Handmade Flowers Decorative Note of New Hats FLORENCE PAXTON-SM1TH, Goldstein Chapman's Millinery Shop, third floor, presents for madam’s Instant approval flower-trimmed hats from Weyman, California. Hand-made hats of interesting coloring. Hand woven bangkoks, extraordinary, quite so, take place of prominence in the spring hnt showing. BOYS SHOP ANNOUNCES HUNDREDS OF NEW HATS AND CAPS. GOLDSTEIN-CHAPMAN'S Boys’ Shop, second floor, have just received hundreds of hats and caps at prices very low, $1, 11.50 and $2. Ex cellent in quality, they’re smart to wear with suits found in this shop— suits tailored "Just like dad’s.” COSTUME SHOP OFFERS MANY MODELS OF SPRING STYLEFULNESS TO THE DISCR IMINATING PERSON. * GOLDSTEIN-CHAPMAN’S Costume Shop, third floor, offers much of loveliness in models for spring wear. If you're in search of a coat you'll find quite adorable the Medici collared coats with their touches of sum mer fur round the edge, furs dyed to match the coat fabric. Sports togs which Milady finds youthfully becoming are arriving In this shop dally, suits, frocks of swagger styling. A delightful showing! SPRING HERSELF MIGHT STEP INTO THESE NEW SHOE MODELS. SPRING'S favored shade, gray, the color which one hears described as “jackrabbit gray," has been chosen for the two new shoe models shown in the Goldstein-Chapman Shoe Shop on the main floor. Spanish heeled is the fascinating stage vamp suede of softest gray with Us vamp and ankle cut out In the most approved manner under a tiny strap which buttons on one side. There's a perpendicular strap on the front of this pump, a style featurp becoming to most feet. This model of exceeding dressiness Is $7.85. Of the same gray is a Flapper heeled model with a tiny line of gray kid ornamenting its vamp and outlining the ankle opening, a pump of smartness, $6.85. For spring stylefulness, Milady Fashion chooses jackrabbit gray! • • • _ "La Clarice,” Omaha's New Hat Shop, Opens This Week. LA CLARICE, Omaha's new hat shop, opened this week at Twen ty-fourth and Farnam streets, under the management of Miss Ada Knox, who has many friends in Oma ha’s style circle. A shop of exquisite chapeaux which opens at 12 noon and stays open until 9 o’clock In the eve ning, enabling the business woman to choose her hat with time left to enjoy the picture show. A showing of lovely colored hats, $5 up. • • • Tiny pleated and frilled pieces to be worn as maids' caps are shown In an Omaha shop,- these of crisp white with black ribbons, 50 cents. • • • Enlarged Booth Space—Augmented Force of Operators—Soft Water In stallation—Interesting New Fea tures of Well-Known Beauty Shop. THE Delft Beauty Shop, second floor City National Bank build ing, Sixteenth and Harney, JA. 1795, Is making many Interesting ohanges. For your convenience, ma dame! The enlarged staff of marcel ers makes It possible for one to get •ven a last minute appointment. Ex cellent. Spring’s Newest and Loveliest Creations a Revelatiop of Beauty—An Amazing Display of Moderate Prices THOMPSON-BELDEN'S new frock arrivals are a smart exposition of the season's loveliest creations with price tags that are amazingly low. One reads such prices as $49.50, $69 and $75 on such models as the follow ing: Black satin cut on tailored lines, the tiny cap sleeves furnished by ex tended shoulder line—down the front wide creamy frllts edged in dark ecru lace on either side of big pearl buttons sewed on by gold threads; an ashes of roses satin frock with its front apron extending to the hem with wide collar and cuffs of double organdie embroidered in gold metallic traceries. Intriguing! m m m m m m Tailored Dresses the Jjist Word in Spring Fashions. LKNEETER, tailor, second floor 1916 Farnam street, Is making • up exquisite little tailored dresses at prices surprisingly low. Reduced prices- are quoted on all dresses, coats and suits In this tailoring shop this season. News! • • • Sheerly exquisite are the new voile undies now shown in the shops— nightgowns of this popular material are shown in white and colors, each with a dainty bit of embroidery, $2.95. Effectively Softened Chapeaux for Wear With the Tailored Suit. THE Heitman Hat Shop, Athletic club building, Eighteenth and Douglas, has a showing lovely Indeed—hats arriving with the first showings of hyacinths and tulips in the florists’ windows. Distinctive stylings in hats for wear with milady’s tailored suit—models of softened • rown and brim lines. Chic, charming. Vou'U adore the Heitman spring se lections. See them! • • • Beauty Shop Owner leaves for New York to Attend