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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1924)
Every Day is Bargain Day in the Bee Want Ad Columns ■'NEBRASKA LAND INVOLVED IN SUIT • Trial of a suit for 122,914 wa* started in. Plstrirt Judea I.aall#'* court by Edward Htleenkamp, a firmer living near Fremont, against Kohl * Jlohenbaugh, Chavenna Land company and Staats & Dahl, Fremont land concern. Htlgenkamp alleges that ths de fendant* mlarepresanted a section of veatem Nebraska wheat land to him and Induced him to buy It at an In flated price In March, 1920. STATE CAN’T TAX LANDS OF INDIANS Washington, April 7.—States can not tax lands held by the United States in trust for Indians, It was announced today by the supreme court. / Eggs Given Away. MaysvIUe, Ky., April 7.—Eggs have become 'so cheap In this section that f.irmers hare quit taking time from their planting to gather them, accord ing to reports received here today. When the quotation dropped to 10 rente a dozen farmers began giving them to produce truck drivers if they would gather them. Denby for Coolidgr. ^p Washington, April 7.—Edwin Den by, who was forced out of President Coolidge’s cabinet, as a result of the naval oil leasing disclosures, today sent a telegram to Michigan urging republicans to support President Cool idge In today’s primary there, where he Is opposed by Senator Hiram John son. Sieberling Patent Void. Washington. April 7.—The Sirberl ln<r patent on a machine for ipsnu faeturlnp pneumatic tire shoes was declared Invalid today by the supreme court. Additional Markets | Grain Exports Last Week Total 1,735,000 Bushels Washington, April 7.—Grain exports from the I nlted State* last week totaled 1.735.000 bushels against 1.C55.000 bushela for the prevloua week. Totals for the week aa compared with those for the prevloua week were made public by the Commerce department as follows: Barley—53.600 buahela against 33.000. ('orn—760.000 buahela againat 600.000. Data—1.000 buahela against l.oon. Rye—173.000 bushels sgainst 69.000, Wheat—748,000 bushels against 952,000. Canadian grains in transit, 2,335,000 bushels against 1,213.000. Wheat flour in transit. 140.900 barrels against 475,000 barrels. New York General. New Tork, AprlT 7.—Twnir—Quiet, spring patents, $6.<>006.50; spring clears. $5,000*5.50: soft winter straights. $5,000 hard winter stralghfx, $5.5O06,oo. Bye Flour—Steady; fsir to good. $4,100 _ 4 JO; choice to fancy. $4 2504.40. ^ Cornmcal—Quiet: fine white and yellew g i ..nulau-d. $2.3002 35. Rye Bnrely steady; No. 2 western. 7 8 4 c. f. o. b. New York, and IfrQrC c. 1. f. export. Barley—Quiet; malting, 69092c c. I. f , N>w York. Wh* at -Spot easv: No. 1. dark, northern » spring, r. i. f , track. New York domestic $1,44 4; No. 2 hard winter, f. o. b., $1 204; No. 1 Manitobia. do, $1,14 4; No. 2 mixed durum, do, $1,154* Corn- Spot easy; No. 2 yellow, c. h f. track. New York' domestic, nil by rail, *1940; No. 2 white, do, $1,004, and No. J mixed, do. 9s4** Onts—Spot quiet; No. 2 white. 53c; feed, barely steady; city bran, 100-pound sacks, $28.00; western bran, do, $28,000 29 on Hay—Quiet; No. 1. $29.00030.00; No. 2. $26.00028.00; No. 3, $22.00023 00; shipping, 318.00020.00 Hops-—Firm; state J92J. E3058e; 1922, 23028c; Pacific coast 1923, 36040c; 1922 27 030c. Pork Steady; mesa, 324 75 025.71; fam lly. $26.00 0 28.00. Hard -Faay; middle meat. Ill 36011 4 0 Tallow Quiet; ape. lal loose, 7-4 0 7 4< i extra. 7 4c. Rice—Steady;, fancy head. 74 0kc. Chicago Stock* Quotation* fur. i*h**d by r H. Fache A Co., 224 Omaha National Rank building Telephone Ja. 6187-83-89. Fid. Asked Armour A Co Til pfd. 77% 7* Armour Co Del pfd. *7% ** Albert Pick . 19 19% Baaairk Alemlto . 31 '4 32 Carbide . i. 6* % 63% Edfaon com .129 19% Continental Motor* . 7% 7% Cudahy . 6* 40 Daniel Bonne . 20 30% Diamond Match ,.11* 119 Deere pfd . 67 Eddy Paper .. 27 . 24% T.lhhy . 4% National leather . 7% Quaker Oat a .286 27/> Ren Motor* . 14% . 17% Swift A- Co .102% 101 Swift Inti . 20% 20*4 Thompson . 44% 46% Wahl . 3* 3*% Wrlgley . 3 7 37% Yellow Mfg Co. *1% *3% Yellow Cab . f.1% 61% New York Hugnr. New York, April 7. The local raw sugar marker Was ouiet today, at 6.66c for Cuban* duty paid, on the apot. air though there waa a sale of 20.0<F) bag* of Cuban*, late April shipment *to an gutport refiner at 6.72c. , Opening 2 to 6 point* higher on tov frlrig due to firmer development* In the ^ apot market, raw augur, future* weaken ed under selling by trade Interest if and house* with Cuban connection*. Active month* dropped If to 6 point* below Hat* i rday’s close and filial price* showed l to f» point* net lo** Mav closed 4 9fic; duly. 6.09c; September. 6.04< ; December, 4.56c. Refined sugar waa steadier and un changed at 8 20 to 8 40o for fin* granu lated Refined future* were nominal. F«*rfi*n Knhanv* Veir York. April 7 Foreign Fx''h*ng*n Irregular Quotation* In r»nt*: Great Britain, demand. 432'4: rahlea. 43?%: 60-dnv bill* on hank* 430%. « France, demand. S 77’*; rahlea. f. 7* 14. Palv. demand. 4.32'*: rahlea, 4 43. Belgium, demand. 4*4V&: rahlea. 4*R!/4 Germany, demand (per trillion), .21. Holland. 37.1*. Sweden 2* 3* Denmark. 16.47. Switzerland. 17.41. fipafn. 13.3* Greece, J 7 4 . Poland. 00001 J. rzarlin Slovakia. ? ** Jugo-filavla. 1 24 Austria, .0014. Rumania. .62*4. Argentina. 33.SO. Brazil, 11.6a. Toklo. 43. Montreal. 9* 1-*?. New York Produce. N>w York April 7.—But ter— Steady; receipt*, 6,641; creamery. higher th^n extra*. 414)414*? r creamery extra*. (J.. ■core), 40*4r• creamery flret* (88 to 91 a, ore), 38 4% 40c; packing alock. current rnnlco No. ... 28c. Hgga—Firm: receipt*. 10.120 cnee*, freah gathered extra first*,, regular pack ed 26 4 026 40; atorage packed. 270 37 ^r; aeootida and -poorer, J4 02414c: n*arby hennery white*, closely •«l*rte<l extra*. 84 036c; nearby and nearby we*t ern hennery white*, flr*t* to average ex tra*. 