Schwab s Opinion on Probes Queried Bvme* Attack* Motives of Steel Magnate in ** House. Washington, March 14.—President Coolldge was advised by Representa tive Byrnes, democrat, South Caro lina, today to Inform himself on a claim against the government by the Bethlehem Shipbuilding corporation before reaching a conclusion on the purpose of the recent visit of Charles M. Schwab to the White House. At that time Schwab aald congres sional Investigations were hurting business and Byrnes, speaking In the house, ssid, “It may be only a coin cidence that within a week after the appointment of a committee to inves tigate the shipping hoard, Schwab conferred with the president to ad vise him that the investigations are causing hysteria and retarding busi ness.” Schwab is chairman of ths board of the shipbuilding corporation and was ones director of the Emergency Fleet corporation. Byrnes declared the Bethlhem Steel corporation filed a claim of $13,377, 403.28 and following the investiga tion by shipping board officials it was reported that the government owed only $5,982,874.83, Further in vestigatlon by the claims commit tee, showed “that Bethlehem actual ly owed the government $11,048, 659.85. I McCook Man Heads ^tate Teachers Ff. A. Doremus of Aurora Is Named Vice President—Nor mal Head Chief Speaker. IJnooln, March 14.—J. A. True, .•elle White, charged with the murder of »er Infant eon, (jeorge, poisoned her baby and then attempted suicide because her husband "stayed out late at night." This was revealed today by Sheriff Ryder of Otoe county, who persuaded Mrs. White to talk about the crime. "Tha girl is getting along fine now." the sheriff said, "and is recovering rapidly from the effects of the poison. She is taking nourishment regularly and la now able to ait up." The husband has shown an eager ness to patch up their domestic trou bles, the sheriff said, and spends most of his time around the county Jail and with his wife. Nebraska City—More than S00 eases of measles have been reported here recently Irish Linen Handkerchiefs In men’s and women’s sizes; plain white with H-inch hem and fancy embroidered initial cor ner. Some in the women’s sizes are fancy col ored, to set off the suit or dress. OC 35c values, each, £uC Mala Floor—East Carmen and Fashionette Human Hair Nets All colors, single or double mesh, cap or fringe styles. Regularly 15c each. Saturday, *71 at each, ' ?C Main Floor—South - ■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ Saturday=March Feature Sales in Apparel and Accessories Candy Specials Ninety per cent of the confections sold over our counters are products of our modern and sanitary candy kitchen. Swim Milk and Bitter Sweet Chocolates v Hand rolled with creamy nut or fruit cen ters. Packed in pound boxes. Regularly 60c Saturday, A/\ per pound, 4UC Chocolate and Vanilla Brazil Nut Fudge A real home-made confection, pure cream fudge, chocolate or vanilla flavored filled with fresh Brazil nuts. Regularly on 60c, special Saturday, per pound, C Candy Department—Main Floor—West Saturday, March Sale Knit Underwear The correct weights in spring un dergarments are specially priced for Saturday. Women’s Knitted Silk Union Suits Of finest grades of glove silk, thread and jersey silk; band or bodice style with tight or loose knee. All perfect qualities, in regular and extra sizes, flesh and white. Regularly 7.96 to 8.96. Priced Q j-q for Saturday, «3£/ Glove Silk Bloomers An extra heavy grade in knee or three quarter length; black, brown and gray and the combinations; regularly 6.96 to 7.96; for Saturday, per O QC pair, da ••70 Glove Silk Vests In the dropstitch or plain weave in flesh, orchid or peach. Bodice style. Regular and extra sizes. Special e qf at, each, 1 a«70 Cotton Union Suits Band or bodies styles in white in regular, extra or double extra sizes. Mer cerized finish. For Saturday, ODC Cotton Vests Mercerized finish in band or bodice styles. Full bleach or flesh. Regular and Ef\ extra sizes. Saturday, each, OUC Third Floor—Center March Sales in Women’s Spring Apparel New Spring Coats A Group of Made of New Selected Models Sport Fabrics Handsome Dressy Types and Swagger Sports Modes of Superior