The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 10, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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    “True Story of Roosevelt
Taft Break Must One Day
Be Told”—Pinchot
In two Omaha club* Tuesday Interesting paper* were read, ope from
the Atlantic coast, written by Gifford Pinchot and sent to his kinswoman,
Mrs. Croaby Shevlln. The other from the Pacific elopes, a paper written by
Mrs. J. E. Elwood of thia city, who recently opened a hook shop in Holly
wood. It was read by Mr*. Rudolph Rix to Chapter B. M. of P. E. O. meet
ing at the home of Mr*. T. F. Stroud.
Mrs. Shevlln read Governor Pinchot’* review on Eord Charnwood's
"Elf* of Roosevelt” before the Smith College club, which met for Its month
ly luncheon and literary review at the home of Miss Marjorie Barrett.
It la intereating in thia day of political Investigations for a bewildered
public to hear Governor Pinchot say of the book. "It is true that Eord
Charnwood falls Into error, by no means rare among Roosevelt's biogra
phers, of radically misrepresenting the origin, nature and result of Taft's
break with Roosevelt, the true story of which must one day be told."
Other* who gave reviews were Mrs. Henry Clark and Mr*. W. A. Oor
In Mrs. Elwood'* paper on “Old Books, Manuscripts and Catalogues."
the, writer told of a young artist connected with the movies who has been
browsing through her old volumes for authentic settings and costumes to
he used in costume play*.
Out of one group of French poems he purchased another moving picture
company hopes to work up a plot for a period film.
Omahans who have visited Mrs. Elwood’s shop In California report it
a most successful venture.
When Mrs. She\lin learned she was to review this work she immediately
wrote Mr. Pint hoi. who forwarded the review with n personal letter in
which he mentioned seeing her grandmother, his cousin, who visited here
two weeks ago.
Bejewelled Society Women and Indians
Mingle at Oklahoma Reception
To be in the receiving line at the
inaugural hall given for Governor
Chase of Oklahoma Is one of the in
teresting experiences which Mrs.
Blanche Paterson had on a visit In
Oklahoma, from which she returned
Mrs. Paterson said MOO people
danced on three floors of the capitol
building that evening. Some of them
the most smartly gowned and richly
bejeweled women she has gver seen,
and also a few Indians, in from the
reservations, dressed In modern
While Mrs. Paterson wag In the
city she shared honors at several af
fairs with a group of musicians whose
southern visits were, roincident with
hers. Among them were Mrs. Kd
ward MacDowell, wife, of the late
composer; Mrs. Henri Fishrher, a
singer, and wife of the Italian consul.
Mrs. Paterson was frequently mis
taken during her visit for Mrs. Mar
quand Huekins, who Is considered the
most beautiful woman in Oklahoma
President-Elect Tuesday
Mrs. C. \\ . Axtell was elected presi
• dent of the Tuesday Mualcal club at
the annual meeting Tuesday afternoon
at the home of the retiring prcaldent,
Mrs. C. M. Wilhelm. Mrs. Lucien
Stephens is the new vice president;
Mrs. S. S. Caldwell, recording secre
tary; Mrs. Walter Preston, member
ship secretary; Mrs. Forrest Richard
son. treasurer: Mrs. George Redtck,
auditor; directors, Mesdames C. M.
Wilhelm, A. D. Dunn, Myron I.earned,
A. V. Kinsler, A. L. Reed. Karl Con
nell and Miss Juliet McCune.
It was nine years ago that the
Tuesday Musical club ceased being a
"house club" and adopted the present
plan of organization. Since that
time, Mrs. Axtell has continuously
served the club, filling offices and
chairmanships. The body closed the
year with a membership approxima
ting 1,200.
The club cloeed the year on the
right side of the ledger. Some of the
concerts made money and aome lost
for the club, but the total figures
show several hundred dollars for the
treasury tn starting next year * pro
gram. %
Mrs. Axtell is sponsor In chief for
the Junior Musical club which gate
Its annual recital last night at the
First Central Congregational church.
For three years she has been on the
board of the Fortnightly dub. and she
hoa been actively intereated In fur
thering the alma of tha City Com-ert
The marriage of Mies Ruby Haskett,
daughter of Mr*. W. I. Raper, to
Reed Zimmerman, eon of Mr. and
Mrs. E. E. Zimmerman, will be sol
emnised Thursday morning at 10
at the First Mithodist church, Dr.
•Tame* E. Wagner officiating. Only
member* of the immediate families
will attend. At the wedding breakfast at
the bride's home, following the cere
mony, covers will be placed for 12.
Mr. Zimmerman and hie bride will
leava Thursday for a wedding Jour
ney. Upon their return they will be
at home at 1522 North Thirty-third
street. Both Miss Haskett and Mr.
