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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1924)
Fine, Healthy Baby Chicks 1 A _ Special, Saturday, at Each 1UC III—ll-WMt ! ' I I I _ Hand Made Porto Rican Gowns Very Special, 2.98 These yowns arc made of very fine nainsook in peaeh, white, flesh and orchid, with hand-drawn colored thread* and dainty flower*. All are hemstitched at neck and aleev*. Third Floor Center A Sale of Rosaries for the Easter Season Fine Imitation cut etonea mounted on rolled gold chain with a scapular medal center and plain cross. The decade beads are cappe 1 with gold an d warranted for ten years. Choice of colors. Faeh rosary in a gift box; priced at, QQ each, Main Floor—Arcade High Grade Ribbons Plaids, warp prints and plain shades, 6 to 8 inches wide. Regular 69c and 98c 1 Q/» values. Yard . * ~ Fancy Metallic Ribbon—8 to 12 inches 1 AA wide. 2.98 to 7.50 values. Yard, A Main Floor—North Neck Fixings Galore For Smart Spring Wear Tailored Vests, 2.98 to 3.98 In silk and sateen. TomfBoy Collars, 1.25 to 1.98 Silk Scarfs, special, 1.75 A large selection of beautiful colorings. Main Floor—East Recent Arrivals in Spring Gloves Reach a Low Level Exclusive Novelties in Real Kid Gloves Flare-cuff and slip-over styles with strap, in artistic color combinations of beaver, gray, mode, brown and black. All sizes included. A regular 6.50 value*, 4-50 Novelties and Plain Gloves Long silk gloves, silk gauntlets, long fabric gloves, real kid gauntlets and two clasp real kid gloves. Regular 2.00 to 3.00 values 1.50 Novelty Gloves Long, short and gauntlet gloves in cham oisette in a variety of two-toned spring colorings. Regular 1.50 to 2.50 values 1.00 I Brandeii Store—-Main Floor—North Nelly Don Sends Clever New Tub Frocks Fresh from the hands of their designer come these smart, colorful wash frocks that have captured the mode of the moment. Each little frock, clev erly individual in style, shows the Nelly Don fine art of stitchery. Fast color materials and simple but smart lines, insure easy laundering. Unusually economical prices will enable every woman to have an as sortment of these lovely frocks in her wardrobe. Regular Sizes 1.95 and 2.95 Extra Sizes mm 2.50 and 3.50 Third Floor—South Remarkable Sale on Kodaks 18.00 3-A Rexo Kodak—Postcard size, 12.98 6.SO Rexo Kodak—Folding vest pocket size, , 4.98 Brownia No. 2 Camera—Special, 2.90 Klick No. 2-A Camera—Special, 1.79 Hawkeye Film Package Camera—Special, 1,29 Loose-Leaf Album—50 pnges, special 09<^ Art Comer*—Special, 3 packages for 104? Main Floor—West I i ► Beautiful Coats and Dresses for Eastertide . Especially Appropriate for Misses and Small Women VERY SPECIAL COATS Coats for every wanted occasion in all the smart and wanted fab rics for Spring. Smartly tailored for street and sports; and beauti fully styled for dress wear. In all the season’s new shades; some fur trimmed. Sizes 14 to 16 FROCKS Really beautiful dresses in a wide variety of designs and colorings. All of them carefully made of satins, crepes, charmeen, twills and mohairs. In delightful styles for street, afternoon, sport, busi ness and dinner wear. Sizes 14, 16,18 Brandelt Store—Second Floor—Weal Saturday—-A Delightful Array of Newest Springtime Novelty Shoes 6.50 Following the trend of public demand for high-grade, stylish shoes at popular prices, we offer Values to 10.00 Sandal and Fancy Strap Effect* Gray Suadi, Aire dale, Suede, Black Satin trimmed with Liiard Kid—With high Spanish or low box heels. The“Zev” Sandal These come in Blue, Green end Red Col ored K i d • k in in Gray or Airedale Suede or Patent Leather, with light weight soles and leather military heels. “Polly Prim” “Pat»y Ruth” Colonial Pumps in Patent Leather, Lightweight Black Calfekin, Cray Suede, Aire* dale Suede, with lightweight welt or turn solea, with leather or covered military heels. All sizes and all widths in these clever new styles. Brandeis Star*—Second Floor—Eaat Hats for Every \ Occasion in Straw and Straw Combinations j % V L All the §? Newest Springtime Colorings and Black •> Saturday—An Extraordinary Sale Beautiful New Hats 7.50 to 10.00 Values to 16.00 All are charming models that reflect the millinery mode in all its unusual variations—leaving nothing for the fash ionable woman to desire in a smart spring hat. Reduced on Saturday Only Bruddt Stor.