The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, March 09, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 5-A, Image 5

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    r '
Visiting Merchants
WE ARE glad of the
o p p o r tunity to
welcome you to Omaha
and to Burgess-Nash, es
pecially this week, when
. there is so much to di
rectly interest you. For,
with Spring Opening
Week, lovely new mer
chandise is on display in
every section of the
We cordially invite
you'to see the opening
exhibits—a visit creates
no obligation to buy.
Every accommodation
has been arranged for
your convenience.
V _J
F ootwear
THE vogue for spring foot
wear combines ease with
beauty and there are many
interesting variations of the
pump and oxford. Models of
gray or airedale suede are
smartly trimmed with simple
bands of contrasting kid
leathers. Moderately heeled
for street wear, and with
high heels for evening wear.
$10.50 to $16.50
Fascinating in color*
are these sheer chiffon
hose for spring: blush, sunset,
banana, jawn, beige, flesh,
nude, French nude, peach,
Sahara, grissette, light fawn,
sable, oriental pearl, and
$2.50 to $4.50
Main Floor
THEY must have the short
cuff for spring, says
Fashion, and the smart new
"Chateau” gauntlets corrobo
rate this statement with a tri
umph of style and lovely
color combinations. Prices
range from
$4.50 to $6.50
Main Floor
EXQUISITE French voiles
, and batistes, silks and
mannish broadcloths fashion
the blouses voiced ior spring.
Bright trimmings, frills and
attractive collar and cuff
styles offset the severity of
the mannish modes. Prices
range from
$5.95 to $35.00
Thir4 Floor
DAPPER sweater styles
•which use braid and em
broidery for trimming have
embodied somewhat more
decorative and formal char
acteristics. The Mandarin
coats, Bobbie slipons, box
coats, two-in-one sweaters
and shawl collar styles take
the lead in spring favorites.
Priced at
$4.95 to $68.00
Third Floor
For the Junior
THE spirit of youth is depicted in the jaunty frocks, sweat
ers and suits for the juniors. There’s even a touch of
daring in some of the modes, for youth is ever willing to try
the chic, the vivacious.
Dresses that may seem erratic whimsies are developed
of novelty crepes. Top coats with a swaggerish air flaunt
novelty sleeves and collars. Suits with the boyish lines are
most becoming, and sweaters are in Mandarin or Campus
styles. Coats, $19.50 to $85.00. Dresses, $25.00 to $39.75.
Third rloor
_ - - -— — — - — - — ^^
Underwear and Negligees
SPRING offers the loveliest of lingerie and negligees for milady.
The tube silhouette sponsored in frocks is also carried out in
the film-like lingerie. Exquisitely shaded materials, sheer laces
and soft ribbons fashion these fine underthings. For the boudoir,
lovely ostrich trimmed negligees. Charming are the spring shades
—pigtail, powder blue, copperas, cocoa, lanvin green, steel.
Underwear, $4.95 to $25.00. Negligees, $10.95 to $49.50.
Second Floor #
Spring Modes in Corsets
WITH the slender mode in such pronounced favor, the se
lection of the corset and brassiere is of utmost impor
tance, for it must ingeniously adapt itself to the individual
figure and to the prevailing fashions. The spring models in
non-lacing corsets are priced at
$3.50 to $27.50
k Second Floor
SPRINGTIME is filling our store with merchandise messages. They say
that “Coming events cast their shadows before,” and so perhaps you have
received an inkling of the spring vogue, but our Spring Exposition assures
you of all that is authentic in the realm of fashion
I ■! 1
THESE days are wonderful for seeing new things first; news that should
send you hurry-scurrying to Burgess-Nash to see them. Our buyers have
filled this "great store with merchandise—every necessity of the season, every
fad and fancy—all of a quality in keeping with the Burgess-Nash standard,
and at a satisfying low range of prices.
