_riNANCI AL. Business Opportunities 3; ORi:OON BEAUTIFUL OKKQON. Are you thinking of locating In Oregon? It eo we are 1n a position to pla'ce you in business nn; where In the etate Read the following business opportunities we have for tale: 84-room hotel netting $1,000 per month. In lively Oregon city, alwaye rilled. Auto supply house In Paciflo highway city, gross Income last year, $5f,©00; price, $10,000. Restaurant and tea parlor, netting $160 per month, price only $0,260. Pervloe station thoroughly equipped. Har ley Davidson agency, electrical supplies of all kinds, gross annual receipts $9,000, price $9,200. High class lunch room and candy atore, gross annual income. $24,000; price, $8,700. Cnrage with Nash agenev. receipts 1923, $50,299, total price only $19,000. Millinery etore in college town of 7.BOO population, annual gross receipts $15,000; price $5,600; rent only $40. Restaurant in live town on Pacific high ■way. gross monthly Income $2,000, price $3,400. - - Millinery store in good payroll town, net profits $260 per month, price $3,500. Hotel building and furnishings. Includ ing 4 lots with all kinds of berries. Real money maker, price only $9,600. General merchandise store stock and fix tures run about $12,600. Very exclusive millinery store In good payroll town, real money maker, sacrl- ; $lce for $1,000. Very neat confectionery, net profits 1923, $4,000. $7,500 takes It. A sacrifice. For further particulars of any of the above opportunities or others, write OOKEY A WESCH. 126-27 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Portland. Oregon. FEDERAL, SYSTEM. Milling, grain and Jobbing, Neb..$19,000 Storage, garage, tills city. 8,00u Cafe and bakery. Neb. territory... 5,000 Implement business, a real buy.... 4,5i>o Cafe and Ice cream parlor, Neb... 4.000 Cafe. Neb, a good buy; price. .. 4,500 Garage, estab. 2 years, a real one. 3,500 Restaurant. Iowa territory. 2,700 Plumbing, heating and sheet m- tal. -.200 Grocery, good reasons for selling. 2,000 Pool, billiards and cigars, this city 2,000 Cafe, monthly receipts $1,625... 1,800 Mfg. and Jobbing, this city, price.. 1,500 Cafe and candy shop; must lie cash 1,500 Grocery and living rooms, city.... 1.700 Harness and shoe repair, Iowa town l.6on Grocery, a real buy for someone.. 1.200 Auto repair shop, Iowa town. M"'"' Restaurant, fixtures $500, rest atock 850 Restaurant, Iowa territory. 850 NOTICE—The above listing! will hear rigid Investigation. Terms are offered on a great many. No trades or phone calls answered. For a quick sale of your business see us. W« specialize In the sale of out of town business. No exclusive listings Ad Vanced Information before public offering FEDERAT, SYSTEM $05-806 Paxton Bldg., Omaha, Neb. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Young man to act as our representative In hie locality, honest, reliable, and wh<> wants a business of his own. State ref erences and financial standing. INDUSTRIAL SALES DEVELOPMENT 22 W. Monroe St., Chicago. 111. MEAT MARKET—One of the best mar- , kete in city; all cash business; complete, equipment; excellent location for a gro-j eery store in connection; r*nt $60. Pri< , ; $3,000. No trades. Must be cash. 305- j 306 Paxton Bldg. FEDERAL SYSTEM._; PROTECT yourself against holdup, forg l ery, safe robbery, counterfeit money, dls I honest employes, fraud. Coet low. Write Stephen 11. Angel!, 19 Malden Lane, New York City.__ RAISE large capital. Sell your stock ! Financ© your business any locality bv our proven financing method. Renut free particulars. Bennett Financing Serv- j Ice. Hollywood. Cal, _ 1 MONEY In stocks: Our folder explait how you can buy listed New York stncl ; monthly payments $5 and upwards. Fi ■ • i Market Letter 24 explains, Schaube A < • 63 Wall. New. York._ MEN’S furnishings, goods and cl<%him-' Iowa territory, fixtures. $400, stock $5.0nn Rent *50. Overhead expense very light Must be cash. 30a Paxton Bldg. Feder.il System. ! BAKERY. Neb. territory, price $1,800 Dally receipts $30. Monthly rent $20 Here 1a a mighty good buy. 305-306 Pax ton Bldg. Federal System. DRUO 8TORE—Greatest opportune complete, $2,275, downtown. A-182, Oma ha Bee. ANY business, anywnere, sold for cash | No publicity Federal System. 