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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1924)
Omaha’s “Lost and Found” Telephone Number Is At. 1000 ANNOUNCEMENTS. Funeral Notices. A MAIiSH-Rrml A . S»07 North Slit St., passed away March 30. Deceased le aur Vived by hla wife, Amelia and four daugh ter*. Mr*. Matilda Kay. Mra. G. M. Eirv, Mr*. L. L. Kothe and Mra. William Mad nerirt, and three torn, Fred W., Ernat A., Jr., and W. E., all of Omaha, and nine grandchildren. Funeral services, Wednesday, at 2 p. no. f-r,rn Moffntann Funeral Home to St. Pauls Evangelical Lutheran church. 25th and Evans streets, at 2:30. Interment Prospect Hill. MALIN—Mrs. Jda. age U years, Sunday at her home at Bellevue. She ia aurvived by her son. Harrison, of Bellevue; alx daughters. Mis* Sarah, Minnie and Bessie of Bellevue, and Mrs. W. E. Auchmuty and Mrs. C. Y. Barnes of umsha, ami Mrs. C. Weekley of Philadelphia, Mrs. Harry Rhymer of Los Angeles. Private funeral Wcdnesdav, 2 p. m . frotn the residence. Dr. R. L. Wheeler offlciat Ing. Burial at Bailey cemetery. _ HA YDKN-—Q.orjt. 8.. ax, L, tiled at hi. residence, 4236 Burdette. He Is survived by his wife, Zenobia; one daughter, Mrs. W. H. Ohnanson of Omaha. Funeral services Thursday afternoon at 2:30 p. m fom Walnut Hill Methodist church, Forty-firit and Charles streets. Interment Forest Lawn. Friends are wel come. _ WE wish to thank our many dear friends and neighbors for their kind expressions and sympathy and masses and beautiful floral offerings at the death of our hus band and father.—Mrs. William McGutgan and Family. Vaults and Monuments B "Automatic Sealing" concrete burial vaults recommended by all leading undertakers. Mfg. by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co. Funeral Directors, C HEAFET St HEAFEY Undertaker* and Embalmere Phone 11A. 0265. Office 2611 Farnam (ESTABLISHED SINCE 1882) KORISKO FUNERAL HOAPE 23d end O Sts. 1250 S. 13th St. t A! A. 0630. AT. 1873 HOFFMANN AA1BULANCE Dodge at 24th. Funeral Directors. JA. 2901 N. P. SWANSON. 17TH AND CUMING Quiet, Dignified Supervision HULSE Sr RIEPEN. Funeral directors. 2224 Cuming. JA. 1228 C. C. HAYNES FUNERAL HOAPE. 3928 N. 24th St. KE. 0287.1 DUFFY Sr JOHNSTON, til i. 8 3d. neyv funeral home. HA. 0417. CROSBY-AIOORE 24th and Wirt. WE. 0047 BRAILEY St DORRANCE, 1823 CUMING ST.. JA. 0526. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN 3411 Farnam St. Cemeteries. D VISIT FOREST LAWN WEST OF FLORENCE. Forest Lawn cemetery is the largest and moat beautiful cemetery In this vicinity. On account of its natural beauty it is recognixed as one of the leading ceme teries in the country. It is north of the city limits. Office at the cemetery and 720 Brandels Theater. WEST LAWN CEMTJCRY. Omaha’s most convenient Burial park. 68th and Center. Family lota of varying slzea for Immediate or future use, on easy payments. Perpetual care. Courteous service. Easily accessible. Call WA 0820 or AT. 1979, we’ll take you out at your convenience.___ Florists. E ROGERS. Florlat, mth Fsrnsm. JA. »40C JOHN PATH, 1804 Karnam. JA. 1»0« Personals. 3 *fi00 00 REWARD S1«»o on reward paid for the arreat and conviction of person or persona who com - mitted the holdup at the Orpheum Theater Saturday morning. March tth. 1924. Reward of S300 00 will be paid for the recovery or the entire amount atolen. or Id per cent of any part recovery .of amount atolen. R. T. Guetafaon. LOVK HASKELL CO. got w. O. W, Bldg.. Omaha. Til B SALVATION Army in4uatrlal home solicits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone »,IA. 4133 and our wagon will call. (Tall and inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge street. EXPERT maaseauae wtll go out to treat women, alao care for Invalids at close In ■anltarlum, reasonable. JA. 6af7. WILLIAM K. GILLOGLY, Republican for state senator, a South Omaha man to represent South Omaha. Prostatic troubles treated without surgery or drugs, f>r. C. B. Hunt 632 W.-H. Bldg Theatrical historical masque costumes for plays and parties at Lleben’a. Omaha MASSAGE TREATMENT. 210 N 17TH ST Lost and Found. 4 COAT I.OST—Will parly who found tan plaid r*»at In Saundara-Kannady lobby or on Douglas between 18th to 10th and Union, kindly leave at Cigar Stand, 204 So 18th St. Marks In coat. Nf-Carthy Wilson and J. P. 8. 110 reward and no questions asked_______ WILL the man who picked tip fur Sunday in Rialto theater please return to box office? Reward. AUTOMOBILE^ ~ Automobile* for Sale. S LOW PRICED DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR VALUES 192* FORD ROADSTER. FIRST-CLASS MECHANICAL CONDITION. STARTER. THIS ROADSTER CARRIES OUR REG ULAR 30-DAT GUARANTEE. 1260. FORD COUPFJ, BOSCH IGNITION, STROMBERO CARBURETOR. HEATER, LOCK WHEEL, GOOD SEAT COVERS, FOUR GOOD TIRES. BRAND NflTW TAINT. SPECIAL BUY AT 1240. 1922 FORD LIGHT DELIVERY, SPECIAL COMMERCIAL BODY. PRACTICALLY NEW TIRES, DEMOUNTABLE RIMS. PERFECT MECHANICAL CONDITION. .JUST RIGHT FOR BOX LUNCH OR OTHER LIGHT DELIVERIES, $190. 1922 FORD LIGHT DELIVERY. WITH PANEL BODY AND CLOSED i'AH MO* TOR AND BODY IN PERFECT CONDI TION. SUITABLE FOR BAKERY OR LAUNDRY. WILL PAINT. ONLY $200. STUDEPAKER TOURING, MOTOR IN PERFECT CONDITION GOOD BAT TERY SPECIAL CURTAINS. GOOD PAINT. ONLY $100 HANNAN VAN BRUNT, INC. 30TH AT FARNAM. HA. QIS*. