Moldrege Auto and Style Show to Be Held Next Week lloMreta, Nob.. April S.—With poaf ponamrnt of tha Hojdraica auto and •Lyla ehow from tha laat work th March to tha arcond work In April a chanra which war mada ad\l»«hl< hy the Impassable condition of the highways and continued stormy weather, the committees in charge have renewed efforts to make th* show doubly attractive.© decorations at the auditorium, wl l*‘h are In themselves one of the most eh joy able features of the event, are being | plitnnol. linn Iiandunn'a fnmnun hand and tha prrantaa* dlnplny of aara avar tollarM undar nna roof In rout h want N'abrnaka. all tarul t« roaka April *, 10, 11 and 13 rad latlar day a to raal rlanta of Ihla part of tha atnta, Wadnaaday, April ». will ba davotad to a abowln* of Rnrnianta for at raal wear. Including nulla, aprlr.g route and nlftv atruet draaaea. Thuradav them will bn a riot of color dlaplayctl In aporta wearing apparel. Friday, a gorgenua dlaplay will hold the attention of npertntnra. Saturday a novelty feat lira will be IntltKIurM, an aahlblllnn nf dr#aa»* that ratall In Hnldr*>»» atnr*a for not nint*» than II*. Two Hurl in Cra^h. Rpfrliil |»U|intf h In Omnh» H#n. Bostrlr#. N>b, April 2- Mr* Lnw r#nr* rtniPi^n wss »#vorly rut shout th# hand* and arms and oth#rwla# In lured and Mlaa Inn BOffit was «)li:lit* Iv hurt wh#n two a#dans driven by Mr#, (*latf*s#n and Roy Bogies er**h#d »t Truth and Ella *tr##ta Th# Bo*** rar wan pllr-d upald# down In th# \ard of nr. B L. Hp#Hman and badl> umaahrd. \rtlmr Myatt Kc-Klrclfd Munir of |)at itl (4ty M'laalal ln>i>alrii to Tha Omaha Baa. Imvlrt fity, Nab.. April 2—In th# ito alortlon hara Arthur Mv*tt *«», ra i K tad rna\or. R H Kwaanla. r'ty ■lark, and W. II. JHinffin and J. fulmar r«iinrtlin*-n for th* first and •sound ward* A fl. Thompson «** alar-tad rounollman for tha third ward H unday movlns pioturs* pro posal waa dafaatad, 2 to 1. Ulsh srada diamond* ha'a hacn acarra in Kuropa tha past vssr. ,-d SAMPLE BALLOT _Primary Election, April 8th, 1924_ Sample Democrat Ballot Primary Election, April 8th, 1924. PRESIDENTIAL TICKET Vote for ONE For Preference for President n. Vote for ONE For Preference for Vice-President n. NATIONAL TICKET Vote for ONE For United States Senator □ TRBNMOR CONE.Democrat □ KENNETH \V. McDONALD.bemocrat Q D.%C. PATTERSON.Democrat □ JOHN J. THOMAS...Democrat n. For Delegates at Large to the National Convention Vote for FOUR □ GILBERT M. HITCHCOCK.Democrat | | T. S. ALLEN.Democrat Q J. ,J. THOMAS.Democrat □ DAN V. STEPHENS.Democrat □ ...*. ... For Alternate Delegates at Large to the National Convention Vote for FOUR □ SYLVIA L. ASHWORTH.Democrat □ ... □ -V.. □ . □ •••... For Delegates to the National Convention—Second District Vote for TWO M. L. ENDRES.Democrat J JOSEPH T. YOTAVA .Democrat j LEE W. EDWARDS..Democrat “| EUGENE D. O’SULLIVAN.Democrat □.. n. For Alternate Delegates to the National Convention—Second Vote for TWO District Q NELLIE B. SEBREE.Democrat □ CATHERINE ALLISON.Democrat □ .:. □..-. Vote for ONE For National Committeeman □ ARTHUR F. MULLEN...Democrat □ ...-.*. Vote for ONE For National Committeewoman □ JENNIE CALLFAS..*.Democrat STATE TICKET Vote for ONE For Governor □ CHARLES AY. BRYAN..Democrat P CHARLES GRAFF .Democrat Vote for ONE' For Lieutenant Governor p P. J. MULLIN.Democrat □ JAMES P. CONNOLLY.Democrat □ FRANK MILLS ..Democrat □ .^..■ — Vote for ONE For Secretary of State S CHARLES AY. POOL.Democrat AY. H. McGAFFIN, JR.Democrat n. Vote for ONE For Auditor of Public Accounts □ CLARENCE E. HARMAN.Democrat □ CLARA SAZAMA JENSEN.Democrat □ RUDOLPH BRAZDA .Democrat n. Vote for ONE For State Treasurer □ LOUIS F. LANGIIORST.Democrat n.