The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, March 23, 1924, CITY EDITION, PART TWO, Page 12-B, Image 24

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When Treated from the Inside
Have Ointments, Salves, Dilators or Other Local Makeshifts Cured
Your Piles So They Won’t Come Back?
Such Treatments Never Heal Where They Can Not Reach.
Reaching the Real Trouble from the Inside Is the Common Sense
Way-the Surest Method. That Is the Page System of Treatment
As a Last Resort After Trying Every Conceivable Treatment for
the Cure of Piles, Thousands Have Been Healed by the Page
Internal Treatment.
A Trial Treatment Sent FREE If You Mail the Coupon.
Why suffer any longer? Get rid of the irritation — the agony
nights without sleep—days when the least effort of working grinds on
you like a worn-out cog.
And Piles are to the body just as a broken worn-out cog is to a
machine. There is the grind and irritation. You feel as though
every muscle, every fiber, every nerve were tied in a knot—tense and
strained. Before others you are emb arrassed and bothered by the itch
ing irritation when it is most imp ortant to appear calm. You feel
grouchy. It is hard to smile and be yourself.
If your watch, your automobile, or any other
piece of mechanism had a broken cog you would
have it fixed. It is just as easy and a thousand
times more important to make up your mind to
cure your Piles. Since you know the real trou
ble is on the inside and that the Page System for
the cure of Piles starts from the inside instead of
the outside—sign and mail the coupon for the
FREE Trial Package Now.
No matter how severe your case may be.
Even though in desperation you are thinking of
an operation. No matter how many years you
have suffered, be it five, ten, or thirty-five years,
no matter what your age, be it ten or nine times
ten, the Page Method will bring quick relief. You
will be just as thankful as thousands who write
that they feel themselves to be permanently cured.
The Page Method is different. It starts from
the inside and heals. It is the one most reliable,
surest, dependable remedy for the treatment of
piles. Send the coupon now. It will cost not a
single penny until you are convinced of the re
sults. On receipt of your name and address a
trial package will be sent you absolutely FREE -
as fast as the mails can carry it.
Is Your Story Like These?
Every One Ha* a Kind Word to Say of the Page (Internal) Pile Treatment
Wat About to Undergo Operation
Camden, N. J., 2*17 Polk Are.
Mr. E. R. Page,
Deer 8ir:—You will hava to excuse
me for rot answering your letter before,
but I wanted to eonvlnee myself of the
merit of your treatment before replying.
Now In regarde to the treatment 1
rennot pralee It too highly.
After 7 months of continual pain I
was surprised how quickly your treat
ment worked.
I tried several different kinds of treat
ments and I found them all wanting.
1 wss on the verge of going to a doe
tor for an operation when I saw your
It appealed to me because to cure piles
you have to know what causes them.
It is now * months since I have taken
your treatment and I hava not had any
trouble since.
I peraonally recommend this treatment
to all pile sufferers.
Wishing you the beet af aucaaaa I
remain, gratefully youra. __
Cured After Suffering Untold
K. R. Page Co., Mershell, Mich.
My Deer Friende:—I received your
kind favor. One week ago yesterday I
was In bed helpless. Today I have cleaned
my four rooms, cared for my children
and feel fine. I am taking my medicine
regularly and feel sure I would have
been dead if I hadn't gotten some relief.
I was bleeding so. and Oh I the agony.
J cannot find words to expreaa my
thanks tn ynu. 1 am feeling fine and
do not know I e»er had the pllaa.
A sincere friend,
1*24 Madison An.,
Kansas City. Mo.
Cannot Praia* Too Highly
E. R. Pag* Co.
Dear Sire:—You ar* mnr* than wel
come to ua* my nam* and recommenda
tion and I hop* that it may he the m-an»
of giving aome poor auffcrer aa much
relief a* you gav* me. I only exported
relief and your remedy cured me after
auffering with th* tortar* of hemorrhoid r
for over 4# year*. I feel like another
man. I cannot prala* your pile remedy
too highly.
Reapectlvely voura,
8. A. PAVEY.
N H.TYV.g. Co. 1. Lock Boa I>.
Danville. 111.
Something Wonderful
E. R. Pag* Co., Marehall. Mirh.
Gentlemen:—I received your aample
of th* Pile remedy and wae very well
aatlafied with It. But aa my brother had
aome of your remedy h* let m* ua* It.
an I did not hav* to aend for nny. Your
remedy haa cured me of my pile*. It
■ nr* I* aomethlng wonderful. I al«o thank
you for th* aample. Your remedy helped
m* and I will advertlae It a* a very
wodnerfut remedy.
Your* truly.
l.akefleld. Minn.
Cat* of Long Standing
E. R. Page Co., Marshall, Mich.
Dear Sir: Mra. Vincent can't thank
you enough, for you hav* got the very
mnriicin* to cur* Pile*. Mra. Vincent ha*
had bleeding pilea for 40 year*. I am
glad w* aaw your ad and got th* medi
cine, for It l« a aur* cure when It will
cur* a aa** like my wlf* had.
1140 Drake St.,
Madlaon. Wla.
Had Both Protruding and Bleeding
Mr. F K Page. Marshall, Mich.