—Third Floor—East -— We Bought the Entire Surplus Stock of the Makers of “Her Majesty Silk Underwear” 1,540 Glove Silk Bloomers, Step-Ins, Vests, Opera Vests Made to Sell at 3.00 -f QQ All Newest Colorings ' and 4.00, Saturday, I and Styles 450 Fancy Stitch Bloomers Extra quality of jersey silk in the latest shades for spring. Regular and extra sizes. 3.50 Value t 1.98 300 Fine Silk Vests Opera styles in drop stitch designs, made of ex cellent quality glove silk. Flesh and orchid. Value to 3.50 1 ’98 275 Heavy Quality Step-Ins In all shaaes of flesh, maize, peach, corn and whit.e Regular and extra sizes. 4.00 Value 1.98 450 Fancy Slitch Vests In fancy stitch; in heavy quality jersey silk; colors are flesh, orchid and white. Regular 2.95 value. 2.95 Value 1.98 . 500 Vests Bodice styles, extra heavy quality. All latest shades •—peach, flesh, maize and white. Regular and extra sizes. Value to 3.50 1.98 Bmndrit Slor#—Third Moor—Center Saturday—Annual Sale of Shrubs and Rose Bushes The sale for which you have been watch ing. All first-class stock from local nurseries. Climbing Roses 15c A variety of Dorothy Perkins, Baltimore Belle, Crimson Rambler and Prairie Queen. 1 Cm Special Saturday, each, IOC Tea and Garden Roses 15c All field-grown and hardy. There are Ameri can Beauties, General Jacks, Frau Karl Druschki, Magna Charta, Paul Neyren and Ulrich 1 C Brunner. Special, each, Saturday, IOC Flowering Shrubs 15c In bridal wreaths, Syringia, Weigelia and Hydrangia, special Saturday at, 1 C. each, IOC Basement—West Important Reductions on Art Goods $1.00 5-Piece Lunch Sets Saturday, 89c 36-inch cloth and four napkins. Stamped in four attractive pat terns on whit* Indian Head. Quickly made with outline and lazy daisy stitch. Mahogany Candle Sticks Special, 1.00 la s large variety of designs and sizes. Beautifully finished with an excellent furniture polish; basea are covered with felt to protect table. ( Candles, Special, 10c Twisted, hand dipped taper and Tudor square candles, made of best quality materials; they come in rose, bine, yellow, oranje, black, red, pink and other colors. Third Fleer—Wee* Springtime Things for Little Tots Specially Priced Small Girls' Hats In the new poke and off-the-face styles. They come in silk and straw combina tions in beautiful, changeable colors of copen, rose and tan. Very specially priced for Saturday at, each— 4.50 Children's Underwear An odd lot consisting of bloomers com binations, nightgowns and princess slips; daintily trimmed with lace and embroidery; all of very good quality muslin. Sizes 2 to 14 years; regularly priced at 98c to 1.98; special Saturday at, each— 69c to 98c Third Floor—Ea.t An Entirely New Nemo Wonderlift No. 725-7.25 This new model is es pecially designed for stout women who want a corset that protects their health and which gives them a graceful fig ure. The concealed Won derlift bandlet fea tured in this new number holds in place the weak muscles of the abdo men, and an insert of deep wide, es pecially designed surgical elastic at the front controls a heavy thigh splendidly. Another of Lastikops webbing at the bottom of the back clings closely to the figure, but al lows for the spread in sitting. The close-fitting skirt molds the figure into slender, straight lines. Made of fine coutil in flesh only, and is daintily lrimmed with lace and silk embroidery at the top. Thiri Floor