28084c; rienrti/ hennery brown*, ex tra*. 29f)31e: Pacific con at whlt*a. ex f0H tra* ClOISc; flrat* to extra ftrnt*. 29032« f7hec*e-—tjnaettled : receipt!*, 121^016 !*•* ; limn whole milk flat*. f»»*h fancy, 1. W 1« average run, 160164«*; *r*te whole n Ilk flHt* f*ncv to fr»n» v • pe<|al*, *28 % f* 260: average run. 23 w 29 41: Coffee Put ure*. New Ymk XprlI 7 Goffe# f**tut- - opened today at an advance of 8 to Hi 1. 1: >il* In response to New Orient)* and 1o<nl buying on report* of • tcmjlne** in B.figll with .fulv nailing ai I ?.»&» and December at 1 2 00c, T)ieae price* *a*m*d to at tract, rea lining which eaaed July off to 1?*6a abd December in t I *7e » i h the murker cloning net 10 point* higher rn * polnl* lower. ' Closing quotation*) May. 11.10*1 July. 1160a: feptamber, 12 tic; October. 11 lie; December, 11.17c; March. 11.70o. Upot coffee, quiet; Jtlu 7*. lfcVec; Bentos 4a. life to ll^c. Chicago HiiMer. Chicago. April 7.—Trading was quiet In the butter market today, while the m»t ket remained weak and unsettled »' aiightly lower price*. Neither buyers nor sellers were expressing much confident e m the present situation. Keceivera were fisa sellers, and in some quartets were inclined to offer concessions hut buyais showed vary llltla interest. Tha central* lred car market remained dull and weak with practically no inquiry noted. Fresh Butter—9- score, 2l**c; 91 acore, 21c; 90 score, I7*ie; X9 score, 37c; IS short. 26**0; 67 s ore. 36c. Centralized Car Kola—90 acore, 18V4c; 99 acore, 38c. Dry Goods. New York, April 7.—Dry goods markets wars steadier in most divisions today, but trade la still quid, most of which Is tn finning in lots, few large forward orders being placed Cotton goods were quieter following speculative cotton weakness. Bleached cottons, unhranded, were re stored to prices prevailing before Friday. Percales and ginghams sold in moderate lids. Wool goods were quiet, sport fab rics and novelty weaves in flannel fin ishes being the best moving dre»s fabrics. Novelty silks and some of the staple crepes with inany new prints sold best In the silks. Knit goods were quiet, and burlaps firmer. Kinens continued firm In primary markets abroad. Cotton ({notations. Naw York cotton exchange quotations furnished by J. S Bach* & Co., 22K Oma ha National Bank building. Phone JA. 6117; Open ! . High , T.»w I Clou# Yes’y Close May [July I Oct. Dec .Ian | 30.10 28.76 26.16 2 4 05 24 40 30.10 2S.85 24.30 24.80 24.42 26.35 | . 28.20 24.76 , 24.36 | 24.U0 | 29.41. , 28.29 | 24 Si . 24 44 j 24.07 i 30.39 29.16 25.1U 26.20 24 76 Chicago Cash Wheat Chicago. April 7. -Wheat—No. 2 hard, 8103 V* &l 12; No. 3 hard. $1.01 Corn—No. 3 mixed. 78c; No. 2 yellow, 79 V. Gate—No. 2 white, 48 8* H 50c; No. 1 while, 47'4 CM S'* c. Rye—No. 3. SSVec, Barley—67 077c. Reed —Timothy — $5.0007.80; clover, $16.60022.50. Provisions—T,ard. $10.32; rib*, 60-lb. I averages, $9.75; bellies, $10 25. Clilraib Potatoes. Chicago. April 7.—Potatoea—Trading slow, market slightly weaker on north ern stock; firm on Idaho's; receipt*. 106 cuts; total United Htatee shipments. 914 cars; Wisconsin sacked round whites, $1.2001.40; bulk, $1.30 01.50; Minnesota and Xhrtli Dakota sacked Red River Chios, $1.1501.30; Idaho sacked Russets, $2.6603 00; Montana sacked Russets, $2,400 2.60. New York Poultry New York. April 7—Poultry—Dive, steady; no freight quotations; chickens, Wy express. 27 0 35c; broilers, by express, 50065c; fowls, by express, 26028c; tur key*. 35 046c. Dressed Poultry—Firm; chicken*. 25 0 50c; fowls. 23032c; old rooster*, 19026c; turkeys, 26036c. Dried Fruit*. New York, April 7.— Kvaporated Apples -Quiet; choice, 14V6CH&C; fancy, 16V» 016. Pi tines— Steady: California*. 8 014hc; Oregon*, il/4 01<D4c. Apricot*—Quiet; choice, 15c; extra choice. 17c; fancy, 21023c. Peaches—Steady; standard. Il«c; choir**. 8%c: extra choice, 90 9*4c. Raisin*—Choice muscatels. choice to fancy aeeded, 7 08c; leedleas, 7 4 0 13 Sc. __ Oil* and Kosln. Savannah, G • . April 7.—Turpentine Market firm, 94 lie; aalee 150 barrels; receipt*,’ 77 barrels; shipments, 128 barrels, stock. 4.449 barrel* Rosin—Market firm: sales. 264 casks; /•ecoipt*. 3.74 casks; shipment*. 2 casks; stock. 54.467 casks. Quote: I. 4.70' K. 4 80; M, 4.85; S, I 00; WO, 5.80; WWX, 6 40. New York Metals. New York. April 7.—Copper—Market easy; electrolytic, spot and near by, leva 013%r; futures. 13Sc. Yin -Market unsettled: spot tand near by. $52.60; futures. $52.12. Iron — Market steady: No. 1 northern $22.50024.00; No. 2 northern. $21,500 23.00; No 2 southern. $23,000 23. 5JL Lead Market steady; spot. I" 75. Zinc—Market stead v- F'aat St. Louis spot snd future*. $K\ ! 2 <rf 6.35. Antimony- Spot. $10.50 Kansas City Produce. Kansas City, Mo.. April 7- Egga— %C higher; firsts. 20r; selected. 26c. Butter—Creamery lc lower, -430 44c; pa- kin* unchanged 21**. Poult rv—Broiler* Sc higher. 49r aprlngs 5c higher. 46c; roosters lc higher, 34c; hens, 20%c. Potatoes—'T“nchan*ed; western white*. $1,650 1 35. Chicago Produce. Chicago, April 7 Butter Dower: creamery extras. standards. ?.*Hc; extra firsts. 37 H 0 31c; first*. 36H0‘37«*: seconds. .75% 0 36c. Eggs—Higher: receipts. 3*071 case* fiiMts. 21 % 0 22r; ordinary firsts. 20*i 20%c; storage pack extras, 24c; firsts 2:: He. ___ I undon .Silver. London, April 7-—Bar Silver—33 Ha' pence per 011II« e M*>ne\ I'y per cent. Discount rates short hills -:S per * ent; three Riontb* hills, 2 16-1603 per. cent. Chicago Poultry. Chicago. April 7.—Poultry—T.lva high er fowl* 26c; spring*. 2*c; rooster*, II*-. geese, 36c. New York Silver. New York. April 7 Bar Silver— 61 %e. Mexican Pollara -4*%c. Duluth Duluth. 'Minn April 7.—FlawH-Miy, 12 35; .Tulj, |M1!4: 8eptemh#r, *2 22. 9rw York *!»«* Cotton. Mew York April 7.—Cotton—Spot, quiet; middling. 29.25c. _ A N NOIINCKMFNT8._ Funeral Notice*. A DORN—Mrs. Augusta. 