If You Live in Omaha, Invest in Omaha, Read Real Estate For Sale Today COOLIDGE TO FIND ! IF CAPITAL WET Washington, March 12.—An effort to settle the question of the effective ness of prohibition enforcement in Washington has been ordered by President Coolidge as a result of the charge by ltear Admiral Charles P. Plunkett, commandant of the Brook-1 lyn navy yard, that the capital is the wettest city in the United States." The president upon learning of Ad miral Plunkett’s statements during a police trial in New York summoned Prohibition Commissioner Haynes to tlie White House and instructed him to find out if the Brooklyn comman dant had been correctly quoted and, if so, to ascertain the basis of his in formation and initiate an investiga tion, looking to correction of the al leged condition in the capital. “BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES 35c per line each day, 1 or 2 days. 12c per line each day. 3 or 6 days. 10c per line each day. 7 days or longer. Classified Ada accepted at the following offices : Main Office.17th and Farnam Sts. South Omaha..N. W. Cor. 24th and N S'*. Council Biuffs.16 Scott St. The above rates apply to all advertise ments in classifications: I.ost and Found . 4 Help Wanted Female . 27 Hein Wanted Male . 29 Salesmen and A rents . 30 Situations Wanted Female ...' HI Situations Wanted Male . 32 Articles for Sale .. 4* Farm and Dairy I’koducts . 49 Good Things to Eat . 61 THF EVENING BEE THE OMAHA MORNING BEE. , ^ ANNOUNCEMENTS. | Funeral Notices. A ' --—_ _______________ __! STAY—Mr*. Mnrgaret. beloved wife of Anson. March 12. Funeral Friday from John A. Gentleman’s mortuary, 8:30 a. m. to St. Peter church at ft a. m. Interment Holy Sepulcher cemetery. THE EXCELSIOR LODGE NO. 2 J . F. & A. M. will hold the funeral services of Bro. Joseph Carr Thursday at 2 n. m. at the Masonic Hall. 24th and Parker Sts. All members he present at 1:00 p. m. Vaults and Monumenta. B "Automatic Sealing ’ concrete burial vault* recommended by all leading undertaken Mfc. bv Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co. Funeral Directors. C HFAFEY A HEAFEY. Uundertaker* and Embalmere Phona HA 0265. Office 2611 Farnam (ESTABLISHED SINCE 1182) KORISKO FUNERAL, HOME. 23d and O St*. 1250 S. 13th St MA. 06S0. AT. 1871 HOFFMANN AMBULANCE Dodge at 24th. Funeral Director*. JA. StOl H. H. KRAMER FUNERAL HOME. 5819 Afllitary Ave. WA. 5314. N. P. SWANSON. 17TH AND CUMINQ Quiet, Dignified Supervision. CROSBY-MOORE 24th and Wirt. WE. 0547. TAGGART A SON. 2212 Cuming St. JA. 0714. HULSE A RIEPEN, Funeral director*. 2224 Cuming. JA. 122S. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN. 3411 Farnam St. C. C HAYNES FUNERAL HOME. 3920 N. 24th St.KE. 0257. DUFFY A JOHNSTON. 311 S. 33d. new funeral home. HA. 0417. BRAILEY A DORRANCE. 1823 CUMING STM JA. 05^5. Cemeteries. D FOREST I.AWN CEMETERY, WEST OF FLORENCE. A few of the many advantage* of Forest ; I.awn: Proper location, **!% from dis turbance by the city's growth. Not op erated for profit. Perpetual care. High, rolling ground. Miles of macadam pave ment. Office* at the cemetery (north of city limits) and 720 Branded Theater bu i Iding. WEST LAWN* MEMORIAL I’AKK Omifha’i Cemetery Beautiful. Easy, de ferred payments on family lots for Im mediate or future use. Conveniently lo cated. Perpetual care. Complete court eous attention. 58th and Center. May show you? Call WA-0820 or AT. 1979. Our closed auto will call for you. Florist*. £ F.OGER8. Florist. 24th Farnain. JA. 3400. JOHN BATH. 1804 Farnam. J * 19QS, Personals. 3 THE SALVATION Army industrial horns solicits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone JA. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home. 1110-11J2-1114 Dodge Street. MARCELL LESSONS. Complete course, includes bobbing, curl ing and shampooing, *2 5. Terms. JA. 4712. METROPOLITAN Rat ha, massage. men, women and children. 1810 Chicago. Phone. JA. 0534. HARRY LEE please call or write Herman Franke at Dumfries, la. i Proatatio troublee treated without sunrery or drugs. Dr. C. B. Hunt, 632 W.-H. Bldg. Theatrical historical masque costumes for nihvs and parties at Lleheps. Omaha. Loct and Found. 4 LOST—Black satchel containing books 1 and papers between Nebraska City and Omaha. ReaMonabls reward. <>. O. Luter, 6104 Champlanl flt., Chicago. 111._j LOST—Eyeglasses, pair nosnglasses on gold chain and fastener with Masonic em blem. Reward. W. S. Wedge. 614 Peters Trust Bldg._ LOST—a boy's bicycle from 6011 Daven port. Reward of returned. WA. 0113. LOST—A pair of small mules. 1 bay and* one black. WA. 0256, WA. 3369. AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles fnr Sale 5 | THREE DAY SPECIALS 1924 Ford coupe, new .**»® 1923 Ford coupe .*3*& 1121 Ford touring .*136 1923 Star touring .