Fabrics—All in Approved Models A special purchase from several leading New York coat makers brings to Omaha the smartest coat crea tions produced for spring. The leading modes of fashion in types for sports and dress wear. —New English Plaids —New Scotch Plaids —New Camel Color Cloth —New Imported Materials —In Plaids —In Stripes —In Mixtures —In Solid Colors Second Floor Smart Silk Over Blouses ^ Saturday L o,/ Clever n e w spring blouses for wear with the tailored suit of soft crepe de chine and printed crepes. All sizes, 36 to 46. Mod els suitable for the younger girl and the matron. Powder Blue. Pablo Sheik Beige Silver and Combinations Second Floor Women*s Tailored Shirts Of English Broadcloth With Colorful Handkerchiefs. In white, beige on madonna blue with contrasting silk handkerchief. This is the new chemisier shirt which may be worn as an over blouse, or as a “tuck in." 3.98 to 6.98 Second Floor New Spring Sweaters Saturday f* at 5. Models that are dif ferent. Man darin coats, Jacquettes with Bobby collars, attractive slip-ons with cricket collars. All in lovely spring colors. Mohair and Fiber Silk Mixtures in Jacquard, Plain and Fancy Mixtures. Socoad Floor Saturday Sale of Women * Sample Silk Underwear On Sale at Less Than One-Half Price Silk Gowns Bloomers Step-ins Envelope Chemise Petticoats Costume Slips Camisoles The materials are silk radium, crepe de chine, wash satin and tub silk trimmed with sheer, dainty laces and stitchings that combine to create a delightful collection of underthings that are so important to the well-groomed woman of to day. They are samples and we have cut their price to half their regular value. Garments selling from 4.95 to 8.98 priced for Saturday— 1.50 to 4.95 Hand-Made Philippine Gowns and Chemise Handmade of fine, soft nainsook with the very beautiful hand scalloped edges. They are cut full and well made. ■ For Satur day at the remarkably | oq low? price, each, Third Floor—Center Saturday We Feature the Brandeis “Polly Prim” * 9.50 Fashion’s mood decrees the return of the tailored frock and suit. Shoes of course must follow and the Polly Prim is the re sult. Of airedale or jack rabbit suede. Black Satin Slippers 7.50 We have a small lot of wey made slippers, fashioned with Cuban, box or high Spanish heel. For Quick Clearance N o velty Slippers, c qc Pair . . . • y y Finely made slippers in patent leathers, satins and suedes. These hare formerly been priced from 8.50 to 12.80, Third Floor—East New Spring Veiling Imported Drape Veils These are in accordance with the season’s de mands. Handsomely em broidered, large square and long veils in black, gray and tan. They usually sell for 3.00. For Saturday, | qo each, 1.570 New Nose Veils This is really beautiful veiling of silk mesh and chantilly lace effects. Neatly embroidered borders. In two lots, 59c 98c Main Floor—Eaal Saturday —An Important March Sale Feature Oneida Community Par Plate Tuxedo Pattern—10 Year Guarantee V3 and More Off Regular Prices The lovely Tuxedo pattern is being discontinued and that is the cause of this sweeping reduction. The quantities are limited, so we advise early shopping. We quote a few of the remarkable values offered. 1.50 T#a Spoon*— Q1 Set of 5, special at, 3.00 Table Spoon*— 1 QP Set of 6, special at, * 2.75 Da**art Spoon* f QO Set of 5, special at, ^ 3.00 Dinner Fork*— 1 AP Set of 6, special at, ^ •*'*' 3.75 Dinner Forks— n AC Set of 8, special at, AisT'O 3.75 Salad Forks— Q i g Set of 8, special at, fcisT'O 3.50 Butter Spreaders—Set of 8, special 2 1.00 Cream Ladle— gg Special at, each, 03 C 1.00 Cold Meat Fork iJO I Special at, each. • «5C 1.75 Barry Spoon— 1 1 Special at, each, 1 a 1 / 55c Su(ar Shall— Q Special at, each, *5 # C 60c Buttar Knife— One Special at, each, « C 26 Piece Chest Oneida Community Par Plato n Tuaado pattern. vZ, 8.00 This attractive chest con tains 6 tea spoons, G table spoons, 6 dinner knives, fl dinner forks, sugar shell, 1 butter knife. Silver Plated Hollow Ware Vi Off Regular Prices These lovely pieces are nickel silver hasp, heavily plated. You will find many article* in this assortment that would make most acceptable gifts. A few are listed below. 4.75 o p