
Brown . 15 15 1 *0 454
Buffalo . 51 14 3*5 6*2
Burt . 19 19 3*0 502
Butler . 20 20 445 346
Baa* . 24 24 560 1.0*0
Cedar .. 24 24 350 904
(lias* . 15 15 97 251
Cherry . 4 1 27 175 4*6
Cheyenn* . 17 17 233 746
Clay . 21 20 24* 641
Colfax . 14 13 17* 406
Cuming . 21 21 127 730
Custer . 55 35 374 1,7*4
Dakota . 12 12 215 453
Daw** . 13 7 123 68*
Dawson . 24 21 36m 844
Deuel . 4 4 107 405
Dixon . 14 11 104 330
Dodge . 22 22 537 1.027
Douglas . 176 167 6,326 10,505
Dundy . 16 1 3 66 495
Flllmor* . 21 21 *73 413
Franklin . 17 17 21* 719
Frontier .. 26 26 55 756
Furnas . 20 20 123 947
Gage . 84 30 1,076 1,230
Garden . 12 3 63 224
Oarfleld . 10 5 *2 252
Gosper. 12 1 12 *9
Grant . 5 i 10 S9
Greeley . 16 15 43 246
Hall . 21 21 285 1.4*5
Hamilton . 1* 1 8 354 726
Harlan . 16 16 157 732
Hayes . 13 It 23 149
Hitchcock . 20 20 1P8 458
Holt . 41 24 169 725
Hooker . 5 2 13 62
Howard . 15 15 33 413
Jefferson . 20 20 274 661
Johnson . 16 13 230 4*6
Kearney . If 2 9 339
Keith.* 12 4 112 2*1
Keya Paha . 10 5 39 167
Kimball . 6 6 290 30|
Knox . 34 18 16* 399
Lancaster . 99 60 1,779 3.065
Lincoln . 49 21 194 802
Logan . 7 2 11 96
J/OUP . * 8 19 94
McPherson . 6 1 2 42
Madison . 32 23 511 1,262
Merrick . 14 14 39i> 754
Morrill . IP 1H pT» 319
Nance . 19 10 118 349
Nemaha . 1» 1* 1*» ««*
Kuckoll. >0 11 1*» «l*
Ota* . 11 M 1*« *1}
Pawn** . M 14 111 111
Perkin. 11 11 *4 II*
Ph.lp*. 14 1« 1*7 **»
Plarr* . !« It. 71* II*
l'latt* . IS 21 HI ««‘
Polk . II 12 111 441
Red Willow .... SI 21 111 111
Rlrhardaon ..... 24 II 111 1*1
Keek . 14 I It 110
Saltn* . 12 22 l.Otl 10*
Harpy . 11 11 1*4 41*
.. 21 II til III
H otta Bluff .... 28 24 41* *»»
I »ard . 11 21 4*1 *1"
fnorldan . II 11 1* 41*
i H harm a n . 14 14 *6 <1*
Sioux . 10 10 11 lit
Intuition . 11 It *« 2*0
Thayar . 1* 1* I4« T01
Ihomaa. 7 7 1* IIP
Thuraloa . 11 1J [}• I**
Vnllav . , . .«. tl 11 *31 1*1
Waahianoa . 1* « J'j ' '
W*n> n» 1* 11
n«i>at*r . 1* 1* I}* 'I*
Rknln .. 13 *
fork . 11 11 *33 l.«1«
Tntala .1,131 1,1*1 17.131 #1.11*
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\ •