Convention of Na tional Hair Dressers Association. PRUDIE B. KRANZ of the Le Bijou Beauty Shop, 207 South Eighteenth street, left Omaha .Saturday night for New York city, where she wilt attend the convention of the National Hair Dressers asso ciation during the coming week. Upon her return she will be glad to advise her customers In regard to the new and lovely posibllltles In hair dress ing. Much time will be spent by Miss Prudle In the Nestle Shop for the new points on permanent waving. A sug gestion. Lott (5b iJoppin^ vith Mly God—Thou hast made the world so beautiful, A flock of birds on pinions fleet and strong, Then—though it were not yet enough to soar— Gave to them song. God—Thou hast made the world so beautiful. A bower of June with roses gay abloom, Then—though it were not yet enough to grow— Gave them perfume. God—Thou hast maile the world so beautiful, A million beings, soul their priceless gem, Then—though it were not yet enough to live— Gave Love to them. GIFTS—By Theodoela Pearce. An Announcement of Interest to Buyers of Furniture and Rugs_ CORTE-CORZTNE-DOAN, successors to Corte-Aldous-Hunt furniture dealers, Twenty-foui-th and Farnam, have an Interesting announcement to make to buyers of furniture and rugs. That they may be in a better position to supply the furniture and rug needs of their patrons they are increasing their display space one-third. A resume and analysis of the business done during the past six months has led the firm to the conclusion that during the year HUM they will he able to Increase the sales by at least 33 1-3 per cent. This will be possible by a promotion of the volume of business done an assurance of maintaining low price quotations. Jn a position to enter the furniture and rug markets securing the lowest possible prices, this firm is discounting all bills and operating with a low overhead expense, vital reasons why one Is able to find such excellent values in this store where every member of the firm takes a hand in serving the customer within Its gates. "We will certainly appreciate Inspection on your shopping tour," your citation to view the newly arranged showrooms. Milady’s Chapeaux for Spring and Summer Assume a Beauty That Is Bewitchingly Becoming MISS SHANAHAN’S Millinery Salon In the Julius Orkln Store, 1512 Douglas Street, Is a most Interesting place now that spring days have come—and the models which Miss Shanahan has selected for your greater loveliness, Madam Shopper are Indeed intriguing. For wear with the tailleur there Is an extensive style exhibit—dear little close-fitting models which assure an alluring becomingness. Black, as usual, leads fashion and the black hats show trig little ornamentations of ribbon with at all times a glint of metal In buckles large and small. Navy and red Is one of the prettiest of the new color combinations In the tailored chapeau while yellow, black and white, green and sand, and plain green In the fascinating new spring shade are perhaps the most stunning, though many find the Chinese blue of vast becomingness. Whatever one’s preference she Is sure to find just what she would like to wear In this style showing. Prices are moet eulted to our purses too, a range In quotations from 25 to 215 for these fascinating creations. Concerning Coats for Girls and Boys of a Styleful Turn _ THE Children's Shop. Aqulla Court. Sixteenth and Howard, has an un usually extensive showing of coats for the youthful stylo leaders—rx oellfntly tailored wraps of finest quality offered at prices wholly irreslstl hie. For Miss One, Two and ThreaYear-Old are charming broadcloth coat models In tan, green, copen and rose ranging In price from $10.50 to $15. one Is a bit older, say anywhere between two and six years, oho may choose similar coats ranging In price from $8.50 to $15. For the "Almost-Grown l p virile or the dainty person from six to 11 year* are smart stylings from $10 to $25. In the hoys' coats are mannish tailorings In tweeds, coverts, pdto cloths and serge* offered at a price range between $8.75 and $25. A shop for everyone who has boys and girls; get acquainted. * • • Topless Corsets for Wear With Dame Mode’s Newest Stylings. THE Hattie Putnam Barcley Cor set Shop, 1637-38 City National Bank building, Sixteenth and Harney streets, presents to Omaha fashion followers the newest models in topless corsets, lovely for wear with the ultra voguish trotteur of faultless lines, the exquisite little semi-formal frock for afternoon and evening. Most moderate In price, these models, $3.50 up. • • • Imported beaded handbags in en