306 Pax ton Bldg. AT. 0462 SIX-ROOM corner flat. *350; rents for $25. Call AT. 4335. Investment—StocXs—Bonds. 34 LOW RATE on city property, quick! closed; no monthly payments. JA. 163J W. T. Graham M. A. ANDERSON CO.. JA. SI 07 ~ Real estate. Surety bonds and kindred Ins Real Estate Loans. 34A 6 Vi AM) 6 PER CENT MONEY. Loans on Omaha improved property a loweat rate* FRANK H. BINDER. 12$ City National.JA 2511 OMAHA HOMEr.— EAST NEB. FARMS* O’KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1015 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg JA 2716 SIX per cent loans on Omaha residences Caah on band. Prompt eervice. E. II Lougee, Inc.. 533 Keelire Bldg FARM LOANS Large or email West Neb farms, ranch'** Kinks Investment Co.. 845 Om. Nat Pi CITY real estate mortgages and con tracts bought. Mr. Larson 104 North Fifteenth street_ SECOND mortgages or cortraet* pur chased by Tukey Company. 620 First Na tlonai Bank. JA. 4223. I WILL buy mortgages and contracts Corkln. 943 Om. Nat. Bldg , Omaha. Neb 5V4 AND 6 PERCENT—NO DELAY. PARTIN BROS 644 Omaha Nut Bids Money to Loan. 35 THIS COMPANY IB OUOANIZED T0 supply yo-ir money wants In the ■antfi way that banks supply the money want* of the business community. Any amount loaned up to $500 and you oan repav it in easy monthly payments Our equal payment plan repaye the loan We have bbeerf^a business In Omaha over 10 years a. d can assure you of a quick, confidential and squara deal. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. 60$ Karbach Block. Tel. JA. 229 Southeast Corner llth and Douglas Sta DIAMOND loans at lowest rates, business strictlv confidential. The f,)1£nV>nAJ/0,in Co.. 1 SI 4 Dodge St. Eats hi,sh** ]***' ~ E D U C ATI ClNAL._ Locsl Instruction Classes. J!8 TRAIN NOW FOR ' BUSINESS. Pound your life * career on a tmal nee* education and |o on t" aucce»« tiiiiisonfi do th# menial and lake lha layoffa when work I* alack—brain* alw«ya will demand higher pay than muscle. SPRING TERM OPENING, MONDAY. APRTI, T. Roth Dey end Night School. Y„u ha * your rhnbe of yocatlnna; a [act from thla Hat the poattlon xvhl.h beet auita your preferenre* Book keeping. Comptometry, Short hand Typewriting. Telegraphy. Sec retarial. Banking. Saleamanahlp, civil Service. English. Choosa NOW and bagln training April 7. BOTI.ES COI.I.EGll!. ltth and Harney St*. Omaha, Neb. Phon* Jackaon ] BBS. VAN FkNT SOHOOl. OK HtlMNEHS Day and lilvanlng School* 201 S Uth St _ fA. 8»IIC EARN while Ion rnlng. be tc'iiuty aprclal fit. JTCbarm* flch'l, 212 Courtney. Af.m'J. _F.nUCATIO NAL._ Local Instruction Classes. 38 1" ,VT HR MIRT.Et* There is only ONE COMPTOMETER SCHOOL IN OMAHA. IT is at 300 Courtuay Building. JA 1492 l>av and night classes “The School that Graduates Experts." I'WOHAK BUSINESS CO LI EG B Stenography and Bookkeeping. Weld H!iIr„ iSth and Farnam. AT 7415 Correspondence Courses. 37 ,31,400 YEAR paid railway mall clerks to commence; steady work; travel; see I your country; common education suffl • -nt. For particulars apply today eure. 992. M, Y-2592. Omaha Ref. ! IGHT to 12 week* prepare you for a fine office position. Call AT. 7774 er write American college, 1912 Farnam. tki-city barber college 1402 Dodge St. 1306 Douglas St rail or write for information. Musical—Dancing—Dramatic. 39 E M. KAHN, teacher of dance and orchestra piano plavlng. Mlckel Bldg. AT. 4261. Sunday AT. 4362. Rea. AT. 3210. Dancing Academies. 39A Largest dancing classes In Omaha. "There’s a Reason." KEEP'S. HOTEL ROME. JOIN NOW. JA. 6470. _LIVESTOCK._ Dogs, Cats and Pets. 42 AT HTL’D— EnKlIsh bulldnfr. 10 poodles. Maltese terriers Young and grown stock for sale. AT. 9579. 2755 Davenport St. Horses, Cattle, Vehicle*. 43 HARNESS AND SADDLES We mako them ourselves and sell them direct to the consumer; high grade har ness ut 1st cost. Write for free catalog. ALFRED CORNISH 1210 Farnam 8. Omaha. Neb. COWS—One young Guernsey, one young .Jersey, one Holstein Jersey, one Hol stein fresh and coming fresh. 6920 X. 34th St. Poultry and Supplies. 