Many Bargains Are Offered in the Autos, For Sale Column Bond Jumper's “Minute" Lasts for *- Year, But Bondsman Gets Revenge Venrly a year lias elapsed since Georgs Elliott told Police Sergeant Martin Jensen to "wait a minute” In the district clerk's office while ha stepped out to a bank to obtain mon ey with which to pay a fine. But when Mr. Elliott disappeared, he forgot to reckon with John Berger, attorney, who had bonded him for $500. John's vengeance was enduring and terrible. By wire, he traced the miss ing man from one town to another, always Just a Jump behind. Finally, while he was waiting for a shave in an Omaha barber shop, a remark was dropped that established Elliott's whereabouts. Mr. Berger learned that thj man he sought was in Los Angeles, working for a former Oma han, Charlie Lewis Accordingly, when Detective Benny Danbaum left Omaha two weeks ago to return John Cirozelli, 3107 R street, from Sacramento, Cal., to face a statutory charge, Mr. Cirozelli being ———— • alleged to have jumped a $2,500 bond, the detective was Instructed to bring along George. Mr. Danbaum for two days sought high and low in Los Angeles for George Elliott. Finally, despairing, he sat down to eat in Charlie Lewis's beanery. Glancing along the counter he was confronted by the sight of Mr. Elliott enjoying supper at the other end. Danbaum arrived in Omaha last night with his two prisoners, having spent seven of the last 11 days on trains. Elliott was charged with unlawful possession of liquor and keeping a disorderly house when his establish ment at 1115 Williams street was raided and 11 inmates arrested. The case was appealed to district court and it was when paying a $173 fine that Elliott escaped. Mr. Berger indulged in a short con ferenee with Elliott at Central sta tion last night. _. Man Suffocated i in Barn Blazej Scorched Body of Truck Driver Found After Flames Extinguished. s** * - Sherman Williams. 60, transfer man. was suffocated Friday night by smoke In -the barn In the rear of 2766 Webster street, where he makes hie home. Hie scorched body was found by firemen after they had ex tinguished the blaze, which started from an oil stove. R. F. Gerrity, 2767 Burt street, no ticed the Are from his window about 0:45 nnd called the Are department. The blaze had attained so much head way, however, that it was Impossible for him to enter the building. Williams drove a delivery truck for the Henry M. Johannszen Glass and Paint company, 114 South Fourteenth street. Firemen declare that Williams evi dently was asleep when the Are started and was awakened too late to make an exit from the structure. Williams recently was separated from his wife, by whom he has three daughters. They arst Mrs. R. J. Schmlttrath, Lakewood, O.; Mrs. Tra vers Illsley, and Mrs. Edward Cow ger. The Omaha daughters and their mother live at 2326 South Thirty-third street. Tbs body Is st the Gentleman mortuary. .. Funeral services will be held Mon day at 10 at the Cole-McKay funeral home. Rev. E. H. Jenks, pastor of the First Presbytorlan church, will officiate. Burial will be at Forest Lawn cemetery.__ “ Snow Forecast for Next Week Washington, March 22.—Weather outlook for the week beginning Mon da.v j ipper Mississippi snd lower Mis souri valleys: Generally cloudy, snows at beginning and again Wednesday or Thursday: temperature about normal. Northern Rocky mountains and plateau regions: Considerable cloudi ness, occasional snow; temperature below normal. Southern Rocky mountain and plateau regions: Generally cloudy with prohabllty of local rains or snows. Temperaturs below normal. Pacific states: Considerable cloudi ness. pn ably occasional rains; temperature normal. Novel Luncheon. The ladles' Aid society of the Dun dee Presbyterian church will give a corn products luncheon next Wednes' day at 1 in the parlors of the church. ' A I> VEKTItf EMJS.YT Gallstones Dr. •. B. Fidflock. Bo* 101 -OB , K*o ■u city. Mo., *»y* "bout ono r«r*°n In f on bu In foot od gall-bledrter or «*ll ■ tonoo and no*loct ofton loa.lo fo "ursary. But many p*opl# ar# fao old, weak or ill for dangaroua operation. These paopla reasonably wlah to avoid Buffering and obtain relief with medicine*. The Doctor began •peclallzlng on thepa trouble# Jo year# ago and hia treatment* have b*cn of untold value to thousand# all over th# U. •• Hundred# of latter# testify to health restored and freedom from Buf fering. Rather than suffer or let condi