The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, March 25, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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    Lincoln Man Succumbs
in Week After Wife’s Death
tdneoln, March 24 - !,ew Marshall,
S2, prominent real estate man, died
hers Sunday, a weak attar the death
kk»t hla wife In Fort I-auderdale. Fla.
^ ^Mr. Marshall seemed well on the
way to recovery from a aeries of
mastoid operations which he had
undergone In Florida but while at
tending the funeral services of his
wife her* Friday afternoon he col
lapsed and was unconscious up to his
Funeral services will be held Tues
day afternoon and the body will be
burled beside that of his wife In
Wyuka cemetery.
Columbus to Maintain
Two Camps for Tourists
Special niapalrh In The Omaha Mae.
Columbus, Neb., March 24.—Col urn
bus will be amply provided with tour
let camp facilities this aumnier, since
the Chamber of Commerce has deter
mined not only to maintain but to
also improve the present Bits of the
fipe tamp on the Lincoln highway
northeast of the city, and C. H. Wil
liams' pay camp on the Meridian
highway, thereby making two carape
to care for tourist need*. Both of
these camps will bs Included on the
Nebraska I-Uneoln highway prospectu*
for tourists.
Bee Want Ad* Produce Result*.
York (iitizrns Petition
for Improved Highway*
York, Neh, March 24.—A petition
has been put In circulation by the
York chamber of commerce asking
the county board for better mainte
nance of the main highways leading
into York. The laat two enowa were
not cleared from the roe<l». More
than 100 signets have been secured,
among them being commercial men
who have complained of the high
ways both in winter and summer. A
copy of the petition will be mailed
to the federal highway commiasloner.
district commissioner, the state en
gineer and each member of the coun
ty board.
Bolide af Premium.
nprrial niopateh to The Omaha Bee.
Shenandoah. In.. March 14.—The
$50,000 bond inane for the new me
morial armory was sold at auction to
Oeorire M. Bechtel 4b Co., of
Davenport, la„ commanding a prem
ium of $1,050. The price make* the
net interest rate approximately «S-4
per cent. ___
- ■ ———
Red Cloud Woman Mayor
Renominated at Caucus
Red t'loud. Neb.. March 14.—At a
caucus of citizen! Miss Mary Peter
son. who haa served as mayor for two
years, was nominated for another
term, lssdore Johnson and Al Huff
man were nominated for councllmen,
and William Haneen city cleric.
Shop Here and
Save Money \
\ i- • _.
_L - - *“ ■ ■ - ——
Many Specials Are
Not Advertised
Eyards of New
ash Fabrics
36-Inch Punjab Percale— W arranted
fast colors.
Genuine Serpentine Crepe—In fancy
32-Inch Toile-Du-Nord and Braeloch
Dress Gingham.
40-Inch Dress Batiste—A beautiful fast
colored mercerized material.
40-Inch Colored Organdie—In plain
32-Inch Woven Shirting Madras.
36-Inch Everfast Suiting—Guaranteed
■foot polor^i
45-Inch Bleached Cabot Tubing.
38-Inch Plock Voile—In assorted pat
terns and colors.
36-Inch Bleached Indian Head—With
beautiful, soft finish. j
36-Inch Basket Weave Suiting—In plain
650 Women’s New
Spring Blouses
We have just made a purchase or lit
one lot of womb’s dimity blouses,
and for one day only we are offer- |
ing them for actually less than the |
material and labor costs. In |
pretty fresh wash materials. |
A Necks are in the V shape, round |
J and square, with pretty lace trim- |
med collars and Peter Pan effects. |
1 In a good range of sizes. 735 |
Newest Styles In I
Overblouses and Tuck- |
Ins Daintily Trimmed U
Regular 1.35 A ^ A |
Value*, Priced M
/or Tueaday ^^B J U
at, Each W fli
I 650 Smart Spring. 1
Sample Hats
I A limited number of remark
able values at this low price.
Untrimmed, and sport hats;^
in off-the-face styles, pokes,
droop shapes and sailor hats;
made in straw braids, hair
braids and milan straws.
In the
Newest Spring Shades I
Including Black
Valuta to 8.00
Specially Priced
Tutaday at
Extra Fine Quality 9x12
Wilton Velvet Rugs
I Special
All seamless, trim
med with double
knotted fringe. In
attractive designs
and color combina
tions: Persian, Chi
nese and conven
tional patterns.