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. MR. GLASS. OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9:00. ‘-MURPHY DID IT." The Downtown Uaad Car Btora. 1920 Ford Touring; atartar and de mountable rlma . ....$136 1923 Star Coupe: many extra*.1460 1920 Columbia 4 Touring.$360 (New paint.) Model 53 Cadillac Touring.$360 Term* or Trad*. ANDREW MURPHY A SON. 1410 Jaokaon. AT 4411, Optn Ev»nlng> FORD TOURING: A I condition, good" tlrea F'rat $76 taka It. WILLYS OVERLAND. Ine 2562 Farnam St. 1 HAVE a 1921 Ford touring, atartar and extra* that I mint *•!! at onca Call AT. 4411. Mr. Laughlin. AUTOMOBILKS^ Automobiles for Sill. I A SAFE PLACE TO BUT, Type 11 Touring. Thle sevenpaa •onger open car which haa Juat been thoroughly re-new-ed and re flnlahed a beautiful gray can scarcely be distinguished from new. It Is also equipped with new cord tires. Come In and let us demonstrate this car to you and show you how easy you can pur chase same under the Hansen rian. J. H. HANSEN CADILLAC CO., Farnam at 26th. HA. 0710. \ NASH USED CAR STORE. 2045 FARNAM. AT. 5480. Packard Roadater. twin six. Received from original owner. Excellent con dition. Will talk for Itself. Priced low. Ford Roadster, 2123. New condition. New cord tires. Durant Sport, almost new. A real buy and a beautiful car to own. Bulck Touring in new car condition, new cord tires. A bargain. Nash Touring, new car guarantee. Others as low aa 1100. NASH USED CAR STORE, 2045 Farnam. AT. 4580. A SAFE PLACE TO BUT. 1920 Type 59 Victoria. The most popular closed model of Cadillac. This is a four-passenger coupe that has just been refinished and looks like new'. It is priced at a very nominal figure and If you are Interested should look at it today. J. H. HANSEN CADILLAC CO., Farnam at 26thte HA. 0710. A SAFE PLACE TO BUT. * Cadillac Type 57 Touring. Has Juat been refinished and will be juat the cas to take the entire family out for a spin during these balmy days. J. H. HANSEN CADILLAC CO.. Farnam at l«th. HA. 0710. TODAY'S SPECIAL. $05. FORD TOl'RINO-*-Shock absorbers, good side curtains, top fine, tires good, motor good. Here Is s car that la absolutely the best buy in Omsha. 8ee this today. I«5. HANNAN-VAN BRUNT, Inr. Farnam at 30th HA. 0363. USED CAR (Mr. Glasa) A ,SAFE PLACE TO BUT. Jordan 1*20 Touring. la In ex cellent condition Aid runs fine. Under the Hansen plan you can purchase this car on time and scarcely mlaa the money you In vest In this car. J. H. HANSEN CADILLAC CO.. Farnam at 21th. 0 HA. 0710. OVERLAND COUPE. 1122. : Looks snd runs like new This car must he seen to be a p precis ted. Will consider open car In trade. Terms without finance cha rge. WILLYS OVERLAND. Inc 2662 Farnam SI ha. 03S3 FORD sedan, 1021. This car has never been off the pavement and it aure looks It. Seat covers, large wheel, good tires and bumper. 3110 cash. No finance charge. WILLYS OVERLAND, Inc , 26*2 Fa rna ni. 112* CHEVROLET touring, lea* than 2.000 miles. Will at a bargain. Call Mr. Rolfe. AT. 441™ UsiiT'cjRi; O. N. Ronney Motor C«. 2564 Farnam. .. FOR Do—DODG ES—BUIC KS 17«W S. 24th._ Tel. AfA, 6010 NASH-VRIESEMA AUTO CO. USED CAR STuP.E. 7041 Facpara_# AT.4*110 GOOD USED CARS BUY YOURS AT GUY L. SMITH BRAND new. 1924 standard make alx-cvl Inder care at factory price*. Your oppor tnnltv. No trade*. Box D-416. Omaha Bee “AfURPJIY DID IT* Downtown Uaed Car Store. 1410 .Tackaon Street. AT. 4411 Truck* for Halo. SA ONE to thrac-ton uaed trucks; terms can ha arranged. International Hnrvevter Co. of America. 714-U S. 10th St. Auto Acroaaorloa, Pari*. 9 FORD Sedan body with built-in Pullman bed. .1—4-pnssenger Coupe Imdlea. Travel hodie* built for any chaaela. PFEIFERS. 2626 Leavenworth GUARANTEED new and uaed auto oarta at a special cut price Nebraaka Auto Part*. 1018-1* Harnev St JA. 4931. and 2206 Cuming St.. AT. 1970. NEW and uae.l car parts for all makes of '•ar* a» reduced price*. Kaplan Auto Part* 2111 Nichols*. JA. 3410. Service Station*—Repairing. 10 INDUSTRIAL AUTO MAClTfNISTS. Rayfleld carburetor and Elaemann mag neto aervlce. AT. 2*60 P. MKLCHOTRS A SON. 417 S. 13TH. m SINPSS NRRVICR. Millinery—Dressmaking. 17 ACCORDION, aide, knife, box pleating, covered button*; all styles; hemstitching; buttonhole* VVrita Ideal Rutton and Pleating Co., 30* Brown Block. Omaha, Nab. Telephone JA. 1928. NEB. PLEATING CO. Hemstitching. Covered Buttons. 1*04 Farnam Second floor I A- 6870 Moving—Trackage—Storagt. IS FIDELITY STORAGE A VAN* CO. MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING Household good*, office furniture, autoo. 1107-11 HOWARD ST JA. 02*». GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE PACKING. MOVING. SHIPPING. STORING Estimate* furnished AT 0230 or JA. 4 3.1*. RERUNS OMAHA VAN A STORAGE. ~ 181h and LoavenWurth Hta Packing, mov ing, storage, ahipplng. .1A 4162 GORDONS FIRE PROOF W USE A VAN 219 North Ilth St. Phone JA. 3032; mov ing. packing, storage, shipping Painting and Paprrlng. It HOUSE nalntlng prlr* Hrht, **rvlcr. quick and reliable. HA. 3142 ♦ BUSINESS SERVICE. 1 PuintiiiE and Paperin*. 