•}»• 1916 Maxwell roadster .... *3a Others, *50 up to *1,000. ANDREW' MURPHY St SON. 14th and Jackson Sta. AT. 4411. S0-DAY GUARANTEE. Ford sedan, 1922; Juat been thor oughly overhauled good tire*; neat appearance. A good safe investment. HANNAN-VAN BRUNT. Farnam at 20th. HA. 0*61. Used Car Department. FORD COUPE 1922 modei, must sell my car this week. Exceptional value. Motor excellent, appearance fine. Used very little. Original tires In good I shape. Equipped with inuny ex tras. Call me at HA. 2061 noon or after 6 p. rn. 1F.'2 OVERLAND Coups, Juat over hauled and upholstery good. *190 down, no finance * barge. WILLYH-OVWRLAND, TNC. . 2b 6 2 Fu mam St. f m LATE Model Wlllya-Knfght road ater, Just, overhauled and re painted good tires. *66 0 for quick sal's. HA. 0363, Mr. Mortis •"UPSON touring. ,ata model and la at* csllent condition. Guaranteed *ee today Owe T*. Smith ” USED CARS O. N Ronney Mntni os., 2*64 Farnam. AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles for Sale. 5 TRADE. Here is an opportunity for a person to obtain h good 6-cylinder sedan on h special Inducement plan; 1921 model, ft wire wheels, 5 cord tires. :i practi cally new; special upholstering, new paint, and in perfect mechanical con dition. I want an open car and will •accept one in exchange. Cali me ai HA. US6S. Mr. Glass. FORD COUPE, excellent merhanical comiiti. n .r» good tires, good up holstery, starter and demountable • rims Would consider a good open car In exchange. Call HA. 4629. NASH-VRTESEM A AUTO CO. US EL* CAR STORE. 2045 Farnarn. AT.4R80 1921 FORT) touring. Will sell cheap. AT. 4411. Mr. Lauchlin. FORDS—DODGES—BUICKS S701 S. 24th. Tel. MA. 5090 Trucks for ’Sale. 5A TRUCK BARGAINS. FORD TON TRUCK, GOOD CAB AND’ BODY. CARRIES OUR REGULAR THIRTY-DAY GUAR ANTEE .$150 • FORD TON TRUCK. GOOD BODY AND CAB. A REAL VALUE AT .$100 HANNAN VAN BRUNT, INC. FARNA.M AT 30TH ST. HA. OSSS. USED CAR DEPT. (MR. GLASS), f \ li M. C., lat. modal, ona ton.t 460 Master, two ton dump, underbody hoist . «»• Chevrolat, one ton, with body new ly new .. S"0 Republic, rebuilt, suarante. d, 2V4-3 ton, equipped with dump body and hoist .. 1 n5° Ths best selection and ths lowest pri* ■ « at— ANDREW MURPHY A SO* 54 years In business 14th and Jackson ONE to three-ton used true*!, terms can be arranged. International Harvester Ce. of America. 714-16 S. 10th It. __ Auto Accessories Parts._9 INSTANT ELECTROLYTE. Guaranteed to recharge anv battery In serviceable condition. Will not free*# In the coldest weather and It will not sul phate Mate. For sale in filling atatlona and garages. or phone WE, IKS. GUARANTEED new and used auto parts at a special cut price. Nebraska Auto Parts. 1016-1* Harney St.. JA. 4431. and 2205 Cutting St . AT. 1970. ^ FORD touring top cover complete with back curtain. $3.00. Ford fenders. $10 r set. Kaplun Auto Parts. 2111 Nicholas St. Service"StTtion—Repairing. 10 INDUSTRIAL AUTO MACHINISTS. Rayfield cart>ureton and Elaemann mag neto service. AT. 2564. . P. MELCHOIRS A SON 417 8 11TH. BUSINESS’ SERVICE. ~ Business Services Offered. 13 WILL audit and correct your hooka or change to simple form, double entry, and teacii you to keep. C-355, Omaha Bee. FERTILIZER and black dirt for lawns, cellar digging and grading. Tel. Web. 1727.__ JAMES ALLAN S Detectives. Kipert aecret service. 311-112 Nevllla Block. AT, 1136. Building Contractors. 14 LOW PRICES on toilet combinations, lavatories, sinks, bath tube, rang# boiler* New goods. MORRISON LUMBER A COAL CO.. 2?d and Paul Sts. WE. 6541. SCREENED porches, old screens rewired, broken windows replaced, dating. Hw man. KE 2701._ LUMBER, mill work, concrete blocks, i ement, gravel etc. Call me for prices. Walter I. Hooker. MA. ^74. CARPENTER wnr*. new or remodeling, satisfaction guaranteed. Prices reason able. AT 1271 Millinery—Dressmaking. 17 ACCORDION. *lde, knlf«. bo» plektlnk. covered buttons; all styles; hemstitching: buttonholes. Write Ideal Hutton A Pleat ing Co.. 301 Brown Block. Omaha. Neb., Telephone JA. 1>34. NEB. PLEATING CO. Hemstitching. Covered Buttons. ^04Farijin^^econ^^ioor^^^IA^5470^ Moving—Trucking—Storage. 18 FIDELITY STORAGE it VAN CO. MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING household Rooda. offlca furniture, autoa. 1107-11 HOWARD 81 ‘ JA. 02RH. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE PACKING. MOVING. SHIPPING STORING Estimate* furniah*7. EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted Female. ‘ 27 / ADIES, learn beauty culture. Wonder ful business. !.*t ua show you a sure. ('Any way to maka big money or a chance to have your own shop. Short t nurse completes Day or evening call or write Moler College. 109 South 15th St . second floor.