r~~~ - 1 eague of Nations Comes Into Dawes Plan—Official Summary m L_J The league of nation* la drawn Into the reparation* problem by the Dawes report, while an unofficial rep resentative of the United Statea la elated for an Important rol* In the execution of the experts' plan. An American member of the general board of control for the proposed new gold hank of Issue Is quite likely to fill the Important post of ''commis sioner.” His duty will be to decide when Germany’s capacity to pay has been reached, while the league fi nance committee will be asked to ar bitrate it the commissioners' de cisions in applying the "index of pros perity” are disputed by either Ger many or the allies. ► Germany to Pay. A business matter bereft of politics Is how the experts describe the task they have just completed. They in terpreted tlie object of their work as tending to the collection of the debt, rather than to the application of pen alties. with a purely economic solu tion in view. Recognizing tlie obligation of Ger many to pay and declaring that it has resources with which to pay, the experts insist that if Germany’ does pay it must have its hands free to ex ploit its economic resources. The experts carefully omit in their report mention of the Ruhr, but make it plain that the French and Belgians must satisfy themselves by leafing garrisons in (he Ruhr, if they’ see fit, but taking their hands off the Ruhr and Rhineland railroads and tlie Ruhr industries. *■ The first prerequisite to the pay ment of reparations, the experts as sert, is sound money in Germany. They propose to this end the estab lishment of a new gold hank of issue With 4110,000,000 gold marks car in tlie organization of which make it to tlie interest and profit of Germany as well as 1o tlie advantage of tlie allies, to co-operate. Index of Prosperity. Germany's production, they say, xvill enable it to meet Its own require ments and raise amounts to apply to reparations as contemplated in the plan. These payments, fixed on a sliding scale, run from 110,000,000 gold marks in .1920 to 2,000,000,000 in 1934. In order to prevent these payments from affecting adversely Germany's financial stability, an index of pros perity lias been fixed, making it pos sible to judge whether the amounts of the scheduled payments are or arc not beyond Us capacity. A general board of contra], Includ ing an American, with allied, neutral and German members, Is the experts' solution of the C fficult problem of guarantees that Germany will exe cute the terms of eventual settlement under their plan. The experts found this plan most likely to satisfy the allies and at tiie same time prove ac ceptable to Germans. One member of this board, with the title of com missioner, will he vested with the important duties of deciding accord ing to an index of prosperity’ when the payments provided for in the plan may prove too onerous and may’ threaten tiie upsetting of German finances. * Based on Statistics. The index is to he based upon Ger man exports and imports, the total budget receipts and expenditures, railroad traffic, the monetary value nt tiie consumption of sugar, tobacco, beer and alcohol by the total popula tion and the consumption of coal. Percentages will he fixed on the av erage statistics covering these bases, f rst for three years, then for six years, the percentage of each of the six groups compared with the base being seiarately computed and tho average of tiie six percentage results forming the index. When the resources exceed the In dex. supplementary payment on rep arations are to be made In propor tionate amounts; when the index proves deficient, basis payments shall lie made for tiie period on which the calculations are based. But substan tial supplementary payments shall not become due until allowance has been made for previous deficiencies. At this point tiie league of nations is brought into the plan: any disputed point upon the application of the statistics on tills index is to be re ferred to the finance section of the league for arbitration. .