tion* grow worse, and before you decide on aurgerr. nrlte the Doctor for hi* FREE BOOKLET describing fsllostonr* and explaining this home treatment. ADVBETIHKMBNT HOW "TIZ" HELPS SOHE, TIRED FEET Goodbye, nor* feel, burning feet, swollen feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tired feet. Good-bye, corns, callouses, bunions and raw spots. No more shoe tight ness, no more limping with pain or drawing up your face in agony. •'Tiz'' Is magical, acts right off. “Tiz" draws cut all the poisonous exudations i which puff up the feet. Vse "Tlz" end forget your foot misery. Ah! how comfortable your feet feel. Get a ho* of "Tlz" now at any drug or department store. Don't suffer. Gave good feet, glad feet, feet that never swell, never hurt, never get tired. A rear's foot comfort guaranteed for a few cents Philathea Class Elects Officers The Philathea class of Trinity Bap tlst church of which Mrs. Kathryn Wert Holler is teacher, held busi ness meeting on Monday evening and elected the following officers: President, Laura Dennison; vice president. Helen Mullen, secretary, Roma Mattox; assistant secretary, Minda Chase; treasurer. Mary Kavan: chairman social committee, Maybelle Ningst; membership, Viola Cudney; missionary, Alice J. Roessler; relief, Gertrude Joos; good cheer, Opal Bun ney; credits, Bessie Lauritsen; ath letics, Carrie Maxwell; sick and flower, Ethelyn Gammage; finance, Hazel Parkin. Otoe Man Dies in Omaha. Eugene Hensley, 26, of Otoe, Neb., died Friday night at a local hospital from pneumonia after a short illness. After a short service Saturday after noon at the Gentlemnn funeral home, the body was sent to Bennett, Neh., where his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed gar Hensley, reside. Elijah Program. There will be given a special Elijah musical program at the morning serv ice of Plymouth Congregational church, at 11, Sunday ns follows; Organ prelude: Overture from "Elllth.” Anthem: "If tVlth All Your Hearte." Prymouth choir. Rariton® solo: “Lord God ©f Abra ham.’' George A. Wahl. Quartet: “Cast Thy Rurd*n t’Don th© Lord.’* Mr*. Am*a. Mr*. McCormack. Geor*© A. Wahl. K. O. Ame* Soprano *olo: “Hear Y*. Israel. Mr*. A in**. _ . . Or (ran ©ff«r*ory: “Y® Peopl# Rend Your Heart*." Einar Andrea**n Rnritone aolo: "It Is Enourh. Mr. Wahl. _ __ _. Tenor reHtatlv*: “Se* Eow H* 81eeo eth." Mr. Ani*». _ ,, ,, Woman’* trio: “Uft Thin© Eve a. Mr*. AtnM, Mrs. McGormack. Mias Ellsworth. Organ poatlud®: “And '1 hen Shall lour Light Break Forth ” __ Son Missing; Mother 111. Mrs. Frank Carey, 621 Park ave nue, Is confined to her bed as the result of the disappearance last Tues day of her son, Robert Carey, 16, a student at St. Petera school. Description of the missing youth was broadcast Friday night from radio station WOAW. Heavy Snowstorm. Lincoln, March 22.—A severe storm Is prevallng In northwest Nebraska, according to reports received at Bur lington railroad headquarters here. With a heavy fall of glow and a high wind, the storm took on the propor tions of a blizzard, the report eald, hut the temperature remained high. The Gideons. A meeting will he held Sunday aft ernoon at 3 at the Paxton ho tel by the Gideons. Christian Com mercial Traveling Men s association. These meetings are open to the pub lic. This Sunday, Rev. F. H. Grace, pastor of the Covenant Presbyterian church, will make the address. Household Goods Stolen. Theft of household Roods from his home was reported to police by Marvin Mercer, 3633 Fifth avenue, Council Bluffe. Temperance Meeting. The France# Willard W. C. T. TL will meet at tha homa of Mra. Fritz Sandwall, 31« North Thirty-fourth •traat, next Wednesday. Samardick to Minneapolis. Robert Samardlck, federal prohibi tion agent, left Saturday evening for Minneapolis to confer with official# there. Holy Name Novena. Solemn novena la being hold at. Holy Name church by tha Redemptor Ist father*. The novena will end March 25. Omaha Bank Clearings. flank clearings this week, $40,750. 854 03; Inst week, 341,031,933.83; last year, 140,828,391.77. Tho Local LaC Editor has nothing elso to do but read his mail. Wend your jokes to lilm and perhaps you'll be one of the prize winners. Building Permits. Tl. Enovaldaen, 4:r.3 35 Charles street, frame dwelling. Iio.oou. ('Karlen Harding. 830 South FIfty-second street, brk-U veneer dwelling, $- 000. Own a Home company, 2222 North Twenty-fourth avenue, framo dwelling, $4,400. own a Home company, 2222 North Twenty-fourth avenue, frame garag*. $400. own a Home tompany. 