EDDIE'S FRIENDS_ Tlic A(l#mnnn Game oh.mes.x ujas/mvated '8ut SUES So PlSAQREEABLt THAT X'P RATHER MOT OBLIGATE NWSELE TO V\eP / UJOULDM'T ^00 ) UVCE To Go To L A MAT/MEE VU0VA S — x CERTAiMCV / UJOULD RArfAER sit ' AMD LOOK ATTAOMAS mevGAAm TAis after moo m -TRAM USTEM To TRoSE CATS GOSStP - BoT X PROMISED MER ^ X'D COME3UE,S A -7-" PRiGAT-TROSE I > LOMCRES SAE / SERVES ARE / . foSlTitfELV y-* 'W///S Q tr Iwrt Faruwt 4 /0 E Banquet Planned for Press Club l^’alls City Chamber of Com merce to Entertain News paper Men. Stella, Neb., April 9.—Southeastern Nebraska Press club will hold it* spring meeting at Falls City, Friday, April IS. The meeting will open with a dinner at noon at the Union house, at which the Falls City Dally Journal and the Falla City Dally News will be the hosts. In the evening the press club will l*e entertained at a banquet by the Falla City Chamber of Commerce at the Union house. Some of th# Falls City Chamber of Commerce member* will speak after the banquet, and Kwing Herbert of the Hiawatha World and St. Joseph Journal will reply. Ralph A. Clark of Slella will tell of “The Value of the Home Newspaper To the Small Town." The theme to be carried through is ••Advertising" and a plan will be taken up to strengthen the Nebraska State Presa association as an agency, and to wage a fight against exorbi tant commissions. The afternoon pro gram Is In the nature of a round table. Mr. I.aunch of the Warfield Advertising agency of Omaha will be one of the speakers and is expected to pljice before the newspaper folks the things the agencies wish to know to deal direct Vtth the publishers. OJe Buck of Harvard, field secretary of the Nebraska Press association, will take part In the round table. Nebraska newspapers are well or ganized, not only through th# big state association, but In th* small ' district associations. Southeastern Nebraska Press club Is the district association for Richardson, Nemaha, I 1'awne# and Johnson counties, but then first organized four years ago * embraced all the seven counties in th# First congressional district. W. H. Orr .of Falls City Journal Is pretl ^ idem: 8. W. Thurber of Tecurnseh " Ohioftan Is vice president, and Miss .Eunice Haskins of Stella Press Is sec retary-treasurer. White Ribboners Celebrate Music Day at Gothenburg Gothenburg, Neb. April I.—White ribboners of Frances Willard union -elebrated music day st the home of Mrs. W. J. Blrkofer. Th* purpose »t th* social was to express appre •latlon of ths value of muelc in child life. In th* home, the school and the community. Mr a. Anna. P. Bolaot, piano artist, old tha legend of harmony and In spired all by her translation of child .t talon. Mr*. Route Burson gave an inter ,-**tiag talk on "The Mother's Part." ' Mia* Ann Klnnamon of th* city shoots sang a group from Carrie Jacob Bond, School Superintendent ^ larry Burke gave a rename of the school’s organized music and the •tlgh schoot orchestra of 15 pieces, linger direction of Prof. H. Zleggen beln, played two group numbers. Falls City—Fire of unknown origin destroyed the barns, sheds and some 1i»y and grain at the farm of Ed Jones, south of Rulo, damage $1,000. » “ All VK.HTISKMK.NT. When You Catch Cold Rub on Musterole Musterole Is easy to apply nnd it gets in Its good work right away. Often It prevents a cold from turning Into "flu” or pneumonia. Just apply Musterole with the fingers. It does all tho good work of grandmother's mustard plaster without the blister. Musterole is a clean, white olnt .merit, made of oil of mustard and -other homo simples. It is recommend «d by many doctors and nurses. Try Musterole for soto throat, cold on tho chest, rheumatism, lumbago, pleurisy, stiff neck, bronchitis, asthma, neural gia, congestion, pains and ache* of th* back and Joints, sprains, sot emus cles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet— golds of all sorts. To Mothers: Musterole is also made In milder form for hahies and small children. Ask for Children's Musterole. 