Attractive Dresses
, Afford Wide Choice of Designs and Fabrics
SECURE in its smart straight lines, the new frock may be of cashmu
^ crepe, Molly 0 crepe, chinchilla satin or novelty woolens. This straight
line is broken only by a narrow girdle, a flounce or two, or a panel. A note
of contrast is often struck either by the use of two colors or two fabrics.
Every model combines excellent lines with real becomingness. Among
,he newer shades on fashion’s color card:
Pine Dew Green Rose Du Barry * Blood Orange
Poudre Blue Chinese Red
Prices Range From $25.00 to $295.00
* Third Flew
Trim and Practical
-p* HE new coats cling to
A slimness and straight
ness, but often show rippling
fullness in the sleeves, or
novel collars. Sport models
are of course on the preferred
list, but dress models have an
elaboration of detail that is
very distinctive. Priced
$19.75 to $139.50
TWr4 FI*or
Correctly Tailored
SMARTLY styled tailored
suits follow the mascu
line trend, and, with jaunty
wrap skirts, they differ en
tirely from last year’s mode.
The boyish suits, smart and
clever, are becoming to both
the younger girl and the
woman. Fashioned of import
ed cloths, twills or checked
velours, they are appropriate
for every occasion wear.
$25.00 t* $139.50
Third Fk»*r
Both Large and Small
Hats Express the Mode
TRULY inspirations—are the gay, pretty little hats that are ready for
review. The selection of materials and colors, placing of flowers and
ornaments, and correct proportioning mark these as individual models.
Although black is far too chic to be entirely deserted, it is splashed with a
bit of vivid color. For street, dress, country, dinner, theater, tea and sports
wear. Prices from $5.00 to $50.QO
Third Floor
Smart Modes for the Larger Women
FROCKS, suits and coats for the women who require the larger sizes,
stress the slenderizing notes of the newer modes. Exquisite workman
ship mark these garments as distinctly ultra-smart. Prices range from
$39.50 to $125.00.
Third FUer
Burgess-Nash Company
^ i W, M “EVERYBODY’S STORE’’ ^ H V* r* M I ^ $** H
Last Bat Not Least
Are the Thoughts of
Spring Accessories
Brilliant Bracelets
WITH a sleeveless sports
frock, several are worn
together, and to offset the se
verity of the tailored suit, a
single bracelet shines beneath
the shirt cuff. Of stone-set
ivory and crystal.
$1.25 to $7.50
Main Fla«r
The Chinese Scarf
FOR a touch of color add a
large square of rich, heavy
silk in a variety of gay hand
bloek designs, looped to re
semble a man’s cravat. $4.9%.
Main Floor
Circular Veils
VERY -chic is the coquettish
circular veil that trims
milady's chapeaux. In the new
spring shades and a variety of
patterns. 89c to $2.50
Main Ftoor
Smart Bags
CLEVER bags of Pekin
stripe silks, moires and
brocades in modish costume
shades are among the niceties
of dress which distinguish the
woman of unerring good taste;
Priced at $2 95 lo $5.95
Main Fl«*«r
New Neckwear
\’ESTS -For the smart new
mannish suit. Double
hreasted with one on two but
tons. In silk and linen.
I ABOTS --Of daintily pleated
si colored voile, trimmed with
lace. Some w-ith matching
cuffs that add much to its
charm, $1.25 to $10.00.
Mntn Fleer
\ (TOMPANYING the hril
-» liant silk scarf is the
pocket handkerchief in lighter
materials to match in nets or
dainty colored square* with
edges of fluting. 59c lo $1.25
Main FI#or
The Gardenia
V S » last touch of smartness,
* » the (tardenia must appear
on the coat lapel, either a white
flower, pink or maise. Priced at
50c lo $1 00
RihHon l^pl - Main Ftaar
Alluring Perfume*
OK subtle fragrance which
immediately characterises
the wearer as a connoisseur of
the finer things. Soft and ap
pealing is 1 ubin's Amaryllis
Extract at— ,
$A 25
Daring and exotic, I'iro's
Maskee Extract at—
toty's Kmerande, delight
fullv youthful,
^ Main Mw* ^
A J a a • .