__ _ SALESLADIES*—Two. Wilt* "Tjuu k for proposition Ever) woman a prospect No competition f 1 n to 120 day. t'-ntral Sup ply Co. 36.1H Kellafontulne, Kansas City, M < *,_ LADIES to solicit (Mil HI I k Stocking*. Rebuilt hke new. All work guaranteed. Big money to be madu DMA HA RE BUILT HOSIERY CD.. 116 H 2th. GIRL—1*'. to IK yearn to help In grocery it ore. 26 th and Martha. Help Wanted Male. 28 LARGE corporation wants a service man hi every town to posto tin it* signs on storekeeper'* window |. UxoeDonl op portunity for reliable parly. So e*i-nt* t», "n new court house at Cedar Rapid- la Applv on Job or writ* Mr. H. J. Goodrow, Bupl. Municipal Island. EMFO-OYMEN^^^^^ ALL MEN, Women, boys, girls, 17 to «$, willing to accept government positions, $117-1250 (traveling or stationary), write Mr. ozment. 186 St. Louie, Mo., Hnmedl. »*?ly. PERMANENT employment In city for 3 men, ilean cut, who are capable. Doing some collecting. Call today and Thurs day. Room 232, Brandels Theater Bldg. FIREMEN, brakemen, beginners. $160 $250. (Which position?) Railway. Y-2586, < Mnuha Bee. _ _' FOl'R or five men com® to 3139 Fsrnatn I have a good proposition to offer. Good men ran make $8 to $10 a day. GOOD position for man with car to sell real estate. Write Box B-207, Omaha Bee Help Wanted Male & Female. 29 MAKE money at home, experience un necessary. We teach you how and supply work. No matter where you live. Write Detroit Show Card Studios. ,610 Dlnan Building. Detroit, Mich. _ WANTED HELP—Ten attractive ladles for Special Comedy, experienced or un experienced. Also .Tax/. Musclans. Phone nr wire. Harry Gilbert, Grand View Hotel. Sterling, Mo. WANTED—Wanted man and wife to run 30-room hotel in Nebraska town of 1,000. Good proposition to couple that wants to work. B-225, Omaha Bee. Salesmen and Agents. 30 SALESMEN— New York manufn<-Uir«« of sweaters, knitted suits and dresses want live wire representation through Nebraska. Commission, resident man preferred. Un usual opportunity as the advertiser Is a quantity producer of seasonable novelties, assuring year around business. Box 69, World Bldg., New York. SALESMEN to sell outsld® and inside electric signs. A wonderful proposition. Every retail merchant a possible cus tomer. Exclusive territory. Liberal com pensation. The McSavaney Company, Springfield. O. TAILORING SALESMEN— bally profits, M onthly bonus, best known line, union mad® to measure suits, overcoats. $32 50. Biggest old reliable house. W. D. Smith A* Co. Established 1S95. Dept. W, Chicago. AGENTS: Two hustlers. Write quick for proposition. No competition. 209 per cent profit. Every man a prospect. Central Supply Co., 3638 Bellefontalne, Kansas City, Mo.__ Situation! Wanted Female. 31 WHITE rcllnbl, lady want* day work. rail AT. 6606. WHITE woman wants day work. JA. 5618. FAMILY and bundle washings. KE. tt!7. ^ FINANCIAL. Business Opportunities 33 FOR SALE. Hardware and electric atore. located 1n the central part of Nebraska; excellent lease. best set of fixtures west of Omaha. Good reasons for selling. Y-J58I, Omaha Bee. FOR SALK—General store, good location, doing good business; five living rooms In connection with store building. Writs Ed Akre. Beinidji. Minn THE DORT SIX AGENCY makes a prof itable business for energetic business nssn. See Ralph W Jones, distributor for Ne braska and Western Iowa. 24$1 Karnam. WANTED—A physician in a town of BOO population, practice e.*tab!laheri. no com petition. Por Information, write Bqx 131, Olenvll, Neb. FOR RALE—A brick and tile plant with complete equipment, cheap. Address W. It. Shurtx, Boone, la.. Box 206. A GROWING undertaking business in the fastest growing 'city in the middle west. A bargain If taken at once. C-344. Oma ha Bee, ANY business, anywnere. sold* for cash. No publicity. Federal System. 103 Paa ton Bldg AT. 0442 Investment—Stocks—Bondi. 34 LOW RATE on city prortrty, quickly closed; no monthly payments. JA. 1333 W. T Orthsm M. A. ANDERION CO.. JA. 3107. Real estate. Surety bonds sad kindred Ina Real Estate Loans. 34A 6 >4 AND 6 PER CENT MONEY. Loans on Omaha improved property at lowest rates. PRANK H. BINDER. 323 City National. JA. till FARM LOANS. Large or small West Neb. farms, ranches. Kloke Investment Co.. 843 Om. Nat. Bk CITY reel estate mortgages and con tracts bought. Mr. Larson 104 North Fifteenth street IJ.MAMA HOMEf.— EAST NEB FARMS O'KEEFE REAL EBTATE CO.. 1013 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg JA. 3713 SIX per cent loans on Omaha residences Cash on hand. Prompt service. E. H f.ougee. ,?nc.. 333 Keellne Bldg SECOND mortgages or cortrscts » pur chased by Tukey Company. 820 First Ns t.onal Bank. JA. 42 23. I WILL buy mortgages and contracts rorkn. 943 Om. Nat Bids . Omaha. Neb 314 AND I PERCENT—NO DELAY. PARTIN BROS.. 444 Omaha Nat. Blda Money to Loan. 35 THIS COMI*ANT !• ORGANIZED To supply ye-ir money wants In tha sams way* that banka aupply th# money wants of th* business community. Any amount loaned up to 1600 and you ran r*pav It In easy monthly payments. Our equal payment plan rcoaya th* loan and all charges. _ . W* have been la bualasaa In Omaha over 30 years a. d can asauie you of a quiet:, confidential and square deal. OMAHA LOAN COMPANT. 