velope and pouch style are embodi ments of the spring color chart, $7.50 and up. When the Hair Is Bobbed the Hit Drops Low on the Neck—That’s Why the Front of the Hat Is “Bulll Up." BELLE HATCH'S Millinery Shop, Nineteenth and Farnam, shows hata for every typs of colffura this spring—and there's a notlceabls charm about the hata for wear with the Reason's ’‘bob”—for this hat Is built up In the front. Sometimes It is ribbon that forms the height as in a little black dome shaped crown with many bands of looped moire ribbon across the front—but sometimes It is a banking of flowers with a row of leaves primly outlining the vivid colors, each flower and leaf splashed with gold! % • • • Cut on the mandarin lines is a heavy tan crepe blouse with a solid massing of tiny tucks across the front where the slipover is achieved by a deep gilet opening buttoned by crepa linked wooden buttons under a big collar of the new masculine cut with cuffs to match. IT.50. • • • East Wind—A New Bed Shade Dragon—A Fascinating A'ellow Green Mah Jong—New Yellow Tan. HOSIERY’ shadings grow daily more lovely and in the hosiery department at Hayden Bros, they've an unusually extensive range of colors which they’re offering at a "Spring Special" price, fl.95. Love ly indeed are: East wind, the new shade of red which has In it much if orange; dragon, the new and unusu ally pleasing shade of yellowish green; mah jong. a Chinese yellowish tint mixed with our own American tan always a spring color: freckle, sug gestive of that peculiarly sunshiny brown spot which besprinkles the youthful nose; dawn, Belgique, jack rabbit, and airedale are others worthy if mention. Diamonds to Carry Messages of Love Are Mounted in Exquisite Ways to Give a Touch Unusual THK John Henrickson Jewel Shop, Sixteenth and Capitol, offers extraordi nary "buys” in diamonds, exquisite versions of the jeweler's cunning when it comes to the mounting of diamonds. Square in effect is the mounting of platinum at $85, which glitters with many small cut diamonds, this to hold a diamond which is to be chosen from among the loose stones In the Henrickson selection, A large diamond solitaire with three squarc cut sapphires on each side Is a find at $90. Mounted in a square of white gold and platinum is the diamond ring at $150 which has two little sapphires on either side. Most unusual—truly lovely is a lacy backing of platinum pierced with infinite artistry which holds the three large diamonds in a ring at Ilia. Nino large diamonds In a similar mounting of platinum background make a ring at $200. For the little finger is a Isasket mounting of intricate fashioning, this holding 10 good sized stones, in its platinum loveliness, $200. A conventional solitaire set in platinum is $210, a perfect diamond. Sapphire corners of unusual beauty finish in fitting manner the diamond in square mounting, $295. Then there’s a Henrickson engagement ring special at $85— a well worth while buy. Diamonds for every lover of beautiful stones in this showing, rings offered at prices irresistibly low In pricing. • * * AAA Hat* deblocked After the Newest Crown and Brim Version of Spring Stylefulnes*. IF one takes advantage of the work to be done at the Kruger Hat Shop, 303 Barker block, Fifteenth and Farnam, her hat brim and crown will be quite the last word in style fulness. A shop which does excel lent work in remodeling feathers, furs and marabou. • • • One can fashion her own new scarf of figured georgette, adding a plain colored border with picoted edge. • • • C hinese Slippers Especially Priced. THE Saidy Importing company, Aquila Court building, Sixteenth and Howard streets offer exquis itely embroidered Chinese slippers at special prices. Black, orchid and rose coral, their all-over traceries are artistically effective, 13 a pair. Flared Box Coats Cover Little Plaid Frocks of Imported Smartness — Semi-Formal Frocks of Lace and Chiffon Trail Their Loveliness Over Bisque and Pink Foundations —Tile and Pan Green Stripes Make Smart Color Scheme of New Sports Coats LA BOSCHIN, Hotel Fontenelle, Eighteenth and Douglas, presents Imported suits for all round smartness, merging plalded frocks In tan, rose, blue and brown with widely flaring box coats of brown. Precious! Of a richness not seen In mahy a day is a dashing little trotteur of black pin tucked crepe, coat style lined In finest georgette, this worn over a lustrous white fulgarante under frock (this to be worn separate If desired) buttoned down the front In black and white novelty buttons straight from gay Paris. Another touch of