The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, March 13, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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News and Features- for Women
Add Nutritionist |
to Visiting
A nutritionist will be added to the
staff of the Visiting Nurses' assocta
tion, it was decided by the board of
directors at a meeting held March It
in the association rooms at the city
Giving advice to mothers about the
buying and preparation of food, and
the management of hollies and bud
gets, will be one of the principal
duties of this specialist. The nutri
tionist will also devote particular at
tention to children of pre-school nge,
from 2 to 5 years, which Is often
’mown as the “No Man’s hand’’ of
childhood. Preschool clinics will be
organized arid conducted for their
Miss Florence McCabe, superinten
dent of the Visiting Nurses' associa
tion, leaves town soon to study a
“generalization plan" being adopted
by similar associations in other cities.
For some years, the Omaha associa
tion has been organized by special
ties. Certain nurses confine their at
tention to tuberculosis and others
care for other diseases. It follows
that several nurses often visit a
single family. By the new plan, one
nurse cares for all the ailments in
any given 'family.
Reports show that 4,700 calls were
made by visiting nurses last month*
and 2,211 patients were treated, vl
whom only 9 died.
Concert Committee for
John McCormack comes to the Au
ditorium April 10 under the auspices
of the Omaha Council of Catholic
The general chairman is Mrs. Louis
Nash. Mrs. Paul Gallagher amUMlss
Eileen McCaffrey have charge of pub
licity, and among the committee in
charge are Mrs. George Brandeis, Mrs.
John Madden, Miss Mary Kennedy,
Mrs. A. V. Kineler, Mrs. W. J. Hotz,
Mrs. J. C. Rosse, Mrs. A. J. Tusa,
-Mrs. Margaret Moriarity, Mrs. C. B.
Eugdale, Its. Arthur F. Mullen, Mrs.
T. P. Redmond, Miss Lora Power,
Miss Claire Daugherty, Miss Eleanor
Burkley, Mrs. J. A. C. Kennedy,
Mrs. T. J. Dwyer, Mrs. L. F. Crofoot,
Mrs. John Hopkins, Mrs. Ernest A.
Reese and Mrs. Leo Hoffmann.
Club Gives Style Show of
Homemade Garment
Geneva, Neb., March 12.—A cloth
ing demonstration In charge of the
literary and art department of th%
Woman’s club will be held at the
City auditorium, Friday. Merchants
will assist in the display to be shown
and fancy articles and garments
made by the women of the commu
nity will lie exhibited. The program
will also have a musical part and a
Fourth District Convention
^ of Legion Auxiliary
The second annual convention of
the Fourth district, \inerlcan Le
gion auxiliary, will be held in David j
City, Neb., on Friday, March 14. The
state officers of the auxiliary, and j
C. W. Tayloi, state commander of
the legion, are expected. Prepara
tions have been made to entertain
<5 delegates.
Geneva, Neb.. March 12.—A cloth
ing demonstration in charge of the
Shamrock Luncheon
A ‘'Shamrock luncheon” will he
given Tuesday, March IS, at the Bran
deis restaurant by the City Concert
'club to make plans for the observance
of national music week. All who are
interested are asked to make reserva
tions with Miss Edith May Miller,
Harney 6374; Miss Blanche Sorensen.
Harney 26S7, or Mrs. Hester Kronsoon
Copper, Atlantic 0300. Those attend
ing tha luncheon are asked to wear
St. Patrick day badges or decorations.
Holds Instrustion School
Wlnstde, Neb., March 12.—Mrs. Car
lie Burdick, Omaha, district super
visor of the Order of the Eastern
t-tar, held a school of Instruction
Wednesday evening in Wlnside. A
banquet in the Methodist church pre
ceded the event.
An old pair of cape or mocha gloves
worn while sweeping will prevent the
hands from blistering.
Sure Relief
; | mm^rioy
j 6 Bell-ans
Hot water
r Sure Relief
25* and 75* Packages Everywhere
Apply Sulphur a* Told When Your
Skin Breaks Out
Any breaking out of the akin on
face, neck, anna or body la overcome
quickest by applying Mentho Sulphur.