44 BABY CHICKS AND HATCHING EGGS front blue ribbon winners and trapnested stock. Get our free catalog. We can save you money. Ever-Laying Egg Farm, Box , C Sallx, Iowa. QUALITY chicks, eggs: 15 standard bred varieties. b«*st winter laving strains; free delivery. Reasonable prices. Catalogue free. Missouri Poultry Farms. Columbia. Mo. BABY CHICKS pure bred, ten varieties. Rhone Black 3369 Franklin Hatchery, 690 Franklin Ave.. Co. Bluffs, la. HATCHING eggs from my exhibition egg laving R, T. lied. Mike Clark. KE. 1388. R T REI) roosters, $1 up; eggs, 75c a PMng^als^^hlck^j*emedy^^LV^^905^ _MERCHANDISE._ Business Equipment. 47 3no FEET of all plate floor case* In 8 •i ml 10-foot length* suitable fur furnish ing goods, candy mores or most any buai m-es. must be sold at once. Exceptional bargain. OMAHA FIXTURE AND SUPPLY CO. 1101 Dougina Street. WE HUY. sell safes. make desks. ahow ■», etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Lo W cor 11th and Douglas J A. 1724 Fuel and Feed. 50 MNIil.INcl—*5 Iruok-load, deliver*! s a wduat. ahavlnga. Phone J A. I74t. KINDI.INO WOOD For sale, cheap. WE. 4 86f. Household Goods. 53 SOLID mahogany dining room suite. ma hogany bedroom suite, sanitary couch nn .I condition. Reasonable. WA. 2141. Swap Column. 53A EXCHANGE kitchen cabinet and vacuum leaner for rug w by 12 or 8 ft by 3, for chickens, or what have you? G-683. Omaha Bee. MAHOGANY I'.ano for eoultv In lot or house and lot. Mot H-272, Omaha Bee Swap Column. 53A 175 A FINE fall wheat with section of! good land near Kimball, Neb All broke. Improved, rented other property. Might trade for hotel or flat. D-433, Omaha Bee. LOT In exclusive Cedarnole district of classy homes for equity In house or car A-172, Omaha Bee ____________ SAMSON tractor and plow. In good shape, swap for good Ford o* what havs you? P-434. Omaha Bee, WILL TRADE new warm-air furnace standard make, for roadstsr or coupe P-43S. Omaha Bee, WILL TRADE new one-air furnace, stand h rd mad**, for roadster or coupe. P-438. Omaha Bee. _„ 1 HAVE a Victor vbtrola to swap for transmitting apparatus, or what have you? P-487, Omaha Bee. LOOK- A coast-to coast radio receiver to trad** for tranamitting apparatus. B-276. Omaha Bee. ABOUT $2,260 equity in 8-room house, t'athedra! district, for what have you? jB- 291. Omaha Bee._ cash register. 4-a«b. ami grand total electrically operated, for Ford coupe F-6*5, Omaha Bee. MY 191S Indian motorcycle for tinners tools or what have you. A-178, Omaha Be** LI.!.' TRIO butter kl*f poprorn machine. !■• i nut muster, for a Ford, a diamond or what have you? D-4 89. Omaha Bee. 1917 MAXWELL touring, engine Just overhauled, to trade for radio or any thing J » a n use A-17H, Crush a Bee. SEVEN acres Michigan fruit, near town, lake and summer reaoft for what have you? F-6K9 Omaha Bee. _ FORD sedan, 1921 model, good motor and tires, for a set of barber fixture* Address W 411. Omaha Bee.__ TO SWAP—Wheel chair or Saxon els for automatic shotgun or camp outfit. D-416, Omaha Bee._ _______________ SHOTGUN, 12 gauge Ithaca, for Incuba tor, or what have you? F-698, Omaha Bee NEW handmade quilt for rug or chick ens. Address Box D-4J2. Omaha Bee. TAKE lot and small house In trade for 9-room modern home. F 690, Omaha Bee. WHITE kit- hen table for what have you? I >-4k, Omaha Bee. XLYI'HONE to trade for radio outfit or what have vou ? P 437, Omaha Bee. LOT In south tart of town to trade for Ford Loupe B-28S. Omaha Bee. ° TURK coaat-to-cnast radio poultry, or what have you? ,TA. 87IT.__ yILL trade law b oka for good Ford • nr. R-284 Omaha Bee. VICTOR table phonograph to swap for what have you. A-171. Omaha Bee . | POCK auto acceeaorlM, trade for • onnha B**e. n to i ap foi what k|> Bei Machinery and Tool*. 55 1 " ' H» r ■ 6 II I motor; Honing out at reasonable prlcen. 1008 t*nplto| Avt. i, . t r I • h I Work* I1H-20 So 121 It ‘. I. W htid r• ond hand moiori dvnarnoR Radio Equipment. 59 ' IJT pr1r**R nn avorythlng In rndln. It. M. hlRRR. 218 N. 16th St. _ Wanted to Buy. 61 hiohf.st rmuins PAl 1» FOR OLD COINS We p.ty $r.o for 1834 dim*. S mint. ate . *tr. VVa pay caah premium* for all rare • »ln« 0«t printed. Hand 4n fnr largo tnaha litre. Itooiyn With Board. 62 1*11 SPENCER—Large front room In mod. privet# home, breakfast If desired. WE. 40* >. _ UEAlS'IFlTL room In arlstrocrat lo loca tlon. Ideal Invironment, private home, gentleman preferred. Reasonable H. 2370 LA ROB room, surly furntahod, with hoard, good location, garage. HA. 2724 244* MANDERSON, room and board for two people. Oarage apace, private family. Room* Without Board. 