•lollgage On Railroad*. Germany’s railroads, estimated by tlie experts to be worth 28,000,000,000 gold marks, with a net earning ca pacity as high as 1.000,000,000 gold marks yearly,, were found to be an available means for securing repara tion payments and aiding German f.nanres. The experts propose a blanket mortgage of 11.000,000,000 gold marks on the entire German railroad system, bearing 5 per cent Interest, with 1 per cent sinking fund annually. The Interest and sinking fund on Hie mortgage, they figure, represent less than 9 per eent on Hie entire capitalized value of 28,000,000,000. Full Interest will not be required dur ing the period of reorganization, but tlie payment ..f aau,000,000 marks will be naked in 1021 and 1925, Increasing on a sliding scale to 880,000.000 in 1927 and 1928, which the experts think ought to become normal years. German industry under the plan is expected to provide 5,000,000,000 gold marks, represented by first mortgage lends bearing the same rate of Inter est as tlie railroad Isinds. This amount, the experts explain, is less than Hie total debt of Hie industrial undertakings in Germany before the i. nr. 'flic interest on these bonds will lie paid on a progressive scale, begin ning the second year w ith 2 4 per ' "nt: 5 tier cent Hie third year and 5 per cent plus 1 per cent sinking fund, tlie fourth'year. In the event of do fault in tlie payment of the interest on Hie sinking fund or principal upon either railroads or Industrial bonds, provision for the recovery of the de ficiency from tlie German government through the commissioner of con trolled revenues. Summarizing the proceeds from all Hie provisions in tlie plan for treaty payments, tlie experts estimate that they will produce 1,000.000,000 gold marks Hie first year, 1,220,000,000 the second year, 1,150,into,000 the third year, 2.000.000,000 tlie fourth year and 2 500,000,000, ttie maximum payment to be required from Germany annu ally, tlie fifth year and thereafter. Reginald McKenna and Ida col Imwum on the fecond cotpooiRee flpd 4 I that the Germans have 8,750,000,000 gold marks abroad and that all this sum represents purchases of paper marks at a dead loss by 1,000,000 foreigners/ They find that. In addition to these assets, abroad, there is in Germany foreign money approximately to the amount of 1,200,000,000 gold marks while foreigners own in Germany property to the amount of 1,500,000. 000 gold marks, which is subject to special taxation and consequently ought to be taken Into account in an estimate of Germany’s resources. Needs Help From Abroad. Germany needs help from abroad to the extent of 800,000,000 gold marks, partly to capitalize the new gold bank of Issue and partly to meet expenditures during the period required for her to balance her bud get. The experts say that extension of this help, together with the share the German treasury will have in in terest on the railroad and industrial mortgages, will give Germany an in centive to accept the plan and carry it out. The idea that surplus revenue alone can be applied to the payment of Germany’s foreign debts is re jected by the experts. Payments they declare, ought to be made to her taxable capacity and any deficiencies in resources from mortgages must be made up from taxation. It is a sim ple principle of justice, they point out. ns contemplated in the treaty, that the German people should be taxed at least as heavily as the peo ples of the allied countries, and the only limitations should be that of practicability. The experts make a distinction be tween the amount of money that Ger many can raise for the reparations account and the amount that can be transferred to foreign countries. Cur rency and budget instability might result from overstraining of its ca pacity for making payments abroad. Reparations, however, they contend, may properly be included in the budget. The index of prosperity as in terpreted and applied by the “'com missioner” is to be relief upon to arrive at a proper balance. The experts found that Germany had been spending without stint on complete installation of its railroad system, which had been brought to a point of efficiency unknown before the war. The transportation system and industries generally are provided with the most modern appliances, and ports and terminals have been ex tended and Improved, furnishing ex cellent sources of revenue and an adequate pledge, along with monopo lies, for the payment of reparations. -miliary aapecii. With respect to the military aspects of sanctions