4 {43 ]>ecstur itreet. frame dwelling. $4,ooo. I,. M. Hanson, f. 20 Military avenue, coin rdc block garage, $250. K. I*. Pederaon, fin22 South Thirty-sixth avenue, frame dw lling. $3,80o. Edward Ward, B02i; South Thirty-sixth avenue, freme dwelling, $2,$0n. Patrick Heart*, 3822 IJ street, frame dw oiling. $4,000. George Kllmartefr, $09 South Ftfty seventh street, brick veneer dwelling, $ I A Ij Hoot, 8512 North Thirtieth street,1 block a>ldiMon to store. $1,500. E J. Graham, 4 t William street, brick venocr dwelling. $58,000 Ercd Kriuth. 314 1 Mouth Sixteenth street, framo dwelling, $4,000. Mrs. Ivh r, Frank. 2872 Vane street. I frame dwelling. $l.50o p E GerrlNftn. 3143 M bit more avenue, fiame dwelling, $3,000 ——■ —i—^ l ANSWERS? Answer* to Want Ad* which have box number* as addresses may be phoned in. Just phone AT lantic 1000—ask for an ad taker and tell her which advertisement you wish to answer. She will do the rest. Phone AT lantic 1000 to answer Blind Want Ads—you’ll be pleased. BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES 15c per line each day. 1 or 2 daya. 12c per line each day. 3 or C daya. 10c per line each day. 7 daya or longer. Classified Ada accepted at the following offices: Main Office.17th and Farnam Sts. South Omaha..N. W. Cor. 24th and N Sta. Council Bluffs.15 Scott St. The above ratea apply to all advertlse menta in classifications: Lost and Found . 4 Help Wanted Femals . 27 Help Wanted Male . 2* Salesmen and Agents . SO Situations Wanted Female . 31 Situations Wanted Mala . S3 Articles for Sale . 46 Farm and Dairy Products. 49 Good Things to Eat . 61 Homemade Things . 62 Household Goods . 63 Swap Column .63A Wearing Apparel . 60 Wanted to Buy... 61 Booms With Board . 62 Hoomi Without Board ...... 43 Rooms for Housekeeping .A^,., 64 Rooms Unfurnished ..^^...64 A Suburban Board . 15 Farms for Kent .75A For all other classifications our regular rates as quoted below spph'. These rates apply to The Sunday Omaha Bee as well as The Morning and Evening Bee. All week-day advertisements ap pear In both morning and evening editions at the one coat: liic per line each day, 1 or 2 daya. 15c per line each day, 2 or 6 days. ISc per line each day. 7 daya or longer. Telephone ATlantlc 1000. v Call for Classified Ad Department. An experienced Classified Ad taker will re ceive your ad and a bill will be mailed later. The rates quoted above apply to THE EVENING BEK. THE OMAHA MORNING BEK. CLASSIFICATION. ANNOUNCEMENTS Funeral Notices.A Vaults and Monument*.B Funeral Directors . C Cemeteries . ...D FlorleMs E C ard of Thank*.F lodge Notices ...I Coming Events .2 Personals .3 Lost and Found.4 AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale . .5 Track* for Sale . $ \ Aiitovnhoile Motorcycle* and Bicycle* .7 Automobiles for Exchange.H Auto Accessories. Parts.|> Service Stations—Repairing.10 Auto Livery Oarage.II Wanted—Automobiles . 12 BUSINESS SERVICE Business Service* Offered.13 Building Contractors .14 Heating and Plumbing...15 liisiiranec .I« Millinery—Dressmaking .ifi Moving—Trucking—storage . IK Just the Thing A good used car for your trip this summer. Many people are plan ning on an outing this year. Some cannot afford to buy a new car, while others find the “town car” too heavy for the trip. Whether for pleasure or for business, it will pay you to read the automobile for sale ads, Classification No. 5. READ THEM TODAY 1 iyi-ri*»“*»aa****a*>********A*****<>a**>**aaa**aa*aa**»^‘-l-l-i-ivywifLAfL' CliASPIFl CATIONS. Painting and Papering.......19 Patent Attorneys . 20 Printing Stationery . 21 Professional Service .22 Repairing . ,..23 Renovating and Dyeing .... 24 I sundries .*4 A Tailoring and Pressing.25 Wanted—Business Service .26 EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted—Female .27 Help Wanted—Male .28 Help Wanted—Male and Female.29 Salesmen and Agent*...30 Situations Wanted—Female .31 Situations Wanted—Male .32 FINANCIAL 9 Business Opportunities .3:: Investment—Stocks—Bonds . 34 Real Estate louns .84 A Money to Loan .35 Wanted to Borrow. 