Zimmerman were graduated from
Central High school and attended the
University of Chicago.
Mrs. L. B. Wells entertained at a
shower at her home Tuesday night,
honoring the bride-to-be. Twelve
members of the former Candle club
were preaent.
Announcement is made of the ap
proaching marriage of Otis Rreen
atork of this city and Misa Edna
Strauss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
M. Strauss of Terr* Haute, Ind. The
wedding will take place Thursday
at the Astor hotel in Milwaukee,
where the bride's uncle and aunt. Mr.
and Mrs. L. Oater, live. Following
a honeymoon spent in Colorado
Springs, the couple will make, their
home at the Blacketone.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Roaenstock,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roeenstock and
.Visa Loren* Rosestonrk have gone
on for the wedding.
For Bride-to-Be.
Mias Elisabeth Fry will entertain
at her home on Saturday In honor
of Miss Eva Beatrice Willis, whose
marriage to John Thomas Stafford of
Kansas City, Mo., will be solemnized
this month.
Two Bridge Parlies.
Misa Katherine Denny will be host
ess at two two-table bridge parties
this week, one on Thursday anti the
oth»r on Saturday.
The Hovey* Citiesle.
Mr. and Mr*. Ford Hovey will en
tertain at a dinner at their home on
Tuesday evening. April 1S, in honor
of Mr and Mrs. Head and Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Gray.
Saturday Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Morsman. Jr.,
will entertain at dinner at their home
Saturday evening.
Book Club.
Mias Emily Burke wss hnsfees Wed
Btaday afternoon at her bom* to the
Book dub.
Girls Want to
Be Popular
Hear Miss Allen: We ere two girls
who want to be popular. Is that
wrorg? We don't Ilk# "necking
parties'' and our folks don't want us
to kiss the boys. But they don't
like us If we tell them not to. What
can we do about it.
Of course It I* all right for you
to want to be popular. We all do
But some of us won't sacrifice what
Is light for the sake of a wrong kind
of popularity, and some of us will.
There are two kinds of popularity.
One kind picks up a few friends to
day who are gone tomorrow. Their
regard for us is not based on any
thing with lasting power.
Then there is the popularity which
Is based on respect. Haven't you
noticed aome people in your life who
have the respect of everyone In town?
It Isn't because they have tried to
please, but because they have tried
to do right.
The kind of popularity which Is
worth the having la the kind based
on respect. After all. an easy way
to be rid of undealrable people. Is
to refuse to lower your standards for
them. They will seek their kind In
others and leave you free from an
noyance bv them.
I.uniting Friendship.
Hear Miss Allen: At a party I met
a young man who took a liking to
me. He has taken a girl friend of
hilne nut with him. and lately he has
taken me, too. Kver einee then this
girl friend of mine has treated in*
very eooly. Among my circle of
friend* unpleasant things have been
said about my taking this girl’s friend
away. Would you advise me to atop
going nut with him’ We have no
thoughts of marriage as yet
There is no reason why young folks
should limit themselves to one friend
ship. But possibly your cirri* thinks
you were a bit sly gnd disloyal in
frying to make an impression on a
lad in whom your best friend was
interested. Don't throw away a fine
I girl's friendship to prove your power
lor satisfy your vanity. Be square
I with her and you can reach an under
standing. Von wouldn't steal a
stamp from her desk when she wasn't
looking. Don't coax away the atten
tion of someone she may feel you are
"stealing from her.”
French Alliance.
Muds me August Mothe-Borglum
will left lire Friday evening »t the
home of Mien .lenele Millard, fiUU
South Thirty-eighth sheet, before
Ihe members of liie Alllnnre Fran
<»lse. Her eubject will be. "Vlslllng
si Ihe Hourt of I,miis XIV." Slide*
will *1*0 be presented.
(iluh Calendar for Totlay.
Allrr R. Howard C Itatif AUqnn Cirri#.
Thu.’-'Uy n i M n in. at tha T W. C. A
I nltr Study filth av#rv Thursday AfiAr
noon from to 4 ni ^ A14 Burt atr#at
Mr# C Youn*, laadrr.
fi«irtr C rook Women’* R#ll#f torn#.
r#tu!ar iriMtint at Memorial hall, rourt
houar. April 11 at 1 10 p. m
VratA Chnptrr Ken.lnrlon rlnh. rat*
ular rnaatinr In l ha R#d Croaa room# on
tha third floor of tha Maaonlo tarnnla.