and guarantees, the Dawes report says: "If political guarantees and penal ties Intended to insure execution of the plan proposed are considered de sirable, they fall outside the commit tee’s jurisdiction. Questions of mili tary occupation also are not within our terms of reference. It, however, is our duty to point out clearly that our forecasts are baaed on the ee aumption that economic activity will be unhampered and unaffected by any foreign organization other than the controls herein provided. Consequent ly our plan la based upon the gesump tlon that existing measures. Insofar as they hamper that activity’, will be withdrawn or sufficiently modified so soon as Germany has put Into execu tion the plan recommended. As agreement with the railway ex perts, the committee recommends the convention of the German railways into a joint stock company, adding: "It la not our intention thus to de prive Germany of the administra tion of her railways In favor at the allies. On the contrary, our plan de mands only a modest return on the capital cost, and so long as this re turn is forthcoming we (Vi not antici pate any interference In the German management of the undertaking. The railways are to be managed by a board of 18 directors of whom nine will be chosen by the German gov ernment and the private holders of preference shares, and the other nine will be named by the trustee of the bonds to be Issued amounting to 11, 000,000,000 gold marks, five of whom may be Germans. The chairman of uic iiuniu nuu uiB gcncrui nmnagei of the railway* will be German. Regarding contribution* from the various German Industries, the re port says: “The committee ha* been impreseed with the fairness and de sirability of requiring ss a contribu tion to reparations payments from German industry, a sum of not less than 6,000,000,000 gold marks to be represented by first mortgage bonds bearing 6 per cent interest and 1 per cent sinking fund per annum." It"Is pointed out that the industrial conoerna have profited In many ways through the depreciated currency, such as the long delayed payment of taxes by subsidies granted and ad vances made by the German govern ment and by the depredation of emergency money which they Issued. Notwithstanding aome losses Incurred by these Industrial concerns, the com mittee feels that th* burden Imposed by the plan Is not too great for them to bear. Treaty Payments Plan. The provision contemplated by the committee for treaty payments I* as follows. Budget moratorium period: First year from foreign loan and part in terest (200,000,000) on railway bonds, a total of l.ooo,ooo.ooo gold marks. Second year, from Interest on railway bonds (iiii-luding 130,000.000) balance from first year) and interest on in dustrial debentures and budget con tribution Including the sale of rail way shares, a to lal of 1,220,000,000 gold marks. Transition period: Third year, from Interest on railway bonds and indus trial del>entures, from transport taxes from budget, a total of 1,200,000,000 gold marks, subject to contingent ad dition or reduction not exceeillng 250,000,000 gold marks. Fourth year, from Interest on railway bonds and Industrial debentures, from transport tax and from budget a total of 1,750, 000,000 gold/ marks, subject to con tingent addition or reduction not ex ceeding 250,000,000 gold marks. “Standard year: Fifth year, from Intereat. on railway bonds and Indus trial debentures, from transport tax and from budget, a total of 3,500,000, 000 gold ouuk*.'' J Brassieres Very Special Thursday 44c White brsaaieres in the fast en-down-the-front atyle— daintly trimmed with em broidery. Siae 3® to 46. Baby Slippers Fine wrashable kid or patent combinations. Many styles. Sizes 0 to 4. Pair 1.00 Third Floor Thursday Is Third-Floor Day All Departments on This Big Floor Unite in Making It A Day of Important Economy Opportunities * . - ■1 — - -■ ■ - "^*7 Thursday Hair Goods Specials Pompadour* — Beautifully made with double aide part. Particularly adapted for the woman who has scanty hair, or for the woman who must cover up dyed hair. Refu larly 1 O QO 25.00, 10*270 Now' is a food time to get a Lanoil Permanent W a v e. Waved all over the head. Specially priced 25.00 The Brandais Store— Beauty Parlor— Third Floor—West Thursday a Wonderful Sale of 