Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1924)
No Enthusiasm Over Election Ufiirrul \palliy Prrxail* ill ^ Mural Dietrirt*; Poli ticians orrirtl. o’.Win, Net*. April 7.—The Satur day before election Tuesday, which hi the rural district* always marks tie doping of political campaigns -luce the pasting of the old wet days. "•»* more quiet in north Nebraska "Wii* ihi* spring than for many ♦-*»*. Although the streets were thronged with farmers and ranchmen because the field* are vet too wet •* work, there was absolutely nothing iroin which a stranger might gather Thai candidates for national, state nd county offices were to he nomi filed at the primary election Tues *’>. Both town and country folk cast ""Pcful eye* at the fairly clear skies nd expressed the wish that Sunday vV°u!d be a clear and pleasant day °r crow hunting, fishing or golf, and that tlia rather brisk breeze would •ntinua to so drv out the ground :hit plowing could begin next Mon. *•’>’. If said wind does continue to lo 11 s duly, it apparently i* a safe •♦ t that in very ninny country pre ••inds on Tuesday about the only ballots to be cast will be those of ibe members of the election boards. n’o one seems to be particularly teamed up ovei Teapot Dome or the merits of any special candidate in liber of the major parties. Kven the N’onpartisan leaguers refused to en -:age in heated arguments among themselves or with others. Politicians dmit themselves lwjffled and that hev are unable to determine whether ■*r not the apparent general apathy moans that The voters have their irinds made up or that they just don't • ive a darn. MAIL BANDITS GET $20,000 IN BONDS San Francisco, April 7.—Two un masked bandits today obtained eight pouches of registered mail from a mad truck after forcing the driver n.l an armed guard to a place where they could make an easy escape in the heavy traffic. The pouches were transferred to an automobile while ■ ■ne of the bandits held a pistol at the guard's side. Postal authorities said the principal loss was $20,000 in bonds. BEDFORD DRUGGIST FOUND DEAD IN BED Bedford. !a„ April T.—H. B. Rhoads, j Bedford druggist, was found dead in i his bed Sund.%if when bis daughter j went to his room to rail him for I hteakfhst. He had been suffering ; with cancer of the throat. Mr. Rhoads was reared on a farm near Bedford. Forty years ago ha founded the Rhoads Remington Drug 1 company. Later* he sold his interest j in this concern and opened a new 1 store. I ier\ Cross Brings Out Firemen al Doniphan By Assort.tod Pry... Brand Island. Neto.. April 7.—Burn ! of a fiery cross 10 feet high near oniphan Saturday night hrought out < niphan volunteers and th.v laid a 'to of hose before they discovered or. was not a real fire. _ S’t\ KPT|>F,MKvr_ Crippled by Corns? Use “Gets-lt” World’* Greatest Corn Remover Tt’i Just wonderfti! how “Gets-!t" ends corn* ar.d callouses. Put a few drop* el “Gets-It ’ on * hurting corn *nd Prejtof The pain Mop* at rnca forever. No matter how long you’ve had corn*, how had they may be, whether hard or ^oft, or what you hive tried, believe this— Gete-It” will end corn pain at once, soon you <<m lift the com right off with the finsers. Money ba« k guarantee. Costs but a trifle— w>ld everywhere. E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago. %in KHTIHKMK.N f RUN-DOWN WE1K,NERVOUS Benefited by First Bottle of Lydia L Pinkham’s Vege table Compound Lancaster, Pa. —"After I was mar ried J became terribly run-down and was weak an<l ner vous. My sister in-law told me to try Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound. My husband got me a bottle at once, and it did me so much good that I kept on taking it. I began to feel well and strong again and waa a tile to do my housework up to tne time my baby was born—a nice fat little girl in the best of health. I surely am recommending the Vege table Compound to my friends when they have troubles like mine, and I r*pi pr-foetlv willing for you to usa K i. ■-as a testimonial. ’’—Mrs. Mix. 1' it A n K H. oU.l Locust direct, Lancaster, J’». Women flhould heed iuch aymp tomsaapains, backache, nervousness, a run down conditionand irregularity, an they indicate some form of female trouble. LydiaE. Pinkham’sVegeta >lc (Compound ia a dependable medi ■ me for all these troubles. For salt by druggists everywhere. WHERE TO VOTE Thf locution of the polling ImmjIIi In «*■< it election precinct iff h * fellow p MUST >1 till Eiral Hi*f riel— ASUi North Sixteenth iIj eel 'n«nd HUtrM—1*1! Sherman airline. 1 hiril Piatriet—-Hrug alare, 350ft slier iiian avenue. Fourth Ilia!rlrf—1 ofhrnp acliotd, Tam il-fourth anil hitlirup at reel* Hfth Hiatriet—Fire i-ngine hoiiae Turn t» arconil anil \mra avenue. Sixth Hiatriet—drug afore, MtS North Twenty-fourth afreet Seventh Hiatriet—Florenre inillilini. K.h'! North Thirtieth afreet Eighth Hiatriet—Minor f nan action!. Tamil -eighth and Ida afreet* Ninth Hiatriet—Miller I'ark achonl. e«*t entrance, Tw enty-aev ent h and FHiaon j«venue Tenth Hiatriet, 24 T* Atnea avenue. Eleventh Hiatriet—1103 North Twenty - fourth afreet. Twelfth Hiatriet—Omaha univeraitv. Twenty-fourth and Trait afreet. Thirteenth Hiatriet — f'olfai enrage. f.SO* North Thirtieth afreet. Fourteenth Hiatriet—Fire engine houar. Thirtieth and Spaulding afreet*. Fifteenth Hiatrl* t—Miller Turk achonl, nonth entrance. Twenty-aevenih and El liaon avenue. Sixteenth Hiatriet—Store, 3811 N„rth Twenty-fourth afreet. Seventeenth Hiatriet—5315 North Twen ty-fourth afreet. SECOND WARD. E'irsl District—A* rand garage. 2915 Sherman avenue. Second District—Oarage. 2107 Sherman at cnne. Third District—1M46 Sherman avenue. Fourth District—Oarage. 1523 North Twenty-fourth street. Fifth District—Mary Mann Mission. 2001 North Twentieth street. Sixth District — l.ake school. Vinteenth and Lake street. Seventh District—Oarage, 2622 Sherman avenue. Flighth District—Drug store. 2002 Sher man avenue. Ninth District—3124 North Tvveiitv fnarfli street. Tenth Distrlct—Fire-engine house. Twen ty-first and lake street. File vent la District—2513 North Twentv fourth street. Twelfth District—Oarage, 2417 North Tvventv-fourth street. Thirteenth District—Store. 2013 fake street. Fourteen! It District—Store. 2002 North Twenty-sixth street. Fifteenth District — Long school. 1 wen tv-sixth and Franklin street. Sixteenth District—3008 North Twenty fourth street. THIRD WARD. First District— F*tre engine house, Six teenth and Ir.ard street. Second District — Residence. 2866 Chi cago street. Third District—Webster a«hool. Twen ty-eighth avenue and Webster street. Fourth District—Drug store. 2016 t urn ing street. Fifth District—Oarnge. 1107 Capitol avenue. Sixth District—1611 Chicago street. Seventh District —1611 turning street. Flighth District—Eire engine house, Oil North Twenty-fourth street. Ninth District—Kellom school. Twen ty-third nnd Paul streets. Tenth District—2210 turning street. Eleventh District—Lincoln apartment*. 2102 ( iiieago street. Twelfth District—Drug store. 