The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 03, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 11, Image 11
W iiin.-in (i«'U HiglirM \ olr in Klrrtinn al Krarnoy Kmriiav, N#K, April 2.—Th# K cal ory T.racu# of Womm Vntora ap patently wa* w#!l organized for lhr Tu#May #l#rilon. Ontrrinic nil tlirlr •fforfa on th# election of Mrs. fJohn Halo hr member of the hoard of oil urn tion. the women save her the luKhrat vote cent at the polio tSenritre t> Fair child wa« tho other aohool beard member elected R A lla\noR wa* re-elected mlmriliiMin in the Firot word, fjloyd Fejrell wao re elect od in the Second ward. J. C, Miller de fenled l>n Armltaee for re-election In the Third ward and I,. J. Det* was the for council in the Fourth ward. Aurora Pionrcr Dios. Aurora, Neb., April 2.—J. Ruacy I chapman, ti», died suddenly Tuesday iif apoplexy. He was a pioneer re»l deni of Aurora, having "tailed In bu«l iipm hrrr in 1 ATT. Ilr leaves n widow, Sarah Chapman, and two children, Glenn S. Chapman, who was assocl ated with him In Hie furniture anil undrrtaklng business here, and Mrs, Bmil Holdgraf, living on n farm near Aurora. Koy <!. (iartle Rc-EIccled Mayor of Fall* (.ity *perlpl PUpalrh In The Omaha Bee. Fa I Ip City, Neb.. April 2.—Hoy O Captle wae re-elected mayor of Falie City, defe.itinK Charted II Heineman. 1162 to 732. Kobe 11 A. Nellael, .Iran R Cain and Howard W Morgan ware elorted counrllinrn. Mia* Myrle Naylor wni rlrctad rity rterk ami Tlmmaa 1.. RHrvry rlty trriauirrl without a ronteat Fred Brecht ami .1 R. Mlmantnn had no opposition for the achool hoard Tin- entire ( Itlxma' party ticket made a clean sweep I’ionrrr Dim at Aje of 8.V Shenandoah, la., April S.—James Johnson. *S, pioneer and retired farm er, is dead at his home at West boro. Ml. Hla Wife died several years a«o. Mr leaves three rhlldren, all residing near Westboro. a Special Progenitor Named. Bedford, la . April J.—Attorney George A. Jotmaton of Creaton made eperlal aoalatant proaaculor in In an order algnrd by Judge llnmer Fuller In the raae of Thomaa Clary, who |a faring Indtrtmrnta for araon. * SAMPLE BALLOT—Continued Primary Election, April 8th, 1924__ Sample Republican Ballot Primary Election, April 8tli, 1924. □ C. 0. BEAVERS.Republican □ ._ Vote for ONE For State Representative—Twentieth Districi B CHARLES E. BYARS.Republican C. F. SEEFIIS.Republican □ THOMAS ZACEK.Republican r] W. 0. DEVRIES.Republican Q WILLARD I). CLARK.Republican COUNTY TICKET Vote for ONE For Clerk of the District Court □ ROBERT SMITH.Republican y LEO T. CROSBY.Republican Vote for ONE For Public Defender fn ROBERT STRE11L0W.Republican y LOUIS D. KA VAN AG II.Republican □.. Vote for ONE For County Assessor r] S. E. KLAVEli .•'.Republican □ SAM K. GREENLEAF.Republican y PATRICK F. LYNCH.Republican [-] L. N. DUNCE .Republican □ FRANK C. BEST.Republican □ . Vote for ONE For County Commissioner—Third District □ THOMAS II. WALKER.Republican QVEO L. IIUNTLEY.Republican □ BRUCE .1. NEWLON.Republican □ G. W. STROUP.Republican [~j THOMAS FALCONER..Republican y GEORGE OTTE.Republican □ . Vote for ONE For County Commissioner—Fifth District § CHARLES l;NITT.Republican P. J. WELCH. t.Republican HARRY G. COUNSMAN..'...Republican n. __WARD -uioTjeciut Vote for ONE—For Justice of the Peace .District n.— Vote for ONE For Road Overseer .District n. Vote for.For Delegates to the County Convention p... Sample Progressive Ballot Primary Election, April 8th, 1924. PRESIDENTIAL TICKET Vote for ONE For Preference for President p] HENRY l-'ORD .Progressive Vote for ONE For Preference for Vice-President n. NATIONAL TICKET Vote for ONE For United States Senator Q JOHN J. THOMAS..Progressive For Delegates at Large to the National Convention Vote for FOUR # ..... For Alternate Delegates at Large to the National Conventior Vote for FOUR B==e==e n.