19 A NO. 1 paperhungln*. W«!t p«p»r, wholf prlc«. Fred i’niki. 4706 S. 24lh St. MA. 0101. AT. 7404. Patent Attorneys. in J. W. MARTIN, £26 Petera Truat Bid*. Omaha; also Waahin*ton. l>oubla service, single fee. Also help sell patent!. Printing Stationery. 21 COMMERCIAL PRINTING Eddy Printing Co.. 213 South 13th St »hnn> JK. 6056 Repairing. 23 i--—--* j USED and new sewing machines. Sow ling machines and vlctrolas repaired I Rent machines, )1 per week; |3 per mo. MICK EL MUSIC HOUSE. jlSth and Harney._ AT. 4361. Renovating and Dyeing 24 OMAHA PILLOW CO.—Feathers reno I-vated and made up In new feather-proof ticking. 1907 Cuming. JA. 2467. I EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted—Female 27 . SIX GIRLS wanted to Darn tha beat paying profession in offices TEN DAY FREE TRIAL. COMPTOMETER SCHOOL, jda. 1493. 300 Courtney Bldg. "The School that Graduates Experts." I LADIES—Our system of beauty culture will make you independent. Good posi Jtions waiting at top wages. Qualify (quickly. Day or evening. Call or write MOLEK COLLEGE. 109 S. 15th street. WANTED—Women to paint lamp shades for uh at home. Easy, pleasant work. Whole or part time. Address Nlleart Company. 3 405. Ft. Wayne, in. HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Small house. Be your own boss. Steady place. 2214 South 15th street, Lincoln, Neb. LADY barbers wanted at once. Pat'a bar iier shop. 9U0 4th St.. Sioux City. Ia. Help Wanted—Male. 2* SALES MANAGER WANTED. AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE OVER 6200 A WEEK. Minneapolis Mfg. Co. wants two ca pable. honest, energetic men of good per sonality to take charge of salesmen and dealers. A man capable of handling men. A small investment of at ieast 6450 is necessary and is returned after! first allotment has been disposed of. The only household article on the market like It. Need men In city, and In out of-town territories. We have s system of getting Dads for salesmen. Call be tween 1:30 and I p. pi. f4>r appointment. Ask for Mr. Gates, Conant Hotel. CLERKS, railway mall, 19-35. Exam. Omaha, May 3. 6133 mo. Experience un neceasary. For free particulars, write K. Terry (former Civil Service examiner), 999 Barrister Bldg. Washington, D. C. CLERKS wanted. Men 16-35. Examina tions May 3. For Railway Postal Clerk Big salarv. Experience unnecessary. Write Mr. LeCompte immediately. 1 430 N St., Wash ini; tun. I » i MEN—I.earn Bnrberlng. Thla splendid pnying trade means independence. Start m>w and complete at busiest season for barbers. Day or evening Call or vrlte MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 1Q» s iSth. ALT* MEN. Women, hoys, girls. 17 to *5. willing to accept government positions. $117-1250 (traveling or stationary), write Mr Ozment. 186. St. Louis. Mo. Immedi ately. RAILWAY Mail Clerks Wanted—Omaha, examination Mav 3 $1,600-12.300 yearly. Big raise expected. Write Mr. Osment. 499 St. Louis. Mu.. Immediately. RAILWAY Mall Clerks needed; $1,600 $2,300. Write for free particulars of May 3 examination. Mokaue, .”-58, Denver, i 'olo. FIREMEN, brakemen. beginners. $150 j $250. (Which position?) Railway. Y-2585. Omaha Bee. Help Wanted—Male and Female? St AGENTS for Darn H-Z. only washable '’old patch for slocking* Sells at eight. Wheaton Laboratories. La Cr.oase. Wls. Salesmen and Agents. 30 PIANO salesmen wanted. $50 per week and commission. Y-2513. Omaha Bee. ^ n^NClAL" RiihIih*** Opportunities. S3 SALEH Tl AN AUER WANTED. AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE OVER $200 A WEEK. Minneapolis ,\tfg t'o wants two ca pable. honest, energetic men of good t-r unality to take charge of salesmen and dealers. A man capable of handling men. A small investment of at least $450 Is necessary and is returned after first allotment has been disposed of. The only household article on the market like It. Need men In city and in out-of-town territories. We have a system of getting leads for salesmen. Call between 1:30 and 5 p. in. for appointment. Ask for Mr. Gates. Cuhant Hotel. PROMOTER can raise up to million dol lars on clean cut Nebraska proposition, h hat have you that needs capitalT B-lfS, Omaha Bee A BY buaHie**. anywhere, sc Id for cash. No publicity. Federal System, 305 Paxton Bldg_AT\_4tl62. Investment—Stuck*—llond*. 31 --- i LOW RATE on city property, quickly closed; no monthly psyinenta. J A. 1633. W. T. Graham M. A. ANDERSON CO.. 6107. /*_*_* _?**.***• Surety bonds and kindred Ins Rtfil Estate Loans. .11A 4»4 AND 6 PER CENT MONET. Loan* on Omaha Improved property at loweet rate* FRANK H. BINDER. , *21 City National.JA. 2S4L OMAHA HOMES—EAST NEB. FARMS* O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO . IMS Om. Nat Bk Bldg JA. 2718. SIX per cent loan* on Omaha residence* <*a»h on hand Prompt service. K. H. l.ougee Inc.. t>]4 Keeiine Bldg_ FARM 1.0 A NS. Large or amall. West Neb. farms, ranches. Kloke Investment Co.. 846 Om. Nat. Bk. SECOND mortgage* or contracts pur chased hy Tukev Company. *20 First Na tional Bank. JA. 4233. CITT real estate mortgages and ron tracti brought. Mr. Larson. Iu4 North Fifteenth street I WILL buv mortgages and contracts. Corkln. 