Dear Sir: l am glad to *ay your medi
cine ha* helped me and the Jaat package
ha* cured me. f have been two month*
without any medicine and have done a
lot of hard work since. It ia a wonderful
remedy. When I sent for the first treat
ment f was not able to be on my feet,
xnd suffered terribly. It waa the pro
truding and bleeding Pile* together At
night I could not rest and I had given
up to have an operation; hut read of
thia remedy and ao I gave it n trial. It
has saved me from a lot of suffering and
also many dollars. I can't aay enough
fo praise the Page Pile Method. 1 am
glad there ia a remedy for pile* as 1
do not think much of the*# operations.
I am feeling fine and glad I found out
about your wonderful medicine. Will al
ways recommend it.
Yours respectfully.
Box 183, Sparta, Mich.
Little Boy Cured in a Week
Mr. E. K. Page, Marshall. Mich.
Dear Sir: After I had given three
of the best doctor* in this town a chance
to do something for my little hoy, th**y
all failed and told me the knife was ths
only chance for him, so 1 let them all
go and never did any more for the hoy
until I tried your treatment. It was not
a week till hia pile* left him and they
have never ahnwed any aigna since.
Have recommended your treatment to
others and they say they are going to
order. I am doing all I can for you.
Youra as ever,
101 Louisiana Avs.,
Knoavllls. Tena.
No Wonder Ho It Thankful
Mr. F.. It Tmc*. Marshall. Mirh.
Dear Sir: I am very glad to say your
Pile Treatment has entirely cured me
nf the terrible disease. T had suffered
agony for ten years. I cannot tell you
in word* how much t thank you for
your wonderful Pile Treatment, ft is a
<iod-*end to those’ who suffer from this
dreadful disease. I will he only too glad
to give all the information and advice
in regard to my ease.
Box 2 1 B. Delaware City, Dels.
Rad Cate of Fistula Cured
Mr. F R Page
Pear Sir: Before I tried your cure
1 tried a number of remedies, hut no use.
Now thanks to you and your cure. I
have every reason to believe that my
Piles and Fistula are cured. I have been
troubled with piles for over .**B years.
This is the second time I have had
Fistula. At times the pain was awful,
but 1 have had no return of it now for
some time.
Have recommended your cure to peo
ple In Spring Valley and eapect you will
be*r from them. Thanking you, I remain,
Very truly youra.
Mutawan, N. J.
Cured After 15 Years
E. R. Page. Mgr.
Pear Sir: I am surely pleased for
finding your treatment for the piles. I
suffered with them for IB years and
was cured by using your treatment. I
certainly will always speak a good word
for your treatment and you ran us* my
name in any way you wish. Sincerely
Boa 71. Cllffvitw, V*
Just Chew a Pleasant Tablet. Your
Piles Go and Do Not Come Back.
A Broken Cog Will Wreck a Whole
One Little Touch of Piles Will Wreck
the Humai Machine, Spoil Your Dis
position, * Unfit You for Worft and
, Eventually Ruin Your General Health.
Mend That Cog; Heal Those Piles.
The best thing that you can do today
or that you have done in many days will be
the mailing of the coupon for the trial
treatment. All we want you to do is to
try this treatment according to directions
—easy to follow. Prove it to yourself.
You run no risk. The Good is worth the
effort. No matter how many years you
have been annoyed and irritated by piles
in any form, whether you are bothered
constantly or just once in a while, don’t
let anything stop you from trying this
treatment. Send your name and address
Convince yourself of the healing qualities
of the Page Method for the Internal Treat
ment of Piles by sending for the FREE TEST.
You will feel like a new person—enjoy sleep,
be calm and energetic in your work, and re
laxed for an evening’s pleasure. Your mind
and body can be depended upon to give quick
and sure response to the duties and demands
of daily life. Once gone—the right way—
piles will not come back every few weeks.
The most important part of the Page Sys
tem for the cure of piles is the little Page Pile
Tablet and you will enjoy chewing one or two
after meals. This reaches the inside where the
real trouble is. The Treatment also includes a
wonderful ointment for temporary use while
the tablets are taking effect and a bowel
This System for the Cure of Piles is the re
sult of twenty-five years’ experience with
every form of piles, carrying the endorsement
of thousands who tell of the cure of pile cases.
It goes further than a treatment prepared to
give relief for the moment. Its purpose is to
cure piles permanently by treating them from
the inside instead of the outside.
Take the time now. forget all that you
have tried or thought of trying—sign the cou
pon and prove the truth of these statements to
yourself. Remember the treating of piles from
the inside instead of the outside has been thor
oughly proven. It heals. Read the letters on
this page. Note the years that others have suf
fered and then found health and happiness.
Many who followed this treatment twenty
years ago still report not the slightest trace of
returning piles. Many who have taken just
the trial package have been healed. Note that
a patient with a case of bleeding pile's for 40
years is reported as completely healed after
taking the Page Internal Treatment. Surely
a remarkable case.
Letters come to us daily just like these you
read on this page. We have enough of them in
our offices to keep you reading for many days.
Yet the proof is in what the Page Internal
Treatment can do for you.
Coupon for
Free Proof Package
E. K. Page Co..
785-A Page Bldg.. Marshall, Mich.
Without any cost or obligation on my part,
please send me a trial package of your Combination
Treatment for Piles.
Name ...
Town ........State.,