63 EARN AM ST.. 1118. WELLINGTON INN HAS NICELY FURNSHED ROOMS WITH DETACHED OR PRIVATE BATH AT VERY ATTRACTIVE RATES TO PERMANENT QUESTS. DON’T FAIL TO SEE THEM. DAINTILY furnished sitting room with a Bleeping porch, private entrance and garage, very reasonable. HA. 2370. PLEASANT front room for employed couple; private family. HA. 6144. DUNDEE choice room In new private In-rue; strictly modern. WA. 2425. DUNDEE rooms, like home. $2 up. 4824 Davenport. WA. 6571. PLEASANT front room. In private fam Iv. WE 1 il K 4, PLEASANT front room, In private family. WE. 1084. 1*17 CAPITOL AVE.--Rooms 33 weekly Rooms for Housekeeping. &4 A SUITE of clean, nicely furnished house keeping rooms. Strictly private In a new modern home. 1010 S. 2Gth St. TWO nice rooms, everything furnished; garage If desired; reasonable. 3111 S. 2 4th St. AT. 2396. 3157 FARNAM—2 light housekeeping rms. ind kitchenette; everything furn. HA. 1904. ■ 1ST AVE. 124 S— Modern room with three windows. HA. 3718._ _ .’Ml POPPLETON-4 rooms. Everything urnlshed. Call mornings or after C p. W. 2658 DOUGLAS—Large room and kitch enette, outside entrance: block from car. 516 SOUTH 22D ST—Modern 2 and 3-rm. apt. Close in. 14 to $11 a week. Ml 6 MANDERSON—Light housekeeping ind sleeping rooms. WE. 1882. 2-ROOM and 3-room apt., also garage, all modern. JA. 0435. Where to Stop in Town 67 MOTEL SANFORD— 19th and Farnan. MOTEL HEN8HAW—16th and Farnani Special rates to permanent guesrt ^EAX^JESTAT^—FOR^^ENT^ Apartments—Furnished. 69 FURNISHED APARTMENT. THE MORLEY APARTMENT. Three rooms and hatfe with five-room accommodations; all walnut furniture. TRAVER BROS, Inc. ’ail AT. 6*S6_ 819 FIrst Nat Bank Bldg 521 N. 21ST—Rublan apartments, four oom accommodations, nicely furnished I A. 6198. "8TH AND JONES—The Knickerbocker. 6-rm. apt., furnished or unfurnished. IIA. 1261._ HUNTER INN HOME for the traveling Tinn and wife. AT. 6960 Apartments—Unfurnished. 70 I-ROOM apartments, all modern except leaf : newly de< orated, new floors. 137 S’. 24th St. $20 each. O. CARLBERG. REALTOR. ! 11 Braudel* Theater Bldg. JA. 0685. ATTRACTIVE 3-room apartment. 4-room accommodation*. screened porches. AT r.703. A I-A HTM ENTS and flat* for rent. W. / PALMER CO. AT. 8880 R^a I Estate Management Specialists. FOR ONE OF DRAKE'S 1000 APARTMENTS Call Jackson 2805. PETERS TRUST COMPANY •WHERE OMAHA RENTS’.* AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam Ft* fAWTHORNK, 2205-7 Howard. Rents re lured. Strictly first class new. all mod- j in 3-room apt*. $50. $55. Se© janitor. tiOWER half strictly mod. house; No. 4 arge heated rms ; newly decorated; also tarsge. 3837 S. 23d St. j ST HAM HEAT, 4 room apt., low rent, close In. <« P. Stebblns, 1619 Chicago St. J214 1) St. at 23rd—Strictly mod. 3 and 4 rm. apt., steam heat: private bath. Business Places for Rent. 71 -ARNAM St. 1 SO", 30F.5 XI ft. Tlioma* ' Hall, 1908 Harn-y St.. AT. 7m. MODERN st- am heated store. Low rent. U. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. Houses for Rent. 72 4 - R. M EX HT. COLOK ED ." 7 $20 3 PURN. HSKPG. ROOMS. CLOSE IN 37 1-R. MOD. FLAT. 2568 LEAVENWTH. 20 j-R. MOD. STUCCO. 2720 JACKSON.. 40 ft. HEATED APT, DUNSANY . 60 )M. RENTAL EX.. JA. 3519. HA. 2601 120 No. 30th St.. 7-rootn all modern flat, r.40 ni'h'M, cherrv county, south of \n1en line. Price 13 25 an acre, li 219. Omah« D«a KEAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Farm* and Lands for Sale. 79 ORANGES and grape fruit of finest qtial itv easily produced In southern Texas. Suitable unimproved lands, $60 per acre; easiest terms to those who will Improve Railway immigration department, Ilox 1160. raft Antonio. Texas. City Acreage for Sale. 79A NEW Industrial addition. 20th and Ames Ave. Trackage to every lot. Buildings and lots at very low prices. WORLD REALTY CO., Realtors. AT. *4P?_ W. i Id Thester Bldg J ACRES with 3 room house. barn, chicken house and garage. 46th and Har rison. Price $2,4UP: cash or terms. See John Sandy. 