94S < >rn. Not. Bldg., Omaha. Neb 6«* AND « PER CENT No DELAY GARVIN BROS. 445 Omaha Nut. Bide Money to l>oan. S3 TM is COMPANY IS "(mtJANI/KD To supply your money wauta in the same way that hank* supply the money wants of the business community. Any amount loaned up to ffi.00 and von can revav It !n easy monthly payments. Our t-nual oavment plan repays the loan ard all charges. We have been In business In Omaha over 80 yen re and ran assure von of a quick, confidential and square deal. «> OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. • IOC Karbach Block Tel. JA. 229R. Hout beast corner 16fh and Douglas Hta. DIAMOND loans at lowest rates, business strictly confidential. The Diamond Loan Co. Hi 14 Doutilgs Ht, Established 1*94 IjicaI luHtriictiim t'liiHftc*. 118 I DAY SCHOOL, NIGHT SCHOOL BOYLES SCHOOL. Complete course In all commercial branches. bunkkneping comptomet rv. 'shorthand typewriting, telegraphy, secre tarial banking, salesmanship, civil serv ice. English You mav work for board while attending Illustrated catalog free BOYLE8 SCHOOL. Ilth and Harney His. Omaha. Neb. JA. 1646. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE 1401 Dodge Ht 1804 Douglas Si _Call or write for Information._ EIGHT to 11 weeks prepare you for a fine office position Call AT. 7774 er write American college, 1912 Fa mam DWOKAK BUSINESS COLLEGE Stenography and Bookkeeping Weed Bldg.. I#th and Fatnam AT 741# VAN H/ NT H4JIIOOL OF HUHINEHS Day and Evening K< hools 744 ft 1 lit It Ht JA 4194 » - - — . ... EARN while learning, he beauty special 1st, L'Churma Nch‘1, 213 Courtney AT 4 419. Diinrlnc Ai'■dfnilru. ADA Largest dancing classes In Omaha. "There's * Rsasnn ' KEEP S. HOTEL ROME. IJYESTOCK. Does Cat* and Pate. 4! THOROUGH HREP Hn,i«n bull pup., pedigreed reglatered stock. 4811 Boyd BE. Poultry and Supplies. 44 BABY CHICKS AND HATCHING EGOP front blus ribbon winners and trapncstad stock. Get our free catalog. Wl can aav« you moncv. Ever-Laying Egg Farm. Box O Sallx Iowa. BABY chicks. 10,000 each week from purebred laying farm flack. 10c and up. Phone Black .1369. Franklin Hatchery. 690 Franklin Ave.. Co. Bluffs. la. STRICTLY fresh eggs for ssle. 3866 De catur. WA, 3463. CHICKS. Leghorns. 110-100. Other breeds, $12-100. James Wlltae, Rulo. Neb. HATCHING egga from my exhibition egg laying R. I. Red. Mike Clark. KE. 138$. EGGS—R. C. R. J R. for hatching; also baby chicks. JA. 3934, ~ ~ M KRCHA?VOI SB. Article* for Sale. 41 FOR SALE cheap. Winchester shot gun, 1897 model. 12 guage. take down. 30-in. harrel, full choke. E. A. Wallace, Ma* nllla. Is. Business Equipment. 47 WE BUY. sell, safes, make desks, show rasns. etc Omaha Fixture it Supply Co.. S. W. cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724. Fuel and Feed. 50 KINDLING—15 truckload, delivered; Uw duat, shavings. Rhone JA. 5740. Household Good*. 53 FURNITURE—The kind that you would like lo possess, as well as staple articles. Prices within reason. Stephenaon Auction House. 1509 Capitol. Goods sold at auction and private aale. FOR REAI, furniture and rug bargains see Home Furniture Co., South Side. Swap Column. 5SA AN Arnold massage vibrator with all attachments. Swap for 22-rifla, 30x3^6 tire or quarter-horse motor, or what have >ou? A-194, Omaha Bee. BRAND new 5-room bungalow In Benaon, 84.600. Will take good modern lot at lta cash value, as advance payment. Address A-191. Omaha Bee. GOOD Wyoming farm. 640 acres. Stt miles of good town, encumbrance, $8,766. lit mtge., will take $2,000 clear mdse. Box 322. Man vllle, Wyo. FINE, well-improved farm. 600 acres, clear except $2,0U0 Federal loan; trade for Omaha house. A-124, Omaha Bee. ATKINSON. NEB.—6-room house with two lots and garage to swap for 2-to« truck. C-933, Omaha Bee. BRICKS for 2 foundations ind lumber for one house; swap for equity la 6-room house. B-821, Omaha Bee. EQUITY In acre, building, good well and grapes for small house or what have you? Address G 920. Omaha Bee. 320 ACRES. 80 ln winter wheat, Paxton, Neb. Trade for city property. Address B 800, Omaha Be. « for city’ lot or cheap western land. Ad dress a. 197, Omaha Bee. f\ BALLAD horn, also ladles' evening gowns and street clothes, site 16, for what have v«>n? 2407 Harmey. KOU trade or sale, house and lot at Holdrege. Neb . for Omaha property. Ad drcMS. B-297. Omaha Bee. NICE assortment of fancy groceries for good typewriter equal value. B-29S, < >maha Bee 6-PA8SKNOKR Liberty touring car to swap for Ford coupe or papering. C-914, Omaha Bee. DAVENPORT and white enamel kitchen table for duofold or whet have you. A-19S, Omaha Bee. TWO OLD Trusty Incubators, 200-egg size for duofold or 9x12 rug. Address, B 295. Omaha Bee FINE old violin, wonderful tone, *©ed volume, will trade for rugs or neutrodyae radio aet. A-125. Omaha Bea. A SET of Junior Classic books, 14 vol umes, for a boy's bicycle or wnat have you. B-622, Omaha Bee. VIOLIN—A beautiful-toned violin with box and bow, for camera or typewriter. B-294, Omaha Bee. 95.000 first mortgage on 441-acrea, ta ex evchange for Omaha resldenca property. A-195. Omaha Bee. 615 WORTH p’eyer rolls, exchange for motorcycle—day bed or good bicycle. B* 294. Omaha Bee. SMALL farm near Omaha, to trade for city property or rent on shares. P-691 Omaha Bee. A < OMPI.ETE set of double Hassler shock absorbers for what have you? A-199, Omaha Bee. WANT to swap iFord coupe body for good Ford touring body. Omaha Bee. B-419. 