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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1924)
Amundsen Will Cross North Pole Inspects Aluminum Plane Be ing Built for Trip l^y Italians. B|' 1 Service. Rt.iiie. April 2.—Capt. Raoul Am undaen »nd hi* American pilot. Lieu tenant Davidson, arrived here today f om Pisa and will have a meeting with Premier Mussolini tomorrow. They have just inspected the Ma ilnia dr Pisa, the aluminum seaplane being constructed by Italians, and with which they hope to cross the North pole next July. An Italian na val officer will accompany them. Amundsen declares that he is anx ious to discover a new rapid airway fmm Europe to America. The plane being built in Italy has two motors with 60ft horsepower, and will be able of resisting low temper atures. It is valued at 2.000,000 lire. The route taken from here will he from Piaa to Zurich, to Texcl, Bergen, Tromso, Spitzbergen, over the North pole to Alaska. Amundsen hopes to fly from Spilz bergen to the pole In six hours and make the trip from the pole to Al a ska in 15 hours. A huge waterspout, which attained a height of Soil feet, recently vrose out of the sea within two miles off tin voavt of England. Sure Relief "TOR INDIGESTION 'H •_ 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS 2!>$ and 75c Packages Cverywher* advertisement! A CLEAR COMPLEXION Ruddy Cheeks — Sparkling Eyes—Most Women Can Have. Says Dr. Kilwards, a Well-Known Ohio Physlrian. Dr. F. M. Edwards for 17 years treated scores of women for liver and bowel ailments. During these Rears lie gave to his path nts a prescription made of a few well-known vegetable ingredients mixed with olive oil, nam ing them Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets. You will know them by their olive color. * These tablets aie wonder-workers on the liver and bowels, whirh cause a normal action, carrying off the waste and poisonous fnatter in one's system. If you have a pale fare, sallow look, ^•fliill eyes, pimples, coated tongue, headaches, a listless, no-gond fueling, all out of sorts, inactive bowels, you take one of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tab lets nightly for a time and note the pleasing results. Thousands of women and men take Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets— the, successful substitute for calomel —now* and then just to keep them flt. lf»r and 30c. advertisement! Says His Prescription His Powerful Influence" Over Rheumatism Mr. James M. Alien suffered for years with rheumatism. Many times this terrible disease left him helpless and tillable to work. lte finally decided, after years of ceaseless study, that no one ran be free from rehumatism until the accu mulated impurities, commonly called uric acid deposits, were dissolved In the joints and muscles and expelled from the body. With this Idea in mind he consulted physicians, made experiments and finally compounded a prescription that quickly and completely banished every sign and symptom of rheumatism from his system. He freely gave hi* discovery, which he called Alienrhu, to other* who took it. with what might he called mar velous success. After year* of urging he decided to let sufferers everywhere know about his discovery through the newspapers. He has therefore In structed the Beaton Drug Co. to dis pense Alienrhu with the tinderstand ing that If the flrat pint bottle does not show the way to complete recov ery he will gladly return your money without comment. 'NERVOUS, RUN DOWN MOTHERS Wont Out Caring for Children and Homework—See how Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Helps Indianapolis, Indiana.—“I was in a very nervous and run-down condition wnue nursing my baby, and hearing Home talk of Lydia E-Pinkham’s Veg etable Compound, I began taking it. From 1^1 e second bottle I noticed a big improvement, and I am still tak ing it. I am not a bit nervous now, and feel like adif ferent person. It is a great medicine lor any one in a nervous, run-down condition and 1 would be glad to give any one advice about taking it. I think there is no better medicine and give you permis sion to publish this letter.’ —Mrs. . . ('-••••••1,541 VV. Norwood fc>t., i.....ttiiitpoii», Indiana. The important thing about I.ydm E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound is that itdocs help women suffering from the ailments common to their sex. If you are nervous and run-down and have pains in your lower parts and in your back, remember that th® Vegetable Gunpound has relieved other women having the same symp toms. For sale by druggists every - Vt-Ste. i Men Who Are Making Omaha Js. ■ 3 a k erjjj .. »*«.,*• ui \ ch on h likiz- ( ir.g hot day and were served with h I . I ; soothing drink, you can depend upon I it that the ice with which that drink , was cooled was made by a Baker ic*e machine. Or, if it were in Havana, or Tilo do Janeiro, or Cairo. Kgypt. or anywhere i r. the face of