424 North Twentieth street. Thirteenth District—Hasement ( rntral High. Twentieth ami Dodge street* Fourteenth District—tiarage, 2526 Dodge street. Fifteenth District—St. Johns hall. Twenty-fifth and California streets. PO UTICA L ADVFRTIS E M FI NT. * 1 — MM NTH W \KI» First Hist rh t-Fire-engine house. Elev enth hMil Jackson street*. Sr> mill IHstllet—Hasenient Heverlv apartment*. .'".'Ml .lottei street. Third Histriet—3I| smith Fourteenth street. I mirth District—'! iM Month twentieth st reet. Fifth Histriet—City hall. Eighteenth] and I arintiti streets M|*th Histriet—Courthouse, Me* rut rent h ■ Mini Hi roe > street* seventh District—ling .Inekaoa street I iglitli Histriet — Drake Court apart rnent No 3 tiusenient. Twentv-seioiiil anil] Jones street. Ninth District— Mfnre. IU33 I.eaten worth street Tenth Histriit—|nl«er*al Motor Co.. 3Ml I I entcnworth street. KIF*TII H Hill. I irst District—Train sellout. Mlitli nmtj II ii kor » st reefs. Second Histriet—1 asfelor school. Fight- j eentl* unit Martha streets Third Histriit—Hillard hall. Tenth and Hoilhington street*. Fourth liistriet—3 HM» South Tenth strrrf. liftli Histriet—Drug store. 3333 Mouth Twentieth street. sivlh District—Fin--engine house. Eleventh and Dorcua streets Seventh District — Hunt reft school, Eight Ii and linn ruff street*. F'glith Histrlet—Mokol hall. 1245 Mouth Thirteenth street. Ninth District—V'nton school. Twenty first nml Heer Park lioulevard. Tenth Histriit—Cumenius scIhmiI. Six teenth nml W illianis street. Eleventh District — Fincolit srhool. F'.lew*nth and 1 enter streets. Twelfth District—1054 Mouth Twentieth street. Thirteenth Histriet—15*14 Vinton street. Fourteenth District — Fire engine house. Twentieth unit Spring streets. MX I'll W VKD. First District—German lloni;*. t'M)6 Mcnth Tliirtecntli street. Second District—Edward Rosewater school. Tliirtecntli nnd l'hel|»« sire ts. Third District—Garage. .11 HI South I'xx rnt>-fourl li street. Fourth Distriet—1024 South Twenty fourth street. Fifth District—Garfield school, Six teenth nnd • II” streets. •■sixth District—South Side High school. Twenty-third nnd •M” streets Seventh District—Hawthorn school, E'ghteentli and Missouri uvenue. Eighth District—Jungt'ianii school. Twent etli mid "O" streets. Ninth District—Garage. 5134 South Twenty-fourth strict. Tenth Distriet—Drown Turk school, Nineteenth Mini *'| *' streets. Eleventh District — Madison school, Sev enteenth unit Madison street*. SEVENTH WARD. First District—Drug store, 3302 South Twenty-fourth street. Second District—-noth l inn.In s« linol. Twenty-sex cut li end "F" streets Third District—Garage, 4523 South Twenty-fourth street. Fourth District—( itv hall. Mouth side Fifth District—Fire engine house, Thir ty-third and ,,K'’ streets. Sixth D'strict—Garage, jn rear. 5302 South Thirtieth strert. Seventh District—Highland school. Tw entx-sex enth end Jefferson streets. Figlifli District—W e«t side school. Thir ty s,n»nd and ‘‘I " streets. Ninth District—South Franklin school, f *»»rf le»| It and ”F’ streets. Tenth Disdr;et——Fnrrigan achnol. Thirty n'nth and “X” streets. EIGHTH WAR*). First District—Mason school, Twenty fi urtll nnd Pacific streets. •second District—Residence. 