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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1924)
Visit Our Stout Women's Wearing Apparel Department—Basement—East 6x9 Congoleum Rugs These come in allover and carpet designs. They are slightly imperfect, therefore are very greatly reduced. Suitable for any room in the house. Special Tuesday at, each— BMMMt-WNl Women’sThread Silk Chiffon Hosiery Very Special QAa At Per Pair, 0%IC Chiffon Hosiery made of pure thread silk; with a full-fashioned foot and semi-fashioned leg reinforced at all points of wear, with lisle tope; black, gray, fawn, gunmetal. Sizes to 10. These are irregulars of the 1.59 quality. Basement—Center 5,000 WINDOW SHADES GREATLY REDUCED All cloth opaque; in light or dark green, gray, buff, tan and brown; slightly imperfect; mounted on strong spring rollers; complete with brackets. Size 30x21 inches, special at 39<* Size 36x72 inches, special at 49< I Size 36x72 inches, oil, special at 59C Size 36x72 inches, Duplex, special at 79<* • Bailment—Wait 6-Foot Congoleum t A clean-up of remnants in congoleum. Some pieces are up to 15 feet In | length. In a great assortment of de- I signs and colors. Can be matched to I fit large rooms. Special at, per I square yard— f Butmul—W«ri | Women’s Silk end Fibre Nose Regular 75c Quality Special at, Per Pair, These hose are semi-fashioned, with double soles, heels and toes and lisle tops; in black, white, gray and nude. All sizes are in cluded. They are irregulars of the 75c quality. — Special, Tuesday, 3 pair for $1.00, per pair - — — Basement—Coaler Riffled j Cartiias All well made of good quality scrim with dain ty narrow ruffle; 2^ yards in length. Excel lent for bedroom, din ing room or kitchen windows; complete with tie-backs. QQ_ Special Tuesday, Basement—West Children’s 41. Hosiery * • v Children’s lisle and cotton hosiery; in medium and heavy ribbed styles; in black only; all sizes are included. These are seconds of the Al len A 35c and 50c values; special Tuesday, at Ol per pair, Basement—Center Children’s 41. 3,4 Nose tlw Children’s three-q u a r t e r length fancy hose, made of fine cotton in the popular derby rib top, in assorted ■olid colors, including black and white. Sizes 7 to 10. Spe cial, Tuesday, at per Ol pair, *1C Basement—Center Womn'i CottM AA. hiss SRiit 09C It These union suits are sleeve less, made in the built-up shoulder; in lace or tight knee style. All sizes. OQ Special at, each, Basement—Center Children’s Easter Frocks Special A new shipment of chil dren’s dresses Just unpacked. There are a variety of beau tiful little dresses, consist ing of finest,, quality tissue gingham, dotted voiles and pongees in a great assort ment of styles, including the combination bloomer dresses; daintily trimmed with hand smocking, lace medallions and ribbons. Colors are J»ink, blue, rose, green, yel ow and red. Special Tuesday Basement—East Tuesday—First of April Features in All Basement Departments ShopaHndrsav°e,ten” 3,500 Pairs of Women’s New Spring Low Shoes Extraordinary in styles, varieties and values. Not often are we fortunate in making a purchase so great as early in the season as this; and seldom are such high-grade shoes offered at such low prices. On account of our spot cash and great quantity buying, we were informed of a reputable maker who wanted to dispose of his surplus floor stock. We knew the high character of his merchandise and made him a special offer, buying on our spot-cah basis. Therefore we can offer you these high-grade shoes at such a very attractive price. _ A gigantic purchase of a well-known manufacturer’s newest novelty shoes for spring— 5.95 and 6.95 Values Now at Scores of Newest Styles The season’s smartest creations are represented in a vast variety of models. Sandal Effects In Fawn Suede, Black Patent Leather and Buckskin Combinations In black patent, black kid, black satin and suede com binationa. Military and Louis heels. Basement—Arcade Smart Street Models |1 Oxfords and Strap Pumps In Black Calfskin, Brown Calfskin, Black Kid, Gray Elkskin These come in high, military and low heels, with Goodyear welt turn soles, in all the popular vamp styles. Sizes 2*4 to 8 in A to D widths. BmwmI—Arcm«l« 1F^ Out Oxfords and Strap Pumps ^ > * This is a special purchase of shoes for people who find it hard to be fitted. Made of fine black kid and patent leathers. Sizes 5 to 10 in EEE width. Thrifty Home Sewers