36 EDUCATIONAL Correspondence Courses .37 Local Instruction Classes.38 Musical—Dramatic .39 Dancing Academics .39 A Private Instruction .40 Wanted—Instruction .41 LIVESTOCK Deg*. Cat* and Peta.42 1 I ADV£RTI»LUELNT ADVERTISEMENT Sues Doctor For Removing Appendix Claims Operation Should Have Been for Other Purpose. Estimating the value of her appendix at $25,000, a young woman tn trie Middle West brought auft against a doctor for re moving her appendix without her consent. She states that she was to he operated for another purpose and while under anesthetic her appendix was removed. A Treacherous Disease. Appsndlcltls Attacks at any moment even persons seemingly In good health. Usually, however, it Is preceded by so-called stom ach trouble, constipation or similar dis turbances. Often when there le a warning feeling of uneasiness In the abdomen, ap pendicitis can be guarded against In the same manner in which on** guards sgainst the spread of throat infection, because thRt is Just what appendicitis is—an Infection In the intestines spreading to the ap pendix. When one haa sore throat one can often prevent further trouble by using an antiseptic wash or gargle to fight the germs and a laxative to carry off the poisons from the body. The same pro cedure Is necessary to fight for the in testinal germs and guard against eppendl cities But Instead of an antiseptic wash for the throat, an INTESTINAL antiseptic la necessary. Intestinal Antiseptic. There 1s now offered to the public a preparation having the DOUBLE action of an Intestinal antiseptic and a COMPLETE system cleanser. This preparation, known at AdlerikR, acte aa follows: It tends to eliminate or destroy harmful germs end colon bacilli In the Intestinal canal, thus guarding sgainst apfAndlcitts and other diseases having their start here It Is the most roinplefe system cleanser ever offered to the public, acting on DOT! upper and lower bowel and removing foul matter which poisoned tha system for months and which nothing else can dis lodge. It brings out all gases, thus Im mediately relieving pressure on the heart. It is astonishing the great amount of poisonous matter Adlerlka draws from the alimentary canal — matter you never thought was In your eystem. Try It right nftfr a natural movement end notice how much more foul matter It brings ont which was poisoning you. In alight disorders, such as occasional constipation. sour stomach, gas on the stomach snd sick headache, one apoonful Adlerlka ALWAYS brings relief A longer treatment, how ever. Is necessary In cases of obstinate constipation snd long standing stomach trouble, preferably under direction of your physician. Reports from Physicians. "I found Adlerlka the best In my entire 37 years' experience.” (Signed) Dr. O. Bggere. "I use Adlerlka In all bowel cases. tome require only one dose ” (Signed) Dr. F. M. 1*. (Name given on request ) "I have found nothing 1n my ®® years' practice to excel Adlerlka.'' (Signed) Dr. James Weaver. ' After taking Adlerlka feet better then for 20 years. Haven’t language to express the AWFUL IMPURITIES eliminated from inv svslein.” (Signed! J. K. Puckett. Adlerlka Is a constant surprise to people who have used only ordinary bowel and stomach medicines, on account of Ite rapid, pleasant and COMPLETE action. Tt le sold by leading druggists everywhere. Sold In Omaha bv Sherman-McConnell Drug company snd other leading druggists. SAY “BAYER” when you buy-^W^fle Unless you see the “Bayer Cross” on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians 23 years for Colds Toothache Neuritis Neuralgia Headache Rheumatism Lumbago Pain, Pain Accept only “Bayer” package which contains proven directions. Handy “Bayer** boxe# of 12 tablet* \l*»» bottle* of 24 and lot) Druggist*. Aspirin la the trade mark ot JUavar Mamifarmr* u.ui.»tceucacli>«1ge Street W WILD To adopt girl, 6 to 7 years old Beautiful hornt*. loving rare, higher education. B<»x V 2943. Omaha tier Prnatatle trouble© treated without aurgary or drugs, Pr. C. B. Hunt, 532 W. 1! Bldg 'Theatrical historical mutpie coiiumna for pisvs and parilea at Lichen's. Omaha. MASS \C L. Tl! L ATM ENT. 211» N. 17TH hT. Lost and Pound. 4 Id ist Lad las’ black leathar band bag. containing s \eral withies Reward. HA. 3539. AUTO MOBrLE8. Automobiles for Sale. 5 1 si:u caiis. O. N Bouncy Motor C©. 2 56 4 La mam WILL SRLL WV 1122 renewed Maxwell touring at a huge .