25*6 Rpraru* street. April 7. age 7”. years 7 months and 12 days. Deceased is survived by three, daughters. Mrs 3lury Frey and Mrs. Clara Krause of Omaha and Mrs. Martha Oretn 1 it sc of "Unwrence Mass Three sons. Ar thur Otto and Ew»ld of Omaha Two sisters. Mrs. Itnse Frey of Omaha and Mrs, Pauline Gansauge of Holyoke. Mass, and 1 o grandchildren Funeral services Wednesday at 2 P m. from t h»* residence to St. Paul Dvaneel It at church “1 2: JO P- f“* Inltrrneiit For est Dawn cemetery. FKIFH-Mra Katherine. 77 yaara. passed a wav at the home of her daughter, Mis W. H. Hancock. Dos Angeles. Cal . April i 4 Deceased Is survived by two tons. William, of f.os Angeles, and E D. Files of New York City end two daughters. Mrs. W. D Hancock of Li»* Angeles and Mrs D 1» Dean of Portland, ore Funeral services from Ifoffmin Funeral Home chapel, at Ju » hi . Tuesday. In terment. Holy Sepulcher cemetery. O'KKKFK Dorothy .Isne, I year. 6 months and 19 days. Passed away Apt.Il * Pe . ■ :.«fd is survived by her |uu**nte Mi ami Mis Dennis O'K»ef0 3Californ • si reef, one brother. Robert K. and two •usters. Marie II and Margaret C Funeral services Tuesday, 9:30 a in. from residence Interment, Holy Sepulcher cemetery. _ HODDINGF* Frsnk r\f died April «. Chicago, III. Private funeral services held Tuesday. 2 .p. m , from residence of John I.. McCragne. Jr, *111 ~Veb*»*r Rt Inquiries may »»• addressed to Burkett c h s pe| If A. 0090. Vaulin and Monument* B ^Automatic Heating" concrete burial vaults recommended by all leading undertakers Mfg by Otnaha Concrete Burial Vault f<> Funeral IWrrctors. C TIBAFFT A H DAFFY Undertaker* and Frnhttlmera Phono HA 02*6 office f»*.11 Farnam (DHTABDI8HBD RINCR 19*21 KORIRKO FI NFRAD IHUVfF 2 3d- and i) Xts 1 .0 M 13th Nf MA. OftlO. AT. 1*73 HOFFM ANN A M BITLAMCH Dodge at 2 4th. Funeral l>lre< tore. JA. 2901 N. f. RWANBON. 171*11 AND CUMING Quiet. Dignified Supervision IIUDSK A fUKI'BN. Funaral directors. 2224 Cuming. JA. 1126 C. C. JIAYNKR FUNKRAD '92o N. 2 4 th S;. Ki:. 0 2*7 1»( FFV A J«»»INHTON 311 8 3 .d m*w home 11 V 0417 CROtlHY MUUHK 24th and Wirt W F. 0047 BRAIL NT A, JIORRANdC. Dll* CUMING RT.. JA 052*. JOHN A GENTLEMAN 1411 Faraain 19 ANNOUNCEMENTS. --*--------- I Ometrrfei. D VISIT FOREST LAWN WEST OF FLORENCE. Foreat Lawn ■ emetery ia ilia largest and moat heMutlful cemafery In thla v!clnit> On account of ita natural beauty it ia recognised as nn< of the leading ceme teries in the country, it la north of the clt/ Ilmlta. Office at the cemetery and 7Jo Rrandela Theater. WEST LAWN MEMORIAL PARK Omaha's most conveniently located ceme taty. Easily accessible. Fatally lota on partial payment a: immediate use It neces sary. Perpetual rare. oAth and Center Call WA. 6820 or AT. 1A79, our auto will call for you wiihoht charge. Lost and Found. 4 LOST—Ladies’ gold wrist watch, octagon shape; blacU ribbon wrist i and. Finder please rail WA. 74.*>" Howard VONHISTORY Masonic charm lost. 12d degree WA. 6hl5. Reward. AUTOMOBILES. _ _ Automobiles for Sale. 5 4 REWARD Will give $5* cash for name and addre** of tru^k prospect who want* truck. I'^-tnn or larger. Box C-826. Omana Bee. 1*15 PIERCE ARROW. 7-p*sa#n g*r 6*. special body, touring car, A 1 condition, new tire* HA 4370—122 N. 22d St. Call at garage. Come to “MURPHY' DID IT’S” Downtown Used r’ar Stora 1*24 Ford Roadster, starter and de mountable rims . $“25 1*21 Ford Touring, new body. 150 1*21 Ford Touring, flue shape. 135 1*23 Star Touring, guaranteed. 328 Other*. $50 up to $1,000. ANDREW MURPHY * SON AT. 4 411. 14th and Jackson PIKRVN-ARROW 1*1* touring car. Kirst-ilas* condition New tires, newly painted 7 passenger, 4 H 1IA 43?®—122 N. 2 2d St. Call al garage. • 3PURPH Y DID IT” | Downtown Used Car Store. 141* .TarXton Street. _AT. 4411 ' USED CARS. O. N. Bonney Motor Co. 2554 Farnam. ! NASH-VRIESEMA AUTO CO. USED CAIl STuHE. 2045 FarnamAT 4I«< ; GOOD USED CARS Hi r TOURS AT GUY SMITH BRAND naw. ll:*4 standard make glx-cyl inder cars at factory• nru eg. Your upnor- I tunity. No trades. Box D-4H8. Omaha Bee ; OUR used can are yuaiaoterd Ail models, types, Hannan \ an Brunt. Far nani sf 30th FtIR DSD< )DG KH-- BU ICKif 3701 K :*4th Tel. APA. 60*0 v PICK UP. 1-ton speed truck. New. BOx BI47 Omaha Bee Trucks for Sale. SA USED TRUCKS Will par up to $1.60* for good Uted truck* Quick action nerea tary. Box B-814. Omaha B»e. ONE to three-ton used truck*; term* ran he arranged. International Harvester Co. of America. 714-16 S. 10th Sr. Auto Acceaaorlea, Tart*. 9 FOJtLi S.'lan b„.lv with built-in I’ullin.n bed. 3 4-paascnver Coupe bodies Travel bodies built for »ny chassis. PFEIFERS. 1626 Heaven wort h GUARANTEED new and us**d auto uarta at a kpeclal cut price Nebra*k* Auto Part*. 1015 1* Harney Sf., JA. 4/31. and 22 oft Cum in if Sf., AT. 1 *70 ■ SPEUIA l« ON NEW TIRES 10x1 arid liUxlty "l*«a, $5 50 «G"1 up. Other elves In propuitlon. Kaplan Auto Pat (a. .Ill M« holM* , Service Station*—Kipalrlnj. 10 INIjI'STHTAI. AUTO MACH INI.HT9 Rotleld cut tmr.tor »nd hl.onann nm neto service AT. I860. IV MKI.flbUllS JL SnN. 4 17 s 1ITH HI SI NKSS SKKVICK, HuMnm* Srr.irrti OITrrrd. 1.1 UFTNUKAb hnune< leaning and ahrubbary trimming. KK. 47Ih I' & Millinery—Dressmaking. 17 ACroriDION. aid#, knife, hot pleating covered buttons all atylea; heinatltchlng buttonholes. Write Ideal Button and [Tenting t 'n . a o H Brown Block, Omaha, Nab. Telephone .TA. 1111. NKH I'LKATINO ('<), llarnatlichlng. Covered Huttona. 1104 Farnam. He» ond fionr 1A 4*?o Mov itiK—Trarkage—Slot age. IK ITOKIrlTY STORAOK A VAN < '.O. Mn V INTI I’At’KINCI HTfiriACIR SHII’I'INO Ifotiaehold gooda, off! a furniture, autoa 1107-11 HOW A It I * Hi__J A «> 2 * * Hl.oni: V AN A NO HTOKAdR T* A OK I NO. MOV I NO. HH I PIT Ntl, HTOR I NO Katliiiutaa furr*lahe«l AT. 01* 10 or .1 V . i 3 tv " MKK INS (».M All A VAN A STORAOK i Iflth and Leavenworth His I'mltlng, mov- | ing. storage, ship ping. .1 A. 4 Q> 2_ I Ot*Itl)t IN S I I III: Pit OOP WHSK A VAN. lit North lltli H». Rhone .1A J032; mov mg. parking. storage. shipping - ■ ■■ Painting and Pain ting. 19 A NO. 1 pa pet ha ng Ing Wall pa|*er. Whole sale price. Kr-d Park*. 