35c and 65c, Jars anil tubes; hospital size, $3.00 ,, Belter than a mustard plaslei Burgess Bedtime Stories l_— fly THORNTON W. BURGESS When bluff meets bluff then neither wins; The matter ends where It begins. —Farmer Brown’s Boy. Sammy Jay Sees Two Bluffers. For a few minutes there were four badly scared people In the Green For est. They were Buster Bear's triplets and Farmer Brown's Boy. But the latter was frigtened only for a few minutes. You see. he had known that those young Beam were some where about, for he had been follow ing their footprints In the snow, lie wouldn't have been frigtened at all Those three young brers were a funny sight as they dung to tlie tree. had it not been for the unexpected meeting with them. He had hoped to get within night of them, but he hadn’t expected to come face to face with one of them aa he had when he came around the upturned roots of a great fallen tree. He had been so startled that he had yelled. But the young Bears had received the greatest fright of their lives. They hadn't known that Farmer Brown's Boy was following them or was anywhere near. They had been frlgtened almost out of their wits when he yelled. They had promptly done the thing they had lieen taught to do in time of danger when they were very little, scramble up a tree. They had all chosen the same tree, and the way they had scrambled up, getting In each other's way ami bawling as they climbed, had been one of the funniest eights Farmer Brown's Boy and Sammy Jay had evsr seen. Farmer Brown's Boy was no longer frightened. He began to laugh. He laughed and laughed, for those three young Bears were a funny sight as they clung to the tree as high up In it as they could climb, and whim pered. But Farmer Brown's Boy's laugh didn’t last long. In fact, ft was cut off so suddenly that it utmost choked him. Without any warning at all. there wa/» a terrible ‘'Woof, woof, woof!" and out of a thicket rushed a great Bear, with the wickedest look ing eyes and the most awful looking teeth and with the most terrible sounding voice. To Farmer Brown's Boy's startled eyes that Bear looked to be twice as big as the biggest Bear he had ever seen. It was Mother Bear. Straight at Farmer Brown's Boy she rushed, snapping her Jaws and making a terrible noise. For a sec ond or two he was too frightened to move. Then he realised that If he turned to run Mother Bear would know that he was nfrnid anil would be on his track before he could go more than a few steps. So he did the wisest thin* he could have done— he stood perfectly still. Mother Bear stopped her sudden rush Just a few feet from him. She glared at hipt, and he stared at her. There they stood, fnclng each other, whilo Sammy Jay. who wus looking on. held his breath. For Iwo long minutes neither moved. Then Mother Bear, still growling angrily, turned her head and looked up at. the young Bears. They had stopped their crying and were looking down In round eyed excitement. Mother Bear took 11 slep or two toward that tree, then turned her head toward Farmer Brown's Hoy and growled. He remained still, staring fit her. So, turning to growl a dreadful threat alter every few steps, Mother Bear retreated to the font of the treo In which were the young Bears. Then Fanner Brown's Roy slowly becked away. As soon as lie dared to he turned and walked quickly, ami then ran. "Phew!" he exclaimed. "I never was so scared In all my life! I Idnffsd that old Bear Into thinking 1 wasn't afraid, but I was, Just the same." And the funny pul of t Is Mother Bear at the same time wus chuck ling down inside at the thought of how slie had bluffed Farmer Brown's Boy. You see, she had had no In tention at all of attacking him. She was only pretending. * (CopyriKh*. 19241 The next story: "Farmer Brown's Boy Tians an Entertainment." The Brandeis Store r y±>j= Excello Shirts A brand combining the highest quality in rich fabrics and fine workmanship, at remarkable value giving prices. Excello Shirts arc | sold in Omaha ex clusively by T he Hrandeis Store. I From 2.50 to 7.50 Corns 1 — 1 - No Paring—End Them Don’t let the agony of corn* deitroy your comfort. Apply Blue-jay—and inatantly the pain vaniahea. Than the corn looaenaend comee eat. Doe* away with dangeroua paring. Get Blue-jay at any drug (tore. Blue=jay AIM I KIIM.Mis,Nf. NEW GERMAN OIL SOLD UNDER WRinEN GUARANTEE RUBS OUT RHEUMATISM A remarkable new discovery of German Chemistry for the relief of rheumatism. Gout and Neuralgia is astonishing the medical world. This marvelous oil seems to kill rheumatic nsins just as effectively hs these other German psln killers No vorain for painless dentistry amt Aspirin for heada* he pains. Ilhouinatism In very many esses is du* fo internal share f «ueh as a blind put pocket in s tooth which gives off poisons, and which are csrr.ed in the blond to the Joints nnd muscles). This now German m| when applied to the affected parts, seems to quickly penetrate and be absorbed by t lie body tissue. Kven In the most severe nnd stubborn rases almost instant relief has been obtained. NOTF: The oil referred to abova Is known in this country n« Rubier Oil. At the present time, the following druggist* report that they have secured a limited quantity of Rubier Oil for distribution in till** city. So remarkshte have been the results from the us# of Rubier Oil that these druggists are giving their eusto* mcra s written guarantee to refund th* prirc in full to any purchaser of Huhler Oil who fails to get immediate relief. On ale at Heaton Drug Co., Merritt Drug Co . Msiney Duvaii Drug Co. lfutit-Docek.il Di up Co.. Kara*oK t Drug Co,, I'ope Drug Co. and lUmt* Drug Co. Nebraska News Nubbins V. --' Falrhury.