|ia< mint. Term* to re ■ tonaltds parly AT, 4412._ NAHII VltlT SLMA Al’TO CO. t’SKD CAR STuT.W. 2449 r'arnam AT 45*4 IJOOI* LSI !» CARS bi v Torn* \ r CITY T SMITH MLR LI I > I'i.l It Pownluo-n 1 ©ed Car I ore 1410 .1 I.'kaon St ' T 44 11 ■ • 1 1 - I • • I 5701 * 2Uh Tel. &IA. 1010. AUTOMOBILES. « Automobiles for Sale. 5 FREK FRBB MEEKS offers free LICENSE TOOLS. CHAINS AND SPARE TIKE, on all oar* aold and delivered today and Monday. "• are also makln* a special price on o\ir complete stock of car*, which number* over 100. $60 and up Our term* and carrvln* cliarae* will suit you a* thev are much lee* than most other* Every car 1* aold with our usual S A TIS P A CT O R Y GUARANTEE 1923 Ford Coupe. Bub body. lots of extras .$29* 1921 Ford Coupe. A-l rv*n....$195 1923 Star Coupe. Ilk* new... $385 1922 Sar Roadster, used very little ....M*1 1923 Durant Roadster. A-l condition . $485 1928 Durant. Sport Touring. disc wheel* .$5(5 1928 Moon 6-passenger. good a* new . .$5*0 1923 Essex Coupe, good share 8626 1928 Moon Demonstrator. sport touring. 60*i off list 1928 Buick apecial abort lob priced right 1928 Chevrolet auperlor tour ing .*281 1922 Lafavetta 4-dr*s e n g e r Torpedo. A real bargain 1922 Dort Coupe, fine shape $4o9 1921 8tearna-KnI*ht B-paiJS enger. A-l condition ....I*-* 1921 Haynes 4-passenger, rood shape .*460 1921 Cleveland Touring, very good . :»42* 1921 Chalmers Sport, lota of extras .*42* 1921 Himmobile Touring, rune rood . 1921 Chandler 4-pa*enger dls putch .. 1921 Apperaon Special 'built roadster .#.•••• 1921 Studebakeh Special * original paint . 1921 Dodge Roadster. rlrat class running order .$290 1920 Buick Touring. A-l con dition . ......... .8335 1920 Baby *‘4" Ovefland Road ....#...$ 1 < 5 1420 Oldsrnoblle “6" Touring. .8285 1920 Nash Touring repainted 8*66 1919 Dodge Roadster. fair condition . IIS* l»ll Dodge Touring. rune good . »*"* nil Franklin 4-Paea e n g • r Roadster ...-V * .C - We a l*o have about ■ * other good serviceable cars, ranging In models from 1921 s to 1913 i*. Fords Included. All are readv for delivery and can ba pur chased as low as $50. REMEMBER Everv car on the street la g USED FAR MEEKS AUTO COMPANY. 1033 Farnam Strait JA. (III. Open Sundays and Evinlnga till l:SD. 0 ••A SAFE PLACE TO BUT." WONDERFUL BARGAINS—SPRING SALE NOW GOING ON CADILLAC 5» VICTORIA—A beautiful r.-n.w-.d ra - perfect In ev*rv detail— eapeclally prepared for thla aale. CADILLAC 51 TOURING—Thoroughly re new-ed and riflnlahad a beautiful dual proof gray. CADILLAC II TOURING—Thla car I. In exceptionally good condition—fina paint and tire, and can bi eturchaaed on a very email down payment. CADILLAC 53 TOURING -Thoroughly re new-.d and perfect In every roepect. at the price of the repair!. CADILLAC 67 TOURING—Fine running end in good ehaoe throughout An ea r.pilonal bur for very little money. Pay a anialt depoalt. trade In your old cer end arrange your terme—we will hold the car for later delivery. ACT NOW I Eleven make* of earl have been raleod •n rr. e buy now at thla reduction and nea tha advanca in price that le eurely coming. J H. HANSEN CADILLAC CO.. Hj! 8119. rarnam 8t. at 25th. H*. K» ... MURPHY DID IT' Come te THE DOWNTOWN USED CAR STORE Her# $4 year* 1923 Ford taring, *tart*r a*d *• mountab!* rlma . 19.' I Ford sedan.•?* 192* Ford touring.. 192.1 Chevrolet touring... 19.2 Maxwell touring. r*-n*wr*d. 1 922 Ford delivery truck......JfJ 19:3 Htar touring, re-new*d..... TERMS OR TRADE OPEN SUNDAYS ANDREW MURPHY A SON 14th A J»ckeon AT. 4411 DURANT AND STAR CARS FORD sedan. 1931. Thla car le In A-l condition, all th* way through, haa had seat cover# on *ine* It cam* out no upholstery Is Ilk# n*w A buy for lomeon*. so *ee it today. T*rm* wlth uut finance cj»arg* _ WILLY S-O VKRLAND, In*. 1^83 Fa-rnam. HA. flit OVERLAND Coup*, lt?3. new t imn, motor juat overhauled, paint good. Take a ride and b* convinced Terme without finance charge. 14 Ulya - Over land, Ine . 2183 Farnara. HA. 0381. STUTtERAKWR Special SI* If you want to buy a fine car at a right prlc* aee thla on*. N*w paint, good t|r*a, n*w top. motor p*rf*ct and motor met *r Term* without finance charge. W ILLYS-OVERLANP, In'*. 2M1 Farnam HA till Fcrd Sedan body with built-in Pullman bed I 4 passenger coupe bodle*. Travel bodies built for any chassis. FFKTEKKHH 2ft 2 S l.eaxenworth I.ATR model WIliya Knight road ster. Run* *nd looks like new. $220 down, hnlan-e easy term* WllUa Oveiland. ln«. , 2842 Farnam. If A. om_ BRAND new, 1924 atandard tntkj *ix cyllnder cars at factory price*. Your opportunity. No trades. Bo* P 488, 4 Inmlu Boa, Trurk* fnr Mali*. 5A t FOIU» 1 ton truck, attractive price Feed International trucks. T*rm* can be arranged INTERNATIONAL HAVKSTKR 7 14 So 10th AT $79$ ONK to thr**-ton uaed truce*, term* tmm be arranged. International Harvester Ca ; of America 714-1$ B lfth St. Auto Accessories Parts. 