The pimples Beem to dry right up
and go away, declares a noted Bkln
Nothing has ever been found to
take the place of sulphur as a pimple
remover. It Is harmless and Inex
pensive. Just ask any druggist for
a small jar of Bowles McnlhoSul
phur and use It like cold cream.
>4 Bronchitis
I^esv-fs a burl cough. Ho does "flu”
and la grippe. But these lingering
coughs yield easily to the healing
and curative qualities of
Every user ia a friend
■ "1 ■
Hack to Bonnet ami Shawl
. _
It is not such a far cry from the
lays of the bonnet and shawl! What
more or less than a bonnet Is the
cloche? As for the shawl, we have
no new name for It, even though the
shawl Is distinctly "in” this season.
Not because of the Spanish back
ground which Is one of Havana's
most insidious charms, are shawls
worn there, but because they are chic.
A few years ago the only glimpse one
had of the manton in Havana was at
carnival time, and to a limited degree,
in the shops. But now, women of
fashion wear them for evening, and
nothing more decorative can be im
The first thing an ambitious Ameri
can tourist does is to go forth In
search of a manton. There are plenty
to be had, but at prlcea which are
prohibitive except to the extrava
gant. It is by the fringe one judges
these shawls; the embroidery is only
secondary. They are quite heavy,
one shawl frequently weighing as
much as a fur coat. While huge
flowers are the most striking era
brodery motifs, there are women who
do not consider them as good taste
as the smaller designs, and still
others who prefer two tones instead
I.f the black and while combinations,
which are also popular.
As everyone knows, many soealled
Spanish shawls are embroidered In
China and Manila. So of course the
Chinese influence is easily detected In
some embroideries. In fact, some axe
quite pronounced, as in the wrap
sketched, which has for Inspiration,
the fringed shawl.
The square shawl of crepe sans
embroidery, with handsome self
toned fringe, is also affected by smart
women who are Intrigued more by
the graceful silhouettes possible
rather than by its other charm*.
One may have a collection of such
shawls sto harmonize with many
evening gowns for the price of one
magnificently embroidered one. The
hand-decorated shawl of Russian
persuasion is less popular in south
ern resorts than the embroidered or
plain types. There are also the
Roman silk scarfs, shawl-like in pro
So far, the shawl dress has been
encountered only once or twice, and
always in plain colors.
(Copyright. 1924, Fairchild.)
(Copyright. 1924 )
Library Talk
> |
J, Christian Bay, librarian of the
John Crerar library, Chicago, will
come to Omaha to deliver an Illus
trated library talk on “Old Books"
next Sunday afternoon at 4. p. m. In
the musemum of the Omaha public
library. Bay will speak In connec
tion with the Crummer exhibit of
early stages in the art of printing
and engraving, now on display at the
public library. His talk wlU replace
one by Wilbur Boynicb of New York,
who was prevented from coming
/-- ~ “>
Mrs. Frances T. Ure underwent an
operation for appendicitis Monday in
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bobbins will
arrive In Omaha Sunday Horn a stay
of five weeks In southern California.
Thomas and Margaret Maloney, chil
dren of Mr. and Mrs. William 11.
Maloney, who have been seriously ill
at their home, are convalescing.
Mr. and Mrs. Irving C. Wood re
turned Tuesday from I .os Angeles,
Cal., where they have been since De
cember. They have taken nn apart
ment in the Fontenelle.
Miss Marvel Anne Seymour, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Seymour
of Council Bluffs, who Is a Junior at
iho University of Nebraska, returned
home Sunday sad will not reenter
school until September because of u
nervous Illness.
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. -Fuller, who
sailed on January 2# on the Samaria
from New York on a trip around the
world, are now at Bombay, India.
From there they will go to Calcutta,
and around to China slid Japan be
foregoing to the Hawaiian Islands and
on to San Francisco. From Kali Fran
, isro the travelers go through the
I’iitiiima canal soil on to New York,
r, lie re they expect to land about
June 4.
Athletic Club Will
Give St. Patricks
On Saturday evening, March 15, the
Athletic club will give its annual St.
Patricks dinner-dance.
The main dining room of the elub
will be converted into a miniature
corner ot Ireland on that night with
American and Irish flags entwined
and other elaborate decorations.
Music will be supplied by Jaffy's O.