• Vote for ONE For Attorney General □ HARRY B. FLEHARTY.Democrat y. . y For Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings Vote for ONE p WARREN RIGGS.Democrat p L. A. LARSON.Democrat n. Vote for ONE For Railway Commissioner P IRL D. TOLEN.Democrat p FLOYD L. BOLLEN.Democrat CONGRESSIONAL TICKET ~ Vote for ONE For Congressman—Second District p WILLIAM N. JAMIESON.Democrat P DAN DORR (GAN .....Democrat P RICHARD C. HUNTER.Democrat LEGISLATIVE TICKET Vote for ONE For State Senator—Third District p JOHN M TANNER .Democrat p HENRY 11 HARTNETT...Deinocra* D.. Vote for ONE For State Senator—Fourth District P LEROY R7BERG .Democrat* P FRANK J. RIHA.Democrat n.:. Vote for ONE For State Senator—Fifth District p HENRY II. LOVELL.Democrat □ .—.v,.v Vote for ONE For State Senator—Sixth District p EDWARD E. HOWELL.Democrat H. Vote for ONE For State Senator—Seventh District p ROBERT P. KIMBALL.Democrat p PAUL LEIDY.Democrat p EDW. P. McDONALD .Democrat n. Vote for ONE For State Representative—Eighth District p WILLIAM P. NOLAN.Democrat p W. D. WOOD.Democrat Vote for ONE For State Representative—Ninth District p WILLIAM K. WHITTAKER.Democrat Vote for ONE For State Representative—Tenth District p BERNARD R. STONE.Democrat n. Vote for ONE For State Representative—Eleventh District P DAVID CRIMMINS.Democrat Vote for ONE For State Representative—Twelfth District P LEO L. MISKOVSKY.Democrat □ . Vote for ONE For State Representative—Thirteenth District p MARY KENNEDY.Democrat p LAD V. TESAR.Democrat Vote for ONE For State Representative—Fourteenth District P ROBERT E. HINES.Democrat Q... Vote for ONE For State Representative—Fifteenth District P H. P. CALDWELL .Democrat p GEORGE S. COLLINS.Democrat p JOHN J. JENESS.Democrat Vote for ONE For State Representative—Sixteenth District P JOS. J. BELITZ.Democrat' p PATRICK J. DORAN .Democrat THEO. JENSEN .Democrat Vote for ONE For State Representative—Seventeenth District □ VINCENT J. MURPHY.Democrat □ RODY R. RYAN .Democrat □ RAY J. ABBOTT .'.Democrat Vote for ONE For State Representative—Eighteenth District □ WILLIAM BUTT .Democrat □ JOHN W. LIGHT...Democrat Vote for ONE For 8tate Representative—Nineteenth District MICHAEL L. MCCARTHY.Democrat Vote for ONE For State Representative—Twentieth District J. E. QUINN.Democrat COUNTY TICKET Vote for ONE For Clerk of the Diatrict Court [E. ANDERS .Democrat' [^] JOSEPH R. BYERLY.Democrat Vote for ONE For Publio Defender 3 JAMES T. ENGLISH .Democrat H HERALD E. LA VIOLETTE.Democrat' j A. W. ELSASSER.Democrat “ J. R. LONES.Democrat ..... • ..'I Vote for ONE For County Assessor B CHARLES L. PEKLO.Democrat EARL J. DONNELLY.Democrat J. P. CULLEN .Democrat P. J. MeKEON.Democrat JOSEPH VACANTI .Democrat n THOMAS O’CONNOR .Democrat r OTTO H. STUBEN.Democrat Vote for ONE For County Commissioner—Third District □ A. D. COMPTON.Democrat r HARRY POST .Democrat Vote for ONE For County Commissioner—Fifth District □ ERNEST KOENIG.Democrat RALPH E. ROCHE.Democrat -.WARD —DISTRICT Vote for ONE For Justice of the Peace .District ~1.. Vote for ONE For Road Overseer .District □. Vote for. For Delegates to the County Convention ... Sample Republican Ballot . Primary Election, April 8th, 1924. PRESIDENTIAL TICKET Vote for ONE For Preference for President * □ HIRAM W. JOHNSON.Republican □ CALVIN COOLIDGE.Republican M. Vote for ONE For Preference for Vice-President NATIONAL TICKET Vote for ONE For United States 3enator | FRED G. JOHNSON. Republican □ CHARLES H. SLOAN.'..Republican □ GEORGE W. NORRIS.Republican h.••••••. For Delegates at Large to the National Convention Vote for SEVEN □ C. F. RE AVIS.Republican [] A. W. JEFFERIS.Republican ] GEO. X. SEYMOUR.Republican | E. B. PERRY.Republican n MRS. DRAPER SMITH.Republican ^GEO. C. JUNKIN .Republican BLANCHE WILLIAMS.Republican BC. C. FLANSBURG.Republican EDWARD L. BRADLEY.Republican [ 0. F. BYRON.Republican | C. E. SANDALL ..Republican [ I. D. EVANS.Republican □ J. P. GIBBONS.Republican □ . □ . □.