The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 10, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 7, Image 7

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    Mer Roujre Death
Plot Story Bared
by Mystery Man
j j J
Molt Murilrra PlannrH at Mitl
niplit Conforrnre in Texas
Oil Town, Atlanta Con
vict Says.
Bjr Internal Inn*I »w« ▼!«**.
Atlanta, Oa„ April 9,—A srmip of
five desperate men, ail member* of
the Ku Klux Klan, plotted the In
famous mob murders of Mer Rouge
at a midnight conference In a Texas
oil town in August, 1922, according
to the inside atory of the crime re
vealed hy Dr. A. C. Rtisey, man of
mystery, before he disappeared from
the federal prison here.
As a result a new investigation of
the murder mystery was under con
sideration today by the department of
Justice on the basis of Information
turned over by International News
service. A nation-wide search was
meanwhile continued for Busey Jn the
belief he might solve the tragedy
which stunned the nation more than
a year ago and which has since de
fied solution.
The Texas conference, Busey claim
ed, developed into a Ku Klux Klan
uprising in Morehouse parish a few'
weeks later, ending ultimately in the
revolting murder of Watt Daniel,
world war veteran, and the "traveling
mprisonment" of his bosom friend,
Thomas P. Richards, who had be
trayed the former soldier to his doom.
Names Plotters.
» Before he disappeared Busey told
friends the names of a clergyman, a
town official, two wealthy oil men
and a planter, all klanamen, who at
tended the Texas conference and turn
ed "thumbs down" on Daniel s life.
Th* death verdict was decreed by
these five men because Daniel "ran"
bootleg liquor Into Texas oil camps.
In his story of the plot and mur
der, Busey charged th* state of
Ixtuiaiana with "planting" In I.ake
la Fourche two fake bodies, culled
from a medical school and charity
hotel In New Orleans, to be later
identified as those of Daniel and
Richards. The body of Daniel, he
said, was still hidden In an Impromp
tu burial ground beneath a cypreas
lngf not far from the lake. Richard*
is still alive, he added, and a captive
of Daniel’s slayers.
Ends In Murder.
The plot, launched in the Texas oil
town, spread Ilka a prairie firs, Hussy
ns id. It I«d to the daylight kidnaping
of five pariah cltl»«n*. Including Iran
lei and Richard*, and culminated n
tha brutal murder of tha war veteran.
Although three acor# klanamen war#
participant# in the kidnaping*. It waa
aald, only a carefully choaen "mur
der aquad" of alx klanamen carried
Daniel and Richard* otf to thalr final
reckoning. It waa Rueey * ciatrn that
while this soiled murdered Dnnlei. 1«
baoi'hed Richard* to a captivity that
haa lasted for JO month*.
In ibis "murder squad," there
were three strange klanamen import
ed from Arkansas. « parish official,
and two pariah planter*. On# of it#
members told .7. L. Daniel, aged father
of the veteran who wa» kidnaped and
whipped on that fat“ful August night,
"One of these men may come back
the other you will never see again.'
In the original plot, Eusey said
Richards' captivity was to have end
ed when "things died down." hut the
unexpected nationwide publicity and
the finding of the bodies in Lake La
Fourche caused his captors to con
tinue their bondage lest he betray
them to the toila of justice.
(Copyright, 1924.)
Beatrice—Walter Kelso, 60. former
ly of this city, died suddenly while
walking in a Denver street. Apoplexy
Is supposed to have been the cause.
. Gargle with warm salt water
—then apply over throat —
▼ VapoRub
Ovmr IT Million Jar* (Jtmtl Ymmrly
Absolutely Pure
ram oa
M>kw the tort ddBdwil
puyomlM and French
> dret,lnr.
The New Freely-Latheriny
Gitlciira .
Shaving Stick
ForTender Faces
Get this Recreation
planned insures you more
for your money and better choice
of accommodations.
For worth-while vacations,the Rockies
of Colorado stand supreme. Everybody
has a good time in Colorado—hiking
up mountain trails, horseback riding,
golf, tennis, fishing, kodaking, touring
or Just loafing.
Accommodations for every puree—hos
pitable camp, ranch, inn or luxurious
Beginning Jwmm 4
“Colorado1* Mountain Playground*” contains
many beautiful vUwa, Including Rocky Moun
tain National Park, maps in color and lists of
places to stay, with rates. Everything to bslp
yen find Just tha place you want. Sant
promptly without charga.
^fM'hhnuta, art
A. W. Carte City hn. *!••«. B. ». Syitam.
141S Dadga it- Oouha, Pkoaa Jackaoa (hi
Caaaalldttad Tlckat OOca Ualaa Statiaa
141I Dadga Sc, Phoaa A Untie ga>4 " tath tad Marty Itrtam
Union Pacific
[UieFISO'S—rhii preacription quickly I
^ nlicm children and adulta. J
x Aflmuump. Nawtae. X
X 35c and 60« tint hU X
"TIz" makes tore, burning, tired
feet fairly danra with delight. Away
go the ache* and paint, tha come,
callouaea, bllatera and bunlona.
‘‘TIz" draws out tha acldi and poi
sons that puff up your feet. No mat
tar how hard you work, how long you
dance, how far you walk, or how long
you remain on your feet, “TIz” brings
restful foot comfort. "TIz” la wonder
ful for tired, aching, swollen, smarting
feet. Tour feet Just tlugle for joy;
shoes never hurt or seem tight.
Oet a box of "TIz" now from any
drug or department store. Knd foot
torture forever—wear smaller shoes,
keep your feet fresh, sweet and
«uiM your hair to fall aut, a 7S-eant
bottla of
will atop It. Any Dntf 9tora.
Choose Your Bread Wisely!
HAT is a meal without GOOD Bread?
Not a satisfying meal, that’s certain.
When you buy HOLSUM you-get good bread. It’s
pleasant eating—makes the whole meal more appetizing.
And it goes a long way toward filling up that great
emptiness you feel after a hard day’s work.
HOLSUM is uniformly good, day
after day. The scientific exactness
with which it is made—the tested
ingredients that are always used in
its making—assure you of that.
We honestly believe that HOLSUM is
better than any loaf selling at a simi
lar price today. Dependable grocers
recognize its quality and offer it to
their trade.
Betsy Ross—Flavored With Honey
Here is an unusually fine loaf of
bread—flavored with delicious honey
and filled with an abundance of pure
milk. It is a super loaf—the product
upon which the Jay Burns Baking
Company has built its reputation.
HOLSUM—the good new loaf—is a
product of the same institution which
bakes BETSY ROSS. It is made amid
the same immaculate surroundings,
by the same scientific processes, and
of approved ingredients.