9 INSTANT ELECTROLYTE Guaranteed to recharge any batt*ry 1» serviceable condition Will not free*# In i th« coldest weather and It will not sul phate Plate For sale in filling stations and garages. or phone WE. l$4ft I GUARANTEED new and need auto parte at a ape. al cut price Nebraska Auto Farts loi* 14 llarnev St JA. 4131. and •:?Q8 Fuming St . AT 197* NEW end u«ed cars or all raakea of care at reduced prices Kaplan Auto Tarte. 2111 Nichole* .J’1 ■" Service Station—Repairing. 10 Tmm stTiTat. auto m afhinirtiT Ravfleld carburetor and Elaemann mag neto ast'lre AT 1849 P. MELCHOIRS A SON 411 S IITM I a BUSINESS SERVICE. Business Services Offered. 13 JAMES A!.LAN'S Detective,. Kspert secret lervl <• 311*3J3 Neville Bmck. AT. 1134. DOLL HOSPITAL— Dalle or ell kinds re paired. 2221 Dodge atreet. JA. 3141. Building Contractors. 14 LOW PRICKS on toilet combination*, lavatories. ainka. bath tuba, rang* bollara. Now (oodfl MORRISON LI MBER Ak COAL CO., 22d and Paul Sta. WE. (Ml. r^TTTT ENTER worn, new or remodeling, satisfaction guaranteed. Prleea reason* Hhle, AT. 8279.__ Millinery—Dressmaking. 17 ACCORDION, aide, knife, box pleating, covered buttons; all styles; hemstitching; buttonholes. Writ# Ideal Button At Pleat ing Co., 304 Brown Block. Omaha. Neb., Telephone JA. 1964. NEB PLEATING CO. Hemstitching. Covered Buttons. 1lft4 Farnam. Second fionr JA- 5670 Moving—Trucking—Storag*. 18 FIDELITY STORAGE A VAN CO. MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPINO Household goods, office furalture, autos. 1107-11 HOWARD STJA. 028h. GleOBE VAN AND STORAGE PACKING. MOVING^ SHIPPING STORING Estimate* furnished. AT. 0230 or JA. 4138. BEKINS OMAHA VAN Ac STORAGE. 16th and Loavenworth Sts. Packing, mov ing. storage, whipping. JA 4163. GORDONS FIREPROOF WHSK. 4 VAN 219 North 11th Ht. Phons JA. 2022; mov ing, packing, storage, shipping MOVING AND HAULING. Long distance a specialty. WK, 6717-F1. Painting and Papenng. 19 A NO. I paperhanciBK. Well paper, whole sale price. Fred Parke. 41M 8 14th • t MA. 0)01. AT. 7404. j Patent Attorney.20 J. W MARTIN. 1712 Dodge. Room 20$ >maha, also Washington; double service. ilngie fee. Alao help aell patents. Printing Stationery. 21 COMMERCIAL PRINTING Eddy Printing Co.- 313 South 13th 8t. Phone JA. 606« _Repairing. 23 USED end new irun, machlnee. 8»w • Ink machine, ,nd victrolee repaired. Rent machine,. SI her week: S3 per mo MICKKL JfUSIC HOUSE. 5th end Harney. AT. 4141. Renovating and Dyeing. 24 OMAHA PILLOW CO—Feather, reee vatsd and made up In new feather-proof ticking. 1907 Cuming. JA 2417. _EMPLOYMENtT _Help Wanted Female. 27 p*r,v lo ’*ach Karani "hurt J •'»<*"> learned In 30 dan 63.000 to 65.000 annually. Tear her'* Kvam Publish Company. ^09 b. Harvey St.. Oklahoma City, Okl. W ANTED—Ladies to do simple needle w^k at home. Liberal pay. Material* rurniehed. Addressed envelope brings par Grulare Morgan Novelty Art Co. At lanta. Ga. WOMEN, Interfiled in hotel houjfkeenlnn ror poalflona In large summer reaorta In Minn.. .\ruh. Wia Mont No ernerl ence. p. o. Box .04-1. . Minneapolis I EARN J_: weekly. arara time wrltlra d^.nVrVitr*r*»m*ra«n<,5 Ex° vnneo.. Lot?a* MoeC‘ pres“ Syndicate. 132. tit. WANTED—Women to paint lamp ahad** for us at home Easy. pleasant work. )'hrol«or Part time Addreas Niieart Co. rf4«>a, Port Wayne. Jnd. LADIES—Our baauty cultur* couraa pay* Mg wages. Easy to learn. Day or eve 15*h‘ °r W^t?- MOLt:R _ Help Wanted Male. 28 EI.ECTRICITT tauvht by expert,. Earn wlr.e you at home Electrical book and proof leeaona free. Pellefaetlon mar. arteed and pool lion aerured Writ, to ( h ef Engineer Cooke 3144 I-awrence, Art » hlceao —... thh MEN’’ w™'», bora, glrla. 17 to 4i. m* i«i° horernment poeltlona. |ll,-l2to ftravellnir or etatlnnary). write (tely0*m**t' 1,4 SU Mb- Inimedl. MEN—S3 dally; reweat kitchen loo! r>erj woman urea 20 time, daily; eary ledor; bl* profit,; aample free Thomai Mfk to. Peak ill):. Daylon, O D?r*?n ™»*« blr nwniv celling guaranteed nuraerr *tock under jmemethode. Brown Broa Comranv. Rochester. ,\ T. Grower* aince 1SS5 BE a detective. 620-6100 weekly, travel °r world: experience unnecessary Amer l«an Detective Agency. 