2,000 Fine Apron Dresses A special purchase in which are saved a great part of their value. Dresses of / - Ginghams, Linene, Checks, Percale Plaids, Cretonne Trimming Regular $1.50 Models Thursday at - , ! Smart, practical styles in loose or belted models, with novelty pockets and braid. A variety of styles for j every type. They are fashioned of excellent material—indeed an excep tional buying opportunity. Sizes 36 to 1+2 Extra Sizes in Percales and Ginghams The Brandeit Store—Third Floor—South Extraordinary Values in Underwear Third Floor Day in the Underwear Section is marked with extraordinary price reductions. These items are but representative of many other unkdvertised gar ments. Hand-Made Philippine Gowns > 1.39 Of aoft^aheer material, daintily trimmed with beautiful embroidery j at neck and arms. Sizes 15, 16, 17. | Satinette Princess Slips 2.98 / Fine quality material; adjustable \ hip hem; hemstitching and dainty lace trimmed; bodice and strap tops. Sizes 34 to 44. 4 Satin and Crepe de Chine Camisoles Vfc Price An odd lot of crepe de chine and wash satin camisolei smartly trimmed with Val lace and ribbon straps. TIm BrondcU 3tor*—Tklrd Floor Wonderful Values in Stamped Pieces For Thursday we have specially priced a great number of beautiful stamped pieces. They are inex pensive yet with but a bit of work will become things of beauty. Linen Scarfs to match pillow cases; six beauti ful designs. Each, 2.25 Pillow Cases 42-in. tubing, fine quality; six de signs. Per pair, 1.75 Children’s Stamped Dresses Ouickly made with outline and lazy daisy stitches. Clever little patterns; stamped on excellent quality suitings. » Sizes 4 and 6 /I A Peach, Blue Years v7C and Gold Stamped Quilt Blocks 3 pretty designs; 50 of these blocks, stitched together with 50 sateen, makes a beautiful quilt. Delightful summer “pickup” work. Set of 50 1.75 36-Inch Rountf Cloths 50-Inch Dresser Scarfs Stamped on fine crystal cloth; of three designs. 50c The Brandei* Store—Tkird Floor—Woat Shoe Savings for Thursday Our Shoe Department is satisfy ing the public demand for shoes at popular prices, yet we have not sacri ficed in one instance . \ quality of material or £ J workmanship. Every new style in all new models. Airedale Suede Black Satin Nude Suede r,.50 Values to 10.00 Strap Effects Sandals Tongueless Ties Colonials / Gray Suede Patent Leather Black Suede All Sizes and All Widths The Brandcis Store—Third Fleer—Cut Tweed Capes for Little Girls Sizes 2 to 6 Years , Values 6,50 to 9.98 5.98 Tweeds Checks Coatings All are well tailored and beauti fully trimmed with ties, button* and fancy buckleg. A great va riety of youthful little style* that are smartly becoming. Special for Thursday Tha Brandaia Slora Fourth Floor—F.aat The Mme. X Reducing Girdle Has Unparalled Success Exclusive in Omaha With The Brandeis Store 1 Gw 9.85 Pink 11.85 Seldom has anything introduced in this city been so wholeheartedly welcomed! A Girdle to Be Worn Instead of a Stiff Corset— Made of Finest Steam-Cured (Not Acid Cured) Para Rubber That Is Almost Certain Never to Crack it REDUCES HIPS AND WAISTS by scientifically massaging with every slight- ( cst movement. The girdle is worn over the clothing and is a delightfully comfortable support for women of ANY dimensions, largo or small. // (wives 1 ou Instating the Appearance or Slenderness—WHILE It Is Making This Slenderness Permanent! Almost its chief charm is the fact that you are wearing no more clothes than ordinarily and yet are being reduced with no attention at all from you. No inconvenient dieting or elaborate exercises to worry about. Fat most often be gins at. waist and hips—many women otherwise slender lose their youthful appearance because of this. Let us fit you. See the effect on yourself! No oblgation on *onr part at all. The Brandri* Store—Third Fluor Glove Silk Underwear / The remainder of the specif* purchase of “Her Majesty’s Sop f Underwear” on sale for Thur* day at 3.00 and 1^.00 Values 1.98 Step-Ins In all shades of flesh, maize, peach, corn and white. Regular and extra sizes. « Vests Bodice and opera, plain and fancy stitch styles, in latest shades. Regular and outsizes. Bloomers Kxtra quality of jersey silk in the latest shades for spring. Regu lar and extra sizes. IThr Rrtndeii Store Third Floor—North