1921 REO truck for light car or whpt Lave you. A-192, Omaha Bee. NEW guitar to trade for good violin. A 194. Omaha lies. Machinery and Tools. IS NEW and second-hand mot ora, dynamos, 1 I.eBron Electoral Works, 219-29 Ko 11th MuMral Instrument*. M FASTER! HA RQ AIN'S! Tn slightly used pianos and phonograph*. We offer a number of high quality In strument* at ridiculously low price* Every instrument la guaranteed to be m perfect condition Many are alnioet dike new Hera are truly wonderful values See them thla week! LOOK! READ! UPRIGHTS Chlckerlng .,,.| 7|.60 Morris & Hyde. II.#0 Kimball . 61.6b Kroeger. 125.00 Hamilton . 140.00 Smith A Barnes .. 146.00 Krakausr . 146.40 I vers At Pond .. ,, 146.00 Me hi liar . 176.00 Lester .. 166.40 GRANDS Chlstia .f ill. oo <’hl< kgrlng . |26.t><> Lindenian ... 640.00 PLAYER8 Autofwne .9216.00 Artemis . 126.SO W’arnar . J4u.0u PHONOGRAPHS Victor, portable .fit.40 Pat he . 17.10 Columbia, cabinet 41.00 Columbia . 4>.Oil Hrunswji k ... 42.00 Edison, disc . 46.40 Victor, style X . 70.00 Victor .... 76.00 EASY TERMS. |1 TO <2 PER WEEK: Ni'IIMOl.l.KIl * MI'KI.I.BR PIANO CO.. UI4 U IH I>imIk» SI Radio Equipment. 59 CUT prlr.» on .v.rrthln* in r.dlo. H. M. .Shla>» ;u N 1MH HI. Want'd to Rii>. 61 UKSKS IlKSKH. PK'KS New desks used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Read. 1207 Farnam ht. AT. 4144. ROOMS KOR RENT. Roitinn With Hoard. 61 liARUK from room .nil.hi. for 1 or I gentlemen Hath and shower Will tlva hreskfsst stid dinner If desired HA 1*76. .1210 FA IIN A M — Reaut Iful front root*, private l>s i h and sun room With or without hoard a WA. 4*61 l.ntge room with boar«1. pr4» vata family: home privilege; reason a d(*. VERY attractive room In private home; exclusive, reasonable \VA. 7144. Hoorn* Without Vlottnl. US EARN AM 8T.. lilt. WELLINGTON INN IIAB NICBLT rt’ltNBHED ROOMS WITH DETACHED OR FR1VATB BATH AT VERT ATTRACTIVB RATES TO 1 KHMANEN'T (1 HURTS. DON T FAIL TO SEE THEM CALL its for rooms, spstttnenls sod living quartets Fie* bureau of Information “pen till t p. m. 6-’.. Paxton block AT. 4(9*._ W ELL furnished room In private home, • loss in. teaeonahl#: home privileges H A 4? I 7 PLEASANT room tor young ladv. New ftitni»ur* several windows aparloua closet Maid Club district 1IA. #i«6. Breakfast ROOMS FOR RENT. Rooms Without Board. S3 FARNAM. 2809—Large front room, flrat floor, beautifully furnished. 110 per week ? HA- 2612 WELL furnished, pleasant room, Hans ' com Park dlatrlct. Walking diatanca. I HA 1479T BEAUTIFULLY decorated room In dealr ahle location, private, close to car. WE. 2*04. NICE furnlahed room suitable for two. on the block of car. modern. JA. 07*5. BEAUTIFUL room In desirable location, walking distance, all modern. JA. 6132. i>i7 Capitol ave. room«. n w»»kiy. Rooms for Hnusokorping. St m SOUTH :2nd SI., furni.h.d i ITnd 2- room apartmenf. electric light. Close in, $4 to 50 a week. BURT RT., 2001-m-Sulte modem froat rooms with running water; reasonable: adults only. —^———— Where to Stop in Town. 17 HOTEL SANFORD—15th and Farnam. . HOTEL HENSHAW—ENth and Farnam. Special rates to permanent guests. WEAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. Apartments—Furnished. S9 FOUR-ROOM APT.—Hot and cold water furnished. 2903’4 Dodge. Inquire at 2913 Dodge. | COMPLETELY furn. 6-rm apt., 2 bed rocma, screened-in porch. HA. 2529. HUNTER INN HOME for the traveling man and wife. AT, 6960 1721 PARK AVE —2. 3 and 4-rm. apta . newly decorated. HA. 6655. Apartmtntft^Unfumishrd. 70 402 AUSTIN. A vary high class 4-room apartment; well arranged, well locatsd, service the beat. Rent 176.00. Call DRAKE'S, JA. 2*06.17th and Howard. S-ROOM apartments, ell modern except heat, newly decorated, new floors, 937 North 24th St 120 each C. O. CARBERG. REALTOR. 112 Rrandels Theater Bldg. JA. 05*6. LEAVENWORTH. 2701—Cosy, ell modem 3- room apartment. *60. Steam heat. *10 extra. Victor Rooa. THE ANGELUS—25th Ave. and Douglaa, 2 and 4-room apta.. 2 Murphy heda. auto matic clavator; ciosa-ln. daairabla. Rea eon able. HA. 2074. ST. MARY Ave., 2*1*—Entire second floor of horns. 4 rooms, privets bath Adults. APARTMENTS end flats for rent. \V. J. PALMER CO. AT. 1919 Real Estate Management Specialists. FOR ONE OF DRAKE'S 1.000 APARTMENTS Cal? Jackaon 2805. PETERS TRUST COMPANY "WHERE OMAHA RENTS** AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam Sfs LOWER half strictly mod. house. 4 large heated rooms; newlv decorated: also gar age. *837 S. 13rd St. THORWALD—5-room aeral-basement ant.. rent <50. Reference required. HA. 6610 STEAM HEAT, 4-room apt., low rant, close In. O. r. Stebblna. 1619 Chicago 8t NORMANDIE.—Path Ave.. and Pacific. 7 rooms. April let, gey bold, AT. 8101. BukIbm* Places for Rent. 71 FARNAM St.r 1107, 305* eq ft. Thomas F. Hall. 1908 Harney St.. AT. 7406. MODERN steam-beated atore. Low rent. G. P. Stebblna. 1610 Chicago^ Houses for Rent. 72 ; ■ j SKOOMAN DUPLEXES OUR RENTAL LIST IS GETTING SMALLER. THERE ARB STILL A FEW LEFT Break Away From Spring House Cleaning Move Into Ona «f Our Brand New Well Built Homea. For Further Information Call HA. 794$. Evantnga: HA. <714. HA. 21IS. 6-RMS. and breakfaat nook across from Hanacom park $«*. 3107 Porcaa atreet. about l*yr. old. Immediate Dosseeaion Occupant will show you through Alao 4 - rmi. newly decorated at 3201 Harney St. J, L. Hiatt Co.. AT. 1100. •1* 8. 