*... For Delegates to the National Convention—Second District Vote for TWO For Alternate Delegates to the National Convention—Second Vote for TWO District Vote for ONE For National Committeeman n. Vote for ONE , For National Committeewoman a STATE TICKET Vote for ONE For Governor 0 CHARLES W. HRYAN.Progressive EDWARD S UGH ROUE .Progressive n...‘ L* Vote for ONE For Lieutenant Governor rj. v Vote for ONE For Secretary of State [ '] CHARLES W. POOL.Progressive I-*"] R. S. SCOFIELD .Progressive ll.. Vote for ONE For Auditor of Public Account* □ WILLIAM ANDERSON .Progressive □ CLARA SAZAMA JENSEN .Progressive Vote for ONE For State Treasurer Q E. 0. STOLLEY..-..Progressive P LOUIS F. LANGHORST.Progressive Vote for ONE For Attorney General n... Vote for ONE Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings H... Vote for ONE For Railway Commissioner Q FLOYD L. BOLLEN .Progressive □ PERRY J. GREEN.Progressive CONGRESSIONAL TICKET rfote for ONE For Congressman—Second District LEGISLATIVE TICKET Vote for ONE For State Senator.District □ .■ Vote for ONE For State Representative .District □...-. COUNTY TICKET Vote for ONE For Clerk of the District Court '□. Vote for ONE For Public Defender □.'.. Vote for ONE County Assessor □.;. Vote for ONE For County Commissioner .District □. WARD - -DISTRICT Vote for ONE For Justice of the Peace .District □.. Vote for ONE For Road Overseer .District □. Vote for ONE For Delegate to the County Convention t □.«.:. ===== ■ ■ i .— Sample Prohibition Ballot Primary Election, April 8th, 1924. PRESIDENTIAL TICKET Vote for ONE For Preference for President □.*. Vote for ONE For Preference for Vice-President NATIONAL TICKET Vote for ONE For United States Senator n... For Delegates at Large to the National Convention Vote for FOUR For Alternate Delegates at Large to the National Convention Vote for FOUR For Delegates to Uie National Convention—Second Disk let Vote for TWO For Alternate Delegates to the National Convention—Seconu Vote for TWO District Vote for ONE For National Committeeman n. Vote for ONE For National Oommitteewoman STATE TICKET Vote' for ONE For Governor n. Vote for ONE For Lieutenant Governor ^ ,1. F. WEBSTER .Prohibition Vote for ONE For Secretary of State f~] P. P., GILBERT.Prohibition Vote for ONE For Auditor of Public Account* □.. Vote for ONE For 8tate Treasurer n . Vote for ONE For Attorney General n.::•■■■.— For Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings Vote for ONE □. Vote for ONE For Railway Commissioner □ .... CONGRESSIONAL TICKET Vote for ONE For Congressman—Second District □. LEGISLATIVE TICKET Vote.for ONE For State Senator .District □.•. Vote for ONE For State Representative.District □ .. COUNTY TICKET Vote for ONE For Clerk of the District Court □.;. Vote for ONE For Public Defender □. Vote for ONE For County Assessor □. Vote for ONE For County Commissioner.District □. ■aaaas1"-1 1 .aaas= -WARD-DISTRICT Vote for ONE For Justice of the Peace.District □.'. Vote for ONE For Road Overseer.District □. Vote for ONE For Delegate to the County Convention □.;. Sample Non-Political Ballot Primary Election, April 8th, 1924. Candidates for Regents of the State University—Seconc Vote for ONLY ONE District JOHN R. WEBSTER.Non-Political I Candidates for District Judge—For Fourth Judicial District Vote for ONLY NINE □ WILLIAM A. REDICK.Non-Political L. DAY.Non-Political □ CHARLES LESLIE .Non-Political □ ALEXANDER C. TROUP.Non-Political □ ARTHUR C. WAKELEY.Non-Political I M. O. CUNNINGHAM.Non-Politjcal □ JAS. M. FITZGERALD.Non-Political □ CHARLES A. GOSS...Non-Political □ W. G. HASTINGS.Non-Political □ CARROLL 0. STAUFFER.Non-PolitkJ ™ E. C. PAGE.Non-Political " a C. SHEPPARD.Non-Political □ OEOllGE W. SHIELDS.Non-Political □ ARTHUR C. THOMSEN.Non-Political □ RALPH G. COAD.Non-Political M W. W. 8LABAUGH..Non-Political M JOHN G. KUHN.'