4,OK S 24th *«. M A. 0101. AT T Vi4_ IIOlMK palming. 1.0 e right. aarvlca, quick and | ' •> fl HA ll4iL ^ |* A I'KRII A N’t* I N< i I .<nv. . AT 1*47 Patent Attorney*. 9* J. W. MARTIN. I,JR I'rtera Trust Bldg. Omaha, also Waabington Double aarvita. • ngla fee. A i*o help »ell paienta Printing Dlatlnmr/. SI romncn' iAT, rniNrtNo i Mr rnn'm Co.. 31; t>.uth Ulb BL Fbnuo J A. toil ^ It’s Like Shopping— Only Easier! No weary walking and hunting-—in your easy chair at home you view the bargains in The Bee Want Ad Show windows. Here you find an array of articles and properties to meet every wish and at almost every price. And completing the transaction is so easy— just go to the phone and you are talk- “ ing to the seller. But best of all is the saving made. Many things of sendee able and excellent value are picked up through The Bee Want Ad columns at far less than the original cost. Use Them Every Day for Every Need BUSINESS SERVICE. Repairing. S3 USED and new sewing machines. Sew ing machines and vlctrolas repaired. Rent machines. |1 per week; $3 per mo. MICKEL MUSIC HOUSE 15ih and Harney. AT. 4341. Renovating and Dyeing 24 OMAHA PILT.OW ro.—Ken I hen nno vated and made up In new feather-proof t Irking. 1907 i ’liming. JA. 2467. EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted—Female £7 WANTED experienced operators »nd learners to make Minn Tay lor Dreases and Aprons on power machines. Excellent working con ditions. Steady employment. Good wages. M E SMITH * CO., 10th and Douglas WANTED—Ladles to learn hairdressing naarcellng. permanent waving, manicuring, facial massage. Oood positions waiting af'er a short course or vour own bt;*1 neaa with small cap'tal Day or evening. Call cr write Moler College, lot S Iftfh. EXPERIENCED inarceller wanted^ at once, no atuderft need apply. HA. 7IS5; evenings, AT. 4^4? NEAT white woman for laundry worl» and cleaning References. |!A 4 7 ? Help Wanted—Male. 2* WE ran om three or four good automobile salesmen A good proposlt on for the right party. Apply to Retail Salsa Manager. OAKLAND MOTOR CAR CO. WANTED Men to Learn Barber Trade - Dnv or evening. Short practical course. Our »o*t graduate dep’t includes sales rnaneblp and barber ethics which unall I fies for best Jobs. Call or write. Moler i Barber College 109 S. 15th St. ! PRESSMEN AND FEEDERS wanted 1m mediately. Must be capable of doing h gheat class halftone work. Phone, wire, or mnt t*» Hugh Stephens Piesa, Jrffer aon I'Hy, Mo._ ALL MEN. Women, hove. girls. 17 to «&. willing to accept government position". 1117 tj.'.Q ftraveitnr or stationary), write Mr «.lament. 1*4. St. Louis. Mo. Immedl atelv, . RAILWAY Mall Clerks Wanted—Omaha examination May 3. tl 400-12.300 yeaaly; big I'sla** expected. Write Mr. Ozment, 499. St. Louis. Mo., immediately. _ FIREMEN, brakemen beginners, 1140 12.9 (whuh, position?) Railway. Y-lflT Utnalu Bee ___ DRUGGIST wanted, experienced. T-J41*. Ol/inh x Bee _ Help Wanted—Male and Female. 2* MAKK inon-v a. hulna. atparlam* un n.c.aaary Wa tearh you how and «up. ply work; no matter wheta you ltv* \S rite Detroit Show Caril Stud'.-s. 419 7>lnari Bldg , Detroit. Mich. TYPISTS -Aid materially to your Income] h> !>pltig authors manuscripts in epai" | time Rasy work; high rate Write Mrs. H 1 Caries Tallapooe*. Ca _ AGENTS for Darn K Z. only washable . eld patch for stockings He.:* nt sight. When ton Latmrw tor!***, La Cinsss. INIs KMri.OY.MBNT. I 8»lr<miMi and Aunli. *• START AT is.ono A Y E A R SALESMAN. OVER :R. WILLING TO j START AT $f>.nnn MI ST ME HONEST.! N K AT. AQORKHHIVK DESI ROt'S <>F j MAKING MI RK MONEY CLEAR heap j AT ORDINARY FIGURES ALTHOUGH NOT NECESSARY. BANKING. INSIK AWR INVESTMENT or SELLING EX PERIENCE ESSENTIAL. MR DAYTON. * 12 FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OMAHA , AGENTS R*fipnn»lh!« company want* j man In every town to fake tut* of Its i advert j *ln* E.xp*-rien« e unnere»*ary. L« . client opportunity. We al*u lime at tractive agent* ptopoaltfon. fluarantee Sign Service. 367 W Superior. Chicago. SALESMEN «ell coal In carload Iota Sid" or tnaln line Experience unnet ei*»irv« Karti a week'* pay In an hour Liberal drawing *« count arrangement Washing I.,*i Goal Co. 602 Goul Kit hang* Bldg. ■ Ghlcago. ' STRAIGHT giliry 13!. par »»-k and • » penae* to man or worn ft n with rig to Introduce Poultry Mixture Eureka Mfg. t •.. liiul Si l.oula. Hi NitintiniiH Wauled—Fernnlc. SI GRADUATE NURSES -Registered and with reference. dealtlng poaitlon In gov ernment hospital Write chief nurae or | med Iih I officer III thutge I S. V. R lloa pl tn l ' ti Sheridan. Wto PAY WORK by colored woman Ref. wv 6 on 4 __ BUNDLE worthing and curtain*, at home Reliable WE 3*04.___ |(< i V4 1laundry done; everything auarin re< d . flnlahed or rough-dry. AT. 888" WHITE woman want* day work. I A. l»r,l* DAY tvk wtd hr white woman ICE not: FINANCIAL._ Itusims* Opportunities. S3 Ht’HINKBM opportunity: <'orporatlon op erating huanleas of a truer roinpanv, two building anti loan aaenela Ilona, tin e# fed rial form loan aaaoi latlona. Inauranre, farm anil Hfy Inarm. Teal egtat#, ah airx'ta of title life Inauranre, anil other related line*, d#pn ft nietltlfted Affiliat'd • uiiil'N rde# In aaaortgted off *«■ In rant er n NHonaka rotinty aeat town* Oppor mnl:. for ore " intlmr to invent fl“ ‘>0 11r more In a going huelnea* ''all Tuee 11 m v afternoon i«t evening, or Wednenla )'. nf roniii i Keen hotel ttinahu H 111 11 ■ i' - j mi 11111 k HI) I na Pa rim and Hat I Woika, prh e, |3f.O; hunituma, >•• It . I on«o Aurora Hhln# I'ailot, Aurora Noli x ■ n 1 na o'-« anywbara t i f putdlrltv Federal £)at#m, 306 Fallon lildg AT. <HM. ll.vrwlltlrnl—Sim Us—II. mils. SI I.OW ItATF «>n illy pruperty quhUly • loied, no monthly pay nieiila. JA i:j.