Omaha Womnn’a rlnh. parltamant.Ary
law daparlmapf, Thuradav at 8 *A p.
m In th» T. tv. C, A. i.raaon aub.|act,
■ Klartlon "
fry rluh will a va a tnnaotiarada h»U
#t T. O. n F hall, FttiiriaoniU and
/»odta atraaia. ThuiadAjr a\tnlnf. Ad
mlaamn 86 canta.
r ■■ — — ”'
ft. A. Meier arrived today from
Cuba to be with Mr*. Meyer at’ the
Mr*. Victor Caldwell and Mr*.
Charles Offutt have landed from their
trip to Honolulu. Mr*. Caldwell will
remain in California for a while.
Mr*. Ben Adam* of Chicago. *i*ter
of Harry Clarke. Jr., i* expected the
latter part of the week to visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Clarke.
Hr. Moses Howard and Hr. William
Melcher leave in May to spend a few
mnnth* studying at Vienna and other
European medical centers.
Hr. and Mrs. Willard H. Quigley
are going abroad. They will leave
the Utter part of May for Vienna.
They will he gene nix month!.
MU* Helen Graham of Wiaeonein
nniveraity la with her parent*. Mr
and Mr*. Will T. Graham. Sha will
*pend the week-end in Lincoln.
... •>* i • i • t I «i* • >
• m
• m
Virginia .
: April 10,11,12
Fontenelle Hotel
600‘ ‘ElsieDinsmore’ ’Gingham Frocks
For Girls 6 to 14 Years
Many of theae dreaa.
e a are normally
priced aa high aa
and are con
aldered excellent
aalnea, eren at that
Reantlfnl ginghams, an excellent
quality and well made in erery de
tail, some with bloomers t« match.
Erery color Is represented, and
taken as a whole, they make the
most Important showing we're seen
In many a day.
For school dresses,
they are anmatek
able, both for their
crisp, fresh appear
ance and ocarina
“Girlie Nook" Fifth Floor
____ J ..... .
An Opportunity
to buy furniture for your house at
prices lower than elsewhere. Low
rent, low overhead and a direct-from
the-manufacturer system of merchan
dising makes this possible. WE
ACCOUNTS. See us before you buy.
Bedroom Suite
Baautiful walnut kwlrean auita, tbraa
piacaa in pariod daaign, $91.50
Living Room Suite
3-piece in either tapestry or velour. Special
construction and it a keif. Cl 91 7C
price bargain at .9 ™ A mm W
Dining Room Suite
Eight pieces; a leader value and one
which will go quickly. Period design
in walnut, a regular value at $165.00,
this week at—
Money-Saving Specials
Gas Range
$1.00 Down
$1.00 Brooms
Good quality Maja.tic
Broom*, ragular $1.00 nl<
uci, .pacial
A makogaay
aland with glaaa
receptacle far
aakaa. Regular $2
value. 27 incite*
h,«h CQf
SpecUl OOC
75 pounds capacity, front tear
and with whita anamal lining.
A raal valua in a sanitary ra
frigarator. Wall insulatnd and
ona that will knap your ico kills
d"-" $1.00 Down
Spring Clearance
of High-Grade
Upright Phonograph*,
$39.7$ Mi $49.50
Console Phonographs*
$69.75 Md Up
A faw damnnatrator*
at lowast prica*.
Complete Outfits
Furaiak an apartment or a
koma complete at a great tar
ing. Look at tkeae prim:
3 room* complete. $1118.75
4 room* complete. .$198.50
5 room* com glr«L..;R205f9tf J
Trade in your old furniture for
new. i-ikeral allowance* for
old piece*. Lowest prices for
York MoM
I Bring thift coupon t« our
I dor#. It <• good for On#
[1 Dollar on any purchaaa of
• $10 or ovrr.
W I H I Em 14TH ad DODGE JA. 1317
Clothes that Captivate
Let us contribute to your joy in this Easter Season
by allowing you to choose from the bewildering
array of Feminine Apparel Now Showing.
Sport Type Topcoats
A Style Necessity These
Spring Days
STYLUS—As new as the materials are attrac
tive, including “cut” fabrics, plaids, byadere.
refined “blanket” cloths, one-color effects and
stripe arounds. Roomy sleeves, novelty cuffs,
and occasionally stitching. Colors and combi
nations include Indian red,\in green, gray
stone, Mexico, tan and brown.