5H« Karbach Bloch. Tel. JA. 5!»4 Souiheeit Corner llth and Dougla* Si* DIAMOND loan* *t Iowmi rtlii. buelne** etrlctlv confidential. Th# Diamond I»aa 4 V... 1 SI 4 Dodge St. Fatahllahe^ 1994. ~~ ~~"educatTo n al._ Local Instruction Classes. 38 DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES SCHOOL ComnDte roura. In stl rommiri'iil branch,*. bookkeeping. cnimitnmotry, shorthand, typewriting. telegraphv. eecro tarial. hanking, aalesmanahln. civil eerv lr. English You mav work for board while attending. I1luitr»t»a catalog free. BOYLES SCHOOL llth and Harney Sia. Omaha, Neb. .1A loCo• DtVuRAK BUSINESS COLLEGE Stenography and Bookkeeping Weed Bldg. lMh and Earnam. AT, 774t. KINDLING WOOD For sale, cheap. WE. 4162. Household Goods. 53 FURNITURE—The kind that yiou would like to ponses*, as well as ataplo articles. Prices within reason. Stephenson Auction House. 1509 Capital Goods sold at auction snd private sale. DETROIT JEWEU 4-hola, 2-ovar fas stove nearly new, good buy for restau- i rant: hospital bed, stands, pillows and blankets, WA, 1194. HAVE large l-plece dining room eet snd six chairs, all quarter.sawed oak. Will, make attractive pile*) for cash. No deal ere. Call. KK. 3113. OAK dining rom set. fireless cooker, bed spring. a child's bed. all singly. WE. H>89. FOR REAL furniture and rug bargains ■ ee Home Furniture Co,, South Side. Swap Column.53A 8-RM. house. 1 1-1 a. grapee, good out bldfs.: grounds all fenced. Just outside city limits; 3 blks. to pavement; for 6 nn. mod. house In So. Omaha, value 47,000. P.206, Omaha Baa_ | r HAVE a 1923 Ford roadster In exrel I lent condition, new style side curtains; 1 that I want to sell or trade for 1920 or 1921 Dodge roadster. Box A-113, Omaha Bee. , HAVE a cash register with credit system and adding machine all In one as good as inew; will trade for what have you? F t>3 3, Omaha Bee. BOOKS—20 volumes of great events by , famous historian*, swap for diamond or 3 or 4 tube radio set or what hava you? j A-13S Omaha PRACTICALLY new Winchester 20 *0 rlllc. swap for pistol, t>pewriter. desk, hooka or what hava you? F-621, Omaha Bee. j ; VICTOR phonograph, 40 disk records, on* j i oak record cabinet. Swap for what hava | you. F-625. Omaha Bes. | I RABBITS, New Zealand Reds, also1 white, *w*p for chicken* er what have ! you? F-624, Omaha Bee._ I 320 ACRES In Platt* county, Nebraska, j well improved for clear Income property in Omaha. A-124, Omaha Bee. j GOOD two-story hons* to trade for • room one-story cottage er bungalow. A-4®, «>m*ha Bee. 4 ACRES Improved, to trade for 5-rm. house In north part of eltjr. F-419. Oma Pa B4e.____ j I NEED a Ford sedan: will take it aa | first payment on my new 4-room Bunga low. A-1 flQ Omaha Bee.1 40-ACRE Missouri farm, clear; trad* for iroomltig house. What have you? F-626, Omaha Bee. I SWAP R Flat Holton Trumpet for bulb ! radio eet or parts. Address B 205, Omaha | Be*. ! FINE bu'ldlng lot near Falracre# to trade for equity in small home. Box A-129. :< maha Bee. _ 40-A LAND northwestern Arksnsns for rooming house or what have you. E-544, Omaha Be# _ (FORD 44-ton trtirk; trade for furniture, jot- what have you? F-627. Omaha Be*. WILL exchange dressmaking for piano ;- <»on* <*-343, Omaha Bee. |TRADE one sore for good car or truck, j E, 545. Omaha Bee. Machinery and Tools. 55 I.eBron Blortrlcfcl Work*. 116-29 So. 13th. NEW *rd aecond hand motora dvnamoa Musical Instruments. 58 IFOH SALK—Italian Bweettand Shlm meyer. double action, baby grand harp.* Box 418. Albion. Neb. Radio Equipment. 59 GUARANTEED CRYSTAL SETS. $4 9i. Guaranteed *3.000-01101 Head Set*. 12 IS R M. SHLAKS COMPANY. 211 N. ICth St JA. 1147. Open event ng* f.-TUBE Neufrodian. complete In war detail. Including loud speaking phono graph attachment, <126. KB. 4402. Wanted to Buy. 61 . ESK3. DESKS. DESKS New tii ke. used desk*, bought, eotd and • reded J. C. Heed. 1207 Farnam St. AT <141. ROOMS FOR RENT. ~ Rooms With Board. 62 IURNKV ST.. 3504— Nlr.lv tnrni.hnt rooma. with board, walking dial, block ■ to tar.__; 3614 JONES. Desirable south room for 2 In private home, Ke>»onab|e HA. 4431. :i20l POl'PLKTON— Room for 2 gentle men anti board If desired. AT. X039 HA. 6726—Room for 1 or 2 gent*, strictly modern, private home; near m*r. WE 3471—Good room end board, |l per j week A reel home. j BOARD end room for two ladies. WA. ' »062_ I HA. 7L24— Pleasant rm. with board far * Rooms Without Board. 63 1 FARNAM ST., lilt. H RLI.INUTUN INN ' HAS NICELY FURNSHF.D ROOMS1 WITH DETACHED OR PRIVATE RATII AT VERT ATTRACTtVB RATH* TO rKRMANF.NT GUESTS. DON'T KAIL 'lo ! 8ETC THEM _j 3704 HAWTHORNS—AltrMtlvo front I room, south exposure, with private hath If di alled. '’iii golf • ourne it * 68 »3. 7319 ST. MARY AYE Large, light room, with hath, walking dintf-nre. JA 11. 