The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, March 23, 1924, CITY EDITION, ALCOGRAVURE SECTION, Image 40

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    AT THE BALL OF THE COCOANUTS, an annual Palm Beach fea
ture unequaled in originality and brilliance, held at Whitehall, the
magnificent mansion of Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Lewis. In our group,
standing, left to right, Hedda Hopper, of Los Angelo--: George Mac
Donald and Mrs. Carl Fisher, of Miami. Seated, I)r. .John A Harriss.
Special Deputy Police Commissioner, of New York, and Mrs. Bernard
F. Gimbel, of New York, Two orchestras supplied the music and the
Palm Beach Club prepared the supper. ;■ .,j,
WOMAN SWIMMER, ei^hteen-year
old Lillian Harrison, just after she
established a w >rld record distance
swim of forty miles across the River
Plate in twenty-four and a half hours
She will attempt the English C;
a feat hitherto accomplished i
Free Trial.
* Forget
Mary T Goldman's Hair Color Restorer
is a clear, colorless liquid, clean as water
No greasy s-dlrnent to make your hair
stringy or streaky, nothing to wash or
rut* off Restored color even and per
fectly natural in all lights, no danger of
streaking <»r discoloration Faded hair or
hair discolored by unsatisfactory dyes
restored Just hb safely and surely as
naturally gray hair.
My Restorer Is a time-tested prepara
tion. which 1 perfected many years ago
to bring back the original color to my
own prematurely gray hair I ask all who
are gray haired to prove Its worth by
sending for my absolutely Free Trial
Send today fnr the special patented Free Tnal park -
Sg«- which contains a trial bottle of my Restorer and
full instruction* for making the convincing t.nt on one
lurk of hair 1 nd irate color of hair with X I nnl name
and artdreaa plainly If ptwaible, enclose a lock of your
hair in your letter
- I’leaae print your name and addreea-—1
if I C a«i«—. aua. •« sim |
Pi*«w aend r«»ur patented Kree Trial i
——Outfit X ahowa rotor uf hair I
Hlara dark hrown medium brown auburn dark I
rr«l light bruwo light auburn light rad blonde |
M- I
I Amf Oh* i
A Curled Bob
for Euenincr Wear
She wore her bobbed hair curled under a
Uenida and the effect was little short of
lUhalewer may be said deprecalinqly about bobbed
lidir is surely eliminated when the bob is controlled by
a Uenida Hair Net A bob under a Uenida is ojlen
seen because without it the bobbed hair appears untidy,
and untidiness is newer jorqiwen
2 for 25c
Cup nnd Fringe S/iapej Smqle and fXtuble McjA
The Ric»er Co , Inc.. Ncuj IJork l
“THE THIEF OF BAGDAD,” as everybody knows, is Douglas Fairbanks's
next and most wonderful photoplay. Fairbanks pietures are few and far be
tween and well worth the waiting for, for when finally released they unfold
real thought, actual merit and perfection of detail. Doug the thief is stealing
an embrace with his alluring leading lady. Miss Julanne Johnstone, a former
Ziegfeld "Follies” girl.
Gel Rid p A T
of Your ■ M I
Free Trial Treatment
S«-nt or r.«n*.-Kf A k f■ >r m» p i\
Vk • i. II «■ OU* • *1 1)11 • r I hMV • )U* ■
1 oily r«-«lu‘')-)l tlwMj aivls of t»»-r»oii
of11 n at tin rnt« of a pnutld a «tav
Mill) ml dot or r irrrio 1> t in.
OH R W WMAM I icraved Plija»c*a*
State of New fork ?S* f ifth A*e NY Desk S
g r an T l T A
KATMKR Til \ S glM.
ITN almost barred N<
villi- •! Murphy's rompu
ite picture of the "Olyrr
pic” and the "Paris” from
th«- annual evhihition • -f
Independent Artists in th
Grande Palais, Paris The
American painter is show •
beside his eanva- who 1
was hun>r after much con
tr iversv due to the fact
that the paintin'-- filled
practically all of the spar,
allotted to American ar
ists Two members of the
committee resigned il r
inp the fracas, hut Mr
Murphy and hi= eighteen
foot canvas won out
/■ j t
T I ST dissolve tgypnar
iJ Srwiwbark n water an 1 u
you have rhe same wor.-Jer
ful natural lurlinK and wav
mg liquid used by Oriental
FVautxn of < injparra v time
I hr straighten f or lightly
and turied or waved in vour i
usual manner, is qutclrlv I
f rar-totmed inn t*-a • u.
.>r i*avo <vf am style i. air'; ,W ■/ / / •
Mm /a,r /•'/A' DA)S This natural curling
liquid 1' v I am lev .1* *ater gives nev. lift r«
any halt and is tar surr-ru* to ready made kind*
Sc\ pkg makes Half Pint, over $3-00 svorth
A e. v • r-*- k-jff •* *'■ I r.e pit* htfVpCiSfl Vw»wH«fl
* •• • i.rrtrut ' tr-f-t. m,mfPi tmppti * vet'
;*f* j ‘ ;ie mtlt1' .f *.•■-! fa • p/Mmaf. X* •
pt»ta£- Jrji'.trv
Kr»ulf»<-uaranfrej 'H « ’ tr *’ st^-A ‘f
ijV : -»*•*#, a ••• • u. . * ft* *•*"• » -etu*vi»
Cecil Calvert v 411 L I 1th St ► a*u« C ,tv M,
Docs the leading woman, upon whose beauty
and loveliness the charm of the play so much
depends, risk that precious skin of hers with
any but the purest, gentlest strap she can find
Indeed not! You will probably find her using
With Ivory, the care of the skin becomes
as simple ns it is sate. Wash with Ivory and
warm water once or twice a day. Follow the
rinsing with a dash of cool or cold water. Dry
your face thoroughly. It your skin is naturally
dry, apply a lirtle cold cream. This will give
the natural beauty of your skin its best oppor
tunity to reveal itself.
In the majority of hospitals Ivory is stand
ard frequently the only soap used on the
patient’s skin. The hospitals in your own city
would probably tell you that they use Ivory
in private rooms, public wards, and operating
rooms everywhere, because it is pure and
therefore free from artificial coloring, medi
caments and strong perfume.
When nil women learn that soap’s function is to
cleanse not to cure or “transform” the skin—there
will he no more disappointments from soap bought
because of “magic” promises.
We now offer to women of taste and discrimination
Guest Ivory the dainty new cake of Ivory made speci
ally for face and hands, of lust the right size for the
wash stand soap-holder.
PROC ri;R 6*. GAMRI.f
Oh," ixvl.itms >ally in a
whisper “did you nr sec
mu li .i lovely complexion ’
Yes breathes gallant but
truthful Thomas ' evet\ time
xiu look around
I I I I ()A I S ->>> " , 1*1 IK I
r ivm i 1 A *
Safety for Precious Garment's
1 hr » h itmmi:, tilmv silks .iiul
uoolrns of the new moje must
have. 11. their cleansing, lire per
fr< r ptoteitionof pure Ivory miJ<
m.ule fr -in either Ivory I lakes or
Ivotv l\»kc ^j' W hcfc v.n. \» •
hml mu h ^enfletuss isn’» Ivors
rhi vcr\ s>e»p that millions ot
women use proteet lovely eom
pies tons’ l 'on i run nrrJI cm ink >
Al I I > I .K A\ UKI |\l Nr. I .'ll N| I .•III* lUUmi.n* I lr»rl*...1 k.n«i. I. I, I * C