3HJ> ST.—4 rma. all modern. 140. 2*04 Chicago St.. I rma.. mod ex ht., ISO 441 S. 2-id. 4 rtna. part mod., <14. JA. 0(33 HIRKRTT A CO., 350 Petera Truat Bldg 2-R. MOD. FLAT. 21*4 Leavenworth 120 S-R. MOD STUCCO. 2720 Jackson... 40 fi-R. HEATED APT.. Dunaany. $0 OM. RENTAL EX. JA 3611; HA 2401 VERT deairabla 7-rm. houee. recently decorated, being painted. Large lawn: hot wator heat, sleeping porch. 430 S lith 8t JA, 2217 or JA. 4134. BANCROFT 111—Eight rooms, modern, recently decorated throughout, well ar ranged for two families. |4ft. Martin In veatment Co. AT. **tl. FOR RENT—7-room houae. modern, ad joining North Side High school |40 JA REAL ESTATE—FOR SALK. H*»l F«tet»—InTf tmento. 78A spErrr.ATivE flats Throe brick flat*, three atorle* each, suit able for nine families; lot 66x113; will un doubtedly become trackage soon Street and alley naved and paring paid Prtce only $11,660; mortgage $4,600, payable monthly. O'KEEFK REAL ESTATE CO., Realtor*. 161S Omaha National Bank Bldg. JA 2716. K'JOMIN’U house for aale; 14 room*; reas. or will trade for good car and some cash | AT 0766 __ Farm and I^nda for Sale. 79! GOOD unimproved leo »cr*«, fiv« mllri I northeast of Imlay. H. D., $10 per aero. Write H. F. Campbell, Argonne, s. 1>. FOR SALE—Imphnved 60-acre farm near Duluth; choice location, soil and climate. Write Qlcn Landes. Dennett, WIs. —^———■a——■——a flounr* for 8al«. HO , NEAR ORKIOHTON AND TKOI1 II lull Lata* 10-roorn «.»m h.AtAd hntiAr, now arranged for two families, large south front lot. 60x150, garage. Price for quick aale. $6,600 O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO, Realtors. 1QI& Omaha Nations! Hank Rldg J A. 2716. IIoiiapa— .North. HI RPKCtAL. TORUAIN FORCED SALK Near Miller Park, • room cot !•#**. * rooms down, f bsdrooma and hath up. Camentsd cellar, electric light; plumbing roughed In. There ere four fine lots with this house, three of the lots on paved etreet with water, sewer and gaa. The entire property for $6,066, but requires about $.1,600 cash \\ orth $6,500. See ua for further Information P 1 TKHHENS CO 605 Omaha Nat JA 3112 6 ROOMS—ONE FLOOR. 1H» HINNKY STREET. Built hy the present owner and In fin# condition. Front a* d rear porches screened, awninga when needed, com plete s*»t of storm windows, good at tic. full cement basement, garden, abundance of flowers, pavlnv all paid What more can you find for $4,76© Mrs this property at once. A. P TITKEY A SON. "Tukey Sold It " 620 First National. JA 4221. HERE IS A SNAP. A fine six-room home, strictly mod *1 n and in excellent condition through out. large well arranged rooms, nswly painted 62 foot lot, gatage Priced absolutely tlgh' Only $1,500 cash and monthly payments !m than rent. C*|| Mr Oiant. \VA 400?. Mr Hill, If A. 63IP EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY IPth and Douglas Sts. AT t$46 , I RKAl. ESTATF—FOR SACK. House*—North. 81 FOR COLORED ACT QUICK - Rrand new 4-r. and bath, modern burg* low. Wall built, dandv location on paved St. All specials paid for. Oak floor* throughout. Your choice of light fixture* and shades. Tha prica is $4.0(>0. take about $500 caah. bal. easy terms. Call Schmitt. WA 1232. R. F CLARY CO. Realtors. AT. 3678. NEW BUNGALOW BARGAIN. • 4,65b—EASY TERMS. New 6-room all modem bungalow In Kontenclle park district; oak floora and finish; built In feature*. See it today Evening phone I<eRoy Gehria. KE. 6fl9, W. H. Rowley, KE. 0206. or Ted Pitkin, HA. 7540 METCALFE COMPANY Ground Floor 203 S. 19th St. AT. 6411 BUNGALOW DREAM Hrand new. ftneet built, beat arranged new bungalow in Mlnne Lues. Five extra large rooms. Choice oak finish, tile bath. Kitchen simply a dream. 61,000 cash. 8*-e the best value on the north side. Call OSBORNE REALTY CO.. Ms peters Trust Bldg JA. 22*2 15.250 SNAP. Owner leaving dty and Is offering hi* nearly new ail modern five-room oak finished bungalow for $5,250, easy terms. For full particulars call Mr. Sloan, WA 2S12. A SECOND MORTGAGE on Omaha prop erty will make the first payment on this fine six-room home near Miller park This strictly modern 3-year-old home la on paving: is close to car. arhools and • hurches (Protestant and Catholic). JA 1014. Ask for Mr. Carse. HERE ia a new five-room all modern bungalow on an east front loL near car and school, for only $4,650; $500 down will handle. Call Mr. Cole, WA. 764 4, eve nlngs, or AT. 7412 days. BIGGEST BA RG AIN IN CITY TODAY Beautiful six-room house on corner lot; prica cut to $6,260 $1,000 caah. JOHN R. M CARVILLE. 1002 City Natl. Bank.AT 602f. 2*2$ PARKER ST—7-rm. mod., barn. $760 rash. bal. mo. Extra lot for garden. Crelgh, b08 Bee. JA. 0200. D, B. BUCK <0 CO-, buy and sell hornet Houses—South. 82 SOUTH SIDE SNAP. Here Is e resl buy In a nine-room all modern home with hot water heat. Owner anxious to sell and has rut his price to Sfc.OOO. You better snap thla up wnile the snapping ia good. Call Mr. Hill, Harney 5299, or Mr Grant, Walnut 4092. EQITTABLE TRUST CO.. 19th end Douglas. AT. 2945. 7-ROOM brick and 3-room on 1 lot. Mod ern, close to l$tb and Castelar. 2 houses on 1 lot; paved street; nice large base ments. Just the place for home and In vestment Cash price, 15,509. AT. 409C. KK. 1732. Tewar Tfsar. specialists In 8. aids homes. Ill,US.