< \V T. Ura h a ni M 4 ANIHKH.IN O). b in", Keel estate. Huretx horde and kindred In# K'liilr 1.1 mils SIX 'IX per i ei,i loans on <>in.iha reai.l# n* . s • •h on han't Proinnt * r ■ '« e I II j t .• • • ee I tii 1 Is • Hliir Hide I \ It M M »A NS T.ntgeoraiiiall. We at No I. f.nina t sni i j is lot.* ini ' oei^i ip, a 4< >m ^ \ ii t Mv | .s Kt ’O \ |) i .i i't g a r ea or rnutnii ■ p 11 - j haee.l hv Tuhe I'oinfanv. Fit at Na j t lone I 11 a n U .14 4 I I WIT I, huv mnrtgigea and eontrart# | «*o 4 i '» Omaha Neh - . 4\ t» - • i i . ' ' I 1 ' \ ' IGA11V1N JW108 141 Omaha Nat. Hidf FINANCIAL. Row I Estate l/ StA 5‘i AND S PER CENT MONET. Loans on Omaha Improved property at lowest raise FRANK H. BINDER. *73 City National.JA. 2561. OMAHA HOMES—EAST NEB. FARMS. O’KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO 1015 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg JA 1716. Money to I^oan. 35 THIS COMPANY IS ORGANIZED !o itipolv your money wants In tha game 'v«. that hanks supply th* money wants 1 j of the business .rommunliv. jAnv amount loan**.! tin to S600 and you' hii reint ■ It in emv monthly oavinerits our equal navment plan rep., a the loan, ar«l all < hargr* W« have be-n In business in Omaha over .0 y.tra and ran assure vou of a auick. confidential ami square deal. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. 506 Karbach Block. Tel. JA. 22«5. Southeast corner 16th and Douglaa Sts. . Omaha Hee. MONEY TO LEND on long time without commission; no delays, no red tape; Lin coln Joint Stock. Land Bank, Lincoln, Neb. DIAMOND loans at lowest rates, business strlctlv confidential. The Diamond Loan 1514 Douglas St, 11st a P! !«■ bed 1*94 _KtUXATIONAL. Corn-spoililf-niA (unmet. 17 LEARN RETAIL MERCHANDISING Tn spare time We guarantee positions when qualified Become efficient In es sentials ne« f»*Mry In retailing, etote man agement, advertising, credit, window •riimlng. y;es, card writing, etc Posi tions pay |7»0 and* up Mute giving age nod occupation. Retail Efficiency Assn , Dept. Minneapolis. Minn Local Instruction Classes. 3# -___ i DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL BOYLES SCHOOL Complete course in ail commercial bran* he* bookkeeping, cornptom*try, shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, aecre. taria!, hanking, ■aieeutanship. civil serv ice Engliah You rnay work for board ! while attending I Hunt m'ed catalog free HOYLES SCHOOL llth and Harney S’* , Omaha. Neb J.A I 5 S S THI-CITT BAHBER COL1.KUK KOI Do,lr. Sc. 1101 Douilia St fail or write for Inform a Uo« EIGHT to IS weeks prepare you for e fine office poeiHon. Call AT. 7774 er write American college. Ill3 Farnam. DVORAK BUSINESS COLLEGE Stenography and Honk keeping. \A'e«d Hide, Huh and Farnam. AT. 7414. iVmptometer a hool. 300 Courtney Bldg. Dsnrinc Aradrmlea. 3».\ I/argeet dancing classes ta Omaha. "There i a Riaioo.* KEEP 9. HOTEL Hull E. LIVESTOCK l>og». tat* and 1’eU. 4! PEDIGREED Huston terrier pupa; rag • tereit ato,k. MA, :t30 1. 2133 Hreiel Horses, 1 attic, Vehicles. 43 HOLST BINS IERSEYR— GUERNSEYS i If you want aome teal milk, cream and but ter rows cull <\ IT Glade. (,9T0 N. J*?h St TOP buggy, good as new, very reason- j able. KF 4214 F-1. Poultry and Supplier. 44 BABT CHICKS AND HATCHINO EGOS from blue ribbon winner* and trapncatad ■ took. (Jet our fra* catalog \V* can *av* 'ou money Ever-Laying Egg Farm, Bo* C flails Iowa. [ MABf chtcka. 1ft.000 ea h weak from purebred laving farm flock 10c and up. Plum* Bla< k 3341 Franklin Hatchery I• Franklin A\-. Co. Bluff*. 1* ; IIAKRKU Rock, daik lktfilbltIon and light mate.! mi, | indred. 1IA. 44-0. i CHICKS l«aghorna. S10-100 Other brand* Janifl WlllR* Uulo. Nab. MATCHING egg* from my exhibition egg laying R_!_ Red. Mike Clark. KK. nil KHOP* ISLAND It Eli and Bat red~~R~rk 1 b i< I. « \\ A 4 111-.' Ml Hi II WHISK. ArtMw for SsJr. 46 F< »R 8AI.F Autographed a*t of Jamea • »llver Curwoud • n. u* Otha Waar.n. Orlnnell. Ia. liiialii(*H* Ki|tiipnient. 47 I" K HI V. Cell a.ife* make deaka ahow i1 **•■• • <biiahn Fixture A Supply Cu - NV « or l I 111 and hong la a .1 A S4 ! I'm l an.) I f'nl .*0 i K I Mil.INC - J:> triukload. delivered, saw-I .dust, ahavtng* Rhone JA L740 — Ilouir-M.idr Thing*. 52 HOME BAKED CAKES Sunshine. Anaal Food or lln.v ii Stone Front luirge. 11 10. \ddieaa It v « (ttuaha Reg. lloiiAi'hold (roods. 63 A I CTJON! AUCTION ! I*a» n Alietloti Kom.n III P Mill Pa«ton llotal Bid* Iuasi1a\. April k. at 1 10 I* M. Annmiin In* tha opening of Om aha* New l»o\% ntowtt Auction l'.ooius i*ur first sals will ron »i*t .if a big aiul inmolota aaaott. ' .••ui .if n(!,i fitia fur nliui a lugs air I « »» nn An* t Ion Tlooma Tupper Frost Au.thm Company A urtlontara Hatwaan Fuinam nud llarnay on Mill Sr _I*luma AT. U6C_ MliTTKIt \»slu--a In now anil uaa.l furni ture Sale* in ad a piIvataly or at auc tion \N e also buv your fuinlturo and par ■ rah. a trial of our aarvlia will lott i (III a Vi'll ST F I*UK SHUN AUCTION M«>1 ^11 Ii0» CAP PPOI • AN KNlfcJ AT iantto M’r.h iP.\hk an k , i chirkorinv upright p a no, mahogany ca«s, ftna condition, 1 k u I it r it umU library t*Ma ) I \ \ ’> , R HK.I * ar»» Home I'Ulliltm* Co, South Side 1 ffrt • i In • > KOoil • 4<nililli*n \V \ nn •• N ISI i’ii' i' ...»• dinlnc i now cat flriit 1 i •** . nn.111 ion 11 \ It.'' NiAlblUANV ' . i. i, i • and * •»■ * no, 7 mahogany u" km NN N rtf. I. . Sw«p Column. 63A * tract Conn iatcphona. B lift, Omaha Baa ) MERCHANDISE. Swap Column. 53\ HAVE ll.tos equity In very choice Irrl gated tract In on* of th# rich##' farming ! 