the globe where the climate is hot, you would have the same experience. Baker ice machinery goes every where. . It is used in large cities in this and other countries by enter prising dealers for cooling refriger ators, cases and the like. In fact, wherever anything is to he cooled off the Baker man is on the job. Meet Mr. James Lincoln Baker, whose enterprise has made it possi ble to get a cool* drink anywhere on earth. He was horn on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and in 1871. when 17. he went to Boston to learn something about business instead «*f going to college, ns he father wanted him to do. Later he went back to the Cape Cod town and took further training in a bank. Then Nebraska called him. Buying a lumber yard at Scribner, he went along in the lumber, fuel and grain business for a time, in partnership with one of the Crowells. Then the l row ell Baker company was formed and while it was going good Mr. Baker sought new fields for his ac tivity and came to Omaha. One world-wide used product is the child of his early effort in this city, for lie was concerned with making the compound that is now known as Old Dutch Cleanser. He went into the gypsum and wall, the furniture business, the harness busi ness. and in all of these he prospered. While he still was at the head of the Baker Furniture company, hA came into touch with John Larsen, a young inventor, who interested him in the manufacture of icemaking machinery. The. Baker Larsen com pany soon was shipping machinery all over the world, but Larsen liked the aviation business better, and sold out his interest that he might he a builder of airships. J. L. Baker stayed on. The Baker Ice Machine . . . n h.s a magnificent pi. nut at 1'ifteenth and Kvans stceets i Please do not think nil of Mr. j il’uker's energy has been employed in' developing business enterprises. He has silent a lot of time in making 11• * h. and ;i volume might be written mL' tin* kindly acts he has <b ne and he timely help he has given others. He is one boss who never has labor troubles, forihe treats his men like men, pays them top wages or a little better, and they are for him to a man. His friends are as loyal, also, for he has literally "grappled them to his heart with hooks of steel.” Lumber Tariff Inquiry Ordered (Commission I .rates for Paci fic Northwest to lilt esti mate Conditions. Washington. April 2.—The tariff commission has ordered another in quiry Into tariff rate applications on Imports of cedar, fir, spruce and western hemlock after previously dis missing all proceedings for modifica tion of the duties. Proceedings In the rase were thrown out when the com mission decided it had no jurisdiction under flexible provisions of the tariff act, only to have that view upset hy an opinion of Attorney General Da ugherty. Investigators for the commission will leave tomorrow for the Pacific northwest, to institute Inquiries into production costs and to gather other data bearing on the differences in prices, on logs grown in the United States and in Canada, against which a provisional duty of $1 a thousand board feet Is applicable under certain conditions. Commission members declined today to discuss the aetiou resulting in the reopening of the case except to say tint the present inqidry will cover ail ground wh!rh would have been considered under the first application fur rate modification. The monks first started making Munich beer in the 1:1th century. Thorne Wonder Suita I To $75.00 value*, on *ale $49.50 | To $45.00 value*, on sale . $29.75 i To $35.00 value*, on »ale. . $24.50 TRY OUR CASH AND CARRY METHOD I “The Store of Individual Shop*” 16th and Fim4i Street* P**lon Block (Get Youur Eaisteir F©@tw®air Eairly Special for $ Thursday These New Stylet Come in Black Satin - - Tan Calf - - Grey Suede All Alligator Trimmed • _ ^ J-'m'fl-JIM ML JIM J.VJI=LJ vmMmmmmi Our Inexpensive Location and Low Overhead Means a Great Saving to You When Buying Here Buy Here Now and Save 20% to 30% TERMS TO PLEASE—NO INTEREST CHANGED ON ACCOUNTS ra BEDROOM SUITE 4-piece Walnut Period Suite. Formerly $175, for $119.75 BEDROOM SUITE Very Special 4 Piece* . $89.50 LIVING ROOM SUITE 3-piece overaluffed velour or tapeatrjr. Looee FORMERLY $210 - $127.50 DINING ROOM SUITE g.piece walnut period design, plain or two “■w-w . $122.001 • 4 Clip This Coupon *j * I Bring this coupon to our store. I | It is good for One Dollar on any I purchase of $10 or orer. Russ-All Sizes and Quality 20% to 30% Savins; We Invite Comparison Electric Washer $59.50 A Rare Opportunity $1.00 Down Electric Bee Vac $39.75 Vacuum Sweeper $1.00 Down Kitchen Cabinet $36.75 • Complete In Every Detail 91.00 Down Gas Ranges $36.75 $1.00 Down Refrig erator $26.75 3'Door Sid* Icar SI.00 Dawn _unip vlahnga n v Davenport paapp 42-piere Dinner peapp Chair and Rocker pill1 r Table with Living rlfcl' Set with Dining f If r P with Bedroom ■Hi.