*—West. HS COMFORTABLE CONVENIENCES HAVE ALL THE CONVENIENCES OF AN APARTMENT WITH AM, THE COM FORTS OF A LA WN AND URDEN This home la being built from plana designed to duplicate every attractive and built-in feature of the modern eptrment. The rooms era sunny and well ventilated. Special attention has been given to the placing of windows and doors so that the maximum amount of wall apace la available. The lot ta large and level with room for a garden plot tn the ha- h This home ie located near < arline and school and on paved street. It can be bought w-lth a small cash payment »nd the bal- • -ance like rent Let ue ehow it to v nu. Evenlnge cell Mr Lewie. "A. 141*. R. r CLART CO. Realtors, Sfl* Omaha Net B k. Bldg AT 3673 WEST LEAVENWORTH SOUTH FRONT—NEARLY NEW DON'T MISS SEEING THIS 5-ROOM, ALL MODERN K ELLA STONE BUNGA LOW. LARGE, LIGHT ROOMS WITH OAK FLOORS- OAK FINISH 3 ROOMS BUILT IN BOOKCASES, COLONNADE OPENING FRENCH DOORS AND KITCHEN EXTRA NICE FIXTURES FULL CEMENT BASEMENT. SCREENS AND WEATHER STRIPS ON ALL WIN DOWS FINE CORNER LOT. PAVED STREET A HEAT. BUT AT l«.5nr>. 11.000 CASH, BALANCE LIKE RENT CALL. n E. BUCK A C<f. REALTORS 74! OMAHA NAT BANK JA. !H00 SALESMEN PAUL, BOX WE 5*1* LOVOREN. KE 03(4. BAKER. WA 3(13 BUNGALOW LOTS—WEST PRICED LOW 5«th and Howard, eaat front. Slili7.f1.ITS Hth and Poppleton. 8. front cornar. l.iso Mat and Jarkarn. eaat front. 5A*m*. 1 «;.© Dundee, eouth front . 1 ISA Edaawood SS-ft frontage . 1 7nn Benson on pavement . ISO Theao ara varv good value#. W • will •ell you a lot. or build for and help you plan and finance. Eve. call HA 2144 or KE 4231. THE BFNSON A GARRETT CO. Builder#—Realtors AT *«49. Ilf f. lfth St 372 N. 41ST ST. LARGE I -RM HOME A l-CAR OARAGE Spacious living and dining room, con veniant kitchen. large pantry, fine oak floors oak and brick finish 4 large bed rooms and bath, alao finished attic. Full cemented basement with hot water heal Ing ’dant raving paid. This property i" l^eal for a large family or for renting rooms. T II. MAENNER CO.. Realtor#. AT. ,!,n .... $** °m £•*» Bldg Terron. WE 0111—Burrell. WA 5475. “LET US SELL TOUR HOME I’-— BEST BUT IN OMAHA. STANDARD PLACE BUNGALOW. . I*.with reasonable terms, take* a | brand naw S*room all modern bungalow In Standard riace; oak floors and fin lah; paved street and alley; high and alghtly lot. Evening* phone LeRoy Oehrta, KE. »03». or Tad Pitkin. HA 7540 METCALF* COMTANT Ground Floor 203 8 19th St. AT. S415 LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS Brand new bungalow; wall built ond fine ly flnlahad. tastily decorated and com plete in avarv datall alghtly location in T-eavagworth Haight* Price 14.159. For full Information call Grant Benton. Sun day and evanlnga. Walnut 15*0. BENSON A CARMICHAEL 14! Paxton Block. Atlantic 154A. SEE THtS TODAY WILL HE COMPLETED tSTH PRICE 14 ?S9 TAKES |f»0« CASH Four room* and bath 5-t a rep m mod a Mon* Heavy <<ak floor* throughout, all modern and complete in avarv detail, eon 'enlenllv arranged Lot* of clothe* closet# and built In femur#* Term*, call Mr Schmitt. WA 1512 It r. CLARY CO Realtors. AT 34*4. TATES SCHOOL DISTRICT Beaut Ifiil seven-room home on a larga r*»t front lot; handy to Farnam car line Triced to sell \v FARNAM SMITH A CO fA. 9544. HA. ::*7 1IA JU4 OWNER want# offer Muat eel! at ones. new * x room brick colonial JOHN B. MCARVILLE. REALTOR I092-I Ct>> Nat Bk AT Si»5S. FIELD club district, juat completed I • «'oma modern, tile bath Price |5 flo. Fa rma Call on i>rr a% er«nga. w i fdlM.I H FINDS FOLKS who buv home* f.ial v»»ur property with ua for results. JA 14ft BURT C FOWLER CO Realtors l.OT 47x150 ft —J9th and Burt atreete • I ?on AH Improvement* t« GEORGE AND COM PANT AT I0J4 'VII I. build to ' our order on our beaut) rul lots 1n Fdgewood. vary star term* Rhone AT. 1540. HFM. F3T\TF—FOR SAIF Hntl»«—W'wi. #i EDttEWOOD bungalow, modern. I room* Wonderful neighborhood. 3Pu»t sell. WA _ Hmmf»—Bennon. 81 • 500 CASH. I A good S room, modern raved a? re#t jConmlete in every respect Oak floor# I Tastefully decorated in fine condition in every way. Located at 1516 N. 60th | St. >4.S6i». >45 monthly. WA. 6704 j For .Hal**—Dundee. 85 DUNDEE HOMES. REAL VALUES. 16.500. , A 6-room. 2-atory, ail modern home; oak finish and floor* downstairs; full corner lot. one block from car line. A new Hating *•<! should sell promptly at this low price. $6,060. An attractive 7-room. 2-atory, all I modern home, Kellaston* construction, j built-in fireplace, buffet. ats and , bookcases 4 nice rooms, including j sunroom. on first floor; 3 nice bed * rooms, tile bath on second floor; large corner lot, with 2-car garage $2,000 cash required. $ 6,000. Eight rooms, full 2-story and attic; four bedrooms, oak finish and oak floor* throughout. Just revarnished; ivory finish second floor; mahogany dc.. I* an nev lv decorated through out; fireplace, tlla bath, Ruud heater; miner lot; handy to car line; 2-car garage. immediate possession. $2,600 cash. GLOVER A SPAIN. Realtor*. 