2 FIVE unfurnished '-".111*1 modern ex apt heat. |24. AT. s«:o or It 1,/xROK front sleeping room f.»r qne nr I XX ■■ prlv liege* • ail liv '• HAVKSKlSI Fuinlehed rouin* private home Call HA. 701* 4 ROOMSFORJ^ENT^^ t Rooms Without Board. * 63 660 S. 26TH AVE.—Southeast room in private home; references, >IA. 3946, Hoorn for gentleman, private house, references. Rooms for Housekeeping. 64 811 8, 20TH—One 2-room apt., front; one large housekeeping room, front, and sleeping rooms. JA. 1286. HAK.NET ST.. 2208—Lovely 2-room apt., $8. Running hot and cold water, new ly decorated. BURDETTE AND 16TH ST—Newly deco rated 2-rm. apt., modern, 17.60 per week. WE. 1648. ONE and two rooms and kitchenette: block from car, everything furn. WE. 0990.__ 2620 MANDKRBON—3 rm*. unfurnished, nev ly decorated, garage, private family. 2658 DOUGLAS—Nice front room and kitchenette on second floor. HA. 6386. Man and wife to share modern home 1 block to car. WA. 149S. THREE unfurnished rooms, modern. 2632 Davenport. _Where to Stop In Town 67 HOTEL SANFORD— 19th and Farnam. HOTEL HENSHAW— 16th and Farnam REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. Apartments—Furnished. 69 HI NTKR INN HOMK for th. tnvelin, man and wife. AT. 6960, TWO-ROOM suite, private bath. HA. 69/ 4. TWO-ROOM apartment, everything fur niahed. WA. 3660. Business Places for Rent. 71 MODERN ateam heated stor*, |70 month G. P. Stebblna. 1610 Chicago__ FARNAM 8t„ 1807. 3055 sq ft Thomas F. Hall. 13"8 Harney St , AT. 74t>6. Apartments—Unfurmshetf. 70 - FURNISHED APARTMENT THE MORLET APARTMENT Three room* and bath with five-room accommodations, ill walnut furni ture. <*an give possession March 15. TKAVF.R BROTHERS. Inc. Call AT. 6*16. 810 1st Nat l Bk Bldg 108 PALMER. 554 S 26th — A dandy corner apartment *>f large living room with 4 w adovs. breakfast room and kitchen In white enamel, built-in dressing room. Murphy bed and bath Only 660 per month win ter rate. <*all Drakes. JA. 2605, 17th and Howard. FIFTIETH AND WEBSTER. Apartment In The Falrvlew. Inquire Mayer flpleeberger, 1014 Farnam St. FIVE-ROOM mod. apt. In duple*; newly rernodled, steam heat, light and water, furnished $60. Location Kountse Plane. WE. 0870. t APARTMENTS and flats for rent. W. J. PALMER CO. AT. 8910 Re«| Estate Management Specialists. r«.»K is t»r DRAKES MOO APARTMENT* Call Jackson 280b. /PETERS TRUST COMPANY WHERE OMAHA RENTS** AT. 0S44. *17th an63 tno. IIA 1428 2015 OAK ST . three room apartment un furnished. JA. 57.19. 6019 UN HER WOOD AVE—2 room Apt. with 6 room accommodation WA. >621. FIVE ROOM apartment. HA 4114. Houie, for Rent. 72 REAUTIFUI. 8-room home In Mlnne l.uaa ; new. A stucco home of dlailflction; many built-in feature*; 3 l»edrnoms and sleep ing porch upstaira. Will give one year nr two-} ear leave to responsible party. 6915 N 24th St. PAYNE A SONS CO "Omaha's Rental Men.'* 616 Omaha Nat. Hk. Hldg. JA 1014. TTuRN HHPkO ROOMS. Cl.USE IN >37 7 - It. HEM IS PARK HOME.««» : R. MOD. ELAT. !5R LEAVEN’TH . J<» j it• 11. MOD, STUCCO. 2720 JACKSON* . 4n j 5 R HEATED APT . DUNSANY . .. 50 | OM RENTAL K.\ JA. 3619; HA. 260* 2775 CALIFORNIA ST.—Lovely 4-rm. new hrlrk duple* with garage. $75 per month Adult* yrefetrsd HA 1134. 22.37 MIAMI ST.—8-room house, all mod ern: splendid condition. WE 1214 ; 11 N .:D kT 7-rm ail modern house, j >:.i. KE f»444 f 2412 PINKNEY SI $56. 6 rme. Web 1 677 , f7vK Room house 111 A. PH. Office nml Ifcsli Room ‘,1 EoR ItEv'l* Office suite very desirable i fur low fit in eti. Apply Room 4UM. First , Nat I Bank Hldg __ RE N'T Desirable office, fating ele- j valor. Apply Room 400. First Nat I Rank I Hid, | REA1 ■ KSTAT E—FOKSAI.i:. I Farm, and l,ami, lor Sale. 79 i I; OWN texerwl farms In ihia exren t tonally good wheat and corn belt for sale. :t1 -«i two farm* in Nebraska. Might con sider an titt Dml Alsu want agents. Write Mi and Mia. C. A. Smith. Eads. Color ndo. ____ WHITE me for » list of Western South Ibtkoia land* t«< -tie and exchange. Vic Jepsen. I< «111«t f'Ity, S D lnv Aiir.tM* tor Sale. 79A HItllC SIOHTLY UROUNl) This trait of 1b ale* can be bought right Will aubdlxMe in 1. 2. 5 or lb iuio trsrt* Four of thcae acres aia In! giapea and fruit Hux now for future home or investment. Sea HAMILTON A t'O. 143 4 Neville Hlk J A MM. Evening*. KE $140 er AT. 071* REAL ESTATE-FOR SALE. Houses tor Sale. 80 UL'NQAI.OW SPECIALS $3,500—Near (’lalrruont, .South front, 5 rooms, partly modern, very neat, close to cat. $.f-u cash, balance monthly. $5,260 Hanscom park district, 5 rooms, all modern, large lot, 150 feet front age, 1 block to car, $1,000 cash re * quit ed. $5,250—Walnut Hill, practically new stucco, 4 large rooms and suit room, dandy basement, latest plumbing and hath, large lot with garage, paving paid, $l,00o will handle. $6,00c—One block to Miller park, 6 large rooms in oak, large attic, full basement. south front corner lot. $1,250 cash. ! $6,300- Dundee Keltastone. 