.Non-Political □ C. W. SEARS.Non-Political □ JOSEPH 0. BURGER...Non-Political □ T. E. P.RADY.:.Non-Political Q ABRAHAM L. SUTTON .Non-Political □ PERRY M. WHEELER.Non-Political Q FRANK M. DINEEN .Non-Political Q CHARLES E. FOSTER .Non-Political □ HENRY G. MEYER .Non-Political Vote for ONLY ONE Candidates for County Judge □ BRYCE CRAWFORD ...'.Non-Political □ HENRY S. PAYNE.Non-Political □ CLAIR F. MULVIH1LL...Non-Political Q GEORGE S. KENNEDY.Non-l’ n HUGH C. ROBERTSON. Non-Political □ .-. Candidates for Municipal Judge City of Omaha Vote for ONLY THREE Q N. W. WARE.Non-Political □ GEORGE B. COLLINS. Non-Political □ GEO HOLMES .Non-Political Q KOMI’. W. PATRICK.J.Non-Political Q CLAUDIO DELITALA .Non-Political □ ARTHUR E. BALDWIN .Non-Political □ JOHN O. YEISER, JR.Non-Political M THOMAS J. O’BRIEN.Non-Political [J JULIUS S. COOLEY.Non-Political Q FRANK R. KEEGAN.Non Political — .— i .. Sample Democrat Ballot Metropolitan Utilities District Primary Election, April 8th, 1924 Vote for ONE For Director Metropolitan Utilities District WILLIAM ■! COAD.Democrat " CARL F. BENJAMIN . Democrat' JOHN D. WEAR .Acmocrat P JOHN B. TKAINOR .Democrat n. Sample Republican Ballot ' Metropolitan Utilities District Primary Election, April 8th, 1924 Vote for ONE For Director Metropolitan Utilities District □ ALLAN A. TUKEY.Republican □ HENRY SCHROEDER .Republican □ AUGUST MILLER .Republican □ FRED D. WEAD .Republican □ ED. A. SMITH.Republican □ .... =__=___=====—c > Sample Prohibition Ballot Metropolitan Utilities District Primary Election, April 8th, 1924 Vote for ONE For Director Metropolitan Utilities District □.••'•••.;.^ -—— , Sample Progressive Ballot Metropolitan Utilities District Primary Election, April 8th, 1924 Vote for ONE For Director Metropolitan Utilities Districl □.. Sample Non-Political Ballot Primary Election, April 8th, 1924. * Candidate for Nomination for Commissioner of the City of Omaha at the Primary Election. VOTE for ONLY SEVEN * □ FREDERICK W. PLECLER. Q CHARLES 0. ANDERSON. □ J D. BARRAtT.. □ ISAAC KONECKY. □ EDWARD D. JONES.... □ ROSS J. McGOWAN.. □ LEO ROSENTHAL .•... □ HARRY A. FOBAN . □ W. a. HABERSTROH . □ E. E. CLOSSON . □ NATHAN W. STEWART. □ DAN HANNON. □ JEKUY HOWARD. □ FRED DWORAK.. □ C..0. PICKETT. □ HUGH A. MYERS. □ THOMAS. F. STROUD . □ JAMES C. DAHLMAN . □ DAVID L. SHANAHAN ... □ PETER MEHRENS . □ JOSEPH KOUTSKY . □ JOSEPH B. HUMMEL . □ W. W MACE . □ FRED BRUNN1NG . □ W. LINCOLN BYRNE. □ DEAN NOYES .*. □ JOHN HOPKINS ... □ RAY J. SUTTON . □ GEORGE K1ENE.. □ DAN B. BUTLER ... □ I. L. BEISEL. □ THOMAS P. REYNOLDS. □ HENRY W. DUNN..*« □ J. A. LOCH RAY .„.. □ CHARLES R. COURTNEY.„ □ ARTHUR J. DERVIN . - □ EDWARD G. PARKER.,.. Q JAMES II. BULLA. □ FRANK H. BRUBAKER .7. □ .•’. □.'. □. □. □ .i.. o. . □ . The above copies are the first jet up of the ballots to be used at the primary election, April 8. 1924 The Legislative, County Commissioner, Justice of the Peace and Road Over seer groups will only be used in the districts in which the particular groups are to be voted for. Names will be rotated in different districts. % Names of candidates for county comentioirs will be printed on the ballot in the varioA districts for National. State and County Primary. Polls will be open from 8.00 A. M to 8:00 P. M. City of Omaha Primary Polls will be open from 8:00 A M to 9:00 P. M WN. D McHUOH JR Election Coauniuloner.