IN THE LAND OF THE MAPLE LEAF, lloratius, a circus pachyderm, pict ured stridinp down the main street of Hamilton, Ontario, warmly parhed apainst the ripors of a Canadian winter in pen erous blanket coat, over size earlaps and the world’s larpest paloshes. United. FROZEN MASTERPIECES Twostnk ing examples of the ire sculpture that featured the recent winter sports carni val in the French Canadian city of Que hec. Above, a her >ie twelve ton beaver, Canada’s national animal, is carved from -olid ice before a local furrier's shop. Right, a glistening statue of Champlain, founder of the city, erected in Crown Street. r. .# t ■ The popular and fascinating game 1 16 C ounters, Dire, Racks, I rules, playing directions and perpetual score card, postpaid <>«l|t*id MAKMf HA < <>MPANY *25 (.urfteld Ride Detroit Mi. h > * * m*: - *** * * «' I Health Suggestion Colnians Mustard ^ \ 'fids Digestion V -_ | |)WA NY7 U,o HULL | j 1nnomcing the perfected personal REPRODUCING PIANO GThe marvelous new Storij & Clark REPROPHRASO The magic of a master at your finger tips THE Repro-Phraso docs what the ordinary player piano cannot do —gives you absolute command of the piano—makes you master of all music. With a touch of your finger on the little melody button, you bring out the melody in all its beauty, without lessening the volume of the accompaniment, orvou soften the accompaniment to a delicate whis per, with the meloay rising distinct and clear. There are no musical limitations •with the Rttpro-TAmso Any interpretation possible to the greatest pianist is possible to you with this personal musical instrument. Play as you choose, pausing here, faster there, shading tones, sustaining and holding any note or musical phrase; personally reproducing the music as you feel it. oAnd ‘'Remember : The ‘Repro-Phraso plays ANY Player Roll Buy your player rolls anywhere—any kind, at any price. If you love music, you do not have to pay an exorbitant price for the pleasures that real music brings—for the Repro-Phraso costs no more than ordinary player-pianos. _ , _ M , t^CAuid Freight added—Convenient Pnce of the Reprofhra* u only * 03U»P Terms arranged if dented oA ‘Demonstration •will he a ‘Revelation CoJ/, W'utcor Photic AT 1856 for Catalogue Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 1514-16-18 DODGE ST. OMAHA