1541 Month Twenty-sixth street. rm i ii< m \n\ i nngtmmr Third District—Fir# engine hn nr. Fd Creighton And Park >i*«>ie. Fourth I tint riel —hi ore, 3214 South Thirtieth street. tlfth District—Drug More 1024 South Thirty u* oml avenue stvih District—4»r»en house II# n«mm part*. Thirt y-se« nml avenue and 11 alinil street. Seventh District—Park school Twenfv ninlh street anil 11 oolworth avenue Ftgthtli liistrlet—1.1:i4 Park avenue Ninth IMtrh't—Heals school, Forty - eighth Mini Walnut streets. Tenth District—Windsor school, Thirty fourth and Mrrth* streets. FI. truth District—Field school. Thirl* 0lttli an<| Hickory streets. Twelfth District—t.aroge In rear S2».1 Fopplrton avenue. NINTH H.4RII. f irst District—5421 I arnam street. P*e< ..iid District—'2.1 M I afiia.n street Third District—2400 Leavenworth street. Fourth District—2701 Leavenworth street. Filih District—I'ire engine house Twen ty-seventh street between M, Mary and Lrivv eti worth stleet. Sixth District—Hannan lan Brunt iflm puny. 3402 Fariuttn street. seventh District—.19 l*urk avenue F.irlifh District—I arnam school. Twen ty ninth ami Fnrnam streets. Ninth District—Outage. 3.127 Fnrnam street. Tenth District—Fire engine house. Thir ty-sixth and JarUnnn streets. Fleventh District—Lange. 007 Park avenue. Twelfth District—i.arage, .1123 Leayen norfh street. Thirteenth Diatrict—3063 Leavenworth street. Fourteenth IH-Pirt—La rage. Northwest corner F'ortleth and Fam.irn streets. Fifteenth District—Drug ato'e, 4967 Dodge street. sixteenth District—West Leavenworth hull. forty-eight li and Leavenworth streets. Seventeenth District—tiarnge in rear 310 South Fifty-third street. Fight ecu tli District — Persian Kug com puny. ^1237 Farnarn street. N in*-! cent h District—liar age. 3014 Leav enwnrtli street. Twentieth District—Dundee Plumbing compunv. 3910 Fnrnam street. Twenty-first District—Columbia school basement. Thirtv-cirhtli and Jones streets. TENTH WARD. First DUtrirt—Intri school. Thirty second avenue anil Davenport street. Keen ml District—Oil North Thirty-third street. Third District—Ciarage. 3511 laifayette ; n» enue. Fourth District—Austin apartments. Thirty-eighth and Davenport streets. fifth District—launders school, forty first anil Cass streets. Ninth District—Fire engine house. For ty-first and Hamilton streets. Seventh District—Telephone exchange .basement. Forty-sixth and Irani streets. Eighth District—1*2* Dodge street. Ninth District—Bakery, 4*24 Dodge street. Tenth Dlatrlrt—Fire engine house. Fif tieth and I nderwond avenue. Eleventh District—Technical High. Burt street entrance. Thirty-second and Burt ! streets. Twelfth District—*15 North Fortieth afreet. Thirteenth District—Telephone company rarnse. forty-third an enue and Cuming afreet. Fourteenth District—fJarsge In rear 5001 Itard street. Fifteenth District—Dundee school. Flf ty-flrst and Davenport streets. Sixteenth District — 3223 Californio street. ELEVENTH WARD. First District—Howard Kennedy school. Thirtieth and Maple streets. Second District—In rear of 1*23 North Thlrty-th*rd street. Third District—Franklin school. Thirty- ! fifth and 1 ranklin streets. Fourth District—Clifton Hill school. Forty-fifth and Corby streets. Fifth District—2123 Military avenne. rOIITICAI. ADVERTISEMENT. 1 2 ■ 1 - — I ' Col. W. F. Stoker for Governor He Favors Britain, Italy, etc.; a state bonus for our ex*service men — no taxation without representation, 4 farm bloc in state and congress. He Opposes ?7TLiS primary law—he helped make it in 1909. Col. W. F. Stoecker U paying all hie own campaign exponent. A native of Germany and an American by choice. ATTENTION EX-SERVICE MEN If anyone wants anything in this world, he must go after it. Col. W. F. Stoecker for Governor 9 (A Republican) will fight for you and secure a stale bonus for Ex-Service Men. You know him—he is a GO-GETTER. Slackers in Nebraska? NO! NO! NO! A Vole for Col. W. F. Stoecker Means State Bonus for the Boys Our State Shall NOT Be a Slacker It Never Has