6 large rooms, fireplace, book case, built-in fea tures, tiled bath, wall tub, the i*st word in bungalow construction; asking $2,306 cash. $9,950 St. John parish, beautiful brick of beat construction. 6 large rooms on 1st floor Including sun room, 1 room upstairs, fireplace, tiled bath, built-in tub, many unusual feature*. Good sized lot, double garage, close to Yates school, Tech High and Creighton $2,000 cash will handle. OSBORNE REALTY CO. JA. 22*2 530 J’eters Trust Bldg. Houses—North. 81 PRETTIE8T MILE BUNGALOW. Who wants this 5-room extra large type bungalow, located Just off the Prettiest Mile with large living room 16x24 with fireplace, (lining room, kitchen, built-in featurea, 2 elegant. large bed rooms, plenty of windows, all on one floor, full cemented base ment, furnace heat with oil burn er, dandy attic, nice level lot on paved street, all paid, garage, less than 1 block to carline, close to school, drug stores, all room* In bouse are extra large* size, solid pressed brick foundation. (in he handled on easy terms of $1,500 cash, balance monthly. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. AT. 6960. New Ion K.E. 114*. Gibson KE. 3227. BEST MINSK LU8A VALUE WE KNOW. HEADY TO OCCUPY— $8,000. A dandy frame and atucco home facing Miller park, in excellent condition, con elating of 7 large room*, living room, din ing loom, auurooin and kitchen; fire place, book cases, built-in buffet with plenty of drawera and cabinet apace, on first floor. Three fine bedrooms, tile bathj with built-in tub. on second floor. Newly j decorated throughout. Good basement with; laundry tubs and floor drain. 1-car go rag*-, cement drive. Non-resident made this low price for ehort time only. $2,900 rash required. Get busy. GLOVER A SPAIN. Realtors. 918-29 City Nat l Bk. JA. 2850. N E W BU NO ALOW All modern, having large livng room across the entire front. Also dining room, sun room, bedroom* bath and dahd> kit* hen. This will make you an elegant home and we can sell it to you on rea sonable terms ('ail *‘%eivngs. Mr. Hill, HA. 3299. Mr. Grant. WA. 4092. EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY. 19th and Douglas St*. AT. 2943 FONTENELLE PARK BUNGALOW. ! 5-r. all modern bungalow with oak floors and finish nearing completion, ready to ocrup !•«»*■ n Rest buy in Omaha at $4. |.:.0. with easy t rins. Evenings phone Ted Pitkin, HA. 7540, or Le Roy Uehrls, KL*. 5039. METCALFE COMPANY Ground Floor, 202 8 19th St. AT. 5415. NEW BUNGALOW. LESS THAN $4,000. A brand new 4 room and bath bungalow 5-room accommodation. Large level »»*■ front lot. growing neighborhood, built-in tras tires, full cemented basement, heavy furnace, with register in every room, purchaser may have choice of electric light fixtures and window shade*, could n*- a good vacant lot as part of down payment. .venln§* tall Lewis. Wal. 1422. R F. CLARY CO. Realtor* * '.fit Omaha Nat Bk Bldg AT. ?-4T8 ABSOLUTELY THE REST STRICTLY MODERN AND COMPLETE COLONIAL HOME IN MINN E MSA EVERY BUILT-IN FEATURE SIX FINE ROOMS 4ND BREAKFAST ROOM. TILE BATH. EXTRA SHOWER ROOM: BIG DOUBLE OARAGE AND SOLID DRIVE A REAL f»..'f)0 HOME BUT MUST HE SOLD THIS WEEK *• 400 BUYS IT NOW' ITS BOUND TO PLEASE YOU. SEE IT TO DAY .TA. 20QQ. MR RAILROAD MAN Six room all modern house on Willie Ave . CIOs'! t • 14th S* B -rain Price—Easy Terms W. EAR NAM SMITH. ■TA (CM Eve HA : HA 2297. BRAND new Minn* Luna bungalow with garag* and driveway, built by,the own er. h*at of cons'ni't ion. Price $5,950 $1,000 cash and balance monthlv. Call WA. 1320. COTTAGE—Sell or trade. Equity In four room part modern house; in fin* condi tion. Good neighborhood, large lot. shade and fruit, garage, fine water a bargain for OOtneoite Phone owner. Web. $482. NEW 5-room bungalow. \ block from at. car. raved street, a bargain. JOHN I. M CARVILLK. REALTORS 1002 City Nat'lAT 5025. H49 WIRT ST-For «Ce by own*: mod ern eix-room hou** double garage, large Jot desirnble location $4,509: part cash. WE. £223. •4*4 PARKER ST —7-rm mod. bam $750 cash, bat mo Extra lot for garden Creigh. Sfl Bee JA. 0209, WANT cash offer on 2115 Sprague Street S x room nome luat newly decorated. WA 0304 dava AT 1281 FIVE BOON! bungalow. 47.15 Erskina St., all modern Call WE 212rt D. E. BUCK A CYV buy and aell homee Houses—South S2 NO. 810—EIGHT ROOMS MODERN ONLY $5,250. $1,090 CASH WILL HUY THIS NEAT STORY AND A MALE A-ROOM. ALL MODERN FRAME HOME. LOCATED NEAR WEST SIDE PARK CAR LINK. FIVE NICE ROOMS DOWNSTAIRS. I BEDROOMS AND BATH UP. LARGE PORCH. VERY NICK LAWN OWNER MUST SELL SEE IT QUICK. TERMS. 145 PER MONTH R L BUCK A- CO. RE.U.TORS 7 4? OMAHA NATIONAL ^J A 2900 SALESMEN Lovgren. KK. 9394. Paul Box. WE 4372. Buck. KE. 2»?l 30M 8 PT1I ST ~ Look at thla beautiful bungainw for only 8 t.250; water in the house; electric light*. $100 «a*h and $30 per month Cnrse. JA 1914_ __ FOUR-ROOM HOUSE, five lot*. v*mr fruit. R*'a*cnable terms. Price*! right. Dav*. .14 5504; evening*. 