A. C. orchestra and an added attrac
tion for the evening will be costume
dancing by Miss Pat McGee. Many
reservations have already been made.
Character Tests Shown by
Wayne Educator
Wayne, Neb., March. 12.—"Charac
ter tests” were described by President
Conn of Wayne State Teachers’ col
lege In recent addresses to faculty
and students on "Significant Tenden
cies In Education,” which he based
especially on indications at the Na
tional Educational association con
ference in Chicago.
These character of temperament
tests aim to measure the qualities of
a student's disposition. They serve
as additions and corrections to the
intelligence tests already in use In
the schools, and often give widely
different results.
These newer tests are based on the
supposition that patience, persever
ance and kindliness may be socially
as valuable as speed in solving a
mathematics problem; that it may be
as important for society to produce
a St. Francis as a Napoleon or a
Lloyd George.
Form Parent Teacher
Association at Beal
About 100 mothers ot children at
Beal school met Tuesday to organize
i Parent-Teacher association. Mrs. S.
r. Jonas was elected president; Miss
Helen Dongsdorf, vice president; Mrs.
H. C. Farber, second vice president;
Mrs. C. W. White, secretary, and Mrs.
J. J. Grabow, treasurer.
This new organization is the 10th
Parent-Teacher organization to be
formed In Omaha schools. Only one
of the 10, the Dundee association ,1s
affiliated with the state and national
Parent-Teacher associations.
They Are Wearing
The scarf collar as It appears on
fur trimmed cloth coats. Is generally
entirely of cloth, with fur forming
only a decoration on the ends. One
coat developed In black suede cloth,
showed a scarf collar of the cloth. The
ends thrown hack over the shoulders,
reach almost to the edge of the coat,
and are finished with deep plaques
of muskrat fur.
A touch of red is a noteworthy cos
tume detail of smartly dressed wo
men. A black crepe de chine frock
has pipings of red on the bodice and
running down the skirt. A black vel
vet frock, worn at luncheon at the
Ritz, had Its plainness relieved by
fine cuffs of lingerie and lace, eet off
by a single band of red ribbon at the
Best Treated
With Vapors
Direct Treatment with
Vaporizing Salve Im
mediately Reaches Con
gested Air Passages.
If a cold has been neglected and has
gone down into the chest, producing
acute bronchitis, thoroughly redden
the skin over throat and chest with
hot, wet towels to open the pores.
Then massage briskly with Vick* for
five minutes, spread on thickly and
cover with two thicknesses of hot
flannel cloths.
For hours after Vicks is applied the
vapor* of Camphor, Menthol, Buca
lyptus, Juniper Tar, etc., are inhaled
directly into the infected air passage*.
At the same time Vicks is absorbed
thru and stimulates the skin like a
poultice or plaster.
Being externally applied, Vicks is
especially good for children and is used
by millions of mothers to prevent or
relieve cold troubles.
Ovn 17 Million Jans Usso YkAair
"California Fig Syrup”
Dependable Laxative for Sick
Baby or Child
Hurry, Mother! Kven constipated,
Idllotia, fe veriah or nick, rollo Ha hie*
and Children love to taka genuine
"California Fig Syrup." No other la*
ntlvi regulate* the tender little bow
el* no nicely. It sweetens the atom
ach and atari* the liver and bowel*
without griping. Contain* no nnr
cot lea or aoothlng drug*. Say "Cull
fornla" to your druggl*t and avoid
counterfeit*. In*l*t upon genuine
"California Fig Syrup" which con
tutus direction*.
We Welcome the
to Omaha and to th*
Burgcss-Nash Store.
Burgess-Nash Gompany
Spring Opening Week Sales of Apparel
Distinctive Spring Frocks
In Silk and Wool Models
$39.50 to $69.50
Arriving each day is a charming assortment of frocks, as
' varied as they are modish. Each model is individual and
carefully selected as to quality and design.
Many look to smart embroidery for ornamentation, while
others have ruffles, pleatings and dainty collars and cuffs.
Developed in . • j
) Canton Crepe Charmeen Twills
Covert Cloths Georgette
Pasha Crepe Chiffon Satin
The colors are gray, green, blue, caramel, cocoa, orange,
navy, tan, amber, peach, honey-dew, maize, orchid and black.