—Frank Culligan. re cently tried In District Judge Colby's court on a charge of shooting at Roeelta McCoy, 12, with intent to wound, waa sentenced to serve a year In the state penitentiary. Beatrice.—Arrest of a lT yearold Reatrlce high school boy on a charge of Intoxication will result In the filing of a complaint against a traveling man, according to police officials, who allege the man supplied the boy with liquor. Callaway.—New has been received here of the death of John Moran at Los Angeles. Mr. Moran was In the Insurance business here for several years. Broken Bow. - Public Service cluh entertained farmer friend* at a ban quet at It* last regular meeting. The dairy was the feature topic. The speaker* were Emery Peters, a prac tical dairyman, and J. S. Clark, man ager of the Ravenna creamery. Broken lk»w.—J. R. tlaygood. driver for the Sinclair Oil company, sustained a fracture of his left leg while unloading barrels from a truck. Mema.—Clyde Browning dropped a heavy timber on his right foot, crushing two toe». Tie was working with material In the manual training department of the high school building. Blue Spring*.—The new Presbyter ian church was dedicated Sunday with a sermon by Dr. W. H. Kearns of Omaha. Albion—University of Nehraska Glee club gave a concert at the American Region hall Friday evening. This was the club's first visit to this part of the state and it left a good impression for the great stRte school. Alma—Declamatory contest of the Alms High school was held Saturday evening In the Methodist church. In the dramatic claas, Naomi Keyler was awarded 11 re I (dace and Edna Keraoy second. In the humorous class, My ren* Scott won first and Winifred Hardin second. Myrene Hcott was given Hist over all. Beatrice--Funeral services for Rich ard Wick, who died suddenly on the road near Odell, were held hi the home of hla brother, William, near Odell. Rurlal was In Blue Springs cemetery. Beatrice—Earl ITolmbeck, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Holmbeok, and Miss Anna Hroch of Barneslon were married at the United Brethren par sonage, Rev. L. E. Mnssle officiating. The young couple will make their home at Wymore. Hastings.—Hastings district Ep worth league opened with a banquet, 220 delegates being present. An ad dress was delivered by Miss Eunice Britt of the national training school at Kansas City, Mo. A pageant, "Mis* Epworth League’s Awakening,” vii gl\en by the Hasting* Epwortll blanch. Han ard—Charles Wing. Burlli g Inn station agent, was elected mayor here; C. It. Traut, city clerk: It F. Kngelhardt, treasurer; fitti Urchin ami L. t*. dries*, councilman; Mr*. Ona Perry, Harry Thomas and Mon trose Huxton, member* of boaid of education. \\’e*t Point. K. M. Haumann pres ident of the Community club, while driving on the Pender road, lost con trol of hla car and It went over the emliankment, but no one was serious ly hurt. Mr. Baumann s'son, Paul sufferd a cut in the hand. (•ntlienhiirg.—With Its Kiiturdav i« sue, the Gothenburg Ipdc|iemlent checked off 41 years of public service. Falls City—Farmers from all par|^ of Richardson county gathered here at a lianquet as guests of local busi nessmen to discuss the “better dairy" movement. A. N. i^aurltzen. exten sion dairyman of Lincoln, was prin-i Cipal speaker. Beatrice—Dr. George Coombs of ■ K,in».ia i'll) had licen engaged by th* Imard of education to addreae the Hen trice high nhool graduating daae in the find ChnatIan church Tueaday evening. May t?( for the annual com* meneeimnt exerilaee. "Pollyanna'* 1m* tieen selected a* the claaa play and 34 nienihera «f the aenior claae have regtatered to take part In the tryouta Mlaa Minna F.mmert will direct the rehearaala and play. MacCarthy- Wilson Suits to Order $35.00 They Were $45.00 Reduced to meet the popular demand for lower price*. S. E. Cor. 15th Harney Such popularity must be deserved RADIO—■ weeping the country —daily gains new devotees by thousands. Chesterfield — matching Radio's swift rise—is gaining thousands of new smokers every day. Such popu* larity is never an accident. It can't just happen—it must be deserved. Chesterfield has come up fast be* cause men know, by Chesterfield's better taste, that here is real superi ority—of tobaccos and blend! I Copyright 1924, Liggett ft Mycr* Tobacco Co.