2S1# H street. Houses for Sale. 80 MINA LU8A On Newport Ave., a large Kellastor.e bunalow of 6 large rooms and break fast nook. Beautifully finished in oak. "ak floors. Full basement ami large at tic. Garage with drivo. Vacant, you can move right in. Owner has left city and this house must b» sold. No reasonable offer refused. Close to park, carline and school. PRAIRIE PARK A dandy home of 6 rooms Excellent condition. Large living room, dining room with buffet. Da dy kitchen with plenty of cabinet worn. bedrooms. South front corner lot. Paving paid. Garage ('lose to car. school and stores. Price, $6,500, $1,500 cash. Call Mr. Holslngton, KE. 3473; Mr. Deader, KE. 6370, or Mr. Langfellner, KE. 2882. CHARLES W. MARTIN Jk COMPANY, REALTORS 737 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. AT. 0187 I A BARGAIN NEW 8 ROOM DUPLEX JUST COM PLETED. Will consider good lots, or houses as part payment. HENZtE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1110 So. 4th. at. mo ,?nnZl* W■ K P«ek K. 33C: __Houses—North. 81 NEW AND COMPLETE. HIGH AND SIGHTLY IN MINNE LUSA^ I4TH ST, NEAR NEWPORT AVE. Ju.t completing this mod,I bungalow In terior decorations and flnlah same ns homes in the most exclusive districts, uak floota throughout, oak In living and dining room; all doors in house neavy one-p^nel doors; tiled bathroom, pedestal lavatory, modern tub; kit* h**n • uameled and tiled 6 feet high, many features No trouble to show you. On account of weather conditions shown only by appoint ment. Price $6,600, reasonable caah pay ment, balance liberal monthly payment plan. You will want to see this one. TRAVER BROS 111 First Nat’l Bk. Bldg, office AT. 6586. Evenings KE. 1328. "ROCK BOUND" BUNGALOW IN MINE LUBA With neat garage to match and aulid cement driveway. Paving ■ '] paid New 5-room house, beat oak fTnlah and floors; 5 large room* and bath, nifty built-in kitchen iblnefa, neat breakfast nook 1 .urge a . good basement. Price 17,000; 11.000 Agsh, balance monthly. It will please you—Phone DE E BUCK A CO.. REALTORS 742 Omaha Nafl. JA. IS4S Salesmen: Longren, KE 0804; Paul Bp*i WE. 6372; Buck. KE. 2824. ONLY 14.200 “ A comfortable 8-room all modern cottage 2 bedrooms, large kitchen wlt£ built-in cupboard Fruit snd shnde tre a hedge fence, shrublery. One block to school and «ar. A bargain on easy terms. Sunday call HA. 1695. C. T. SPIER A CO,. Realtors Bankers Reserve Bldg JA. 4857 ALL MODERN BUNGALOW. BRAND NEW. »350 CASH. 5 rooms, osk floors throughout, oak and Enamel finish, south front lot This !* a real bargain for 94.250 Call Mr. Guodall. HAMILTON A CO. 302-4 Neville Blk. JA. 0687. Evenings KE. 2140 or AT. 0711. fontenellk blvd High and sightly corner location on the boulevard. Just north of Afnes. Six rooms, two story'. Floors snd finsh all hardwood. A very fine hot water hent Ing plant. Tire la a snap at 16.6000. Easy terms. Might consider good car as part payment. Sunday call HA. 1898. O. T SPIER A CO, Realtors Bankers Reserve Bldg JA. 4857 2825‘ SEWARD STREET 2 .00 CASH The owner of thta dandy 4-room com pletely modem bungalow ear* it must be aold and he will sell it for 9500 cash (or vacant lot) and balance monthlr. It s a buy that's worth the money. See it today. For price call WE. 6789. CRFIGH. SONS A COMPANY. 608 Bee Bldg JA. 4*00 NEW BUNGALOW Pressed brick and file < onatmetinn. 4 rooms snd breakfast nook, all modern, oak floors throughout beautiful finished woodwork. Price f4.6fln. easy terms. E F! AUSTIN AT 0788.1306 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg ON PRETTIEST MILE. This la a dandy 7-room all-modein 2 story oak finished house with two sleep ing porches Hot *ater heat; two lots Owner will sell furniture. Including piano Here Is your chance to get a real home at the right price Address 5012 Florence Blvd. Sunday cell WE 5719 CRETGH. SONS A COM T A NT. 608 Be» Bldg, JA 4*40 157250 SNAP Owner leaving city and 1e offering h1» • early new all modern five-room osk fin hed bungalow for 16.259. Eaav 'etme For full particulars rail Mr. Sioen. WA 2812, IF you have houses north for sale. I want them. Call WE. 1100. Evenings. WE 48 99 2828 PARKER ST.—7 - r m. mod., bam 1760 cash. bal. mo. Eitra lot for garden Crelgh. 608 Bee. JA. 0200. D E. BUCK A CO. buy and eel I homes Houses—South. 