799 Columbia. St Louts. FOREST rangers, postal clarka and other government help needed. Steady work Particular* free. Write Mokane. D-(2 Denver. Colo. MEN—Our barber course pay# big wages Eaay to iearn Day or evening Catalog explains. Call or write MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, 109 S i$th. 4 OR ( WIN come to 3119 Farnam. have good position to offer Good men ■ an make from 6* to IIP * day WANTED—For farm work, a married nian. House furnished. Writ# J. H. James, Busline!!, N e b. FIREMEN, hrakemen, beginner*. 61 12(0. (Which position?) Railway. T-2(S(, Omaha Bee. Help Wanted Male & Female. 29 f WITNESS WANTED Will any witness to tha colieinn between * street car and Standard Oil truck Tuea day noon March llth. at 2?th and l.eav - anworth street* please send nams and! address to Boa B 333. Omaha Be*. _ rTPlSTS—Add materially to your Income tJPing author** manuacrfpj*; free de tailed Information on request H J 'arnes. Authors* Agent, Tallapoosa. Ga —Women All age*; may ha\a proflt aola occupation 8om* well paid govern "ork Addreea Bennington. 1021 . A>h St , N W . Washington, D. C. KARN Hi lt" Kf.klr. .rare tlm* wrl» 1J* Pno»»rl»T« Kxr*rt*nr* unn*^»»**r-, Particular* frr*. n*> writ*!-*' T*». St Txouls 3 ROOM apt. third floor. in etchanga for! ■•are of furnace AT :?i 1. _Salesmen and Agent* 30 AORNT8— l««-t:aa week Appoint auh agents. 20 per rent comm. Guaranteed genuine ro*d lstt--s for e»rre windows. Metallic Letter Co. 43fr V Clark. Chicago AGENTS niaks htg moner selling new auto invention. Hoffenberg * sold fGO m * month* Profit 12 700 For fUR r#r Hculara write Stranskv Co. i**pt jo;o P'lkwena. S. P A HUNTS ?0t Per cent profit Wonderful | Mttl# article; something new; sen* like w t Id fire Carre n rocket Write at * for free sample. Albert Mill* Mat . i >G:l American Ri.ig » n..nnati O AGENTS New wonderful viler #<•< profit every dollar sales Peliwr ,.n snot. License unneceesarv No . mipeimon Sample free. Mission Co. frit N. Halated. I'hicago ill. *»ALKSMKN- Lightning Strange flattery | \»mpound. Charge* discharged batteries nscantly. Eliminate* old rnetnod enthely I lallon free to agents. 1 tghtnmg Co.. I'ea j Motnea. I* . T. Rawlejgh Co., Ct, 66, Freeport, 111. CANVASSERS. Male and Female. ShoW * and sell latest style Monasllk products. Knit outerwear. Every woman a pros pect. Big repeat orders. Advance com missions Large Income assured Special proposition to real salesmen. W'rits Dent. A. Independent Industries. 140 West 42d St., New York. AGENTS—Large corporation wants a. service man in every town to paste up Its signs on storekeepers’ windows: excellent opportunity for reliable party; no experi ence necessary. We also have attractive proposition for agents ar d salesmen. Guar antee .Sign Service, 361 W. Superior. Chicago. _ SIDE LINB S A LESMEN An exceptional high grade Cam for notion departments Applica tions will he considered only from, men with high grade fol lowing KAITMANN BROS 114-116 East 23th St. New Torh tIOft 13^0 weekly. Men with elinJt knowledge of motor* who can reach oar owners can earn $300 weekly wlttsntit making a single sale If they esn ak-» make sa’es profits may reach $2i.'k>0 yearly, only preposition of its kind ewrr offered. A. O. Phillips. 223 West 27th fti New York. * SALESMEN: A distributor wanted at Omaha to *e]i Americas Finest dollar spark plug—■’Liberty.’’ Sensational quali ty Tremendous sales ahead One dis tributor has made $1,400 In twn month-. $200 month bonus offer L. 8. P. CORf . 40 Hanover **• . Dept. M 12. Boston. MgS?. AGENTS Absolutely fr*e Fine measure made cap to me n willing to wear t as adv*>r!!sro*nt for Mansfield M#esilrc Made Cats Sold dire* t to wearer. Mai * $75 to $125 a week Wri»e quick for de tails MANSFIELD CAP MAKERS. D*pt. €S2. Cincinnati. O AGENTS—Msk* $200 month end tr* • automobile with patented aluminum osj*, lerv get $2 hour part time Someth!eg new Simply display and wr'te order*. We deliver and cnl>c: Sample* furnish ed. Jennings Mfg Co. Room A-&42\ Davton, Q.* * SALESMAN AGE FIS wanted for most re markable invention Everv home keeper need- It. Great seller Be om ml mien-. Hustlers can make $3 0 to $2f» per d*v . No competition Exclusive territory. Ad dress. Smith. 