*. Room Suite ■ llfcln Room Suite B l>hh Suite._ pyp II #1 P Your Old Furniture at Highest Prices LAvlinilUCi on New Furniture at Lowest Prices QTATE FURNITURE COMPANY I ■ mm 14th and Dodge JA ckson 1317 v— Bitter Sweet Candy R**a! oM-ftthhinm-tl NtC York hit tor *w#et chocolate*, in maple and vanilla flavor*. Regularly 49r I'Ollftl 49c Mminint Menu 40c HrwiilH Veal Cutlets Ma«hed Potatoes Bread and Butter Itaiatn Pie Coffee Milk Unequaled Values in Women s Coats and Suits In the Mode of Spring The Coats $25.00 to $195.00 Simplicity of line, alluring soft fabrics, delightful colors and color combinations, the smart pockets, cleverly styled collar^— and the marked tendency toward the mannish effect, are charm ingly shown in these models. Of the finest twills in graystone, navy, green, black, white and beige. Also camels hair, imported plaids and novelty fabrics. All are siik lined. Sizes 14 to 20, 36 to 44. The Suits $25.00 to $225.00 Dressy three piece costume suits that really answer a two fold purpose, and twy-piece suits in masculine lines, portraying an individualized chic attained by the man-tailored simplicity, are included in this splendid collection. Fashioned of novelty stripes and twills, charmeen. tweed mixtures. In Misses’ and Women’s Sizes. Third Floor Real Leather Brief Cases n . . If you're needing a new brief case, see these real leather ones that we’ve marked specially low at $5.95. In black or brown, they have two or three pockets, and a strong leather handle. Furnished with lock and key, in addition to two strong buckle straps. • Leather Boston Bags Well made, firmly sewed Bos ton bags of cowhide, split leather. Sewed frame* and strong riveted handles. Handy for shopping or overnight trips —Brown or (1 1 Q black .ipl.lU Main Floor Toilet Article Special Mavis Compact Powder i 49c We offer for Thursday only Mavis single compact powder, in all shades. Gold-plated en graved case. While 1,000 last. Regular $1.00 value. Main Floor Ribbon Scarfs New ribbon scarfs, gay in color, without which the sport suit or coat is incomplete. Ribbon Sac!ion—Main Floor Gossard Front Lacing Belvadear Instantly Adjusted $3.50 to $8.50 This new Gossard front lac ing Belvadear is light and com fortable. and gives just enough support to keep the figure youthful and charming. A new front lacing feature now makes lacing but the mat ter of a moment, and encour ages correct adjustment of the garment at each wearing. Second Floor Women's Hosieryj Hose of 1 sheer chiffon weight, silk to the top, me dium weight silk hose, includ ing “Ruby Ring,” and a num ber of fancy lace clox hose are included in this group. All the newest shades are shown —d^wn, sahara, nude, silver, peach, airedale, sombrero, lar iat, sand, banana, gunmetal, gray and black. Main Floor » Very Special— 77iis Offering of French Hand-Made Lingerie Priced in Several Groups At $1.89 Nightgowns and envelope chemise of finest nainsook are lavish with embroidery and drawnwork. Regular $2.45 val ues. At $4.89 Imported voiles in white and colors are used for these hand made step-in drawers, vests and chemise, trimmed with filet and Irish lace. Regular $5.95 val ues. At $2.89 Gowns, chemise and petti coats, elaborately trimmed with eyelet embroidery and hand scalloped edges. f3.95 values. At $6.89 Beautiful Irish filet / laces and 'insertions are / used in elaborate trim- / 1 m i n g on gowns, chemise and step in sets at this price. Our $7.95 values. Other irroup? are at $7.89, $12 89 ami $21.80, with value* to $29.50. * Second Floor Sale of Low Shoes Values Up to $10.00 *5 Novelty pump* taken from our regular stock are included in this big group. Over :M) different style* from which to make your se lection, in a wide range of sizes. The Colonials —come in all potent, mot kid, Kray euede and airedale, with coverecT military heels, all feather-edKe Goodyear welt role*. • Opera Pumps The Oxfords ’ Black ami tan oxfords with —are in all satin ami patent medium dress toe and t'uban leather, with French heels. heels. Mam Flo*r Men’s Fine Shirts .4/ a Great Reduction Wo have selected from our reserve stock, 2,000 good quality shirts, all fresh, new merchandise, and priced them considerably less than regular. These are not “sale shirts." hut were pur chased for our regular stock, Kxpertly tai lort'd <d' finest materials, such as percale, oxford cloth, and woven or silk-striped madras. Collar attached and neckband styles in plain white or neat and fancy striped effects. M«in I loot The Strap Pumps Patent center strap with gray suede trimming. Low heed. Also an airedale trim ming with low heel. Extraordinary Values in Art Needlework $1.00 Buffet Set* 4 Sets for $1 00 Dresser Scarf# 4 Scarfs fur $1 00 Luncheon Sets ” Sets fur SI 00 “Dry-Well” Towels .! Towel- for $1 OO Glass Ton els 4 Towels for $t 00 Pillow. Scarf, Cantar 1 P »'!■« for It 00 Baby Bibi 4 Bib' for $1 00 Sanity Seta 4 Sets for $1 00 Steal Beads 4 Hunches . $ 1.00 >#« ond f Uwr