82 ~TTKljrTTi7H-TKMT7uUNCrAu7w BIX UOOMS AND SUN UUOU IMMEDIATE POSSESSION owB»r tran,f»ir»d to Wjoniln*—lone II*. ing room with bookcase*, built-in buXfst In dining room. French doors to lunroom, 3 lovsly bsdrooms and bath Homs I yra old. SNAP. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO.. JA. 056 4. Sun HA. 1186 _Pun HA. HIT. HA 2666. WB HAVE IT! A 5 room modem bungalow less than year old. large gar. ge and cement drive. Oak floor* end ? «l«h. Owner’* h«»me Going at $6,960, f 1 cash and I per month. M'CAQUK INVESTMENT COMFANT. JA. 134$ After office hours. WA 1130 I«. D. HWANHQN, ItTal Estate _JA. 4P2:« Teaar A Tetnr, specialists In S. side home* Houses—West. 83 • •ROOM HrNUALOwT garage, 1 YEARS OLD: $1,000 LEMS THAN VALUE. 3 HBDROOM8. LARGE I.IV1NO ROOM Dining room with built in buffet Medium large kin hen with Idg \V i.FIt CO . Realtors a ILL ... to youi oidei nn out bsoutl fill lots In Edeetaocnl verv aeav terms Phone AT 3640 LARGE new 6 loom sent' bungalow. ,Field club. Corner lot. IIA $16$ RKA LK^TATE-KQ HSA L E.^ Houses—West. 83 Ne b. YOU'LL BE TKOUD TO OWN THIS DANDY K ELI. A STONE BUNGALOW. I WITH DOUBLE GA It AGE To MATCH., LESS THAN ONE YEAH OLD. LARGE LOT WITH PAVING ALL PAID. FIVE r.AKQK ROOMS, WITH B£ST OAK FIN-| IHH AND FLOORS. FULL WIDTH LIV ING ROOM. BUILT IN BOOKCASES. BUILT-IN KITCHEN CABIN KTB, HUKAKFAST NOOK AND NEAT TILE BATH ROOM OVERSIZE HOLLAND FURNACE AND FULL CEMENT BASE MENT BUILT RIGHT THROUGHOUT. PRICE ONLY $6,760, $1,250 < ’ASH WILL HANDLE, HANDY To CAR, SCHOOL AND CHURCHES, SEE IT TODAT, PHONE. D. E. BUCK A CO., REALTORS. 742 OMAHA NAT. JA. 1643 SALESMEN: BUCK. KE. 2834; LOV GREN, KE. 0*04, ROBX, WE, 6372. CLOSE-IN 33RD AND HOWARD STS. Modern home, 6 room* and bath on 1st floor, one nice room on second floor; oak finish and floor*. Built-In bookcase* and kitchen cabinets. Good lot, paving all paid. Price $6,250: $1,250 cash will handle; for appointment prone D. E. BUCK L CO., REALTORS 742 Omaha Nat'I. JA. 1643 Salesmen: Paul Boxx. WE. 6372; Lovgren, KE. 0304; BUCK. KE. 2834. ___JA. S..43. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT Near 43rd and Cass. 6-room, modern semi-bungalow. In construction, arrange ment and finish one in a hundred, $8,600. Reasonable payment. Near 40th and California- Modern stucco home, south front, large rooms, newly decimated, two baths; garage. $9,000, terms. SHEDD INVESTMENT CO„ REALTORS JA. 4254 Sunday, WA. 6196 621 Sunderland Bldg FOUR FINE NEW HOMES DO YOU PAY HIGH RENTS We have a sale proposition that will surprise you on these brand new homes, strictly modern, oak floors and trim; ex ceptionally well built; beautiful location, level, slightly elevated, fine section ofj nice new home*. 61st and Grant. One 6-r. bungalow, three full two atory with 6. 6 and 7 rooms each; latter has lunroom. sleeping porch, tiled bath, corner lot, etc. These are real values at right prices. Let u» show them and explain our offer. M K1TRICK R E. CO., Realtors JA. 0100 BEATUTIFUL FIELD CLUB HOME 35th street near Woolworth, 7 main rooms, also sun room, sleeping porch "‘aid’s room on third floor. Oil burner. Garage. Beautiful lot. Ideal location. SHEDD INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS JA. 4254 Sunday, WA. 6196 631 Sunderland Bldg. LOT 47x160 ft— 30th and Burt streets $1,200. All Improvements In GEORGE AND COMPANY. AT, 1024. ! Houses—Benson. 84 BENSON—Six room* modern, one floor, tin car line,' 14,350. Small payment dow n Owner. WA 0283. For Sale—Dundee. 85 ATTRACTIVELY PRICED Near 60ih and Cuming. Delightful, mod ern, itui o home; e mein rooms *unroom and enclosed sleeping porch. Hot watei heat. 2-car garage Beautiful lot, $§,U0) DUNDEE SEMI-BUNGALOW Ixard fit., near 80 St wonderful con struction. finely flnlahed, beautifully decorated. 7 room*, modern; u perfe- t lot with shade, fruit trees, shrubs, ber ries and flowers. A real value today. CREST or THE HILL Near 49th and Farnam; flret Ime offered Attractive two-story 6-rootn modern Dundee home, *«*t amid beautiful shrubs and fruit trees. This place will p!ea.-< ) ou. LOCKWOOD GREENLEA BUNGALOW Near 85th and Jones. Nearly new 6-room i Ktucco bungalow, right up-to-th«-m4r.