11A. 41*00 STCi: 1004 37th St. f room modern Field Club district Going a w av. must ** 11 11 A 0443. JA 694 1, AT <135. Teear A Te*ar ai ectallsta tn 8 Side home* I. D SWANSON Real r.sraT^' JA. 4921 Houses—West. S3 LOCKWOOD GRKENI FA BUNGALOW Near 55th and Jon** N’earlv new 5 room stucco bungalow, right up to the minute in ■i.-'dgn appointment* and decoration*, sightl' and convenient location Attrac tive|\ piped Shedd Investment Co, Bn .1 - » Sunderland Bids. JA. 4254 ■idav IA. 0211 I •w. Malta 5Vi% Loans on Omaha Real Estate 6% ! Monthly Payment I o«n» on Rnititnifi PetmTnist Company Peters National Bank I REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. | Hous««—Wett. 83 rNrsi'Aii vau;*:. New Modern. $4,600. • Twenty-five new hoiae* being built 1n ihia district, five nice sixed rooms, oak finish. In living and dining roomi, oak finish throughout, full cemented base ment with floor drain, south front. Just ihiee blocks io car, $t,50u; $600 down, na lance monthly. MILLER PARK r»!5»TRU*T. Just one year old. This 5-room, *11 modern bungalow. oak finish In living ..rid dining rooms. Oak fioois through out, fun cemented basement with laun i! v • on venlences, floored attic, beautiful (electric fixtuies. $5,25«>; $^00 down, bal ance monthly. 6-UOOM. PAVED STREET. $4,650 ( Just one and a half blocks to car, close (io schools, paved street, ou. Venter hall entiance; living room 14x22, with brbk fireplace; large dining room with French doora: large kitchen with many built-in features; 2nd floor. Z large bedrooms, one bedroom 14x26, the other two 11x12 feet; tile hath with ped estal lavatory and base tub; large linen closet; best of light fixtures and wall plug.i in every room; windows and doors all weather-stripped, full basement, fur nace heat: garage for 1 cah: 100 barrel cisteri Lot 45x167 feet with berry bushea and fruit trees. Owner very anxious to sell and can give reasonable terms. GEORGE * COMPANY. Realtors. AT-lantic 3024. TODAY S BEST BARGAIN. A fir.e six-room, strictly modern, two story home Excellent location. In very g«>< d condition throughout. - Needs no fix ing up whatever. Garage. 52 f». lot. Pa\ed street. Positively a snap at $5.25»» Good terms Call Grant iVA. 40*2; Hill, HA. 5299 or EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY Douglaa at 19th St. AT. 3145. K V A V STO N S P E CIA L. Are you looking for good location for your new borne? If so, Investigate lot 66x125. on 66th Street, about 200 feet North of Farnam street. East aide. This is an attractive location, high and sight ly with a beautiful view over Elmwood Park. Happy Hollow golf course and Kairacres. Thfe la exraptfonally good; see me for price and farms. C A. GRIM MEL Retaltor Omaha National Rank Rldg. JA. 1615 HANtCOM PARK. On# half block north of Hanacom park. On* block from school and car. All im provements in and paid Large five-room KeHaMone bungalow. Center fireplace, bu'li-tn book* aaee. service hall. You must m# this to appreciate thl* home. With lot 60x154. and the mammoth fhada tree*. Evenings tali 1; jseeli, KE. 4836. AT. >960. LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS. 5 rooms, all modern :oak floors and fin ish. garage. Price la only 94,604; 11,000. Evenings call KE. 6611 or KE. 4746. GRUENIG REALTY CO. REALTORS. .Tackaon 1966. 3400 Fir$t Nat. Bk. < 'LA IRMONT BUNGALOW. FIVE LARGE ROOMS. ALL MODERN BEST OAK FINISH AND FLOORS. BUILT-IN KITCHEN NICE ATTIC AND BASEMENT LOT 50 BY 142 FEET. MUST SELL QUICK PRICE REDUCED TO $6 250; *1,1*0 CASH WILL HANDLE BUCK. 742 Omaha National, .IA. 2000. SALESMEN: Lovgren. KE. 4104; Box, WE 6172 A •'HOME SPECIAL** 3Sth a-fl Leavenworth beaut ful * room* mode n in detail, oak finish, tile hath *nd other »o?ril feature*, fin# h gh lot. Price. 16.250 II.Sen raah. CHAS W. YOUNG A SON. . 1602 Cltv National Bank AT 9665 HA SOM WA 7461, JUST completed. r«w five-room bungalow. f.nigh Only $6,400 On paved street r‘|o««> tr* Dunde# « arlin- Priced oh!> V» 4»0 K»• v term* ■ a't W k 2112 JUST piet . new flve-roei Mk flni h >• ft# On oaved afreet. Close to Dunde ►rir lln* P^’ced only $6,400. Karr terms. Cal? WA 2*15. FIELD club dialect. lust completed. 