223 Admiral Blvd . Kansas City. Mo._ AGENTS: A rare opportunity. Msn ard women make enormous profits Article costs Be and sells quickly for $1.00. C-eti make $15 to $30 dally. Particulars free. Writ* quick. Address Davis Sc Company, Dee Molne*. Iowa. General Delivery. SALESMEN, sideline, caps for Neb , call- . mg on retail clothiers and department s’ re» popular 1 re of well tailored cap* featuring ihe Adjuttri’e cap that fits ary head. Commission basis. Berkeley Cap#, 7»1 Bn.nuiw ay. New York SALESMEN—Mak* $2 00 on" every Vni versai Gil Tub* Clser.e-. Needed by ga rages and Ford repair ahope 8*‘la at eight Small, light, compact—Ideal side l;n*. Metai Products Company, Becker, Minn. AGENTS—Diamond sensation at last! Amazing discovery of Ra;ah Diamond start 1*5 Jewelry world; $100 w««kly in troducing these magnificent gem simpls case free. Writs quick. Rajah Co., Dspt. A. Salisbury. N. C. AGENTS—No tanvas&iBg I^#t others do the hard work. If you'v* ever ran vassed you c*n earn hundred dollars weekly appointing agents for us la ymir locality. New plan. No capita!, com. ad vance 1 Inthout Co. 540 Congress, Chicago. ARE YOU CONTKMPUTI.NG ENTER ing business ? Give detail* We furnish latest accurate statistics and Information on any buslneae Write for detail* of membership. Business Men' Research Bu 13*9 S Kediie Ave., Chicago. 111. AGENTS; You can make $7$ 0® to $190.6® a week selling our big line of ISO ar ticle*. constantly in every homa Writ# us. we will send you our handsome $15*9 sample case outfit on trust. Federal Fora F»od Co. 2 207 Archer Ave Chicago. SALESMEN: Sideline or part tim# sales men beat proposition today, ail homes, commercial houses, banka etc., buyers, commission S3 pet. advanced dally. Mil lard Rubber Co.. Inc.. 135 Liberty N5w York City. _ SALESMEN—Sideline men making email town*. New idea; ro sale; no collection no samples to carry; $5 commission paid on ea. h trial order taken. Stats Hae carried and territory covered Keeney 4c •gnns Co. 7*-v K. 4ftth St.. Chicago REAL OPPORTTNTTT. Would like to interview' several men be ru»*n ig-'i 30-45 interested !n managerial position that is permanent in city. Ca I Monday «r,d Tuesday. Room J*t P-ande :s Theater Bldg Ask for Mr. 1,+e. S AI #ES M A N — Hoslerv manufacturer 4« - *'re s responsible. experienced representa tive. Nebraska and Iowa selling *wta ! merchants. Commies-nn baa's Reniv fully Manufacturer. 41® Arch St . Phila delphia. SALESMEN to hand’# our guarantor 1 boiler cleaning compound. •'AlcoHold," as I a side l ne Cnequaled opportunity fo' I parties devoting a f-w hours per w*ck «o 1 tb* sale of our product. ADIRONDACK 1 MINERAL CO, Inc. CARTHAGE. N Y. I SALESMEN—Inexperienced or exnerfene- - ed city or traveling. Writ# for D-e* book "Modern Salesmanship" Big de mand for men Earn $3,596 te $19.99® yearly. Address; Nstional Salesmens Tr. Assn Pert 469, Chicago AGENTS Oo Into business for yourself. $166 to $56® profit weekly In proprietary specialty business We furnish trtr - thing and show you bow Booklet free. Nat*! Scientific Labs. 166 Munroe. Rich mond. Va. SALESMEN Tao sa’e* of our $45 rad® advertising ramraign pays you • 26 a day. Knowb'lce of 'a.lio unreoeesary Pea - era *a!es guaranteed. Bex, 491, Iowa Cttj • Iowa. , ‘ AGENTS—$25 dai!' taking order* for D a’.ton - Duplex Reversible Poubleweor Shirts direct to vvearer. pay advanced: a<* deliver. Dalton-Duplex C*e, Brook* Bldg Chicago 'GENTS $5® a neck taking orders for Thomas Guaranteed Ho* #»y; 17 different, kind* la i e#t spring stvlea and colars; vt-ur rise in free outfit. Thomaa Mfg. Co. M U M4T- Dayton. O __ AGENTS $ 190 weekly tak'ng order* for special $2 95 rvacoats; • .vinmHaioS ad vanced: a e deliver and collect; r-ompteet dcli' .'riea D’rite Home Raincoat Ce . I\41' S Halsted. Chlcaso r .’. 4GFNTS Represent s real mill, sell tha original guaranteed Dear Proof hoe's*- , * v V - x — c 'mi'::s«,.in full or rart Urn* tntft* nstl M;1i* Nornstcan. Fa_ ~T * AGENTS Make f 66 n.nth selling et#e* ttic Sighted vanity <-v»es every womlX buv* commission advanced. f deliver, ■ *f Spangler Mfg Co. 156 N Della Chicago. sU.l vMFN <>rc sale ravs $15 $« B g c«**1 1 Hue next Fulling -fern ever offered. Fa* lv sold DanD side line Check* wceklv in full Write for part cu! a re. Stanlev. S vlt** S^vr-'th S« I ouls Mo. $1! KSM %N $ ar e fo h vvf* S* ■ ^C4k mstitut: n* $2 co -v «* »-** Qu k seller. Wondeifu: value MNk# J'd Jl»:!v. Rub ber Frodu s Co, 2® B oad St. New > i k _ _ S G KSMAN with Ford to sell lubricator, go .1 s.dfliti# comm *»:on whole er par® time \V A 357 4 5 110 Burt St_ AG s'Vi'S — To sell our l.if* Tv" w •rful nievl -m* b e rale* b g p* *f "* ' * .«*» a to . Dept * St 1 .'u9 Me S tuitions Wanted M.'.r V'M Kvl man 5 > go 'd mechan o V"d«*f'* stands eleotrlcitv pans of autemeVt, esvthlng n - ha-val eeaajerel. Ill te • tart Bex C J*f mats l®ea