Been a Slacker Tell the Rest of the Family to Vote for Col. W. F. Stoecker A Self-Made Man—41 Year* in Nebraska A man of character and courage. He will make us a good governor. He is a safe and sane business man. You got what you were sent for in Europe. Why can’t you get what YOU WANT—a State Bonus? If you get Col. W. F. Stoecker for Governor lie will help to get it for you sure. Many State* Have Shown Gratitude Why Not Nebraaka? sixth HDfrlf t—.S?4t? Hillltr* a« rune sp% mth IhMurl—Ormrry I'.Ci Mill luu a * enne I t|hth IMatrtrt— Brnaon 4 entral *. Pool I S i v I y Ihlfd and Maple afreet* Ninth lllatriet — tt« nann High aehael. Sivt% sixth and Maple streets Tenth INMrlrt—-Fire eng in* hnuae. rily hall Henson I let ruth District—ftosetiltt ». hmil. Ilf ty aittli ami 4 nrhy afreet*. TWEI nn AA AKD Ural 1 Matrlet—MOf North 1 h I r t I e t b *1 reel Second Dial riel—4 entral V*arli school Fnrt y-aer mwl and 4«rnnd ateutie Third IMatrtrt—Residence. 4 Vfi North Inrlieth afreet t mirth District— Monmouth Park acbool. Thirlt-third and \rne* aienue Fifth District—Druid Hill school. Thir ty first and Spaulding atre«-f*. Kixth District—More, 4“«> Heilford n \ enur. Seventh District—Florence arhnol. Thir ty first and Tucker afreet*. Figtith District-—Dm I Amei atenne. t III NTKV DIsIRirTK. f ast Omaha—4 arona * iuh. T wenty third .»nd Adams avenue, Florence—Vore, Foma I ninn—Anderaon hall. Irtinglon. •lef fi-rynn—•store, Henning ton Flkborn— AA oodman hall, City. A alley—Town hall. Anile*. AA liter Inn— AA alnh hall. AAaterloo. t liurtcn—Town hall. Flkhorn. AlrArdle—AAnodmnn hall Millard—Town hall, Millard. Dougin* AVest (wed of Sixtieth i—Office Homewood Realty company. Ralston. Douglas Fast teas! of Sixtieth * —4 hurch basement. Fifty-sixth and MQ” street*. Henson—Krug Turk. Fifty-second and Militar* nyenue. Dundee—f.eorge Bmndels’ garage. Fair acres. The polls »>f the general primary election will open in the neveral pull ing; places at 8 a. in. and will close at s p. m. on .April 8. The polls fur the city of Omaha primary election will open at 8 a. in. ami will dude at •» p. m. \\ IMJAM V. M HITiH, JR., Klection (ToinmiKsioner. I * • Mar\«\ille Hank (Hoses. VVyniore, Neb., April 7.—The hirst National hank of Marysville, just south of here, the second largest bank «*f the city, has < toned its doors and 1m in charge of the state hank ex aminer*. Closing Is said to be due to slow and dead loans. Judge K. H. Fulton, a former Marshall county judge, and a resident of Marysville for 35 years, is president of the de funct bank. AT THE ~ |,T 11 E AT ER.S "At th» Country Club the most masslv. act in vaudeville, a i;o4noo production, with a carload of senary and beautiful rfferts. Is featured at the Orpheum this weclt, where rath erine Calvert of stace and screen fame, is the headliner. "The old Is ;-r nru the new ip old. and C P Mod dock, producer of many lug vaudeville act*. Hit upon the plan to revive .Ie*ae I.. Ufkv'l great eat vaudeville njicfu. "At the Country C1i|t»." I.*«* ky starred In thl* plav many vear* j )»efore f»e became a motion p rime j producer. The dancing of .!. Franci* Hanev and hi* assistant* i* proving Juat one of the several entei talning feature* of th* current excellent lull at the world Snvder. Much and compare offer the funniest of laughing hovel tie*. Murray and Maddox have a clever comedy and dancing a< t that 1* replete with snappy dialogue. I mi Barry Sextette a»ng the better mu *i al number* in splendid atvie. Other a t* Include Cliff Green and the MG ford Trio. ' Keplernlier Morn ' at the New Kmr»- j re«s I* attracting rapacity audience at ear'll performance. The Bert Smith company nee giving a spit ted perfor mance of this musical farce. The en tire company of players will "male up" in view of the audience just prior to the 6:45 and 9:15 performances to morrow evening. Amateurs will be | an added attraction Friday night fol lowing the first night performance. Sam Sidman brings a "career" tol ADVKRTIMKMKNT. A Feeling of Security You naturally feel secure when you know that the medicine you are about to take Is absolutely pure and "in tains no harmful or habit forming drugs. Such a medicine is Di Kilmers Swamp Knot, kidney, |lv**r and blad i der medicine, The same standard of pt'ifv strength and excellence is maintained in every bottle of Swamp Knot. It is scientifically compounded from vegetable hetbs. It is not a stimulant and is taken in tea spoonful dose*. It is not recommended for every thing. It i« nature'* great hej per n reliev ing and overcoming kidne;. liver and bladder troubles. A sworn statement of purity « with every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root If you need a medicine, you should have the he:-t. On sale at all drug stores in bottle* of two size* medium and large However, if you wish first to tr; this gre^t preparafu n send ten rents to Dr Kilmer & i<• . Binghamton. X. V for a sample bottle When writ ing be m: e ?»nd mention this paper. the f«a ety at one of the atars of All j Aboard." Ilia gieateat vogue baa been in Columbia burleaque but his talent* have carried Him Into the lira math' field aa well. Hidmun played in "Humoresque" with l^urette Tav lur and fallowed l.oule Mann m three nf that comedian’a musical pieces, lie has lieen to lamdon. also, as star of Arne: an musical pieces hut b- I of all he likes Columbia burlesques ilka All Aboard Sldman is at bis beat In these musical show* Matinee at 5:10 daily. T«a Kremer. famous international ballad at, sing* at the Brandeis next j Friday night. M as Kremer like* to see young women play tennis and golf |and :t will not lie long before she j A musical comedy that's frothy and just a bit naughty jjjjjjjmjl This Week a September Morn In addition to photoplay EXTRA—WED EVE. “Make-Up” Night Entire cast making up in view of the audience. FRIDAY EVE. AT 8:30 “Try-Out” Night Local theatrical talent. Don't raias this fun event. NOW PLAYING HARRY CAREY in “The Night Hawk” Round Two “Leather Pushers” Mr. Average Man Here's a shaving cream made to meet your ideas. Better in five big ways. Bt V K. CASS AD Y Chief Cbn»M Gentlemen: This is a free test. It involves no cost. We ask it as a cour tesy to us, and in justice to yourselves. Millions of men have made it. The result has been five new ideas of what Shaving Cream can do. The result has been dramatic. A great percentage of men have, in three years, changed their shaving methods. And so will you. No one can know these five new delights without wanting them—and always. How the change came about We expert* have developed tome great advances in soap making. Some of the greatest soaps for every purpose have been perfected here. One of them—Palmolive Soap—it the leading toilet soap of the world. The line we long neglected was a Shaving Cream. Some years ago we decided to attain supremacy in that First we consulted 1.000 average men as to what they most desired. They voted on five things, almost unanimously. And we set out to meet their requirements. That took us IS months. We made up and tested 130 separate formu las before we met, m the utmost way. these