Shop and Save in Our Basement Wash Fabric Department 36-inch Novelty Voile The popular fabric for chil dren’s dresses and grownups’ undergarments. In a va riety of plain colored shades in dropstitch effect. I1 48c Basement—North Imported Swiss Organdy Guaranteed genuine, perma nent cilander finish. Comes 45 and 63 Inches in width. In a wide range of beauti ful eolora. Special Tuesday at, per yard, Basement—North 36-inch Cotton Chillis Many design* and color* to choose from. Excellent for draperies and comfort cover ing*. Basement—North j Dress Ginghams In all the latest wanted cheek and plaid effects. Also in a range of plain coles*. Regular 25c value. Special Tuesday at, per yard, Ba—ea>—North Bleach Sheeting Renault 81 inches wide, a good heavy quality in 2 to 20 yard lengths. Regular 59c value. Special srsr yard, lewwt—Worth Indian Head Suitings Warranted fast colors; in the season’s most popular shades. They come in as sorted lengths; easily matched for children’s dresses. Special Tuesday at, per yard, Basement—North 36-Inch Percale 80x80 quality in a great variety of new spring patterns. Our regular 28c quality. Special Tuesday at, per yard, BaMaiaat—North Genuine Normandy Swiss Voile In a brilliant assortment of Swiss dot effects and exclusive designs in contrasting colors. All 40 inches in width. Special for Tuesday at, per yard— Butmiit—North 5,000 Yards Mill End Remnants The lot consists of many useful materials which are suitable for house dresses, wrap pers, draperies, comfort coverings and many other items. Very special at, per yard— HutBiil—North 36-Inch Fast Color Suiting A beautiful mercerized fabric in a range of all the wanted plain shades. If colors run or fade, we will refund total cost of garment. Special Tuesday at, per yard— Botomoot—North Men's Overalls Hade of heavy 220 white back denim. Sizes 32 to 42; special Biwmiiil—Arctdt Mm’s Khaki Work Sails 350 one-piece khaki work suits; extra well made of heavy khaki m‘a t e r i a 1; sizes 36 to 44; special at Baseman!*—Arctdt 19c Men’s Csnvss Work Cloves The popular knit wrist style, regular 19c value, special at— B«i«m««l Arc»J« Boys’ Play Suits Well made of heavy khaki cloth. Sizes 3 to 8 years. Specinl at— Biumut—And* Hishaa Cotton Blankets Three eases of these wonderful blankets in assorted colors. Some are slightly Imper fect, an dothera have unfinished ends. Special Tuesday at, each— Basement—North 3000 Wash Cloths Turkish and knit wash cloths, special Tuesday at, each— Bateman!—Stalk Men's , Work Shirts Made of heavy khaki and plain blue chambray; with faced sleeves, double stitch ed; sizes 14 * ^ to 17; special at Bailment—Arvada Men’s Leather-Fiee4 Gauntlet Gloves Boss brand. None better. Regular 39c value; spe cial at, per pair— Basement—Arcade Boys’ Overalls Made of heavy 220 weight denim. Sires 4 to 1G years. Special at— 79e Mercerized Table Deaetk 1,000 mill and* of thia 68-inch ••tin finished damask in a great many useful length*. There are 1 to 5-yard length pieces. Special Tuesday at, yard — Basement—South 6.9S Sanitary CmmIi Ms Filled with new felt; size 4 feet, 2 inches; covered with good, strong ticking. Regular ly priced at 6.95; special Tuesday at, each— Batomoal—Norik 1.25 to 1.51 Um Triaaid Scirfs 300 of these .beautiful scarfs; slightly soiled from display. Size ■■ 17x52 inches. # I] A Special Tues- X ’ll day at, each— I UU Baeamant—South Marquisettes and scrims in a variety of plain and fancy designs and colors. All are 36 inches in width; suitable for long sash curtains. Reg ular values from 25e to 3Sc; special at, per yard, Basement—West _i In a great number of de signs and colors. Suitable for the making of drapery for doors and windows. Col ors are rose, blue, mulberry and brown. Special Tues sr Basement—W eat Rods, Eooh Extension rods with brass balls on ends; extends to 48 inches; strong and reliable. Special at, each, Limit of six to a cus tomer. BumiiI—West » » ft Cotton and Li*le Women’s lisle and cot ton hosiery in black, cordovan and white; with double soles, heels and toes. All sizes. Seconds of 29c quality. Butmil—CmIw Ckildrei’t Coib-Capes Special These beautiful little coats are made of polaire, eelour and tweed in pretty striped effects, plaids, checks and plain patterns. Some are full lined and others are half lined. Trimmed with patch pockets, belts and notch and shawl collars. In all the latest spring color combina tions. Special Tiesday Basement—East