absolute Parisian smartness Is a black pearl buckle which fastens the coat of black. To wear with this one might suggest the new black pearl choker. Too, a chic "tricorn" chapeau of fine milan straw, an under arm envelope bag of moire with petit point ornamentation. Lovely lace and chiffon semi formal frocks are the new note In fashion, these with brilliant buttons showing to advantage over foundations of bisque and pink. For the unusual In smartness, La Boschin's new coats are striped In two and three shades, tile, Mexican and brown, startling contrast to a collar of unusual fur. You'll love the costume novelties arriving daily In the I .a Boschin Shop, (’►ystals, dull and lovely, these In fob and hat pin set to match. The new In bags, beads, pins, bracelets, earrings, handkerchiefs, the touch that makes madam a bit different from her sister. W W 9 New little finger rings of amethyst have tiny diamonds inset In platinum, $37.50 and $50, the amethysts quaint ly shaped for beauty. “A Woman I Know” Wears One of the Most Exquisitely Created New Transformation Coiffures Continental Beauty Suggestion * —-HERE'S no denying the fact that many of the women of the continent stand high In the art of making most off the artistic aids to beauty— ' I ' if madam has the blessing of the petit nose—it Is her heritage of loveliness to make a background against which this dainty bit of beauty may be JL silhouetted—a cleverly fushioried transformation coiffure. Foreign made are the exqulsitrles In transformations displayed In the Black and White Room at Burgess-Nash, for Mr. Roberts well understands the transcending loveliness which Milady achieves when her face la framed in hair of fine texture,brilliant sheen, true coloYing. "A woman I know" has become benutlful since she has adopted the lovely new coiffure—a fineness, an exquisite ness truly natural, I assure you. Sd delightful this soft waving of hair under her new chapeau of two-toned faille—a banking of handmade flowers high on one side. If madam desires to be beautifully colffed—the transformation. New Braiding Decorative Motifs Prove Unique Among1 Embellishments for Spring and Summer Wear I “Brick on Brick” — “Tile on Tile” j THE Ideal Button A Pleating Company, third floor, Brown Block. Sixteenth and Douglas, offers quite the newest in decorative possibilities—tl.e braided frock, suit and hat. Dame Fashion has decreed that Milady's spring and summer wardrobe must be embroidered and braided_brick on brick. tile on tile, sounds quite like a building episode does it not, but these are two of the most fascinating colors for the new season. And when I s-v brick on brick it means that it Is hrlck colored braid upon the finest charmeen or crepe surfaces of the same shade, or tile braid upon the fabric , f the same name. When you plan a little frock to be worn under a long coat in the new suit arrangement—join the contrasting material for the upper part of the dress to the skirt by a decorative bit of braiding. If it's a sports frock you've planned, let Its shoulder yoke be plain with an intricately v' ught corsage of embroidery on the entire left side of the blouse with an all over pleating of both blouse and eklrt. This with the extremely short sleeves the smartly rolling collar and trim little belt spells style of the season. I —i^———s— - ■■■ ■ ■ —— — Now That the Spring Decorating Season Has Begun in the Home— Entertain Downtown THE spring decorating season Is "on," one of the reasons why the enter taining Is done downtown. The Metropolitan Dining Room's new private dining room for exclusive entertaining Is available at all hours, and In its artistically decorated interior on# may see gay gatherings which would be sad affairs If given In the home now under the process of decoration. When you’d have your party an entire success. Cnll Jackson 3S08, the Metropolitan Dining Room, Hotel Keen, Eighteenth and Harney. Normandy Voiles in Dots and Dotted Designs Trace a Charm Most Evident THE Silk Shop, 1817 Douglas, has an unusually large showing of Normandy voiles in all of the season’s loveliest new colors, these In plain dotted surfaces ns well as Intricate designs traced In the charmful dots. Eovely whether in light or dark shades, the price but 65c a yard, making a saving large enough to pay for the lace and crisp ribbons which make these frocks so lovely. POLLY WILL CHOOSE THE PATTERN'S .FOR SUIT. DRESS AND COAT. FOR THE NEW SPRING WARDROBE SENDING ONE OF THE NEW BOOKS WHICH CONTAIN DE TAILED INSTRUCTIONS ON THE FASHIONING OF EACH C.OWN PICTURED. At Tour Servtra A