1strtcta in the west. Will trade fnet payment on residence, or what have you? r 477, Omaha Bee • RAFTS electric library, I volume# I Electric maintenance and repair# Electric fen. kodsk. for aomethtn* useful. B M2, i unaha Be#. — ■ ■ ■ ■""c ■ ~ ■ WANTED to trad# brick, atone, or cement work f<»r hena. chickens, or what ha%a \ou B-MI. Omaha Re* _ l.ATR Ford a**dan; trad# for lot or firat pawnent on amall cotta*# B II7, Omaha Be*. ELECTRIC washing machine end tub# radio, both food, for Ford or what hav# j you ? H-*04. Omaha Bee. _ [MS course In drafting to iwap for mual - tl Instrument or what hav# you. B-180. ; Omaha Bee. __ • INK roll of hog wire, ojfc esnltery cot and one square table to trade fur pigs, or what havn von? F €75. Omaha Bee ONE misses' cape and other article* of clothing to trade for violiu, or what have you.' D-4P6, Omaha Bee____ KOI II TIJBK Freed Klseman neutrodyne. trade for t amen. rraflex’spend graphic or small view preferied. B K47. Omaha Bee 120-K<JG Incubator and aoft coal heater for chickens, rug or what hai e you 7 F 676. Omaha Bee "*_ _ f r A V K a late 1*22 Ford coupe body. Would like to exchange for good Ford sedan body. Address B 148, Omaha Bee. Radio J-tube coast to coast, to swap for Ford or oth r make car. B *44, Omaha Bee._ WIDL Trade Nash € coupe body for I Nash touting car body. Address B-801, Omcha He*. BRAND new piano to trade for Ford I coupe, late model, good condition. B 841. Omaha Hee __ WILL trade my 6-tub# netitrodjn* with tuba and storage batteries, for good Ford. Address C-f 1 g, Omaha Hee TRADE eie< trie washing machine for wardrobe trunk Must be 1n first class condition. B-831, Omaha Bes. i EXPERIENCED carpenter will swap service for jour furniture C t-7, Omaha Bee. RESTAURANT in connection with 14 rooms to trade for email residence. C-124 Omaha Bee. WANTED motor boat, will trade radio or buv Ke 338 9. Write B-X03 Omaha He# FORD touring body for light truck body. A i * 7. ( Una tin Be.* 4 CHAIR barber simp to tfide for room ing house c-925, Omaha Bee " H.f. trade Nagh Six coupe for what have you. B-802. Omaha Bee. F7QUITT In cottage and 2 lots trade for Ford. Address B-84.7, Omaha Bee €0 FT. Radio tower to swap for electric floor lamp. B-835. Omaha Bee Mac hinery and Tonis. 65 NEW and aecond-hand motors, dynatnoi, r.eRron Klectrleal Worki. 318-20 So 12th Radio Equipment. 59 CUT prices on everything la radio. R. M. , Shlaes, 2iA N. 16th St. Wanted to Ruj. 61 DUSKS. DKSKS. DESKS New desks used desks bought. «o'd and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Fainsm 8t. AT 4146. ROOMS FOR RENT. Room* Willi Hoard. 62 BEAUTIFt'E Ivory furnished room. In Blackstone district, very ressonabla. HA. 23 70 FRONT room In new home, good location, private famllj*. very reasonable. WA. 7146 Itnoins Without Board. 63 CAI.L us for rooms, apartments and living ■ quarter*. Free bureau of Information 1 open till t p. m. 825 Paxton block. AT. 4781.| jM’NNy room connecting bath, new bunga 1<» * Ce: line. 2 block from Kim wood park: for i.n* or 2 gen'leman WA. 6176. DftUQL.A9 2(58 l.arge rrn. with kitchen ette. outside entrance, also sleeping rrn. HA <386,__ 2117 SPENCER H'f New y decorated front room, up-to-date furn. Rhone WK 1«jI4. AT J93(—All homa privilege* and com forte, rnus* be *#en fn be *pprec a*ed 8T.EEPI.NG room su table for two. on car line. Phone At. Ill", KARNA.M. 2'»07—Sleeping room* good lo cation; walking distance. JA. 2418. KiMtniA for lloijarkrrfjfng. 61 fWENTT-EIGHTH, iur 3 — l'arlur flour, j 2-rwom aditr modern, lit a: gae electricity.* telephone well furnished 17 uo I1A 1B34 1 \\ BTLL fumlsbad hoaitkwpflf ar.d sleeping • i - * t ft * Si* Htil'TH 22.1 s fiirn 1 and 2 rm. apt . fetectrK light*. 14 hi 1 Is in a wrtK BE.NfKbN'— 2 large furnlfhe,! ruoma apart ment In |>i 1 \ ate h.»me. WA. <901. Whfr© to Slop In Town. €7 HOTEL SANFORD—19?h and farnam HOTEL HENSHAW—*Nth and Farnam.; special rate* to permanent guest*. --:—:— Wantnt—Room* and Board. 68 WANTED to ran? either 20 or SO room* nn Harney. Douglas or Farnam So faY * har out than 2ftth St HA. 0774. REAL ROTATE—TOE KENT. Apartments— Furnished. 69 100 SOI TM 32d—On# 2 rm la*g# beau-j tlfully furnished apt . al* » one sleeping room. 1st floor prefer tun gentlemen, breakfast optional, walking dlitame, HA 1415. lU’NTKH 1 N* i» IIO.MK for the traveling man *n.t wife AT t.#»>0 .4th and Dodge 1 Apartments—l nfurniahed 70 ONE-R04>M W AI.KINii DISTANCE '"lean. mndtrn and fireproof 1 room with Murphy bed. cabinet kitchen and private bath Real servie, »nd only 12* per month auinmer ate No trouble to ehoa >wu Call DRAKE? JA 2105 17th and Howard TIPriETH AND WEBSTER » Apartment In the Falrvlew In quire Jdaver fiplee berger, 1014 Fat item St _ j THE AN<tF.l.l,Si 72th Ave. and Douglas. 1 and 4 <M»m apt*. 7 Mtrrnhv bed*, auto mat e elevator, close In. desirable Rea-, • enable HA '74 APART MKNTS and fiats for rent v\ i PALM ER 4 .1 v 4919 Real Estate Management Specialists. FOU ON*K OK DRAKV S 1 ««n AF’A KTMSTNTft 4'aP Jackson 2*0*. LOWER half efrictlv mod house. 4 *arge heeted room* newlv decorated: alee tar age. |U7 S 23rd M T ROOM Apt . Sr ma Terrace Pn*ae*« on April 15 Two disappearing bed*. Sev bold. AT. 9 301. PETERS TRl’ST < OMTANY WHERE OM AHA REN IS AT. 45 4 4 1 7 th mil Farnam • STEAM UFA r, 4 loi'in apt* , $ lb and up. ■ ioae In <i I* Stehb a Hi# r'hb ago S NiminMUl I’.tK A** «n,l I'.,if!.-,1 7 rooms At rl 1st Sev bold AT >3"l J lliitlnrtt I’l.irr. (or Krnl. "I • RN • anta iMitfd a(«ire. Low rant >: I*, |*U v h i1 a k ■'» llotiHfH for Kritt. 7? t’ARTKH Lake dub, ? room* modern bom*, (wo late* •> leaned i trh. k««Mi* henta.l only on yeaily t.*‘i* fioui May I. it tllwKlifi x Nairn..u. JA 1*1!. HANi KOPT x i w x kbt Ttioma, modarin. !««pntly det*tttai*«l throumbout. etrii ai | a n Red foi 1*0 families, io Mm: n ln \. <• merit Oo., XT «<fc»l i v H NI 1 v ' > h * . p Mk. |<« li Mfslr.n «!(h »l«*ub •• n Uii^r XV I I . « •** I \ i *•"ill limit’ iIM> \\>| t 0i \ tne | 11*.tin hntiae. 