916-20 City National JA 2S50. A REAL HOME IN DUNDEE. Consisting of a 6-rm. modera colonial type It has a lot of nice built-in features, fireplace, vapor h*at. garage —on a nice corner lot. For term* and appointment* call evening*. Mr. 11111, HA. 5299; Mr. Grant, WA. 4092. EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY. Phone AT. 2945 19th and Douglas S>» 1 For Salr Florence. 86 NETHAWAT Kill to Whlt-i only. »nfl 1, ehlof EDITOR of THE CAUCASIAN. KB. 1409. iAMS ior ame. oo CORNER lot. 48x1*0. In main bualnese block. Suitable to build on for any line of buslnesa, especially hotel or rooming house Live town, population 1,300. three churches, three banks and good schools. On railroad. Direct letters to Box 214. Lyons, Neb. or phone 233. LOT 50x157. on 32d Ave., facing Hanacom park, for sale at a bargain price C, A G KIM MEL. JA. ISIS. FLORENCE FIELD SELLING. Salesmen or. grounds every day. C VV, MARTIN A CO, AT. 0187. Real Estate for Exchange. 89 J 125,000 FIRST mortgage secured on lm | proved Minnesota farm worth 150,oon I Will traie for equity In land up to 120."00 and *5.000 <awh. SCHWAB BROS.. 102a Plymouth Bldg. Minneapolis. Minn. FARMS. Gibbons Steel. 410 Peters Trust Wanted—Real Estate. 90 WE NEED l AND e- ROOM HOMES CALL US NOW F«»R INSPECTION AND LISTINGS MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING EXCHANGE. WE GIVE SERV ICE EVENINGS HE 5511 OR KE 4745 GRUENIG REALTY. REALTORS ■TA 19C*.140" FIRST NAT. BK LIST your property with us or. if you are In the market for acreage, call Louis i'ohn for quick salea. M A. 0143. UA 3029 I WANT a vnall Investment In Omaha rental property. I can nay |4«o down and can make good monthly payments. Address Bot C-935. Omaha ’<ee CAMPBELL will save you money on con structing your home B-st materials and workmanship 537 Keeiine AT. 504«. FEE ua first. Need listings, any location. 5 to 8 rooms Shopen A Co.. Realtors JA 422* 235 Keelme Bldg. PORHIER INVESTMENT CO . AT 9444 Want your listings We buy sell or ex chatige nrogertT Call Mr Drake._ OH AS W. YOUNG A SON. Real Estate Rentals. Insurance. 14*2 City Natl BankAT. ?€4* O T HAMER. Investment Acreage, 1 505 Farnan,AT. 9950 WE WANT a good bungalow for our neighbor, who baa f 1.500 cash. Beat—HA ft*4S JA 5491 AT 4135. We Make 5% Loans • On Farms 5Vi% Ob Omaha Seal Estate 6% Monthly Payment loam on Retidenrei iVtarsTrust Company Peters Na tional Bank . - HE X1j KST VTF—FOR "R E BUILD TO PLEASE." TEMPLE MTAVDEN, u»s ririur.i s-«at. mo. XVE SELL HOMES. LIST WITH IS FOR RESULTS. . MTAHI E INVESTMENT CO. JA. 1»M NEW HOMES-YOUR TERMS. OROVE-H1MBARD CO.. 288 Banker- H-t-TV- Bldg. AT !»»»■ SERVICE AND RESULTS. Competent aalaa force. JA IW *iL<JVKK A .SPAIN, Realtors. XVE SELL HOMES LIST WITH US. HAMILTON & CO.. 303-4 Neville BlockJA 0«»T. XVE -ell end u hantc- ai reage Lracta. Call S. IE Browne Co. AT 3330. LIST your property elih Cbrla Boyar, notary public, 28*1 and Cuming Sta_ XVORI.D REALTY CO. K»a ilnra AT 8493. H xv Voiiand ij.i for Real Service. AT. IW C, A SANDEI.L. Real Eetate AT 1M8. SLATER A CO. Realtora Keellne Bigg. WESTERN Rea! Estate Co. JA. 3tOL HueMelntaler Real E-tate. AT 4210. Real Estate Transfers. Ferdinand Haarmann and wife to Metropolitan Utilities District, Slat St . Ht feet a. of Can tar fir., e £ id*- . . .9 1.909 Jamea Johnson and wlfa to Metro politan Utilities District. 2Ath St., 170 feet n. of Dorctl St, w. aide, 24x96 2.TI9 Luigi Sgroi and wife to Metropoli tan utilities District. Dor rug St.. J15.T feet e. ft 2 '.at St., »> aloe, 76x160 1.100 Frank M'-Olnty and w'.t ‘o F*tn«r Lean Charle* Ht . 100.* feet e. of 50th Ht . n aide. 50x124 .. .. 119 Anna K. Clarke and husband to Thoms* L’ Trego. Ohio St., 209 feet e of 64th fit., n side, 60x 130 4,111 Hansen Investment Co. to Ellen J Theatrup. 60th Ave., 194.41 feet a. of Lake fit., w. side, 49x136 1.100 Hansen Investment Co. to Jacob F Hlnley. et al 60th Are.. 297 feet n. of Blondo St., e. side, 4VHX136 - 1,109 Anton Hoffman. Jr., and wife to Albert Cicra and wife. n. w. corner 26th end Mason St , 24x 74*% .a.1 William T. Burroughs and wife to Emily L. Boggs, n. w. corner 42d and Marcy St.. 44x101 .. .. 1.190 Charles W. Martin and wife to Georgia H Eatlkin. 24th St .. 97 feet «. of Ida St., w. aide, 46x120 1.009 Josephine E Haney and husband to Sophie M Mathews, 28th Ave. 200 feet ■ of Davenport St., e. aide 50x155 12.5*9 Charles Grigaitls and wife to Mar tin Degmacic and wife, U St., 100 feet w. of 21st St., n. side, 62x132 2,128 Anna Nugent and husband to Otto A. Braun, et al, a. w. corner 20th and Seward St.. 412-3x125 4,110 Einar T Pedersen to Edward Ward, 36th Ave . 240 feet s. of Q St . w. aide 40x110 . 4.199 Bankers Mtg. Loan Co. to Ar thur J. Cooksey and wife. Fowler Ave . 2^0 f^et «. of 48th St., n aide. 10x128 . 1,090 filama and wife to Joseph Knieky end wife. 2 2d St.. 309 feet n. of S St . w. side. 50x130.. 1.409 Dennis Cushing to Jacob Onik and wife. Hillsdala Ave.. 135 feet w. of 41st Ave. n. side. 45x126.... 424 Isaac A fibepard and wife to R. W. F»ddcn Laurel Ave., 204 feet w. of ?9th Ht . a side. 50x130 . J Iro-naeus Shuler et al. to Mary Bell** Rom. Chicago St.. 250 feet w. of 4 4th St., n. side. Irregu lar . 499 SEE OUR MODEL BUNGALOW at the Show Tonight . Just inside the entrance. If you contemplate buildine. don't fail to see Mr. Funk at the show all this week. “We Build to Please” TEMPLE McFAYDEN CO. ISOS Farnam St. AT 9960