6 rooms, modern, tile bath Price $$.7?0 easy term* Call owrer evening*. WA. 7454 LOT 4 7 x 1 f- 0 ft —SOth and Burt afreets $l.?n« AM Improvement* ‘n GEORGE AND COMPANY. AT 1924. WILL bu'ld to vour order on our beaurl ftil lots tn Edrewood: very eaev term* Phone AT «540 FOWLER FINDS FOLKS who buy home* • | o*ir oror**rt v ei»h u* for reanlta TA 2426 BURT C FOWLER CO . Realtor* FTVE-room bungalow, oak finish. fin# lo cation. double garage. Norris 6 Noma AT 7061, Houses—Benson. >4 NEW 4-room hou«e; oak Doors: on flno acre In Benson Gardena; near pavement chicken house, garage, good well and fruit. Price >3.500; g*od terms. Even ings WA. 4 *3 A FRED A. BAILEY Ceil Military. WA. 4304 For Sale—Dunked S5 A REAL HOME I IN DUNDEE « Consisting of a fi-rnv modern colsnia) type It hah a lot of nica built-in fea tures. fireplace, \apor heat, garage on a nice corner lot For terms and appoint ments call evening?. Mr. Hilt. HA 5200. Mr. Grant. WA. 4«02. EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY. Phone A"f 2045 10th and Douglas Sts —7 DUNDEE SPECIALS Le«* than a vear old. 2-atory stucco. 4 room* and bath Oak and enamel finish rooms all deco-atcd guaranteed furnace Compleie In every wav Corner lot east front, x>aved street, garage for one car. clone to car. near 4*th and California. Price tl.iB 12.000 cash, after office hours. M-. Toliver HA. 1040. RASP HR OS . Realtors 210 Keeilne Bldg.AT 0721. IN DUNDEE BRAND NEW 5 - ROOM KKLLASTONK BUNG ALOW LARGE LIVING ROOM. BUILT-IN FEATURES A BEAUTY AT I* 11.000 CASH WILL HANDLE IT. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT. CALL JA < ~ | See This B4 Buying j g 5-room all modern kellaatona bun- g igalow, 24*50. with porch across a front, oak floors and finish, fire- I place, built-in bookcases, buffet and I kitchen cabinet; large floored attk; I laundry tuba; beautiful lot. cloae • ? to park and car line in Minne Luaa J I Only $6,500, with reasonable terms. I I Evenings phone LeRoy Gekris, KE I I 503$. or Ted Pitkin. HA 7540. | real, boi ax fc— r y«y. For Sale—Dundee. 85 DINDKE BI’XOALOW. 11.40#. New and modern. Call Walnut HI#. For Sale—Florence. 86 NETHAWAY baa Improved aereaae *or'li of FLORENCE for city property. hi. 140#. , _ Lots for Sale. 88 SPLENDID LUTS WEST ! . i War 't*th and Parker t 4 ! , 4»ih and Caldwell. paved mnet. 47th and Hurt, paved street. >• 1 !50th Av*-. hnd Izard.^pav-d street i-l0* | 41th and HarneV. paved street . 1.3f*0 Near 57th and Jackson f Green leal 2.®**'» War 5«th and Emil# tUreenleal.. 2.1«0 Near 52nd and Howard tbeautiful Lockwood) . >*»• RHEDD INVESTMENT CO. Realtor*. JA 4 254. Even Infra.* WA. 41f§ 531 Sunderland Hide. r.OT 60x1 57, on I2d Ava . facing Htnirom park, ?nr sale *t a bargain price. C. A OR1MMKL. JA. IMS. FLORENCE FIELD SELI.ING Raleanaen on rrounds everv dav C. W. MARTIN A CO. AT. M»T_ 1>$ lota, north Dundee, attractive price. Phone HA 1597. _ ' Real Estate for Exchange. 89 GOOD t-itorv, 4-room hntie*. well located to trade for #-rin , l-4tory houee: call JA. 5204 daya, or HA 4600 eveninaa. EXCHANGES of all kinda. S. H Brawna Co- 2 42 Sr curl ilea Bldg. AT »32l>. FARMS. Glboona Steel, 410 Peter. Truat. Wanted—Real Estate. 90 WE NEED 6 AND 4-ROOM HOMES. CALL i s NOW FOR INSPECTION AND LISTINGS MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING EXCHANGE. WE GIVE SERV ICE EVENINGS KE 5fll OR KE 4746. ORCENIO REALTY. REALTORS JA. IS*,6.1400 FIRST NAT BK. LIST your property with ua or. If pj are in »h* market for acre***. call L«u?ft Cohn for quick aalea. MA- 0143. MA. 3Ql’t. CAMPBELL will aava money on con structing your home. Beat materials and workmanship 637 Keellne. AT 4041 WE SELL HOMES LIST WITH US FOR RESULT* MfCAQUB INVESTMENT CO. JA. 1341. NEW HOMES—TOUR TERMS GROVE-HIBBARD CO.. _ ?3? Bankers Reserve Bid*. _AT.1141 SEE ua first. Need Matin**. any location. 5 to 1 rooms Shop** * Co- Realtor*. JA. 4:21. »3« Keellne Bid*. CHAS W YOUNG A SON Real E«tate Rental*. Insurant. I4«i; City Natl BankAT 1448. O T. HAMER. Investment*. Acres**. 1SQ4 Farnare. AT IMP -WE BUILD TO PLEASE." TEMPLE McFAYDEN 1SW5 Farnam St AT MG SERVICE AND RESULT*. Competent sales forr*. 1 TA.:i50 GLOVER A- SPAIN Realtors I WE SEl I. H'iMF.R LIST WITH US HAMIT.TON A CO.. I !,M N.vtll. IMorllJA W*l. ! Huettelmafer Peal E«t*te. AT ISS*. 1.1ST your property with rhr’« Bojer. I notary public. .3d and Cumin* Pta. WORLD REALTY CO, Realtor*. AT 3<»1 Chas. E Belman. AT. 536332. SLATER A- CO.. Realtors. Kecnn* Brie WESTERN Real Eet«t* Co- JA. J«t>7 WE need some (food 5 and fi- 1 room houses for sale. Quick I action. Call us and we will 1 make an immediate inspection. | J. L. HIATT CO. b AT iantic 99C0 « We Make 5% Loans On Farms 5*a% On Omaha Krai Estate 6^ Month!? Payment • j Loans on Residents PetereTrust Company Peters National Bank Will Sell Your Home Within 48 Hours We have 3 or 4 buyers that want small 4 or 5-room homes, fairly close in, near car lines, that can he boujrht from $300 to $300 down, balance like rent. Price $2,500 to $3,500. Call us. We mean business. Payne Investment Co. AT. MU. Ev.nini.: Gib.on, KE. 3227; NtvUn. KE. 1148. HOMES We sell them ^ e need listings. If you want to sell ea’l JA 42*J1. A. P. Tukey & Sen ». MALtORi •» rint x»n BiRk, ji. ms We Have'Money to Loan! At 5V2 and 6l# On Business, Apartment House or Residence Property in Omaha FRANK H. BINDER ft23 City Natl. Bank Building. Pkona JA ckaon 2561