Women's and misses’ sizes.
New Spring Coats and Suits
During the last few days we have received and placed on sale hun
dreds of the very latest creations in high-grade suits, coats and wraps.
Every correct fabric and color is shown in this wonderful collection of
exclusive garments of quality, and the prices are guaranteed the low
est, consistent with the superior workmanship, styles and extra fine
fabric used in their construction. Many are hand-made. The selection
is too large to describe in detail, but we earnestly urge you to inspect
our remarkable spring showing, which we believe the finest we have
ever assembled. Coats range in price from $25.00 to $195.00. Suits,
$25.00 to $225.00.
Third Fto*r.
Mezzanine Menu
Baked bash, poached
egg, mashed potatoes
bread pudding, bread
and butter, coffee or
Hrmiialar fleer
Chiffon Hose
Chiffon hose In the popular
shades of spring ere very smart,
and these chiffon weight hose
with sheer lisle hems, and rein
forced feet combine service
ability and style.
Shown In colors of cinnamon,
dune, nude, castor, gray and
black. Not all sizes In each
color. Regular f 1.2S quality.
Mala riaer
Sal' oI
A large assortment of silk
striped madras shirts In a va
riety of colors. All nsw mer
chandise of good wearing qual
ity. Regular 13.00 raluss. All
sites. _
Men's caps In a good assort
ment of patterns and color
combinations. Suitable for
spring wear.
For “Opening Week”—Extraordinary Sale of
1,200 Pairs ‘Van Raalte’ Fabric Gloves
1,200 pairs of Van Raalte jvashable fabric gloves of
fered in this splendid lot at less than the cost of
manufacture. Included are two-cJasp gauntlets and
16-button length models.
All the wanted spring shades are shown, some wit!
spear point embroidered backs. At this low price
Mie purchase of several pair would be real economy 1
Values From $1.00 to $1.50
, Mala riw, *!•*> '
“Opening Week” Sale of Famous
‘Gossard’ Front Lace
ts.00 $ O 45 style
Values = No. 382
A proper foundation for the tube silhouette gown is only
acquired through correct corseting. The Gossard style
pictured, for the slight and average figures, fulfills the
requirements. Lightly boned, with a low, comfortable
elastic section at the back and a medium length skirt,
' which is cut straight around the figure. In pink broche.
9ma< Ftear
Toilet Goods
and Sundries
$4.00 ounce Jaerain Extract
$1.25 Coty'a L'Origan Face
Powder. 79*
$1.00 Narci**e da Vendome
Face Powder_ .79*1
$1 25 El Murillo Caatlle Soap.
3-lb. bar .59*
$1.00 Chamt*** for cleaning 79*
50c Sponge, large *Ue.. 19*
$1.20 Sal Hepatica.89*
10c Powder Puff*. 3 for— 19*1
50c Elcaya Cold Cream... 35*
Mata Ftow
“Spring Opening Week99 Sale of 1
1000 Stamped Linene
House Dresses
* •
To Be Embroidered
•Women of Omnlia will be pleased to know that we
have received another shipment of these popular
dresses, stamped to embroider. The designs are en
tirely new, and the quality of linene is of the finest.
Five different, attractive designs are shown.
The colors are -lavender, corn, rose and Copen
hagen blue.
Srronil rum
Swagger Envelope
Matinee Bags
New Bags
A splendid assortment of new leather
t>ag*. appropriate for street or tires*
occasions. There'* a pleasing array of jj
colors in tan. brown, gray or black, some
with Florentine effect* Tooled leather
bag* ars al*o good for spring Styles are
Mat* Flaar
Girls’ New
Silk Dresses
Most appealing to the taste of the
younger girl are these smart models
styled of fine silks and crisp taf
fetas. Every touch necessary for
the developing of a suitable and be
coming dress has been clever!*
I \e«* raffle effects. raws sf gls (arks,
Hfckaa sag krlgkt relerrg flawtrs,
aeveltjr sleeves, sag esllara at estate
lare ar alsla aet rlqaeleS is krttSI
Alt of the nea shades are depleted
Tklnl riaar
MOne of America'* Great Store*Mg