For living or din
ing room. Heavy
quality; some are
slightly irregular.
fe^llp RrSeis Store^j^ j
1000 Pairs of Women’s U
Spring Shoes I
Women’s Black Kid Pumps—One
strap style; with military* heels.
Women’s Brown Kid Pumps—One
strap style; with military heel.
Women’s Black Patent Leather
t Pumps—Two-strap style; with Louis
or military neei.
Women's Brown Kid
Oxfords—With mili
tary heel.
Women’s Black Kid Lace Oxfords—With military heel.
Women’s Black Satin Pumps—One
strap style.
Made on splendid fitting, stylish
lasts; with flexible leather soles;
many of the styles have rubber
heels attached. Sizes 3 to 8; in C
and D widths.
Main Floor—Arcado
■ —- -
I Tuesday—800 Women’s 1
'Happy Home1 Aprons
Made of fine gingham and Scout |
percales. In solid colors, checks, |
plaids, stripes and flowered pat
terns. The newest styles^smart
; tie-sashes, belted and semi-fitted
models, slipover styles and novel |
bib effects. Every style is cut |
i full. Every apron is well made |
I ;md well finished.
Trimmed with Crisp
Organdy, Piping, Sashes
^ Novel Pockets
UmI 1
•andeis Stor
I Big Savings Opportunity
Men’s Overalls
I 1500 Pair *
I Men’s Overalls
Strongly made of the best, heavy
220 weight blue tjenim; in high
back or suspender back style.
These are all full cut and every
pair is guaranteed. Sizes 32 to 42
waist. A remarkable buying op
tunity. ’
Featured in this
Sale at
,, -|00
Tuesday |
I Extraordinary Values in Men’s
Work Shoes
A group of unusual values J
in men's high grade shoes, 1
including these wanted j
Men’* Work Shoe*—Endicott
Johnson brand; made of solid
Men’s Scout Style Shoes—In
(brown elk. Solid leather sole
and heel.
Men’s Blucher Style Shoes—Made in
brown calf; with wide toe; on a
comfortable last. Solid leather
soles and heels.
Sixes 6 to 12
I 2000 Men's Dress and I
Work Shirts
Made of good quality
shirting materials; all are
1 well made and cut full;
" sleeves are faced; they
come in collar attached
or neckband styles; you
will want several of these
shirts when you see them. |
These are slightly imper
Of Fine Wash
Materia Is-Stripes
and Plain Colors \
1.00 and 1.S0 The Imperfectione
Valuer Are
Priced at, Each Very Slight
- ___ - ___,
Lisle vests
A lot of good quality vests
featured for Tuesday at one
remarkably low price. .In |
fine and Swiss rim bodice or
built-up shoulders; band top |
and beaded finish; all full j
]£)silk and mercerized taped |
jj^and ribbon shoulder straps;
sizes 34 to 44. An opportunity
to buy a supply for the sum
mer months.
S^Good Quality and I
Vdf Long Wearing
29c to 39c 4 ^ or U
Values I # Vo V. 6 for
Each II $1-00
Boys’ and Girls’ Sturdy
School Shoes
Boys’ High Cut
Storm Shoes
With buckles. Made of brown
muleskin; in mocassin style tip;
\ blucher cut; with Goodyear
w welt preen elk sewed soles.
Sizes 1114 to 2.
I Misses’ and Children’s
Brown Calf Lace
Skuffler Shoes
Goodyear Welt Sewed.
Sizes 5 to 8 and 8',^ to 11.
Regularly 1.49 \6
2.45 Values
All Sixes
Per Pair
■ msrwr yarv ■liSTisr. rwirr;
II50 Women's New Spring l
Coats and Capes
I Specially Priced for this Sale
In the newest styles and colors;
made of velours, polairs and tweeds;
in plain, striped and plaid patterns.
The capes come in dolman effects;
some are full lined; others half
lined, and a few are unlined. .
In Tan, Gray, Navy and
Copenhagen Blue
In Solid Colon, Checks
and Stripes
Valuta to
15.00. Priced
Tueaday at
■ aaement—fact
• —V