- i ute In design, appointments end decora tions. Sightly and convenient location Attractively priced. SlIEDD INVESTMENT COMPANY REALTORS JA. 4354 Sunday, WA. 813. 631 Sunderland Building DUNDEE BUNGALOW BRICK AND STUCCO CONSTRUCTION 8 rooms, very large living room with fire place and open b*ok ases Dining room th French door* between .i\ing room and lun room Two large bedruoma, til** bath and very convenient kitchen floor. Large bedroom and complete bath second floor. Abundance of closet space Interior finish of white enamel and oak floors throughout. Plastered baserhen? Hot wa’er heutlng plant. Automatic wa’e: heater. Garage for two eara I*»t fcOxH1. feet Large abad# tree* All spec.al taxes paid tn full. Convenient to car line) and school. For location and price, call GEORGE AND COMPANY. Realtors. AT-lantlc 3024. ! A WONDERFUL VALUE IN A DUNDEE HOME Exceptionally well built home, ha# large living rm aero*# the entire front of the house, dining room, butier's pantry ;md kitchen on first floor. Four bedroom*, bath and sleeping por*** n.ent, fully equipped. Furna. e has oil burner attachment, fine shade tree*, beautiful shrubbery, nice law tv eouth front lot, close to car line Only two block# to school. Price and term* on ap plication to THE BYRON RFJED COMPANY JA 2911HI? Farnam Bt. DUNDEE HOME 14,500 Two block* to ear line Six room# and sleeping porch. Tile vesti bule. Living room and dining room with heavy beamed tellings, kitchen with the Is'ea* rf built-in features 3 good sized sleeping room* and bath on second floor Finished In the be*t of oak first floor and whit# enamel second Full brick has. ment; furnace heat Lot 60x135 feet Nicely shrubbed AM special taxes p*jd m full. Can give Immediate possession. 0190RGB AND COMPANY. Realtors. AT-lantio 3024. DUNDEE—11,100—DUNDEE W* rhallanga you to produca a battar buy for tha uma monsy Analyia It youraalf D«rga mt front lot, nlr# lawn and ahniba. on pavad atraat. Wall aonafructad conveniently arrangad and attractlv# fiva room bungalow with hardwood floor* throughout Real wood log ftraplar* Hookraaaa and buffat. Storm windows and •rraana romplata alao acraana for both porchaa Tf you know of a battar bu\ in Dundaa will maat your prlra Todav call Walnut 22«f. nu.VDirr; rttjdio Horsre Tha tinlqua and attractive R-room atudm houaa at ROth and Puming atraat* i* now offered for aala. Inuaual In i1»il|n and distinctive tn flnlah and dacoratlon* l or romplata Information rail WA. tilth Sunday and evening*. waak days, JA i :■r- <_ __ PRACTICALLY new ttome Thla delightful hnmay hrmi, with If* many attraotlva feature*; moat dealrnIda and romplata: la in beat location In Dundee Mint ba aold a* I m leaving city. Doubla garage 913.100, aaay tarm*. WA. UTVt, DUNDEE HU NCI A LOW. ONLY |T 50 CASH Nearly new f|\a room* and bath, aft'otly modarn. Near 41>fh ami Hurt Raadv to occupy. Call Mr Peder*an. HR R 4A5 or JA. 1014 t R want* of far Muat aatl at nevv eix room brick colonial JOHN R McCARVII l.K. REALTOR |f>n? 1 City Nat RU. AT R02R Foi 81le Floi efic*. 8< N K I'll A W A Y baa Intprovad acreage north! of r 1 -OR KNCW for city prupart>. K« 140*. I RE A L ESTATE— KORSALK Lou for Sale. M | BPLKS’DID LOTS WEST Veer Hth end Parker....I 400 4:«th and Caldwell, laved etreet.... •"« 47th and Hurt, paved atrert. »'>(' 6«»th Avt- and lxard, paved street.. l.l®" 4 Hth and Harney, i aved street. 1,30u Near 67th and Jackson (U»seals*). . 2.00u Ncur 66th and Emils (Oreetileai .. 2,H>0 Near 52nd and Howard (beautiful Lockwood) . 3,600 'RHEDD INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS J A. 4264 Sunday. WA. 6196 631 Sunderland Building . BUILDING LOTS Evanston Addition, eaat fronts, 2 lots 60* 125 each Splendid location. Beautiful view. WORLD REALTY CO., Realtors. AT. *492 World Theater Bldg 1 OR 2 ACRES—NEW 4-ROOM HOUSE Large rooms, oak floors throughout, wired for lights, close to paved road, trade school and stores, with one acre, 3.100—$3al'or» WE SELL HOMES LIST WITH US HAMILTON * CO... 343-4 Nyvllla Block.JA 0441 WE NEED at ones good 6 and 4 room honu-i. Any location. Quick action. J. L. Hiatt Co., AT. 9900. _ 1.1ST your proparty with Chrta Boyar notary public, 23<1 and Cumlnx Sfa. WANTED to buy for ca«h, Rood lot with aII improvements in. HA. 5299. WORLD P.EAT.TT CO. Realtors, AT 