Two Groupings—Values Most Unusual
$22.50 $28.50
For Easter Newness
Fashionable Frocks
Of smart dunwoody crepe, straight line, coat
effects. The trimmings are of
Irish Lace Colored Stitching
Plaits and Novelty Button Trim
COLORS—Captie red, navy, cocoa, hollywood,
brown. Lanvin green, gra.v and briekdust—
$29.50 $39.50
Junior Frocks
Two Most Interesting
Flannel checks, prints and
roshtnara crept. Novelty col
or trimmings and combina
tions. Including navy, tan,
powder blue and brown. Sizes
*16.50 *22.50
Children’s Sweaters
4 l« It Tears
Slip-overs, mandarin, roll col
lar and double breasted effects
Fine, soft yarns, a few com
bined with brushed wool. Ador
able color combinations, blue,
tan, sandalwood, powder blue,
Mexico and leaf green—
*3.75 *4.50 5.75
Children's Knitted
f to 8 Tears
Ribbed effecta combined with
brushed wool. Colors and com
binations, jockey, shell pink,
tan, red, green and Mexico—
*3.00 93.50 94.50
New Voile
Exquisitely designed of su
perior quality voile, daint
ily finished with hem
stitching, fine footing and
lady fair ribbon. Colors,
sheik, leaf green and shell
pink. Very special—
The latent and moat desirable
modal*, faalilnned of beautiful
brocade* ami durable elaatir,
adapted to alendar ard medi
um figure*. Specialty priced—
$2 Oil
Model Illustrated
A *t>le of proven niartl for
alendar and medium figure*
Flaallr top and ten elaatir
panel* ln*lead of taring Priced
at .#2.00
arcoKP rt.ooit.
I f - " I
Of outstanding excellence
An all silk sheer stocking
of appealing texture, rep
resents real luxury.
Comes In
Bloat! Muffle
!»• ytoni ftnboltnk
«’lnd«r P**«« h
Sh*«p«klB rtk j-ub
v' 3
A New Product
Lace clox on an all silk
pure dye. The moat at
tractive fabric yet shown
la clox. M ETA
rrlced. per paIr.V*J»tl"
Easter Dress
Means, beads, fashionable and
artistic. An interesting col
For women. Innumerable lace
creations as well at silk scarfs
In gTeat variety.
Well, you know there's no
place like Kilpatrick's for
A Novelty in Lace
Colored val edgings, about 1
Inch wide. In pink, green,
ochre, blue and lavender. A de
lightful selection of chantilly
galloons and edge*. Colors,
ochre, cream and white.
Priced from.tie to 12^0
The Popular Scarfs
Can be made from beautiful
ribbons In striped and plain
tatlna, roman stripes, crepes
and brocades. A beautiful ar
ray from .fl.Si to |A.t*l
We will gladly aaalal in
p'annlng and sewing than*
Apron Frocks
The Famous "Nelly Don"
and "Stone'’ Makes
Finest quality rbambray tn
r o I o r a ; attractively hem
stitched. Windsor prints, white
figures on background of ma
donna blue, Ian, red. lavender
and black; checked ginghams
end dotted percales. Si?.ea 1$
aiceoND ri.ivoK
Junior Topcoats
Of a cut and style which em
phasizes fashion, yet will per
mit of "Tomboy” ways. Soft
platds, stripes and shadow ef
fects; good, durable linings:
attractive color combinations
Sizes 14-16. Two groupings—
S18.50 826.50
Children's Coats and
Artistic expressions of buoy
ant youth. Adorable color* and
2 to 6 Years —
*4.75. *6.50. *b. 75, 9117*
8 to 12 Years—
17.7*, **.75, 914.50. 917.50
Just received a shipment of
cuffed gauntlets. Mostly the
desired tan shades. The tans
only are Reynier gloves. Other
makes In grays and white with
black cuffe. ahlrh ordinarily
eel I at *6.00. fi*Q fJZ
Priced, per pair.... vO»< tf
Printed With my
Name and Address
1(H) double sheet* *nd 100
envelope* or 200 sing!* sheet*
and ItH) envelopes—
RYTKX personal stationery
comes tn a fine, heavy weight
linen finish paper tn five dla
linetive shades—pink, blue,
buff, gray—and while. Your
name and address is printed
on both the sheets and enve
This Inexpensive stationery
makes delightful gifts. It hat
character and is tremendously
You can be distinguished for
a dollar.
Phone your order or visit our
Third floor
Mah Jongg Sets
Of pure while Ivory p.vralin.
The lowest priced solid
p.vralin set vet offered. Only
a v ery few at..., *17.50 I
Beautiful Silk Petticoats
They have an Individuality that entphaaitea the charm
of the wearer. Stralghtline model*, fancy platted
flounce*, dainty ruffling and embroidery effect*.
They route In the ftneat of silk*. Including
Floriswah, Radium and Silk Jersey
The color* and combination* are like unto 'he **t ,!*
of the aeaahor* l.tmttl***.
Both regular Bad eitra *!.-**,
Amarlng value* . .
-- ■. .'i '