71 * North Thu It thud IXpi b * • ■ • i > * nodi i m . <• ■ * l(iM»M, *11 nio.tein. . ot tier of Slid and Xt 4 a Ml I XXX- i:m« i 'I pa Ian *••• * ant fat right party it a siar I • ' ' MI • • 'v • monthly. Omaha haaitA JA ICTI URAL ESTATE—ROB RB.NT. limine* for Bent. 7! HIVK hihiM molern • ucco, !71» Jerk snf 14 i • li modern fi*'. aS! I Lnvrnwot'h, 126 h H Apt., Dunienr. l«»h en<1 Pierre. 949 SR Apt, 4th end Pierce IK’ Omahl Ret. n I iiirh J A. 3.!** IA 7*09. ■ I A 3 f. I 9,_ HA. 24»* Olfirr* and Dwk Room. 73 FOR rent, offw e auita cwnaiatlnf of ae\ eral private off.'ee and reception room alao reception room In front of elavatnr Apply Room 4ft't First Nat'l. Bank Bldg I OFFrCK room for rent, deaka and fix. j'tjrea for aale Inquire Room 200. 1117 I Douglas at. Phone AT 2*»21. Farm I*aiicH for Rent. 75A NINE ACRES -Five room house and barn. 64th and Decatur Si*. $300. 17 Acres -Five-room house and barn, $1at end Weber Sts. $:t2D Will consider terms on part of rant. y. D. WKAD »n.1 D H. BOWMAN, AT. ft I S1, 31# South 19th St , Wead Pldg BEAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Real Estate—Inventments. 78A SECOND mortgage bearing 7 per cent !n *ere«t on new, modern bungalow. Owner will discount some for caah. Cel! Mr. Hill. HA. £:’$• No. 2101 South 2!rd St. Farm and I,and, for Sale. 79 400-ACRE farm for sale. 8 ml. north Hasting*, r, ml S VV Doniphan. X ml. fo market. Grade school and rhurrhea 10 ruom modern house 40*4$ ft barn fine hearing orchard, caves and cisterns. 2 aeta Improvements. Rents for 2-f. delivered. On account of poor health will offer for a few da s only, price $126 per acre. One year with privilege If interesi»d ad dress owner. A. J. Kindif, Doniphan, Neb. P., 2. ACRES. 40; Improved: no rocks or ra vines. fronts main road: sightly location; only two mile* north Nevada; eaay terms poe-eMion: $4,000. Harris A Sons, Ne vada. Mo AT auction April 15 smooth quarter, ''uster county, sale at Oconto Mark Carraher. Real Estate Auctioneer, Oen | tral City, Neb. Otjr Ac reage for Sale. «9A ACREAGE NEAR OMAHA. Eighteen* acrea; w*l! improved. a!\ room house having elect rle ! ghta and telephone; combination barn, garage, concrete implement house, chk ken house, etc. 1 acre giapee. ft acres alfalfa about 200 fru-t tre»« Owner will consider a home in the city on sen t or ■ el! on reasonable term* fail Mr. Hill, HA. 6299 14-ACRE truck farm for rent, close In. Inquire 244 Harrison St.. Co Bluffa, Houses for Sale. 80 EDQBWOOD. EfzS1 Mayberry Ava-Niw 6 room oek finish bungalow, built-in features, f ill basement and floored attic. Wonderful neighborhood. $6,260 Owner, W A. 0337. Hoihas—North. 81 < BRAND NEW IN MINNE LCBA. Orly ore block from car. & classy new 6-room stucco bungalow. Modern and up to the mlnut* in ever detj ! Oak and enamel finish. Breakfast nook, tiled hath and the best of plumbing Brick faced foundation. Terms of only $t f>00 '-ash to rehab!# party. < all Mr Hill. HA. #:9t or Mr. Grant, WA 4012. EQl'ITABLE TRl'ST CO, Douglaa at 19th fit. AT. 2941. I FOR THE MAN WITH A LITTLE CASH, i f® a modern. 4-room and bath. I-room a. c rnraods lions, ait good, large rooms, oak j floors throughout, full cemented base ment, h-&\y type furnace, with reg*er In every loom, built-in feature* large , east front ior. good neighborhood; it Is pc wd et less than $4.©0® and $35* < aah will handle. Coaid u*« a good vacant lot aa part of down jujinft.t. Phone even;ng 8. 1». Lew is, WA 1422 R F. CLARY CO. Realtors. S" 8 Omaha Na'l Bank. Bldg. AT 147$. S ROOM MODERN fiTCCCO COTTAGE $2.26®— $20® Caen Located 1 b'ork *o car; 1 k, b1o<A» eas» bf Carter Lake Club and only a short distance from carter LaAe. Within a f*w •• ear» time this will be Omaha* most popular addf' on and by buying now you will save money. Payments $25 per month. J Ja. HIATT COMPANY. AT 990® M:\V Mil.LEU FAAK BU.NOAI.UW A dandy l rmm bungalow. with .very I modem convenience well located on paced street, oak floors and finish plenty of built-in feature* large lot 1 lota to churhea and »• hoola. Pu.«lias-% a»*\ have t ho ce of t -• s-ic light f it urea and window •had-. Better jet ua show thia one A sirs I don u i>i' mnit will handle. Kvan'nge phone s D Law « IYa. m:. R V ''LAHY CU . Realtor. 541 Omaha Natl. H»n, B’dg AT If?l. A NEW HOME IN COLORED DISTRICT On corner lot. paved atreett. a'l apecia’a In and paid An Ideal small home for m ' 14 Pan t be afraid to call ua. ycur tarma may ba O. K Evenlnrs Wa 1232 B. r CT. ART ro REALTOR# **» Omaha Na» Rank Bid« JA Mfi ' AV OP PORT UN ITT. Ownar offs'-, a fins t-room burgs- , lew on a pi va.1 street lust l block to the pi' S'r tlr modern and <u a ! good qu et loratlor only t« t«0 for a brand new home 11.094 c*«h Owner 1 JA. 1014. OLAIRMONT Nearly new fi\e room semi-bung a’ow Double garage East front on paved oree? Half Mock to car p m t mlsi seeing thta If >uu want a f rat class place 1 In a fir.t-claa. neighborhood IT ioe fan w.a ;«i: : ROOM MODERN. S Located near 30th car line on Illnney; hn .» garage and goo.l • t*d lot fruit paved street; t«i ma, fi.oOu tlpar.-i, balance nay. VT 4 U 61 RE i:t: BIGGEST MAHQAIN rts CITY TODAY Beautiful 1 t-room house an » orner lot. price cut to !« 9\ WOO cash JOHN R M CARVTI.I.K 1403 City Nail UiiinAT 1939 ■ I».: vV* -4-ROOM 4140 Nicholas St . this s rlrtle modem ‘ home cornet lot |*-e cash IJu per mo , owner, sacrifice i’iII .La : 1 4 »■ 3v 4 P ARKER >T—7-rtt» mod.. barn. l'.!o cash t»a 1 m«» Extra lot fur garden 1 404 Bee .1 A 0t0t> THREE modern bungalow, nearly new. j oak finish Priced to sell K K :4!5 D E BUCK A CP . buv and sell homea. HouieMtouth a? H A N SCO M PARR Bl \r,Al * ' W. 1 PRli'l 9S,j$c~|1,M# CASH T'l room • • nlv modern bung 'w one block to car Two block, to park, extra' lot, must be sold at once Ca OSBORNE RE ALTY CO . 91* r.*er. Trust Bldg J A. til? Tsa. r 4 Tesar. specialists in 9 aids homea lloiBra—W c.t v I lit CASH. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW All modern has f'' s r cm. oak f I n i a h. nicely arranged i'.n»r • «e’l on the^e k nd of tr > » e» hei* goes Call Mr Grant. YN A 4 s! or Mr Hill. U A 9399 Kgi IT A HI E TR1 sr i'OMT ANY. Douglas and 19th Sta AT 2949 BAR r B( 1 IN OM AHA • TANDARD PLACE 111 'Nd.Al.OW I9.l*e<\ nth reasonable t. ns takea a brand new ft-room all modern buu|»,o. In Standard Place oak r 00 . and f.r '.h luived atre*; and a’.lev high and sightly lot Evening* phone J**R>> debt ■ KM 9039. Ted Pi In. 11 A ,>*•. ar \\ H. Row lev KK v.ct MRTC A! » I 'N'MIVANT Ground F .. : t < 19th s'i vT 94 V ! V good l»iy *n 1 r ■ on-, si^d h»th modem .1, pun-eneii* |th,| t„mh » ■ * “1.1 Ue.M «• 11. .... o. I « j II sort t aah . <;l . , a \\ A ' M I I Bill 0 BY OY\ N'ft R *F * »K «‘VV\ I VI | v new. fiua f\i « ■••and • unrrtrtm o*W -Do > • *•>! t , o nn ftt4 K «| •• • IV 4 YV t T t, bu'id to Ve ir order on ouf ba. lit fu In'# In FAgawoed. >•:* sa.s terms I 1’b.mi AT IftftCk REAL ESTATE—FOR SALK. Houmi—WhL 88 HIGH CLASS 4 ROAM BUN GALOW WITH l.mifiK AC COMMODATION." CATII KORA L J»l«TBtCT. I4>c**ed In Popplet«n pa *4. near 42d and California atrear, on* of the be*' bunt* *w d«a trlf’t* in the « ftj Modern in every respect—oak finish end finors full cement haaement, one-car garage and drives*' H'-me in * i-.n . • 4 l 2 • **• and fs<e* eoii'h Pr!c*, 16,5*©. Call Mr. Goodrich. • Hl'I.ER Ik CART. Realtor*, JA. 1674 Third Fleer Keeline B.dg KOW’LKU KINDS FOLKS who buy hom«« 1 I.tat \f*ur propertv with us for reaulta. 'JA 14.6 BURT C. FOWLER CO.. Realtor*. IOT 47x150 ft th and Burt afreet#, ill 2'*© All Improvement* in < r’Kf>Rr'l: AM* COMPANY AT 1014 ! HELD club district. just complete^ 5 ! ooms modern, tile hath. Price 15.750. Faay terms Call owner evenings. WA. - U For tafp—Dundee*. R5 DUNDEE BUNGALOW MAKE ME AN OFFER T/arge east front Iot. nlc# lawn and shrubs on paved aire»'. Weil < unatructed. (otu*nier' r arranged five-room bungs r,w with hardwood fioo s throughout. Fireplace book' as*** and buffet. B'orin wIn«lo v* and sf-reens also j si r»en* for Vmfh porches. Full basement Kurnsc# heat. Cell owner. Walnut 2212. ; MFTY new bungalow et 4l»h and Web ster A t no*t attractive place outside |snd In. Well S'Cunge] B'-t of non ^’ruction am! finish Price ornp 16 4u0. Call Grant Benson W A 1 S*tr. R E NBON -C A R V| ICH A E!. 16 42 Paxton Bloc-. *T *54© DUNDEE .*©16 Webster Bt . 5-room house *1! -cad ern, convenient as to «* hool and store* Owner leaving city. Will make terms. BURKETT Ar rn TA ©622. 250 Peter- True* B Ae For Sal- Floronrs. 88 NETHAWAT .-Ms ’o wbltf. only ml : oht-f EDITOR of THE AUCASIAN. KE 14 04_ I Aits for Sal-. 8f LOT I'.ilT. on 3-.I A.-, fa- ng IlanacolT t-ark. f..r ..I. a bargain prior c. A PRIMMED JA. HU. FLORENCE FIELD SELLING on ground, ev.ry d,v. c, W MARTIN A CO, AT. 0H7. R-al Estate for Exchange. 89 IMPROVED 14* mr.l n«ar Wa'«"r. Mo , all und.r -ultlTatlon. Will tan* do prop.ri v for tou'ty. Call Mr. mil. II A s:*» No. J101 South I5r4 St. IMPROVED IS* a--*a aoutb«am of Cal houn. N.o Wi I taka city property for -qui'T Call Mr Hill. HA. $•*». No. 1101 South JM St. FARMS fllbbona S‘«el. 410 Pat.ra Tnir Wanted—Real Estate. 90 WE NEED l AND C-ROOM HOMES - ALL VS NOW FOR INSPECTION AND LISTINGS. MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING EXCHANGE. WE GIVE SERV ICE EVENINGS KE HIT OR K E 4T4« GRVEKIG REALTY. REALTORS JA. it«.14 00 FIRST NAT. PK. LIST v our property with u» or. If you *re Id the rr.arK*: for acreage. call Loti • I'ohn for qui k sale*. MA. 0143. MA. Jo;> CAMPBELL will ute you mo nay on con structing vour home. Heat materia!* and workmansr. I p. 637 Keellne. AT. i*4S. SEE ua first. Need Hating*, any loratfon. v to S rooms. Shcpen « Co.. Realtors. MA. 433t t34 K» Bldg. i Ml AS W. YOUNG 8z SON Rea l Katate Rentals. Iniurarea. 1 €S1 Cuy Natl Banl»,A T. Mtl. O T HAMER Investment Acreage. I5G5 Farnam. AT tt#0 WB bur and aell real estate, cont-act* end **■ or*1 mortgagee Frank C. Beat «V. . AT «1S».___ FOSIITER INVESTMENT CO. AT. »«44 W# < an **»H your home o- income proper ty vour buain**?. your farm or r * - - fc ■ WE Bfll.D TO rr.F. ««E " TEMPT.E Ji FAIDEX, H»t r«,nmn S’*AT IHI \\ E SEI.T. HOMES I.TFT WITH PH Full P.ESPLT* V'CAEl'E IN'VKSTMFXT CO. JA. H«>. nTTw nrn(F;v->nm TF.p.v*. HRl_n K-HIRBARD CO 211 Rml.ri It—<r\ e ill # AT. Till. SKKM.'F. AND KKHPI.T? iTaii.pctmt —1— lor.,. JA 2 •! 0 i n .<' V »] R A SPAIN Rtlllor, W F. rt.i.I, I'• • V Kb I.IHI WITH U*. HAMILTON A CO, TIM Nt\ II, Bloch.JA- »l WE »• : «r.d ,• bang, i.rng, tract#. Call s H Browr# Co. AT. A?iP. 1.1ST your i»rop,riy with Cbri, Boy#r. notary puttie. :3d ml Coming Sti_ WORLD RKALTT CO. R—itora AT. St»2 H W. Voiland Co. tor Rrai S«rvlcw. AT. »UI Q. A. SANDELL, R,»l Eilat#. AT. Cit. SLA TER * CO., Rttltor, K — l.r# FP-*# WESTERN R —i Ra:#!# 'A- »«»*• Hu#tt#!mai#r R,#l Biiata. AT *2F5 Holy Name Parish by Owner Five-room modern bungalow, all large room*; hallway con necting bedrooms and bath; heavy oak floors throughout. Lots of extra features; floor ed attic, full cemented base ment, extra heavy Nesbit fur nace, coal bin, and fruit cab ■ inet. Hot and cold water connections. Floor drain, etc. Six-inch cement driveway to well-built garage. 50-foot south front lot. Just block and half to church, carline. school*. Built by owner less than one year ago for h's home. The price is $6.1."if*. Takes $1,500 cash. Might consider a good lot as part of first payment. Call 11 A. 12"J evenings. Your Home Built after your own plan on a well located lot will he a continual source of satisfac tion. Think of having a well built, comfortable modern house, with a nice garden and lawn where the kiddies can en joy life and have the normal growth they are entitled to. If you will come in we will ho glad to help you select your plan and help you finance the building of your new home. We guarantee our material and workmanship to he the best ami our prices reasonable. Build and be in your own home. Hankers' Reserve l.ife B!rt| AT Unite 2444