•*••• H . For Alternate Delegates at Large to the National Convention Vote for SEVEN HJAY C. MOORE.Republican A. J. DONAHOE.Republican (j A. R. COLLINS.Republican Q J. ALLEN MURPHY.Republican □ ELIZABETH O’LINN SMITH.Republican §GUS ABRAHAMSON.Republican RUSSELL A. DAVIS.Republican' ... #====■=, For Delegates to the National Convention—Second District Vote for TWO Q GOULD DIETZ.Republican □ II. MALCOLM BALDRIGE.Republican Q J. DEAN RINGER.Republican 22 P. T. BARBER.Republican For Alternate Delegates to the National Convention—Second Vote for TWO District 2J JOHN F. WHITE...Republican 22 FLOYD DAVIDSON.Republican j STANLEY BROWN.Republican HAROLD W. GRAHAM.Republican Vote for ONE For National Committeeman S CHARLES A. McCLOUD.Republican ROBT. C. DRUESEDOW.Republican Vote for ONE For National Committeewoman Q MRS. E. B. PENNEY. .Ri publican j _STATE TICKET Vote for ONE For Governor Q ALBERT N. MATHERS.Republican □ ADAM MeMELLEN.Republican Q C. H. GUSTAFSON. Republican n GEO. W. STERLING.Republican □ W. F. STOECKER .Republican Vote for ONE For Lieutenant Governor H JOHN M MACFARLAND.Republican 1=3 GRANT S. MEARS.Republican “ GEORGE A. WILLIAMS.Republican “ T1IOS. K. CONLEY.Republican Vote for ONE For Secretary of State HARRY R. KNAPP.Republican = JOSEPH W. MAYER.Republican “ T. .T. CRONIN .Republican r L. 1} JOHNSON.Republican WOODHl'FF BALL.Heplubican Vote for ONE For Auditor of Public Accounts r~ GEO. W. MARSH.Republican f" HENRY M. EATON.Republican Vote for ONE For State Treasurer □ CHARLES D. ROBINSON.Republican □ . Vote for ONE For Attorney General (~~| 0. S. □.T. Vote for ONE Commissioner of Public Lands and Building* | |-DAN SWANSON .Republican □ HARRY R. F0LLM1?R.Republican □ GUS P. SWANSON.Republican □ . Vote for ONE For Railway Commissioner Q II. G. TAYLOR.Republican □ M. F. RICKARD.Republican □ JOHN II. MILLER.Republican □ M. T. HARRISON.Republican □ WILLIAM COLTON.Republican □ . CONGRESSIONAL TICKET Vote for ONE For Congressman—Second District | | WILLIS G. SEARS.Republican □ OTTO LOUIS BREMERS.Republican □ . LEGISLATIVE TICKET Vote for ONE For State Senator—Tbira District □ WILLIAM K. GILLOGLY.Republican | | CIIAS. W. IIOYE.Republican n.. Vote for ONE For State Senator—Fourth District B WILLIAM N. CHAMBERS.Republiean J. HARRY SINCLAIR.Republiean n. Vote for ONE For State Senator—Fifth District T. B. DYSART.'.Republican EDWARD W. PALMER.Republican ^ EMMET S. BRUMBAUGH.Republican B. F. THOMAS.Republican CIIAS. E WILLIAMSON.Republican ~. Vote for ONE For State Senator—Sixth District JOHN W. ROBBINS.Republican Vote for ONE For State Senator—Seventh District Q] JOHN W. COOPER.Republican g-.... Vote for ONE For State Representative—E’£hth District ~] JAMES A. RODMAN'.Republican G. V.-Lundmark.Republican □ CIlAS. J. ANDERSEN. Republican ~1 C. M. RICE.Republican = 1IA!iIfV ASHER.Republican H IRVING G. BARIGHT.Republican ~ ED. LEEDER.Republican Vote for ONE For State Representative—Ninth District B HARRY A. FOSTER.Republican i ORNELIFS McGREEVY.Republican | } WALTER R. JOHNSON.Republican H’ 0. A. SCOTT.Republican . Vote for ONE For State Representative—Tenth District □ HERBERT II. BOYLES.Republican | F. L. BARNETT.Republican Vote for ONE For State Representative—Eleventh District □ RAY M. HIGGINS.Republican n. Vote for ONE For State Representative—Twelfth District | | AI.i'lN CLOSER.Republican □ WALTER KORISKO.Republican ■n.'••••• Vote for ONE For State Representative—Thirteenth District | | JOHN FI ALA .Republican □ EDWARD EMIL HAYDUK.Republican Vote for ONE For State Representative—Fourteenth District .l< HIN LY NN .Re] ■ Vote for ONE For State Representative—Fifteenth District T. Vote for ONE For State Representative—Sixteenth District § GEORGE B. DY'BALl.Republican W, SPENCER FLINT.Republican Vote for One For StaFe Representative—Seventeenth District □ II KUPPINGER.R ~2 NELSON T. THOMSON.Republican □ DONALD D. MACFARLAND .Republican ~1 A. B. GRIFFITH.Republican n. Vote for ONE For State Representative—Eighteenth District Q LAWRENCE J. HEIM.Republican □ FAY II. POLLOCK.Republican Q L. K NEWKIRK. Republican P JOSEPH W. MARROW.Republican Vote for ONF. For State Representative Nineteenth District a KARL K.EHM .Republican RICHARD F. WOOl).Republican