9492 H W Volland Co. for Real Service AT»68ti O A SAN DEI. I, Real Ratal. AT 9232 SLATER A CO.. Realtor*. R-oltna Bide WESTERN Real Batata Co.. JA 3407_ Hnattalmatar Real Estate- AT 4294 “Spring Specials” 35th and Leavenworth—Fine 6 rooms, modern; splendid location for business. A snap at $8,250, $2,500 cash. 38th and Leavenworth—Six rooms, oak finish, special fea tures, fine lot, near car and school, $6,250; $1,500 cash. 46th and Douglas—6 rooms, modern; oak finish; 1-car ga rage, big lot. Price $7,250— $1,500 cash. Chas. W. Young & Son 1602 City Nat'! Bk. AT 9668 HA 5051; WA 7865 Mr. Abel..WA 8009 Mr. Beauchamp ...WE 3768 REAL ESTATE—FO K SA I.F. Wanted—Real Estate. 90 WE NK F.U l AND 4-ROOM HOMES CALL i s NOW FuH INSPECTION AND LISTINGS MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING EX< HANGE. WE GIVE SERV ICE. EVENINGS Kl RSI 1 OR KK 4746. ORUEN1G REALTY. REALTORS JA 1$661400 FIRST NAT PK WANT TO BUT. Good building loti, ground $1,000. fifth, alt improvement* In. Call Ken. 3140. LIST your ororwty with u» or. If you Are in 'ha market for acreage, call l»u‘« Cohn for oulck aalee. MA 0143 MA. 302$_ CAMPBKIJa wlti cave you money on cou ■ tructlng your home. Beat material* and workmanah!!-. 63? Keellne. AT. 6048. WE SELL HOMES LIST WITH US Fop. RESULTS McOGUE INVESTMENT rn JA. 1848. NEW HOMES—YOUR TERMS GROVE-MIBBARD CO ?22 Barker* n*>*erve itlilg AT.1*82 SEE u» flrat Need liaflnea, any location 6 to * room* flhopen Co . Realtors JA. 422‘ 23* Keellne Bldg CHAS W YOUNG A SON. Real Eatate Rental*. In*uranr# 1*02 City Natl BankAT $648 O T HAMER. Investments Acreage 1S0 6 Fa mam__AT $>60 WE want a good bungalow Mr our neigh l»or, who has II.'1 ) caah. Best — HA. 0i43 JA 5491, AT. 613b.__ •WE BUILD TO PLEASE ‘ TEMPLE MCFAYDEN 1606 Parnam Rt AT $960 WE pen and exchange acreage trade. C*-l 8. H. Brcw’ne Co.. AT. 3360. BUILD! BUILD! BUILD! It is not a minute too soon to start your plans for spring building. Fair days approach; the cost of building material and satisfactory labor condi tions all beckon with encour agement and profit to the one who plans their home now. Let us build and finance your new Home. IeMME iIsIaYPExG a P(U.LTO»S u B IUILOIM H a architect* g 1505 Farnam AT 9960 Biggest Bargain in Dundee This is one of the finest new brick homes in the new part of Dundee and must be «old at once. Call us today and we will be very glad to show it to you. Sunday call WA 3996, WE 5039 John R. McCarville REALTOR 1002 City NatT AT S025 We Have Money io Loan! At 5V2 and 6% On Business, Apartment House or Residence Property in Omaha FRANK H. BINDER S23 City Natl. Bank Buildinf. Pbona JA ckaon 2561 Auction Sale! Truck & Tractor Corp. 1310 Jackson St., Omaha Starting Monday morning, March 24, 1924, at 10 a. m., the entire assets of the above firm, which is in bankruptcy, will be sold at auction to the highest bidder for cash in lots and units to suit the buyers. The Stock Consists of About $25,000 in Machinery, Truck Parts, Etc. Sale will be held at the firm’s place of businesa, 1310 Jackson St., Omaha, Neb. Remember the date, Monday, March 24, 1924. at 10 a. m. By Order of the Court Jame* H. Warren, Trustee B. H. Dunham, Referee D. E. Nenfua, Sailing Agent Mergen (Close In) Acres 6 Blocks to Car, 6 Blocks to School But No City Taxes Former famous grape vineyard is now subdivided into fine acre tracts. 48th street to 50th street, Ames avenue to Grand avenue. Beautiful Fontenelle Tank, with golfing, picnic and ba«e ball grounds at your disposal just across the street. Paved road maintained by the county. City water and gas extending to the east edge of the addition. Fine new high grade stores, schools and churches less than ten blocks from the addition. With price* no higher than many acres much further out. is this not an excellent placa to rear your family in a self supporting home? Your fruit, garden or chickens will make your monthly payment* on our easy payment plan. Call today—WA 4400, WA 2282, WA S47S. George and Company REALTORS ATLANTIC 3024 Money to Xoan f Centrally Dwelling f Located M Omaha House M Warehouse Loans M Rnd Business 0 Property “Company of Quick Action" W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam Street JAckson 0564