five great requirements. Sow we ojk your verdict Now we simply ask your verdict Don’t buy a package, but accept a sample. Do what countless men have done. If the Shaving Cream you use does these thing*, go on with it It’s a wonderful shaving cream. If it does not then let us show vou that these things can be done. We want to please you—that is *H_better than others have done. We have no room in this line if we do not. But we who have worked to do that as we have worked, deserve a bearinf from you. That is all we ask. Clip the coupon now, ,c vru won t forget to ask for this free test Excels in these S ways PalmoUrt Sharing Cream • ace la in thaaa fir* important wave: I—Aeenaant MW. It reulti pttee itself to lather 230 times, so a 0117,041 suffice! for a aha**. 2 —Quick action. It acta la one minute. Within that time the beard absorb! 13% of water. 3 —Lotting lather. It maln talni Its creamy fuUueaa lor ten minute* on the lace. No replacing. 4—A cJoeae •Ammm. Tbe rnra strong babbits, acting like wwlgta. bold tht bant erect lor cutting. They dos t lie down. 6—fmm arter i/ftOi. The palm ami olive oil blend rnaoi a lotion annecaeaary. Tbe akin is left in Ana condition. To add the final touch to shaving luxury, we have created Palmolive After Shaving Talc—especially for men. Doesn't •how. Leaves the skin smooth and fresh, and gives that well groomed look. Try the sample we are sending free with the tube of Shaving Cream. There are new delights here for every man who shave*. Please let us prove them to you. Clip coupon now. PALMOLIVE SHAVING CREAM ^ ® r i>> i•*« HH 10 SHAVES FREE •nd a Can of Palmolive After Shaven* Talc Simply maert your name and ad.Ire** and mail to THE PALMOLIVE COMPANY Dept 24. 360 N Michigan At* . Chicago. 1IL will !*au# a 'I hr a !*rsn « donna golf mat h. I •’ what I--* Kr#m#r Ilk#* In **f *»f all la font!* * I. Sh» lias no fmorlti* • • •»t ■ *« a«* a»>»* fardll 'i**# In t*h»«cr any player trlni mnkoa a a» n»af tonal t in *»r plai t a a drop kick l**t *•*#», th*> go-il po«f«. Mia* Krrinrr liar* .« t in *»’*• a t»*»* 1*1! KOtna, hut fiaxt fiitniniT ahf will !»© on bond tn a*** ih# <1 ant* and ^ u ke#s I ns 11 la t !««* nth*r I Ik Iragu**. II KENNETH HARLAN CLARA BOW AND CARMEL MYERS in Robt. W. Service*! Novel POISONED. PARADISE Extra Attraction Central High Student Orchestra Youthful Melody-Makeri LIGE CONLEY In a Hysterical Comedy “Midnight Blues” Rialto Orchestra “I'm Going South” and “Dante Slave” iftgggm PLAYING ona Twice Tr-dav. Mat. 15-50c: Nite ISt-Sl America's Beautiful Stage and Screen Star CATHERINE CALVERT i" “The Last Banquet” Edd.a Black and Clair# O'Donnell BEN WELCH DAINTY JUNE J*cki# and Bilh# "AT THE COUNTRY CLUB" Aesop'# Fables — Topic# — Patke N PI o o w w Joy! Love! Youth! Reminci! RICHARD BARTHELMESS In “Twenty-One” A: F*rifh’» $vmpheniaae MirtK—M*!o4f—J*n Creifblon Unirtriitf Dramatic Club Preaenta American! Create!! Veraion of THE PASSION PLAY The Immortal Drama You Can not Afford to Mm I-1=05 11 I 11 JMbJ NOW PLAYING Vaudeville—Photoplays W NOW PLAYING * All New Bill 6 Smashing Acts NEIGHBORHOOD THEATERS CYRANO - lflth and Bmn«v COIIFIN MOOKF. in PAINT! D PF.Orif KOI I I X AFD «l and l Sinclair If* . MAIN SIR! FT' l • |»<*%I» I * OTHKOP • 2 4 h and l athtnv J Ac Ql I I INI I Oi AN « ' AX S HI MV Omaha » Ua (V«!rr Mai and Nlta To4a* TMI 201H A * N U RX l IMITt O “All aboakd!" XX tlh lltinr C*>«'*! 'itni» af I tin SAM SIDMAN and TOM SENNA ft Xun»h«»n l.ula I om A»tat TNaa N X I »•' ?V Bat gain Mat 1.1$ XA #,4 Oaja l*» X Ai a Am*. had.« id4i * ft *. m mi ■— ■